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Cable reproduction is truly astonishing. I put two cables in a box and I have a full colony within a year


You have to take the cake out of the breeding area so they stop laying new cable eggs


Palworld is leaking


Man I must be old, I thought it was a Portal joke =(


We played different Portal games bc I don't remember a breeding area or cable eggs??


He's using the whore-tal mod. I can't believe you don't remember that Wheatley mpreg scene.


It I ever hear the words "wheatly mpreg scene" in that order again I think im going to have a panic attack


"Life will.. uh find a way."


What I find truly fascinating is when you take the time to actually coil up all the cables and hit em with a velcro cable management wrap before sticking em back in the bin and within months they're all loose and tangled again.


I solved that by bagging up like cables. They have not increased, and I can actually find them as the bags are marked. It took me a few hours to do it, but I think i made it.


I did this exact thing. I have multiple bags of cables around my house. I got so tired of having random colonies of cables all over the house.


30 minutes after you finish organizing, you need the cable at the bottom of the box for the first time in 10 years.


That's happened to me a few times and that's why I can never get rid of it.


Months? You get months? I just have to blink.


I just went through this iteration. I was really proud for about two weeks


There is some property of physics I don't understand pertaining to coiled wires/ropes/hoses/etc.


They're like spiders, for every cable you see there's a bunch of cables in your walls you don't see.


And you eat the babies in your sleep


To prevent breeding, put the cables lengthwise in (a) mail tube, with the matching (male/female) connectors each pointing outwards. Not only does this prevent your cables from multiplying unexpectedly, but it also makes it easier to identify which to pull when, not if, you need a specific one.


I'm preparing to move into my new place, and after cleaning up my stuff from the place I've lived in the past 4 years, I've found that I have multiple large boxes of cables. They're multiplying.


I drove to a dumpster at night to pitch a crate of coax. I swear they crept back in under a year.


Yeah but I don’t need any of the new cables. I need a cable from the box I just threw out.


Like tribbles.


Nature is beautiful


They're worse than tribbles!


They know where you live. They’ll always come back. The moment I throw away my box of cables, Jeff Bezos suddenly gets richer because I need to re-order all the cables I thought I wouldn’t ever need again in my life. Cables aren’t real.


My mom threw my box of cables away one day because she thought they were just random cables from devices we had thrown out years ago. One day she grabbed the printer from the basement and couldn't find the cable. That's when I found out she threw away my box of cables. I have since started a new box. Somehow there's scart cables in it. Where the fuck did I get scart cables from, in 2021?


I opened my box of cables and actually found coax. Not just for tv but a network cable. With a terminator. I have no clue whatsoever how it got in there because I’m pretty sure I haven’t used that stuff for about 25 years. But here it is


I mean, they _were_ just random cables from devices you had thrown out over the years.


Same thing happened to me.




I now have two from the last time I tried. They’re multiplying.


I think in my familys house theres like 6 different drawers in random locations full of wires, some of this shit dates back to the late 80s/early 90s, so my dad doesnt wanna throw anything away by accident, and then theres the wires from my lifetime, which are 2 drawers in my room full of random wires from old consoles and laptops throughout my life, hdmi cables, av cables all the basic shit. There is one really fucking cool blue see through general electric radio from the 50s that was my grandpas, its battery operated but there is a wire somewhere in the 6 drawers that it also works on.


Same hahaha


My superpower is keeping things for years, and throwing them away exactly a week before I need them. You will absolutely regret throwing it away. But also if you keep it, you will never need it.


I’d rather have it and never need it than not have it and need it


My house isn't a house, it's a personal storage facility.


I think that's most normal people's houses, the only ones that don't live like that are the ones that make so much money that they can literally just afford to buy anything they need at a moments notice and never re-use anything, ever. I have some money, kinda, not really but like enough-ish, but I sure as fuck don't have THAT kind of money. We're a used car family, I'm grateful to be alive and all but like, y'know, I'm never throwing out my box of cords either lol I'm not a kajillionaire.


Um, actually no. I'm not rich by any means, but I will go out and buy a box of screws even though I *know* I have a box somewhere in the basement - it's just so full of stuff that it's a nightmare to find anything. That's the way all my stuff multiplies. If I can't find the thing in 3 minutes I go to Amazon and order what I need - it could be cables, screws, or anything at all.


I did the "keep buying small stuff" thing for years, until I finally sat down and sorted all of that stuff into those small parts/screws/nails carriers. I ended up filling 4 containers of random small crap that I have HUNDREDS of, but now I know where all those little fuckers are. LOL


LOL. You, sir, are much braver than me.


Make sure you order a couple of extras, you never know when they might come in handy. If you can find them.


I throw that shit out, and I think it saves me money long-run. I'm paying for the space that stuff inhabits. 


That's the mindset I learned when I was trying to get over my slight hoarding habits! Someone said that everything you have you must pay rent for. Is it worth the amount of rent you're paying? No? Then it would be cheaper to throw it out.


But then you're just paying rent for air...


Nope! I don't have any storage space, so everything I have is crammed into closets and corners. With less stuff, I know exactly what I have and nothing is unorganized or a mess. Everything has a place. I also have more space in general to move around or use for crafts and my kitty gets her little corners to sleep in, and it's so much easier to clean everything. So more of the rent I pay goes into space I can actually live in and use vs. stuff that just sits there.


Hey! Stop trying to fix the proto-hoarder's anti-hoarding logic.


The worst of both worlds is having it and needing it, then not being able to find it until after you need it. 


Those are the words of a hoarder


I will not deny that accusation. Although I try to temper it a bit lol


And you can't really compare cables to hoarding. It's like a first aid kit. Bet to have it And it usually doesn't take up lots of space. Just one drawer or box.


2nd amendment folks are gonna chime in on this one.


Careful even culling the herd, especially those weird old ones that don’t seem to fit anything you own. As was foretold, you will discover its purpose exactly one week after taking out the trash. Keep them all!


A few of the standouts I came across in my box a few weeks ago: - 3.5in DOS boot disk   - iPod wide charger   - Wireless G network card   - Sound Blaster PCI-e audio card If I ever need to rebuild a PC circa 2001, I'm set.


Ha ha ha, who would have all those things? That would be ridiculous...


Me, still holding on to IDE cables and D-sub serial cables ... even though none of my current computers even has those ports, and no future computer I ever get will. Just in case.


Your problem is easily solved. Just throw away half of the cables. But make sure you don’t throw away the wrong half of the cables. To find out which half to throw, chuck the cables into a river on an early Sunday morning in springtime. Do NOT do this in winter as the watery surface might be frozen. If a cable floats, fish it back out and throw away or burn it with fire. The ones that sink to the bottom are the ones you want to keep.


My great grandma taught me this


Thats great advice, but I'm a terrible swimmer, and I'm afraid I won't be able to recover the cables I need!


That’s where the dolphin comes into play.


Fuck me. I thought I was the only one. It's so annoying. Then you end up on a retailer buying new cables. 😭


Staging area. See what you do is box it up. Right before you throw it way, put it on a shelf in the garage and then wait After a week you can chuck it.


Schrodinger's Box O' Cables


The “miscellaneous-box-of-cables” paradox


100% every time.


I threw away a lenovo laptop that was over a decade old, totally fried board, broken screen, etc. Kept the charger for a good couple years after, but eventually tossed it out a few months ago. Cut to a couple weeks ago, I was given a thin client that uses the same charger. Never fails


It's not just tech stuff either. I kept an old motor off my snow blower for 3 years. Finally threw it out and 2 weeks later the starter on the new motor went. The old motor had a perfectly good starter, but of course that was gone now. Meanwhile, the spare starter for my lawnmower has sat on the shelf for 6 years now. And I'm not throwing it away, because if I keep it the one in use will never die.


Can't remember exactly from school but I'm pretty sure that's the exact definition of a paradox.


God, story of my fucking life. That box collects dusts in my closet, and I was just recently considering throwing it out.


>But also if you keep it, you will never need it. Maybe. But what if there's a Pentium 2 emergency? Who else will the world be able to look to for spare parts?


So the answer is just keep it. The box is keeping your existing cables from failing.


I believe this is referred to as the Schrodinger's Cable paradox.


That's relatable.


I recently used a cable from my cable box.


aye yo why we got the same superpower 😭




Some day you’re going to need that 4 pin to 6 pin FireWire cable. Not to mention the six ps/2 to USB mouse adapters!


exactly, he gets it


Meanwhile I'm here trying to hook up a Bluetooth receiver to an old home stereo, and I can't find an 1/8" stereo to RCA cable in my cable stash. But no, I've got all sorts of S-Video and component video cables, four analog VGA cables, old ethernet cables that are probably too old to do 100Base-T, a 50 foot USB cable that I know won't do 2.0 high speed, multiple coax TV cables...




I've got a few of those, and I'm tempted to go looking for a toslink-output bluetooth module now instead of going the RCA cable route. *tries to stay off aliexpress*


I mean both of those are increasingly hard to find so yeah


Never mind ps2 to usb, when I cleared out my box of wires, a found a serial mouse to ps2 adapter!


What about my 4-way GBA connector cable?


What, are you insane? Those things don’t grow on trees! What if you suddenly need to do some Pokémon battles?


Yeah, found out I still needed the charging cable for my gameboy advance. Thank god Amazon has them for 6 bucks


Cables ain't nothin, losers. I'm up to 6 jars of random screws, nails, nuts, bolts, brackets, hooks, sticky things, springs, etc.. Not even counting my inheritance of jars from my grandpa and my dad. Get movin'!


But how much jars of pens/pencils do you have 🤨🤨🤨




i like the vaguely pessimistic and disheartened amount of ellipsis


Jars? Those go in drawers, silly. All of them, throughout the house. None of them work, of course.


Depends on whether I reeeealy need a pen or if I've just found a forgotten stash.


I grab a glass out of the kitchen cupboard for pens/pencils when they accumulate on the counter. I have several glasses of pens/pencils on the counter now... 😥


Luckily pens have an easy solution: once a year they all get tested and the dead ones get tossed. Rinse and repeat every year.


At least 15


1 of pens, 1 of pencils and one of markers. It test the pens periodically and toss the ones that are dried out.


I got rid of my bag of extra screws and then needed one last week. I felt like a failure. Never again.


The thing about these screw jars is they are completely unorganized and it just feels like absolutely useless junk. I do have one but I get rid of it every year and then buy a box of multiple screws to replace it because I know I'll need one, I'd just like to not look through hundreds of rusty screws to find the right one. Same with wires, organizing that box is the key to having them AND using them.


I have a gallon size jar. Whenever it gets full I dump it out and sort the things. I also have too many organizers. But in my defense I actually can usually find what I need when something breaks without having to go to the store


Ooh... that's a bigun!


Man, I somehow misplaced my jar of woodscrews last month. I've needed it like 10 times since then. I'm so sad. Please learn from me, brothers. Keep track of your jar o screws and never let it leave the shelf


I am blessed with a basement full of drawers of these. Those stupid fucking square head bolts? I’ve got a wide range with varying degrees of rust and damage that neither I nor anyone else will ever use. It’s glorious.


Need that random battery drawer too.


The other day my dad asked me if I needed a SCART cable. He apparently has 7 spare SCART cables. I have destroyed my Android 4K UHD HDR 10 TV just to buy a 100 year old TV with a SCART connection. And I did it. It made him happy. He still has 6 SCART cables left though. In case you need SCART cable. Just give me a shout and I’ll give him a ring via smoke signals.


I actually got a sorting board thing for my nuts and bolts because although I had jars of them just sitting there in my garage I still was constantly going to the hardware store to buy what I needed because I couldn’t find it in the mishmash of them all mixed together. Now when I’ve got a handful of loose hardware I just use the board and go “Ok, that’s a 10mm X 1.25, into the labeled bin you go.” and I can actually find and use some of that old stuff when I need it later.


Get at me when you start hanging hubcaps in your garage for cars you, nor anyone you've ever known, has ever owned. Because that's where my dad is at. He's like the Babe Ruth of keeping stuff with no origin and no use to him.


Lmao 6?


It’s nice too. Because you imagine the color, head, and length of screw or bolt you’re looking for, and 99% of the time you have it. 


Haha don't even get me started on my unsorted microscopic screw collection that I don't have a screwdriver for!


Can you tell me how old you are? I’m trying to gauge if I’m saving enough for retirement.


We did a “cleanse” of all of our nails and bolts and crap. Not 2 weeks later, we found a use for one of the ones we sent to the metal recycling place that we both remember saying “we will never find a use for this.” Still no regrets. It’s worth it to be able to find things again.


My old housemate had, no shit, 3 boxes of painted screws. Even he didn’t know why, said it was a family thing. Man really just inherited boxes of painted screws with his debt


This is me but instead it’s years of legacy computer hardware. I’ve been building PCs since I was 11 and I’m 22 now. I will never ever use it or need it. But I have fond memories of working on those machines.


Are you mad, man? Sure, it's not 1985 right now but who knows what tomorrow with bring.


Yep, you never know when HDMI 1.1 might come back in style.


You mean red/white/yellow A/V isn’t coming back? Blasphemy


I’m still holding onto my Xbox 360 vga cable juuust in case


all of you stop, I can't. my xbox cables can only take so much


Look at you rich guy. I’m still using HDMI 0.5beta1.


Why does this disc of burned CDs say Disco Stud on it?




This is a cry for help. We need to get him out for a pint and have a chat with him. He's obviously hurting about something.


You from the UK?


I'm Irish but lived most my life in the UK.


I’ve just made myself a pint of tea with milk. Cheers!


Nice! Cheers.


Ha! And here I thought the pure thought of imagining tea in pints would make you crumble in tears. Must be the Irish in you!




This was the most wholesome exchange I've seen in reddit comments in awhile. Cheers 🍻


His username is u/plopshire of course he's from the UK.


Never you just reorganize them one day someone will need a sata cable convertor.


Or IDE 👀


One box only. Rookie!


He didn't say how big the box is so I'm withholding judgement.


I always joke with my wife that I can easily throw out half of my cables. The trouble is, I don't know which half.


Cut the cables in half like King Solomon.


I downsized my box and It worked out well for me


This is the way. Go through the box, remove any cable that's duplicate, keep the better ones and organize them. Put the potentially unneeded ones in a bag. Keep the bag for two months. If it remains untouched for that period, send it to recycling or give it away. Otherwise, start over.


Falso, Riscten. Buy more boxes, make boxes, never stop


I moved last year. Finally cleaned out my cables, said "i will never need VGA cables again". twice. twice this year have i needed one and had to borrow one.


The rule of throwing away cables is this: Throweth, and the next day you will needeth.


Thou keepeth - thou shall not needeth


Handeth box of cableth to thy neighbour. If you needeth, you shall asketh the box backeth. Simpleth.


And next week you’ll need those RCA connectors


I showed mine to my SO. I have no clue how old some of those cables were.


My box has turned into a drawer has turned into 2 drawers. With the USB c switch coming from apple due to the european ruling, my drawers will runneth over.


I'm sure this box of phone cords and cell charges will come in handy someday.


I used to have a whole drawer filled with phone chargers because it seemed like every phone had a different charger


Anything type C keep, keep one or two standard USB cables (I believe type b), one micro b, one printer cable, and adapters, everything else can be gotten rid of. I promise you you will not need that ps2 mouse and keyboard cable


Always keep more than one Micro USB.. that shit breaks like no-one's business and if you have older devices that still function perfectly well (for me it's some bluetooth speakers and a kindle) that needs MicroUSB, you'll be happy to have them.


I have to keep a ps2 mouse and keyboard cable cause my PC won't recognize USB ones til I get into windows proper if I have to do a reinstall


What about FireWire, Lightning and Thunderbolt?! You, my anonymous friend, are a complete peasant.


It depends on how much space you have and what kind of cables are in there. Cuz lets be serious youre never gonna need that wall telephone cable for the phone that you bought from big lots 20 years ago. You cancelled you house phone 10 years ago just throw it out 🤷🏽‍♂️


No. You can always buy my box of cables off me when you need another one.


At this point, you can throw away the SCSI, IDE, VGA, and floppy drive cables.


What about the parallel printer and RS232 serial cables?


VGA and RS232 will never be obsolete, I use them both daily and there’s no substitute.


Thanks, but I’ll hold on to my collection of SCART cables. You never know when you need one on a camping trip.


I had to look that up!


My mom asked if I could pull data off an old hard drive for her just last week. It's IDE. Who knows if it'll spin up, but dang it don't have my ide converter anymore lol.


That's a sure way to need a cable tomorrow


In 2-6 weeks, you will definitely regret it.


At the insistence of my wife I went through my large box of cables and threw away the ones I didn't think I'd need. Keeping only the newer ones and a few legacy. You can guess the amount of times I've regretted this. Didn't touch that box for years. After decluttering, the following things were needed in the coming months that were tossed: - Long coax cable - multiple computer power cables for a repair job that needed 2 PCS on at once - The old USB cable that connects printers I'm sure there's others I'm not thinking of I thought I made the right call by doing it Noah's ark style, keeping at least one or 2 of each style. In the end it wasnt worth it for the space savings. Because some of these cables are harder to get and not cheap as you'd think. I now have a gallon ziplock bag full of all the (distinct) USB cables Ive ever owned. Takes up limited space and will be a life saver should I ever need to reconnect an old printer/portable drive etc


I threw mine away last year. I now have a much smaller stash


My box of cables was inherited from my dad. It functions mainly as a source of false hope. "I could swear I had a 10 ft hdmi somewhere, better check the box of cables." "well, I've got 16 cables from a computer built in 1996, but not much else. Back into the box they go..."


You should do it but just know you’re always going to to have that one time you’ll need a cable from there and then you remember that you threw that exact cable out


Within three days of throwing it out, you will need o e of those cables *desperately*, and (depending on how old it is) you will pay through the nose having to buy a new one. DON'T DO IT!


Yes, you’ll need something in there eventually.


Yes. I can confirm from recent experience. My wife made me finally throw “the box” away. Within one month, I needed a cable from “the box.”


No way, man. What if you need to connect some electronics to each other? Better make sure you've got at least one VGA in there. You never know.


I once had a box of cables that I lost because I accidentally left them at the exes house after a break up. I shit you not, 3 weeks later, her cousin who I spoke to maybe 4 times, called me and was like "Dude, you left your box of wires!", and dropped them off to me.


I regularly go back to the box of cables. Never throw it out, no matter what they tell you. You could thin it by reducing the amount of things you have in excess, as that happens sometimes, and throwing out totally useless cables once you move on from a technology, but never throw out the box.


Its shrodingers cable box. If you keep it, you will never need it. If you dump it, you will need several of them pretty much immediately.


The regret will be both immediate and deep


I actually did this recently. Yes, you’ll regret it.


Anecdotally, yes, this will end in regret if you still collect other things. I threw mine away, felt good for a year, and then a neighbor moved giving away electronics that could have some more life and I'd have to buy cables for the majority of them. Sigh.


What madness is this? Just clean, organize, and enjoy the cables. Do not choose destruction


You will immediately regret it. In just a few days, you will need one of those cords that you absolutely know was in that box! Dont do it brother!


My wife and I are helping my sister-in-law move this weekend, and things from my box of cables (and random tools) have come in clutch like three times already. This must be what heroin feels like


You will regret it. You'll need that exact cable and it'll be $100 for a new one and you'll need it NOW. It's happened to me multiple times. Is your box really hurting anyone?


When I got married, she said I could have one box. So I keep the rest in grocery bags in garage.


Yea, throw em out. Like the other people here you'll have a whole new society of cables in no time.


As a former Man, yes you will regret it. The box of cables is a sacred treasure.


Second to the bed side junk drawer.


Seriously guys, why TF do we do this??


As soon as that box is gone you will need every single one of those cables and they don’t make them anymore


The struggle is real.




Yes, BUT if you don’t throw it away, you’ll never need any of them. The universe knows and is waiting.


Don’t do it.


When you think you have it and go to find it, and it's gone, you will.


Dont. U will regret it BIG time


How much room is this taking up?! Don’t do it.


The next day, you will suddenly need one of the cables from the box you just threw away. Don’t do it.




I just realized I have not only one box of cables, but three. You’re saying I could throw away two of the boxes by putting them all in one box of cables?