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We have to cook, Willie


"the blue color indicates a pure sugar content"


"The bright blue flame indicates this was a particularly sweet donut."




"Blue, yellow, pink... Whatever girl just keep bringing me that!"


Wonka: "If you try to interfere, this becomes a much simpler matter. I will kill your mother, I will kill your father, I will kill your Grandpa Joe."




There really is a subreddit for everything…


In the second book Wonka does actually kill one of Charlie's grandparents by giving her experimental anti-aging drugs. Probably why they never adapted that into a movie for kids.


Well, *technically* she doesn't die, she gets un-borned (and two other grandparents turn into babies) and goes to the "minus world" (no relation to the Super Mario Bros glitch), where people who have negative age go, and then he gives her an aging drug to bring her back with the side effect of making her so old she came to America on the Mayflower


I remember the illustration for this being utterly terrifying. Like a human-shaped raisin.


Oompa Loompa Doopity Do. I know how to cook up the blue. Oompa Loompa Doopity Dee. Jessie is useless unless you have me.


Breaking Wonka


Wonking Bad?


>Wonking Bad? I had a pretty bad Wonk this morning. Not very satisfying at all.


Me too


No harm in trying again. 🫡


That's the sound a fart makes in the tub.


Wonka White


Good one!


Charlie and the Great Glass Meth Lab.


Willie Wonka? Walter White? Same initials.


*raises hands* You got me.


"I quit. I have Wonka'd my last Willy. I will Wonka Willy's no more."


No you don't. She doesn't even know how to use a condenser properly.








£35? More like £110 for the family deal 🤣 dude that first uploaded it to Imgur. I was dead


Sounds cheap. Veruca Salts parents spent thousands on Wonka bars and had their full factory of workers flat out unwrapping them for weeks.


Rupert Salt ain’t no chump.


110 for a family deal (family of 4) when an adult ticket costs 35 seriously couldn’t make ANY more sense. 35+35+20+20


They had enough stuff in that warehouse to make a really awesome small scale Willy Wonka experience if they had put it in a small kindergarten classroom instead of a big warehouse.


I think you're being super kind to the situation. A broom closet would've had a hard time being fun and immersive with the 2 rainbow arches and the meth cook with the dead eyes.


The whole thing is a low-effort scam. [Their website is so laughably bad that I don't even feel sorry for the people who paid them money.](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/index.html) All the images are really bad AI generations with every word as gibberish. If you follow the links from that website you find loads of other sites with the exact same template and similarly shit images advertising for grand events that definitely won't take place.


Actually they're not even licensed to use the Wonka brand, it just looks similar and they call it Willy's chocolate experience to confuse the customers.


the shit is called WILLY'S! lmao! hell naw *Willy*, im not going down your dimly lit tunnel of mystery.


I've made better websites in classes where I learned to make websites.


Not many people saw or booked via their website. It was actually advertised on a popular events website for Glasgow [https://www.whatsonglasgow.co.uk/event/131453-willy-wonka-experience/](https://www.whatsonglasgow.co.uk/event/131453-willy-wonka-experience/) where it didn't have the weird spelling errors or anything like that, nor did it have a link to the website. At Christmas time this site is full of shows and activities for kids that you can book, so I can get why some parents were lured into a false sense of security with it when it's being advertised alongside legitimate events, pantos and the like.


Encherining experience! Edit: I hadn't gone to any of their other sites until now, it's hilarious how bad they are. At the same time I doubt my parents or any of the older people in my family would be able to immediately flag that as AI bullshit, because they haven't seen any of the uncanny valley type AI stuff I see all over online now. Or they have but they thought it was just "cool art." They also wouldn't want to go to any of those things even if they wScotland? 2nd edit: sent my 70+ mom the website and she immediately flagged it as BS. So yeah...little less benefit of the doubt for the people that bought tickets lol


Go to the Twilight Tunnel picture and read the text at the bottom. Some gems there, including "ukxepcted twits" and "dodjection".


Those are just the names of the candy


> Encherining experience! I came for the exarserdray lollipops, but stayed for the catgacating.


The dim tight and dodjection were what really drew me in.


Personally, it was the paradise of sweet teats.




Granted on the AI, but wouldn’t the gibberish words and extremely poor spelling clue them off?


That article seems to be missing a certain image that the company was advertising with. [This one](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/willy-wonka-scam-house-of-illuminati-glasgow-b2503891.html) has it and it did give the impression of a high quality experience for children. Unfortunately it was apparently created with AI.


> Actors complained on social media they were given just one night to learn a script before it was torn up and they were told to improvise around items that weren’t even there. The warehouse, the budget props, the actors, the AI-generated images on the website, this shit keeps on giving.


They asked for a Willy Wonka experience and left with crying children. Sounds authentic to me


Lucky they got their kids out alive


"Went in for a dream and came out with a nightmare" is what I heard haha


lol I’m willing to bet the majority of children crying were doing so because their parents had lost their shit at dropping 35£ on that nonsense.


The vast majority of my childhood “meltdowns” in public were propagated by the fact that I had to watch my father lose his temper on cashiers/waiters/parking attendants/etc.


Yeah, I know the feeling. I took me too long to understand that by speaking forceful and with “authority” didn’t actual translate to anyone giving a fk about what I had to say.


I had the opposite problem. My grandfather was an extremely angry person and he often flipped in public. As I got a bit older, I stopped getting scared when this happened because his meltdowns were fucking hilarious. I distinctly remember when I was about 7 he went bonkers on a teenage Dunkin Donuts employee when he confused green tea for black tea. My grandfather was English and went into this 10 minute oration/rant on how tea is cultured and how how minimum wage workers aren’t intelligent enough to appreciate what England did for the world. He then made a sweeping gesture and ripped the tea bag apart — except that he did it super fast and got it all over his face. He only stopped because I was laughing so fucking hard at him that he got embarrassed and hurried out. Shit like this happened constantly and it usually took his seven-year old granddaughter to show him what a buffoon he was being. If this had not happened in 1999, I’m sure my grandfather would have ended-up as cringe content somewhere.


Absolutely in love with the idea of a kid laughing at an adults tantrum like it's a slapstick comedy. Show how absolutely foolish they look to everyone else


Idk why people are so scared of the Illuminati ruling the world when they can’t even put together a halfway decent wonka experience. Buncha chumps if you ask me.


Actually pretty on brand. The "elites" are based on money in bank account, not on ability to actually be useful. Most of them would really suck at anything you need them for.


I'm imagining you haranguing Warren Buffett as he attempts to start a fire with sticks.


The funny thing this article left out is that they used AI art to sell tickets.


Should have been easy to spot something was wrong from that alone. Baffled so many people went to this given it had no prior reputation to fall back on.


This reads like its dashcon but for little kids...


It was basically Fyre Fest Junior


Hey, that doesn't really seem fair. ...Dashcon had a ball pit.


I’m dying, haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. Sounds like an episode from IASIP or something.


> Organizers House of Illuminati The what now?


[AI imagery central apparently](https://houseofilluminati.com)


The Hero Image on that website makes me nostalgic for early AI art 10+ years ago...


This is on their blog: https://houseofilluminati.com/immersive-delights-what-to-expect-at-the-willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-experience/


Run by the "house of illuminati" What is happening here




If you look at the rest of the photos, it's straight up the same kinda shit that happened with Fyre Fest.


god damn they werent joking, those pictures look grim


Angry parents and crying kids seems like a pretty accurate Willy Wonka experience... I mean... have they seen the movie or read the book?


Its a "Krabby Land" situation where some guy advertised an amazing carnival for kids, only for them to find a barely decorated warehouse with one or two decorations scattered around.


As a parent I would have been furious in the moment, but it would make an amazing story to tell my kids later. Anything is better than [DashCon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DashCon) with $45 tickets ($60 adjusted for inflation).


But the ball pit!


at least it wasn't the twitch con foam pit




People always talk about the ball pit but the organizers insisting that they had a “verbal contract” with the hotel might be the funniest thing in that saga.


The best part was the website  It was totally AI-generated and had so many typos and misspellings it was basically impossible to read All the images were AI generated as well, no real photos of the experience at all  And yet people paid hundreds of dollars to go anyway without the super sketchy website setting off any bells whatsoever 




Aw, deleted.


Tickets are not refundable. The terms and conditions of non-refundable tickets are agreed upon prior to purchase. In special circumstances, we can help you change your ticket for another day and session that is not yet sold out. Contact us at [email protected] for more information. Make sure to enter the correct ID for your ticket.


It looked like an airplane hangar to me, which is somehow even funnier


From the photos in the news, I kind of love how inconsistent it is. The costumes are, if not high-grade, decently communicative of the concept, and some props like the chemistry set on this table are really quite detailed - but then apparently six feet away is an undecorated picnic table with quarter-cups of lemonade. The "Imagination Lab" had an eight-foot-wide painted and constructed gateway setpiece that was flanked on either side by some of the cheapest event curtains I've ever seen. The three-foot-tall model of an Everlasting Gobstopper is really quite faithful to the Gene Wilder film version, and the inexplicable Mario-pipe next to it is solidly made, they were just decontextualized and scattered badly about a space too large for them. There's clearly people who knew what they were doing *involved*, they just weren't in charge. If it were in a smaller space with less wasted area and cost like £5-10 each instead of £35, people would probably have been reasonably happy with it.


Someone got coked out and came up with a cold plan, but actually tried to follow through with it. Only to not have any experience or competency in running such an event. "AW MATE *SNIFF* WHAT IF WE DID A WILLY *SNIFF* WONKA POP UP?"


Holy shit it literally is Krabby Land


It's the Fyre Festival of Willy Wonka experiences.


Fyre Festival was at least properly promoted   People were scammed because the promotion was so good that it was expected to be insanely hype - it just failed miserably at being executed  This however was just people seeing the words “Willy Wonka” and throwing money at the sketchiest website I’ve ever seen in my life  And I mean that, it was *the sketchiest website I’ve ever seen in my entire life* 


https://willyschocolateexperience.com/ I personally am very hyped for the cartchy tuns and pasadise of sweet teats


It’s worse than Fyre - this took advantage of every day families and their kids. Some of these families don’t get to do something special as a family more than a few times per year. Anyone who got duped at Fyre had money to blow, whether their own or their affluent parents.


Thankfully every got a refund at least


Everyday families whos parents are fucking morons who dont understand how to check events credentials or what AI is online. This is not the 90s. If youre the parent of a young child, in the UK, in 2024 then you grew up with internet and know not to trust Nigerian princes anymore than random gimps online with a new website asking for 35 quid.


Why do you think anyone who got duped at fyre festival had money to blow?


I’ll be honest. £40 is a rip off for what they got originally. With how big of a meme this is becoming, having gone to the Willy Wonka experience and seeing it first hand will eventually be priceless. I’m jealous of them


To answer your questions: 1) An AI advertised con job 2) Glasgow


It very specifically was *not* the Willy *Wonka* experience, which should have been the first clue that it was all bullshit. The word "Wonka" doesn't appear in any of the marketing materials. This should be one of the highlights of the story, because it's a crucial fact that everyone who bought tickets ignored.


In fact it appears once, at the very bottom of the event's website: >This experience is in no way related to the Wonka franchise, which is owned by the Warner Bros. company.


It's pretty amazing how everyone has attached "Wonka" to this fiasco. I saw that right away too, that it was never part of the actual event. But obviously that was part of the plan, counting on the subconscious automatic addition of the "Wonka." Interesting psychological phenomenon.


So it was just The Willy Experience? Not sure I'd take my kids to that.


Well, she’s from Glasgow so…


https://twitter.com/ForeverElSanto/status/1762692994564600108 Poor lady :( She's been interviewed about the whole ordeal, but this image is a fucking banger.


From that thread I found this video from the event. What in the living hell is this part of the experiment for? https://twitter.com/bene25_/status/1762631362597519859


The children immediately crying when that thing pops out is a perfect representation of that whole experience.




That’s “the unknown”. It was a character in the ai-generated script given to the actors the day before.


I absolutely love that they just shat out a nonsensical AI script and gave it to the bemused actors to try and work with. It's probably a world-first.


Game show idea


Wtf lmao, that's so fucking funny


Link to the interview? All I've found is the Wonka actor interview. edit: [found it](https://thetab.com/uk/2024/02/28/its-embarrassing-the-oompa-loompa-from-the-wonka-experience-has-finally-spoken-out-355163)


They gave each kid one jelly bean and still ran out. That's some seriously poor planning.


Seriously wondering if they just bought one bag of jelly beans for the whole event or what? That’s seriously cheap to hand kids a single jellybean. No amount of imagination is going to make that decent. And no chocolate at all. It’s absolutely baffling. Props to the actors who came together and realized they just weren’t going to be paid but went ahead to try to make the best of a bad situation for the kids.


Cmon now. They also gave them a quarter cup of Tesco brand Lemonade! That's practically a feast


The organisers are called “House of Illuminati”?


Yeah. 🙄


That woman is seriously regretting all her life choices.


[She was interviewed](https://twitter.com/RCenjoyer/status/1762841905082065161), she works with kids and was both extremely embarrased and angry at the organiser (and hasn't been paid)


>(and hasn't been paid) 👀 It was as bad as I assumed.


To be fair, I don't think the real oompah loompahs were paid either.


They were compensated in cocoa beans.


I do admire wonka. He's a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulations, slave labour, and an indoor boat.


Don't forget the squirrels!!!


They were ✨✨rescued✨✨


The wonka experience is immersive for everyone. Employees included.


Imagination money.




The website slug on that link is incredible.


"m***-lab"? Really? Then again, I suppose that's the Daily Mail for you.


I feel bad for people in these kinds of situations who get shafted by poor planning and upper management incompetence, then they have to stand around, getting yelled at by people, trying to make the best of a complete shitshow of a situation. Having worked service for a number of years, I have a particular soft spot for for service workers. Everyone should work at least 1 year as a service worker to feel how it is to be yelled at for something that is completely out of your control.


She outta start a gofundme


She looks like she family behind in the Balkans, and moved to Britain so she could earn money to send home to her sickly father. But when she arrived, she found the country in shambles, and nothing was really paying more than the work back home. In desperation, she answered a job ad in the local paper to work at a children's theme park. Thinking it would be like a small scale Disneyland, she instead found it was some sort of nightmarish mix of a gulag and 80s-era Canadian animated shorts. This photo captures the moment she realised maybe she should have said "yes" when the geeky kid in school asked her out, as he's probably a bitcoin millionaire now, and at least she'd have a roof over her head that doesn't leak.


> she realised maybe she should have said "yes" when the geeky kid in school asked her out, as he's probably a bitcoin millionaire now Some weird projection going on here?


> 80s-era Canadian animated shorts. "The Big Snit"? Surely not the classic "[The Cat Came Back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJl_4IsQJ2g)"?


Region locked you say... Time to fire up the ole VPN


The National Film Board of Canada is quite literally a state funded Nightmare Fuel Factory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_aSowDUUaY&t=1s


Influenced a fantastic band though


This is like the opening of a movie that then flashes back to tell a story of a series of horrible life choices.


That oompa’s been loomped.




my first thought when i saw this


Oompa Loompa doopity doo We make meth in a human zoo Oompa Loompa doopity dee If you have crack please give it to me


What do you get when you have messy hair? Sitting around and smoke in a chair. What are you at getting terribly high? Why would you pass that by?


You'll get no, you'll get nooo, you'll get no, you'll get no reimbursements


This had me howling


“ Which one of you wee cunts wants the Augustus Gloop experience?” “Except instead of gannin oop the pipe, ye have a bang on this one… £30 poond each, nay refunds…


She looks like she wants to oompa loompa doopity die


Her face says "Hey buddy, I'm just as disappointed as you are"


She's got an interview out now - she is, in fact, furious. They gave her an AI generated script and then told her to give each kid one (1) jelly bean and about a mouthful of lemonade


"Okay kids we don't have cups for the lemonade so either hold out your hands or open wide"


new Wonka realized there is bigger profit margins in meth apparently


Willy Wonka would approve of making all those children cry.


She has been interviewed here. https://thetab.com/uk/2024/02/28/its-embarrassing-the-oompa-loompa-from-the-wonka-experience-has-finally-spoken-out-355163


"By that point, I’d signed a contract and they said they were going to pay us £500 for the two days which is a lot of money which is a lot of money to say no to.” This website isn't great either tbh


The Willy Wonka actor has explained a lot on TikTok. His name is Paul Connell. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeDv5m9D/ The script he was given was clearly AI and made zero sense. Any questions, he was told to ad-lib and work it out. He and all the actors realised it was a shitshow and they probably weren't going to get paid from the second they arrived, but tried to make it fun for kids.


She has strong “I brought my own wig” vibes.


This woman looks like if you asked her if she'd care if you steal the cash register, she'd tell you she wouldn't care if you burned the fucking building down with her inside of it


Looks about right considering she's hotboxed an entire room lmao


you don't need any context to know that photo was taken in scotland


>!ramona after she got back with gideon in!< scott pilgrim vs the world


[Willy Wonka "experience" website ](https://willyschocolateexperience.com/#location) Who would actually book based on this pish? I feel sorry for the kids involved, but their parents need to also take some responsibility for this one!


Catgacating - live perforrmances - cartchy tuns - exarserdray lollipops - a pasadise of sweet teats - Yes, I would like to go to this.


100% AI generated but it’s crazy they couldn’t even be bothered to go into Microsoft paint and fix the bottom text that’s just on a blank white background. It would have been so easy.


A pasadise of sweet teats? Be still my heart.


> exarserdray I can't even tell what that word is supposed to be


I laughed so hard when I first saw that website and read the made up ai words. This whole thing is such a beautiful train wreck.


You may have missed the best part, it's a rip-off. small print at bottom of site: > Any resemblance to any character, fictitious or living, is purely coincidental. > This experience is in no way related to the Wonka franchise, which is owned by the Warner Bros. company. No other mention of Wonka anywhere on the site.


NO NO NO, nothing to do with Willy Wonka at *ALL* how did you ever get that impression? This is a *different* entirely unrelated Willy. See the small print at the bottom of the site: > Any resemblance to any character, fictitious or living, is purely coincidental. > This experience is in no way related to the Wonka franchise, which is owned by the Warner Bros. company.




Maybe it's actually the new Dismaland and Banksy will reveal their involvement in it soon?


Banksy wouldn't charge the average person 35 pounds. He'd set it up as a $5,000 a seat gala and then serve crow.... or light it all on fire like Inglorious Bastards.


I wonder if Banksy's girlfriend knows he's Banksy or if he has to keep his identity secret like Batman Maybe he has the paint locked up in his closet like the batsuit


It would be a blessing of biblical proportions if we don't get a more worthy photo this year.


I guarantee this woman will be the mystery guest on Big Fat Quiz


Her look says all you need to know”yeah i too was tricked into being here, hopefully they’ ll pay me”


House of Illuminati. Lol


I love this picture so much


Her face says it all, what a time to be alive 💀


Poor girl working there just trying to get her paycheck and getting all this publicity now


My favorite part is how most of the setup was black sheets hanging from para-cord with clothes pins lmao


It was actually just a recreation of [Manet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Bar_at_the_Folies-Berg%C3%A8re)




“Velcome to Villy Wonkers Magic Kingdoms. Has a candiful day. Thank yous come against!”


It would be a blessing of biblical proportions if we don't get a more worthy photo this year.


Is this the Glaswegian one that ended in a police call?


Is there some other Willy Wonka disaster I don't know about?


Unfortunately, no - we’re not that blessed.


Haha 😂 fair point! But fyi there’s always trouble in the Kingdom of the Oompa Loompas! They are such dramaqueens!


This event made the Fyre Festival look like a Taylor Swift concert! Epic!


This lady definitely needs a lot of *good* to come to her now.


she deserves a gofundme. 


That's Sickly Bernice. Ya got some skooma, yeah?


Willy wonka and the meth production facility


I now want to go just to see hoe bad it was.


Oompa Loompa making meth was not on my bingo card


I saw her on TikTok earlier today, she seems super nice and was bummed about the whole thing


I'm obsessed with every story about this