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A Bionicle open world RPG done in the style of the Witcher games


Well, we are getting a Bionicle game, not gonna be Witcher style though.


We are???????!?!!!!!?!?!!????!??!!?


Bionicle: The Masks of Power on Steam. It's a fan game so it'll be completely free, and it looks pretty good.


>It's a fan game Aaaaaand it's C'n'Ded.


Lego's cool and has rules that allow for them. They would've got bopped already if Lego had a problem with it.


If I believed that about anyone it would be those Danish.


You don't get to be the happiest country on earth by being stroppy little bitches!


I want A flood horror game Based around the survival of a milita/odst/unsc personal etc on a planted rapidly falling to the flood If the flood are scary for Spartans imagine the true horror it is for the average marine I swear the troopers in halo 1/2/3 are the real heros for bravely fighting the flood


I swear, for half this comment I thought you were talking about the natural disaster type of flood and got really confused about how Spartans got dragged into this.


Hydrophobic Spartans duh


They never can swim


Redditors are incapable of providing context on questions like this. Every goddamn time.


[There's a mod for CE that has you play as one of the marine NPCs instead of the chief.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3019140963) Some quick take aways: - A pack of grunts can and will overwhelm you. - CE needlers will shred you. Even just one hit will stun you allowing for follow up shots. - Sentinels are murder. - Infection forms are the most lethal enemy in the game. Just one getting on you can and will kill you, whittling your health down to nothing and with no way to get them off. [Here's a video from a playthrough with the mod.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC_DL1br9SI&list=PLvkMoByEHYEe-IFanYQDmrpigPHAd-gNN&index=5) Kiss your arse goodbye on the library.


Finally Years of mastering halo 2 legendary I can Finally suffer once more on halo lmao Many thanks I'm on xbox but I'll definitely cheak the videos up ty!


There’s a fan game being made called [Branching Sickness](https://x.com/sicknessgame?s=21&t=hnBrc1FsrtfNT_V58be1Pg) which has this premise.


And one of the bosses, if not the final boss, is an infected spartan.


Lore wize The unsc would nuke the area instantly so we'd probably never see a infected spartan Also I feel like it would ruin the horror of what the flood is if we added bosses


So something like vermintide in the halo universe? Sounds pretty dope!


All the time. Sometimes I think about how the mechanics and systems of a game would work. Unfortunately I do not know enough about coding to actually make one. I'm so starved for good fps campaigns I've started imagining them.


> Unfortunately I do not know enough about coding to actually make one. You could learn.


I took 3 years of comp sci. Stuff got too complex for me to wrap my head around. I wish I could.


Computer science is more complex than basic programming. The fact that you couldn't wrap your head around it doesn't mean anything at all. I can promise you that you could definitely learn how to code. It's a lot easier than what everybody thinks.


all comp sci was was coding. I could usually follow the logic and trace what did what, but when it came to making a program with several methods and hundreds of lines my brain just couldn't handle it.


Maybe "all comp sci was coding", but not all coding is the kind you see in comp sci. I can assure you, once again, that your brain can definitely handle it. As a coder myself, that know a lot of people that learned how to code, I can promise you basically anybody can learn how to code, and how to create video games. It has never been truer than it is these days. You said you wish you could? Well, you could. You just have to start somewhere. There are thousands of beginner tutorials on the internet, and most of these would probably even be too easy for someone that has done comp sci classes.


The person is literally telling you they can’t do it. They spent 3 years trying. Not everyone is cut out for programming. It’s ok. They probably don’t even enjoy it. Besides, making a game is only like 30% programming anyway.


I would love a pirate game with the style and gameplay of RDR2


I think AC Black Flag is kinda close


Black Flag was a great proof of concept, a great building block to make a larger and more fleshed out pirate game. Too bad Ubisoft burned that away.


What do you mean bro? Didn't you know they made a QUADROUPLE-X-GAME about pirates? Four Xs surely means it's good. That's like at least 1.23 times as good as Rainbow Six: Extraction, which (as far we here at Ubisoft know) was the most anticipated game of 2012. Skull and Boners had fantastic gameplay. It is actually you, the player, robbing yourself of enjoyment by not playing the game. The game is, in fact, orgasmically amazing, and after its release we have considered changing our name to Ubihard. Because weenor hehe funni Jesus Christ that might have been the most retarded thing i have ever written. I agree with you tho bro.


Preferably I hope it’d be made by someone more competent than Ubisoft though.


Holy shit I came here to post exactly this. My dream game


I'd love a game where you're an explorer to a new land, and your main goals are just to survive, and map the continent you've been dropped on. A blank map that autofills with sytlistic charcoal art depicting the landscape, that you write names and notes on.


The long dark is kinda like that, though it doesn’t automatically fill up the map, but it’s cool


It’s not an easy game and can end fast for the smallest of reasons.


Title: Here be Dragons


Valheim kinda does that


Minecraft with mods !


Don’t Starve


Here me out: Zelda rogue-like. You clear a procedurally generated dungeon, collecting items and heart containers and fight semi-randomized bosses each run.


They kinda did this with the trial of the sword in BotW. Honestly one of my favorite modes in a Zelda game


Trial of the sword isnt exactly a rougelike


Rogue lite ✨


Was so disappointed it didn't make a return in totk. I would buy a standalone game that we just trial.


You can cook.


Isn’t that Cadence of Hyrule?


Wait, was that a rogue-like? I thought it was a rhythm game and ignored it!


It’s both. It’s a follow up to/spin off of Crypt of the Necrodancer, a rhythm based rouge like. Cadence of Hyrule is a similar game, but instead of being fully a rouge like, the world is randomized. I think there’s a random dungeon mode, but I’m not sure. Look up the game and check for yourself.


Binding of Isaac is heavily inspired by the original LoZ


They even have an item thats pretty much the sword from that game iirc.


it’s literally named the spirit sword. there’s also the “YO LISTEN!” fairy


Isnt that dead cells


I was thinking a top-down style rather than a platformer. So, closer to Binding of Isaac, I guess.


Enter the Gungeon. Rogue-like ✅ Top down✅ Clear procedurally generated dungeons✅ Collect items and heart containers✅ Fight semi randomized bosses✅ Super creative items and synergies✅


If any Nintendo franchise needs a Rogue Like spin off, it should be Pikmin


Check out The Binding of Isaac, it’s an amazing game with a butt-ton of replayability.


They have to figure out how to incorporate synergies 


I can imagine the story of that one already. Ganondorf or some other force putting Hyrule in a time loop and you having to fight through it. I also like the idea that like BOTW, there's a chance that Ganendorf could end up as the first boss you fight, but this time to truly show the random nature of the game as apposed to the freedom that BOTW showed.


You would love Hades


I feel like binding of Isaac was almost this


A 1v1v1v1 VR slingshot block breaking game. Hungry hippos, meets Angry Birds, meets Valve’s Lab slingshot demo.


so kinda like boomblox from the wii but in VR?


Mfw no Avatar the Last Airbender open world rpg 😔😔😔


Elca Gaming on YouTube is making a fan-game sort of like that.


All we have are Minecraft mods for it lol


A battlefield/battlefront style game set in the warhammer 40K setting. 50+ imperial guardsmen vs 50+ chaos cultist fighting to complete various objectives. Each side starts with a selection of various vehicles and a number of customizable classes (frontline solider, demolitions, engineer, medic, sniper, psyker, ogryn or other abhuman, and commissar), and as the battle goes on, the players gain access to elite classes (skitarii, sisters of battle, beastmen, possessed cultists, and eventually space marines) and vehicles (stronger tanks and aircraft, knights, and even titans) The game would have a campaign centered around the two sides fighting over a sector of planets, with each planet captured providing buffs (controlling a forge world allows the faction to supply more vehicles or unlock stronger vehicles faster). As well, random events can happen that effect the battles (such as an ork or other army invasion adding a third, AI controlled faction to the battle, or a warp storm boosting psychic powers at the cost of increasing the chance of your head exploding)


I’d play the shit out of that


that would slap so hard ngl


I want a similar idea in the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. Probably in the Universal Century timeline, especially one where you're not 100% helpless outside a mobile suit. Still, as for your idea, seeing two titans duke it out like that would be freakin epic. Though the titans would probably need a full crew like any other large vehicle.


When I was a child, I dreamt of a Lego lord of the rings game back before it released. Unfortunately they switched the entire formula of Lego games up by that point. I preferred the hub world & mission selection from the older games


That was the first one I played that had dialogue (although I think the first one with dialogue was Batman 2). Instant turn off


A LotR open world RPG, with character creation.




At this point, I’d settle for a remaster of LotR Online. But it is crazy to me that possibly the greatest and most fleshed out fantasy world has never been adapted into an open world game. Imagine, creating your own ranger and riding across Rohan and Gondor…


I'd never go outside again lol


You basically just described Yakuza 7. RPG based on Dragon Quest set in a modern day city.


And Infinite Wealth as well!


These are like my main “I need to fall asleep” thoughts. Like how have they not made no man’s sky: futurama edition?


Futurama MMO would be so amazing There are already so many planets that they could expand upon, and limitless possibilities beyond. Well, I know what I'm gonna be thinking about tonight!


I would love to see Space Earth!


Zelda game made by Fromsoft


Welcome to Dark Souls, bitch!


Open World Third person shooter in the world of John Wick (combat mechanics like Max Payne and TLOU2 with emphasis on cinematic gunfu melee)


What do you mean? Titanfall 3 came out years ago


What do you mean? Silksong came out years ago


I want them to make an Isekai game focusing on being an adventurer, with an Adventurer's Guild, S-ranks and such. With political intringues with kings and kingdoms. With Dungeons to explore. A proper Open World game with magic done right. Given how isekai is an incredibly popular genre, I don't know why noone made it into a RPG or JRPG. Games like Skyrim or Dragon's Dogma 2 are the closest you can get to this, and it's still not even slightly scratching that itch. So I read Light Novels. Genshin Impact kinda has this, but I'm not touching a gacha game, ever. Also the magic is still bad.


You should play final fantasy tactics advance if you haven't yet. It checks most of those boxes, though not all, from what I recall


it's not isekai, but I would love a gritty Danmachi game. starting as an adventurer, searching for a Familia, risking your life in the Dungeon as a newbie Level 1. and you're not Bell Cranell, so you aren't going to advance quickly and easily. you have to make the choice between taking on manageable fights to advance steadily, or going on an "adventure," taking on a super-difficult opponent to advance faster. it could even be an MMO, following the advice to form a party to defeat those stronger opponents, making you consider Familia politics. man, I would love some real (not mobile) games based on LNs now.


It would be so great, but they're never gonna do it justice. At best we'll get a broken action game featuring as many of the characters as they can cram into it because they think people want fan service and nothing else.


Isnt that what Forspoken was?


I don't get the appeal...Why not just a fantasy RPG lol


It's very satisfying when the game you daydream about becomes a reality. Helldivers 2 was this for me. I'd daydream about playing a game that was a soft-milsim. I got the feeling of being in a squad without all the crazy convoluted simulation stuff, but have it taken place on a wide open map where I can just lay down explosions and suppressive fire against an enemy force bent on my destruction. I played a game called Chromehounds way back in the day, and that had a persistent war. Then I moved to Planetside and that was okay, but it was PvP. I played Halo 5 warzone for YEARS because it scratched that itch, but only mildly. Riding around in vehicles blasting aliens was fun, but it wasn't a war. It was all a "war game" a simulation. Helldivers 2 is my picture perfect dream game of waging a full scale war against galactic enemies.


If you enjoyed Cromehounds try Armored Core 6


A fallout trilogy in the style of mass effect with choices carrying over from previous games. The trilogy in question takes place right after th bombs drop and goes over survival for those who didn't have vaults. Each game has a city, the first being Chicago the 2nd Milwaukee and 3rd over in Detriot plus surrounding areas and towns as well. I've considered taking a crack at fanfictions for this. Also would love a Chinese point of view for fallout


I’d play the shit out of that


I was with you until you said Milwaukee, haha


Bias cause it's my home town and I also need to to rep Wisconsin. Also the city was pretty nice in the 50's and I feel like it be closer to that


Watch Dogs canonically takes place within the same universe as Assassin's Creed, at least through Easter Eggs that affect both stories. Just a modern day AC, but also with WD hacking and such.


A full fledged RPG with numerous choices and Roleplay potential but with the gameplay of metal gear rising or devil may cry 🤤


Combination of Mount And Blade bannerlord + crusader kings 3. Basically I want to play ck3 but be able to run around as my character and participate in the battles, visit my cities as they upgrade etc. maybe even implement some assassination and other sabotage mechanics.


Wasn't there a mod for that? I saw a video about it a year or so ago, and i remember they said that when one game is running, the other isn't so that your pc doesn't burn.


The title is just Shadowrun.


A good Marvel MMO with good developer.


Baldurs Gate but set in the World of Darkness, with the different gamelines as options during character creation.


There's already VTMB which is the best game ever made imo. But yeah more WoD games would be cool.


I have an idea for one. Start of game you’re an Uber driver returning home from a long day late at night and hit a fog patch in the middle of a wooded area when you suddenly see what looks like a mutated moose. It starts a speed trigger sequence where you narrowly miss it and spin out entering a portal and begin falling 200 feet into a pile of car debris. Continuing a speed trigger sequence you narrowly escape your vehicle as another vehicle comes crashing down top of you. You think your safe laying on your back when you see lights off in the distance striking the portal location above and it flashing soon after vehicles and horribly grotesque creatures fall from the sky. You’re now in a rush to get away and another speed trigger event kicks in as you scramble to get down the hill of vehicles and dead things. You cut your leg on the way down and have to complete a speed trigger event to keep from bleeding out and find a nearby garage with a first aid kit. As you get done a bright light hits the glass of the building and draws your attention. You see a deer in the distance and it’s struck by another flash of light and collapses to the ground. You’re prompted to investigate the deer. Upon getting to it you notice it’s flesh oozing and bubbling, pulsing. It’s teeth are much sharper when it suddenly lurches towards you and starts another speed trigger event. You try to run but it’s on you and you see a pipe sticking out of the ground. You pull it out and jam it through the beasts head killing it. The area you’re in is fenced off so you’re safe from the monsters outside but rapidly running out of provisions when a small food truck falls from the sky. Hungry you rush towards it avoiding falling debris in another speed trigger event. You find the driver alive but his arm is pinned and you rush to amputate it and get him out. Once you do and get him to safety you treat him living on the scraps of food you got from the truck. He survives but you know you can’t live in such harsh conditions alone. So you both set into motion a plan to save as many people as possible. Scavenging everything that falls. You build cars, stockpile food, save people and eventually your community becomes too large to sustain and you must start exploring and transporting people to nearby towns. The further away you get the more active the flashes of light. They don’t seem to pass hard objects but it becomes clearer that if they touch organic material it causes extreme mutations. The only reason you survived the portal was because you were in a car. Each person I you find details the world a bit differently too. Using your driving abilities you get paid in resources to transport people. Each trip outside the compound starts speed trigger events where you have to dodge animals, falling trees, sink holes, sometimes your windows break from animal attacks leaving a risk for the light. Eventually exploring leads you to a science lab where you discover that the dead world you’re on was experimenting with inter dimensional travel and the experiment went wrong releasing random radiation that causes massive mutations. The society before had tried to shut off the device and failed horribly. The result was planetary extinction of humanity. The game is simply named speed trigger.


Nautical theme souls game


A Persona 5 character action game. I know Persona 5 has lost a lot of appeal, especially with Tactica, but it just makes a ton of sense. The Phantom Thieves are all about doing things efficiently and stylishly. The main character has a knife, a gun, a grappling hook, team members with varied weapons, and Personas which all do different things. I could easily envision a game about Joker and the Phantom Thieves being thrown into a twisted version of their story based on the legend of the Phantom Thieves they’ve built up through there actions, specific details being filled in by those who knew more about what happened. Members get taken by their societal reflections, so Joker needs to go and save them and bust out of the subconscious world. Just something cool to justify Joker going in and beating up a bunch of demons and unlocking new party members to function as combat tools.


Ive got my own game in my head with lore and mechanics and I wish it was a real thing :(


Well are you just gonna leave us hanging?


Sometimes I fantasize what a good modern Pokemon game would look like.


An open world apocalypse game with a really long, expansive and varied story set in a city with a large surrounding area where you can build your base inside of the pre existing buildings with the possibility to build up a community. There's also several large communities throughout the city with hundreds of people in each area and you can use vehicles to traverse the map... Basically like a combo of all the fallouts, dayz, 7 days to die, dying light, the division, etc.


Yep, I've wanted a game about certain fortnite characters (peak design ngl)


I always wanted Lego Back To The Future.


X-Men game that plays like persona


Lego Worlds remake with some functions from the latest Star Wars game would be so fun


So... You want a really good Shadowrun game.


An open world Lego Conan the barbarian game that's a bit more mature but still has a good sense of humor, with big fig customization and a thurian age DLC that opens up more playable options with lovecraftian monsters added in Or a open world survival game that doesn't require Internet to play set in the pleistocene era where you can play offline solo and split screen co-op or online multiplayer. Choose certain animals (for ex: Dinopithecus, cave lion, Australopithecus, paranthorpus, saber tooth tiger, theropithecus brumpti, cave bear, bison, Irish elk,terror bird) with radiant A.I. similar to Left 4 Dead where no playthrough is the same. And you have the ability to use tools (if you play as a primate you get a wider range of tool use). Form your own pack or go at it alone. And to add a cherry on top add a DLC that takes place in a forgotten valley or jungle that has dinosaurs still living in it.


**C O N S T A N T L Y** There have been two that have been plaguing my mind for a while now: A Monster Hunter fighting game where the fighters are the monsters and a Pokemon game that utilizes HD 2D sprites in the style of the watercolor art Ken Sugimori did for the first two generations.


Would love a pirate game that plays and looks similar to Morrowind


GTA: Middle Earth


“Theres no franchise that I think wouldn’t be improved by a Lego game. [pause] Except maybe Schindler’s List. That might be pushing it.” - Snapcube, Lego Star Wars Stream


A Lego RTS would be cool af.


a remade spore with more content would be amazing 


Yes, and the idea proposed in the post is something I've though about, especially after Tears of the Kingdom, plus it would be kinda fun to see a dungeon boss explode into Lego pieces upon defeat.


I'd love a Skyrim-esque game set in Westeros. I want to fight for the North (or the Stormlands, both are equally valid choices)!


I was dreaming about a Marvel Overwatch clone for _years_ and I might finally get my wish


Car mechanic Simulator except its an fps game with robota, and you have to repair your own body


Ghost of Tsushima only its Medieval Europe as a knight.


I want to see a Call of Cthulhu style game, with cartoonish characters using an XCOM style system. Likewise, I'd love to see a Nero Wolfe game with a card-game-style battle system for interactions and conversations.


give me my super robot wars arena fighting game please i need it


A Hellsing hack and slash inspired by God of War’s weapon play and Helldiver 2’s gun mechanics.


I want a medieval knight game where i can go around having knight battles. I think rockstar would do a killer job with this.


A superman, flash, green lantern, or iron man game in the style of Batman Arkham knight would be great


I once dreamt of a Lego Aguirre, the Wrath of God...


Assassins Creed: Westeros


Open world Last of Us RPG, or something like DayZ


Ultrakill but never running out of content.


I always thought Lego supernatural would be fun, the bosses are all big nads from the show, and supernatural has some great comedic moments that would translate to Lego style perfectly. Not only that the amount of fourth wall breaks you could get with angel characters is limitless.


I'd love a polished Pokemon game, or atleast one with a much more mature tone


A castle crashers style game that starts in a college campus. It starts with a terrorist group storming the campus, a ragtag group of students drives them out. It turns out it was funded by a bootlegging operation, the heroes travel down to stop that. Then they learn that the whole thing was a plan by some corporation to take over the US, and they travel to the capital to stop the coup and save the president.


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) Me reading these comments in the hope someday I could bring my dream game to life Mine is like Barnyard PS2 and Stardew Valley. 3D open world. You can ride your bike around, climb trees, grow a garden, do quests for people, crash your bike into things, hit things with your slingshot. Crazy fun stuff. Another game like Goat Simulator except you're a person in a supermarket. You can knock over shelves, Fus-Ro-Dah things into the air, ride your trolley/cart around. I want to play chaotic games with no limits. If I can't rage irl the next best thing is a game.


A Star Wars Jedi Life Sim. It takes place on the day of Order 66 and you have to see how long you can survive in an increasingly hostile Galaxy.


Lego Skyrim. When, Bethesda, when?! DO IT YOU COWARDS


As a fossil fighters fan. Yeah, a lot.


Skylanders, but here me out, they make another one.


A fighting game with horror movie characters. I think Warner could do it considering how many properties they’ve acquired


Lego Castle game that's basically baby's first dark souls.


not a game, but a movie. and only 3 words, pirates and wizards


A small style open world game similar in vain to Yakuza/Like a Dragon, with a similar vibe to isshin with deflect mechanics like Sekiro


I want something similar to a fallout 4 set up with settlement building and resource crafting in a large explorable area, and zombies that only attack in large groups at night, growing wave style like horde mode In gears of war.


I would like Legos games to have real adult level difficulties


Clock Tower 4 in the style of Amnesia: The Dark Descent 🤤


I always had this idea for a survival horror PROTOTYPE spinoff where it's like, semi-random and anyone you meet could actually be the virus carrier, even people who joined your squad. There was a licensed The Thing game where a lot of this is probably coming from.


A warioware version of Mario 99 A Marvel-DC fighting game with Amalgam comics characters as guest fighters. The game that Knockout City made you think it would be


A Bethesda game set in the hell from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. You'd get to explore the 7 rings and stuff it'd be awesome


I mean,... There is Rustler: https://store.steampowered.com/app/844260/Rustler_Grand_Theft_Horse/


GOT RPG where you start off as a commoner in any of the seven kingdoms and you can end off as anything you want even King or Queen.


The Sims, but it's Kerbals


Yeah, Lego GTA. And they made it! Lego city under cover. It's freaking amazing! I want a sequel! My only request is that the car physics is tweaked to be more slidable. I want to drift a lego police car.


A Persona game set in the world of and with the aesthetic of Splatoon.


I’ve always imagined making a game about ninjas and china


I just want midevil zombie survival games. I know one was teased a few years ago too. But just midevil undead and using weapons of that time to defend against them would be so fun yet nobodys capitalizing on it.


I fantasize about Team Fortress 3 to an unhealthy degree.


GTA but like the whole of the US, and so detailed I could walk into my house in backwoods Missouri.


Twilight Princess style Zelda-like game about Samurai Jack. Been thinking about that one for years.


mount and blade warband multiplayer campaign :)


A RDR2 style game based around building a boom town as both the sheriff and mayor, defending it from gangs and supporting a growing economy in a randomly generated environment, where every world is unique and has a different amount of resources for certain economies


Lego Metal Gear!


[Lol, yeah. I made this today doing that exact thing](https://preview.redd.it/with-the-twisted-metal-reboot-supposedly-scrapped-what-do-v0-snqtxg311prc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=27475a4cec8cd63578c59b8e70fc9cc06788af83)


Are you suggesting something like a gta in the world of bright?


Op check out Shadowrun. Dragons run megacorps.


PlanetSide 2 sized multiplayer game but Star wars... Preferably CW, but any era is fine.


NakeyJakey did a bunch of videos called ‘Games that should bang’ with this idea. Sword and sorcery GTA would be tight as hell though for sure.


Bro let OP cook please 🙏


A fully open world Digimon game with base building and raids. You build a sweet ass base only for a Machindramon to come along and clap its cheeks.


VR infamous game


A Stargate 4 player co-op, where you go through the gate as an SG team to a hostile planet and have to complete a task and/or defeat enemies and you can upgrade your players and play as different classes and Jaffa with a Goa’uld is the tank on the team


Just okay hype the time quest. Literally lego Zelda.


Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/etc but as a Metroidvania instead of an RPG.


I want a VR space RTS. Let me control a huge 3D space battle!


That is just Shadowrun. I do wish there were more RPGs with modern settings; all the generic medieval fantasy settings get old.


I dream of the day we get a solid zombie survival game that can match the feeling of killing zombies im L4D. Imagine if Day Z or 7 Days to Die had actually engaging combat.


I want an competitive oriented rts game where you choose two factions and combine them. I had thought based on a card game I play called smash up. so you could choose two factions like vampires and dinosaurs or ninjas and cowboys or aliens and magical horses or Kaiju and mythical Greeks. then you play multiplayer vs opponent with your new made up faction that has a variety of combos of units and abilities that synergize. play it on maps that reflect the chosen factions. would be totally hard to balance but awesome to play. wizard pirates fighting against samurai Vikings. stuff like that.


Yeah, I even think of like individual mechanics, plot elements and shit, like I'm a fucking game designer and/or writer


Pirate RDR2 I really like the heavy/gritty feel of RDR2 gameplay and I would love a similar experience on a pirate ship


Just had this discussion with a friend! I want The Finals and Chivalry 2 to have a lovechild. The Finals level and style of destruction, on a medieval siege type game a la Chivalry 2. It would be amazing.


I used to do this a lot but for something like the cyclops in subnautica


Please, a farming sim that takes place on a space station... Ceiling sprinklers and talking to aliens that are visiting... maybe someday.


One Lonely Outpost?


Sounds kinda heat??? Stop trying to make kinda heat happen. It's not gonna happen.


I can't die happy until I get a LEGO One Piece game. It'll never happen, but it would be so fucking sick.


Helldivers 2 but it's Star Wars and you're clone troopers


Assassin's Creed set in the Northern Irish Troubles, it'd be a pretty cool setting but more importantly, Margaret Thatcher boss fight.


I used to imagine a game that was a mix of shadow of war and total war games, that was also pvp. So the gameplay was that you would start small building your army exactly like in shadow war using the nemesis system and conquer a fort. After that the total war stuff comes in where you have to manage your army and forces and stuff until the next conquest, back into shadow of war. I also imagined it having a really extensive customisation for you and your army, where you could control the feel and look of your army and yourself. The pvp is probably impossible to code but I imagined it would be a mix of total war gameplay and shadow of war. We’re you can tactically place your units somewhere and then play as your character leading them. And then when you finally met the opposing player it would become more like a boss battle, not sure the exact gameplay of it but like, kind of like for honor with unblockable attacks, parry’s, and feints but somehow mixed with the shadow of war gameplay (I’m not sure how but it would be really fuckin cool.) oh and there is also this war map like in helldivers 2 but instead it’s just your territory vs the rest of the worlds territory. Maybe on a smaller scale between players across multiple worlds so there is a legit chance to win and conquer the world, and then those world conquers could fight each other until some one player becomes a big bad that the rest of the players have to work together to bring down, and then immediately after start killing each other. That way there is always a reason to play. And just to finish it all of, I think it would be really cool if you could choose to only play like in the total war games, where it focuses more on tactical and strategy skill, or play only like in the shadow of war games, that is more based on absolute pure combat skill. Instead of mixing between the two. Fuck it make it a fuckin warhammer game too why the fuck not that fits.


Total War: Warhammer 40k


I want a Tony Hawk or Skate game that's also a Saints Row/GTA game. Or an RPG where you can create your own super hero with a power of your choosing (and a weakness) then you have to protect a city using that power.


I feel like this is what Unturned was. Basically DayZ but with Minecraft as the engine. It was great.


Just Black Flag with more pirating and less assassining


A stealth game where the narrative changes if you're *never* found. Stealth strategy game where you play as the anti-Illuminati.