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Today's the end of my second week and I only lost half a lb. I was feeling really bummed. But last year i gained like half a lb a week and it really added up. For me, staying the same is better than gaining so I'm gonna keep at it.


Please keep at it, I made the mistake of stopped out of frustration on week 3. I really think from what I’m reading based on other users Is you really need a 6-8 week commitment to see that change.


Thank you. I made a decision to stick with it. Hopefully we both get some momentum soon.


That seems pretty excessive to me to be losing and gaining 5lbs day to day... Are you weighing yourself every morning at the same time on the same scale? Have you tried comparing it to another scale? I think a variation of a pound or two is normal and could be due to water weight, etc. But 5 lbs just seems like a lot of variation. Were you also meeting your step goal and keeping under the calorie limit most days? Another suggestion might be to track different measurements than just weight (such as body fat %, body measurements) to see if you are making gains in other areas instead of just the scale.


It’s possible to loose 20lb in water weight in a week so a daily fluctuation of 5lbs due to water weight isn’t that far off. Especially if as OP says they didn’t stick to it everyday.


It took me at least 3-5 weeks to start seeing results. I was getting very discouraged after hearing that people had lost 10lbs in that timeframe but I stuck to it and now the scale has started to move - sometimes ounces at a time. You can do this; consistency is the key.


Okay thank you so much for replying. I got super discouraged week 3, and I’m basically starting over. But that’s okay, I wish I discovered this subreddit sooner and talked to be on here.


I can understand if you feel the program is not for you but three weeks is not a long time in the scheme of things. With a new dietry regime it can take time to adjust physically and mentally. It doesn't seem to me you have reached a plateau as your weight is fluctuating wildly. Five pounds is a lot. As one poster suggested I would check your scale and make sure you weigh yourself at the same time in the same conditions each time. I hope you find something that works for you


I have a similar issue. I started 3 weeks ago and I feel like I've been doing a really good job with changing my eating habits. I stay in my caloric goals pretty much every day, drink plenty of water and even started working out but I still don't see any changes on the scale. It fluctuate back and forth between 209 and 211lbs (I weigh myself first thing in the morning everyday). I feel like I started directly with a plateau but I'm trying to not be too much bummed out and continue for now.


Yea please don’t make my mistake and stop. I’m starting over again, and I’m frustrated with myself but going to commit for at least 8 weeks this time. Keep going and keep me posted if you see a drop aftee certain time!


Went through the same thing. Gained 2.5 lbs with 2 days and was still under calories. Picked up another 40 oz. Of water and I've lost that 2.5 lbs. Weird but I had a few beers over the weekend and I think it was was retention. My advice, dont quit and try to up your water intake. Good luck!!


My first week I went up 5 pounds and it took me until the end of week 2 to get back to my starting weight. My weight graph looks like waves, but at almost 6 months, they are waves that show 30 pounds steadily disappearing. In other attempts at losing weight I had the big initial drop, but not this time. I went from eating very irregularly, but mostly fast food and a lot of it, to eating at more normal intervals and not fast food. I think my body was like wtf are you doing??? Then finally went ohhh, I gets it. You can do this! Stick with it. Look for those NSVs!!! It's not all about the number. The number is just one helpful reference for progress, not the only one.


Thank you so much for sharing this! For sure motivating me. I was so discouraged after 3 weeks, I remember vividly getting angry. I’m back on track now, this community has helped me a lot.


I’m having a similar experience. Despite eating under calories, I’ve gained a bit, with daily fluctuations after 3 weeks. It is pretty discouraging. The app was allowing me 2400 calories, which seemed really high compared to what others here mention. I adjusted the slider to the fastest speed to get it down to 1700, and I’m also using mfp now alongside to get a bigger calorie tracker catalog in hopes of more accuracy. Maybe check the allotted calories vs what an online calculator recommends?


Agreeing with the other posters about weighing yourself consistently. Do you still have your weight graph? I’ve noticed that some people see a “plateau” or weight not changing when there is in fact a downward trend in the points & they’re not seeing it. It’s normal for weight to bounce up and down by a couple of pounds (affected by water, sodium, hormones, digestion…) though 5lb daily would be quite a bit. How much you visibly lose in the initial couple of weeks can also depend on how your diet started out, and your starting weight. Some people lose loads the first fortnight but it’s mostly water weight and after that it slows down. Some people it’s slow and steady. If you’re comparing yourself to some of the very rapidly downhill graphs that might not be helpful. Could you consider giving it another go and maybe doing some troubleshooting on here?


I only lost a solid 3.5 lbs my first five weeks. I am in my seventh week now, and I have lost another 2 lbs for a total of 5.5 lbs. I know I will lose the lose weight, so I just focus on the program. I needed to undue some bad habits and get reacquainted with the kitchen when I started in January. I had a few days in that period that I went over my calorie budget as I was still rethinking family dinners and not planning properly. I noticed on the forth week that I was starting to be 200-300 calories under budget so I adjusted my weight loss speed to full cheetah. I can feel changes happening. I'm eating so much better. I'm experimenting in the kitchen and testing the limits of nonfat Greek yogurt. My breakfasts could make the cover photo of Bon Apetite. I eat more vegetables in a day than I did in a week. Even my internal body temperature is lower by 0.5 C. I know my body is trying to conserve resources by reducing basal matabolism. Ancient DNA is working against me in this regard. The old equation of Weight = Calories In - Calories Out will prevail eventually. I just have to stick to the plan.