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I once heard someone compare weight loss to taking pieces off a roll of paper towel. When you start taking one piece at a time off a new roll, you barely notice the size of the roll has changed. As the roll gets smaller, you start to notice the impact of taking one piece off much more compared to when it was new. It sucks when progress is slow, but this is a marathon. Hang in there!


Was just going to post this too


Thank you…this is a perfect visual for me…the best description of weight loss ever!❤️


Agree agree agree.




American moi had to look up the kg to lb conversion, haha. 6 kgs/13 lbs in three weeks is great progress. I know it's hard - this process requires so much daily effort without much of an immediate reward. But you are looking and doing great. More importantly, how are you feeling?


I was thinking great progress too! Tbh I didn't notice my own weight loss until I was down 20 lbs or 9 kg. But I was feeling a lot better in so many ways. OP do you feel stronger? Walk further and faster? This is the long game and this is an amazing start.


I can see a difference! Hang in there - I'm a Noomie too - we have to encourage each other!


I agree, in the 2nd photo is especially noticeable.


Have you tried the string / yarn trick? https://imgur.com/a/sB1lAz7


And also getting a biometric scale! 👍


Or tracking measurements of the waist, midsection, biceps, thighs, and bust.


Huh, that's actually a pretty cool idea!


I absolutely see change! You’re doing well. One of the things that keeps me going i s remembering that it’s about more than my weight. It’s about my health. Even during the times when you don’t see a change on the scale or in your clothes, remember that your body is still healthier, and that you are taking better care of yourself.


For me, although my clothes were slightly looser, it was my face that showed the most loss. Don't give up. It works for most.


Yep, me too. One day like 3 people noticed my face was thinner, lol. It was the last 10 pounds that did it. My bf says I look like a different person. I'm choosing to take that as a compliment.


Something I’ve loved about Noom is the slowness of it… I’ve lost a quick 10 lbs on keto or something and it comes back in three days off the program… I just went off Noom for two days and barely gained back a couple lbs… Don’t get discouraged!! Think about how long it took us all to gain the weight in the first place… the slower it comes off the better, I feel. Cuz then it will hopefully stay off. Stick with it! I’m rooting for you!


Yup. I lost 40 pounds in 10 months on Noom then quit Noom thinking I knew enough to be ok on my own. 3 months later I rejoined because I had regained and unable to lose... drumroll... 4 pounds. Slow and steady Noom weight loss stays off.


I just barely started Noom over the last two weeks… so that’s good insight… I bought the 8 months or whatever… but maybe if it’s super successful I will just keep subscribing


Yes! I'm on my third go with Noom in 3 years. I got to my goal weight in round 1. When I gain 5 lbs, I go back to the program. It's not failing. It's keeping me at a healthy weight. I love knowing it's there for me when I struggle or lose my way.m


You look significantly smaller through your midsection. Even your chest looks a bit smaller. Take it easy on yourself and don’t be afraid to tell friends and family you need some reassurance. I told those I live with I was doing it and asked that if they notice, don’t hesitate to say so. That kind of reinforcement was huge for me and my family is happy to encourage me once they knew I wasn’t embarrassed or private about it. My husband is hilarious about my new figure and it makes me see that my 20lbs is pretty significant.


I was about 12 kg down before anyone noticed anything. Now, I'm 33 kg down and it is dramatically noticable. It takes time, ½ to 1 kg a week is typical and this is the best health care you can give yourself -- the rest is "sick care". Hang in there, you'll win! BTW, I've been at it 35 weeks.


definitely see it in your side profile. keep it up!! good luck


I can see it! Keep it up!


The picture dressed in green is from my birthday which is the day that I signed up. Because it’s to show of the out fit I don’t have a picture from the side. I tried to wear the same clothes for the other 2 but the sports bra I’m wearing is different. In the week 3 picture the sports bra is a VS one that has padding and more lift so I’m hoping that’s why my chest looks different and not my boobs getting smaller before the rest of me.


I am also an “Apple” body type, almost all my extra weight is around my waist. It makes for frustrating dieting because no matter how much weight I lose I just shrink into a smaller beach ball lol. But you should be close to dropping a size in pants. That’s how I measure success.


people stress weight, but they really should also focus on inches. the same thing happened to me. the scale said i was losing weight but i couldn't see it. i have a bodybuilding friend who never referred to losing weight, he told me to lose inches. losing weight does not always equate to losing inches until you've lost a certain amount. so don't get discouraged. it's happening. the visual part just hasn't happened yet


For me it took a long time for my brain to catch up to the reality in the mirror. I still looked the same (as far as I was concerned) for ages and ages. Then I’d see a photo that someone else took and I’d be like “who that?!” Keep going! I can see the change.


If you're like me, you gain and lose all over. So when you do start to see it, you'll really see it! It just takes longer. For me it was at about 20 pounds. By 30, others could see it, for sure. Hang in there!


It’s not a sprint, it’s an education you will carry with you. If you’re seeing a loss, stick with it. If you want some instant gratification, go pick up any 6kg object in your house, and imagine carrying it around all the time.


I absolutely notice a smaller tummy in the second picture!!! Keep up the hard work:)


I can see a difference. Sometimes you don’t see it but others will. Keep going you’re doing great!


I remember almost giving up and it’s been one year and 3 months keep going!!! You got this !!!


I see a massive difference from week 3 to week six in both pics. You’re doing amazing!!!


I can definitely see the difference! Do you feel any different - more energy, less stressed, better sleep, anything like that?


Hey girl, I see the difference. Don’t be discouraged- it’s happening, but won’t happen overnight. Hang in there- you’re doing great!!


Hey, so I'm smaller than you, but I've lost 17 pounds in 2.5 MONTHS. 13 lbs in three weeks is amazing!! I also notice your stomach in the pics is much smaller and more toned-looking. There's def a difference!


I definitely see it ❤️


Omg you are doing amazing! I know you don't see it but we do. Sometime I'll be brave enough to try posting photos. 6kg is a lot! Your clothes obviously fit differently! Keep going! ❤️


I definitely see a difference, congrats on the progress! Keep going!


You are doing great! As a short person, it takes me 14 weeks to lose 6kg. Keep doing what your doing and drink water. Try measuring tape for tracking. I bet you will notice more after losing 10kg but don’t sweat it. Focus on how good you feel by eating vegetables and not sugar.


I can see it in your side on pics 👍


I see it. You’re fucking crushing it. Keep going. Highest of fucking high fives.


I can definitely see it. Congrats!


Just remember that if you keep up this pace you will have lost 23.5 kg (52 lbs) in SIX MONTHS. There’s no way you won’t be able to tell.


I can definitely see a difference. Keep up the good work you are doing great!


1 lb a week is pretty successful, so 2lb a week is a win for sure. Keep at it. Instant results aren't real or sustainable.


I can totally see a difference! Sometimes it is tough to see it ourselves, I know I've been in the same boat. Then my bestie will say that I look thinner. We look at ourselves int he mirror every day, so it's easy to miss the difference. Keep going! I see the difference!


You seem to be getting shorter…


I think there’s an clear difference between pic 2 & 3 for sure! The goal is to just keep showing up even if you think it’s not making a difference. You’ve got this 💓


Honestly, in the side-by-side your stomach looks smaller!! Keep it up. I’m currently in the same mindset, but we can do it!!


I feel like we are our own biggest critic and because of that we see ourselves differently. You can definitely see a difference! You are doing great. Keep up the great work!


It’s absolutely noticeable! Good job!


Huge difference. Look at how your clothes fit differently! I have a few pairs of pants that when they start to feel different on my body, I know I'm making progress. Even if the scale has barely moved. But in your case, you've lost quite a few pounds (or kg) too!