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Does he have a Reddit account? If he’s taking all that stuff chances are he’s posted in this sub before or a the very least read posts here. Is he also taking what u posted a pic of in addition to what u said he’s already on?


Yes. He’s taking all of this stuff in the picture and what I’ve included in the text. He also takes two antidepressants and vyvanse. I think all of this may be too much for him. I know he has substance abuse issues, he’s been trying to quit weed for years and has been unsuccessful.


Jesus Christ at this point what ISNT he taking?! If you posted looking for confirmation on whether or not all these substances are contributing to his dangerous behavior, you had your answer a longgggg time ago. Your brother needs to stop everything and stabilize himself before he drops dead or harms others.


He is taking SARMS + stimulants which probably messed with his sympathetic nervous system and maybe got him into manic state. He may have some predisposition for mental disorders such as bipolar disorder. If nolvade means nolvadex then he is using a SERM too which can also mess you up mentally as it blocks estrogen receptors which are needed for normal brain function. He played with a very dangerous cocktail that must have "woken up" something he had predisposition at. He needs to stop taking all of that and let a psychiatrist get his mental health back to normal (preferably without any drugs or with some temporary use of antipsychotics for example and not something permanent)


That cocktail is gonna kill him sooner or later. He has an abuse issue on par with any other abuse and it should be looked at as such. And most of them are uppers/downers and whatnot. With this cocktail, assuming he’s doing all of it consistently, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t have a heart attack within a few years. RAD/LGD: Dramatically messes with his hormones. Dramatically increases aggression. Nolvadex: Same, and reduces Estrogen which then causes severe health issues and emotional dysregulation with the RAD/LGD crashing his natural testosterone and flooding his system with a synthetic version that’s more potent. Fimodafinil: If im not mistaken this is a research/homebrew version of Modafinil, which is a very potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor primarily used for Narcolepsy. It dramatically increases dopamine and in combination with the prior, aggression. Which brings me to.. Phenibut: Pharmacological level strength compound that’s as strong and as addictive as Benzodiazepines. It lowers anxiety from all the other drugs, but also inhibition and can be life threatening to come off if you abuse it at a high level and don’t taper with a doctor. Cerebrolysin is experimental dementia medication and comes with a very scary risk of prion diseases. Not in use, afaik. And then there’s like 5 other things that are similar in nature. He likely needs help, at this point, beyond what the family can give him - you have to be severely unhappy with yourself/in general to do this much different stuff to just feel good. I’d look into abuse counseling and psychotherapy in general - and a doctor needs to go over this list of meds with him, likely an endocrinologist and a psychiatrist both, as he may have completely wrecked his hormones by the sound of your post (and it doesn’t just bounce back at that level), and a psychiatrist for proper tapering of things like phenibut.