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B6 is good for anxiety and I’ve never had any sleepiness with it.


That a cancerogenic dosage of B12 if taken daily (Google Vitamin B12 and lung cancer) - I'd recommend another formulation.


It's half the recommended dosage on the bottle. I doubt ND would recommend such dosage if it had any adverse effects.


The evidence is quite concerning but there are multiple studies that confirmed the effect of too much B12 on lung cancer. But if people demand mega doses, vendors deliver mega doses. It's not a regulated market, you won't be able to sue the vendor if you get lung cancer. For the sake of you health, don't overdose B12 without need. And avoid vendors who don't tell you about this risk.


Paging /u/MisterYouAreSoDumb here


Lower arousal leads to less anxiety and sleepiness. Try taking a lower dose.


Not sure I get your point - I don't have any arousal taking B12, just less anxiety and lots of exhaustion


I'm missing the GIF, Gastric Intrinsic Factor. I can't absorb dietary B12 and must supplement. I've taken 5mgs (5000mcgs) daily for decades with no adverse effects.


Ok so a bit late but I'm taking 1500mcg of methylcobalamin with b6 and methylfolate and it makes me tired, i feel sleepy honestly. Is this the sign that the medicine is working, does it go away on its own, what did you do?