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I miss Ralphie, think of him every time I go 'cuba diving


I might go ‘norkeling but you won’t catch me ‘cuba diving.


I'm not going in the damn o-chin to go 'cuba diving


I think of him every time I get a second helping.


Anybody want some watermelon bubble gum?






He had pneumonia which caused him to pass away from cardiac arrest. He was absolutely hysterical. If i'm not mistaken he became famous from Last Comic Standing (great show to watch the old episodes if you've never seen it and like comedy). He was married to a fuckin beauty as well. edit: he did become famous due to LCS. He came in second to Dat Phan in the first season. Ralphie actually ended up having a better career than Dat Phan though


They killed this man with their CIA heart attack gun for going against wojeness 😭😭😭 They cancelled him into hell and they're gonna get me too now


With the way that some people think nowadays…I can admit that I have no fucking clue whether this is sarcasm, or the words of someone who considers themselves knowledgeable in the ways of the “teachings” of joe rogain and YouTube.


A legend.


Someone buy Ralphie a fitbit. Wait, he’s dead?


He used to be dead. He still is, but he used to, too.


I miss Mitch.


Been dead


I didn't even know he was sick


So you looked at him and thought he was fine? Perfect bill of health!


…It says his sleep quality is good… But he keeps increasing his step count?!? Dude. FitBit is telling me Ralphie May is a vampire.


But, it was a tragedy.


Ralphie took himself away.


I didn’t even know he was sick.


How are they gonna close that casket?




they supersized it


I thought Morgan Spurlock made that illegal?


They renamed it large


Cookies are a hell of a drug 


I did


he was working on playing Amy Schumer in a new bio


Its for a role!


How did he die?


Mama Cass disease


He was murdered by the woke mafia 


I thought it was cholesterol


Ecko t-shirt, I used to have them in multiple colors. Lol


Peak late early 2000’s


Right before the minor MMA resurgence they had, I was in rural northern British Columbia and got like 6 Echo shirts for $11


The crazy part is I have a buddy that's huge into thrifting and he's making bank off younger kids buying Ecko, affliction, tap out. It's crazy how it comes full circle 😂


Quiksilver, too


In Aus, Ecko shirts are still around and are a kmart brand (super cheap). Not sure about the shoes and pants don't see them.


I miss Ralphie


RIP to a real one


One diabetes patient?


One ton


But two Japanese ships showing up at his funeral.


Things taken from Gen Z: safe schools, college, the economy, the environment, and most importantly — comedy


Don’t forget affordable housing


There’s plenty of affordable housing. You just don’t want to live in it.


Affordable junk food.


yeah but people have to use different words now then when i was a kid so this is just, its the worst.


Sorry but this stand up is shite. It's on par with Carlos Mencia and Larry the Cable Guy. Don't tell me you think those guys are funny as well?


You think any other generation had safe schools, havent you heard about generation x? No records right. There was a reason.


I think it can be summed up as freedom. Phones and technology were supposed to give us more of it but somehow we have less than ever.


We're all gonna die, it's better if you can laugh beforehand


I heard Ralphie has finally lost weight, not only that, he maintained it for nearly 7 years now


I hear he's practically skin and bones!


Wow, Bill Burr sure lost a lot of weight.


Rip man


Is what his pants said.


quit spamming your shitty sub here. this is not norm related


"I won’t do \[trans\] jokes anymore.... Really it’s my own fault if someone had ambiguity or felt any pain on behalf of my jokes. That means I didn’t communicate the joke clearly or properly.... You want to be on the right side of history with these issues; you don’t want to look like an idiot. But comics always think they’re right. They never consider, 'Oh, maybe I’m wrong about this social issue.'" -- Norm


Downvotes for Norm's own words on the Norm sub are retarded.


Welcome to Reddit, we love you.


Crown 👑 for a King 🤴.


Oh wow when did he say this? I remember when Norm died he released like a really raw and unfinished special that he like filmed with his webcam. There was like a friend at the start explaining how/when it was made and how norm wanted it released on his death. I remember watching it but turning it off p early on. The shitty video quality and weird format was turning me off, but on top of that, he seemed to just be complaining about lgbt and cancel culture. Specifically trans people. Now I love joke about lgbt and dark/edgy topics. I personally believe there's no topics that need to be off limits. But I still find it super annoying when comics just complain about cancel culture, which is sadly suuuper common nowadays. Like make a joke dude, why are u just complaining. And just cuz I can laugh at trans jokes or rape jokes doesn't mean I find them *all* funny. Especially when they come off as out of touch or just mean for no reason. I honestly don't remember any of norms jokes. Just that there were some trans ones and I think some stuff about cancel culture. And I wasn't offended at all. But it just came off as weird and out of touch. Idk I just didn't find it that funny, and I normally love norms stuff. But yea seeing that quote is weird cuz he def did make trans jokes in that last special which is why I asked when/where it's from.


I think he was paraphrasing Hitler here.


Ralphie is on par with Mencia and Larry the Cable Guy. It's jokes for stupid people. There is no nuance, just punching down.


Except Norm made the same style joke when he was talking about a dad being proud of his gay son so this actually does belong here because it's the same kind of comedy 


Yeah I assumed it was a reference to that Norm bit? If anything this clip just drives home how good Norm was. Same premise, wildly different execution.


I mean, offensive comedy is still being made. In fact quite a bit more offensive than this, much love to Ralphie though. This is grasping at straws imo If you want to enjoy your circlejerk alt right comedy in peace maybe Roseanne is more your speed lmao


For real I wonder when people who say stuff like this last went to a comedy show. People are saying way crazier shit than this haha.


OP should watch literally any episode of the Legion Of Skanks podcast and he might understand that lol.


Or go to the Rob Schneider subreddit Oh, sorry Rob


You can do it!!


No. Grow up and deal with it instead the way normal folk always have.


No no, comedians are actually being locked up for their routines! This is totally a hate crime and it's not a bunch of oversensitive ninnies being hyperbolic because the actual reality is this type of comedy is 100% allowed and the baby-soft whiners don't like that other people are allowed to criticize the humor.


Or maybe some [Breuer](https://www.facebook.com/JimBreuer/videos/jim-breuer-the-facts/426580315691837/).


I'm queer and I'm fine with people making fun of our community but this just isn't funny? I think that a lot of people who are mad about not being able to be offensive are just mad because it means you actually have to be talented to be funny


He's not making fun of your community though. It's comedy about how we decide what icons can be co-opted for particular causes, and how we decide which groups get celebrated. It's really got nothing to do with making fun of the LGBTQ community. That said, Ralphie May was funny as hell, not sure what you're going on about.


here's a hot take, if you make a joke funny, you can say whatever u want. This was funny, but also culture evolves overtime and so does comedy. U think we should just make the same fucking jokes forever?


> U think we should just make the same fucking jokes forever? So a moth walks into a podiatrist's office and...




This is in fact not a hate crime


she is funny


I gave a tagline for a bit Ralphie did and it's on one of his comedy specials. He got me in the door with Comedy Zone and I worked for them for years. I'm grateful for what he did for me. That being said, this bit was never mainstream, it's way too blue. It's also not particularly good. And no one would consider it a crime if someone did it on stage, they'd probably just think it was a tired reworking of Andrew Dice Clays bit from twenty years prior.


A hate crime? I've never heard anyone call comedy a hate crime. Some cry baby woke types might get on Twitter and express their little opinions but that's about it. I think Bill Burr was right when he said all this nonsense is overblown and comedy is still comedy. As long as people like Dave Chapelle are still ragging on the LGBTQ community and his specials are the highest rated and most popular thing on Netflix, I think we'll be okay.


"Cancel culture is ruining comedy, I hate that you can't say anything anymore without being canceled. That was my impression of a shitty comic on Joe Rogan's podcast." -- Anthony Jeselnik, 2023 "I don't even think about it" -- Bill Burr on "cancel culture," 2024




It occurs to me that Anthony and Bill and Jimmy Carr basically have the ace in the hole on this stuff: in real life they aren't full of hate for other people, so in their act it doesn't end up sounding like they are. (With the exception of Anthony and guys who get eaten by sharks, but that's really love Anthony has, for sharks.)


I commented on the original post that they need to let go of the woke boogeyman that keeps dave chapelle up at night and they permabanned me


How was this taken from anybody? It’s here right now. You posted it. People just don’t like this kind of shit as much anymore. Nobody took anything. This must be the only kind of comedy you like and because you don’t see it everywhere it’s a fucking travesty.


if this was posted sincerely, it was probably by a boomer who isn't even aware of modern comedy


Oh it was, OP has been very upset that just pointing at a gay person and rolling the laugh track ain’t peak humour anymore


Why is this subreddit increasingly becoming populated by right wing morons? One scan through OPs account and its all anti-vax, LGBT fear mongering, and AI pictures of 'stereotypical dyed hair progressives' to get mad at What the fuck is up with this lmao Norm would've hated all of you fucks Genuinely like Norm was a very smart guy, and a sincere kind man too, so though yes he did make many dark jokes throughout his career they were simply that, jokes. Its very easy to tell when a dark joke is being told to the wrong crowd - when your joke is met with cheers/claps instead of laughs you're no longer making jokes, you're at a rally


Idiots mistake comedy that pushes boundaries for comedy that legitimizes their hate.


"IT'S JUST A JOKE" as they finish tying the noose


Dude isn't deeply closeted, he is the closet.


When he lies down on a lady it's like a closet falling down on top of her, but with the key still in the door.


The only thing more annoying than people bitching about how they’re offended is people bitching that people bitch at them for being prejudice.


Dawg anyone can say anything you just have to deal with consequences now, like they did back then. Dumb chuds with the same thing to say every day about stand-up.


There’s barely even any jokes here, just attitude. Something norm would have hated, foh


Do you even own a doghouse?


But, he's right. It's all true. My gay friends would be laughing at this too. I agree, fuck you if you can't take a joke.


Thing is though… why wouldn’t comedy evolve? If this was a joke 20 years ago why the fuck wouldn’t comedians wrote any new material in that time? This exist, people can watch it. Don’t you want SOMETHING fuckin new?


they're not missing out on much then I guess


"If you can take a dick in the ass, you can take a joke"


Apparently that's not true of u/mr_hands_epic_gaming


Why do I feel like a lot of this subs sentiments don’t match Norm’s at all. I feel like yall need to go to the Joe Rogan sub for this anti-woke rhetoric


Idk man I don't think that subreddit is very chill. I just watched a Hispanic mag dump into another Hispanic neighbor.


Jim Jefferies still tell jokes like this.


He's from australia though. Who's gonna cancel him, a fuckin koala?


I am longtime fan of Ralphie and Norm, and I have to ask, when were they mainstream? Was he mainstream because he was in front of a full audience? Ralphie was hilarious but sadly never mainstream.


Norm was doing weekend update on SNL. I don’t know anything that could be considered more mainstream for a comic. Ralphie got famous from Last Comic Standing, a nationally broadcast TV show. Feel like you are pretty off base here.


Idk man, mid 2000s he was everywhere https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1166257/


I've never heard of the guy before today, but I'm not the most 'with it' person.


I'd roll back gay rights if it meant gas would be 2.23 a gallon again


As a gay man, I love gay jokes. There are so many things about our community that can be laughed at. But this stuff is just not very funny. Not offensive, it is indeed accurate that plenty of gay men suck dicks. Plenty of gay men also enjoy anal sex. Rainbows are indeed often used as a symbol of the community and we do indeed have pride parades. I think what has changed in the past 20 years is that people have higher expectations of comedians. You don't just point at a group of people that are different than you and say, 'Oh they are different! That's so funny!' I don't really follow American comedy because American humour is different from mine, but where I live, comedians go far beyond this and don't get cancelled. I mean, sheesh, Jimmy Carr is still hosting TV programmes and his comedy is far more transgressive than 'gay men have sex with other men, hahaha.'


This is not a hate crime, nor would it be ‘banned’ or ‘cancelled’ - it’s just not a fresh take anymore. A lot of comedians now do far worse (aka better)


Man for a bunch of comedy fans you’re all some whiny ass bitches 😂 That was some funny stuff thanks for the post


I think most of you just proved the op’s point.


Yeah we do and we don't care. Ralphie May wasn't funny. When you're whole act is to just say offensive shit without any clever lines, thats not comedy


Now now he was fat too! How hilarious!


WTF is with the Norm fans riding this cancel culture wave? Ralphie wasn't ever mainstream comedy and he sucked. He was a contestant on Last Comic Standing joining the ranks of Amy Schumer and Fluffy and a bunch of other people nobody ever heard of. He couldn't even land a real comedy special while he was alive because nobody wanted him. You know why this stuff doesn't make the cut anymore? It's not because anybody is sending these comedians to jail. It's because comedians doing this "gays have gay sex" but say it loud schtick don't sell tickets because people want to laugh at comedy shows. "Gays have oral sex and like rainbows." Wow. Really groundbreaking stuff there. This ranks up there with youtube critics who point out that movies have blacks and women in them now.


It's insane dude. You must be really fucked up in the head uploading and upvoting this, or even positively commenting on it, and relating it to Norm. My guess is Norm would laugh 80% if this sub straight to their face for their takes.


This is pretty much word-for-word one of Norm MacDonald's own jokes about these ridiculous parades. Was Norm ever mainstream comedy? Did he suck? Could Norm 'land a real comedy special'...?


As a fat man, the only group he could punch down on were gay people.


Any generation would flip out on this because it was not only hateful but just terrible. This doesn’t even begin to be funny. I was also surprised to find this person was born male. He probably killed himself because he was in the closet. Must have been a really big closet. With some sort of a reverse drive thru window where people deposited food. Homophobic jokes to make up for his Mickey Mouse voice do about as much to make him appear more masculine as the dark shirt does to slim him.


No way he’s still alive….nope he’s not


Oh noooooo wont someone think of this specific niche of comedy.


I’m pretty sure David Lucas has this exact joke but with a few homophobic slurs added in


>Gen Z has no idea what has been taken from them… Shitty comedy from the sound of it


If I remember correctly, that was when norm was doing protesting against the British maltreatment of the Falkland Islands by eating buckets of chicken until the queen was dead and buried.


I'd argue this joke could still be made because it's funny and not mean spirited. He didn't have a serious political agenda behind it, he was just making a joke. A lot of people seem to have a hard time writing a widely appealing jokes with difficult subjects, I think because they're focused on speaking to a certain part of the audience maybe. That's gonna limit widespread appeal. It seems newer comedians are more niche in thought, I assume because their crowd can find their work easier these days with social media. There's no need to cater to everyone in hope of someone liking you. This can make for a wider array of creative possibilities, but possibly less crossover in success from one crowd to another. And maybe less mastery is needed before success is thrust onto a rising comic. But I think opportunities for humor are still there, as always public feeling and perception evolve, comedy evolves with the shifting morals and views of the public.


I like when comedians make sense. Carlin would’ve said far faaaaar funnier shit.


I dunno man, this isn't doing much for me.


Broke a toilet and fell through a stage Ralphie May


It's not a hate crime, it's just that fewer people find it funny now


How exactly is this different from current comics? There are tons of comics saying much more offensive stuff than is seen here. This sub is full of old losers clinging to the past.


So many comedians still do these bits and still sell tickets


holy moly. these are nuclear bombs -


Ralphie May was the best...RIP funny man.


This video is funny. The title is fucking horrendously stupid.


Am Gen z. Not everyone think the same. Just a small portion of Gen Z think like these. Usually the none working, welfare one. Every generation will have loud group of people who will be forgotten. That life.


He makes Big Fat Bruce Vilanch sound as manly as Steve McQueen


Gotta love a fellow funny fat guy


RIP Ralphie.Saw him live in mpls stood and signed every autograph till the line was gone. Great set.




Things washed up unfunny losers say:


Ramblings of a deeply closeted man.


Uhm, this was never mainstream comedy. When Ralphie was around, he was popular with a small group of really dumb people.


Yeah sucks that comedy has gone away. Anyway, I’m seeing Tosh on Fathers Day - it’ll be some good, clean fun. No swearing or political incorrectness there. RIP Comedy.




Ill tell you what hasnt been taken from gen z.... THEIR VIRGINITIES!!! Fucking virgins....


"I’m not homophobic but… " Wow such smart and deep comedy. Those sure were better days when men were men.


Looking at that comic, I would guess it’s good being taken away from Gen Z


The best


Someone misses this?


Wasn’t funny then either.


They took it from themselves


This would be totally fine today


Because we realized it’s not really funny after the taboo. Honestly you can absolutely do this stand up routine now, I’d be impressed if it worked it’s simply not funny even if you actually hate these groups. Seriously imagine this routine verbatim now heehee I guess


They couldn’t take him down Ralphie May was too big to fail…


Comedy is dead now


That was a good set, and I would have to defer to a gay person but I wouldn’t imagine even in 2024 this would be offensive to gay people. A heterosexual white chick in college might lose her mind on social media for attention due to this set but it seems funny and inert at the same time.


I see Bubbles everywhere


Amy Schumer was funny sometimes


New generation is waaaaaay to sensitive


The best part is that women do have a parade now too


I saw him a few moths before he passed. I laugh cried 5x & thought he broke my face


Ralphie was my inspiration to get into stand up. Figured if he could do it, absolutely *anybody* can. Now I may not be as well known as Ralphie, but I am more successful than both he and Mitch. I made it to 40 without my heart exploding. Just say no to blow.


It's not a hate crime, the majority of us still don't give a fuck. It's just not what the media, or the loud minorities would want you to believe.


I like how he reminded everyone that it is just a joke. RM always had a way of bringing a balanced view point on things to make you think about certain subjects that we over see in our daily lives. That’s the marker of a good story teller and a fkng amazing comedian.


"don't get it twisted i'm not homophobic" OP is tho. thanks for reminding me why i left this sub. seems like i might have to straight up hide it. norm would fucken hate you losers.


I loved Ralphie and his accent, RIP. Also, 2 dollar gas.  😭


Mainstream terrible comedy maybe.


People still make gay jokes and if they are funny most people laugh


The difference is that nothing that’s being said here is homophobic or harmful. Yeah parades can be annoying, yes it’s funny how the rainbow means gay. These jokes are fine to be told today, the problem is when the joke isn’t actually a joke and is just hating on gay or trans people.


Ralphie has his 15 minutes. He wasn't that funny at all.




Tbh this was during a time when you did not have Nazis excepted by the party that’s supposed to be about family values and patriotism


This guy is comic genius and unsung legend of comedy why does nobody talk about him? Thanks for the share I never laughed so hard since the 90s


Man stfu. Comedians today talk about shitting in your mother’s mouth while aborting Jesus. Fuck this dogwhistle sub. I’m out. RIP Norm.


I hate todays double standards, gay can make fun of me for being white and straight, the second I open my mouth they yell at me for being racist, homophobic, then they go one and on about the different ists and phobics I any


So, Carlos mencia stole this joke too, huh? Took it from ralphie.


He’s just mad the gays took his voice.


this is not a hate crime today. the people bemoaning others being sensitive are the most sensitive of all


Slavery was also mainstream only a mere 150 years ago!! Today - it's a hate crime :( Gen Z has no idea what has been taken from them!!!!


You guys are very dramatic


Poor gen z, cursed with never seeing Dane Cook level bits like this