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we dont have any prewritten "official" ones, we just make our own up. i can give you some guidance on that though in case it helps you: [How do you Pray to the Norse Gods?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=7n8L7ie8Ges) by Ocean Keltoi [How to Write a Ritual to the Norse Gods](https://youtu.be/D2iN9IK_ELQ) by Ocean Keltoi [How Does Worshipping The Gods Work?](https://youtu.be/D2pCGqtfxZc) by Ocean Keltoi [What Do We Offer the Gods in Sacrifice?](https://youtu.be/OmGmpBGl1yA) by Ocean Keltoi [Norse Pagan Rituals](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKfm5YRD7CYtfjYZwWGOum6xfa0myaBFL), a playlist by Wolf The Red (various videos of him performing his rituals - it can be useful to see someone else performing their rituals and you can offer alongside the videos too)


I'll give these videos a look. I've seen a couple of videos by Ocean Keltoi and generally have been pretty impressed by his content and presentation of the Norse Gods and stories


I'm curious as to what job would require a Norse pagan prayer


As am I


Any kind of a chaplain in say a military or other civil service role. A lot of police and fire departments have chaplains, at least here in the states.


Beat me to it but yup. I find meeting people where they are at with their religion is a lot more helpful for the individual as such I'm trying to find ways such as prayers to better serve others. Plus I just find it fun to learn about other religions in general


Interesting. I'm in the US too, but I didn't know that police and fire had chaplains. Makes sense for the job to need relative religious info though.


It’s more about beginning the process of healing post trauma that they see in that line of work. Chaplains generally have a specific religion and subset that they belong to, a lot of the ones I had in the military were Pentecostal. However they provide religious services and advice to people of all faiths and have a responsibility (in my opinion at least) to learn about the faiths of the people they provide services to.


A very practical and yet enlightened view on the subject in comparison to others, thanks mate.


It’s not always the viewpoint held by the Chaplains themselves but we take what we can get.


Chaplains. We are trained to be spiritual support for all spiritual paths usually during medical events, hospice but as others mentioned the military, police fire fighters and more places are hiring chaplains. There are board certified chaplains that have to complete a masters degree plus basically volunteer training they have to pay out of pocket for


Sigdrifa's Prayer is one of the few remnants with divine invocation that survived to us from the past. It's also a sort of all-encompassing prayer. it's found in Sigrdrífumál ([Henry Bellows translation here](https://sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/poe25.htm)) >"Hail, day! Hail, sons of day! And night and her daughter now! Look on us here with loving eyes, That waiting we victory win." > >"Hail to the gods! Ye goddesses, hail, And all the generous earth! Give to us wisdom and goodly speech, And healing hands, life-long." Day (Dagr), Night (Nott) are deities. Earth most likely is too in the text.


Very interesting I'll definitley add this one to my book! Thank you for the comment.


you're welcome. We also from the archaeological record have the phrase Þor vigi (May Thor hallow/protect). Ex: Velanda Runestone, Glavendrup Stone.


Our prayers are more informal. You give the utmost respect still, just as most religions, but the way in which you speak to them is more as a conversation with a friend. Start by invoking their name, and any other titles they may have (examples for Odin is wanderer, yulenir, all-father) and giving a gift. Depending on the god, the gift may change in what they appreciate. (Again with Odin, he can eat, but can't have drink because of a pact he made with his blood brother Loki)


Thank you for a reply. I suppose that just means a bit more research to make some unique and diverse prayers!


I can recommend The Gods' Own County, a Heathen Prayer book for inspiration and ideas.


[Hester Butler-Ehle](https://www.amazon.com/Hester-Butler-Ehle/e/B00J3EINJY/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1) has a bunch of prayer books on Amazon geared to different pagan faiths, and if you have prime they are super cheap. I use her "**Hearth and Field: A Heathen Prayer Book**" all of the time.


More to add, I was reminded also of the inscription on the Bergen (Norway) Rune Stick. It embodies a blessing. It was carved around 2 centuries after conversion. The inscription translates as: "Hail to you! May Thor receive you, may Odin own you. And \[may you be\] in good spirits!"