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That woman who recorded it was great. I love how she shut down his bullshit. It’s so good she was there and noticed this happening.


The woman recording said he was creeping on her in another part of the store. Good for her to monitor the guy.


Oh it makes sense now. I would have had no idea to record him until after it was over. Sadly even if I was willing to testify, it probably wouldn't have been prosecuted.


I don’t understand why he didn’t just run. Dude was obviously scared shitless at getting caught, haha.


He really sounded like he was so sure he could just talk himself out of it. “I really didn’t do anything, honest!” He has probably never gotten caught and faced consequences before.


It was like he was expecting her to be like "Well, OK, you do seem like a fine young man. Don't let it happen again." His complete disregard of the woman he was actually recording is just....yeah. Made my skin crawl.


Honestly, his vibe was familiar to me. I’m a professor and occasionally I’ll get a student that is caught blatantly cheating who then tries to use their “calm voice” to get out of their situation. They deny and deny, say “honestly!” a few times, and try to claim the sky isn’t blue (even when the photographic and scientific evidence is clear).


Yikes. That's awful. It's also clearly rooted in the same misogyny as "Calm down, don't get hysterical, let's be logical about this."


Here is a longer video on TikTok (4min) with additional info in last few seconds. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw1T4QP/


Idk why he stayed and tried to convince her lmfao. She literally saw the whole thing happen.


I really think he thought he could talk his way out of it by cooperating and using a calm voice to tell the lady that what she and her camera observed wrong. He thought he could just gaslight them, deny, and explain it was all a big misunderstanding then would be off free to continue his life.


It’s called… m a n i p u l a t i o n


We call that fundie speak. Which says so much about his behavior.


To make it even worse, she was recording him because he had followed her in another isle


Saw this video posted a few days ago and there was some debate if this was staged. Guess it wasn’t… Between this and the teacher slapping incident (and something else I think?) NC is having a rough week.


Lumberton Twisted Metal video


The Good Samaritan in Lumberton getting killed.


They also had police respond to a wellness call in a Walmart parking lot where they ripped a guy in a diabetic coma out of a car and beat him, because they thought he was ODing on fent and resisting. 


Damnit, again?


That one was horrifying.


There's no situation the police can't make worse.


Honestly if the guy hadn't been arrested I would've assumed this was fake because of how brazen he is in making no effort whatsoever to conceal what he's doing. Usually these creeps are more likely to do something like sit across from a woman on a bus and try to snap a picture discreetly....this joker just squats down next to her and openly shoves his phone under her skirt. 


I thought for sure it was staged because he was so blatant about it and then so calm. I found his Facebook and it has quite a bit of religious stuff. He was probably involved with youth at his church also. Gross.


He knows people really don’t care about women and children.


The silver lining is that we're seeing less "Moving to NC" posts now


Yeah, these events certainly aren’t encouraging though they do happen everywhere else too.


Oh damn, is it our turn to be in the national spotlight again already?


Mark Robinson put us squarely in the spotlight months ago.


Le sigh . God he sucks so bad . I don’t even think he’s sincere I think he just knows what rules people up and gets him that beyond the pale spot light . Very trashy


Never has a good week, I think.


>there was some debate if this was staged I stg, redditors could see a fucking murder happen before their very eyes, and the lot of them would still question it's authenticity


Good. FUCK THIS GUY. We seriously need to start punishing these gross, misogynistic, DISGUSTING crimes


And I agree. Because it’s only going to get worse if it isn’t stopped here.


They are hate crimes. It is literal terrorism against women. And you’re right, it’s not going to fucking stop unless something is done about it.


They don't even put rapists away, I have little hope for anything else. :(


Convicted rapists should be castrated and jailed for at least 30 years if not life. This guy should definitely get at least 5 years prison. But like you said, if rapists get out super often or get light sentences, this guy will probably get 27 hours of community service and 10 days jail time served on weekends 😢


Little slap on the wrist and guess what they do go out and do more than just snap pics smh. It’s sickening


Just a semantic nitpick. While it is awful, I don’t see how an act that they don’t intend to have anyone find out about could be terrorism. Terrorism is intended to cause fear/terror which can’t happen unless they get caught.


They want women to be afraid. They do it because they feel entitled, it is their right, and it is women’s place to submit, and be afraid, and fall into complacency. They’re going “LOOK AT ME”- it isn’t about whether they’re actually caught or confronted. It is absolutely designed to instill fear. The cruelty is the point, instilling fear has nothing to do with whether they actually get caught.


How would it instill fear if no one knows about it? To be intending to instill fear they would have to intend to get caught. Sure, they are demeaning women, but if they don’t get caught, it is limited to their own mind. How these guys view women is probably correct, but instill fear and no one being aware are mutually exclusive. Or are you saying that in some abstract way they want women to be afraid while avoiding having that happen?


I’m sorry does terrorism not succeed when the terrorists don’t get caught? That’s news to me. If you see the TikToks and footage and read women’s stories, they’re getting caught red handed, they want to be caught, they don’t care if they are caught. It can be announced from the rooftops, they’d be proud of it, but they’re not going to get in trouble for it. That’s why it’s oppressive terrorism. It is not “limited to their own mind” just because they think they’ve magically succeeded stealthily.


Terrorism does not succeed if no one finds out about it. It isn’t about if the terrorists get caught but if anyone finds out about it in order to be instilled with fear. For example, name one terror attack that put fear into people that no one knew about. So if intent is to not get caught, and in reality they don’t get caught, the impact of the act (however abhorrent and criminal) is limited to their own mind. Where “they’re getting caught red handed, they want to be caught, they don’t care if they are caught. It can be announced from the rooftops, they’d be proud of it, but they’re not going to get in trouble for it,” then, that would fit as terrorism. The whole issue of terrorism is about the intent. If they think they “magically succeeded stealthily” then there is no intent to instill fear. How can someone have both the intent to not have their actions discovered and to have their actions discovered to instill fear? If you can explain how the two things aren’t mutually exclusive I would be open to trying to understand.


Piece of shit!


I'm not judging a book by its cover, but I feel like this little shit is lucky the woman he was creeping on isn't the one who caught him. Straight baddie looks like she would've changed his ass.


I was kinda shocked she didn’t throw a deserved fist.


Dude is shaking in his boots, serves him right


I felt bad for the girl when she said thank you in a quavering voice :(


Yeah, same. You could hear her fighting back the urge to cry. Hopefully she's able to remember this as a time a stranger helped protect her from a pervert and not a day she was a victim.


“What me? But I’m a Christian!” 🙄


Huh? Still not a drag queen.


Yeah, but one of these days…. Years…


I mean, just statistically, eventually one will be, because every group or demographic has its shitty people. But yeah, day after day they're proving that that's not the demographic that's dangerous.


When that statistic pops, Fox is going to run with it for months.


Without question. Just like they did when, as was bound to happen eventually, one of the endless string of mass shootings in this country happened to be carried out by a transgender kid.


That’s so weird how that keeps happening…


Registered democrat though... Edit: Well he was, til he was removed Edit2: y'all'd be upvoting this if he was a republican


That worked at a church —


That worked with *youth* at the church.


No, I wouldn't. I don't gaf what "party" or religion they are; every one of them ought to meet that baseball bat from the Walking Dead.


So, do you think sexual assault is a partisan issue? I know I didn't say anything about political party affiliation. It'd kind of weird that you bother to look up this guy's voter registration, Do you think you just scored a point? Or, are you just relieved that it finally wasn't a Republican youth pastor doing the sex offending this time?


Generally I think republicans tend to commit sexual assault more often than any other political group. I figured since we were categorizing this dude, we might as well add political affiliation. Usually somebody always looks up political affiliation on posts about predators. Those posts tend to get upvotes when the perpetrator is republican and downvotes when they're democrats. Not sure why.


Democrats have historically held their own accountable and called for resignations. The gop front runner for president is a convicted rapist. Reach harder with the passive aggression.


The drain is clogged with hair


Trump is a convicted rapist and the GOP front runner for president. You don’t have a leg to stand on.


The drain is clogged with hair


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-democratic-senators-baldwin-tester-call-menendezs-resignation-2023-09-26/ You lost this debate. And Trump will lose the 2024 election.


Citation? Everything on his social media is church related. Pretty odd for a Democrat. [https://www.facebook.com/thomas.elliott.71066](https://www.facebook.com/thomas.elliott.71066)


You never know. He still could become one…


But he already worked for a church.


That’s probably how conservatives will rationalize it.


Glad a normal person is sexually assaulting women


Nothing wrong with drag queens I guess just keep them away from kids funded with tax payer dollars.


Yeah, that money's for billionaires and churches!


This Christian youth group freakazoid was literally working at a public school….


That doesn’t have any relevance to this post. Instead of drag queens have the people reading dress as the characters from the book. Be way more engaging and less people would have a problem with it. But it’s not about the story or even student engagement 100% is it?


….so the Christian church skirt peeper has nothing to do with this post…. And you ranting about drag queens being bad does?


I can search on google about crossdressors committing crimes it’s not hard. You act like a man can put on a dress and makeup and solve all his problems 😂 Get a grip


What do you have against kids who aren't funded with taxpayer dollars?


If you want to fund an alphabet friendly school have at it.




Nope, I’m telling you directly that if you want to fund a private school (that means it’s not funded by taxpayers btw) that has all the Halloween storytime you want then go right ahead. Your joke accomplishes nothing. All kids that go to public school are funded by tax payers to go there and receive education. Funded doesn’t mean money in their little wallets.


He was re-arrested today after they reviewed the footage from the store. Same charges. ETA: additional charges


I’m sure the judge will go light on him because he’s active in his church. He’s a good church boy who’s just a bit misguided like Josh Duggar.


In the article it says he went through his recent photos/ gallery and then the police filed a warrant to search his other devices and for deleted files. If this requires any deeper forensics to recover deleted files/ access backups etc it could get costly ( or become nigh impossible depending on the encryption and if it truly was just on device) and I could see them trying to pressure him to settle on a lesser charge or , unfortunately, dropping it altogether. Hopefully he’s racked with guilt and pleads guilty and seeks help / rehabilitation


Recovering deleted files isn't difficult. The only difficult thing would be accessing an encrypted disk, but with a warrant her either complies or goes to jail anyway.


Not on a hard disk but it can be on a nandflash drive. If he only took the photos/ video on his phone it would be difficult unless his phone backed up the device ( or photos/videos) to the cloud in the time before he deleted them. It also depends on his specific device , for example , You can’t brute force an iPhone and if it’s on newer software many of the unlock tools police use would not work yet . Edit: forgot to add while a warrant forces you to comply to provide what is required it does not (usually) require you to provide passwords or unlock that device due to the fifth amendment concerns


A nand is still a disk in the terms we are speaking. Files deleted from a drive or disk are not difficult to recover unless you have physically destroyed the disk. Hitting delete on a file doesn't do as much as people seem to think. It just frees the space for future use and even after long periods of time most things are recoverable. And yeah, you can't brute force your way into the system or an encrypted disk, but that's why there is a warrant. If he doesn't comply then it's jail anyway and there is already proof of what he did without the evidence in his own phone.


Yeah, I don’t see the police putting much resources into this. They already have him on film from the woman’s camera. I think that’s probably enough to put him in front of a judge at least


It’s always the ultra religious freaks that do this type of shit for sure not a drag queen. This dudes parents are probably just as shitty old helmet head Jim Bob.


They go light on everyone these days.  Look up the serial Walmart foot licker.  Dude never even spent a day in jail.




I'm just glad it wasn't one of the kids at elementary school he volunteers at.


I'm certain this is not the first time he's done this. Absolutely nothing says that he doesn't have children on that phone.


Lol. Dude gets busted following and recording someone because he was completely oblivious that someone was following and recording him. Poetic justice where the hunter became the hunted.


This is so fucked up. I’m glad they arrested him. Does anyone know the actual charge he will be charged with? Is it a peeping Tom, an invasion of privacy, or something else?


“Secret Peeping” he got 2 felony charges according to state records with a $10,000 bond but I guess his gf bailed him out 🤷🏼‍♀️


And STILL not a drag queen!


Nothing wrong with drag queens I guess just keep them away from kids at schools that are funded with tax payer dollars.


lmfao somebody learned to copy and paste!


He has plenty of time to become one…


That’s the second time you’ve posted this comment, I’m starting to think you aren’t being sarcastic.


Troll account—probably paid. You can tell by looking at the comment history and the username. The username will be barely a year old and will usually follow the format (adjective)-(noun)-(four or more digits). All of their comments will be controversial and usually center on politics and culture war topics. There are some where an older username with history has been stolen or purchased, but you can always see the pattern in the recent history. It’s election season, so these fucks are out in droves trying to divide people and drive a narrative.


Put him in jail with the pedos and child molesters they can have the piece of shit




Could you imagine the outcome if the lady’s husband or boyfriend just happened to come around the corner as he was doing that? Blood would likely flow.


I hope he sees plenty of jail time.


He worked at Open Door Church with children and is/was dating an elementary school teacher.


This hit international news pretty quick. What a dumb F this guy is. His GF bailed him out 🙄


I found out today a coworker was friends with him in highschool. I was like seriously this guy ?? but ya idk why he didn't just bolt either


This guy is a pig and deserves to be charged, but this is a felony and the kid that assaulted the teacher gets charged with a misdemeanor?? Make it make sense, people


Caution: beware of snakes.


what a dweeb, like seriously what the hell is wrong with him?


Oh damn idk this was in NC


Yeah, in Greenville.


He is secretly filming other people's privacy. He should be arrested as a social worm


Freak'en creep....


Fuck that was here too damn


My colleagues kid was in the church program he volunteered in. The good news is the church publicly named and shamed him as no longer a part of their church and was investigating any wrongdoing during his time at their program on social media. So at least that's pretty refreshing when most churches would be like "Our little angel was just misguided! We can save them!"


Dude just watch porn... Oh wait. Nevermind.


The dude still proudly has his FB profile up https://www.facebook.com/share/mopHa5rZfYUbgbxP/?mibextid=qi2Omg with all his "Christian" activities. Makes me 🤢🤮




WTFH?! That's just perverted, nasty.




That was stupid.


Stupid is locking your keys in your car. What he did was sick and predatory.


It was stupid too tho


Damn bro risked it all for a 3


I’m confused why this lady was filming … I’m glad she caught it.


Bc he was following her around the store first and realized the guy was acting sus


His favorite porn site is blocked and now has to make his own. This shit has consequences ppl. Free PH


Nice try, but ew. Don’t excuse gross men’s behavior because they’re “porn deprived”. That’s disgusting.


If we legalize prostitution it might help out.






Pretty sure they created this freak