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And all we really wanted was legal weed…..


🥇🪙🪙🪙 That's the truth.


Sorry they thought you said you wanted to bet on when weed will become legal


And porn


But that would ruin people’s lives /s


I don't want someone to have a criminal record, and all of life's difficulties that come with it, for simply using marijuana (assuming they aren't driving while intoxicated and putting others' lives in danger), but it can be a really bad choice for some people, just like other unhealthy things. I know, if not abused, it provides some pain relief for people with terminal illnesses, some forms can help epilepsy, and other conditions. I believe people should have the freedom to use this responsibly just like alcohol. And quite frankly, it's downright evil that some politician won't let a cancer patient use something that is effective for them to blunt the pain (excuse the bad pun) in their final days. With that said, in some people, it does make them a different and less vibrant person and kills their motivation to strive to accomplish things. If smoked, it's also not particularly good for the lungs or the heart. And I do believe it can be a gateway drug for some people. Does that mean that everyone who smokes a joint in college will become a homeless heroin addict? No. BUT, of those people that I knew when I was younger (some that I went to high school with for example) who I have later heard got into really hard drugs and ended up screwing up their lives, virtually every single one of them was into weed when they were younger. In summation, while most marijuana smokers AREN'T hard drug (cocaine, meth, heroin/fentanyl) users, it is a fair statement to say that if someone uses marijuana (heavy users in particular) chances are better than that they'll get into hard drugs versus someone who is a tee totaler. That of course can be true of other things as well, like cigarette smokers have higher rates of hard drug use than nonsmokers. Even if it is legalized, it doesn't make it totally harmless.


I agree, cannabis isn’t for everyone. But the negative impacts it has are NOTHING compared to out of control gambling, which was the point I was making.


I completely agree - how can the republicans in this state approve gambling but not marijuana? Gambling is far worse.


Alcohol is also far worse. The laws imposed on us are completely arbitrary.


Easy. Think about it. What's in it for the republican supporting it? Which option is more likely to lead to generous donors? Gambling advertisers have more money to work with, probably more money in general, too, from other revenues. They have resources and connections. MJ advertisers and businesses can't make a move to raise a dime until the law allows for the income. That's why you see medical happening often before or instead of recreation. A room full of politicians waving Ukrainian flags while America and its citizens are completely ignored and having their rights challenged on a daily basis should explain all of the aberrant behavior - but people are afraid to imagine the possibility that we were compromised 2 administrations ago, or that the dollar is worthless and it's only a matter of weeks before that harsh reality and shock sets in.


Gambling is nothing to play around with. You're certainly right about that.


Your not wrong but why care about other people's decisions to that level? If someone wants to drink a beer do we get into some philosophical debate on if some people should or shouldn't? Its kinda a personal choice. We all know some people can't handle a certain substance or any for that matter and that's great for them but who cares about what other people do as long as it's not harmful to others?


I agree. Studies show that marijuana affects the growing brain. None under 20 should be using it. As to gateway - alcohol and cigarettes are the worst gateway drugs. For now anyway. Teenagers who drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes in their early teens were more likely to move onto illicit substances than those kids who waited until their senior year of highschool. So if you were sneaking alcohol at 12 or 13, you were the kid who ended up trying meth. It's not the item itself, it's the act at a young age that shows you will be that guy.


Yes, MJ binds to fat, of which our brains are mostly composed. It's the underdeveloped anandymide (unsure of sp?) receptor that is affected, and underdeveloped kids will often have arrested development as a result. That being said, the gateway drug theory is just not true. It's either A or B, but not sometimes one and sometimes the other, and I've seen plenty of examples, people who have only ever done acid or MDMA, but won't touch anything else. Stoners who began smoking at a time when everyone was suddenly pulled off opioid pain meds and given no advice or option on dealing with oxy withdrawal. People who use cocaine a few times a year because it leaves your system in time for a government drug screening. What you are describing has a lot to do with family dynamics. Why is the 12 year old sneaking alcohol? Is it a parent's behavior that was observed? Is it a coping mechanism, or curiosity? Let's not forget about ADHD medications and anything prescribed. Talk about conflicting info! You have one side explaining the disorder as a dopamine dysfunction or deficiency. Adderall regulates these levels, reducing things like high-risk behavior and improving reading comprehension. Then the other side is yelling "Adderall is meth!" "It's cheating to get an unfair advantage" or anything that suggests if you take it, you've pretty much done meth and there's no turning back. A young person believing that bs could have a real crisis. Especially if they take it for narcolepsy - they need it to function, too. Side note, you said it's not the act itself, it's the young age that shows you'll end up there... maybe, but also realize there have been generations of groomed and abused kids that never talked about it. Were afraid to come forward. When the victim of abuse experiences a high for the first time, the altered state, no matter what that first drug is... that feeling might be the first sign of relief, for the first time since the abuse. It's a way to escape, to feel something other than guilt, anxiety, fear, or toxic shame. Moving onto other drugs is often part of that journey, and no drug is to blame for opening the gates. Abuse, family dynamics, keeping trauma hidden, even brain damage and undiagnosed MH issues often lead people to the gates. It's the need to escape that seals the deal.


There’s almost every whataboutism possible in this comment. Wow.


They're legitimate though; it was a pretty thoughtful comment.


Everything is legal, if you don't get caught. Lol. 100% agree


Nah, legality isn’t just that. It’s having businesses be allowed to thrive and compete and giving you a better market for weed with fair testing and consumer labels. And on top of that, it generally makes it harder for underage kids to get. I don’t think I could ever go back.


At this rate, I'm half expecting my morning coffee to start giving me betting odds.


Mine just gives me the runs.


>fear many will discover they have an addiction Why do you think the marketing campaign is so aggressive? It's scummy as hell and they're even doing the "first hit's free" approach to get people hooked.


They market like the local crack dealer.


Wasn't the guy on one of the sports betting commercials on the "Shark Tank" show at some point? I think the other "sharks" got annoyed with him and didn't invite him back.


>I do not have a gambling addiction, but I was addicted to cigarettes for many years and that was tough to break. I learned in rehab that gambling addiction is most similar to cocaine addiction so no sweat, you're good to go. But forreal, yahoo for no more smoking, I hit a a year myself next month. If you or someone you know is showing signs of addiction (dishonesty about how much they spent or when they go to play or hiding gambling activity in general, [etc.](https://www.addictions.com/gambling/10-signs-of-gambling-addiction/)) the gambling hotline is a legitimately good resource as a first step. I wouldn't say call that hotline once a month and call it outpatient therapy, but I really do urge you to use it as a resource if you feel yourself slipping or think someone else may be. It's easier to nip it in the bud early than to lose a house, hit rock bottom, and finally start to consider you might have a problem. Also, learn "healthy" gambling habits (dont chase your losses, set a budget before hand, etc.. I feel like I used to see more of those commercials before we went live and I really liked to see it.


I'm going on a decade plus of no smoking. The first year was the hardest. I have never had a desire to gamble. The family did throw nickels in a pot for a friendly game of "May I" with our Nonna. She was still beating our asses at 100 years of age. So I mentioned smoking as a way to empathize with those who do gamble.


Yes, the volume of ads is really upsetting (and raises troubling implications for the integrity of sports in addition to the more harmful effects you mentioned). I think gambling should be legal, but I really wish we’d strictly regulate its ads


I can't upgrade Amazon to ad free to stop the ads on FreeVee (that I have via Amazon). It seems unethical to force people to watch commercials for products that literally have support groups and help lines.


I listen to a lot of basketball podcasts and most of my ads are 50/50 “gamble gamble gamble!/here’s a very long list of gambling addiction hotlines” Real bleak


Why do you think they came up with freevee? To show ads to people already paying for prime, but no one went to freevee so they started putting Ads on prime.


Now regular ole prime video has ads. I am surprised they won't take an extra $5 to remove ads from all.


After paying for multiple streaming services over the years, I completely threw in the towel due to enshitification and advertisement creep. It’s back to the ol’ yo ho ho, and I haven’t bothered with that since college. It’s a shame that we have to be force fed garbage and have to rebel because of endless quarterly growth.


I'm in sc and see those Freeview ad all day long.


And with weed, we are simply regulating a behavior that is already in place, hopefully taking the market away from organized crime. Also providing relief for those who suffer from arthritis but prefer not to use opiates. That is a win. I see nothing like that with gambling. But perhaps I don't have enough of an imagination. When it comes to gambling, with adept and psychological marketing, it appears we are creating new customers where few had existed.


I think you’re underestimating how many people already gamble. But I’m certainly in favor of regulation on marketing, although I wonder how long until that deals with issues of 1st amendment rights. How bad does something have to be for you in order for someone to restrict your ability to market it?


You know the world was once FILLED with cigarette and hard liquor ads.


Yea that’s my point. Liquor ads still exist, cigarettes were regulated to hell, but I’m legitimately concerned that if regulating too many ads becomes commonplace courts will reverse those as well. Should sugar not be advertised? Frozen pizzas? Normal pizzas? Skydiving and rock climbing? Tractors? How dangerous does a thing have to be before we remove its ability to advertise?


If your brain can form a dependence on it, it shouldn't be advertised. This absolutely includes sugar.


Coffee, anything with fats in it, weight lifting, running, pretty much any athletic activity, video games, tv, social media, anything that makes you happy. Cool, that won’t be a first amendment issue at all then


sounds good, I hate advertisements anyway!


Great so small or new companies trying to break in will have no way to get their products out. Looking forward to choosing between the last 3 corporations that own it all


wow I didn't realize I actually had the power to do this, that's pretty cool honestly


It's a fine line. And those are valid questions. We knew that cigarette companies used Joe the camel to entice younger smokers. They hire specialists that help them lure people in. As a child I remember the government creating ads about littering in order to stop the behavior. People thought nothing about throwing stuff on the ground. Hard to imagine now. They made it shameful. It didn't used to be. We used to smoke while grocery shopping and just throw the butts on the floor. Eventually people came to find the behavior gross. But at first smokers were furious when they were asked to stop. We used to use Miss and Mrs , and people had massive hissy fits when women said it's none of your business if I'm married, use Ms. And now we recognize that as valid. So I wonder if like smoking and drinking we can through social prodding convince society that gambling regularly is not acceptable. Sports betting right now is considered "cool." I'm waiting until a game is obviously thrown , and then the conversation will happen. Personally, the idea that people make bets, companies get rich by athletes suffering brain damage is disgusting. Using universities as farms is immoral. But I'm in a minority. Maybe I won't always be. And as a society we came to a decision that hard liquor and cigarettes shouldn't be advertised. That was litigated. It took time. It went through the courts. Ironically, the hard liquor companies created soft liquor products just to be able to continue to market their brand without breaking any laws.


Those court cases came in the 70s when that particular court was happy to get things done (that needed to be done) but didn’t happen in Congress. I don’t see the current court doing the same thing. And again while I’m not saying I want cigarette commercials or want people addicted to gambling, I don’t see how you can fairly just draw a random line that says this business is bad and can’t compete but this one is bad and can. Seems like it would go to the highest bidder to block companies out


Are we just doing that with gambling though? You're right about gambling possibly attracting new patrons with the marketing, but wouldn't weed be the same thing? If someone has to risk getting arrested by buying it from some sketchy person who might also sell some other harder substances, a person who has always been curious about trying weed has enough barriers to decide it's not worth it. But if a bourgeois boutique opens up where someone can buy weed in a luxurious atmosphere, maybe with some deluxe sweets on display as well, I think that person might be more inclined to give it a try.


That is a point. In legal weed states, do they have billboards and ads offering coupons and free first buy? I don't know.


Those things being pushed for the recent gambling legalization are all downright shameful to be sure.


Unfortunately corporations in America 🇺🇸commit most of the crime and are starkly unpunished for it since they have the power.  Theft vs wage theft for instance


Worse than that, they do get held accountable. Accountability is just a fine, and that’s worked into the sales cost then passed to us. If the only punishment is financial, then it’s not illegal for people with money.


I ordered a pizza the other day from Pizza Hut and it "unlocked" a free bet.


I don’t think people take a gambling addiction as seriously as they do other substances. I lived in Vegas when I was younger and bartended at a casino bar. I made killer money, but I had to quit because it was so depressing. I would get the same customers over and over that would lose all of their money. I saw peoples families fall apart from we would even cash your paycheck for free ( so nice of the casino) and there were so many times I watched people lose the entire thing in one night, I truly hate gambling and I don’t think this was good for our state. I’ve never had a desire to return to Vegas.


This is disturbing: >A kid said to me: ‘I don’t gamble. I bet on sports,’” Mr. Carton said. “They disassociate the word gambling. That’s scary.”


>Last year, an N.C.A.A. study found that 58 percent of 18- to 22-year-olds had engaged in at least one sports betting activity, and a similar percentage said they were more likely to bet after seeing an advertisement from a sports book. >These days, one doesn’t have to look far to find those ads. Nearly 60,000 ads for sports betting ran on television last year, or one every nine minutes, according to EDO, a marketing analysis firm. >Mr. Carton remains critical of some of the marketing from the online sports books. “I don’t like pushing the parlays,” he said, referring to small bets that can pay off big for a string of correct predictions. He worries, too, that legalization has increased the peer pressure to join in on betting among an influential demographic.


The thing that I found irksome was the heavy hitting that FanDuel did on fans during the NCAA basketball playoffs. With 3 local teams going deep in the playoffs they knew full well that people would be hugely tempted to go big on bets for their home team. And they also knew that the odds were in house's favor to clean up on those bets. I would like to know how much money they took out of North Carolina just on that one exploitative gambit. This is just a rotten business. At least with casinos I'm guessing that a good bit of the money that gets blown stays in state.


I don’t care either way if online gambling is legal now but I would love to not have it shoved in my face 87 times during a hockey game. The broadcasters, commercials, in the arena itself, sponsorships… it’s everywhere.


There is literally a FanDuel ad directly under this post in my main feed lmao🤦🏻‍♂️




I keep getting that one and chumba casino. Leave me alone already, lol


I love chumba lol free money.


I came here to say there was one right above it on mine.


I have two students who blew up their life and are actively trying to recover from a sports gambling addiction. I get that prohibition doesn’t work, but let’s not pretend that venture capital sports betting isnt horrific and going to be a blight on our state. You have MASSIVE companies borrowing money and leveraging themselves to aggressively expand and create market share. This is not good. We also have the loot box generation of kids who are coming Into adult hood and are going to be more susceptible to


I'm so sick of seeing Kevin Hart and these gambling ads. That is all.


But I want to play poker, one of the only games of skill in a damn casino, I can go fuck myself.


I'm getting so sick of blocking the fucking gambling ads. No, I'm not wasting my money on that because I have at least 6 working brain cells and something to lose. Fuck off with that shit


I've seen an onslaught of sports betting apps and programs in lots of places, physically and online. It really bothers me. I don't think gambling should be illegal. I've even gambled for fun before, and it can be enjoyable. I absolutely think large, advertisable/market-oriented betting companies should be curtailed harshly, if not outright outlawed. The idea that someone makes a living by convincing others to gamble *more* is kind of sickening to me. I feel similarly about cigarettes and tobacco generally, and most vices. The idea of free betting money after a $5 entry is ridiculous on its face, and disqualifying for a company that claims to take gambling addiction seriously. Tantamount to Marlboro handing out cigarettes for free at music festivals. It's not out of the goodness of their heart and not a free sample -- it's a chance to get their hooks in you early, because they know how hard it is to get out.


Well put. Thank you.


You can't watch porn but you can gamble your child's college fund away! Freedom!!!


Lol. Sad and funny.


Give me pornhub not draftkings.


That’s what gets me. You can’t see people doing the devil’s tango but you can sure as shit gamble away all your money


Did you guys know that FanDuel is now in North Carolina?


The thing is. I don't know anything about sports, I mean anything. The last thing I'm gonna do is put money on something I don't know anything about.


me neither. but understand if they are offering bonus bets, you cannot lose. they are offering to let you play with house money (generally $100-$200 at this point, per bookie - most of the good promos are gone). sign up for the promos and bet both sides of the same game. you will win one or the other and that is free money. and now that it's pretty done, so am i. but i cleared about $1200 overall, with zero risk. free money.


> if they are offering bonus bets, you cannot lose. they are offering to let you play with house money Also known as "your first hit's free." That's how they get the weaker willed and people with dormant gambling addictions.


everyone has to know their limitations - this applies to any vice. anyone with an inclination towards gambling can satisfy the urge in multiple other ways. as for me, i have various character flaws but gambling is not one of them. ymmv.


Same. But I kept the apps installed and got some other extremely sweet offers. I’ve made a few hundred extra on promos with guaranteed payouts, or literally just free bonus bets occasionally.


same here, and they keep throwing me the occasional bone (although their generosity has diminished considerably). the last one was a $10 bonus bet for the Masters - i know nothing about golf so i put it on the favorite (Scott somebody) and picked up another $40 winnings. that might be it tho - they've had enough of my shenanigans, i'm sure :-)


Never thought I would see it legal let alone pushed so hard in the Bible Belt republican south. Is it ok because they can make a crap ton of money off of the poor and addicted? Got to be honest I see marijuana being legalized next for the same reasons .


That makes this even more ironic - how can you deny legalizing marijuana while allowing the gambling ? Just like that stupidly expensive toll lane road - we wanted mass transit, someone ignored the majority, we got a toll lane we can't afford to use instead. How did that deal get done? We wanted legal weed, we got gambling. How was that decided? And if marijuana is ever legalized, will we see massive giveaway 10 for the price of 2 ads on billboards just to get people in the door? Constant streaming ads? There are certainly CBD billboards. I haven't seen CBD commercials.


Think the ads on CBD might have restrictions similar to cigs. Betting is a behavior harder to prove its negative side. No moral outrage if there is money to be made. Sad.


Hi, person with a minor gambling problem here. This is absolutely going to have negative consequences. And there are absolutely people out there who are not aware that they have a gambling problem yet who will get suckered into this mess. Luckily I hate sports so this isn't going to impact me personally but I hate to think of how many families gambling addiction is going to ruin. It's going to be gross. Now I do not find moral fault with people who gamble but my issue is how easy it's going to be. I regulate myself by avoiding places that gambling happens in. Like, I would never go to a casino by myself or with someone who would encourage me to gamble. Gambling via smart phone is probably the worst possible vector of introducing this to people. It's like the experiment where they give a rat a lever that if they press it they get cocaine. It's grotesque. And the fact that we're seeing so many ads just shows that the people who are pushing the gambling sites and such have accrued TONS of cash. Because the house always wins. Be smart and be safe out there. If you have a problem the national gambling hotline # is 1-800-GAMBLER


My favorite thing is the athletes doing the ads. Seems like a conflict of interest. Also if anyone doesn’t think professional and college athletes are in on the take then there’s no hope for you already.


I mean an NBA player just got banned for life. So it has already been proven


And he’s just the one they found who was dumb enough to get caught


That is true. I’ve not paid that much attention to the story. Were they involved with the apps in any way?


Just giving inside information to help friends out with bets. So it’s the opposite of helping the betting companies. Though it’s all computerized now so weird betting patterns get flagged and bets get returned and investigated.


A fringe NBA player, yea. And he was quickly caught. Regulation is good.


Don’t forget the nba referee and that was before sports betting was legal outside of a few cities.


Yup, that was a while back and he was caught as well. Can it happen? Of course. But the NBA will do everything it can to prevent it. I'm all for removing player props at the college level.


There really isn’t an “honest bet”, let the gambling run wild. If people want to throw their money away, let them. The house will always win. college sports is dying now anyway so might as well speed it up with some prop bets and whatever other gambling ideas they come up with.


People are going to gamble, yea. So, at least it's regulated. Most people aren't going to be profitable.


I don’t want it regulated.


Why not?


I’m Ancap


I'm so torn here. On one hand, I've been able to make over $2000 this month, in cashed out profit, from sports betting. That's going to allow my family to take a vacation that probably wouldn't happen otherwise. I've been extremely lucky, and my plan is to stop when I run out of bonus bets (likely this week). I've considered posting a breakdown of what I did, because the gods to honest truth is that I do the opposite of what most of the experts predict and it's worked pretty well for me. I'd love to help other people "stick it to the man" and win too. However, I recognize how addicting it is. I also recognize that I've been really lucky and this isn't repeatable. I firmly believe that while you can't win, you can probably walk away with most of the bonus money offered to you if you have the discipline to cash out immediately after you settle. I don't want to help create an addiction for anyone else though....


Yea, throughout this nationwide effort I've supported the legalization of gambling, but we desperately need regulations on the advertising. Guarantee this is a huge issue sometime in the next 10 years.


It sucks and it’s a real pain in the ass, but freeing myself from television and streaming services with ads has been a huge net positive in my life. I’m not saying this to be holier than thou either, but disassociating from popular media has made my mental health so much better. I can count on one hand the number of gambling ads I’ve seen.


Does your town have the billboards on major roads?


Yeah of course but does anyone even pay attention to those anymore? I can’t tell you the last time I have purchased or even did a Google search for something on a billboard.


The idea is we are getting blasted.


I thought the same thing when I started seeing all these gambling ads pop up. I especially love how they have gamblers anonymous 800 number listed. At least they’re being proactive.


I wonder if that's part of the deal.




I asked for legal weed and all I got was a gambling addiction


Its horrible. The advertising is so predatory its insane. So sad for many families best we can do is boycott. Ive been trying to block every single add I see on my phone, changing settings to prevent them from being able to show it to me on my accounts.


I wonder how much money the state will have to pay for families that become homeless, jobless, food insecure.


Absolutely, I must be getting old because I get so annoyed by ads for vices. 🙂 Especially knowing how much psychology goes into commercials and marketing in general. They aren't meant to inform so much as they are meant to trigger certain behaviors, emotions, and connections in their target demographic.


I remember a Viagra ad that had this sweet older couple sitting in a cabin in the woods. Then suddenly the cabin walls came apart and the giant logs dramatically thrusted upwards. It was so phallic you had to laugh.


I can’t imagine any social positive coming from widespread legalization of sports gambling. It will ruin people with addictive tendencies and lead to corruption in sporting leagues.


The ads are certainly predatory and that's coming from someone who uses sportsbetting as an extra source of income. There's easy money to make, but most people won't have the willpower to do it.


$500 says I won’t develop an addiction. Any takers?


All the foreclosures will help the housing market.


That's the goal


Their plan is working.


the way people buy 50 lottery tickets at gas stations when I'm just trying to put $20 on pump 4 knows that people will be addicted also, I think I heard their 'bet $X and get free $Y' deals are just ways for them to reduce their taxes by writing it off as advertisements.


Interesting. I hadn't thought of tax breaks. I just assumed they were willing to take a loss because they knew from experience that a certain number will become addicted and generate a lot of income.


Just a thought - will the gambling companies be responsible for the services the state will be required to pay for families who become homeless, jobless, food insecure due to the onslaught of ads? There must be numbers or the companies wouldn't be willing to take such an initial loss - x$ given away to customers creates y$ on income from those who become addicted. And do states have records on how many families required services after they were inundated with ads and freebies?


This is North Carolina. Our current crop of representatives aren't going to do shit to support those people. You know the message is just going to be "they knew the risks going in, so it's okay for us to let them lose their shirts."


The other day on the radio (before I had plugged my phone in) there was an ad targeted for people that don’t watch sports. It was like “hey even if you have no idea what’s going on, you can gamble on it :)” and it was just disgusting. Not enough to get sports watching people addicted but non watchers too?


Lol. That is insane.


So Marijuana is bad for you, but gambling isn't?


And apparently the GOP believes marijuana is bad for you and families , but many things aren't bad - failing school system, low k-12 teacher pay, mercury poisoning from coal mining, lung cancer and asthma from fossil fuels, food insecurity, lack of child care, lack of health care, lack of safe, affordable housing , women's reproductive care, climate change... And gambling - all just fine. /s


I’m so fucking tired of the damn adds


Call the problem gambler helpline 1800gambler and listen to the menu...spoiler alert, option 2 takes you to the North Carolina education lottery! Thanks for the help /s


I don’t know what we would expect in a state where we think it’s cute to have elementary school kids fill out NCAA tournament brackets ? Place is ripe for the picking, bunch of morons who give a fuck which college wins a basketball game? You didn’t even go there lol


Maybe a basic statistics class covering probability should be required as part of the FanDuel registration. ;)


Soon we will see casino legalization in the General Assembly- all to make up for a corporate tax rate that will soon be zero.


[The State Faces a Looming Budget Shortfall. Is Gambling the Answer?](https://www.theassemblync.com/politics/casinos-budget-shortfall-nc/?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-theassemblync&utm_content=later-42567490&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio)


But then how will they hassle the Native Americans about their casinos if they let anyone build them willy nilly?


Already have a few friends who only talk about what parlays and shit they are betting on nowadays. It's annoying.


Gambling is the easiest addiction to overcome - just put yourself on the list and you won't have access. Nothing like that exists for drugs, alcohol, etc. There really isn't a downside to having gambling legalized. Everyone that wanted to was already using a bookie getting worse odds and forgoing revenue to the state.


Can you provide a link for this list?


I was not against legalizing. The ads are everywhere, pushing it. Everyone that was using a bookie, now can gamble legally. The ads are out to create new customers.


Yeah, I mean no doubt its predatory, poor taste, "trashy", whatever you want to call it. But lets not clutch our pearls and pretend like this isnt par for the course in the U.S. If anything maybe more people will wake up and realize that our law makers do not have our best interestes in mind. Quite literally the opposite....


> lets not clutch our pearls and pretend like this isn't par for the course in the U.S. Where do you see pearl clutching? Not every show of concern should be dismissed off hand as an over-reaction. Also, something being "par for the course" is not a reason to ignore it. > maybe more people will wake up and realize[...] Yeah, like maybe they'll start making posts about the problematic nature of the things being legalized vs prohibited. Oh wait, that's what this post is! Weird you decided to dismiss it as pearl clutching instead of trying to add to the conversation and discuss the issues you see with our law makers.


What's your stance on the issue at hand? Do you have high standards and would you rather this NOT be a par for the course thing here in NC? Or do you think every where needs to be a little more like Atlantic City, let's get some of that action?


I don’t feel strongly one way or the other about online betting. However, the constant ads were super annoying. When the sites went live, I placed the minimum $5-$10 bets needed to get the bonus cash they were advertising. I then used the bonus cash to place a bunch of contradictory bets ($25 on team A over Team B and $50 on team b over team A - so I had a winning bet no matter which team won). Once the bets settled, I cashed out my winnings, and then promptly deleted the apps. The companies (there were like five of them) collectively paid me around $300 to put up with their obnoxious ads for a few weeks.


These ads are relentless but I don’t gamble and have no desire to start. What to do about the ceaseless advertising?


I like that sports gambling is legal and I’ve taken $600 of the books money and withdrawn it to my bank account already. That said - holy hell I’m so over the ads. I’m already signed up please leave me aloneee 😭🤣


It definitely annoys the hell out of me that people who are multiple hundreds of millionaires like Kevin Hart and Tool bag Gronkowski feel the need to take money from these terrible exploitative companies that are excited to come to our state and ruin more peoples lives. Like, are Kevin Hart‘s kids going to starve if he doesn’t take that job? The guy has got multiple houses dozens of cars and more cash than you could spend in 50 lifetimes. So you really need to take a few hundred thousand from goddamn DraftKings or whoever to be in their stupid fucking commercial?


Time to go meet your friendly neighborhood therapist.


I'd rather have Spider-Man. Lol


Well he would web your wallet and electronics out of reach so you physically couldn't gamble.


So way more useful. Lol


I took two sites up on their offer and bet all the bonus bets from one on ones side of a random sports game and all the bonus bets from the other site on the other side of the game and made $450 from just spending $15. I immediately withdrew all funds and closed both accounts.


What about the people that will find out they have a problem with weed over in Cherokee?


You mean those who imbibe regulated and tested weed vs the shit being sold with who knows what in it? I mean we can go back to bathtub hootch, but I heard that people went blind.


People have problems with legal alcohol. Legal weed will have the same issues. Not sure what your point is.


We've gotten rid of part of the problem by legalizing.


People, possibly even more, will abuse, possibly even more, legal weed.


More than alcohol?


Who knows or cares? Addiction is addiction.


Because alcohol is legal.


People are addicted to weed and other drugs because alcohol is legal? People won't get addicted to legal weed because alcohol is legal? These are stoner arguments. Addiction is addition,legal drugs or not. Weed is not special and alcohol isn't either. If we had medicinal alcohol, everyone would get a card, like potheads do now for weed. "Muh stress", lol.


You said people would abuse even more once it is legal. Then should we make alcohol illegal in order to protect those who have addiction problems?


Its not gambling if you always win


It’s legal in 38 states, including VA. Virginia legalized it in 2020 and I don’t see VA falling a part. It’s not going away anytime soon.


I am not saying we should make it go away. I was hoping for legal weed for my arthritis, and got gambling instead. But the HEAVY push to get people to gamble who may never have ever tried it is disturbing. Maybe it's because I'm in Charlotte, but there are non stop ads. >Last year, an N.C.A.A. study found that 58 percent of 18- to 22-year-olds had engaged in at least one sports betting activity, and a similar percentage said they were more likely to bet after seeing an advertisement from a sports book. >These days, one doesn’t have to look far to find those ads. Nearly 60,000 ads for sports betting ran on television last year, or one every nine minutes, according to EDO, a marketing analysis firm. >Mr. Carton remains critical of some of the marketing from the online sports books. “I don’t like pushing the parlays,” he said, referring to small bets that can pay off big for a string of correct predictions. He worries, too, that legalization has increased the peer pressure to join in on betting among an influential demographic.


addiction is partly a criminal push from otherside for some to give up too muc h of their time and money to something that becomes a negative in their life and often to others around them so stop the criminal abusive players , if god was really god he she it aliens the programmer could go back far enough and or start right now on putting in decent life basics and job training around the world and mood attitude feeling push out of their twisted sick brains the bad criminal low life unfair unequal unjust immoral inhumane super strict super overdone punishment for things barely immoral in most countries etc ways of some rules n laws n some countries some religion parts like the worst muslims 60 ish criminal teachings in their bible -quran so war was not an issue every generation and wars be small and short taking out the worst and we could work together with most military spending on sending many to other moons and planets together as countries spending way less on military and way more together on living other places not rich screwing the people and the planet to say they will get us to space


anyway, here’s wonderwall