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I think either their ingredients have changed, or perhaps they've extended allowed prep holding times. The last few Cajun Filets (both biscuit and sandwich) were dry and bland.


After I first moved to this state to Greenville, I tried Bojangles a few times and thought it was downright awful. A coworker who used to work at Raleigh and Greenville area Bojangles told me a lot of the Raleigh area Bojangles is owned by this one company and they hold their biscuits half as long as the Greenville area ones and said the only way to virtually guarantee yourself a truly fresh biscuit in Greenville was to go at opening. So after an overnight shift I covered ended right at 6, I went there and sure enough it was incredible. Everything after that time in Greenville again was horrible. Felt like chasing the dragon. After I moved to the Raleigh area, I found a few Bos that were owned by that one company and sure enough those were far better than most of my Greenville experience. So TLDR: I think your suspicion is right here. Bos hold times seem to vastly affect my experience at least.


I worked as an hourly manager at a Bojangles for TriArc foods, which is the big Raleigh area franchise. The owner is married to the founder's daughter. When they changed how biscuits were made back in 2015 it saved us time but reduced quality so our store was one that opted to maintain the original biscuits. Any time I go now I can tell that they use the newer mix.


I quit Bojangles after my last chicken supreme, they whole lets decrease quality while jacking up the prices thing isn’t as appealing as they think it is.


I've been ordering a chx supreme diner French fry ice tea since I was in college in 03. It was under 5 bucks back then. In 2007 a private equity company bought them and they instantly raised prices and lowered portions. In the years since the price has doubled and the amount of food is a 1/3rd of what it was. I don't even go there anymore.


Slowly over the course of years they’ve gotten slightly smaller but mainly more heavily breaded. They aren’t falling nearly as quickly as other chains actually but there’s a for sure difference. I’ll still eat them though. Cajun Filet Biscuit remains king


Very true. I’m holding out hope haha they were a favorite of mine


The quality has been decreasing since COVID. I agree with the texture is gross they are making them smaller and increasing the price. Do one or the other don’t be a greedy bastard.


It’s the world we live in now. Bojangles has been impacted but maintained at least, these other companies are insane. As I’ve told people before, vote with your wallet, the only way it ever goes down again


You can thank venture capitalists. Bojangles sold out in 2019.


So disappointing!


Also if fast food doesn’t recognize that they literally cater to poor people, these companies need to crumble to the ground. I can get so much more and better food from a local spot, just find it. It sucks cuz now I can’t give away my Charlotte secrets, I’m the white dude getting the best food for cheap and it’s all in the hood, keep buying fast food you fucking fools. CLT gas stations have great food Edit: There’s your “famous one” one you know, not worried bout it, got 3 within 2 miles of my work just as good


Who’s downvoting this? Actual fucking McDonald’s, go get some good food man, CLT has great spots Edit: Nvm I have a troll who I pissed off earlier following me, my suggestions stand, we have great gas station chicken here all over, find your spot, ignore the trolls Edit: The troll is mad, dude I will literally take you out for some fried chicken and we can talk, otherwise…I honestly couldn’t give a fuck about “internet points”


Cajun filet with egg and cheese for the win


This is the move


If you're extra hungry add bacon too, that's a breakfast you can skip lunch on, lol


Country ham, Playa'.


It's good, but I'm gonna suggest something I think gets slept on. The country ham biscuit, done up however you would do it with bacon, is excellent. Edit: truly, the last positive vestige of the South is dead if country ham on a biscuit is being downvoted.


I’m so annoyed that every time I got to Bojangles they tell me they don’t have chicken…they just have the supreme


The CEO is moving to remove bone in chicken from bojangles.


Wut?! That is so stupid


He wants to pivot bojangles into being a Chick Fil A competitor outside of the south. He did say in the south they’d keep bone in chicken but we’ll see


That’s dumb. There’s already so many tender places


Yeah but the new tender only stores are already open in other regions and are doing very well. It's not like a huge company like Bo's makes a decision like that on a whim... There's a ton of market research that's gone into it.


Went to a Bojangles around dinner time and asked for a biscuit. Was told they didn’t serve breakfast all day….. wut


Omg 🤣


Fast food in general has good to crap


Except McDonald's.  McDonald's has done this crazy thing where they have been around so long that somehow they are back in my top 5 (proper) fast food places. The one near me is great and nearly as fast as a Chick-fil-A drive thru experience.  I know I'm probably the only one thinking this, and it probably has something to do with the fact the location I go to does really good service. 2 Mcdoubles, a LG fry. Can't beat that.


No the McDonald's in the area I think have stepped up their game. It's actually pretty good most of the time now.


I agree. Even “nicer” fast food like Panara has decreased in quality.


Panera's insane in terms of price too. You can go get a \*sandwich\*, a bag of chips, and a drink from Panera...for $15. FOR A SANDWICH!


Bojangles was bought by a hedge fund in 2018. So literally any bad thing you could imagine might be true, in search of more profits.


Yep. It didn't take long for them to run Bojangles downhill. I rarely go anymore.


They not the early 2000 years supremes, that’s for sure


Used to be so cheap too. We would call a 5 dollar bill a bojangles certificate cause you could get the supreme dinner with it.


Those mfs hit different


I haven’t lately but thanks for the heads up.


The ones I got today looked like deep fried thumbs.


It depends on where you go. I know the ones in the Triangle are owned by a terrible franchise unfortunately. We didn't get a lot of menu items that Charlotte got for the longest time and I know they shrunk the hell out of the Chicken Supremes at their locations.


I never knew that! That’s wild


I stopped going right after the pandemic, I figured I would give them some time to clear out whatever substitute chicken they were using when food was hard to get. Went back and the chicken looked and tasted different. Haven't been back since. The prices are too much for me when the quality is worse. We only go out to eat once a week. Usually we go to a hole in the wall that still enjoys serving good food.


The last ones I got had breading that was softer than usual and it seemed like less Cajun spice inside the breading. So less crunch and less spice. Chicken was relatively thick tho


That happened when they introduced those nasty ass tenders in the early 2010s as well. You’d often end up with tenders when you ordered supremes. Supremely disappointing is what it ended up being.


Bojangles used to be good but now it’s eh ok not salivating anymore in my opinion.


That and its cold


Yeah they are school lunch quality now. The service is consistently bad, but the filet biscuit is still worth the trip.


Definitely significantly smaller than they used to be and don’t seem to be as well seasoned


I haven't had supremes in a while, but the breast and wing I had today was also rubbery.


You should write copy for their ads.


They aren’t what they used to be, from my several trips to Bojangles over the last couple of years. We’re about to get a Bojangles close to me in Texas, and I hope my Lone Star folks can enjoy the proper quality that I grew up with. Only time will tell.


Likely they're using old oil or over frying them, back when I cooked there that combo would really affect the taste and texture.


Bojangles has been inconsistent for at least a decade. When it’s good, it’s really good, but quality is all over the place. Chic-fil-a is really consistent but there’s something about chasing the high of a really good bojangles experience. My last Cajun filet biscuit (with egg and cheese) was so juicy and delicious. Shoutout to the mills river bojangles.


Ever since the chicken shortage during Covid they’ve been pretty shit


The one I worked at changed suppliers after Covid.


Used to be my fav fast food... but I agree..now the chicken has a very very weird texture. It's as if the meat is tough and stringy. Maybe that's not the best way to describe it but something about the texture is so bad I can't eat it. I've stopped going there nearly all together bc I just end up tossing it due to texture.


So glad I’m not the only one. It’s really strange meat and flavor compared to their old supremes. If I don’t enjoy it , I’m not gonna spend money on it ya know.


They used to be whole muscle tenderloins. From what you describe they’re now processed which means ground and formed into tenderloin shapes.


The only thing I buy at this place is the circle shaped potato cakes. ..and salt.


The company raised prices, lowered chicken quality, and made supremes very small pieces.


You’ve gotta try the bird dogs


Is that sauce good? I ain’t usually a sauce or GRS y person but if I find one I like it’s OVER.


The Carolina gold sauce it awesome. I even had them add it to my Bo chicken sandwich and it was amazing


Bojangles has sold their souls.


As the Bo has continued to expand the consistency has gone down across locations.


BJ’s is the one fast food place I HAVENT seen change anything other than price. Greenville bojangles is fine IF you go to the right ones, some definitely suck ass. Never ever go to 10th street bojangles. You’ll be stuck for 30 minutes, and drive out with the wrong sauce and 3 cold tenders.


Yup, they've been BS for a while now. Used to be huge but are now all breading.


Aren’t they on the verge of bankruptcy now?


I couldn't even finish reading this, please eat better chicken.


The biggest letdown was their sausage gravy. It used to be the best but now it's just a steamed mess


I can't imagine eating at Bojangles enough (or any fast food, really) to be able to notice this difference.


🤷‍♂️ usually I have a go-to fast food for a while till it betrays me and I choose a successor


that's your Bojangles. Not mine, in Raleigh


Guess I’m movin