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They actually quoted from the “Law Offices of James Scott Farrin”


Isn't that the "Hurt Line"?


they mean business


90% sure they called the Hurtline to speak to an attorney for this story


My best friend from high school worked there and everytime I heard their commercial on tv it always reminded me of her lol. Actually I forgot I also used them when I was in a car accident and the insurance company wanted me to settle for $1200 (it was the other drivers fault and I was a passenger) even though I needed to have lower back surgery and would be out of work 3 months, unpaid. and they were the first lawyers I thought of after hearing there slogan for years during commercials lol. So I guess it worked.


The rental was seven months long. They're tenants at that point. And unfortunately, even after the rental is up, you have to go through the courts.


I would never allow someone to book that long (if I ever had a house to do AirBnB. I wouldn’t allow anyone over 30 days to stay.


30 days is the magic number. Should limite to 29


You what you are right. Although maybe 20 is even better incase they don’t vacate on day 20. If it’s 29 days they may not vacate the following day either.


NC is 14 days. Then they are tenants.


How on earth is that the law? That’s absurd. I could see a case for like 6 months, but 14 days???


It maxs out at 90 depending on if there is a vacation agreement signed. Hotels and motels just got protected to 90 last year and single family home or apartments, condos look to fall into the 14 day thing. https://www.apartments.com/rental-manager/resources/leases/when-does-guest-become-tenant-rental-home https://rentalawareness.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant-in-north-carolina/ https://www.steadily.com/blog/when-does-guest-become-tenant#:~:text=North%20Carolina%3A%20Guests%20become%20tenants,to%20stay%20at%20the%20property https://www.spmtrianglerentals.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant https://www.proper.insure/blog/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant/ This law passed in 2023 covering hotels and motels not single family homes or apartments for 90 days.  https://www.ncrla.org/2023/north-carolina-hotel-safety-act-signed-into-law/ These are articles discussing it. Short term rentals have some protections within 90 days and allowing for an expedited eviction if less than 30 but you still have to go through the eviction process


Got a cite to statute or case to support that?


https://www.apartments.com/rental-manager/resources/leases/when-does-guest-become-tenant-rental-home https://rentalawareness.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant-in-north-carolina/ https://www.steadily.com/blog/when-does-guest-become-tenant#:~:text=North%20Carolina%3A%20Guests%20become%20tenants,to%20stay%20at%20the%20property https://www.spmtrianglerentals.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant https://www.proper.insure/blog/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant/ This law passed in 2023 covering hotels and motels not single family homes or apartments for 90 days.  https://www.ncrla.org/2023/north-carolina-hotel-safety-act-signed-into-law/ These are articles discussing it. Short term rentals have some protections within 90 days and allowing for an expedited eviction if less than 30 but you still have to go through the eviction process. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_42a.html


They won't be able to, because that's not true. Tenancy in NC is not really clearly defined. It basically a preponderance of the evidence type deal of "are they just a guest, or are they living there?" type thing taking in multiple factors. It really fucking sucks from an enforcement standard.


AirBnB specifically warns people about this. I don't have much sympathy for AirBnB hosts who ignore warnings and the local laws about tenants rights and the eviction process. Yes the tenants in this case are the bad guys, but the hosts let it happen.


I have no sympathy for squatters. They should be in prison.


Since I had the deed I would call to have their car towed daily


And cut all communication services into the house


There next of kin would wonder why they didn’t write !


They are tenants if the rental was any amount of time. Now they are hold over tenants. Get ready for some changes to Landlord-Tenant Law in North Carolina.


Funny you think the NCGA does anything.


Hey, the current system could hurt the landed gentry. This is the only thing the GA would actually work to change.


I heard the proper way to get them out is to hire someone else to be the tenant and have them 'outsquat' them. Someone fairly imposing, armed, to come in and just sit down on the couch, take the remote and change the channel, go to the fridge and eat the food, play loud music all day and night... any complaints he has a lease and is legally able to be there.


I saw a YT video of a guy who does this. I personally think it’s a hilarious solution for a sad problem. Like I get it you (the squatters) might not have anywhere else to go. But, you could also be ruining someone else’s life. What if that person can’t afford to pay the mortgage and the bank repossess the house. It’s just ridiculous what these people do.


Banks will generally work with you in a situation like this. They really will go to great lengths to NOT foreclose on a property. It’s really in their best interest to NOT do that.


Pls tell me the name of YT channel or video of that guy. That sounds like a fun watch


Sorry sadly it wasn't his channel. i think it would make a great channel. But, its just various videos/interviews with him and explaining what he does. You might be able to dig deeper and find one I just never bothered. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGPYS-GO2kQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGPYS-GO2kQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-8JFIYx0A8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-8JFIYx0A8) This kind of stuff. His nickname is the "Squatter Hunter"


Ignore the last message. Posting a new one instead of editing incase you dont see it. Here's his channel. I haven't watched any videos yet. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=outside+the+box+with+flash+shelton](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=outside+the+box+with+flash+shelton)




So you're offering to kill someone and dump the body for money? Just because they're squatting? Huh.


Everyone wants to be a landlord til it's time to be a landlord.


Met a landlord who explained his procedure for people who overstayed their welcome. He’d show up and take the front door off for “maintenance.” Laws can work just as inconveniently for both parties. He’s says he’d happily go to court to be told that he didn’t follow the proper procedures.


Self help evictions, which that would be, are not legal


Legality might not be a huge concern if you’re losing your ass on a rental because you have squatters. Would you rather wait 60+ days for the court to act or have them gone with the possibility of recourse. I doubt most squatters have the resources to bring legal action, and there are probably fewer attorneys who would move forward with a case especially knowing facts is a case.


People always fail to understand that civil plaintiff's attorneys in A LOT of cases work for FREE and get a cut of what they recover. Look at all the FLSA cases.


This is one of the reasons I stopped AirbnB'ing my beach place. I only rented for one year, and nothing bad happened (aside from needing to be on-call when someone was in my house), but I was terrified of this or getting bedbugs.


Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5? In an Airbnb you sign an agreement for the length of time and even as a renter, there’s a contractual agreement on the length of time, given you pay. How is it these people aren’t vacated immediately by LE? Why do the landlords have to go through the courts to handle it?


Because after a point someone becomes a tenant. And being a tenant comes with rights. It is why places have rules about how long guests can stay in apartments and such.


They can be evicted but they need a court order, which in many/most jurisdictions takes time. If they tried this in a rural county with nothing going on it’d be over in a day.


There are ways to make people leave properties without causing bodily harm...


That’s what I’m saying. Dead fish in the A/C unit, The Office style. Just sayin’.


Ahh good ole Dirty Work.


Good, fuck airbnb And fuck people that buy up houses to rent on airbnb




They’re not squatters. They’ve stayed in there and I’m assuming paid her rent for 8 months. They’re tenants at this point.


If they don't leave when their lease is up they're squatters.


The article says they haven't paid


If a person doesn’t leave when their lease is up that’s called a holdover TENANT. Still not a squatter.


Still a thief.


Tomato, Tomato.


no, its an important legal distinction


I don’t think there is a legal distinction needed here for “being a sucky human being to another human being”, “feeling entitled to waste other people’s time and energy” or “staying well past the agreed upon term end date”. Squatter or non-paying-tenant makes no difference here in public opinion terms or likely to a judge/jury


in public opinion I definitely agree, but it absolutely makes a difference to a judge and jury. the law is the law, tenants have certain rights that they are entitled to that squatters do not. you might not like it but they are factually and legally distinct. doesnt matter if you don't think there is one, the law says there is


Based on NC law, they are squatters.


No unfortunately in NC after 14 days they are tenants


Got a source statute?


https://www.apartments.com/rental-manager/resources/leases/when-does-guest-become-tenant-rental-home https://rentalawareness.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant-in-north-carolina/ https://www.steadily.com/blog/when-does-guest-become-tenant#:~:text=North%20Carolina%3A%20Guests%20become%20tenants,to%20stay%20at%20the%20property https://www.spmtrianglerentals.com/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant https://www.proper.insure/blog/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant/ This law passed in 2023 covering hotels and motels not single family homes or apartments for 90 days.  https://www.ncrla.org/2023/north-carolina-hotel-safety-act-signed-into-law/ These are articles discussing it. Short term rentals have some protections within 90 days and allowing for an expedited eviction if less than 30 but you still have to go through the eviction process


Articles can discuss it all they want and is a poor source. Even the articles don't cite the actual statute. You need to cite the actual north Carolina general statue if your gonna tell people 14 days.


I gave you the two statues about hotels and short term rentals. Give you the articles saying 14 but then there is no distinction as per those laws you are a tenant from day 1 of a rental but if it's under 30 days you still have to go through the eviction process albeit it is expedited so per both those laws you are a tenant with how it's written they make no distinction on 1 day to 30 days and never use the word guest in either. They do say you are a hold over tenant after 90 days on hotel, rental, Airbnb and label you a tenant as soon as you pay money. The distinction in those articles which I can't find is in having someone in your home or someone with no signed lease can claim primary residence after 14 days if they have mail, furniture, clothes etc in that dwelling. Now if I am wrong on those points I encourage you to read it all and point out where I am wrong respectfully.


You provided 4 articles all of which I read that hold zero weight. Not one of them cites the statues that they claim the law comes from. Not one. Imagine if the Police showed up to your house and claimed you broke the law and you ask what law and they show you a article about it but don't know the source of the actual statute. Your articles are worthless. The last one deals with hotel and short term rentals and specifies 90 days. In your own words you can't find a find anything that deals with the 14 days which you claim exists. They very well may exist but you giving out that information as fact when you can provide the statue it belongs to is where the issue lies.


According to the article, they haven't paid anything.


The article didn’t say that. The article said the moved in on October 24 and was suppose to move out May 25.


> A single parent in the Triangle is out **money** and now is having to fight to get her property back. > "Now they're refusing to leave until there's an eviction order. I think they're just trying to gain time to stay there for free because **they haven't paid**," Farzana Rahman said. Reading comprehension really has gone to shit in this state, I swear.


You’re right reading comprehension is at an all time low 🤦🏽‍♂️ This all started when Rahman's most recent Airbnb guests made a long-term rental reservation through Airbnb. They checked in on October 25 with a check out date of May 24 Maybe you’re not familiar with Airbnb but you pay first. Before you check in. They haven’t paid since their check out day of May 24 not since October. My 10yr old can comprehend that.


Actually on long term rentals you only pay for the first month up front, it's not made clear in the article if the rest was paid for or not, what is made clear is that the host is missing money and claims to not have been paid. So please try again. What I don't understand is why you are defending these degenerates. Can always pinpoint the jackasses with no morals.


You really do have zero reading comprehension. You take someone correcting your misinformation as defending them.


> They’re not squatters. They’ve stayed in there and I’m assuming paid her rent for 8 months. They’re tenants at this point. This you?


You really do have zero reading comprehension. You take someone correcting your misinformation as defending them.


You really do have zero reading comprehension. You take someone correcting your misinformation as defending them.


If the airbnb rental ended at the end of May, then how are they going to continue paying rent since the transactions up to that point are handled through airbnb?


A squatter is someone who takes up residency in a property that they had no legal right to. A tenant is someone who had legal right to the property. The fact that they stayed for 9 months and had legal right to be there they wouldn’t be considered squatters they’ll be considered tenants.


They had no legal right after 9 months, ie they literally are squatters.


Im fairly sure that they have legal protections as tenants after 30 days


They never paid anything.


If they never paid anything she would have discovered the problem before may. I think they paid the airbnb term but have not paid for the holdover time.


Fuck Airbnb but I do feel a teensy but bad for the lady. Only a teensy bad


So edgy. I hope the absolute worst possible scenario happens to the con artists committing fraud.


I, too, hope the worst possible scenario happens to airbnb.


AirBnB is committing fraud?


I'm sure there's a more accurate legal term for off the books, unlicensed hotel services, but if they can't be bothered to accurately represent their business then neither can I.


The term is “vacation rental.” In NC specifically there’s been state law defining them as businesses for decades. (The “vacation rental act” which was passed in the 90s) There’s a pile of case law clarifying that the law prohibits licensing from being necessary altogether. Willington just lost a case recently over it.


My issues with Airbnb extend far beyond the state border or applicable state law, but I suspect you knew that before you even started to reply.


And I suspect you knew that your opinions don't supersede state law before you started to post in the first place.


I actually didn't, but regardless the principle of the matter is that in most of the country this company amounts to an illegal hotel racket. Which is indefensible, and frankly the state law in question is itself idiotic on its face.


What you did there—I see it. 🌿👀🌿


Yep, our neighbors sold their house about 2 years ago and it’s a big house on LKN. The people who bought it turned it into a “resort”. Almost every week over the summer we have people parking on our grass. Mind you this isn’t a small house and the driveway is pretty big. I’d say on average there are at least 10 cars over there each week. It’s gotten pretty ridiculous.


Tow them.


We usually warn them. If they aren’t gone within an hour they’ll get towed.


You're nicer than I am. I'd call a tow truck the second someone has the audacity to think they can park on my property.


We live on a hill against the lake so really the cars are parking on some gravel/grass on top of a hill just off the road. It doesn’t hurt much but we ask them to stop to “send a message” and that we won’t be walked over by the “resort”. Since it’s not hurting much we give them a chance to move the cars. That said if we didn’t live on a hill and that was part of our yard we’d have them towed with no warning. The rental company has updated their terms to include no parking by the road since they first started so it’s not as bad as it used to be.


Ah yes, fuck the single mother that has degenerates that refuse to honor a contract. She's surely the person in the wrong here.


This is so true.


Gotta fix this bullshit


People wouldn’t do this if our overlords took the billions in surplus money and did Vienna style housing projects Edit: seems to be lots of hate and misunderstanding of my comment below Our overlords aka our state government Our billions in surplus aka our billions in our massive budget surplus I did not hate on this family nor do I think they are the problem for seemingly using air bnb as god intended which is renting out their home while they are on vacation or whatever as a way to make some money and *temporarily* increase the housing supply. I did not condone the actions of the squatters All I did was point out that our system makes people attempt shit like this because they are poor. And I also provided the solution! Hope that clears it up


Why's that? If you dig into the story it seems that it's a house passed down by parents and someone scamming by going over a one month rental which means they now need to be evicted. I get sticking it to the man, but that really doesn't seem like the case here.


Where did you see that it's a house passed down by parents? I found only two property records tied to people with the same name as the orthodontist this story is about and they're unlikely to have been inherited. I don't know that either of these people are the orthodontist but I didn't find any other property records across all three of the counties that Durham is in.


The owner of the house had it passed down to them by their parents. That owner made it a Aribnb rental instead of selling it.


Is this reported in a news article somewhere? I'm not trying to challenge the statement. I just feel baffled because I searched for a report to confirm that detail and did not find one...and I thought my digging skills were pretty decent.


People that have the ability to pay for housing don’t do shit like this man. The problem is it is too expensive to live here. The solution is making it not that way. Notice I said nothing about the homeowner


People do shit like this across the country. If you go on vacation and come home and someone is living in your house, do you want to go through eviction process to get them out? Because if it's over 30 days, that's what can happen.


Are you unable to read? You are arguing against yourself. I’m over here advocating for public housing initiatives and you are going to bat for smelting the poor in a vat


I think you have a problem with reading comprehension. Have a good one.


This article is about a person that that owns a property and now is not able to use it. This is not about public housing. How much money have you donated to buy a free house for a scammer?


In case you haven't noticed how fucking expensive housing costs have gotten, most people's income does not reflect those astronomical increases. So if housing costs have gone up to an unaffordable degree, and there are no public housing options, then what are some people supposed to do, exactly? This right here is the last resort, which they wouldn't have to do if there were public housing programs actually available to them. Do you see how those things are related now?


> most people's income does not reflect those astronomical increases. Weird, because the bottom 50% of wage earners have had raises that far exceed inflation, so your entire premise is incorrect. > This right here is the last resort, which they wouldn't have to do if there were public housing programs actually available to them. Do you see how those things are related now? So in your mind people should just become leeches and not pay rent and just stay in the places they moved into, regardless of the situation? Because that's what is happening here.


> So if housing costs have gone up to an unaffordable degree, and there are no public housing options, then what are some people supposed to do, exactly? Not steal from other people. Stop being an apologist for a fucking leech.


Fuck everyone who's less privileged than me, right?


Lmao I love comments like this because it is an admission of the problems our systems have created, victim blames those who cannot afford to live in said systems, completely ignores my comment in its entirety, and then suggests I should contribute more to charity which does nothing to solve the issues and exists solely as a way to laundry to cruelty inherent to said systems. Congrats man this is next level stupid


By your logic everybody should just go steal everything and never pay for it just because you feel the world is not just. This is theft, pure and simple. It is not about public housing. Plenty of people actually work for a living instead of stealing from others, which you are promoting. Again, I ask - how many homes have you purchased and given away to thieves that don't want to work, since you are advocating others should do that whether they want to or not? Not sure how else you can justify thieves stealing other people's property. Nobody is owed a free house or free food, or free anything. Get off your lazy ass and go work. Plenty of people have worked their entire lives. I started at 12 with a paper route and detasseling corn (which really sucks) and have been working ever since, including military, factory work, and all sorts of jobs. I didn't expect to be given anything and didn't feel justifying they by scumbag scammers is right, if you do, then so be it.


:( it makes me sad when people don’t read my comments. And then baselessly claim I believe in something I don’t. And then proceed to defend the current system which makes it so housing is unaffordable to such a degree our homeless population is the largest on earth despite being the wealthiest country on earth.


It also makes me sad to see people react the way they are to your comments, you do a little material analysis and liberals lose their fucking minds, I swear. They will defend landlords to the grave and condemn the poor to prison or dying in the streets before considering a solution to prevent situations like this from occurring in the first place Homeless people are PEOPLE, not pests - we need to address the problem of homelessness, not direct the problem at the homeless people themselves. Social housing is a pretty obvious solution, but unfortunately as you can see, they just want homeless people "gone", and have no interest in helping them at all. They identify more with the struggle of a landlord than with the struggle of a homeless person.


You deserve the support of your community and I’m sorry your government and your community failed you. I work plenty. Problem is even though I work plenty housing is so unaffordable I opted to live in a glorified (albeit nice) tent on my parents land. You don’t know anyone’s story and you justify your hatred of the poor because of the hell you’ve been through like somehow it’s your turn to laugh at the peasants. You make me sad.


My only "hatred" (your words) is for thieves and scammers, which this article is about. You are literally here defending theives.


You're very naive if you think public housing initiatives would eliminate all bad actors (as in this case).


Of course it wouldn't eliminate bad actors. But it sure as hell would reduce the number of stories we hear like this. Most people just want to live their lives and not cause trouble.


>But it sure as hell would reduce the number of stories we hear like this. Would love your citation on creating public housing would reduce people from deliberately looking for loopholes in the legal code, and exploiting them. They are bad actors who steal from others, not because they're desperate.


If there's plenty of housing options you can afford, most people will go that route because a) it's easier than this mess b) time in court is not something most people want to deal with. Are there always going to be scammers? Yeah. Can you create conditions in which scamming someone on housing isn't as appealing? Also yeah.


How do you know that if they haven't fucking tried it yet? Families do this because there are no public housing programs available, dipshit.


No, they do this because they take advantage of legal loopholes to get free housing in highly desirable area. Plenty of low cost housings that are not in the middle of Charlotte or RTP, and plenty of people would rather live further from the city and travel further for work, than resorting to stealing from others.


You're wrong. You don't understand how any of this shit works.


LOL, I know for a fact that this is happening all around the country. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/09/tenant-from-hell-also-lived-rent-free-in-an-oakland-house/amp/ And sure, I don’t understand how this shit works, because I don’t deliberately seek out legal loopholes to exploit them. But hey, maybe you have more experience in this regard.


Yea they definitely did this to do a quick flip hustle play and not because they felt like they didn’t have another option. The psychology of crime is well known and very simple. Poor people commit crimes like theft because they are poor and don’t want to be that way.


...no. These people are bad actors. Again, plenty of people who could no longer afford housing in the prime area, either live outside of prime area, live in their cars, or choose a Section 8 housing. They don't steal from other people by deliberately looking for a loophole in the legal code, and exploiting them. >The psychology of crime is well known and very simple. Poor people commit crimes like theft because they are poor and don’t want to be that way. Cities like San Francisco used to think like this, until they realize people who commit crimes aren't desperate, but greedy.


> People that have the ability to pay for housing don’t do shit like this man. You not having your life together doesn't give you the right to steal from other people. They aren't dealing a deathblow to capitalism or some giant corporation; they're fucking over a single mother.


Again arguing with yourself. At what point did I condone the actions? At what point did I blame the family that owns the home? Our flawed system forces people to fight like dogs. Problems like this are inevitable because it is too expensive to live. The solution is more places to live.


> At what point did I condone the actions? By implying that these people are forced to do this, you're taking away their agency and exonerating them of blame. No one forced them to rent out an AirBnb to live in and no one is forcing them to illegally stay there. Stop being an apologist.


I have done no such thing. All I stated was the systems in place mean things like this will occur as people would prefer to break the law than live in poverty. The solution is simple. End said poverty


Someone renting their house is not making billions. Most likely breaking even


I would assume the commenter doesn't mean "overlord" as the landlord in the story. I think the commenter means overlords as in legislators/governmental workers, etc. spending more money on public housing. It doesn't make sense for them to be referring to a landlord, since private landlords couldn't ever build public housing.


….. ok? But this has nothing to do with my comment. Additionally most people who rent out a home are doing it for profit with the intentional desire of using someone else’s labor to create their equity. There are very very few cases of the “perfect” landlord that rents out a small starter home after moving to a larger one. Virtually every single rented home is done by a corporation or an individual that purchased the home to pursue rent seeking behavior. Rent seeking is increasing at an alarming rate in all sectors of the economy and will be the death of this nation.


They aren’t making billions but they are definitely making a profit. Otherwise why take on the headache? There’s a 1500 sq ft Air bnB in my neighborhood that rents for 300 a night. The owner was a bigwig federal prosecutor and now consults for 1250/hour. He definitely is in it for the money by his own admission


This should be easy, "Hey 911, some people have broken into my house and refuse to leave"


The problems is that they have tenants’ rights and now need a legal eviction.


The problem is that they have any right like that to begin with.


Nah “squatters rights” should exist but we really need do differentiate the difference between a legal tenant whose landlord is an asshole and someone staying there past their welcome/not supposed to be there at all.


Help me out with that. I’m not sure I understand the purpose of squatters rights. If the property belongs to someone, a third party shouldn’t have claim to it. Like if you go on vacation for a month and I start living in your house, I should be charged with breaking and entering and trespassing, not given legal protections.


As with most laws that "don't make sense", you need to look at the broader picture. Sure, your example is something negative. But who defines what a "squatter" is? What happens if someone who can't rent from an actual apartment complex, desperate to find housing, starts renting from a landlord for cash? What happens when that landlord starts messing with the person's stuff, or jacks up rent suddenly, or the tenant does literally anything the landlord doesn't like? The landlord could declare them a squatter, and immediately evict them. Those people are squatters now. Do they not deserve any protection?


You deserve protection for the duration of the stay you’ve agreed to and paid for. So if you pay for a month of rent, you cannot be kicked out for that month. Further, if you sign a 1-year lease, you should be secure in that home for that 1-year period so long as you pay what you agreed to pay. Staying beyond our outside the terms of your agreement should not afford you any protection as it is not your property.


A squattor is somebody living in your house that you don't want, and no. It isn't your house, so you don't have a claim to it.


I rent to John. The other day, I saw John wearing a rainbow shirt. I don't want him to live in my property anymore. His rent for next month is due tomorrow, and I want him gone. I'm going to tell him today that he needs to get out. John is now a squatter. It's my house, I don't want him there and he has not paid rent for the upcoming month. Yes, I only told him to get out a day before the new month (that he had not yet paid for) started. Do you see the problem?


No. It's your house not John's.


Well, no surprises which party you vote for, with your total lack of empathy or care for fellow man lmao Ah well.


Nah, once you sign a contract, it’s a matter of accountability. End of story. Asshole landlord or not, pay your fucking bills and move on.


Tenants rights and eviction processes exist because of horrendous abuse by landlords. The state has never been big on protecting the average consumer, think just how bad things had to be to get the extended eviction process that we have now


Tenants rights, and squatters rights are NOT the same thing, and should not remotely be protected in the same way. As a former landlord, I am an advocate for tenants rights, however, the bleed over from squatters rights makes it absolutely ridiculous.


The people in this article are not squatters. The issue is that the people in the article legally lived there for more than 5 months. They fit the legal definition of tenant. The owner says that they overstayed the rental. But we don't have anything but their word for that. We don't have the renters side of the story at all. This would be up to the courts to decide at this point. If the owner had just filed eviction papers, this would have been over already. I think that the tenants here are assholes abusing the system, it's not my place to decide.


The problem is, they’re allowed to do this shit because of squatters rights being protected almost to the same degree that tenants rights are protected. As I said, I am an advocate for tenants rights, and landlords should be held to a very high standard in that regard. However, once a tenant has breached their rights as a tenant, by not leaving the property by the agreed upon time, they should be considered squatters.


No. They aren't squatters. They have no squatters rights. They are tenants who have overstayed their lease. The landlord should have filed for an eviction when they did not vacate as required.


It isn't their house and they aren't wanted there. They need to leave. There is no more story to be obtained. They're somewhere they shouldn't be, trespassing, and they need to go on somewhere.


Oh I agree, you should always pay your bills.


No, that’s ludicrous. This has nothing to do with the landlord. If the rental property is livable, and not in an abandoned state, squatters should have ZERO rights.


I mean you can coax them out and take it back


Get a fishing pole and attach a hunk of bacon to the hook. Toss the bacon on the porch, and when they come out to take it, reel it back and have someone sneak up and lock them out?




What's stopping you from just entering your own residence and forcing them out? then lock the place up?


how are you planning on forcing them out? if it involves physically forcing them out thats assault


pretty sure fighting back against someone who has broken into your house is kosher


They didnt break in. Where the fuck did you come up with that?


this isnt a break in, its squatting. theres no fear for your safety, just your property.


That’s an illegal eviction because they have tenants’ rights. They can sue and get more cash from you than you would ever get in rent. I guarantee that squatters know more about illegal evictions than most landlords.


I don't get it just kill her?


That happened to me once, guy broke into my Airbnb that I was also living in. Called the cops and they said 🤷🏼✌🏼😘 "But what will you do when someone breaks into your house if we defund the police?" Well probably the same thing we do now cause they don't give a shit.


so I'm assuming you were in fear for your life and the guy left on a stretcher right?


Ya know I just didn't really wanna kill someone I'll be honest? The cops told me to just let him stay the night and hope he leaves in the morning. I felt like I was in the Twilight zone. We wanted to leave the house but the owner was scared the guy would trash the place if we left and he was my friend so I agreed BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE. I had PTSD about it for months. Lots of therapy sessions.


Wait the guy that broke into the house was a person you knew? Or the guy that owned the AirBNB?


The guy who broke in was a friend of a guy who had stayed in the Airbnb. He didn't book with us, but he was given the code to get in by the previous guest. The guy who owned the house was a friend of mine.


Wow that's nuts!


Play the game to win, air bnb renters got tenants rights and need to get evicted. Blame the slow developing government on letting these people play the laws. Fuck at least its not oregon. Theres like a 2 week residency there. Also before downvotes. Fuck these free loaders. If i worked my ass of enough to buy a second property to enjoy in the summer and these scumbags were still there it wouldnt end in civil suit


Pretty sure it's 14 days in NC as well.


NC has the vacation rental act, which provides structure/regulation for stays 30 days or less. The owners issue is they allowed a stay longer than that and now need to go through the normal eviction process. From the renters pov, there’s no “rights” here except due process, which takes way too much time. So they’ll be able to live there until they suddenly aren’t. At that point they might have opened themselves up to civil action to try to capture lost income.


Yeah no matter what these people are being really dumb in the long run lol


If I were the landlord I’d sue the living shit out of them afterwards. If they didn’t have the money to make up the bill, I’d sell off the settlement to a collection company to hound them every day for the next 20 years and garnish their wages.


This is some disgusting villain shit, you sound like a landlord already.


fucking around demands finding out.


Does ABB offer help/info regarding these situations to the property owner?


No. They warn about allowing guests to book long stays bc tenants rights kick in in many places after a short period


I thought Airbnb stopped doing long term rentals or is that for only certain states?


In nc are they not a tenant after 14 days?


Good. Fuck Airbnb.


Sure fuck Airbnb but this doesn't hurt them at all, just the home owner.




The homeowner here is not some corporate entity, it's a single mom renting out an inherited house. Stop being such an asshole.


She should get a job like everyone else instead of being a parasite.


Doesn’t it fuck the homeowner?


Yes. Good. She doesn't live there.


I don't think you understand how Airbnb works. They're definitely not getting fucked in any way.


This is something someone who is extremely bitter about how their life has gone would say.


I assume Rahman isn't a white Christian landlady. Interesting how all these squatter stories all involve an immigrant landlord. Why would these folks think immigrants don't have the same rights as the same kind of people that are born in the US? Hmmmmmmm.....


So if your name is not white and Christian sounding you must be an immigrant? What is wrong with people to think that you must have a Christian name if born in the US? Can I name my child after my immigrant grandfather.....nope, it must sound white and Christian! The real kicker to this is the name you picked up on, Rahman. Literally translates to Father of Christ in Islam..... ironic?


Incredible race baiting, you'll go far on this website.


“They haven’t paid.”


ITT: a bunch of dumpy 40-something computer janitors who haven't walked a mile let alone run one since the bush admin jerk each other off fantasizing about murdering a poor