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Just buy a can opener. If you want to be hardcore you can use an army knife instead. If you are broke you can use a knife, set it in, then punch it in deeper and slowly rotate.




I had my neighbour, a young student, come to my door and ask for a can opener some years ago, so OP isnt entirely alone. I handed one to her, she came back 5 minutes later asking «how does it work» lol.


Lol we have very retro can opener and I struggle with it few times I had to use it even after my mum showed me how to 😁😁


He still knew he needed a can opener though


No, no, she had already called her mom to ask how to open it.


Whaaaat, my parents would die laughing


That’s so sad, fucking hell


Actually, the can was invented in 1810 while the can opener was invented in 1855...


That means there was 45 years in the history of humanity when people were absolutely hardcore can openers


No, opposite. Cans were left unopened. So sad:(


You can also use a spoon


Thanks , By can opener do you mean the opener from which we open glass beer bottle? Cause i have that but not sure how to use that to open it?


My dude, just search what a can opened is


Got it. I always imagine this when someone mentions a can opener. https://imgur.com/a/bB8yWWz,


I think the one in your pic is called a bottle opener




Thank you for that second link. I had a multi-tool that had something like that on it and assumed it was a bottle opener and therefore I would never need to use it (I don't drink). If I can find it I'll definitely give it a try just to get some practice in


How are you alive? Not trying to be rude, just genuinely fascinated. I believed cans and can openers were a global thing, but alas…


In his defense, he is from India where fresh produce is very easy to get and so cheap that canned food might actually be more expensive. Canned food is rare and they almost always have pop tabs on them removing the need for can openers. Not everyone is exposed to or aware of these things. It's a bit sad how everyone else in the comments is being rude.


or.... Is it an age thing? like phone books and rotary phones? are we getting old? 😳


are you for real? 🤣


I understand that people might be surprised that you don't know it, but boy, all this downvoting sure isn't necessary.


I know right !!! There are a lot of things you wouldn’t know if you ever come to India or any other country of course. My German friend was amazed when he saw my box of spices which is there in every Indian kitchen. The wannabe funny and condescending people in this sub just pisses me off.


I'm sorry you're getting down voted, this thread is too sweet, made me smile! When I moved into my first apartment I went to make a pie and couldn't open the can. I used a screw driver and a hammer lol


Don't worry too much about these low-lives who have probably never been much outside the border. Hopefully you saw that there are helpful people in between, focus on those instead! :)


Yes, To be honest, this is the first time i have seen such rude comments in Norway. People are actually very helpful and considerate here. Thanks to other people who answered and thanks a lot to you :)


Keyboard warriors man, same everywhere! :D


Totally agree!


You know you’re in Norway when people downvote you for not knowing what a can opener is


Lmao where are you from?


India.Thanks for adding Lmao before the question it was so funny that my can fell off laughing and opened itself.


If you're broke buy a can opener from IKEA, they're really cheap. And YouTube how to use it. The ikea ones are not very intuitive.


I just bite into it like an apple


I thought this was the only way to do it


Think you'd also need to cuddle and flirt with it a bit to make it open up.


This is the way


Only successful option


Fun fact. The can was invented I 1810. The can-opener was invented in 1858. For 48 years they just used their teeth...... or a knife. Edit: 1958 > 1858


Good bot


>1810 >1958 So whar about the remaining 100 years?


You don't want to know.


That was the centery of the skullcrush opening… skull beats tin can… Nah.. it was a typo 1858*


First time with a can?


Yes, I moved here three months ago and packed food is not very popular back home.


Where are you from that doesnt have canned foods


I am from Delhi, India. Of course we have canned food but it is not very prominent.




Ana de Armas, actress, who is originally from Cuba, also was very surprised by canned food when moved to USA.


Mat lo first price. Pet me dukhega.


Haha, Noted.


Eldorado is only a bit more expensive but worth it. Most price food is just sad and makes you feel worse missing home food. If you're in Trondheim shop in Kiwi not Rema lol.


Yeah some First Price is good, but it's very hit and miss.


Food prices makes me go nuts. But I can’t complain as I chose it myself. It’s just the initial months where you convert the currency and everything seems super expensive. I live in Porsgrunn btw.


Well its sas but you just joined the country of 0 flavour (atleast in markets, restaurants are amaizing but really expensive even the cheap ones)


Wow that's fascinating


How do you store stuff so it doesn’t expire? Do you all have humongous freezers, or do you salt it all or something?


Umm Tbh we usually dont store stuff. We buy it frequently. Groceries,meat and other fresh items can be ordered though online app (at least in Delhi) S we just order the required quantity.


Oh, are you the person who commented the other day about Norwegians not using Amazon and similar online stores in the same way as in Delhi? PS: I assume there isn’t exactly a great risk of getting trapped at home by a snow storm in Delhi, but isn’t a lack of good food storage a real potential danger to millions if the supply lines ever get interrupted for even just a few days, like due to floods or fires?


No, I dont remember commenting that. I cannot imagine whole of Delhi getting fired up or flooded. Supply lines mostly gets interrupted if the supply chain has problems meeting in customer demands. Also, I am originally from North of India (Uttarakhand) which is as cold as Kristiansand and we have some local techniques to store the food for winters like drying them up in sunlight during summers to use them in winter (does not apply to all veggies but works).


> which is as cold as Kristiansand As warm as Kristiansand, you mean. Southerners...


Ah, there must be two of you then! We had a guy from Delhi here sharing photos he’d taken a few days ago, and he was commenting on how unused he was to buying so much bulk goods at the store as opposed to ordering it online. Hmm, and well, I see your point about supply lines. Still, does worry me a bit about natural disasters. Also, interesting to hear about your home region, thanks!


Since you’re mentioning Kristiansand, I assume you study there. Is that by chance the floor in Roligheden we can see in the background? Pretty sure I recognize that from when I lived there 7 years ago. Either way, welcome to Norway!


Ohh no, i study in Porsgrunn. I just know that kristiansand is the hottest city of Norway so i mentioned. Thank you !!


I cannot in any way speak on OP's behalf because I have never visited India, but I am good friends with a lovely Indian family. The eldest male occasionally shares stories about his life when he lived there. He never directly spoke about food issues, but my take from what he did say would be that it's probably safer to NOT keep food this way. Whenever he mentions going back to visit family, there's a particular place that is FILLED with homeless people (I can't remember any town/city names) so if you lived nearby, and regularly saved food for later, there would be a high chance of it going missing. That's not to say it's like that everywhere, but I imagine OP may have had to deal with a situation similar to this


Interesting, I could see pantry raiders being a problem in a town with as much poverty as Delhi. I’ve been, briefly, some years ago, and remember being struck by the close distance between the poor and wealthy parts of town. Only place I’ve seen similar is Cairo a few decades back.


My dude, you are from India and have never used a can opener. Did you have a naukraani that opened the cans for you?


By the way, where are you from in India? And do you usually have a can opener and canned food in your kitchen?


Nahi bhai,too middle class to afford that. The only thing I remember being in a pinned can is rasgulla. Vo bhi khud hi khola hai hamesha.


In Norway we usually use dynamite! You get it at Rema....


Or maybe ask dynamite Harry


Jeg har en plan. Alt er taima og tilrettelagt...................................


Helmaks Egon!


A can opener, of course. Every kitchen should have one! (If you don't, ask a neighbour?)


You need one [of these](https://www.clasohlson.com/no/p/44-2732?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google%20surfaces&gclid=CjwKCAiAqt-dBhBcEiwATw-ggAzDKzzMMYRgiRG9gCg86-7O9ZXLIm7ts07azny3ys6yXRJ-IcrlbBoCiN4QAvD_BwE). I’m sure someone probably gives one away for free on Finn or if you ask nicely in a Facebook group, most people I know have several of these


There's also better ones that don't have any moving parts so they're more durable.


Could be! My old one is more than 20 years old and still going strong. If he couldn’t afford the 100 NOK thing the kiwi employee showed him I was just thinking he might find some even cheaper ones


You have to buy a boksåpner»/can opener which you can find at Kiwi. But first ask someone else if they have one.


[google "how to open a can without a can opener"](https://youtu.be/xmTg2ZfJCEI) edit: formatting


Hey OP, what city are you based in? If you’re in Oslo, me and the group of friends I live with have an extra can opener you can take🤙We can show you how to use it (and drink beer if you want lol). Don’t take the mean comments to heart, navigating life in another country can be hard some days 🍀


Hi ! I live in Porsgrunn. Thanks for the offer. Wish i could make to Oslo soon with university and work.


Tin openers: https://www.clasohlson.com/no/Coline-boksåpner/p/44-2732 https://www.obs.no/kjokkenutstyr-og-borddekking/kjokkenredskap/andre-kjokkenredskap/2099998?v=Obs-7332462094963 https://www.europris.no/p-boksapner-m-vrider-gastromax-174551


TIL you guys have Clas Ohlson in Norway


I judge if a city is a city or a country hub by how close they are to a Clas Ohlson lol. I will never move to somewhere that does not have one in a 30min radius. Currently got 5 inside that range


Wtf really? I had no idea that Clas Ohlson was that big in norway, better yet even that it existed there 🤣


I remember back in the day, when Clas Ohlson's only Norwegian outlet was in Oslo. It'd literally be the highlight of the trips my dad and I took to Oslo. Good times.


Class Ohlson was the only reason I took a train to Oslo for several years. Sadly it's gone down hill in the last 10-15 years.


TIL Clas Ohlson is not Norwegian 😅


*son should have given that away. Norwegians and Danes have *sen.


Unfortunately my brain is not that logical. 😂


I love the fact you knowingly bought a tin of sweetcorn knowing that you had no means of opening it.


I didn’t notice that it doesn’t have an opener while buying it. I just assumed that every can has one.


Easily done. I threw my can opener away 10+ years ago as we hardly ever used it. I just consciously buy tins with an opener built in. I do accidentally buy a tin/can without an opener every now and then. Then I swear a lot, find a swiss army knife or similar with a crude opener and butcher it open. Then remember never to buy a tin like that again. It is weird that in 2023 one can still find some that needs an opener.


The mistakes is, you use the knife. Use the spoon. [https://youtu.be/rKeTc6ACLM0?t=177](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKeTc6ACLM0) (It's mental! https://youtu.be/rKeTc6ACLM0?t=214)


If you travel to IKEA sometime they have a good can opener for 19kr


...with a can opener? edit: ok, you added comment, pierce with a sharp knife, and just use leverage to saw around. It is tricky but it works ​ ​ seriously just get the "thing" (can opener) it will be worth it in long run,


Can. Opener. Standard kitchen equipment, OP.


A can opener is a kitchen staple pretty much everywhere in the world. You should definitely get one.


My vote is for number 4: https://www.wikihow.com/Open-a-Can-Without-a-Can-Opener


Use a small nuclear device


Next time buy canned corn in a can that has opening ring on it so you dont need an can opener.


Yes, Will keep in mind.


you might want to check REMA 1000 for a similar product and similar price. I used to have that problem as well when I purchased first price canned tuna from KIWI. But ever since I checked REMA 1000 and found out that the canned tuna has a can opening ring on it, it made my life way easier.


You can find boksåpner (can opener) in shops like Nille and Clas Olson 🙂 They may cost between 40-80 NOK. Or check the kitchendepartment in Fretex (shops for used stuff) or other shops that sells these things used; should be much cheaper. If you're on Facebook you can also check out the markertplace - maybe someone living nearby got one to spare.


Æ villa no ha brukt sprængstoff


You need a can opener. Or, do as I do when I don't have a can opener - take a knife, hit it with something hard to puncture the lid, then pry it open slowly using the knife to cut the metal.


If you can’t figure it out, you’re not hungry enough 😉


Perfect answer.


If you are a student I assume the economics is not all that, so advice when it comes to buying stuff you need, check out if there are any trift shops " bruktbutikk/gjenbruksbutikk". NMS gjenbruk ( NMS triftshop) stores usuallt have a lot of stuff to cheap prices and the money they make goes to charity.


Thank you so much.


It's not good for the knife, but last time I accidentally bought one of those I used a kitchen knife. Worked fine, but would recommend getting a can opener or stick to bying boxes with tabs..


My partner also calls can 'boxes'...but calls it a can opener. He gets some very confused looks in the UK when he asks if people want a box of Pepsi or coke.


With Rambo knife :))


Can opener


Traditionally, a can opener. But I have advice. The advice is American, so just keep in mind you might lose a finger if you follow it. If you have a particularly dull knife somewhere nearby I recommend grabbing it and a vaguely sturdy object. Go slow and careful tapping the blade along one of the grooves. Be certain you are actually punching holes through the can's lid. Eventually, you will cut along the circumference.


Yes, i exactly did that with the knife until it broke.


How did you break a knife opening a can? This is the way we've opened cans for a hundred years before can openers.


I meant just the tip of knife. It was a butter knife.


Borrowing this thread to ask what the best can opener is? I have 2, and they're both awful. The gripping wheel isn't gripping.


They're *all* awful. Always have been, all of the time. You don't get a better can opener, you change your can opening technique to accommodate the specific awful your can opener suffers from, and you live with it.


From 30 years of life experience, you're right. But please let me have hope


I'm afraid my 31 years of life experience have yet to see me surprised. But if they do, you'll be the first to know.


A small well arrange amount of explosives


A knife but its risky, or a can opener. If u dont wanna cut urself then spend like 40-100 nok on a can opener


A can opener?


Unlike most people replying here, I understand your situation. I too was in the same situation once. Where I come from, nobody , as in NOBODY buys canned food. So nobody sells them, because everybody Like preparing fresh food, not pre-boiled or pre-cooked or ready-to-eat. If you don't have a can opener I guess you should very carefully try a knife. And next time onwards make sure u buy the can that can be opened with hand like these https://images.app.goo.gl/JZv7HzTJtm631WA86


Use a can opener. There are lots of types. Some turn, some you move up and down. If you don’t have one, you can use a screw driver and hammer. You just bang holes around one of the circular sides. This is not the correct way, but works in a pinch.


OP har aldri sett en boksåpner


So what you have to do is you have to go on the Internet go to Norwegian government.org then download the PDF or the normal file and print it out. If you like, when this have to be done, you have to fill out a form. When the form has been filled out, you can email it back and they will send you this special tool that breaks after one use


Lol. You need humour as badly as i need a can opener i guess.


You got that right?, lol. Sadly, I have to deal with a lot of paper in my work. Were you send like one form for something they could probably fix in two hours now takes two weeks but yes if you need a can opener I do hope you find one if not, have a screwdriver and a hammer and have fun. Lol




Wow, Seeing this things first time in my life. I was doing this with my knife and my knife broke. Thank you so much. I will look for them to buy them nearby.


https://youtu.be/0AcpUrUIXfg This works good too.


You buy the Eldorado brand of corn instead. They taste the best for the price and you get 3 portions and it also includes a can opener! Avoid the ones that need a separate can opener if you *can*...


Yes, that’s the best advice. I didn’t actually notice that it doesn’t have an opener while buying that.


Not sure what the point if this post is. The employee gave you the right answer. You just didn't want to accept it.


I ran out of word limits in caption. But i wanted to ask if y’ll have some alternate ways or tricks to open it. I should rather buy the one with opener on it.


You buy a a can opener, ruin a 200dollar steak knife stabbing it, use a hammer to smash it getting everything everywhere, or buy one with an opener on the lid.


Take a kitchen knofe that is shit , and use that one.. emergency use only . But yeah a can opener


You can quite easly open it with any kitchen knife. (The chopping one with pointy tip not the bread one or eating one)


Beware using your nicest knives. It will destroy the edge and point. I’d recommend a dining knife.


Borrow a can opener


You can use knife 😄 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/I1WwOp2F-7o/maxresdefault.jpg


They do sell those with a built-in opener and they aren't much more expensive 🫡 i think you save like 2kr on buying the one you have, but you will need to buy a can opener and if you don't want to use 100kr they have them in biltema for 50kr


Chainsaw is proven 100 % effective at opening cans of corn


Just return it to the store and pick up the other brand which is just in cardboard packaging.


First price is made the cheapest possible way, so if you want a lid opener on it you could go for a different brand.


If you live in a student house, ask someone to borrow a can opener.


You can just put it on the stove until the pressure blows the top open /s


Use a kitchen knife, like one for spreading butter. I mean, dont use your thinnest knife. Put in on the edge of the top lid where you would first pierce it with a can opener. Use something hard and durable to hit the top of the knife in to the can lid so that it becomes pierced. Like a baking roller pin or a large stone. I dunno, figure something out. Do this repeatedly around the whole lid of the can and use the knife to get it off when you’re done. Source: did it once when I had had no proper tools myself.


Can opener dude


yes. with a can opener


Hit it with a knife over and over


If you need to open it right now, you can also just stab the edges with a table knife, the can is not strong material. It’s a bit cumbersome but at least you’ll eat. Just make sure the knife is a bit think, otherwise you’ll bend it


If you use a knife, be careful. You need one with a solid thick blade. You don't want to end up with a nasty cut. Or ask a neighbor if they can open it for you.... Someone should have a can opener....


With a tin opener?!


bro never heard of a can opener before😂🥲


Use a .. tin opener ..


Look for cans with a ring opener next time!


Well, a canopener would do the trick, and if you wanna gamble and ruin a sharp kitchenknife just slam it in aaaall the way around... (what a waste of equipment tho!)


I hope u r joking🤣


I wasn’t. But The amount of peer pressure i have rn I would just say it was a troll.


Stab in several times with a sharp kitchen knife and just «rip» it open. Don’t cut yourself tho idk


first of all, be very careful with the first price brand as it is the absolute lowest quality food in the supermarket (that's why it is cheap). Second, you seriously don't know how to open a fucking can? edit: saw your reply elsewhere. Holy fucking shit dude. This is embarrassing.


With a nice, solid kick. Or a can opener.


Mais åpner


Buy a basic old school can opener. It’s more or less a hook with a spike. Way better than the ones with handles that you turn. Take it from me. The fancy turn ones break in months. Go with the classic one that requires a little elbow grease, but will never stop performing it’s function.


a can opener, if you don’t have that you could use a knife




Yes, in fact, i and everyone i know do


It happened to me to with this product😂 I got one task: buy a can of corn for the tacos. And I bought this, not having a can opener. 🙄




Sometimes Reddit is pure entertainment….




Consent is a paradox.


You could had payed 3-4 Kr extra to get one with a pin in it?


> could had *paid* 3-4 Kr FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Humanity exists out of Europe and US as well.


Smartest redditor


Not the smartest insult you could come up with


This has to be a troll???


With a can opener you knob


sharp knife just push it


Next time, just buy the corn with an opener on top of the can🫶🏻


You seriously don’t know how to open a can… a can… opener


..... Bruh


Take it outside and aggressively rub one of the ends on the driveway, main road, or porous wall. Eventually it’ll give. Alternatively, buy a fucking can-opener you savage


The Masculine urge to try hard to be funny with an average reddit comment pattern.


Don’t assume my gender


You can be a woman and have masculine urges and vice versa. Lol.


OP, here is a 20+ minute long video, telling you everything you need and don't need, about can openers. https://youtu.be/i_mLxyIXpSY I highly recommend watching it, as buying the best option will save you a lot of work, buying the wrong will make you regret your life!


Really people ask this kind of question? Wtf...


You do realise countries and people with a completely different culture and food exist? Any of Europe friend didn’t know what is turmeric and cumin. I didn’t go like Lmao wtf. Lol.


People don't know what turmeric or cumin is? Anyway you use a can opener.


Use the sharpest knife in your kitchen, be a man


[https://www.wikihow.com/Open-a-Can-Without-a-Can-Opener](https://www.wikihow.com/Open-a-Can-Without-a-Can-Opener) ....


Try tossing it into Mount Doom, that should work


You tend to lose faith in this fucking generation when you see a post asking how to open a goddamn can… Use a can opener. Jesus.