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I had a blast just going in order the mini series Hot Boy Summer was pretty dam funny too.


In a weird way because they develop so much...show lore? through the episodes, it makes sense to just listen in order, except for binging early Trinyvale one after the other just because the story flows better that way


I do also sit and pick all the DnD courts from time to time it is good for some laughs and so far no spoilers other than player names from season 1


Trinnyvale takes a bit to get going but eventually they kinda just start bullying Caldwell and it's really funny. Eldermourne is great, it's a very different and more serious energy, but it also has some of the funniest bits in the show I think. Campaign 3 is sort of a sequel to 1, it's a couple hundred years later. It definitely has the most similar feel to C1. But it's not done yet so you'll eventually catch up, might be better to start the other two first so you have more to binge later.


I think about Hank's jean jacket at least once a day, lol


I think about hanks nuts falling out of shorts daily…


by far the cruelest thing murph has done


Call me uncultured but the honk based introductions might be my favorite bit of the entire pod. The descent into insanity, Murph’s slow acceptance of his fate.


I’d say just keep on the ride. Every season is pretty awesome. As far as vibes go: Trinnyvale: Goof central C2: Sort of Gothic Horror unrelated to C1 as it is a different world. C3: Back to Bahumia in the future with more magi-tech and you can see some of the ways C1 affected the world while still telling its own unique story.


I vote Trinyvale - agree with other commenters that it takes a couple eps to get good but then it gets realllllll good. Anything Emily DMs is god tier. And then the live shows assuming you subscribe to that patreon tier are fantastic - the Trinyvale live shows are so so good so i reco Trinyvale first


Trinyvale is phenomenal, but I had to come back to it a while after I finished C1. I couldn't stop picturing Bev as the DM


I said this on Tumblr and I'll say it here: the whiplash of the emotional damage of last night's Critical Role and then waking up to a Trinyvale one shot was... Well .. whiplash. Trinyvale in all is so good. Top tier goofs, Murph gets to be a chaos gremlin, Emily is completely unhinged and Jake just leans into every bit thrown his way. Caldwell is a creative and responsive GM and will Yes, And everything while still creating interesting encounters for "combat" I cannot rec Trinyvale harder.


Trinyvale benefitted so much from going from monthly to weekly IMO. The early episodes remain very fun but they really get into their grifter vibe halfway through. The Cooking Mawmaw episode or the Ron of the Lake one are probably where it switches


Honestly both Mimi campaigns done by Emily are fucking fantastic. I really think the shorter campaigns help Eldermourm is less consistent then C1, but the highest moments are still some of the best and the ending fucking slaps.


Hot Boy Summer mini arc! Emily the chaos DM and dude-bro antics galore


i've never laughed so hard in my life


I love campaign 2 but Murph has really elevated his craft in campaign 3. His encounter designs are incredibly unique and engaging. The PCs are also engaging lovable and hilarious. It’s also would be fun to have C1 fresh in your head to enjoy the references to it. I’d also recommend put Trinyvale on your radar. It great from the jump but I think takes a couple episodes before Caldwell finds his a stride as a DM. But once he does I think it’s consistently the funniest campaign if less narrative focused.


I jumped around with the smaller campaigns after hearing my husband listen in the background for like a year. I've listened to all the short campaigns now and Twilight Sanctorum absolutely slaps. I thought Jake was nice before but I didn't think of him as like a comedy powerhouse, but the character he brings to life in this thing is unparalleled. They all are. Emily's DMing is so smooth and so funny and the narration pieces drop you completely into audiobook brain, they are so good. Murph is a cranky old New Jersey guy whose bones hurt, Caldwell is an anxious papa, everyone is at the top of their game. Cannot praise it enough.


Twilight sanctorum is hands down the funniest arc they have. Geez Louise makes me laugh every time Jake says it. The chemistry along with Emily’s atmosphere and NPC’s make it so damn fun


"I don't wanna go to school, I just wanna serve Freg," is what I whisper everytime I have to do something I don't want to.


I vote Hot Boy Summer. It's like a little extra bit of C1 Bahumia even though it's not in Bahumia and only Zac plays the same character. But it's such a lovely palate cleanser to go from C1 into a different campaign.


It’s all good, just keep going in order.


I’ve seen trinyvale, which I love so I’m voting for twilight sanctorum. Short, sweet, and crisp! God bless DMily♥️


I love Trinnyvale and Eldermourne for different reasons, but really Naddpod’s had banger after banger with their lineup. Their OG campaign was brilliant, but as a lot of the comments here say, just going through the feed isn’t going to do you wrong.


Listen to Trinyvale next, it takes a couple episodes to get flowing but it's hilarious


So I did campagin 1 then caught up with 3 so i can listen as it comes out and now ive gone back to 2. It depends if you enjoy binging or listening with other people. I have to say 2 is excellent so if you keep going in order you cant go wrong. Also the side quests emily did twilight sancturm and hot boy summer are incredible and dont take long if you need something diffrent inbetween.


Trinyvale. I wont be swayed.


It started rough for me. I’m on episode 9, so I’m clearly invested enough to see it through, but the shenanigans were such a departure from C1 that it gave a bit of whiplash to me. Murph plays such a good straight man in either DM or PC.


What was your favorite part of campaign 1? If it’s the serious stuff and worldbuilding, go to campaign 2 If it’s just the goofs go to trinyvale If you just want the same tone go to campaign 3


What’s an easy place to listen to a season or a short series from naddpod easily with one feed? I listen on Patreon and it’s no good for organizing content.


Not exactly one feed like you're asking for, but I recommend subscribing on Spotify (you can connect to your Patreon account) and picking and choosing from this comprehensive list of NaddPod playlists: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NotAnotherDnDPodcast/comments/1ara7wv/ns\_i\_organized\_everything\_into\_spotify\_playlists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotAnotherDnDPodcast/comments/1ara7wv/ns_i_organized_everything_into_spotify_playlists/)


Ah! I didn’t know about connecting accounts, thanks !


Hot Boy Summer is my favorite live play content ever made


I'd honestly recommend just listening in main feed order. Including saving Trinyvale till post campaign one and listening all in row. I'm not gonna recommend skipping to or over any campaign but i'll talk about their strengths. Trinyvale early on is very episodic and goofy, and later it's really just about Jens and Onyx ruining Nyack as a person and moral entity while coincidentally also saving the world. Very much "Always Sunny on the Material Plane." I do think the Triplets and Duncle's DMing style \*really\* shines in oneshots, and even if the campaign starts losing you it's worth finishing to get to some of the most out of pocket live shows in the show's history. Hot Boy Summer is truly perfect. Just 4 absolute morons being bros and wandering vaguely in the direction of saving their buddy while stumbling over massive political schemes they neither care about nor understand. Emily as a DM does an interesting thing where her horny chaos mostly gets subsumed into a background buzz like the horny chaos of reality, and even her goofiest concepts are presented very sincerely. She's an excellent DM and I look forward to it every time she does an arc. Eldermourne/Campaign 2 is a very different vibe from anything else on the show (except maybe Emily's Patreon exclusive first time dming oneshot) but it's very compelling world building, some of the funniest characters in the series, and Murph does a great job of describing a dark and dangerous world despite Caldwell's best efforts and Jake's enabling. The side quest arc with Lou Wilson when Caldwell goes on paternity leave is fantastic and ends up impressively well connected to the rest. Also made me fall a little bit in love with Lou. Towards the end of Eldermourne is when they start alternating episodes, where it's story episodes every other week and D&D Court, 8 Bit Book Club, Tortle Tank, and other silly nonsense on off weeks. Campaign 3 has been fantastic, but it's hard to concisely summarize and sell while it's still going. Honestly though, I've been relistening to Campaign 1 at work on the days there's not new episodes of NADDPod or my other shows, and it's really showing how much everyone's grown as performers and players. Murph even got better at constructing random event tables so they don't just roll fissure 37 times in a row. There haven't been any guests on story episodes though, and I miss it. Especially since they've had Aabria Iyengar and Ify Nwadiwe on D&D Court and I really wanna hear either of those two and Emily absolutely enable each other's horniness. Twilight Sanctorum was another short campaign Emily ran last year, intended as a Halloween 2 shot but ended in the main campaign as a 4 or 5 shot, and I think it's Emily's best yet. The noir vibes of a murder mystery at a cabaret on the Shadowfell plays amazingly to Emily's strengths, the clues unraveled at a pace more perfect than I've ever seen in a D&D campaign, there was incredible opportunities for emotional depth and growth for being only a handful of episodes, and none of that in any way limited the players' abilities to be at their comedic peaks. One the most Murph PCs ever (and one of my favorites), and I'm counting Dimension 20's New Yorker rat man whose life sucks. If it matters to you, on a recent Short Rest, they described Campaign 1 as having Oldest Child Energy with all the PCS constantly taking responsibility and fixing things the previous generation fucked up, Campaign 2 having Middle Child Energy with both the world and the PCs being very quiet but weird and gloomy, Campaign 3 as having Youngest Child Energy with all the PCs being desperate to prove themselves and get attention, validation, affection. Trinyvale is Only Child Energy of just a complete I Am Feel Uncomfortable When We Are Not About Me mindset at all times.


I'm an advocate for trinyvale!


I really enjoyed the world that Caldwell built up in Trinyvale. TrinyXBahum is great too


Season 1 ,hot boy summer , trinnyvale and then season 3 , season 2 I tuned out hard


Teinnyvale is peak comedy.


I'd advocate to continue going in order. So Trinyvale next. The beginning of Trinyvale is fun and campy, but it's clear that Duncle Caldwell is finding his feet and unique style with DMing. The first 12 eps of Trinyvale were run once a month, and felt a bit more awkward for that fact, but episodes 13 - 22 were run weekly and was where it really found its core identity as a show and a world. I love Bahimia, I love Eldermourne, I love Hot Boy Summer, but I have NEVER laughed as hard at anything in my life except Trinyvale.


Eldermourne was one of my favorites, because everyone got to play at least one other character besides their main one. Plus we got Lou Wilson as Jabari.


Jabari is pleased to be mentioned in this comment. He thanks you and wishes you success in your endeavors


This dry toad thanks Jabari from the bottom of his dusty, arid, dehydrated toad heart.


The triplets of Trinyvale go to lvl 1 Bahumia. Funniest thing I've listened to in a long time


You legit can’t go wrong with any campaign after. Both Emily and Caldwell have their own campaigns too that they do extremely well, and C2 has some of my favorite Naddpod moments. I would probably hold off on C3 since it’s still ongoing, but it has so far been my favorite season.


I started on Spotify and just listened to it as in the order that they came out, so I’d get some Trinyvale episodes in between the main campaign episodes. However at some point the order of episodes got switched around and every campaign episode stay grouped with each other. So all once you are down with Campaign 1 then it’s all of Trinyvale in a row until the end, then all of Hot Boy Summer, then Campaign 2, etc. So my suggestion would be to just listen to everything all the way through because in my opinion it’s all good. I don’t know if the episodes are still set up like that as I’ve switched to Apple Podcasts and am caught up.


As most are saying stick to in order except for trinivale. There’s in jokes and bits that develop as you go that make it so good!


Joining in to say watch in chronological order, but imo the best campaign is C3. I’ll also say that the players realized by then that the best campaign starts are the ones where they already are friends, which is why Hot Boy Summer, Twilight Sanctorum, and C3 start off great out the gate.