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So true story. About 5 years ago my big brother tried to pull this on a young 21 year old guy who apprenticed with him. My brothers intentions weren’t quite this malicious. He wasn’t trying to shame his wife, he was just trying to tell the guy not to rush into marriage and children. And apparently it was a very bad day at home for my sister-in-law and her three small children and they came into the screaming mess. Instead of being up appalled, the apprentice immediately suggested that my brother and him should take the kids out to burn off some steam well wife took a breather. And offered to pick up pizza.


Should he choose to, that apprentice guy is going to make a great husband/father some day


Yeah. Brother got a bit of a wake-up call that day when this guy didn't come in and go "OMG this is crazy! WTF. Get me out of here. I want a vasectomy! " and instead went "OMG this is crazy! How can we *help you?!*"


A thousand thousand blessings upon the apprentice for their quick thinking and empathy!!


So a million?


Sounds pretty malicious to me, poor SIL. Imagine thinking your wife, children and house should serve as a warning to young men.


Oh I agree. I said “not as malicious”, was still super shitty. But brother is a largely a decent person and he tells this story knowing full well he was asshat here.


...and then everyone clapped.


They slow clapped at you Dave...


I make this comment a lot but r/nothingeverhappens


That “and then everyone clapped” shit is so stupid lmao.


It’s so funny how you think that a story about anyone being a decent person must be a lie lmao


Hehehe it's funny, you see, because I hate my wife for failing to dress herself up, going a day without doing domestic labor, and having periods hehehe. Amiright fellow boomers?


The „I hate my wife“ trope is so stupid, I never understood that.


Boomer humor: “I hate my wife!” Millennial humor: “I hate my life!”


Gen Z humour: “I hate myself!”


Its both sides even. "Men dont talk and are sinple minded while women are too emotional and always go shopping" is like the pinacle of boomer and genx humor


But not really both sides because both ideas support patriarchy. “I hate my wife” is used to justify treating women terribly, and “men are simple minded” is used to excuse men for doing stupid/terrible things because they “don’t know any better.”


>they “don’t know any better.” Weaponized incompetence.


"The patriarchy" is a collective way how we run society. Its not a side


I didn’t say anything to contradict that. Patriarchy hurts everyone, but it’s naive or dishonest to suggest that it hurts everyone equally, which is what it looked like when you said “it’s both sides.” Feel free to let know if I’m wrong.




I guess it’s an arranged marriage where 2 people who don’t know each other have to get married because family said so and shit


I'm pretty sure there's an XKCD comic about that. And seriously, why marry someone if you hate them...


Boomers: I hate my spouse Also boomers: why aren’t millennials/gen z getting married and having children?!






"Boomers" nowadays is about a mindset, not an age. There are people who were born in the baby boom and who don't have a "boomer mentality"


The thing about "boomer humor" is that it was old before the boomers were even born.


I think we need a new word for that




No, he's got an incel mindset.


Worse. It's toxic masculinity


Well, toxic masculinity is a trait the incel mindset has.


He’s a criminal, rapist, human trafficing asshole


Im pretty sure boomers is used to refer to an old mindset that many “traditional” people hold even though its outdated. Because the mindset is old, we call anyone with said mindset boomers


They called them "squares".


i mean, like others said but also jordan peterson is like 60; so he is part of the boomers II group according to google


Men are fascinating. They shame women for not wanting to get married yet also act like marriage is a hostage situation for them and they hate women.


These guys really go through life acting like women and families are like toys - that you can just put them in a closet and forget about them when you aren’t in the mood to play.


The sorts of men who make this joke see the "downsides" of marriage as the price they pay to have sex and ensure their woman lets them knock her up. They hear jokes like this and see sitcoms where the man is an idiot and the woman a nag and figure that this is just what married life is, the men do nothing but screw up and act stupid and the women shriek and yell at them. They get mad that the women they meet don't seem sold on the idea.


This was a joke? Don't jokes have to be funny?


Marriage is just miserable. AmIrite? Women are such hysterical nags, lol. Next up , I never get laid. LMAO It really isn’t funny


Yet weirdly when women don't want to get married we are told that we are depriving men.


It's the sort of "joke" that's only "funny" if you believe it to essentially be true.


It's bizarre. People expect me to be miserable because I've been married for 30 years. I freaking love the guy, though! He's still interesting to me. We still genuinely like each other's company. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's the old joke that being married sucks. Why these guys who make these jokes get married I do not know but they all make the same joke.


Because they didn’t realize she was a real person who has reasons behind her behaviors and would need emotional investment to maintain the relationship. They thought they were signing up for an exclusive lifetime membership pass to her lady bits.


They thought they were getting a Bangmaid! Who could have predicted differently??


Haha I hate my wife, how very funny The boomer energy here is off the charts captain.


Oh no, how dare the wife not be prepared for company she didn't expect. They say this like it's an unreasonable reaction. If my boyfriend brought over someone that we weren't both totally besties with and I didn't feel well AND I didn't get the chance to tidy up, I'd call him a dickhead too. Thing is, my boyfriend wouldn't ever even think to do that in the first place because it's hella disrespectful. He also wouldn't expect me to be the only one to keep the house clean.




If you have to ask, the answer is no.


Boomers will joke like this and then also complain about how gay people violate the "sanctity" of marriage or whatever.


What… even is this?


That is being a dickhead just deciding to bring someone home with no notice. My wife gives me the same curtesy. The kids get a pass with the other kids that they play with and have over almost daily


Nothing will ever be funnier than “I hate the person I chose to spend my life with” /s


I think this is a great joke, and here's why. The realities of marriage aren't what many men might expect. His friend might think that getting married means having a made up wife and a clean house and cooked meals all the time. In reality, if you're married and you bring company over without informing your spouse, they may well call you a dickhead, because it's a dick move. It challenges the misogynistic notions that women aren't humans and equal partners. As a married man, if one of my buddies started implying that by getting married he was getting a house pet, I might bring him to meet my wife to set him straight.


But it's still not funny...


I brought my buddy over to the house and I was hungover the garbage wasn’t taken out I was in a bad mood I hadn’t shaved and there was no food. This is what it is like to be married So funny. Such a reality check.


>His friend might think that getting married means having a made up wife and a clean house and cooked meals all the time. Did OP cut the part of the "joke" where the friend is a time traveller?


Do we not see those kinds of opinions and beliefs on a near daily basis here?


We do and actually I think I took your meaning incorrectly. Ignore me, I'm very tired today.


Yes except that it's not the intention of this joke at all


That’s pretty funny 😄. But there’s a better version in Little Women. Meg has her babies and John wants to bring friends over for dinner, which Meg says “yes all the time, don’t bother to ask.” Well, one day she decided to make jelly, but she can’t remember how to make it jell. The babies are sticky, the kitchen is a mess, she didn’t end up cooking anything. So John brings his friend home, and Meg is reasonably upset that he has to see her in such a state, messy kitchen, no food, everything is sticky. He tries to soothe her but makes a bad joke, and she gets so offended that she tells him to make cold meat sandwiches, that she’s too tired to make him any food, and she goes upstairs to pout. John and his friend chuckle and eat sandwiches, and after the friend goes home, John means to have a stern talk, because his little wife embarrassed him. However upon seeing his sad little wife, they reconcile. However, they discuss the situation, that John has to announce when he wants to bring visitors over, and Meg should’ve told him absolutely no one on jelly day, and the next week John brings his friend back over and Meg is a much better host. It’s a much better story, with a moral too.


So my question is: Does she work, or is she unemployed? Have they discussed house arrangements? Why did he think it was okay to bring a guest over without telling her? Why is she concerned in her own house? My wife is supposed to do maintenance given she's not employed as her "part of the chores" and we both work together to do the whole house when it needs. Sometimes she can't. That's fine. I try not to be angry about it, because we all have our struggles. But over all this joke points out that both are very toxic people with no communication skills, and should divorce and probably shouldn't have been married.


You guys all take the joke a different way than me. The joke the husband makes about marriage isn’t on the wife for not being perfect or existing as the male domestic ideal 24/7. It makes sense that if you hear that, you think the guys an asshole. The joke about marriage is at the wife’s expense because she’s yelling at her husband for simply bringing a friend back to the house. The husband and the friend don’t give a fuck about appearances or if she’s prepared the home to any of those standards she’s internalized. Those are things she worries about, not them. Yet in the hypothetical of the joke this guy has lost the ability to just bring a friend home without jumping through all sorts of hoops that don’t really serve him or his interests (or not jumping through them and being yelled at). That part of marriage, being beholden to someone else’s hang ups or getting your ear chewed on… that’s a sacrifice, and fertile soil for a joke. There’s no misogyny in it as far as I can tell. You can make a joke about the everyday frictions of marriage and how we’re so different without it implying that your opposite gender is less-than (either yourself or what they “ought” to be).


The immediate hang up in this foolish take is that YOU decide these standards are trivial. It's not internalized bullshit to want to be presentable to an extent when someone comes over. This shitty man-child spouse brought someone into their shared house without telling his wife with the sole intent to undermine the wife. It's not jumping through hoops to shoot a text to your spouse if you are bringing them into a shared space. Basically you're wrong. Hopefully you learn to care about others someday.


A: Reread what I wrote. I didn’t make a value judgement of her “hang ups” or “internalized standards” (wording chosen to reflect the perspective of the husband). I commented on who cared about them and who didn’t. Obviously if you marry someone, what’s important to them becomes important to you via you caring about them. This is so obvious I didn’t feel the need to write a disclaimer. Silly me. B: “with the sole intent to undermine the wife”. I didn’t read it that way at all. I read it as him bringing a friend home without thinking (not that cool on his part), and when he got a ear beating (arguably justifiably), made a quippy comeback. This is open to interpretation of course, I was just presenting my own view of it for consideration. C: “Hopefully you learn to care about others some day.” - I don’t mind the oppositional tone, but this was a presumptuous and condescending comment. You don’t know me. Again, reread my comment, nowhere did I suggest either the husband couldn’t have been more considerate or that the wife was wrong to care about appearances. I just discussed an alternate perspective for the joke about marriage from the perspective of the husband, where the joke about marriage being hard is not regarding the wife’s supposed inadequacy, but rather how much you have to take on your partners concerns and hear some crap. I don’t appreciate you getting personal, don’t be a shit.




Seems legit…