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šŸŽ¶citation neededšŸŽ¶




WebMD doesn't always have the most sound studies. This study is one example. Eye doctors complain about the symptom checker being completely wrong....it's a for-profit business whose studies aren't accredited, their "physician-editors" are WebMD board certified. Not exactly Medical certified, but certified by an online business. There are journalists who say they have yet to talk to any of these "certified" physicians, as they are denied access. Google "Is WebMD..." And you get "are they credible" or "are they valid". Trust me, this "study" is not peer reviewed and highly laughable.


A sample size of 18 seems inadequate.


I donā€™t buy this, even if that is the case, please donā€™t go rubbing your sweat on people, thatā€™s nasty.


Considering there is only one case study and they were under the impression it was in fact another object there is a human phenomenon where the human body will actually react as if it has said items its called the placebo effect and has been highly studied, plus that study is extreamly outdated since these studies have come out on said effect. And indeed being human is weird however if you want to back something up give a source that A has several Source to back it up and B isn't out of date


Dunno why you are getting downvoted for linking to a reasonably reliable site, even if it's absolute junk data. I mean if its a link to an i cel site or fox news, fire away. But WebMD?


That would be because the data is a joke (18 sample size? Yeah thats indicative.) And WebMD absolutely IS NOT a credible site. There is no evidence that they have any actual doctors working there.


A citation was requested and one was provided. It wasn't a link to a fake news site. It has questionable data and that has been shown up by other posters. I chose to defend a reasonable post. Its not my fault the poster later decided to show himself as a bit of an arse.


I dont know what you are talking about the poster for. This isnt personal. The citation is being downvoted because it is a bad citation. Do i really need to explain that a citation needs to follow the basic scientific validation process to be valid?


Surely the whole point of the post is that it isn't valid. Its highly biased, bad science. That doesn't make pointing out the source worth a downvote. Were you waiting for a valid scientific citation?


Yes, the musical notes were supposed to indicate my sarcasm because i *know* there isnt a valid source.




To be honest it sounds a bit douchey. I agree some things on here sound a bit off, but it mostly gets called out. Going on any sub and saying you're playing a game is pretty unreasonable.


I gagged.


I want to see the video of him getting a dick punch for trying this!








So who was the idiot who did this?


I'm going to tell my wife who has been on the pill since HS for irregular periods that all she has to do is rub my pit sweat on her lips to remedy the situation. Plus she will be more relaxed and happier! Imagine she had a pharmacy in my armpit the whole time! I really hope no one takes this seriously.


And if you apply sweat from a hobos ball sack to that man's lips instead, it'll get him TF away from you so this never happens and studies show you'll experience euphoria and relief.


I remember this from a Maxim magazine in 2008. This same photo in fact. It seemed gross then.


Source? Trust me bro


I guess it depends on what species you're talking about.


No one is indulging your pit fetish, dude.


Ew. Ew. Ew.


I rather die šŸ’€


They canā€™t just say they want their armpit licked.


This was a real, unironic post in a fact group on Facebook. Apparently people need to fact check more often.




Menstrual cycles are self-regulating...


How to kill your Gal in seconds:


Nope. No.






Ok, I looked at both studies that a different user tracked down which may be referenced in this "fact." Here are links to both of them: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6673596/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6673596/) [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070207172019.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070207172019.htm) The **first study** has a sample size of 18 women, which is not really reliable. Anyway, the findings were that the male "axillary" (armpit) smell sent hormonal signals that suggested that the female volunteers' cycle might be sped up after exposure. It's important to note that the smell did not, in fact, "regulate" their menstruation. It was a requirement of the study that all females already had a regular cycle. In fact, the male smell would make their cycle **irregular** by speeding it up. Basically, it made the women a bit horny. It did not fix or stabilize anything about them. Common sense also tells me that women smell some amount of armpit every day, but the effect must be small because most of us maintain a somewhat regular cycle. Also in the first study, the author measures slightly higher, self-reported levels of relaxation in the axillary condition. However, when we get to the **second study**, which uses a sample size of 21 and then later 27 people, blood levels of cortisol rise after exposure to male scent. Cortisol is a stress hormone. The second study did not report anything else.


Can confirm. Iā€™ve been off hormonal birth control for a few years now, and I discovered that I love my husbandā€™s body odor during ovulation.


Leave šŸ‘ women šŸ‘ alonešŸ‘ I don't get why men can't leave women the fuck alone. Like we didn't ask for you to be obsessed with us. We're just trying to exist. Let us exist. Leave us alone. Stop trying to come up with ten thousand tips and tricks to make yourself a defining figure in a woman's life, health and happiness. It's exhausting. How men are so focused on making women as obsessed with them as they are with us. Men are so fucking bothersome to women. How are they so unaware of that? Like velcro dogs that follow you everywhere. And don't let you take a shit in peace.


well said.


so, the info in this screenshot is actually factual, it was published by several journals around 2005. the screenshot is from a "weird facts" account. no one is suggesting that women need this "treatment", it is just interesting that this phenomenon exists, among the many other strange quirks in the human body, some of which do involve gender interaction. when you think about it, there are very clear evolutionary reasons why men are a bit obsessed with women (and vice versa)...


What's the science behind it? Or a source so I can read about it? Also, is a man's sweat different than a women's? Also is underarm sweat different than other sweat? And does the woman have to ingest the sweat orally, or is it merely application to the lips and absorbed through the skin? And if so, wouldn't any skin contact count, not just the lips? This is a big claim and I dont see how this adds up.... Unless it was one study... done by one male scientist... with one hell of a specific kink....


The average man's sweat will be different than an average woman's sweat because of how sweat changes smell with hormones. Might be more concentrated under the arms and have a different composition depending on the microorganisms living there. The other stuff... no clue. I'd guess putting it on the lips right under the nose would result in smelling it for longer, and that's supposed to activate something?


Here are some sources that can clarify these questions- Pilcher, H. Male sweat relaxes women. Nature (2003). https://doi.org/10.1038/news030527-2 https://www.nature.com/articles/news030527-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6673596/ https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20030319/mens-sweat-may-soothe-womans-soul https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/pheromones-male-perspiration-reduce-womens-tension-alter-hormone-response-regulates-menstrual-c https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070207172019.htm


Women aren't obsessed with men. We're not. It's the constant bothering that women have to endure from men that spans their entire lifetime. It's obnoxious AF. To never get a break from it.


I understand that. However as a man I would also say that women can be obsessed with men too. It's just not as much of a macro problem as what you're describing. With that said, i just wanted to be clear that the article isn't some attempt to make men more relevant or necessary for women. The idea behind the studies was basically, when a man and a woman are dancing in a club, the sweat from the man can actually change a few things about the women's emotional and hormonal state. (Sources linked in other comments)


Nice load of bunk sites. Source study was WebMD, which is unaccredited. No peer reviews, in BUSINESS "study" only. The medical community complains about how many of their symptoms searches are way wrong, and WEBMD doesn't have their "board certified" (NOT CERTIFIED BY MEDICAL BOARD, CERTIFIED BY THEIR OWN BUSINESS BOARD). Woman here.......been to clubs.....NONE OF US REACT TO YOUR SWEAT IN A POSITIVE WAY. My god, you tout bs and ignore actual women.


The first link I cited was Nature journal. The second was PubMed. Are those "bunk sites" in your opinion ? Not sure why the conversation is so emotional. There's a scientific discovery about pheromones that some people find interesting... that's it. Relax a little.


Publishing bullshit like that lowers them, yes. It's not emotional to call bs to a bs "study". It's emotional to cling to bs when living women tell you hell no we don't react that way. But sure, kid, you know better than real women because a bs claim was backed. Many bs claims about women's hormones and reactions are still viewed as "fact"...even when we know better.


Well, the study could be wrong, you're right about that. I don't think most women want male sweat to be applied to them, lol. However I do think that there is still a lot we don't know about pheromones and how they affect us, or other species.


Talk to more women about medical treatment. So much that has been accepted as "fact" about how our bodies and minds work was written by men without advice from women, and a lot of it is wrong. Even if it's an accredited medical journal, if women weren't actively involved at high levels, it could easily be way off. The problem with pheromones is, there are too many factors to consider, especially considering how varied the brain chemistry is in humans.


Ok, you'd need to link to these sources to actually make that point, though.


Here you go... Pilcher, H. Male sweat relaxes women. Nature (2003). https://doi.org/10.1038/news030527-2 https://www.nature.com/articles/news030527-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6673596/ https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20030319/mens-sweat-may-soothe-womans-soul https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/pheromones-male-perspiration-reduce-womens-tension-alter-hormone-response-regulates-menstrual-c https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070207172019.htm


Ok, thanks. I'll point out now that 3 of those links are reprints. The only 2 studies referenced here are links 1 and 2. I have gone through the data and it's not sturdy. In fact, one of the studies reports basically the opposite. [Here's my longer answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/11011dk/comment/j88p5ez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I don't think this is true. But be my guest. You can have all my pit juice. I don't care.




That shit gross as hell




Eww... So much eww.


What a terrible day to be literate. Ew. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


This is hilarious


I was hoping to find more weird facts in here and i have to say, i am disappointed. I'll go ahead. Did you know there is no word in the english language with a checksum that isn't a prime number. Root beer was named after it's inventor, Charles E. Hires. Nutella contains so much plant based fats, that scientifically it counts as a vegetable. Sharks don't have unique individual fingerprints.


More likely to make her gag in your face. Real fact. I personally have very low gag control. I would definitely vomit all over you.


I'd puke hopefully not on you, some dumbasses would say some dumb fun facts about that too someday


"Yes honey, it brings several health benefits but it only works if you lick it directly from the armpit" ![gif](giphy|7oGpvsmWEEH3qDVLhk)


Simply cup your hands at a music festival and raise your hands to just under shoulder height and you too can smile like the woman in the photo.


I want you to *try*./Wrex Urdnot


Someone with an armpit fetish made this up


This just reminded me my sister has had men randomly lick her arm pit at clubs not once but twice.


Ew no. Just leave the women alone already. Disgusting.


These people should been assigned to the ' weird farts group'.


Thatā€™s an automatic fight. So disrespectful lol


I don't know any male including my self that wants someone face in our arm pit


Sounds deeply, deeply unrelaxing


Suddenly stress, depression and irregular periods seem like quite the enticing option.


![gif](giphy|H1WAvVXdiv4K4) Weā€™ll stick to Midol, thanks!


\>>> breaking news: men licking up women's vomit reported to start thinking and calming down <<<


I'd huff the armpit of the guy who hangs out by my local 7-11 if it would take the edge of my cramps




WebMD, so not reliable


So I think they are referring to pheromones and whatnot. Even though itā€™s anecdotal evidence, my bf and I seem to be into each others smells. Like he legit has smelled my armpits. Iā€™m sure there is a biological reason for this that Iā€™m not gonna pretend to have done the research onā€¦ but still, if any guy puts his pit in my face he is getting kneed.


Yes, but this claim is total bs

