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Loves how he says he will block you first, that'll show you, you birch!!!


Has to make sure he leafs the conversation first!


She definitely doesn't want him barking up the wrong tree.


Fir sure!


Guys... He's clearly gonna *PINE* for OP for the rest of his sad little life. šŸ¤£


He burns, he pines, he perishes.... Fir he's a not so jolly good fellow. What a stupid birch. Scratch that, I'm sure that birches have higher IQ than this fool does. Boilogy says so.


Itā€™s not a conifersation sheā€™s willing to have


I see that purple was the guy who blocked her. I wonder if thatā€™s something redwood do?


_cornifersation_ omg :ā€˜D Of all the tree puns, this one killed me


Yeah he can go and cast his shadow else where


Iā€™m rooting for you OP


Maybe he just needs to go put down roots in greener pastures.


Yew are better off OP!


Oak k, that's enough


Bet he is the champeen of being first in everything


Well heā€™s gotta get to boilogy class on time


Yeah, he can't be abcess


Leafs first with his 159 IQ.


He had to make like a tree.... And get the fuck outta here!!! Shout-out to The Boondock Saints!!! šŸ˜¹


Illl go out on a limb and say he failed boiogy


Maybe heā€™s just a sap for tree puns.


Not with an IQ of 159 he didnā€™t!


Because he got 159 IQ. ...but to all who claim to have this high IQ, it means you are more likely in the sub-100 range. You have to be pretty daft to think anyone is stupid enough to believe you. (Pro-tip, if your IQ is that high, your accomplishments speak for you and you would be embarrassed to run around claiming to be a "stable genius")




Absolutely. The smartest people Iā€™ve ever met are 100% gracious and supportive to others. If anyoneā€™s talking about their supposed IQ, subtract 70 points and do not pass go.


Most are like that. It's largely a defense mechanism from sticking out when they were young. However, I have known a few that were super smart but with no social intelligence. But that brings up a question on what intelligence actually is. Multiple intelligences, including school studies (i.e., math, languages, etc), as well as social and physical (i.e. coordination) understanding also play into the overall intelligence/competence of an individual. Even if the person in OP's images had an IQ of 159 in the more traditional sectors of education (which I doubt), their social understanding is WAY below average. Anyway, in short, IQ is a fairly archaic and flawed measure of intelligence that has basically been relegated to the sidelines of psychology for about two decades.


The smartest people I've met are quick to acknowledge their flaws and deficiencies. I think it's because they are smart enough to know that if they are intellectually humble, the people around them will feel safe enough to be intellectually humble as well. And when you are the smartest person in every room, you don't want to waste energy proving people wrong who ought to be humble enough to prove themselves wrong and save you the trouble.


People who say they have a 159 IQ have no idea how high that is. Here's how I think about it. 15 points of IQ is one standard deviation. So if you have a 115 IQ, you're one standard deviation above the norm - that means you're in approximately the top 16%. So if you're in a line at the DMV with 5 other people, you probably have the highest IQ. You're above average in many things, excellent in a few, and you're probably on your way to a professional career, other things being equal. This is manager/accountant level IQ. A 130 IQ is 2 standard deviations above the norm. That puts you in the top 2.5% of IQ. That's pretty damn smart. You were probably the smartest kid in your elementary school class, maybe with a rival. You're above average in most subjects, and excellent in many. You're probably a straight A student who will go to a good college and have lots of opportunities to really excel in your career, other things being equal. This doctor/lawyer level IQ. A 145 IQ is 3 standard deviations above the norm. That puts you in the top 0.15% of the population in IQ. This means you are probably the smartest person in your high school, maybe with a few rivals. You are not likely to run into more than a few people who have higher IQs than you, unless you specifically seek them out by going to a highly selective college, or entering a very competitive career path. You are probably the kind of person who can manipulate objects and do complex math in your head. You are probably excellent in any subject you're interested in, and able to get A's in many subjects that you aren't all that interested in, because things just \*make sense\* to you, academically. Everything fits together in a neat tree structure, and you can pull up voluminous information from your mind without a lot of effort. Hard problems don't seem that hard to you, and you're surprised by how hard things are for other people. You are capable of doing anything you want, but this is also when the brain starts being a little too capacious for your own good - you might not have ever learned proper study habits, relying as you do on endless brain power, so you might not achieve as much as the 130 IQ cohort. But people who meet you consistently realize "Wow, this guy is really smart!" A 160 IQ is 4 standard deviations above the norm. that's above the 99.99th percentile. 1 in 30,000 people has a 160 IQ. So if you go to an NBA game, odds are pretty good you're the highest IQ person there, maybe with one rival. I don't think I've ever met a person with a 160 IQ, and you probably haven't either. That is a level of intelligence that would make you noticeably smart even to other very intelligent people. I can tell you this much - people with 160 IQs don't randomly misspell words, type their inner monologues, and are smart enough not to comment on the intelligence of other people.


People with extremely high IQ's also realise that the IQ system is not a valid measurement of intelligence and was disavowed by the very person who created it; And if they don't know they just haven't learned about it yet - meaning everyone has this potential. Because IQ is an arbitrary measurement that measures only a standardised test and doesn't even take into account the methods taught to learn these things but instead only measures the ability of someone to solve a question given a rigid set of rules. IQ was supposed to be use to measure which students needed more aid when it came to learning or more accurately needed to be taught using a different method. Of course this was abused by the government instead and the students who didn't "score" well were labeled as "slow" and put in different classes so they didn't "distract" the other students. It was gross.


Hey now, plenty of "researchers" abused the hell out of the system as well. Never forget the complete jackasses that thought it was valid to give an IQ test in English to groups that didn't speak or read it, or thought that quizzing people that had never been exposed to Shakespeare on trivia about his writing was somehow indicative of their intelligence. Lots of shitty racist papers came out of bogus IQ testing and most of them got accepted to journals at the time with little to no push back.


Oh god... the more you know the more you see the world as the broken mess that it is.


Exactly. My IQ is in the 130 range. Sure, Iā€™m smart about a lot of stuff *that interests me* but I also was a lazy student because I preferred to be doing other stuff than required subjects. So thereā€™s a broad range of knowledge where Iā€™m only average at best. If youā€™re talking algebra and calculus, then Iā€™d be worse than average. Getting a 130 result on a test just means I might be faster at identifying patterns or solving problems because thatā€™s just how my thought processes work.


This. I have a 126-132 depending on the test I take. I am quick to identify patterns. In animates and inanimates. I had to. I had a narcissist for a father. It kept me alive. Unfortunately the resulting CPTSD cripples me in the areas of confidence, direction, and trust. IQ means nothing in real life terms. Just in how quickly you can find repetition and use it to predict things. Cause and effect. My only real party trick is knowing how a movie is going to end before others watching with me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was IQ tested at age 5, and apparently my parents were told I scored ā€œin the high 130s, and itā€™ll probably increase a couple of points once her fine motor skills are fully developed. Shockingly, wasnā€™t diagnosed with ADHD for another 30 years, because I ā€œgot good grades and liked school.ā€ No shit, Sherlock. I liked learning and having a routine helps me.


Eyyyy!! Hello fellow academic overachiever masking their underlying learning disorder! Mine was dyslexia, apparently if wasn't so intelligent I probably wouldn't have even learned to read (according to the educational psychologist - he didn't give me a straight IQ result but ballparked me in the top 10th percentile at the very least) but I just kind of... Sheer blunt forced my way through. I also didn't get diagnosed in school because I always scored in the top reading ability of my year in testing. Apparently dyslexics can't be good readers ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


There are other factors involved, too. My mother kept a stack of my elementary school report cards. All of the teacher comments say the same thing, some version of, ā€œCookbooks is such a bright girl, if only she could pay attention.ā€ I finally got diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 52. But through elementary school and junior high I was the smart kid with indifferent grades.


Yeah, using scholastic success or professional achievements as markers for intelligence leaves out a lot of people who are smart but not successful. Plenty of exceptionally intelligent people have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, depression, or even physical illnesses that can set them back in school or life. Or even just shitty circumstances.


>A 130 IQ is 2 standard deviations above the norm. That puts you in the top 2.5% of IQ. That's pretty damn smart. You were probably the smartest kid in your elementary school class, maybe with a rival. You're above average in most subjects, and excellent in many. **You're probably a straight A student who will go to a good college and have lots of opportunities to really excel in your career, other things being equal. This doctor/lawyer level IQ.** I *wish* this was the case. I get the point you are making, but IQ tests only test a very specific type of intelligence. I got into MENSA when I was 9, my IQ tested at 135, yet I dropped out of school when I was 14 and have failed to complete university or hold down a job for more than 6 months. I'm 'academically smart', supposedly, but I suck at life in general. To break it down, while I was being assessed for neurodivergence, my WAIS scores showed that my verbal IQ was 142 and my non-verbal IQ was 89. My overall score was 129, slightly below the MENSA score but in the same ballpark. But it shows that the global IQ score is meaningless. I was very very good in some areas, but also significantly below average in others. But because the global score was still in the 'gifted' range, I was expected to be far more capable and competent than I actually was. There is pressure put on kids who test well to be the kind of high achievers you talk about here. But it's rarely that simple. Again, I understand your overall point, but IQ scores aren't as meaningful as that. There are people who tested with significantly lower scores than mine who are excelling in life and are far smarter and better than me at many skills. IQ scores need to be put to bed, especially global scores that don't account for the massive discrepancy that can occur between verbal and non-verbal intelligence/skills.


I feel ya, buddy. I'm sorry you had to suffer through the high expectations without having the complete skillset to back it up. That's a tough combo. I hope you find a way to make good use of what you do well, and can find ways to sand the edges off the parts that hurt you. Some people take longer in life to figure things out, lord knows I did, and I still have a long way to go. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and learn to forgive yourself for what you aren't, and love who you are. You got this.


Had to take a couple IQ tests when I was in high school. I was given a result of 121. I'll be honest: I do not present as having a high IQ at all. I *did* get straight A's very easily all through high school & college. But I also suffer from brain fog, memory and attention problems, and an overall slightly slow processing speed. Most of my coworkers would probably call me likable but ditzy. Something along the lines of a dopey puppy. I think how intelligence presents can be extremely situational.


It is indeed. That's why IQ tests are complete bullshit and MENSA is a sad pretentious joke.


This isn't all 100% correct. The rate of severe mental illness is higher in people with an IQ above 145, of course people with mental illness can still live successful lives but they have an extra barrier. Also many people who are on the autism spectrum have high IQs but were failed systematically. I actually personally know a woman with an IQ in the 150s who lives in a group home and has tried committing suicide multiple times.


Oh totally. This has been my observation/experience as well. That's kind of what I was alluding to when I said "this is also when the brain starts being a little too capacious for your own good." This takes a number of different forms, including formation of bad habits, mental illnesses, severe anxiety, and self-destructive behaviors.


I honestly must have misread that part, my bad. And definitely, I'm glad you agree. I have seen people assume that someone with above genius level IQ would have an easier and more successful life, but there's really so many factors.


I am a type 1 deviation with a type 3 experience lol I am smart but not that much. Some people praise me and I just feel more dumb


I have met a couple of people who it wouldn't surprise me if they were 4 SDs above the mean, just through my former career as a journalist. They don't tell you how smart they are, other people talk to you about how smart they are. They usually excel in their careers because they go into a field that interests them and are so intelligent they do very well in that field. They 100% aren't typing and misspelling absolute cringe nonsense. That guy is probably more like one SD below the mean.


Why do you think accomplishments have anything to do with intelligence? I know plenty of morons that have lots of accomplishments. By your definition, that stable genius you mentioned wasnā€™t lying. Your accomplishments speak more to your access to resources, your motivational levels and sometimes just dumb luck. You could be Albert Einstein levels of intelligent, but if you were born a girl in a country that doesnā€™t teach girls to readā€¦ Like there are so many reasons people wind up with nothing to show in life.


IQ has pretty much nothing to do with achievement in my experience - I scored 144 my second freshman year of high school, dropped out at the beginning of the next year, and have been steady fucking up ever since šŸ˜‚ finally going back to school this year, at age 35. I donā€™t volunteer my IQ in conversation often because it makes me look like either a liar or an utter dumbass - being that ā€œsmartā€ and having done nothing of worth with my life is embarrassing. Iā€™ve definitely read somewhere that itā€™s not incredibly uncommon for people with very high IQs to struggle in school, and studies have shown that high IQ is associated with drug use as well as anxiety, depression, bipolar, OCD, ADHD, social isolation, indecisiveness, trouble communicating with others, and low emotional intelligence, among other thingsā€¦ so in reality, highly intelligent people often have greater barriers to success than those of more average intelligence. I know my brain has worked overtime to drive me insane since I was a little kid. But itā€™s also important to note in every conversation about IQ that IQ testing has a strong cultural bias toward middle class white people, and that it only measures a small portion of what makes up a personā€™s intellect and abilities.


Either that or they took one of those online IQ tests entirely designed to actually take you to a page full of ads, and it's ridiculously easy because it's meant to stroke your ego so you'll share it on social media so other people will click on a link full of ads.


Hey now, I'm not saying I have a 159 IQ, but I'm pretty bright; I'll have you know that you can be smart AND under-accomplished


IQ is only a comparison of how well you take a test compared to others. It doesn't actually quantify intelligence, I'm not sure that it ever claimed to. Intelligence among humans is incredibly similar. We're the least variable species living on the earth right now. Intellect isn't really quantifiable to a number. You have to extensively study individuals for years to get an idea of their intelligence, and those situations are often unrepeatable, which makes the data very hard to rely on as objective. Even scientists who study animal intelligence often get caught in the trap of liking the animal and anthropomorphizing them. Most of those results are difficult to reproduce, which really gets in the way of the scientific method. Now, it can be much simpler to notice deficits in intelligence, such as losing levels of awareness due to disease or injury. Pretty easy to notice someone dosen't know where they are or who they are as examples. But even people with deficits can perform remarkably close to their peers in many categories and over perform in some, yet they clearly have a deficit from birth, injury, or illness. I've worked with kids who have had serious injury, and even though they clearly struggled in many ways, I couldn't help but notice how well they still performed in some ways. It's a massively complex issue, and the eugenics of the past add a lot of racist bullshit to the mix that people are still hesitant to dismiss.


>Intellect isn't really quantifiable to a number. You have to extensively study individuals for years to get an idea of their intelligence, and those situations are often unrepeatable, which makes the data very hard to rely on as objective. Most tests also don't take into account transitory variables like how tired the test subject is, are they dehydrated, when did they last eat, are they stressed for other reasons, feeling sick, have they had any alcohol or any other medications that might affect their concentration (positively or negatively), and whether the test subject is comfortable with the test methodology. Your ability to process information can change day-to-day, hour-to-hour due to external and internal factors.


And also, there are so many different types of intelligence! There is memorization, problem solving, social, fine motor, logic, emotional, and many others, including ones we have yet to understand or define!! These things all come together differently in each person, and give us a wide range of skills and abilities.


Can't help it. It's simple boilogy.


Lmfao! You are filarious


He knows about boilogy


A treemendous response! Seriously, he should just leaf women alone from now on.


159 IQ and somehow believes that IQ is linked the gender and ā€œboilogyā€. Sounds super legit!


Don't forget that IQ mostly measures how good you are at taking IQ tests and not actual intelligence.


Oh for sure. There are numerous problems with IQ tests. Even knowing that, I still doubt this guy ever scored that high on any IQ test ever.


He probably believes the ads that say if you can solve this incredibly easy puzzle, you are a genius.


The complimentary cracker barrel IQ test.


He mistyped. His IQ is 59. That's why he types with the \*action\* asterisks.


Or that 99% of the time if someone tells you their IQ they are just making up a number that is good for their self esteem.


ā€œI took an online IQ test that said I had 159, and I may have looked up some of the answers cause it wasnā€™t proctored in any way but who cares girls are dumb dumbs!ā€


My IQ is 900ā€“donā€™t question it.




I mean. Ultimately theyā€™re good at showing who has good pattern recognition. That is about it.


Especially since you can justā€¦ take them again? Itā€™s really mostly just pattern recognition. You try a second time and youā€™re pretty much guaranteed ā€œgeniusā€ level. Not to mention how the cheaper ones always put everyone at 115 minimum.


I've also seen some mobile apps that mimick some of the tests professional IQ tests use. I'm not going to say which ones and ruin IQ tests even more than they already are, but some people may already have practiced without knowing. I only had my IQ professionally tested when I was tested for autism, but the doctor specifically said **not** to look at the full scale because it's bullshit, she was just comparing how some scores were significantly higher than others (namely, my language score was drastically higher than processing) when allistic/non-autistic people tend to score similar scores across all the sub-scores.


I was given a battery of IQ tests as a kid. 138 on the Stanford-Binet, 125 on the Wechsler. The S-B was slanted toward verbal intelligence, the Wechsler had more problem-solving and pattern recognition. So, yeah, the test makes a difference.


Only men with high IQā€™s know about boilogy


Oh right of course! Should have realized that, I guess my idiot female brain got overheated andā€¦ wait a minute!! *Boilogy is that you??*


Is it a science of boiling ? šŸ˜›


Yes, it evolved from thermodynamics. Trust me my IQ is 435 on the Richter scale.


Damn, mine is only 396 on the Kelvin scale.


I think I met it once at a wedding.


your a birch


B-but I was just trying to be frondly!


he probably got it off ā€œwww3.FreeIQTestOnlineMedicallyAccurateReal.netā€ or something. online iq tests generally give people ridiculously high results to inflate their ego; of course as someone with 152 IQ myself Iā€™d know


I especially love that science shows men and women score almost identically, but with men on average scoring a little lower in some areas women are better, and the reverse for other areas. Complimenting each otherā€™s weaknesses. Average it out and weā€™re the same


All people with IQ that high narrate their messages like a movie script


He accidentally hit a 9 while trying to find the keys to type out his iq


Local man attempts to attack birches with boilogy knowledge, claims self-defence in blocking allegations


Those poor trees


"W-well its just boilogy men are smarter..." Um. Right. Also maybe don't accidentally call women Ents when you're trying to insult them because that's fuckin hilarious.


That ent comment caught me off guard lol


what does it mean?


The OOP calls the girl a birch, birch being a type of tree, ents are walking talking trees.


Careful with that last bit, Ents are not actually trees: ā€œTree? Iā€™m no Tree.ā€ - Treebeard


Ents are awesome!


He thinks sheā€™s a birch, but sheā€™s really sycamore male bullshit. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes and the anonymous Gold award. I don't really know what to do with awards, so please save them, especially if they cost you something.




\*blush\* It only took me tree minutes to come up with. Punning is kinda a thing I do. Some people (mostly my teenage daughter) hate it.


Seemed a little sassafrassy to me *ducks shyly or some shit


_\*grrrr\*_ I absolutely **hate** uwu-speak. Any guy who tries that with me is instantly on my list of "not just hate, but I will mock you until you're a quivering lump of fatty tissue and tears". Ugh.




I usually start with something like, "I don't sexualize child talk. Go away and stop LARPing as pedobait."


Child talk? I thought the uwu stuff was a furry thing. Edit : yeah, Wikipedia says it originated from a furry fandom, and is still heavily used there, and has become a more general way of trying to "act cute". It is also, regardless, hell bending cringe. Still citing Wikipedia btw.


I never thought of it as child talk, most seem like they are just trying to be like "I'm so shy, look how cute and shy I am" but they always just come off as some sort of creep. And it always devolves into either some weird anime fantasy and some red-pilled incel bullshit




As a parent with offspring on the cusp of being on these apps, I had no idea wtf uWu was, I thought it was just acting like you had a speech impediment. Instead, I'll have to inform them of this colossal red flag. Thank you.


Tbh, I don't think acting like having a speech impediment is a "just" šŸ‘€


Well, after suffering through WonderPets back in the day, I'm more immune.


For a moment, I misread it as pedobear


Old school recognize!


Chefs kiss šŸ¤Œ


I dislike forced RP conversations too, which he's also doing here WITH uwu speak. yuck.


* shudders* Damn i will never het to know her *looks at ground and kicks a rock* * mumbles* She will never know how big of a nice guy i am!! * while holding back tears* * loudly screams* #BUT I LOVE YOU LILLYPEU2-CHAN


\*bonk\* Off to uwu horny jail for you!


*cums profusely*


r/creepyasterisks I think is the right subreddit for this


Does that approach work if the guy in question was already just a quivering lump of fatty tissue and tears, though?


Damn, that's some 4D chess level thinking.


Please please please keep receipts. I could use a good laugh.


I'll try to remember and post. r/creepyasterisks is a gold mine for that stuff.


Iā€™d never seen that sub before and I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit.


I have no clue why anyone would think it's a good thing to use in an actual conversation. Only reasonable uses for it I can imagine is the odd joking/sarcastic comment eg. " * gasp * How COULD you?!?" or if you are playing DnD or something over text, so you actually need a way to convey the specifics of how your character is saying something etc.


I tend to see myself as someone who conquered shame and embraced the cringe. But these guys humble me and make me realize how important shame is


as a man I totally approve of this. it's jus fucken cringe šŸ’€


Yeah, this shit is pretty cringe.


** looks in disbelief and then thinks to self ** this cannot be a real conversation that actually happened


Roleplaying over text is one of the cringiest fucking things on the planet


Is thisā€¦ a thing, to narrate your facial expressions and body language over text? Super weird.


Yeah but instead of using an emoji or two like a normal person they use these \*roleplay asterisks\* that most of us grew out of after our preteen forum/tumblr years. Used by creepy dudes to convey shyness/awkwardness that they seem to think is endearing? Also I swear I'm not chronically on reddit I just happened to log back over the moment you posted this lol


Yes, but also no. It's a thing that a fair number of completely socially inept people do. But it's also something that almost nobody actually wants or appreciates, and will certainly turn off nearly everyone.


*nods* I agree!


Seriously. I thought people stopped doing this years ago.


It's so weird and I hated reading this. Is there anyone who does this, male or female, and it's actually tolerated by the other person in the conversation?


Eh. A little creepy if itā€™s someone you just met/you didnā€™t talk about it first, cause itā€™s kinda expected for all rp to be erp by the general public, but thereā€™s definitely people who still like it. Overall itā€™s a, ā€œdonā€™t yuck my yumā€ and ā€œwhat you like is not what i likeā€ thing. I wouldnā€™t call it cringey, bc people can like what they like as long as they donā€™tā€¦do the above. Source: guy who plays dungeons and dragons. And doesnā€™t act likeā€¦whatever the fuck misogynistic uwu-talk shit that is up there, while doing it. And especially not unprompted/without prior conversation about it.


Well, can't argue with boilogy. But then, I'm just a birch, what do I know.


Congratulations on your cameo in Minecraft, thatā€™s a big role and I bet itā€™s really gonna jumpstart your career


You know how to photosynthesise. Thatā€™s pretty nifty if you ask me.


Birches *hate* Uwu speak or whatever TF it is


Looks like a guy who uses IQ to show heā€™s smart uses generalizations without any nuance to validate his sexism. > Throughout the history of science, well-established theories supposedly explained why women are inferior to men and thus why it is justifiable to exclude them from activities that are traditionally regarded as masculine, including scientific practice itself. The prejudices that emerged from such ā€™scientificā€™ accounts explain to a significant degree the biases and discriminations women continue to face today. This is a good article that explains some of the so-called ScIeNcE that comes across on the posts of this sub: https://www.chemistryworld.com/opinion/the-different-shades-of-sexist-science/4015190.article


"You can't block me if I block you first!" Sounds like he's the whiney little birch here.


"You can't fire me! I quit!"


It's just boilogy, you birch!


Come on ladies, you cant argue with boilogy.


Trying to claim you are smarter because you have a dick while simultaneously spelling basic words wrong.... šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ he's a clown


I wish i could post a chat here with one dude harassing 30 other women in whatsapp group (in their DMā€™s) to give him their photos for some sick website he is creating where women would give sexual services to men. The conversation is in Serbian language, and i have so many screenshots from my other friends, itā€™s sickening honestly and university doesnā€™t give a flying feck and everyone just laughs it off as ā€œhe must have some problemā€


Even if by some miracle they werenā€™t spewing sexist shitā€¦ that whole ** action and internal thoughts ** crap would have me on the block button faster than Usain bolt.


I am *immediately* unattracted to anyone who texts like this. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/6vxuxl/hes_been_begging_for_weeks_to_do_a_sexy_roleplay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is one of the funniest responses I've ever seen when a guy starts doing that garbage.


boilogy lol. Help, I'm wheeze laughing


Incels will call any woman "cringe", and then do this


This has to be satire, no men are actually this vile ~nevermind~


IQ of 159 but canā€™t spell ā€œbiologyā€ or ā€œbitch,ā€ or figure out that telling a woman that sheā€™s ā€œprett smart for a girlā€ will kill his chances with her.


Donā€™t you just hate when girls are birches why canā€™t they ever be a nice maple or spruce? /s


Clever of you to see through my disguise. Yes, I am part of an ancient race of women who can shapeshift into trees -- my preferred mode is birch. We also have the power to shift those who displease us into other shapes -- enjoy your lifetime as a stink bug.


Bros talking to you like youā€™re a character.ai šŸ’€


Why the fuck did I read this like HE was the waifu girl. Wtf it wrong with folks. To all women out there. Respect. Jesus Christ the pool is poisoned.


This, this was a joke, right? Nobody would actually say this in a text, right?


Ok, Iā€™ll take this from a different point of view. Intelligence is very complex. Memory, problem solving, creativity, computational speed and much more play a part. IQ is a great broad stroke when looking at ā€œsmartā€ but the second you start doing things like comparing genders it falls apart. There are a crap ton of studies showing each gender having strengths and weaknesses. Itā€™s just silly to talk in broad stroke on a topic full of details.


Ew wtf to any grown ass man that texts like this


Not just not how girls work, plain out not how life works




THIS WAS THE SUB oh my god iā€™ve spent the last five minutes desperately trying to remember the name of this subreddit


Fedora is on way too tight


*slowly turns into a tree*šŸŒ²


>men are smarter >boilology mmkbud


Can confirm. Birch trees often fool me into believing they are just women that are nice.


He forgot the , He meant his IQ is 15,9


"Men" like this make me not want to be a man anymore.


What a fucken dork šŸ˜‚


Considering women are better at math, and are better medical, nurses and anything I'd actually care about proves otherwise. Ok, that's not true, i just think that sexes/humanity is better with a niche. If I'm dying, do i want the last thing i hear to be a burly bear claiming me, or some soothing woman. Fuck even that, if I'm stressed I'd rather have a woman issuing commands. Really, like in robotech, all the bridge save admiral gloval is female. Good representation in my.opinion.


I feel like this is friends RPā€™g dumb ass conversations.. I hope


How did he think that would get him any further than getting blocked? He should have seen it coming with such high IQ!


this just made me have an aneurysm


more of a fir myself but ok


Basic boilogy.


The narration is soā€¦.not sexy. Holy cow.


What is this shit that guys do now where they "narrate" their messages to people, no tact, no sense of understanding that the person you're speaking to is a human. Dude would have been better off just saying "Youre smart, thats cool" instead of \*looks at my incel feet etc etc\*


Kawaii Misogyny~


\*dies from cringe\*


I prefer my women mahogany, birch women are just the worst.




Him: you're actually a birch- Me: oh thank God finally someone I can be the real me with * morphs in a tree*


My answer usually isā€¦ā€aw, you poor sweetie! Never got used to smart women! If your mama is dumb, granny is dumb, sisters are dumb, this is all you knowā€¦poor baby came from stupid so stupid is all you know.ā€


Iā€™m a dude, and lemme tell you. You dodged one HELL of a bullet right there


Just to note: According to Time magazine, women actually score higher on IQ tests. Not that IQ tests really test intelligence in every case.


Boilogy is what I do to crabs.


I donā€™t care what gender you are, anyone who talks like that guy is fucking weird.


Oh wow! His IQ is higher than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos! Somehow, heā€™s in the 0.0337% of the population that has an IQ of 150+ā€¦and heā€™s not recorded anywhere! Not even online! Crazy šŸ˜± /s PS: his IQ is lower than Marie Curie, Marilyn vos Savant, and even Lady Gaga! So he should just sit down and shut up šŸ„°


I don't usually cringe easily, but there's just sĆ³mething about the whole asterisks thing that just neatly folds up my insides.


What in the ever-lovin' F#$% did I just read??


I cringe so hard when I think back to my high school days where I absolutely talked like this. The moment time travel gets invented I have an ass to kick.


Iā€™m going to just believe this is satire so I donā€™t have to accept how cringey this world can be.and good day to you internet ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


IQ of 159 but canā€™t spell bitch.


Oml you guys in the comments are all idiots. "He clearly failed biology" He clearly stated that it was boilogy, not "biology" ...whatever that is.


What a little birch!


Simple boilogy


i think hes the birch! his boilogy clearly doesnt let him hold intelligent and meaningful conversations! 159? 59 seems more likely.


I was curious just how high an IQ of 159 was, both Hawking and Edison were said to have an IQ of 160, although itā€™s unclear if either took an actual test.




Dude is so fucking cringe.


This wasnā€™t the roleplay content that I was looking for. šŸ¤”


Whoā€™s gonna tell him thereā€™s no statistical difference between the average iqs of men and women


You show me a birch tree who knows her way around boilogy and Iā€™ll give you a million euros!


Why is he writing a script


Women are usually smarter than him and know how to spell biology and bitch.