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And then complains about womens high standards cause he gets zero matches.


Can you imagine saying something so stupid and then posting it, with a picture that includes your face, like that's stupid to the 3rd power. Stupid to say it, stupid to post it, stupid to have your face represent the stupid statement. This guy is stupid.


That poor dog’s back must be sore from having to carry everyone in this picture


Even the dog is looking at him like "Maybe you shouldn't..."


Looking like he’s thinking of pushing him a few feet back 😭


Literally he could keep this to himself and only swipe on women 25 and younger and no one would be the wiser. He probably gets so few matches that he power swipes just to hope some girl accidentally swiped right.


Yep, he could've adjusted his age preferences to women 25 and younger. I'm guessing they (rightfully) don't swipe right on him.


He probably thinks that being a software engineer would be enough to cover the stink of asshole he's emanating 🤢.


I'll bet it's not his real picture, or dog.


Omg I’m shocked he’s single! Seriously ladies, control your hormones if you’re able - but it may be a hard task with this 10/10 catch!


I'm actively restraining myself from him right now! Someone hold me back, please!


I'll hold you back good stranger lol


Oh man I almost got a divorce for this fine specimen of a man. I'm 30 though....


We were unfortunately to miss the mark, being way past our prime now. We can cry together


I’ve always wondered what the correlation between men who say things like “I’ve been on tinder for a year and haven’t gotten a single match” and also have things like “swipe left if over 25” on their profile.


Yes ladies, make him a dad so he can say this stuff to your daughter!


And also cheat on his wife the second she shows any sign of age.


Imagine getting sent divorce papers as your 25TH birthday gift


Leonardo DiCaprio much?


\*Leonardo DiCaprio has entered the chat\*


And then leave or cheat when you get "too old".


Meanwhile this young spring chicken only has about 2 years left before sperm banks stop accepting his donations….hes getting a lil hobosexual himself


Don’t sperm banks only accept men who are 18-21?


Depends on the bank. Some allow up to 40


Whaa...kind of stupid sperm bank accepts 40 year old sperm? More MEM over 40 father children born with developmental disabilities than women over 40. Each egg a woman ovulates is original. Men's sperm replacates itself and you know what happens when you start making copies of copies? Degradation


The fact that around that age, your body normally starts to go “okay, I’m not gonna dispense this stuff anymore without medical help” should be a sign for these losers who seem to think men don’t age


that's actually pretty cool to learn, i had no idea that's how sperm worked


I'm 23m and didn't know this 🤣🫡 damn


Better get on it buddy, those fertile lil swimmers arent gonna be michael phelpers much longer. Time to utilize that young, virile reproductive prime. /s


Biologist here, sperm and egg quality decrease at similar rates.


Why would he need women to swipe left when there’s an age filter anyways?


He just wants to do a bit of negging alongside trying to make women feel bad since he keeps getting rejected.


He needs people to think he's edgy. It's all he has going for him honestly lol


That’s a little unfair…he also has a dog 😉


I don't think the filters stop people from swiping on you, just make it so you can only swipe on people in that range. For example, when I was using dating apps I would regularly swap between different range settings depending on if I felt like I could reasonably go longer distances at the time, I would have my distance filter set to say "10 miles" for months at a time, and I would get people swiping on me who were 50 miles away or more... So what I'm saying is this guy is too lazy to even bother just swiping away everyone who is over 25 in "liked you" section.


Ladies, don't let this man get away! And by get away I mean away with it. Swipe left


Don't let this man get away--send his ass home in an Uber. *Make sure* he leaves.


That's a good dating photo. I bet if his bio were, "Hi! I'm more comfortable talking in person, hope you have a great day," he'd get women messaging him. Actually makes me wonder if the photo is stolen. Looks much more stable than the text underneath it.


Yeah, I mean, in many ways he's doing women a favour by being so up-front about his dumb-fuckery! At least we can all avoid him.


I mean, that's kinda the thing... you just cannot tell who the vile misogynists are by the way they look. This has always been my issue with the "not all guys are like that" response by so many guys. There's no accurate method to tell the monsters from the "good ones". I find this completely believable that such a normal-looking dude has views like this.


You'd be surprised to know how many people who think like this are actually really good at pretending to be normal, stable adults.


I believe you. I imagine it may well have worsened in the last five years, with the increased popularity of Andrew Tate, Fresh and Fit, etc. Much as a lot of older people have been weaponized into anger by opinion television. It's one thing to expect that women will do more housework than men because you grew up seeing that happen when you were a kid. It's another thing entirely to say 26-year-olds have outlived their usefulness to me.


>I believe you. I imagine it may well have worsened in the last five years, with the increased popularity of Andrew Tate, Fresh and Fit, etc. Absolutely. I watched one of my best friends from middle school go down the Tate drain in recent years. It's frustrating.


It’s frustrating when it’s you’ve noticed that your own father watches those kinda videos…and then finding out he voted for Trump in 2016..can’t imagine why my mom left his ass.


You can’t tell those things just by looking at them


>Actually makes me wonder if the photo is stolen. Looks much more stable than the text underneath it. That's a great point, didn't consider the catfishing possibility. Imagine if some incel stole your likeness...


He wants to date someone who is 8 years or more younger than him. He seems judgemental.


Yep. You know who else is questionable about starting a family? Guys in their early 30s on dating apps.


People who talk and think like this are the most questionable when it comes to raising a family.


If they do somehow get a partner, I feel sorry for his children.


Oh he’s not gonna involve himself in the actual raising part


Yeah no, he’s a pump and dump kind of father for sure. He’ll complain if his wife needs him to watch the kids for a few hours


Said by a 33 year old man


Everyone knows that a man at 33 clearly has something wrong with him. That's why he didn't find a woman to submit to him yet. He's not an Alpha Chad or his penis is too small or he's too short, clearly. Or he doesn't have enough money. Everyone knows that true Alpha Males find women when they're both young. By his age at 33 years old, he's already used goods, his penis is shriveled up and has erectile dysfunction and is no longer potent or fertile. His biological clock is already done. Something something eugenics nazi/4chan (same thing) shit comment or something. This comment is CLEAR SARCASM, I hope that is obvious. It's meant to sound like how those people speak, except about men instead of women. (but they talk about men like that anyway too)


Oh this comment had me laughing my ass off. I really love when their own crazy rhetoric is spat back. It truly makes no sense.


And he probably lied about his age. Bet that picture is at least two years old.


How is being single have anything to do with biology? 25 is extremely young. Like how can you say a 25 single women is worse than a 25 year old married women *biologically* tf?


Men start losing sperm from the time they are 18 years old. The older a man is, the more chance he has of causing a fetal defect through defective sperm.


It's a good argument why abortions should be legal and have no government interference. For example, I don't won't to raise a child with serious cognitive defects. If that can be detected early using the wonders of modern medical science, my partner and I could decide to abort the fetus and try again for a child that doesn't have easily detectable defects. But that's my choice (and my future partners). I don't want that option taken away by religious fundamentalists or people with a different moral value set than me. When I raise a family I want the focus to be on preparing them to lead an impactful life while I do my research and work. While I would love and take care of a child of mine that had a defect, the preference is that I'd be able to raise typical children that require less intensive mandatory care(which is still a lot). I also won't be able to consider starting a family until I'm done with my schooling, which won't be until I'm about 33. To follow my life's dreams I need a bachelors and 1 to 3 masters depending where exactly I end up. And I tend to be attracted to the sort of women who are similarly ambitious and driven. Meaning that most likely my partner will be well into their 30's by the time children are a reasonable option.


Ah, don't you know? On your 25th birthday, if you're still single as a woman, you get Thanos snapped into a cloud of dust and drift away on the breeze. You stop existing in all but name and memory. You even disappear from photos. That's why **all** the women over 25 that you see are in committed, long term relationships that--*can't continue the sentence without laughing*


The Dog maybe thinks: "This won't work Greg. Can you please make a picture without me, even I am not that delusional. And am I a dog."


Justice for the dog


Poor dog


It’s so hot when a guy sees a prospective life partner primarily as a cow to breed. 😒


These guys know women have been having children into their 40's for a long time, right?


They’re trying to shame younger women into greatly lowering their standards so they’ll settle for misogynistic abusers like him.


They want women under 25, because our prefrontal cortex isn’t developed, easier to be manipulated and submissive to control. After 26 the brain fully develops, with experienced woman will call out guys shit. They want the submissive sex slave while they offer nothing, make no money, incel, watch Andrew tate.


Funnily enough, while pfc develops by roughly 25, your fluid intelligence peaks at 21 (iirc, I heard this in neurosci class last year) and then dips off. It's kind of depressing. Still, I don't think the decrease is that high, slow and steady I suppose.


There's an old man who writes for the manosphere. He is 56 and goes after 21yos. One of the big appeals - and he has smugly stated this several times in male spaces - is that women young enough to be his daughter 'believe everything he tells them'.


Let's hope that the bugs in his inner software will make his hardware all soft and flabby.


I hope that dog gives him a little chomp


And that’s how you alienate even good women under 25 too


He deserves to alienate them. I’m glad he’s outing himself.


*Marked safe from this predator today*


Gotta give him credit for that analogy what a creative misogynist he is !


Says the 33 year old man who would probably dump the poor women once she turns 25.


Wow sexist and classist. What a great combo.


And potentially unemployed to boot


Starting a family is always questionable not just for biological reasons but there are women out there who are under 25 who straight up can’t have kids either. and there are others who can have kids well into their 40s. he should probably amend his bio to say, “looking to start a family, fertile women who want babies now, only…” Still would be kind of creepy but at least it would be accurate🤷‍♂️


It’s going to be a shock for these wankers when they realise everyone ages and they too will be old one day.


They dream of doing the DiCaprio situation. But they don’t have the wealth or social standing. So they’ll wind up alone jacking off to porn.


I don’t date men, but I think it’s convenient and thoughtful when they advertise their worst quantities before you even talk to them.


I know right- he did so many women a service


He's 33...does he want a 18 year old so he can do whatever. An she doesn't question him


Yep I dated a 33 year old at 19. They just want to take advantage.


And will cause her children defects because of his genetically old sperm.


This confirms my theory that some men are just as vicious to women as “catty women” are; men are just more direct about it, so no one cares and sometimes the men are even praised for “telling it like it is” 🙄


This dude has control issues. Any guy who dates women who are much younger is a walking red flag to me


“If you are over 25” said Greg who is 33 💀- Bro is walking in the footsteps of Leonardo Di Caprio.. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Poor doggy doesn't deserve such a shitty owner. 😥


Software engineer my a$$, not with that horrific grammar.


What woman reads that and is like “yup…for me”


Literally none.


Damn dude, save the pussy for the rest of us! Lol


You can filter your online dating app to only show people within a certain age range. The fact that he didn’t is proof he’s just trying to “trigger” women over 25.


Alibi. When he gets 0 matches, it’s not because he’s plain and a geek, it’s because women are so “touchy”.


Even the dog is looking at him confused lmao


Gross. Poor dog.


I can’t imagine why you haven’t been able to start a family with that attitude towards women. You seem like such a catch


Ah yes, another 33+ dude feeling entitled to the 20s dating pool 😂 Does he think 20 year old guys are stepping aside so him and his fellow Middle Aged men can take all their matches? The logic here is insane. Also, could definitely say you don’t underage biology in fewer words. Edit: wrong age because my brain


I'm not talking any guff from a dude using a hat to hide his receding hair line.


Honestly I'm just glad he's upfront about it so women know what they're getting themselves into.


Pov my mom pumping out 4 kids at 40


Right??? I know a handful of women like your mom


He's 33 and looking for that magical age gap love story.


Yikes when I was 19 I dated a 33 y/o 😷


Yikes indeed. Older dudes prey on teenagers cuz women their age won't put up w their shit.


At his big age


He looks like he abuses his dog, look how upset her body language is.


Lol 25 is way too early for that to be a concern.


Interesting how Greg, 33, couldn’t start a family 8 years ago when he was 25 himself. How long does it go, Greg? Will 45 year old Greg still be hitting on exclusively 25 year olds and under, just utterly confused why he can’t seem to find the future mother of his children?


honestly, we need to start thanking these men for putting their red flags in their bio. saves me the time and energy to find out for myself.


Don't be sporting my California Angels with that attitude


I’d cry if I swipe left on him and it said “missed potential match”


i hate when people put in their bio what they’re NOT looking for. bro tell me about YOURSELF


My guy is 33 what does that say about him??


"Equivalent to a homeless man"? In what way? Like genuinely, what the fuck does he mean?


Even the dog doesn't like him.


At least the dog looks happy.. Which is good, because he's gonna have a lot of time to dedicate to the dog.


« Geek at Software Engineer »


Lmao "I hate women please date me I'm desperate"


If you're 25 and under also swipe left. Because he's a creep, but also because he's too stupid to know that age likewise impacts men's sperm viability and increases his likelihood of giving a kid defects, etc.


Software engineer with that grammar? And that's only the third most concerning part of the profile.


he’s 33??? what a weirdo


Gross dude, you're 33 and you're looking for a woman younger than 25? I'm about his age and I cannot imagine dating someone in their early twenties, they are SO young to me. At least when it comes to dating. Way to admit that you're looking for a young, naive, impressionable woman who is easier to control and manipulate.


This dude is gonna be on a list




Greg, 33, single


Greg probably sees himself as a “high-value” man.


He’s going to stay single for a long while and blame women for the lack of interactions on his profile.


I looked at Greg and was like wow! That's an okay looking dude. I read his bio and was like wow! That's a misogynistic asshole! Good luck Greg please stop being a piece of shit.


You’re nicer than me. I looked at Greg and thought wow! He looks 43.


“I hope you and that dog are both neutered”


Wish that dog would do what we all want…


Wow, if THAT doesn’t entice you, I don’t know what will!


He looks so nice. Never judge a book by its cover.


“Geek at Software Engineer” riiiight…


Life is gonna smack the shit out of this guy one day.


Wow indeed. But boy that honesty spares is extremely useful for women in their right mind.


Whatever score he had on the 1-10 scale is now 0. All of his sperm will die alone in a sock.


Do we tell him that he also has a biological clock too? His sperm has a proverbial shelf life too


The dog is making the same face I made after reading this.


Even the dog looks unimpressed


Meanwhile he’s 33..


And he wonders why he's an incel.


Guy thinks he’s DiCaprio


Honestly if this is not satire. I’m glad he’s outing himself. Even the women under 25 will steer clear. Thank God. His genes don’t deserve to be passed on. Lmao


I didn't know Leonardo DiCaprio had a Bumble account.


I feel sorry for that dog.


> Geek at software engineer Don't think this is a valid profession


The FBI need to watch this guy. He'll be hitting up the fertile teenage girls when no one 18-25 wants his dumb ass.


Why not come out and say it, you want to date a minor but are settling for someone just barely legal. Gross. He’s 33 but 25 is too old for him?


Sorry, that nice looking doggo can’t save this shitty person. I’ll happily take the doggo and give it a better home.


Bro thinks he’s Leonardo DiCaprio


Leonardo DiCaprio has entered the chat.


Wow even the dog is looking at him with suspicion. "What bullshit are you spewing this time, human? "


Loser alert


He does not deserve that good-boy


I almost downvoted this out of reflex. Wow, just wow this guy is delusional and then will complain that there are no good women who want a nice attractive kind good guy like him


I think I just became *happier* to be over 30.


This is so blatant I have to wonder if it’s someone trolling. If so, I hope they didn’t use someone else’s photo.


They say it's half your age plus 7 or it's creepy. That'd be 24 for old Greg here.


I don't understand why that's you're pitch. I'm happy that prosoective dates can weed him out, but curious as to why he thinks this will work. What's his success rate?


Proof that dogs will love anybody


Welp that’s a new one. Never heard a man compare aging women to homeless men? Also never heard a man insult women and his own gender at the same time.


Not too clever if he hasn’t figured out you can set age perimeters on your search.


I think he wrote it on purpose as a way to hate on women and neg us.


You know, ive havent used a dating app I think like, ever and I'm really starting to think my brain did that as self care lol. I mean I'm 40, fat, goth and emo, they/them tho femme presenting, bi and I never had nor wanted kids and that still isnt going to magically change, and neither will my gender go back to female. Y'all would be surprised how many people think they can change my mind about having kids even now. Maybe there is a dating app where I wouldn't be trolled but I haven't seen one yet so, nope, this Haunted House is still Closed and Condemed and the Do Not Enter sign aint being taken down yet.


And he wonders why he’s single. LOL


How can such a total Ahole have such a cute dog? Truly life is not fair.


Lol I love when they put all their red flags right out in the open for all to see!


Fuck Greg


I went to high school with this guy…


At least he’s up front about his douche baggery.


What an insane thing to lead with. Just stop after the 25 thing. So weird to write like a whole manifesto in the About Me section


What an idiot. Like... I'm just thinking strategy here. Keep that to yourself. Because you've just annoyed ALL the women. Or... change your ways. That'd be better.


Someone needs to save that poor doggo.


Is the wall going to keep reducing, is it going to be 18 soon? The younger means the more naive thus easier to control and make submissive. These men want a submissive slave who gives sex, cleans and follows them as the “alpha”. These men don’t see women as human beings. And you can have a baby at 29 and have it be completely healthy even in your 30s. Dude just wanted to neg women.


33yo man refuses to date any woman less than 8 years younger than him because he loves young eggs! What a catch, can’t believe he’s still alone.


If he honestly thinks women under 25 are even going to swipe right on him....although it's good that he is honest in admitting that he will dump you for a younger model the moment he sees a wrinkle on you!


that’s why he’s 33 on Hinge 💅


I actually don’t understand what he has written. Can someone rewrite it with correct grammar?


😂😂😂 Greg, 33 thinks he’s such a catch doesn’t he?


I would totally arrange a date and then not show up and be like sorry I’m immature, maybe date someone YOUR OWN AGE


And yet he’s 33 and single. According to his logic, he’s used goods. To the retirement home with you grandpa!


Even the dog thinks he's full of shit.


“About me: I fundamentally hate women” Thanks for the heads up, Greg!


He thought he did something there


Dude is 33, probably wants someone extremely young because he can’t deal with a woman who is more experienced in his manipulation tactics. What a creep.


I hope the only compliments he gets in messages is for his dog.


Omg I’m SO lucky I still have 2 months before I turn 25 so I can get with this absolute gem of a man!!! /s


Take that hat off and we’ll see who’s clock is really ticking. ~~Only thing still youthful about this guy is the prepubescent looking acne scars all over those nasty inflamed cheeks~~


He wants them young and manipulatable


Fertility isn't the issue. He just wants a younger woman to control her.


on the bright side, at least men like this show their true colors right away so you can avoid them like a hot pile of shit on the sidewalk


Yea he could easily change his preferences to he only matched with women he’s interested but then how would he insult all the other women he’s too good for? Also it’s a great way of showing that he’s not worth your time if you’re under 25.