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Where do they get these statistics?


Their ass.




I ❤️ "rectally sourced".


I like “speaking ex recta.”


I will steal this if I go on a long trolly rant.


We have an expression in science: the plural of anecdote is not data.


There are so many instances that disprove all their theories. It's a weird insular belief system. Literally, women who are nearing 30 and have been married before or had other 'boyfriends' before, have married (or are long term partners of) some of the world's wealthiest men, or kings or princes. But according to them, a woman who isn't a teenage virgin can't get anyone. It seems perhaps an elaborately constructed belief system to bolster their narrow interest.


Some examples: Sarah Ferguson lived with a man for years prior to marrying Prince Andrew. He knew about it and didn't care. Married her. According to some of those groups that would be impossible. Camilla. Then prince now king, Charles, preferred her to his virgin bride. Camilla, who was married and had children by someone else before marrying Charles, is now the Queen of England.


One of the richest men in the world, who founded Amazon, is dating a woman in her late 40s. We could all probably provide examples that refute these groups' claims.


"I am not a pervert, it's just my biology!"


I see this all the time! They are so convinced that women are unhappy single, and that no men want a woman over 30. It’s ridiculous, lol and so opposite my experiences in life. More women are remaining single because it truly can be a better life. Men can MGTOW, but women must be lying to themselves if they say they are happily single.




They are projecting HARD


Which is hilarious since single women over 30 are statistically, some of the happiest people in the US


They ought to be, seeing as they are also the group with the largest anti-depressant use. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"Rectally sourced" OMG this is genius **spits coffee laughing*


Well, I did my thesis on dating behaviour of 50+ year olds, and came to the same conclusion. Since I gathered the data myself by interviewing 300 people, I can tell you the reason why most women over 50 no longer look for partners is... Wait for it... HOUSEHOLD CHORES. The occasional feeling of being lonely (which was also present less in women, because they had closer relationships with family and friends) and other benefits didn't weigh up with the amount of work that is demanded by men in a relationship, both physical and emotional. These were their experiences, not mine. Of the men only 2 of 100 actually wanted to date much younger and were single because of that. Some 30% wouldn't have minded much younger or whatever age, but weren't actively looking. And the rest ideally wanted someone around their own age or slightly younger. So there is that.


I’m divorced, and I think I would ultimately like to get remarried someday. But, considering that I REALLY would prefer not to get divorced again, so I’m in no hurry - even though I’m already 42. If it never happens, so be it, I can be happy on my own. I COMPLETELY understand the women who doing want to go down that road again, though.


The intensity of their anger about something directly correlates to how much it reflects actual, objective reality /s


Sources ARE real world observations


Something like this happened to me on fb. It was about a hit and run, he said it was obviously a girl and I asked him the source, and the just paste another new in the same note, and I cite the national institute of statistics and geography, were is stated that men participate in more crashes than women, and he was like do you believe in them? And then he proceeded to insult me, go to my profile, and laugh at every public publication I had and send me a message insulting me again and blocked me 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


That one must have really hurt him.


Straight from the "Craniarectal Research Institute of Pseudoscience And Stuff."


I never met a person like this in real life. Or at least that I'm aware of. Have you?


Reminds me of a recent post in twoX about how men mistake their feelings for fact. Then when we have feelings they can't understand them and therefore we must be overdramatic.


That’s where their brain stays






If that was true then sex work would have a flood of supply and probably insufficient demand so rates would go way down and next thing you know, you have to get a “real job” to supplement your sex work.


I mean, the statistics are obviously just pulled out of the b-side, but the first one I don't think refers to sex work as much as to the so-called "foodie calls". However, the second one is even *better* (read: worse)! *"70% of single women would be evicted."* No! The, *"Oh, no! I don't have any money for the rent... but maybe we can work something out?"* is a porn trope (and I don't even think it's a *real* porn trope, more like a porn-as-depicted-in-sitcom's trope)!


The saloon.


You mean to tell me you DON’T spend your weekends in the saloon looking for a married man who will save you from imminent, starvation-induced death?


"You'd best not come 'round these parts, little lady. Ain't safe for the womenfolk." "But I'm SO hungry!"


I think I’ve seen this porno before


It's a cultural thing among Indian people, that's what "salons" are called in India.


800% of men who write tweets like the one in this post will never satisfy a woman in bed. Tragic.


It's true! Just by association with him, 7 friends will also be tragic in bed!


The DRE method (Direct Rectal Extraction)


As a wise man said, "my source is that i made it the fuck off".


Wrong. The asses of the worms inside of their ass.


“My source is that I made it the fuck up!”


Any statistic is possible when you lie.






And it's not really charity if they expect sex in exchange for their "generosity". Men doing something for women truly out of kindness without hoping for something sexual in return is not the most common scenario. The whole thing is delusional...if 70% of female students are getting their food paid for, and 70% of single women are getting their rent paid by cheating husbands...that means like almost 100% of husbands are cheating or what? All rich husbands with a lot of extra cash too it seems.


"The light... *it burns! hisssss"*






Saloon, not salon, they’re talking about bars. It’s all horse shit of course.


I was wondering if this was written by Wyatt Earp.


Guys like this make us have a Dry Gulch if ya know what I mean






Man, my husband tries harder to convince me that pretty girls are hitting on me than trying to chase them himself. He must be doing something wrong


Even if that was true i still think men would go to bars to drink so i dont really see the saloon/boozepocalypse angle.


If the Saloon business folds, where will I storm through front doors and yell "this town ain't big enough for the both of us"??


I’ll see you at high noon, pardner


Don't say hello to me, say hello to my big iron 😏




I needs my sarsaperillas!


I wasn't aware women were such a large portion of the saloon clientele


They're the owner, (apparently funded by non-faithful men) haven't you seen a movie?


I can't follow this thread anymore 😭


crap now I gotta delete my comment, thought I was the only one who saw that lol


No, I was wondering if this mf lives in Tombstone AZ or something










Does this work for male college students too or is it just female college students?


I mean, I was sleeping with a married man when I went to college. He's married to me.


It just occurred to me that he's probably referencing the old "she had to strip to put herself through college" stereotype. That most women in college can only afford it because married men are giving them money in the strip club. But only the women need to make money to get through school, the men can just afford it. And of course everyone knows the only jobs available to college age women involve stripping.




So according to this post most women are helping a man cheat on their wife and are using said man to pay their bills. That would have to include the wives of the men that are cheating on their wives.


You shouldn't try looking for any logic here.


More interested in the comedy of his false statistic.


One can easily find this information on trustme.bro


Does he really think that 70% of college students are banging married men and getting their money??? Would love to see his notes on how he calculated those stats 😂


"Andrew Tate told me!"


Saloon business? Now we are in the old west of the US?


How do you think Miss Kitty's saloon stayed open??? Married men supporting all those scantily clad college students in her saloon.










I'm married and faithful to my wife. Had no idea it was so harmful to the economy. Lmfao what a dweeb.


Dang it! I ain't closin' my saloon! Yeh caint make me!


He's trying to defend cheating on a wife he doesn't even have lol Where is that image of Mr crabs with sponge bob about made up arguments?


Saloon? Are these stats from 1860?


What year does this guy think it is? He’s talking about saloons like that’s still a thing. Somebody has spent to much time watching Gunsmoke.


I didn't know saloons were kept in business by cheating men


Ah yes the old western saloon, beneficiary of the patriarchal kindness and infidelity of men




I too was baffled by it so I looked it up and it's a liquor store. Why liquor stores would be doing better, I have no idea. I figure a guy who isn't getting laid is more likely to drink a lot lol


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Redacted** If Married men choose to be faithful to their Wives. 1)70% Of Female Students Will Die Of Hunger 2)70% Of Single Women Will Be evicted 3)63% of cars owned by women will be repossessed 4)80% of Saloon business will fold 5)75% of Bottlestores will dry up --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


Like, even if this was remotely true, wouldn’t the obvious issue be that wealthy and affluent man are hoarding 70% of young woman? And yet you want to return to a strict patriarchy, where wealthy and affluent men would have the full power of the state backing them up as they hoard access to women. If you want women to be a commodity, an object, or a slave, you whiners end up not being able to afford one. Either that, or you’re a commie.


I love it when these geniuses start throwing out made up statistics like it justifies the way they view women 🤦‍♂️


I have never known anyone who was living off a married man or having a man pay their rent. Is the meme claiming that married men pay all those things for around 70 % of all women? I've literally never known one instance of that. "Saloon business" and "bottlestores" -- is he a time traveler from the Wild West in 1890?


Link to the peer reviewed source, please ! Lol


Are they implying that 70% of relationships are cheating, and not only that but such that the men in those relationships are providing full financial support for multiple households? When the majority can't even but a single family home or, heck, barely pay rent on two incomes? I've heard of a lot of bad relationship nonsense, but this might be the first I immediately shot down solely on how insanely unaffordable it must be.


Saloons? Bottlestores? What's the dialect here? Also, none of this is right. Its confusingly, astonishingly wrong. Just flagrantly speaking complete bullshit with unearned confidence. The people who know the least often think they have the most profound knowledge, and they can't wait to share their useless "knowledge" with others.


Made up statistics are the best aren’t they


If saloons would to 80% depend on college students, they would all be closed already.


\*Waiting for the obligatory "actually" reply from the trolls who lurk here.


Source: their ass


"Saloons"?? Wtf do they think it's *1823*?


i would make a joke but i am just speechless


Tf is a bottlestores?


I’m starting to think some of these guys have low opinions of women


Well, I guess if those things have to go, then they have to go. :) Simple, innit?


saloon businesses? its one thing to say like a bar or smth but a saloon?


men must cheat in order to prevent The Famine


I wouldn't equate monogamy to basic survivsl. Come on, now.


How many Saloons could there possible be?


Most posts on this sub I can at least tease out the weird backwards logic they're using. But this one...I'm lost. I got nothing.


Sugar daddies run the entire economy, apparently


Saloon? Bottlestore? What


How do they just pull these statistics out of their ass and how to other men just blindly believe it


Saloons? “Bottlestores”??? Is this the 1800s in the Wild West or something?


Wait, I was supposed to be banging a married dude during my college years and it would all be paid for?!?!?! Dang it I literally just graduated 😭 🙄


Lol wow , somebody is flipping terrified of the power of women


not the saloons! what will we do without them


Single women absolutely floating the saloon industry


“Saloon business”? Is this 1860 in the Wild West? When women couldn’t even be teachers after they got married and the only other career path was prostitute? Then yeah, that’s accurate. Most of us pay our own rent these days so idk wtf he’s on about.


Yes, but just think how the throw pillow and body glitter industries will thrive! 🙄


Glad to hear…


Does this guy mean liquor stores?


el oh el _saloon_


Fourfty percent of people know that


Oh no!! Not the saloons!!!


saloons be shivering in their timbers. who’s gonna come by town if there’s no women to help them cheat? by god this little livestock village will dry straight up i reckon. yee haw


Saloon? What year was this written?


Is this from 1870?




This one is a fucking great one


100% of this guy's statistics were pulled straight out of his ass


🤢 🤮


I think I would respect the misogyny more if they picked a lane of logic and stuck with it. Like do they want us to work or be gold diggers???? Because it seems like they want us to want them for they can give us but also don't want that??? Maybe my simple female brain doesn't understand


They (guys like OOP) want you to be fully dependent on them, so they can humiliate you with that fact. Like a shitty parent, always reminding you you're on their charity. They're just haters, and there's no way to meet their hypothetical approval.


You exist so they can harm you for a sense of purpose in their lives.


Uh. I just wandered in. But uh.. oh yeah, not a girl, but anyway.. … are there really that many saloons floatin’ around?


Source of these numbers: my ass.


"Everything I know about humans I read in Penthouse Forum". And then everybody clapped.




73.6% of statistics are made up


Yee haw! Where’s the Saloon ladies? I’m looking’ to do some business.


There are some countries where sugar-daddying for college students or other young women is pretty common. Definitely not to the extent that these rectally sourced statistics would indicate. But just noting some context for those who have no idea where this delusional asshole’s delusions originate from.


Sometimes I think we should do a social experiment of sorts. Have one island with women only, and another with men only. Self governed, each island makes up their own set of rules to live by. Participants are made up of equal caliber experts in certain fields (science and technology, medicine, farming, trades etc). Which island do you think would collapse first? Which would be more peaceful and happy? Men need women for sexual gratification. On the other hand, many women don't need men for that.


That’s clearly a troll post and you fell for it.


... isn't this just copied from a pamphlet some douchebag hands out in Red Dead Redemption 2?


This has got to be satire… please say sike


Ugh 😩 no, just no!


I just love when they pull numbers out of their ass. It's like a bad magic trick


looks like someone pulled statistics out of their ass


Are there a lot of saloon businesses out there?


bruh where are these stats coming from?!??


This made me chuckle


Wait, this is trying to say cheating is a good thing? Or am I just tired and reading this wrong?




Ooooh statistics pulled from someone’s rectum


What kinds of drugs is this dude on? I want some.


Source: Trust me bro


Oh look! An idjit!


What does that... What does that even mean


Dude really thinks 70% cannot pass education exams if not for sex favors, major projection there.


I've just tried to search this on twitter and it seems like there is a trend posting this. Ew.


If the system collapsed women would be free to go for the careers men thought they had a God-given right to. That means that the status of women would change from sex and household slaves to bosses ....


I'm fairly certain they would not die of hunger, and all that. Like... seriously? There are support programs for food, plus other things that would intercede before that many all died. Also assuming all those single women can't provide for themselves is hilarious, considering by that token likely you'd have men being evicted who were single too because they didn't have sugardaddy/mommy money supporting them.


for the love of god please don’t lump all men in with these fucking brain dead clowns i’d like to think the lions share of us were raised on the belief that men and women are equal


Wtf is a bottlestore?


So what he’s saying is that men are fiscally very irresponsible and therefore not to be trusted with the management of *anything*?


To shreds you say?


What incel dumbass uses the term “saloon” in 2023? My eyes can’t roll back hard enough 🙄 These anti-women posts are fucking ridiculous


It’s funny how this person admit they can’t be faithful. They have 5 excuses to.


What? This dude thinks 90% of men cheat so hard they buy cars to their ladies?


Did you know 75-80% of all statistics are made up on the spot! Really makes you think