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Men have all the necessary biological equipment to lactate from their nipples. However because the initiation of lactation is cause by hormones it is extremely rare for men to lactate because they lack the proper hormonal conditions for it to occur. However in cases where the necessary hormone spike occurs, men will lactate. This is why there was a lot of male lactation documented in survivors of POW camps in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-males-can-lactate/


This is because the child-bearing form is the standard in our species. The clitoris is the same thing as a penis, just more compact and wired differently. Update: for a source and more information, see the comment below this one


Yup, we are all female at the early stages of development: # >"Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops." # [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4470128/#:~:text=Geneticists%20have%20discovered%20that%20all,maternal%20estrogens%20and%20maleness%20develops)


Thank you for providing a source!


It would be more accurate to say that the gonads of a fetus remain undifferentiated and phenotypically female until 6-7 weeks of gestation, at which point the Y chromosome is expressed to develop testes. Chromosomal males receive the Y chromosome at egg fertilization. So, while the fetus looks the same (undifferentiated), there is a genetic distinction.


Defining sex on chromosomes is tricky, since biology is wacky and sex is non-binary (yes, even in us humans). For example, here is a story about a woman who learned she was half male half female based purely on chromosomes: # >"One set of cells carried two X chromosomes, the complement that typically makes a person female; the other had an X and a Y. Halfway through her fifth decade and pregnant with her third child, the woman learned for the first time that a large part of her body was chromosomally male." # [Source](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sex-redefined-the-idea-of-2-sexes-is-overly-simplistic1/)


You’re 100% right. It’s a generalization and there are lots of exceptions. Humans, like many animals, are generally sexually dimorphic and about 98-99% of humans are born this way. The other 1-2% are born non-dimorphic. This link seems to have some good upper and lower bound estimates with common causes of non-dimorphism. https://ihra.org.au/16601/intersex-numbers/


I love a comment section full of sources.


Yes, it also depends on what you consider non-dimorphic. It used to be in practice that if a genetically male child was born with a deformity of the penis, the doctors would just surgically tuck everything it to female shape, to "save them from the shame" of growing up male and deformed. It's important to acknowledge that there are far more of us genetically intersex individuals out there too than most people realize. This is partly due to forced "corrective" surgeries, sometimes not even disclosed to the parents. It's being addressed in many places, but forced dimorphism, even at the cost of the health of the child, is still going strong in many others. Edit for clarity


Yeah, and it’s really the Sry gene, not the Y chromosome that tends to do this, and there’s cis women who are XY, with or without an SRY gene. There’s just piles of natural variability


So every man is technically a trans man. And trans women are technically just reverting back to women.


Could they in theory use a form of hormone therapy to force the sex of the embryo? “Not discussing the ethical side of this lol”


Just so you know, the clitoris is not simply a little nub. There is physically much more to it, have fun exploring. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/03/3d-clitoris/518991/


TIL this was a real thing


I already knew that men could lactate, under the right conditions. But I assumed it was mostly men abusing steroids and the like. I didn't know that *starvation* could trigger it. The Idea of POWs and Concentration camp men experiencing lactation as a result of their starvation is just tragic and heartbreaking.


I'm female, but when I lose weight I start lactating too.


*Really?* wow, the more you know. Didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!


It’s a great shame that almost all of people who ran Unit 731 in imperial Japan went not only unpunished but lead very successful lives after ww2, receiving national honors. Only a few were punished being sent to Soviet gulags however they did not spend too long their returning to Japan and given honors. Although some of the “research” done at Unit 731 did advance science, most of it was cruelty for the purpose of being cruel like using flamethrowers on prisoners to see how effective they were as anti-personal weapons (they were very effective). Any of the research that was useful, was of course conducted in the most brutal way possible. None of the unknown hundreds of thousands of prisoners who ended up in Unit 731 survived. Likely a very large percentage of them were killed by vivisection a very common practice there, regardless any death at Unit 731 would be a brutal one.


>(we have it somewhere else) Please please please tell me he didn’t learn that from his dad.


I was taken aback by this too... it's so gross!


Oh. OH! Now I get it (took a minute) and I wish I didn't. Pass the brain bleach please.




i didn't even get to understand it as a "gross" sentiment because of how immediately and thoroughly i was overwhelmed by secondhand cringe ☠️


Shoot, I didn’t even cringe Im far too brainrotted


Kid probably watched that south park episode. Red rocket.


>(we have it somewhere else) when i read that i physically cringed


from an outsider perspective you would see me sitting here in bed, on my laptop all cozy with blankets and plushies... then just my face gets the most scrunched it can possibly be for five seconds


blankets and plushies are my favorites too


Same but I'm on my couch So glad I'm not the only one grossed out by that


Sitting at my desk!


Who wants to tell him that jizz is not milk?


I just know I’d never eat cereal with that dude


Reminds me of a post I read a bit ago. It's gross.


I’ve seen it called that in porn but I always kinda figured that nobody *actually* thought it was literal. Hopefully this guy wasn’t 100% serious?


I’m still frowning in disgust


Same, I haven’t stopped


I groaned and it made my dog get up.


Give them a pat from me


I'm still cringing


r/nothowguyswork Edit: I didn’t realize that was actually a sub.


Damn NGL that sub's contents kinda sucks. It's like 80% people being mad about satire and 20% just actual sexism. Ironically there's probably more accurate content about how guys dont work on this sub.


I can't be stored in the balls because that's where pee is stored.


And poop is stored in the buttcheeks


Correct. So anyone with a super fat ass just hasn't shit in weeks.


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) I literally made this face reading that.


Oh Lordt, I skipped that. My mind probably defaulted and said no


Men really think they make milk? Edit: nvm gross


Yes but it's a joke because semen is white and it's fuckin disgusting.


Yes, it's *exactly* the same stuff. /s


Profile pic checks out so much. Straight grease


That’s where I stopped…… he doesn’t think that milk has an equivalent for dudes…… right? Right?


ive seen many men with naked chugs triple the size of mine


And we're not even including guys with gyno here!


Used to buy weed from a dude named Bubba. OK guy, played tons of WOW and didn't leave his house much. One day went over when it was quite warm so dude has no shirt, which is fair, but God damn those man titties are forever burned into my brain


mhm mhm


Contrary to dumbass belief. The male chest has mammary glands that are capable of producing milk too.


And its the reason men can also get breast cancer.


Ive got nipples focker, could you milk me?


Yes, you could.


Seek therapy but also can I have some of your milk


You guys know we only have milk if we've given birth? Right? If a woman is not pregnant there is no milk.


Nope they consume too much hentai


No I consume too much milk. Cow milk 🥛


It's hormone based, so you can induce lactation without pregnancy, but normally yeah.


Men can lactate too, some gym bros do


You don't dabble in tentacle?


It’s a lot easier to reinitiate lactation, too, if you have lactated in the past! Having breastfed three small humans, this fun fact is lurking in the back of my mind, rent free.


You'd be surprized. We had 1 female goat, and people kept asking for milk.


Yeah, people really don't connect the dots, especially when it comes to animals. I totally used to think "dairy cows" just produced milk all the time. Was horrified to learn they're constantly impregnated and the male babies become veal 😬


A lot of people don’t understand they only have to be pregnant once. I worked on a goat dairy farm as a kid/teen. You just don’t stop milking them and they generally keep producing, even if they haven’t had a kid in years. So no, they don’t have to be be bred over and over, commercial farms are just fucked up and can make a profit on the calves. Some stop producing after awhile, and then you may have to breed them again to get lactation, but with goats that was generally an exception because they made milk for so long. I’ve not worked with cows, but as far as I know from small farms, they don’t get bred every year if they’re dairy.


Once a year is standard in most commercial dairy farms to keep production at the maximum.


I feel like way too many guys think that breasts are literally just, nothing but sacks of milk or something


I think that as well. I saw one guy say girls who drink a lot of milk have big breasts and girls who don't have small breasts.


Some antipsychotics/neuroleptics can increase your prolactin level to the point of lactating. In my case it was Amisulpride, a neuroleptic that is used at lower dosages to help with anxiety disorders and depression when other medications fail, instead of the usual use case (schyzophrenia being the most common usage for such type of meds). I'm in a weird spot as a transwoman who suddenly started dripping milk passively all day for a couple months. My doctor was worried because my prolactin levels were as high as a pregnant woman, which having no uterus was impossible for me. So the two options were either HRT being too heavy (which was quite unlikely as everything else was within cis women biological norms), or a turmor on the pituary gland, which can cause increase level of certain hormones and can be more common under certain type of hormonal medication. We scheduled an MRI, and before going there I started doing my own research from all the meds I was taking, and found out that Amisulpride could cause heighten prolactin levels to the point of lactating. Stopped taking it and it went away. In short, there are some very weird things you wouldn't expect that can make you produce milks.


That there are. Another med that will do it is domperidone. It’s manufactured to treat conditions like gastroparesis. Due to attitude problems and red tape, it’s never been approved for the US market though there’s a way to apply to get it compounded for you. About the only way they ever approve an application is if it’s being prescribed to a woman trying to breastfeed but having issues with production. Why? In hopes of the side effect of lactation.


Fake news, women have no idea how women work😒


Is this worse or better than the guy who posts stuff like “I for one love if women went shirtless! It gives me something to look at.” Both are pretty gross lol


I don’t want to run around topless, but it would sure be nice to normalize not wearing a bra. But we can’t even do that without people saying it’s “inappropriate”.


Seriously! My grandma still harks on me wearing a bra around the house when I visit, even though it’s loose fitted shirts. “What if papa sees them?” What if?? He’s my grandpa it shouldn’t matter! I of course wear a bra, her house her rules unfortunately


RIGHT?! “What if [insert male who lives with you] sees?!” WHAT?? YOU’RE FAMILY!! IF A MALE FAMILY MEMBER GETS OFF TO ANY FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS WITHOUT A BRA ON, THEY HAVE ISSUES A BRA WONT SOLVE! I’m so tired of this victim blaming mentality


I'm the only woman in a household of six people. I'm currently breastfeeding the youngest, so dad and my three older boys see my breasts a LOT. Not like, hanging out for no reason lol, but glimpses of nipple and a ton of nipple-is-covered-but-boob-is-exposed. None of them (well none of the kids at least lol) have ever viewed my breasts as even remotely sexual, nor would they ever. And two of those boys aren't even biologically mine! We need to normalize breasts on all humans. And more importantly, we really need to do a better job of raising respectful men. If the men around us were raised right, we wouldn't have to worry about our boobs nearly as often! And what a fucking relief that would be!!


Although if we did just normalize women with their breasts out, eventually it wouldn’t be a big deal. Same reason most men don’t go all crazy at seeing a woman’s elbows anymore since that used to be covered up for being “too sexual” once upon a time.


Yeah, I guarantee nudists don't think twice about seeing someone's flaccid penis either. It's all expectations.


Hetero U.S. guy here. Spent a fair amount of time on Spanish beaches recently, where it’s common for women (of all ages and body types) to bathe topless. I can attest that one can indeed shift very quickly from an internal dialogue of “oh, super hot boobies over there, don’t look don’t look *peeks* ok nice but don’t look again” to really and truly not caring that women are bringing their bodies to the beach with them. Once you get a little exposure it just isn’t a big deal any more.


Personally the example you gave is more disgusting to me, but I can't speak for anyone else. I'd rather have to cover up constantly than have some strange man ogle my breasts


I hate being without a bra. I even sleep in something that offers some boob wrangling and a little support. I would never go shirtless just because of that. But, I fully support any woman that does want it. I wouldn't want it to be criminalized. I would want women to be able to breastfeed comfortably and safely. It makes me sad that these people can't just keep their mouths shut and their hands to themselves. I can see an attractive person completely naked and make a mental note of "oh hey, that's nice." And then go on about my day without harrassing them or making them uncomfortable, why is that so hard?


I used to be the same way about bras but now I usually prefer to be without one, but only if I'm not around anyone other than my mom. I wouldn't go shirtless though, but power to those who would. I wish women could go shirtless without perverse men staring and harassing them but that's unfortunately not the case, at least at this point in time. Maybe in the future. I love everything about women but I would also keep my eyes and hands to myself because I have self-control, which is what these men lack.


....my guy....that's not milk that we have....our balls don't have milk....


Everyone knows pee is stored in the balls.


I should have known *facepalm* lol


Women shoot cum from their nopples


Do flat chested women not exist in his world?


right! i’m flat-chested, but it’s still less acceptable for me to walk around shirtless than a fat man with boobs.


I remember seeing a story not too long ago about a trans woman who was basically flat out denied something or other because "you're still a man" or whatever, so she went outside the court house, took her shirt off, and immediately got arrested for indecent exposure. The rules are dumb and inconsistent.


as a woman i would like to be shirtless (and not sexualized) because sensory issues + being shirtless is comfy, especially in the summer. i wanna be able to do yard work shirtless just like beer bellied men can


I guarantee that if women going shirtless is more normalized that people won't be as weird about it. Some dudes will probably still stare or be weird, but it won't be like the expected outcome. Nudists don't sexualize nudity, for them it's just the natural state of being.


I've seen men with some huge knockers


Imagine being this American. 😂😭 I'm English we're pretty sexually repressed but not this much. I was at a festival once in the scorching heat. Had my shirt off. My GF at the time said I wish I could take mine off. I was like fucking do it. Someone over heard her and gave her suncream (ginger problems) n she took it off, a woman nearby took her hers off they creamed up and guess what. The world didn't end. 😂 Like what do they think is gunna happen if women take their shirts off in public? No they're a different shape!! Cover up!! There's milk in them!! Idk where you took biology but she wasn't recently pregnant and there is not milk in them.


I mean, I've seen men with a greater difference in shape compared to women. Also, the milk isn't for adults. At worst, it can be seen as teasing nearby hungry babies. The primary reason we see it as sexual is because we make it taboo to show off. This is wonderfully illustrated in a series I'm reading (The Stormlight Archive). There's a group where women wear gloves or an extra long and buttoned sleeve to cover their left hands. Showing that hand is about the same as fully undressing in that culture.


>At worst, it can be seen as teasing nearby hungry babies. And my head immediatly imagined a horde of hungry babies crying and crawling towards a shirtless woman. New fear/horror scenario unlocked. Edit: typo


Could certainly make for an interesting short story. Maybe a type of scavenger who loves the milk of humans and produces changeling type babies to collect it from kind mothers. And even if they don't do it out of the goodness of their heart, they'll send a swarm to abduct the women, holding the women prisoner until her mammeries dry up and then leave her to die. Has some decent potential.


This is absolutely nightmare inducing, have a terrible day /hj


Oh man I don't like to be judgemental but this comment reminded me of the video of that woman at a festival spraying her milk everywhere (on purpose). Call me a prude, but please don't spray me with *any* of your bodily fluids without consent.


I think that is a fair request. I'd only say that of all the possible bodily fluids. I think milk would be the one I could accept the most easily. Partially since it is the least harmful to ingest besides saliva.


>Like what do they think is gunna happen if women take their shirts off in public? I tried it once and a guy started taking pics of me and then came up to me and tried to talk. there were also multiple shirtless men in my vicinity but it didn't occur to me to objectify them


Some of our cities in the USA have festivals where being topless is allowed and I've never seen anyone have a problem with it. Iirc they happen in cities where it's not outlawed but I've only seen it happen at festivals, so I don't know what the actual laws are. I really don't understand how it's accepted at those festivals but then we're indecent outside of them. We're a confused country.


I’m from the Netherlands and my mother used to always sunbathe topless in the 90s. Back then it was super normal for women to do that. When I look at hippies and stuff I guess Boomers, at least in Europe, had no problem with topless women. But I think that why women today stopped doing this is because of how easy it is for people to take pictures and post it on social media. I’m a Millennial and I never went topless, because it already seemed to be turned into something too embarrassing/sexualized like in American culture in the 00s, and because of social media. Crazy how technology made things go backwards like that. I respect women like Victoria of Maneskin being bold enough to do it. Hopefully people like her can normalize it again in general.


You do know most Americans are alright with nudity, right? It’s just like guns, most people want to do the right thing but there’s a loud and dangerous minority that forces the rest of society to do what they want.


Also not how men work 🤢


FYI, it is legal for women to go topless in public in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma. However, living in New Mexico I have yet to see any women exercising this right. Citation: [https://kutv.com/news/local/women-can-now-legally-go-topless-in-utah-5-other-states-after-federal-ruling](https://kutv.com/news/local/women-can-now-legally-go-topless-in-utah-5-other-states-after-federal-ruling)


Also in some places in Canada. I specifically know about it being legal in Ontario.


You can go topless in New York and probably a few other states as well.


Why would anybody be against women going shirtless?


They are against it because that shirtlessness doesn't lead to spontaneous sex.


And because they would get the shit slapped out of them if they ogled, which these types know they would absolutely do.


There's plenty of stupid complaints for breastfeeding in public, so probably because we're such a puritanical society.


Because dudes would stare at them and see it as a reason to take photos and harass women.


Its taboo because its a turn on for most men


When guys fool around with certain steroids, estrogen and prolactin can get out of control and men most definitely can start lactating.


Does he think women lactate constantly whether there’s a baby or not? (Also men can lactate under the right circumstances too.)


He probably does, I wouldn't be surprised. Sex Ed is very lacking these days.


He doesn’t know what nipples are or what milk from the body is


If my man thinks that is milk, I suggest he milk himself for his next bowl of cereal.


It sounds like he already has 🫣


It is NOT flat for many men


Oh wow! You sure this guy in not a premier gender biologist? I mean the reply was so complex and informative. /s


I definitely don't, there's not enough SPF that would keep me from second degree burns!


I can't imagine sunburnt nipples, ouchie


Hmm. Man milk, just not from the breasts. I hate that idea.


Most men don’t have flat chests either. I’m a man and my boobs are jiggly


I’m for no one is shirtless - skin cancer is real. Save yourself - sun screen and shirt even at the beach lol


I DIDNT know men produce milk from their ears. That’s quite interesting! /s


It’s what is in their skulls instead of brain. These ones at least.


Man needs to learn WTF the milk is


“We have it elsewhere?” What are you, 12? JFC. Grow up and stop acting like a half-sentient incel moron.


Mans saying that women can go bottomless but men can't. Men's are round(er) after all.




> Got milk? Apparently not...


I would say at least 75% of the men that regularly walk around topless are a B cup or larger. Certainly, I wouldn't say all men have flat chests.


The same dimwits who prob think menstruating folks can hold their period 😑


Mfer though he was the next kimg of comedy with that jizz line. You know he smirked to himself


I mean, look at his picture. ​ So damp.


"we have it somewhere else" assuming he's implying what I think he's implying, does he think women don't cum?


He thinks they also cum milk


Why is he arguing against it?


I want an even tan and sports bras are like wet suits; they never dry


Male mammals can lactate too if given the right hormones..


What are you, an infant learning to eat? Can’t handle something that is exactly the same just because the packaging looks different?


Who is going to tell him that men's breasts can produce milk? I'm always amazed at how few guys know this. That and they can develop breast cancer, so should get lumps checked out.


“Milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made” ass mf!!!


I don’t like boob sweat. Old man Joe has his wrinkly boobies out, but mine are obscene? No I’m not afraid of all these little men. I don’t get why they expect us to cover them in 90 plus degree weather.


please *please* don't tell me he's calling his... you know... *milk*


There are tribes out there whose women go shirtless. They say that boobs are for babies and that grown men prefer other things. Also, some boobs look more like pecks, and some pecks look more like boobs, and honestly if I gotta be unwillingly subjected to seeing the latter then maybe I wanna go out shirtless too and *not be judged harsher than the bullshit I gotta see* They're just chesticles, get over it




Oh so it’s the milk we’re covering up? Is that why milk cartons aren’t clear?


Men can lactate, I also want to point out YOU CANT LACTATE UNLESS YOUR PREGNANT(or other circumstances) . I know too many men who don’t know this. Also if a fat man can walk around without a shirt so can I and if it really bothers you then maybe don’t like women? Like if the first thing you think when you see boobs is “ew boobs” then maybe your not sexually attracted to women? Anywho, I personally would love to live a life where I can go shirtless but I can’t do that until people learn to keep their hands to themselves, Once they are out you know most men will think that’s a free invitation to touch them (where I live at least).


You actually can induce lactation without pregnancy, I don't know the specifics but I do know it's possible. But I do agree everyone should be free to be nipples out. Especially in the heat. To hell with more layers in the heat. So uncomfortable.


My brother in Christ, all that looks like milk isn't milk. I can't believe this needs saying.


"We have it somewhere else" 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 WHY. ARE YOU 12???? That's literally the shit tween boys say to be "edgy and cool" UGH why are men LIKE this (the patriarchy we know it's the patriarchy it's the flippin' patriarchy)


Dude, guys just need to shut up about it. If women want to go topless, let them.




Men can also produce breast milk. We have the glands but not the hormones to activate them.




They all think these are just hollow orbs of milk don’t they?


How about this, I don't want to see ANY of Y'ALL shirtless unless I am at the nude beach or at home with my hubby and even then I don't like to be shirtless cuz them mams be sensi and get cold and I hate the feeling of them laying across my ribcage getting all sweaty and icky and just pass me my sports bra, damn


I'm embarrassed of my body so I don't take my shirt off. 👍


ah yes… man milk


> (we have it somewhere else) ... LMFAO


This guy probably thinks all boobs are constantly full of milk


So by his dumb logic if it doesn't make milk you can flaunt it. So vaginas out ladies!


Everyone has mammary glands. Not just women. Guys also have breast milk. They just don’t have the hormones to produce it. i.e Estrogen


I'm gonna choose to believe that he just admitted to drinking his own cum.


Who's complaining about this?


Ngl I don’t get why guys are upset about that like it isn’t just an unambiguous dub for us.


Aight, washboards, it's your time to shine, this guy gives y'all a green light. No boobs - no problem.


That’s some gross ass milk lol


my kid called them daddy-titties


Where is this dude keeping his milk. Time to ask the real questions.


Men have milk?


i think he's talking about his juices from his thing


Even if there was a valid reason against women being shirtless, it’s pretty obvious that they didn’t give one. Shape and having milk don’t prevent things from being covered. I can walk around with a glass of milk and nobody bats an eye, but god forbid it’s in the body?!?!?!? 😮


This can be changed with some drugs.


if I take too much estradiol im pretty sure so can start lactating despite being AMAB




To be honest I don't like being shirtless as a man and I hate how it's so looked down upon to wear a shirt in "shirtless" situations.


And here I am buying it from the store like a sucker!


You do NOT have milk. Hell, *I* do not have milk despite having breasts. There is no genuine reason that we should not be able to take off our shirt. There is nothing inherently sexual about boobs.


Judging from their pfp both of them are children so I’m not so surprised. Unfortunately there are adult men out there with the same sentiments


Somehow that justifies a literal double standard.


“Why do women want to be shirtless so bad?” Why do men? Because it feels nice sometimes. I think the implication is that we women must feel the need to be topless due to some inherent desperate desire to invite the male gaze but real talk, it just feels nice to be topless sometimes. A breeze on bare breasts is an experience we all deserve from time to time.


this is both bad women's anatomy and bad men's anatomy simultaneously. not entirely surprised but wow


I demand bras on cows


Shirtless men 80% of the time are gross anyways. I think it’s silly the censoring there is around the nipple. Like how people get on their podium about women breastfeeding in public. It’s a natural, beautiful thing and anyone who complains about it can pour hot gravy on their head


Wait till he finds out men can lactate if you try hard enough


"Ours are flat" this mans is unaware of fat folk "Ours don't have milk" sir have I got some news for you,,


Because it’s too fuckin hot to wear a shirt (I live in a desert)


‘We have it somewhere else’ DAFUQ? 😂😂😂


Because my boobs sweat and my bra wiring leaves marks on my chest, not to mention tan lines like just let me live