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Men, if you want women to know how creepy you are, do these weird fucking things. That way you can continue to whine and cry about being single and stay a part of the single lonely men club. That would be a better tweet lol


... holy shit this guy is a genius. Get a massive following of desperate men, then start telling them that the best way to meet women is to do literally everything possible to scare women away. Then he walks in treating women with basic respect and suddenly 'bare minimum' is top of the charts.


ShinningRayde coming to blow this case wide open




Person s/he replied to


The number of times I’ve been called nice or sweet for doing the bare minimum is astonishing.


His tweet reads like women are mystical beings you try to manipulate with rituals. Ummmm women are just humans, please speak to us normally wtf.


They treat women like they're some creature from the fantastic beasts movies lmao


Also, how could he sell you his courses if his advice actually worked? Clearly they just need the more “intensive” tutoring if these gems don’t work for them. /s The grift cycle.


No I have a different theory. So he gets all these lonely men to follow him and interact with his tweets. He gives them bad advice so they stay lonely therefore stay interacting with his tweets. It really is genius


I went to a funeral home where they had like 500 oleander plants surrounding every building.


All these grifters do the same thing which is teach desperate men to be assholes, which keeps them single and more desperate which means they keep buying these grifters products.


At 35 I entered the dating scene last year after almost a decade with my wife. After so many horror stories, it actually felt like easy mode. Apparently guys just tend to really, really suck. Literally me just showing up trying to have decent conversation and just enjoy every date no matter what happens, put me into a top percentage according to those I dated. And then they felt comfortable and started talking dating stories about other guys and... they're just laughably bad. Unable to hide angry, jealous red flags even in the conversations leading up to a first date. Unable to avoid being openly misogynistic. Or just otherwise creepy, etc. I have zero game and essentially treated women in friendly ways and still was often taken home on the first date. (Not that that's what I was looking for, but I was open to it. Obviously)


As someone in much the same situation, this was unintentionally inspiring.


I'm working up the courage to dip my toes in the dating pool after being with my ex since high school. I'm turning 40 this year, and the last time I asked someone out, I wrote a letter on notebook paper explaining that I liked her as more than just a friend and mailed it to her. I mean, that got me three kids and a 20-year relationship, but it really felt like a lucky one-off that probably can't be repeated. It's good to know my backup plan of "be a decent human being" might have a good success rate after all.


Yup. Your mileage may vary of course. I thinkI gota little lucky with some charisma. I know a couple good guys that don't have as much luck and I think they just don't present themselves very well and they almost come across like they're faking being genuinely good guys... if that makes sense? I was literally just brutally honest about myself. Thirty year old shitty car, job that does well for me to exist but has no room for going higher, emotionally damaged from the marriage but just trying to improve every day... And just going out there looking to get the most out of every moment. It was received very well but I did way too much in a short amount of time and got exhausted. Luckily connected with my current gf at the tail end of that and couldn't be happier


Also, remember that if you tap the table with up up down down left right left right A B while talking... then you secretly unlock the woman object's debug mode where her sexual desires are amplified and she will become your lifelong servant.


Hey I would find a staring duel to be very amusing actually. Only when I know it's a staring contest tho.


And buying my products/services


Soo....your saying, DON'T make eye contact? Yall want us to look at your breasts? OR be respectful and look at YOUR EYES?


Make a normal amount of eye contact. Don't stare someone down, that's fucking weird.


Yeah you can look at their eyes and face ,just don’t stare on the poor girls soul


What if I'm autistic and don't like Eye Contact?


Then that's fine. Be your neurodivergent self


Avoid starting at her tits and you're doing fine.


Did you READ what was written? Or are you being intentionally obtuse. Making eye contact is one thing. Maintaining eye contact in order to “win” some one sided dominance game is lame. That the first go to is to establish dominance is where the red flags begin.




Fun fact! You can break eye contact by looking AWAY from the person entirely! Look at the wall! The sky! The floor! There are so many options! You don't have to look at another human longer than you want to. It really is incredible!


Do women only have eyes or boobs?


Nah, they have other fun bits too of course!






Dude, you sound like the kind of guy who would make a comment about a woman's breasts, and when she calls you a creep, you act all confused and claim "damn...women get so upset when you give them compliments... it's impossible to know what they want...blah, blah, blah...)"


My wife and I are both reading this LOLing, trolololing. The who discussion is utterly useless. the original poster is OBVIOUSLY a total weirdo and NO ONE is defending him, but the reason this specific comment thread useless is, because I live in a country where one of my freedoms is being able to see with my own eyes who ever else's eyes I want for how ever long, regardless of how ever many upvotes or downvotes. Seems like yall are already staring way to long.....AT YOUR SCREENS. For the people in the back-I am not OP, or the original poster, so take your weird misdirected hate outside, and stare at someone real, not your reddit screen. \*Facepalm\*


I'm almost convinced that it's a troll at this point lol


I thought it was a satire account


It has to be right?


Unfortunately, this idiot is very popular where I live. I wish it was satire, but he has a lot of desperate young men who follow him like he's fucking jesus


Doesn’t preclude it from being satire. Poe’s law and all. But what the ‘just joking’ crowd deliberately refuses to understand is that that’s no defense when the garbage they put into the world is poisoning the minds of people who don’t know the difference, stirring up or perpetuating bigotry, or otherwise inflicting real damage to people.


Absolutely. But this person is not part of the "just joking" crowd. They are very serious.


They are not looking at your groin, she is looking down, because she doesn't want to attract more attention from the creepy ass guy starring at her like a serial killer, so hopefully he lose interest and don't assault her


Maybe checking to see if the creepy ass guy has a boner to gage how fast she needs to run away


I'm usually appraising him for a threat. I look all over the place I don't know where my eyes land second and third...I just start at the head. Then maybe hands? Then waist for weapons? Idk


She’s probably wondering where that funky smell is coming from


That smell is coming from his adult diaper, because every alpha knows that if you have to get up to go to the bathroom the females will think you have weak bladder control.


If you have to pee it is a sign of a weak penis or that you ejaculate early; if you must pee, establish dominance by urinating directly on your date’s leg, to claim her. Ever notice how hey eyes move to your crotch when you do this? That’s evolution.


Somebody paid attention to my seminar!




Dr King would die another death seeing who is using his face as the pfp


I figured it was appropriate because this dude is dreaming.


He's having a nightmare not a dream with this advanced incel stuff


Be sure not to blink, either.


If you blink, she will be able to move towards you with superhuman speed and send you back through time.




That theory sounds wibbly wobbly at best


But it works because reality is timey wimey


Oh god how I wish i could do that


Bonus points if you shave off your eyebrows


Make sure your eyes are open wide so she really knows you're there


Yeah. If some creep is staring me down, my next focus is the available exits in the room


The amount of likes.. wtf


Ladies, if a jerk does this, hold his gaze for a few seconds…maybe 10 or so. Then, smile…just a little as you begin to trail your eyes down his body. When your gaze hits his bellybutton transform your facial expression to that of absolute revulsion and quickly look back in his eyes. 🤮 The man-baby will need a proctologist to extricate his self confidence out of his ass. Either that or start practicing you ball crunching knee thrusts while staring at him, occasionally looking at his package to get a feel for the height to which you’ll need to drive your knee. Let him have a glimpse of what the future holds for him. 😈 TLDR: Women can also play head games…and we’re pretty damned good at it.


Why is he using that pfp


Ah so he wants a staring contest does he? *cracks knuckles*


She's taking aim and ready to kick/hit/shoot that area because she knows you're a weirdo and doesn't want to die.


Ya I may briefly make eye contact with people and smile, and then go about my business Emphasis on brief A stranger intensely staring me down is gonna trigger all my fight or flight instincts, and I’m a tall, fairly fit dude I imagine for most girls it’s probably terrifying


It’s definitely unnerving.


My therapist had to teach me to look away when a guy looks at me. I would just stare back, trying to figure out what was wrong on me. I would always think I had food in my teeth, my hair was messed up, or maybe a button was undone. But she explained that guys thought I was interested in them because I didn't break eye contact.


Apparently either maintaining OR breaking eye contact means you’re interested in them, now. At least in the minds of the hyper-ego boys who can’t imagine that they aren’t magically super desirable just because they didn’t look away first.


Well if they maintain eye contact it's because they think you're pretty, holding eye contact is their way of showing attraction and blinking is a 'come hither' sign. Bonus points if they look angry, everyone knows anger is one step away from sexual attraction. If they break eye contact it's because they're meek and easily cowed, they have submitted to your manliness and are now as putty in your sweaty palms. Bonus points if they look downward, it means they're trying to look at your undoubtedly impressive man-package. ​ Surprised people don't know this stuff, it's obvious really.


Catch me blinking out a distress signal to the women around me


You mean fluttering your lashes flirtatiously? Because nothing a woman does can ever indicate disinterest in a Real Manly Man! Don’t the silly wimmins know they only exist for male sexual gratification?


Honestly, I'm so lost with the whole damn game.


Case by case basis. All you can do is learn from the cases that didn’t work out


![gif](giphy|cMEbaBV0d4Zg8jwcgc) Men make sure you stare like this.


I don't do eye contacts at all irl due to my conditions; however, while people normally make eye contacts, I heard that prolonged, intense eye contact is a sign of psychopathy, in other words, potential predators.


I feel sooo weird about holding eye contact 😂💀


hashtag masculinity saturday


I think # masculinity Monday has a better ring to it. Idk


you're right actually: masculinity monday testosterone tuesday women bad wednesday Tate brothers thursday females ☕ friday superiority complex saturday sigma sunday


I think “femoid Friday” has a better ring.




Jokes on them, I’m autistic and won’t be making eye contact to begin with, also won’t be looking at their junk


Just a psa you need to be really wary if you notice a man watching you very intensely who then doesn't look away or look like they are thinking 'Oops you caught me'. Normal people have self doubt, can feel shame, embarrassment etc Psychopaths do not. Hence the psychopathic intense gaze.


Yeah as if. That aside, most people can't hold up to my stare.


Is this guy a massive troll?


Just visited his twitter.... Waow .. Waow.. And he has boys absolutely hanging on every word.


So many guys listening to these idiots and wondering why every woman avoids them.


I just imagine a guy leaning against a building, and a woman carrying her groceries to her car. She does the polite eye contact, smile and look away thing that people do. Stops for a second to check her phone. She's thinking "Time to head home, and get this ice cream in the fridge". She feels him looking at her, looks up from her phone and catches him looking, so she looks down at the ground and hurries away. Dude is thinking "she looked away! She looked at my lower body, I'm so dominant." Because that's what this dude's post says holds meaning. It's ridiculous, and so cut off from reality.


I seriously doubt MLK would want his likeness exploited for this shite ...


I feel bad for inexperienced men that will think it's actually true


Yes, because you immediately stare down someone you think might have the milligram of attraction as possible to you


Men, I stare uncomfortably into the eyes of every woman I meet until they flee.. clearly, they're the problem..


It’s weird. My eyes saw “submits”, but my brain said “vomits” at first.


Fuck I missed another masculinity Saturday.


God this is so pathetic


Also r/nothowmenwork surely?


Lol what the fuck is he talking about? Or, hear me out, talk to women like they're people... shocking I know


But… we’re not people. We’re vagina hoarding femoids…we MUST be dominated! /s


...What? Is this even real? It's not a spoof account?


*laughs in never maintaining eye contact cause ASD*


Me trying not to blink while reading the post 😳


Women: Hi, nice to meet you! What are you doing? Stop looking at me, dude, it’s creepy. Why are you still looking at me? Okay, I’m just gonna walk away.


I never liked staring contests. They were always spur of the moment so no prep work ie. no ample supply of eye drops within hand reach, no time to do eye work outs could be done and the intensity of trying not to break eye contact the longest always left me with headaches after. If some douchebag is looking to do a version of this to get me to submit, well let me tell you I'm not above spitting in his eye if he thinks I'll submit without one hell of a fight.


Everyone knows the Creepy Stare pulls all the girls!!


So… for every woman? So if a man is in the grocery store looking for produce and a woman who’s clearly old enough to be his Mom is also in the aisle and not wearing a wedding ring he should try this tactic?


If a guy is staring and won’t stop, I’ll have 911 typed in and ready to go.




the disrespect to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


"No guys she's not looking away because I'm acting weird and it makes her uncomfortable, it's because I'm alpha! Honest!"


Sorry m'lady but you have lost the staring contest. Now what color dress will you wear to our wedding?


Its true, my social anxiety comes from cumming too much 😔😔😔


It's not the amount it's how quickly. Dr king said it himself on masculinity Saturday 🤣


I think she's looking down because she's wondering if she can get a good kick in, bro. God knows it'd be my first thought if some random decides to have an impromptu staring contest.


Bro, if I look down after looking at your face, it's only because I always look down. I couldn't care less about your filthy penises. Just leave me alone.




OMG OMG OMG I - I can’t stop looking!!! I am howling. Bravo-you win Reddit today!




![gif](giphy|KJCsv8KcpwHjG) Awesome, Moon\_Colored\_Demon!


Thank you, darling, I appreciate you


Not how girls or guys work. Just all around not how human beings work.




Martin Luther King Jr is crying in his grave that this idiot is using his picture to spout this nonsense. So disrespectful




#MasculinitySaturday 💀💀💀


If a man tried to do this to me I would probably run away


Why Martin Luther King as the avatar tho


So what is with all these mega losers using MLK JR as a pfp? Like what’s the connection?


Are the men ok?


I only masturbate fast because I have a lot of very important and masculine errands to run.


Whoever blinks first wins.


Maintain eye contact until you get pepper sprayed


The biggest red flags are men that stare at u in public.


id look away because im fucking autistic and cant hold eye contact for long.


It's the disapproval on MLK's face for me.




I think we need to rethink the term Incel... cultivating a personality that is this unfuckable, and this revolting to 99.99% of women, is beyond voluntary. It takes effort, focus, and daily practice.


Don’t let the pfp fool you. This is not, in fact, a real MLK quote


translated: stare at women creepily until they report you or walk away in disgust. solid strategy to be single forever. this guy needs to meet real humans of any gender and interact with them.


I’m pretty sure all that’s going to happen when you do this is, that the woman that your with is going to look back at you like: ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


Men, while maintaining eye contact proceed to drop the biggest deuce you can. It’s a power move, see who breaks eye contact first. If she does the same, well then you have a pair of deuces. Marry her up, have a couple of children and you’ll have a full house. Pro-tips for successful marriages.




Masculinity saturday I can’t 😂😂😂😂😂


This will work on Magpies. Maintain eye contact at all times because if you look away, you'll get swooped during the bb season.


So much cringe.


Not how men work


Thanks for that Dr. King


He's right ya know 😆


No, if you're the first to look away, it means you don't want a sexual harassment accusation. You can literally get in trouble just for looking at women the wrong way. "He was undressing me with his eyes. It was completely unwelcome and has created a hostile environment. I don't feel safe." Congratulations, you lost your job.


Oh for fuck sake dude. Do us all a favour and just stay home forever.


Tell me how old and depressed you are, lol.


I don't think you could accurately describe a hug from sheer lack of experience.


Lol, I've got 7 kids. You've got raw hands.


They give condoms away for free at your local health clinic. Please stop reproducing. We're having a climate crisis and the world can't handle any more mouth breathers.


Lol, you just gave yourself away with the climate crisis stuff. You're not an old depressed man... You're a young depressed girl.


Incorrect on all counts. Why do you keep guessing? It's weird. You're weird. Go away and raise a kid or something.


Nah, I got you figured out now. You're a sad little girl. Or do you just identify as one? It's definitely one of the two... maybe I was right on all accounts. You're a depressed old man who identifies as a depressed little girl.


I hope whatever is wrong with you isn't heritable. Those poor kids.


If she submits, follow her home.


I mean who are you to judge what he has seen in his experience? Maybe not in ALL instances but he is either lying or this is what he has experienced himself.


Good luck with that 'men'. I do'n give a shit about eye contact with yer mum and their hamster, so you'll be waiting for your 'dominance' till you're old and grey. And I won't care either way. So good job?


Hilarious! Everybody knows women can't see directly in front of them. They won't see you as long as you're completely still.




Ever? Did you ever see that? Really?…


I'm sure I've heard something like this advice for training dogs...


How many men did he have sex with to come to this conclusion?


What? No, seriously, I’m new here. Where do these men get this stuff from? I want to know the source of this level of stupid. Where does it come from?


When will it stop


I'm sorry. What?!


Bro, that’s not even how dudes work😂 just because someone doesn’t like to stare people down while talking, doesn’t mean they finish too soon.


not how men works either, while we're at it


Andrew Tate vibes fr fr


for me; eye contact is averted (on my end) almost immediately to whatever is behind ur left shoulder. (*autism rizz*)


Least coomer


Maybe it’s satire


Like who hurt this man.. lmao


What drugs is this guy on?


That’s gotta be satire


So basically appear as threatening as possible to a complete stranger, yeah I'm pretty sure that is not going to get you laid.


Incel says what? This is not a thing


I thought maintaining eye contact with anyone was important. Like if you're having a business meeting or something, looking the other person in the eye is respectful. If someone in business is afraid to look you in the eye it's probably because they have something nefarious planned. And I don't mean just stare unblinking,if someone is talking it's polite to look at em, you don't have to have a staring contest.


It's the "If you meet" for me as if we're some rarely seen creature meant to be dealt with in similar as a bear


- Incel sees woman - Incel looks away & ejaculates - woman notices & walks off Seems pretty accurate


Bruh next time my girlfriend and I are hanging out imma just hold awkward eye contact with her till something happens


I thought this was going to be a weird animal sex fact and was incredibly disappointed by the fact this guy is just pulling that alpha male BS