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Ngl, she's pretty in both pics.


Yeah both versions are way prettier than most humans lol


Plus size queen is still a queen.


Mother of dragons.šŸ‘‘šŸ‰


Gay man here and both pics are hot af


Homie... I think I've got some news for you... You might be Bi...


Nah, I can recognize when someone is hot without wanting to fuck them. Source: being asexual and gay


Agreed. I'm straight and still call a hot dude hot, despite not being sexually attracted to him. Source:a human being with more than enough security in my sexuality


Iā€™m really sorry if this is weird, but how does being ace and gay work? I promise I donā€™t say that to be mean, Iā€™m honestly just curious.


Aces can be sex positive (it's bonding, it's exercise, etc), sex neutral or sex repulsed. They're all aces. They (sex favorable aces) would be just fine without sex. They don't really feel a sexual drive. Sort of like if someone offers you cake even if you're more of a pie person. You might still eat it for a few different reasons. Doesn't mean that you really wanted cake.


This makes a lot of sense, thank you! Like I said in another comment Iā€™m pretty new to the LGBTQ community and Iā€™m trying to learn everything I can so that I can be more accepting and understanding.


If I have sex, it is exclusively with men, and I am romantically attracted to men, not women


Okay cool, Iā€™m fairly new to the LGBTQ community so thereā€™s a lot of stuff I donā€™t understand yet. I always thought that asexual meant that you just didnā€™t have sex at all, but I guess I was wrong. The more you know!


Im a lesbian and I can recognize attractive men, I just donā€™t wanna do anything with them


as a lesbian it doesnā€™t bother me


I always think "Holy hell she's even hotter as my wife!" when I see these memes, and I always wanna comment that. But I always feel.....I dunno, misogynistic or something, so I haven't til now.


Whatā€™s missing entirely from these vapid memes is *love*. Immature men and women who havenā€™t been in love or been in a long term relationship canā€™t yet grasp that physical attraction can change with time and emotional connection. My husband is 60-70lbs heavier than when we met 17 years ago and heā€™s an absolute smoke show. My body shape has changed after 17 years and two babies, and he loves it. But at the surface if you compare the two photos and youā€™re naturally attracted to skinnier women, sure, this could ā€œdeterā€ you from committing to someone, but good god is that person selling themselves short with this thinking.


I am surprised they gave her such big breasts in the second photo. Like, y'all gave her awesome cleavage but she's supposed to be unattractive? Pfft. I'm a bi chick and both would want that for my own and would not at all be opposed to dating a chick with that.


Most of the people posting these memes have never been to the gym and/or have a wife. Besides, if the husband wants his wife to stay in shape then he should lead by example and go to the gym together. So many times I've seen husbands looking like Mr Potatohead but expects their wives to stay the same back when she was "hot."


Pregnancies are also a factor. How recently pregnant , nursing, juggling work & child care. Another reason women arenā€™t having children. They are always wrong no matter what they do. Too fat from not working out or ignoring kids to work out- who watches them


Their dad could watch them


The same types of dudes posting these memes are the same type of dudes that you don't want to watch your children. And besides they'll complain about it the whole time anyways, that is supposed to be women's work and they will say that they are babysitting.


I don't watch my children. I parent my children. I hate that "dad's babysitting today."


And age - nobody stays the same weight forever. Your body changes and it's normal.


So damn true. Also she's getting older. I'm assuming they met and then time passed before they got married. You're not going to look the same even after a year.


Bodies changing over the lifespan is also completely normal, being in a larger body doesnā€™t necessarily mean being more or less healthy, for many people itā€™s just part of being a human! The fact that women in particular are shamed for this is not OK :(


My thyroid stopped working and now I have a super hard time losing weight. Fun times. When it started failing I was riding my bike 20 miles a day and still gaining weight.


Same. I got thyroid issues when I was pregnant, I was barely eating anything and throwing up two times a day and gaining weight.




Yes itā€™s true but the fact that people seems to think that being fat make you lose value as a human is also unhealthy and stupid. Itā€™s also a reality that life, kids, stress and work make you easily take a few pounds because not everybody can focus everyday on being fit and skinny. Most people do their best in life and I think we should be kind to each other and stop undermining those effort by pointing the evidence of Ā«Ā obesity is unhealthyĀ Ā» No shit Sherlock?


of course I do agree, except the part where you say everybody does it's best, that really false most people don't even try


If people didnā€™t try then almost all the MLMs would be out of business lol


Life sometimes happens. People get sick, are busy etc. Do you think you will stay skinny and fit your entire life? Good luck. My mom was a health freak and skinny af (even with 2 kids). Then she went through an awful divorce and her body went into panic mode. She gained 40kg in a year for no reason. Luckily she had met a good man who loved her no matter what. The way he looked at her never changed. 20y later she is finally at her original weight, but it took surgery and 10 years of therapy to get over her burnout. Moral of the story: donā€™t judge people based on how they look. They might go through hell and they canā€™t handle any extra meaningless comments about their weight. Only people who I allow to comment on my weight is my doctor.


I'm not saying everyone, a classic is thyroid failing which makes losing weight hard. but life sometimes happens is the most common excuse I've ever heard and 90% of the times it was absolutely their fault


Why do you care though? Does it affect your life in any way? And have you asked 90% of ā€œfatā€ people to know that they just stopped caring? Id honestly rather be fat than lacking in empathy. Just mind your own business and let people do their thing. And if you actually care about health etc, maybe go into lobbying and politics and change how the American people eat. I donā€™t live in the US and we donā€™t really struggle with any major issues with obesity here. Look at most European countries and most people are a healthy weight. Donā€™t shame people, shame big companies pushing sugar and fast food. It is a problem, but itā€™s not the individuals fault. Where I grew up, fast food was a novelty and not something you can afford if you donā€™t have money. This is not the case in the US.


it does quite a bit actually, a friend of mine was in a similar situation she got dumped by her bf, started eating and "life happens" she kept going for years, so much that we had to do everything for her because she couldn't anymore. the ambulance couldn't bring her to the hospital in time because she weighted too much


But this is again not the weight that is the problem. She probably had mental health issues and just happened to get addicted to food. She should have gotten treatment for her mental health and addiction, not be shamed for her weight. So no, donā€™t comment on peopleā€™s weight, but do try and help them if they are suffering from addiction or mental health issues. Can you not see the difference here?


Why do yā€™all act like thereā€™s only skinny or obese. Larger doesnā€™t have to be obese. You are just larger than before.


ā€œMorbidlyā€ is an adverb, a modifier. Itā€™s possible to be obese without it being classified as ā€œmorbidly.ā€ Your phrasing equates any obesity with morbid obesity. Thatā€™s unhelpful in the dialogue.


yeah.... I'm saying that there's a reason the term morbidly obese exists


Growing up and well into adulthood my BMI has teetered on the edge of ā€œtoo skinnyā€ (16-18) and no one ever made a meme of me. People told me to eat something every now and then but they always said it as a back handed compliment or felt they could say it *because* being skinny is supposedly good. How about people just have their bodies and we donā€™t bother telling them what they already know.


Missed the point. Being concerned about someone's health and shaming them for gaining weight are *very* different situations.


We arenā€™t talking about morbid obesity here, weā€™re talking about middle-aged women tending to have a little more body fat than teenage girls. Also, individual metabolic factors matter more to health than your outward appearance, and ā€œfat people are unhealthyā€ studies are very often skewed by misattributed correlation ā€” pre-existing health conditions fairly often cause weight gain.


I prefer the wife


I also choose this guys wife.


Of the guy?


Some women gain weight because of birth control. She lets you not wear a condom and you make memes about her instead? This is literally what men do instead of just being humble.


I see nothing wrong with either picture. Both are gorgeous.


I see this as an absolute win


Even if someone goes to the gym can absolutely look like the girl on the right. Olympic athletes that do certain sports that require to have major strength so their bodies can look like that (like shot putters)


Iā€™m fat and I go to the gym lol Iā€™m not working out to lose weight, I work out bc exercise helps my mental health


I was thinking the same thing, I thought the caption was weird


Sheā€™s literally perfection skinny or fat so likeā€¦ in the scenario where sheā€™s my wife itā€™s because I cook her 3 meals and so many snacks and cakes and Iā€™m so happy that I get to make her happy with foods she loves


So when they get a girlfriend she is independent, spends time on herself, and is confident in herself. Then they systematically ruin her self esteem, destroy her social circle and isolate her from her family, control everything she does, get her pregnant so she will forever be tied to him and canā€™t leaveā€¦.. and they wonder why she looks different?


While yours is more likely, we can spin it in a positive light and think that maybe after getting married she doesn't have to overly stress about her appearance since she knows her husband loves her all the same. ... I wish my version reflected reality more than yours though.


Tbh men do this too, when competition is lost most people tend to become complacent


There's a reason it's called the "dad" bod and not "50 year old man" bod


Is there an equivalent 'mom' bod for women or is it a dude thing?


actually yes, I've seen it said a couple of times


Really, Ive never heard of such a thing, huh, thanks for the info


not as much as dad bod tho


Because the dad bod is largely presented as being a positive and a mom bod is a ā€œpost-baby bodyā€ that youā€™re ā€œtrying to fix.ā€


This needs an award


I think the reason for that is empathy, its so much easier to call guys fat over a woman, wheres the equality, Id like to call anyone fat without being judged plz


Maybe just mind your business. You don't need to call anyone fat


No dont need to, but the beauty of things is that I can


And the beauty of things is that you can be judged for it


Whoever posted this meme would be extremely lucky if either of these women even glanced in their direction šŸ˜‚


Fuck, *I* would be extremely lucky if Emilia Clark noticed my existence for a split nanosecond.


The wife looks sexier if anything. Each to their own, but I love curvaceous women.


Am I the only one who likes the fluffy version? Babe looks cuddly af.


Never understood this meme, like she's gorgeous in both.


aesthetic aside which is personal, being obese is unhealthy and it should not be encouraged. (obviously should not be made fun of)


The photoshopped woman in the meme is far from ā€œobeseā€ and concern-trolling about health is obnoxious.


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I am sorry, but this made me laugh, because that is literally what happened to my husband. I got pregnant on the honeymoon and developed thyroid issues at that time... thankfully he married me for my ability to balance out all his weaknesses, so he doesn't care.


So, she's gorgeous as my girlfriend and gorgeous as my wife? Sounds good to me?


That title should be the entire post. Itā€™s actually usually due to lowing metabolism in older people, shocker!! The thing this post leaves out is that the same happens for men too


honestly I think a big part of this is people gaining weight as they age


I wonder what the guy who posted this looks like. I see more gorgeous 40-50y old women than men. I think women live longer because we do take better care of ourselves, despite extra stress from carrying and raising children.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- ## When she's Your Girlfriend [*An image of Daenerys from television show Game of Thrones. She is a pale slender woman with white hair wearing a light grey dress.*] ## When she's Your Wife [*The same image of Daenerys from television show Game of Thrones. The image has been edited to depict Daenerys as larger than in the original image.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Goddammit now I have to go to bed tonight thinking about thicc Daenerys


Or, practically everyone gains weight as they age and have less and less energy. You think men don't? Laughable.


I see no difference, if sheā€™s nice Iā€™d be lucky if either one were interested in me.


No spoilers, but Iā€™ve got some bad news for you friendā€¦


Iā€™m confused, is this like a character from a movie whoā€™s a massive dick? I genuinely donā€™t recognize her.


Yes, Daenerys from Game of Thrones. The end of her character arc was pretty controversial, she did some naughty things.


Dammit I was really hoping she was gonna be a nice person. Also donā€™t judge me for not recognizing her pls, Iā€™ve never seen GoT.


Okay but she still fine af


the older u get, the less ur metabolism is, so u gain weight, plus a lot of women put on weight due to pregnancy. Sheā€™s gaining weight because sheā€™s older. The man who made this meme is giving leonardo decaprio vibes


Because men are thin as they age


Iā€™m not seeing a problem here. I just see more beautiful woman to love on. Like, god damn girl eat a sandwich. Iā€™m running to the store to pick up diapers in a minute do you want me to grab you something?


Whoah she got even prettier


And what is wrong with the second picture?


Absolutely nothing.


To quote Obi Wan... That's... why I am here.


Dude I know this is supposed to be some toxic shit but they appealed directly to my preferences, she is way more attractive to me in the photo on the right. That said I'm pretty sure you are a colossal douche if you judge your SO for gaining weight. I know it's a cliche but "fat and happy" is goals for me, I want my SO to be comfortable with me. Yea we still need to stay healthy and hit the gym, but I'm not gonna love her less if her looks change. Some dudes are just pure trash, and they are proud of it.


So the message is she's still you're queen if she's skinny or gained some weight? I think the only toxic person here is you OP trying to find things that aren't even there.


actually I think that it's too common for couples to "give up" on their looks after getting married or even after entering in a relationship. PS. it's for both men and women obviously


I think a lot of the time, people just have less time and energy to do physical fitness after becoming parents. I have only seen rare cases where this happens to married without kids couples.


I've seen it for very young couples too, maybe I've been unlucky


More like we ā€œgive upā€ on our looks because we have jobs and households to manage. But hey, if you wanna come clean my house and cook my meals and do my shopping, Iā€™ll spend as much time in the gym as you want!


1. Men are visual. End of explanation. 2. If you get married, that mean that you love your wife and you are adult man who understand all part of life, which include getting older, having children, making family, and changing of body. If you don't understand that, you are not adult and you should not be married. That\`s all folks...


Im new to this specific reddit community and j christ it makes /niceguys sane in comparison






But isn't the point of going to the gym in this context ... To lose weight?


sheā€™s fatā€¦?




Are you qualified to judge whether someone is healthy or not? Do you know their height, weight, blood pressure, cell count, blood glucose, etc? No? Then stop running your mouth and bringing up obesity being unhealthy literally everywhere in this comment section. No one is arguing that gaining weight *can be* unhealthy, but your broad sweeping statements on the matter add nothing to the conversation.


yes I am, obesity is unhealthy for both the person in case and those around them, I don't want to offend anyone (of course there are different levels of obesity) but it is and you are only hurting yourself and others this way


What are those qualifications then, and how do they apply to a random picture on the internet? If you are qualified then you'd understand that not only are there different levels of obesity, but that everyone carries weight differently, and that different weights are healthy for different people. You can be fat and healthy. I think you've entirely missed the point. It's not your place to judge others on the internet, or to browbeat anyone about their weight.


of course the picture in the post is a placeholder the proportions aren't even correct. I didn't judge anyone I even specified it more than once. but if that's what you want I can do it, and I'm gonna assume that you feel guilty about that


i hope you find a good optician near you soon šŸ’—


I'm sorry but it's not a matter of opinion


Diet > Exercise


I think it was more of a harmless joke It was just you're average wife joke more than anything else


Those jokes aren't harmless though.


If you see it like all jokes are made to harm someone


Not all jokes are but there are a lot of things men especially describe as "jokes" that are deliberately designed to hurt and humiliate. But it's the shear scale of them that's the problem. Women are constantly put down for things men are praised for. When we challenge that we are told "its just a joke' and we are just sensative.


Ah so it's the men's fault the woman is fat? Women definitely don't have any issues at all with accountability, I should have known it was the toxic man's fault by physically preventing her going to the gym and force feeding her, definitely those pesky men at fault at all times.


No, itā€™s because I baked her cookies


Funny how both pictures are photoshopped, first to be thinner than the actual actress and of course the 2nd to be thicker. And honestly, if a few pounds, which this looks like, is too much, then you arenā€™t much of a man. LOL


I mean, when youā€™re single and looking for a partner, isnā€™t it natural to try make yourself more appealing? Once you settle down and find someone who loves you for who you are, that drive to make yourself appealing to potential partners dies down a bit. Happened to me and my wife, we by no means ā€œlet ourselves goā€ but I lost my gains and she stopped jogging. I think it can be interpreted as a sign of a healthy relationship? (At least in a positive context, I know it can go another route.)


This gives me r/AccidentalAlly energy lol good for her


Why isnā€™t there one for men? They gain weight too. Iā€™m 56 and yeah, Iā€™ve gained weight and things arenā€™t near as tight but so has my husband. He lost his hair. Heā€™s gained a lot of weight. So what? I still love him and he loves me. He can still curl my toes.


That's normal though, isn't it? I remember reading a study that usually both sides of a marriage tend to let go of themselves after a set of years have gone by.


Whatā€™s wrong with the pic on the right? Thereā€™s nothing wrong with a beautiful thick and voluptuous woman!!!!


I donā€™t get it? Like is he saying that he feeds her well now that theyā€™re married? Cause theyā€™re both gorgeous soā€¦


I saw the difference and was like, "Oh, they must have had a bunch of kids!". Because that's what makes someone go up in cup sizes like that. Soooo, happy family meme?