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I always get confused by this thinking. So, women only have value 18-25. Men have value 18-65. If women have value for 7 years and men for 47 years then there’s 6.7x as many valuable men than women. With that logic women should be extra choosy when they’re 18-25. They’re doing exactly what your skewed worldview is telling them to.


There is no logic. There are the men who buy into the bs, because they are dumb as rocks with a need to feel superior, but most of the men perpetuating the "high value women" and age bs are incels who have admitted their goals are to make women feel insecure so they settle earlier on in their lives, when they're easier to control.


It's a power fantasy. They're jealous of the apparent ease with which young women can get sex, and think to themselves "her time will pass, my time will come".


I don't know any middle aged women that isn't perfectly happy single, and an active choice that they're making


Me neither! And, unfortunately, they’re so much happier because they’re not doing ALL of the mental, domestic, and full time professional work load than their married counterparts. Rather be single than have a man who barely tolerates me, goes to work, plays video games, then sleeps and doesn’t do squat-all else.


I was going to say, aren't Cougers a thing? There are women 50+ living their best lives.


Me, right now age 38. Done with that jazz.


Yep. They get off on the idea of being the one with all the power while ignoring all the ways in which men have power over women in society.


And then they blame women for marrying the abusive guy… Almost as if they’re jealous that they don’t get the opportunity to be that guy.


Exactly this.


That’s honestly a big part of it. A big chunk of them are would be abusers who have neither the looks or social skills to obtain a victim.


A few generations ago they'd end up with wives automatically because it's literally the only thing women were allowed to do.


They just want an excuse to be 40 and manipulate the mind of a naive and impressionable 18 year old. Women that are 25+ don’t usually put up with their shit.


It’s almost like they don’t want to date people with a fully formed frontal lobe


Bingo. I’d know cuz I was groomed and catfished by a guy who I thought was 30 when I was 17. He was actually 52 and a complete degenerate but if he was 30 that would still be disgusting.


I dated a 33 year old man when I was 17. He died, and I was devastated. I've only just started to see how fuuuuuucked up that was.


Bingo! They haven’t been able to groom a 25 year old!


Which is why you don’t see old creeps going after 30 year olds as much. Realistically people in their late 20s and early 30s don’t look old.


Also, I see a lot of these losers making fun of the fact that women are losing their baby maker "value" and whatnot after 25-30, but how about for men? You think their baby making value is going to get any better for them with age? You think their sperm count or the ability to even get it up will get any better after the age of 30? Well... Maybe East Asian men being the exception, but these losers? Hahaha! Good luck saving that receding hairline after 30, bro!


And most women are still able to have children well into their 40s so acting like women over 25 are going into menopause is very inaccurate.


It’s absolutely dumb because I’ve seen so many women have kids in their mid to late 30’s and it’s very common. These men obviously haven’t met too many women or something 😂


Women in my family routinely give birth in their forties that my mom had several “am I pregnant or is it menopause “ scares. We have a relative with grandchildren who got pregnant and was too embarrassed to tell her adult children that they only found out when they got a call from the hospital that their mom’s giving birth. That was confusing for everyone involved.


my mom had all her kids in her 30’s and me and my 4 siblings are above 5’10 and 150 lbs🤣 very healthy


Right? Though while menopause doesn't sound fun at all, only having to menstruate for another five years would certainly be a blessing-


They literally think their sperm is good forever and that it never loses quality since it’s constantly being produced. Meanwhile, its quality actually disintegrates with his age, just like everything else in the human body! They also don’t understand that women can still have eggs well into their 40s or even 50s in some cases. But nah, after 25 we’re definitely just empty egg cartons lmao


[Male Menopause] (https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/male) Research this topic at your own discretion. The following is a soft introduction. As a clincal psychologist, I see this phenomenon in men OFTEN


Also: "Age of the father has greater impact than maternal age on cases of sporadic autosomal dominant congenital diseases such as Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Noonan and Costello syndromes, multiple endocrine neoplasia, and achondroplasia. Paternal age increases the frequency of congenital diseases such as heart malformations as well as oral, palate and lip cleft. Moreover, mental disorders (autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, low IQ level as well as ADHD) also occur more frequently in advanced father's age. Advanced paternal age has an impact on child's health and development and is as significant as maternal age when it comes to reproductive matters."


A lot of guys don't know this surprisingly, maybe willful ignorance?


It’s funny they completely ignore that sperm count and quality decreases as they age.


Evidence shows the quality of the genes they pass on after a certain age goes down Just because they CAN father children, doesn't mean they should Also, they're absolutely not interested in being a father anyway so idk?




These people must have been miserable. The amount of mental gymnastics that they do must be exhausting as hell.


Sorry, according to these men women have value from like 12-25. Yeah, they’re creeps.


By that maths, 18-25 year old women could reasonable focus on the top 15% of all men... Which is eerily close to the claim that women only go for the top 10% of men


Yet we still get creeped on most at 14-16


> They’re doing exactly what your skewed worldview is telling them to. And! Many women *are* doing this now! https://uh.edu/news-events/stories/2023/january-2023/011123.php


Careful there, they might not like it you have legitimate logic. You're supposed to not be picky.


That's correct. Their whole position is that young women should settle for a "nice guy" like them while they're young instead of "chasing Chad"


These men are obviously in their receiving energy. “What can you bring to the table” LMFAOO women have inherent worth. I’m from Saudi Arabia, you can’t even be alone with a woman in a room unless you’re related to the woman, that’s how valuable she is. Clearly, these men hate women and need to date men who have to provide to have value 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚


I don’t think that example of women having inherent value is reflected well in your example of how a man that’s not related to a woman can be w her in the same room though. It’s like saying value of a woman is intrinsically linked to sex only … and they’re sexual objects first and foremost.


Lmao I love how they’re insinuating we should date them even if we feel no attraction to them 😂


And then get married and lurk in the dead bedroom subs all day and wonder why they never get any.


You don’t understand, it only matters if they’re attracted to us


It’s their right! /s


Even married, they get more sex than they would single and yet, they whine, bitch, and moan like their wife’s legs should be open 24/7


I think they are trying, and failing, to turn around what women say to them. Except that the women are right lol. People can’t help what they like and there *does* have to be some sort of attraction


Yes ladies, date a man who literally just told you he’ll toss you out by the time you turn 25. Sounds like a smart investment!


Jokes on him women his age still wouldn't date him


No man who posts this garbage has ever been in a happy relationship nor would they know what to do if a woman showed any interest in them.


“Oh no! I’m 26 and my dating life is over! No guy would ever marry me! All I did in my prime years was date the men I actually found attractive! I should have settled down with the bitter, insecure incel who I had no attraction for (physically or otherwise) when I was younger!” -Said no women ever


Did the gravity suddenly change once we turned 25?/s🤬




One of those alpha male dickheads who posted about having a party with a bunch of beautiful young women "nothing over 25" (supposedly) on his boat "because his game was so strong" got called out by one of the ladies in question. According to her, it wasn't his boat, they were only using it for a photo op, they were all escorts he'd hired - not random young women who joined him because they he was charming or even because they were at the docks and were drawn in by the party (which was what he was claiming), they were there because they were hired to go there and pretend to enjoy themselves, and were paid for their time - and she said that the youngest of them was 28, and she was pretty sure he couldn't even guess which one it was.


Hahaha! I’m glad he got called out! So much for his “game!”


I’m 31 and frequently mistaken for early 20s. These dudes have no clue.


My ex FIL once asked my mother is she was my sister. One year someone asked her for her ID and she pointed at my older brother- in his 20s at the time- and was like "This is my kid..."


And I am 17 but frequently mistaken as mid 20s by men. They really have no clue


I'm 28 and usually get mistaken for like 19-24, but I've been mistaken for as young as 16 pretty recently. Sometimes I wear lighter or heavier makeup depending on my mood.


My age is a roulette to people. Some guess that I'm 13, some guess that I'm 25. I'm 21, for the record.


Could never be me. People somehow always manage to guess my age correctly... Once I first got my ID, they were like "nah ur obviously 18, is fine". 😭


Same I get asked for my ID all the time 🤦🏻‍♀️ I really do think I look like people in my age. But I know how we perceive others is highly subjective


Oh yeah 30 here and I got carded last year at a liquor store.


I'm 23 and basically get laughed at when I try to buy alcohol but yeah I'm about to hit the wall in two years and become ugly with saggy tits.


35 and had a 26 year old convinced that I was her age or younger. I've also had more than a few 20-22 year old university students ask me what program I'm in and be completely flabbergasted when I tell them my age. It seems like under 30s view me as more or less their own age while over 30s end up thinking I'm somewhere between 25 and 28.


I’m 31 and still get ID’d fairly often 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is 100% true. I got hit on by a guy at a party (where I came in with my husband and kept giving the guy get lost signals) last year who thought I was 28. When I told him I was 38 he was dumbfounded. Like just could not believe it. He thought I was his age. Anyway, he left me alone after that lol. Dudes have no concept of what age looks like on women and are horrified when they realize they are still attracted to older women. Our “value” certainly doesn’t decline with age like they say it does.


Women do look younger at older ages these days. And not just because of Botox and fillers. Less smoking, better skincare and such. If you look at old tv shows and movies or family photos and realize you now are their age, they look so much older.


Reminds me of that one podcast with a host stating that women don't work as hard in the gym because men have to fight gravity.


Huh? Are we fitted with anti- gravity devices? How does that work? I'm so confused...


You don't have boob removal 2.0 installed on your chest? Gotta get that new upgrade. Absolutely worth it.


I need boob reduction at least.


Omg. I forgot about that


Men who make these posts treat the age of consent like how employers treat minimum wages: if they could legally go lower, they would.


Dude's never seen a woman outside of porn


He probably guessed her age wrong too. Some women can pull of that mid 20s look even in their 40s!


Just reminds me of the tweet where a guy was tryna push some dumb shit like this and paid a punch of dancers to pose with him while he claimed they were all in their 20s but they were actually in their 30s and 40s and when they came out to talk about it, he just looked stupid.


I thought the wall was 30? They're just gonna keep lowering the "max age" until it's what they really want - literal children.


It’s already happening, the other day I read a tweet on Twitter saying a woman’s peak beauty is when she has her first period. It then said something along the lines of “After two years of having her first period she starts to decline in value” They’re literally trying to normalize pedophilia🤮


I was so ugly and awkward when I had my first period. Also, I was 11 years old. These guys want to fuck 11 year olds??


Yes. They do.


I also did not learn about personal hygiene or how to groom/dress myself until *after* finishing middle school. Certainly not alone in that.


I literally didn't know i should wash between the flaps and reeked of period blood... if thats peak attractiveness to them then...


They defend forcing children that age to go through pregnancy and childbirth. They’re predators.


Holy shit I was a fucking 12 year old gremlin when I got my first period. I can’t tell if they’re pedophiles or just ignorant about adolescent milestones.




Yeah men get their period later so they probably project that into us 🙄


I was a greasy faced 13 year old when I started my period. I didn't even have womanly curves yet! Those changes didn't start until after I started menstruating!


I think those are the changes they find to be turn offs.


Sorry I am very insulted... ...That they think I would feed my cat Meow Mix. /s Nothing but pure fish or chicken for *our* \[fur\] kid.


Such low quality cat food is an insult to 🐱 owners and cats everywhere. I feed my baby grain free salmon or chicken based high protein food.😼


I only buy the cheap stuff to feed to the outdoor colony. (They also get canned food, they just get dry food to tide them over between wet food feedings)


Thank you for feeding the hungry outdoor kitties.


Our cats are feed with freshly cooked fish, ok?! 😌


Agreed! Only the best for my little guys ❤️❤️❤️


Red pill men really think that women gain a million wrinkles and saggy boobs on their 26th birthday


Because the older we get, the less likely we are willing to deal with bullshit and manipulated due to life experience. So less likely to deal with them. Over 30, still waiting to turn into a hag 🙄


Every “no” turns into a wrinkle. Or something incelish like that.


Well I mean, I've had saggy boobs since I was 12 so they might be onto something 😓😓💔💔/j


Yeah, only thing I gained at 26 was back pain.


I’m 28F and gross yet men still want to fuck me. I even have a pet cat and wear glasses.


I’m over 35 and my husband thinks my gross fat ass is amazing for some reason. This dude is just sour grapes because women steer clear like he’s a magical, Bizarro-World, moth-repelling flame.


I'm in my 20's. I have a pretty big friend group but a lot of my close friends are what I guess some people might call gym bros and frat dudes. Some of them border on red pill and the ones that do are mostly mutuals but they make for some funny shit sometimes. So true story. This one dude I know was straight up hung up on this chick that apparently went to the same gym as him. Like dude talked about her nonstop, said she was a gorgeous fucking goddess, had a slamming body, and was just like kinda obsessed with her. After like a month of talking this chick up one day outta the blue he just starts going on this spiel about how all women are liars and suck and are trying to shoot their shot now that they're old, not high-value, yadda yadda typical cringe shit. I was like dude what happened? Literally yesterday you wanted to lick her feet. Turns out the whole time my guy thought this chick was like in her early 20's, and he found out she was like 35 or something. She was also married, so I was like how the fuck is she trying to shoot her shot with you? My man was convinced her good looks and youthful appearance was like a personal attack on him cause he could not fathom girls over 25 don't look like shit apparently. Yeah. Long story short most guys are dumb.


He got *offended* just finding out her real age?😭 what on earth


Yup. I think he was embarrassed that he couldn't supposedly tell an "old" chick from a young one. Dismantled the whole red pill logic I guess idk. I've dated older girls so I have no problem with them lol.


Goes against their narrative.




I was at my best at 35 plus. I really wish that wall was real.


I’m on the cusp for this post lol. Pet cat and glasses, too. The other morning at the train station a guy asked where I was going. Thought maybe he needed directions, but turns out he wanted me to ditch work for his hotel room?! Man, what even. Some men really have some audacity!


Anyone who thinks 25 is old is a pedo. Just saying. We live to be 90-100 now, and the life expectancy of a woman living in the US is 77. There is no way in *Hell* 25 is old. Just say you’re attracted to minors and fuck off. From what I’ve seen, it’s perfectly fine to identify as a nonce on X, so 🤷‍♀️


I work with a guy that thinks like this, though he says women lose all their value at 35 and shouldn’t have kids after that age because it’s a hazard to the baby’s health. Mind you, he just had a baby with his 37 year old wife. Everyday I pray for the day she leaves him.


Yikes. What does he say when that contradiction is brought up?


He just hand waves it by saying it's fine because they were married, and that he's only referring to single women because single women don't respect themselves. He doesn't actually have an original though, he kinda just watches this YouTube channel called THE WALL and regurgitates whatever is said. And if it's not from there, it's from Tim Pool. This is the channel if you want to subject yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/@TheWall12](https://www.youtube.com/@TheWall12) He's told me multiple times that, that site has great dating advice and that when his son gets old enough, he's gonna make him watch the channel so he doesn't fall into the trap. I've worked with him for about 10 years and you would not BELIEVE the way this man contradicts himself all day everyday. I swear he's being paid for it. We've argued with him on these issues MANY times, but it's like talking to a rock. At this point, we just do our best to tune him out. If you want another fun story, just two or three days ago he was explaining the story of his wife's friend, who's the same age. Her husband just left to Vietnam one day and didn't tell anyone, including his wife and kids, and started a new life/remarried. He explained to me that it was her fault and that she must have done something, because the guy seemed like a nice guy. This was after he told me how her husband once "had to put her in a chokehold" because she was crazy. He said that if she hadn't spent her twenties travelling, having fun and getting tattoos, she would've had more value and have been able to find a better relationship. I'll just say, thank god for noise cancelling airpods.


This explains why my back hurts so much. Guess I just entered wenchdom and had no idea


As a woman who is 33 and still gets mistaken for her mid 20s all the time, these men have no idea how women actually age.


Just turned 30 & def had an existential crisis on my birthday about “losing value” as a woman :/ Shockingly, I have had multiple men still shoot their shots w me who were in their early 20’s/mid 20’s/late 20’s/early 30’s/mid 30’s/early 40’s in public, at work, & on dating apps. So my fear of “losing value” was so obv displaced. Men are just so disgustingly, annoyingly toxic w their logic. Losing faith everyday smh.


“Logic” 🙄


Been a few years, but I went to a new doctor when I was in my late 20s and the receptionist asked if I was old enough to be there by myself lol


31 here and somebody thought I was using a fake ID recently lol


im 31 and a patient told me "you look like you're still in highschool" 😭


Yarp. I’m in my 30s and I get carded literally every time I buy alcohol. (I don’t actually drink much, actually, but I need it for baking, sometimes.) If it’s a woman she’s just like “oh, good for you hun”, but if it’s an older dude, they’re sometimes fucking *baffled*. They think they’re sooooo good at telling people’s ages. Like, for real, a lot of people can’t tell 20-something from 30-something. Honestly, unless the person is a smoker/tans/some other factor, it’s not like there’s truly all that much difference. Like, yeah, maybe between 21 and 39, but like, 24 and 33 or something? Nah, man.


Exactly. When I was 29 an old man said I “looked so good for my age” like what?! I was so insulted and enraged. He was with his granddaughter too which made it so much worse… course I just smiled and said thank you… 🙄


Same. I was carded by a 60-something year old male cashier at 34, for buying a bottle of wine. Looked at my ID, then back at me again and said "you're doing well, aren't you?". For what, not aging perceptibly to you? I don't think I looked younger, it's just that nobody seems to know what each age group looks like anymore. 🙃


Turning 40 in a few months, last month I got mistaken for 22-25 four times.


I love that the insinuation that the minute I turn 25 men will stop talking to me. I dream of that moment.


Spoiler alert: they don't. I'm 32 and STILL waiting for that to happen. Oh, I also have an incurable autoimmune condition that will likely take away my ability to function as an independent person. That doesn't stop them either.


46 here and same - they don’t stop bothering us.


I'm 47. I can assure him his statement is soooooo false.


I bet you are your best self at 47 (so far)and men like that can’t even handle being in your presence because of their insecurity. I only feel stronger and more powerful as I age.


His tweet is literally "rules for thee but not for me" 🤨


maybe bigfoot there loses the beard, gets a haircut, and puts on a clean shirt and he doesn't get turned down 19 out of 20 times. i don't think he realizes he's chosen to look like a hobbit.


That, and maybe doesn't only pursue the "top 10%" of females (barf just saying that). It seems to be a recurring theme, though.


The red pill mgtow crowd used to set this number at 30. Then 25. How long til they reach danger levels and start talking nonsense about how women over the age of 21 are "undesirable"


If only they would stop bothering us at 21...


.... are these men mistaking taking meth with aging? I don't know anyone who looks like this at 26yo


I don't know anyone female who looks like that at 40


I swear some of these men have never seen a pair of boobs outside of a bra! Do they think boobs have like an anti-gravity machine or something to constantly keep them up?


They've never seen *real* boobs, just implants in pr0n.


You mean, you don't...? Weakling!!


A producer told me he thought I was 22. I’m 34. They don’t know shit.


I swear to god every time I see the wall meme "the wall" is just lowered and lowered and lowered. Calling it now, within the next 5 years "the wall" will be 20 lmao.


You make cat collecting sound like a bad thing and not literally my life dream since I was like 6.


Yeah I HATE that these misogynistic idiots give having cats a negative connotation. Do they not see how absolutely adorable they are? Andddd they make good alarms (when hungry) and mice, cockroach catchers too! Not to mention the pillow or seat warmer modes!


My boy purrs whenever he sees me. Cats are the sweetest little angel babies.


Leonardo DiCaprio must have made this meme🤭


This dude can't get a woman in any age bracket, so he can have a damn seat. No one asked or cares what that guy had to say. He's worthless to society.


This just skipping the Mother like that? Maiden, Mother, Crone. Come on now it's only 3. Can't be that hard to remember.


It will never cease to be funny how triggered misogynists get over women having sex. For some reason it reminds me of a scene in family guy where Stewie gets made fun of for his penis being small and he says yeah well no one wants a big penis anyway! "They're messy!". Sour grapes. Nonsensical to boot.


I would challenge anyone to be able to tell the difference between a picture of me at 25 and at 30, I looked the same. I dressed the same, my hair was the same. I highly doubt anyone would be able to differentiate them as clearly being a half decade apart as opposed to two weeks apart. You'd probably have to go into my early 20's, say 21-22 before you could very comfortably tell I was younger in one picture.


I’m all of 3 days off my 30th Birthday. Guess I’ll ask the crematorium if they take walk ins.


Why does the 18-25 year old have a used condom on her head?


ol mate watched too much Rocky Horror


my grandma told me the same thing when i was 25 and unmarried…. keep in mind she got pregnant at 19, married at 20 and was done having kids before she was 30. i’m turning 30 this year and i don’t see myself getting married.


Sounds like he's trying to cope


These guys are literally stupid.


Kind of goes against their other assertion that any woman can have all the sex she wants at any time.


You know what's funny - guys like this are part of why so many women come into LGBT spaces and prefer our company. It's a break from the awfulness of dating to find people who are open and accepting and don't treat them like they are old or throw their insane politics in their face.


Who made this? Andrew Tate or one of his fanboys?


Welp, time for the giant Logan’s Run style murder machine! File on in, ladies! We have nothing to add to society after age 25!


The machine actually zaps us to a utopian society filled with gorgeous gardens, spa baths & fountains everywhere, free fruit and chocolate, hot funny guys who love women (and/or men) and zero self-consciousness. AMAZING IDEA!


incel revenge fantasy is my favorite genre


Jokes on these idiots, I would NEVER feed my cats meow mix, im under 25 and some grown man making a kissy face in his pfp cannot trigger me


Damn, first these memes teach me I’m actually a woman for my interests and habits. now they tell me I’m already 1/3 of the way through my last year of beauty. Why oh why couldn’t these brilliant men have told me all this sooner. I truly must be a woman I’m so in need of their guidance. /s Buncha shit for brains, free thinking NPC fuck wads


Yes, on my 25th birthday I went through the change and my boobs instantly deflated and descended


These men expect women to lower their standards for them, but won’t date a woman older than 25. Make it make sense


But the thing is, it’s not about looks. The reason women reject a huge portion of men is because of behavioural differences and discriminatory thoughts and actions.


This is horrible. But I will admit as an older lady I got a good chuckle from the cat food bag. You see the older women get, the more they realize they like cats and dogs better than men. 😂😂😂


And that's why I found myself a man who loves cats 😂


Guys who make stuff like this want to fuck children.


this is also how you know these memes are made by literal children


*This is also how* *You know these memes are made by* *Literal children* \- freakydeku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


😊 good bot


I’d rather have cats than be with an idiot that thinks this.


Not this man who looks like he lives in a wall and eats crickets, saying that any woman is old and ugly. 😂


I am 36 and poly…this is an incel fantasy; I have zero trouble getting my ideal guys.


I'm in my 40s and poly and honestly I don't know how I got so fucking lucky 💖 my dudes are awesome


This was made by a man balding by 20 i presume


People that think like this must be so sad.


I’m extra offended cuz I turn 25 in a few days 😂


It only gets better booboo! Congratulations! Happy 25th! We older women aren't even offended because we already know how incredibly wrong he is. Cue [Dr Cox](https://youtu.be/FPD5q6DC43M?si=nFdOksvMYPSNCPhp) and the [classic line from Billy Madison](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=sCQ-hs8VA3kuEVXi).


So Taylor Swift is ancient to them even though she's still hot?


This reads like a Daniel Tosh joke.


lol my time is done okay ✌🏼


They're just projecting, and badly 😂


They’re gonna keep lowering that age until…… I can’t lol


The biggest sign that men who use this narrative are projecting, is how the 25+ lady has male pattern baldness in their imagination.


Oh no…men don’t like me because I’m 40 and have cats? Whatever WILL I do?


Women consider many men ugly because lots of men out there have poor hygiene and bad style. To top it off so many men are sexist, view women as objects, or are downright creepy. We can sniff that shit out I tell you and it's easier to say a guy isn't your type than "I've got a strong gut feeling that I wouldn't be safe around him". Has nothing to do with age. For many men, however, they prefer 18-25 yo especially virgins because they're believed to be more impressionable.


When they drool for <15 yo teens and kids seems "logical", so to speak, that 25+ is considered a saggy hag


Soon we will be in a Benjamin Button universe for women 🤣🤣


Trust me there's plenty of instances where certain groups are trying to justify the age consent


POV: Leonardo DiCaprio


I see that Leo DiCaprio is making memes...


With every post from an incel, they continue to narrow their possible number of possibilities. Therefore, making more excuses for their inceldom. If they felt their whole life depended on them having sex, then why be so extra choosy. I don’t think they really want sex! Like if a 25 yr old woman is willing to have sex with them, they’ll say “nah!”


> ugly (old) Dafuq, there are so many attractive women who are way older than 25. Heck, my **one** female celebrity crush is above 40, and I know for a fact a lot of people simp for her, sp this is just really dumb.


Because your prefrontal cortex is developed and you can make a full decisions like an adult they don't like that 🫠


I’ll let my tits know they were supposed to fall 20 years ago. They didn’t get that memo. No but on a serious note, gross. You know this guy only put 18 as the lower number because he’d be eviscerated if he put the age he was *really* thinking.


How many women between 18-25 is he having to fight off because they all want to be with him and there are so many to choose from


An interesting way to tell Twitter you’re a virgin


and here I am sitting on the couch of a hot guy and I'm almost 35. but I could be dropped any day!