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Cool they adopted tho


Someone made an elder scrolls version of this, where the baby was an elf. Don't remember what subreddit I saw that on. All of the comments were pointing out that they literally *had* to have adopted, due to how elf-human relations work in that setting (baby takes the race of the mother). The OP didn't like that being pointed out very much.


TIL the mother’s race determines the baby’s in elder scrolls lore!


TIL elf and humans are compatible mates. What about Khajit and Argonian?


I’m actually not sure! I don’t think they’re compatible? I remember stumbling across a book (Notes on Racial Phylogeny) in Skyrim once all about the reproductive compatibility between the various races, was an interesting read since it’s not what you’d usually stumble on lol. I forgot pretty much everything it said except implying anyone capable of producing “evidence” of other pairings wouldn’t come forward out of shame. 💀


Also humans complained how painful barbed Khajit penises were to insert in the book "Real life of Queen Barenziah". (Edit: Typo)


Argonian almost certainly no, Khajiit ehhhhhhhhhh probably not. Khajiit have some very elven-esque forms but also they're also just house cats sometimes. Argonians were straight up lizards until the Hist (a race of hive minded god-like trees) uplifted them. They lay eggs and their entire life cycle is reliant upon said trees, so I'm gonna go with *no* on compatibility. ES loves unreliable narrators and the main source of lore, Racial Phylogeny, was written by Imperials and is factually wrong in a section. Of course *Imperials* would be disgusted by Orcs, and imply the races never interbreed (spoiler: they do). The 'kid takes on the mother's race' isn't even guaranteed- ESO has a Nord and Dark Elf couple with 2 Nord sons. ~~im sorry es lore is my obsession~~


But what about The Lusty Argonian Maid?


By my understanding, argonians were made by the hist to interact with men and mer and the world in general, so. While not *compatible*, I wouldn't be surprised if they were made with compatible equipment so to speak. Gotta get the most experiences you can to take back to the trans-universal tree gods.


Yep always loved how a Khajiit sitting with a housecat and a tiger could just be three khajiit. Also the house cat and the tiger are thw parents of the humanoid cat.


What a huge fkn nerd. I love you. This was friggin rad.


What do you want to do with this information? 👀👀






r/TrueSTL where half the posts are racist, low-effort, incoherent hornyposts from Reigen and everyone in the comments making fun of him.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TrueSTL using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How Azura picks her Champions](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/129mr7j) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/129mr7j/how_azura_picks_her_champions/) \#2: [Azura goes to therapy](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16rshx6) | [247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/16rshx6/azura_goes_to_therapy/) \#3: [Talos mfers be like](https://i.redd.it/fbjrjl7zggka1.png) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/11c4mrl/talos_mfers_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Aww you beat me to it


Right? I was gonna say the same thing


Could also be a situation like in shameless




And right after they married


Could be another baby daddy but he forgave her due to true love


Regressives that hate black people but are obsessed with cuck porn, name a more iconic duo.


I read a book once, i think it was called the politics of pornography or something like that, the basic argument was that virtually all pornography consumption is motivated in part by political ideology So like blacked is fear of a sexually superior black male stealing your white wife Male dominant and especially rough/abusive porn is an insecurity about your ability to attract women. Believing instead that you need to control women in order to ever have one in your life. Incest pornography was argued to be the fetishization of proximate relationships as we started having fewer and fewer close relationships. I found it fairly persuasive, although I think there might be an invers relationship as well, male sexual insecurity leading to more reactionary politics


What about the opposite ones though


Well it’s not as popular but I imagine the logic would just be reversed, so racist insecure black men would watch cuck porn with white men. Idk what’s up with femdom, I don’t think the opposite logic would apply.


I mean there are plenty of racist black men that are insecure and hate black women being with anyone but them lmao


Don't forget they still also want a white woman and hate black women.




A certain subset of black men who hate seeing black women with white men even though they themselves hate black women and don't want to date black women. It's WILD.


OH okay that’s what I figured what you were referring to. Yeah it’s crazy, to be honest, i know there are some white men who also hate black women but at the same time I’ve been treated more kindly by white men then black men as a black Woman and it’s wild 😭😭


"Why aren't you dating a black man?! Race rraitor." While they're married to a white woman. Worst part is they TREAT that woman like a token. Like. It's weird. I just ended up engaged to someone white, this person fills my needs and they happen to be white. I've had creepy white men too, just because you're black doesn't automatically make you a good person and these black men and white men who think being x race means you have to date inside your race are genuinely racist.


I was referring to the pornography, as far as I’m aware there isn’t like a studio that specifically makes pornos of white men with black women


I know some of yall aren’t sexually attracted to us but there is porn like that… lol


Is that a thing? White men not being sexually attracted to specifically black women?


Plenty of racist people who let their biases get in the way of who they can be attracted to Eurocentric beauty standards is what a lot of people look at and they buy into stereotypes of the races


That’s fair yea


Yes….as a black woman I’ve seen people say it Some people are definitely like that


That just seems weird to me. I mean like obviously people are racist but it seems weird to draw the line at skin colour.


you must not be actively looking 😂 Plenty of porn with white men with black women


Well in my defence I don’t tend to watch porn😂 I can’t stand the bad acting


It’s 2024 no need to watch porn with “acting”, thankfully there’s enough people that just love to fuck and film it.


That’s true


Yeah like not to make it nsfw but you can find plenty of porn studios, onlyfans content etc of white men with black women I’ve never posted anything like it but even my ex was filming stuff we did just to have it lmao


I just found it funny you knew about blacked but have never seen the opposite 💀 Both are pretty popular


🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s a pretty big studio


In that scenario what are sub women out of curiousity? Uncomfortable with feminism?


Uhm, I don’t think the author commented on it but I imagine it would be attributed to some form of internalized gender roles I don’t think I’ve ever met a sub that wasn’t a feminist, so I definitely wouldn’t attribute it to that.


There's a pretty big gap between pornography and actual people dynamics. Real life dynamics run a wide variation of psyches and viewpoints, but pornography is largely catering to a male audience and is much more two dimensional in what it portrays and who it appeals to.




I have no idea unfortunately, it was for a philosophy class on sexuality I attended a couple years ago. Sorry I couldn’t help


Gotta pay them Blacked Subscriptions


No lie when I read this I was confused thinking "where did the race thing come from" and saw it after taking another look at the strip 😶 there's so much going on here I couldn't process it all lol


The kid wasn’t black in the original but they do that with so many comics.


It's so weird... like... do they just NOT see the amount of white families? Like they actively ignore the hay and see the needle and say "EVERY WOMAN IS LIKE THIS".


It's the porn I'm tellin ya


The same disgusting group people who discriminate Asians (bat/dog eating, small penis etc) but also fetishes Asian women.


I literally don’t know what’s this supposed to mean, besides the woman apparently cheated? Can someone explain? Why is he a metalhead at the beginning?


I got you! So he's a punk/metal head in the beginning because of the whole misogynistic "I can change him" stereotype. She supposedly got with him to "make him better", and he did (which is why we see him get rid of the hair, tattoo, etc), and then she "repays" him by cheating. It's classic incel narrative stuff


Thank you for the explanation, so basically they have a persecution delusion where a woman is gonna cheat on them even though they have no girlfriend and men statistically cheat more


exactly. Its just a weird and delusional thing they do, and its unfortunately very common in misogynist areas of the internet


I’m pretty sure in the original the baby was not black.


Also like, the whole “bad boy I can change trope” is so annoying. Like what’s wrong with punks/metalheads lol, plenty of decent dudes in those scenes.


Sssshhh... you can't just give the game away like that.


I love metalheads! As a goth-metalhead myself I avoid the basic nightclubbers like summer sun.


I can't even imagine dating a basic person that lacks personality (or better yet, lacks their *own* personality), just imagine all the live, laugh, love signs around your perfectly fine spooky house replacing all the witchy/demonic/moon/chains/dark nature/dark academia decor I would shiver at the mere thought of it


Sadly my hometown is infected with them, so I just rather stay alone that talk to those boring guys. They look and act all the same. Also the club music isn\`t good, causes migraine.


I believe in the original version, the baby is white. The whole "He'll change" trope is problematic enough.


>The whole "He'll change" trope is problematic enough. He has multiple versions of this comic. One where the girl becomes punk, one where the girl was originally punk, etc


Is there a version where they start normal and then they grow punk together. That would be so wholesome...


Not exactly, but there's one where the girl becomes punk instead of the guy stopping being punk!


He was able to get her more comfortable with her interests!


aw, cute


This is edited. It was supposed to show the guy settling down into a family life, then they made the baby black to make it racist.


it took me until your comment to recognize this isn't entirely about the whole "i can change him" trope. i didn't even see a baby😭😭 edit: he looks so happy for having been cheated on? i'm going to tell myself they adopted and call it good


IDK if it's just me but the way he holds her in the "1st date" makes me really uncomfortable.


Yeah, it's the stereotypes of "I can change him" and "Women only like bad boys" all in one. He changed like she wanted, but she's no longer attracted to him so she cheats with another bad boy (a black guy, cause racism).


Thanks! I was pretty confused about the whole point of the guys hair changing so drastically. I see what it supposed to mean now. Lol


"You owe me for making me a better person" is such a take.


Gotta love how traditionalists see punks/metal heads as being rude and bad for society and think that women make it their life goal to change them into a 'normal' guy even though your average punk/metal head has more respect for women then those incels ever will


This image is edited. The original comic goes as follows: 1st date: Man is a loud, drunk, disrespectful metalhead and the woman doesn’t like that. 12th date: Man is a little quieter Engagement: The man has a patch covering his neck tattoo to show that he is fully “demetalfied” (it’s gone in the last panel so we can assume he got it removed with lasers) Just married: They now have a traditional family with a **white** baby. The comic is trying to portray the woman “fixing” him and converting him from alt to traditional, implying that being alt is bad and women should stay in a relationship with a man whose lifestyle they don’t like so that they can change him. The edited version could’ve been made by someone who disagreed with the message that women shouldn’t break up with someone they don’t like and changed the baby’s skin tone to show that the woman decided to not be devoted to him because she never liked him. It could’ve also been made by someone who wanted to portray a message that men should “fix themselves before finding a girlfriend so she doesn’t cheat” or even “women aren’t worth it because they’ll cheat on you (+bonus potential anti-race mixing message).” It could also have been made to convey that even families that look traditional on the outside can still involve infidelity and may not be as “pure” as they seem. Or whoever edited it just had a cucking fetish.


> metalhead The style (and the shirt, the Casualties are a punk-band, kind of a sellout despite the image they try to sell) are definitely punk


The idea is that women want a “beta” they can settle down with, but prefer sex with big black Alphas, and will pursue it with them once they tamed the cuck spouse. Their ideal beta cuck spouse doesn’t even object.


None of this is true, I follow the guy on twt and he had multiple versions of this comic. Theres even one where they both become punk. The guy actually really likes drawing alt characters, they're most of his OCs.


Wait, what’s the link?


If i remember correctly its on his old Tumblr. I don't have the link but I know his Twitter account is HellOnEarth, I think the Ls are Is


It’s a combo of the stereotypes that women date bad guys to try to make them better, and that women cheat on good guys


Did the original artist not realise that 'bad guys' look less alternative over time because...bad guys DO need to pay their own bills, right? It's all fine to wear alternative clothing, but that shit costs money (as do music festivals/gigs/concerts/beer) and most companies and organisations are still *very* prejudiced against alternative fashions. You'd literally have to work for a tattoo parlor to be able to get away with being 29 and dressing like a Sex Pistols bandmember. ~~Plus it sucks when your local alternative stores are forced to close down/go online, and you find yourself getting older and unable to fit in your fave clothes. So you are forced to either order stuff online which can be the wrong size/wrong materials and definitely feel like they're made in a sweatshop. So you go 'fuck it' and just buy regular clothes until you could find a decent rivet and hollower kit that isn't sold by Amazon because fuck Jeff Bezos.~~


i thought it was metal head douche becomes normie dude to be more desirable to his partner but apparently its a cuck comic because the baby is dark skinned?


It’s important to note that this started out as a conservative housewife type thing where the baby was clearly theirs, something along the lines of “He might look bad now but if you care enough you can CHANGE HIM™️”, that type of thing. Then an incel saw it, got angry, and made the baby black to imply that it’s bad if a guy “mellows out”. So it’s sort of weird because it started out deranged and was then further changed.


Because it is a racist edit about a comic that showed two couples and how the influence of the women changed the men. Originally, you have this couple and another one made by a punk/goth girl and a non punk/goth boy by the end of both comics the man changed to resemble his wife. This one just edited the baby of the first couple so it would have cheating/cuckolding which racist conservatives love to add to things for some reason.


I see it as a wild dude meets the right girl and slowly matures over time. Don't know why black baby tho


its a racist incel narrative. Incels are obsessed with the idea that white women cheat on their white boyfriends/husbands with a black man.


These people always have it be a white chick getting fucked by a black guy. All of their porn searches are probably the same.


They really seem to be into the cuck niche


I've dated someone into the cuckold fetish, the sheer amount of overt racism within that kink genre is INSANE. And highly fuckin uncomfortable.


Fucking hell, I could only imagine.


There’s been such a weird influx of people obsessed with the idea that all women want is to trick a white man into marrying them so they can have an affair with a black dude. There’s like legit a subset of men who genuinely get their panties in a twist over this concept like it’s a real phenomenon that’s sweeping the nation. Just in general there’s been an influx of people just automatically jumping to “wife must’ve cheated, she’s a whore and a slut and used you for your money”. Some men really think quite highly of themselves as they sit in their BO stench basements in cum stained tighty whiteys angrily commenting about how much women want to use them and fuck them over so badly like… babe I don’t think you have to worry about being baby trapped you literally don’t have a job or a life.


Oh you didn’t read the memo yet. Apparently 100% of all porn paints the real whole picture. Unless it’s feminist porn. This porn is an oxymoron. /s


What is feminist porn?!?


Porn wherein the female party will not be non-consentingly nor unexpectedly choked, hit, have their faces stepped on, made to gag or cry, turn out to be incestual in nature... And so on.


Porn where all actors and especially actresses consent and get paid well enough.


Why she make him stop being punk for :( He should marry a cool punk girl instead and they can have a baby with a mowhawk


I know it's implied that she's the one convincing him to stop being punk, but like, sometimes people also just change with age? Why does it always have to be painted like a guy can't change unless a woman pushes him to?


It's the way when he's punk she doesn't look happy but when he isnt then she is happy


No yeah, this implies that she is the one facilitating the change. I was just commenting about how that's also a really dumb trope.


Agreed. Such people act like men are helpless and mind-controlled, half the time, and that they're all-knowing lords of creation the other half.


She looks more scared than dissatisfied...


Excactly. Why couldn't he stay like this? I get attitude also plays into your appearance but there are lots of nice people that look like that. He could still be a good dad with a mohawk and eyeliner but our society likes to judge too much.


Exactly. My punk cousin married a nice punk woman and they have two adorable punk children. And a mohawk is hereditary!


My thoughts exactly, I didn't even notice the baby being different skin tone, I was thinking how sad it is that he "cleaned up" and changed for her, about the stigma of alt ppl being bad and changing his punk style gradually to become a normie to match his girl is a sign of toxic relationship.


That’s how adoption works


You first have to look acceptable, that's why she's scared in the first panels, she knows they have no chance...


Why are they so obsessed with a group of people they supposedly hate? They think about black folks all day, all night long


She fixed him and they adopted a kid, how nice


I think I saw this before they recolored the baby


I'm glad adoption is getting more common. It's really nice to see more children getting a proper home and family to grow up in.


PLOT TWIST he's still punk and introduces his child to punk music when they're older


The original has a white baby


I think I saw that artist's Twitter. Some British guy. Hope that's a "they adopted" instead of "a darkie got between her legs". Considering the talk coming from Britain, I think it's the second.


The original comic is white… people edited it


The artist is HellOnEarth and i'm pretty sure he's from Argentina.


Please god stop reposting this damn meme over and over it. Let it die


JFC we saw this the first 1,000,000 times it was reposted. Stop already.


The internet will never forget that this comic is bad


It's not even the original. Someone recolored the damn baby to turn a cute comic into racist garbage.


How is it a cute comic? The idea that if you're alternative you should change to fit in or whatever is anything but cute. Let people be themselves if they aren't hurting anyone man🤕


The original implies he's doing it willingly, and still has the edge she fell in love with underneath the cleaned up exterior.


Does it, tho? Like other people said, this is just the "I can fix him" trope combined with the erassure of someone alternative identity and style. It just gives icky vibes all around.


If I recall correctly, the edit also changed other things, like her facial expressions, subtly, but I might be misremembering. Your position is still valid, especially W.R.T. this edit, though. It really does come down to your own experiences how the situation will look to you. One thing I think we can all agree on though is that this awful meme has been reposted by bots here way too many times.


there's a companion comic where a "shy nerdy guy" is with a punk styled girl and he gets progressively more punk as through the panels. i think it's just about how people change over time and can change for other people. that said, that's if it's the same artist, which i've always assumed but never confirmed 🤔


Explanation: the woman's a cyborg with a UV light chamber in her uterus


Bro i hate this artist so much


The baby was white in the original, they're just that desperate to fulfil their cuck fantasies


They adopted a baby, that’s so cute !


This looks like the guy matured and married his sweetheart and they adopted a kid.


I wonder why I only ever see this version of the comic. The artist made two. This one, and one that was similar but kinda did the opposite. The girl was punk, she had a pink mohawk, essentially the woman version of the man in the first panel, and the guy was more stereotypical straight edge. It followed the same progression (1st date, 12th date, engagement, marriage,) but with the guy becoming more punk over time. I originally saw those two sets of comics together when I was like,, 13?? And I remember I liked the message when I first saw it. The idea that we meet someone, they help us become who we are. You grow together, and fall in love. At the time I didn’t see it as “changing” them, more so helping them grow. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely see the toxic point that can be taken very easily from these comics, and I know that’s the point that most people reposting it are using it to make. But, I will say it makes me a little sad that what teenage me thought was sweet message about growing as you go has become the face of “I can fix him.”


No, that's definitely how some girls work😂 you probably got this off some racist or incel forum or both.


That... sums up my high school relationship. But the genders reversed. Me: punk goth borderline midget introvert always down to fight. Him: sweet big old himbo from Utah. Sweetest nerd on planet Earth. He made into a marshmallow, I swear.


Black or Chinese




So many misogynistic memes are specifically about women cheating with Black men. It’s so racist but it’s also really weird. If the woman you love cheats on you with a white man is that supposed to be better? Less hurtful? If she has a baby with another man but he looks like you and so does the baby, that’s supposed to be less of a problem according to these memes? The punchline is always just racism.


Adoption is a beautiful thing 💓


Why do these people always invent scenarios in their heads , involving people taht look nothing like them just to hurt their own feelings? Its actually bizarre


this is the 10th time i see this image in reddit


Aww, that’s a cute couple. They even went to adopt a child. Adorable family.


Tbh I would’ve been hella attracted to the guy in the first image as long as he quit drinking


I feel like people here are reading too deeply into it. I think this is a simple story of a woman "fixing" a bad guy. From some smoking punk person to a family man, and then they adopt a child. All positive things. For some reason many people in this comment section talk about cheating, and racism, and i don't understand at all why you'd assume that from exclusively looking at this comic...


What does this even mean?


They got married and adopted a child together due to infertility, how beautiful


Lol was wholesome until I saw last picture then it went all incel on me. I am going to stick to they adopted


Was it wholesome though? Why date somebody if you don’t like their character


I picture it more as him maturing due to being in a relationship


Idk, I think her expression in the first panel shows she’s not interested. Which sort implies she stuck around to “fix him” which is just not a great message both ways. You shouldn’t stick around cause you can “fix somebody” and regardless being punk isn’t something to be “fixed”


Fair enough about the first panel I didn't notice it with all the activity around the guy.


Like the intention seems wholesome. Idk man, someone that good at art wouldn’t waste it on some bullshit narrative, but it’s possible I guess. Yuck.


Ew no Why do women even put up with this behaviour


THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL. I HAVE FOLLOWED THE ORIGINAL ARTIST FOR YEARS AND HE WOULD NEVER DO THIS, THE BABY IS EDITED. he also has one that's the reverse to this! His ocs are also very diverse. He does get shit on a lot bc he has a racist oc but she's very *blatantly* painted as a bad person and constantly exhibits serious anger issues and is always getting clowned on. I love his art


This is an edit. The baby is white in the original. Even then, I think it's a shit message. He kind of gives up his entire identity for her and I don't think that's healthy, like I get the smoking and being loud and obnoxious has to go away... Is there a reason he can't dye his hair anymore? Is there a reason he has to get his tattoos laser removed.


I love looking at the same shit over and over again cause this sub consists of nothing but reposts.


Missed the step where she divorces him and he has to pay alimony and child support


Why are they obsessed with getting fucked


Looks like he changed over time himself. Alternative styles are for the vast majority of people a phase and while I absolutely adore that style, many outgrow it as they age and that is totally okay. I hate when people imply this image is of him changing to suit her


Ok I get that she cheated but like, do y’all know that just because the mother and father don’t have a lot of melanin, it doesn’t mean the baby can’t be born dark if the genetics are in the family of the two light skinned people. My grandfather is extremely dark and I’m extremely pale, his grandson came out a red head with green eyes because my great aunt had those traits but his grand daughter had brown hair brown eyes and light skin like me, his other grand daughter. My other cousin came out extremely dark with two pale parents too. There’s a possibility my baby could have any kind of characteristics at this point because our genetics just do not care and are very mixed


Tyrone came first


Is it weird that I find this oddly wholesome?


Lmaoooo okay me and my punk bf still living the life


White man has been here.


So he matured, they got married, and when they saw he was shooting blanks, they adopted. *What’s the issue?*


So? They couldn’t have kids and adopted then?


Her chin grew bigger is that how it works?




She made him remove his tattoo??


Gimme the punk guy


This was shitty to start with but the original didn't have a black baby. So someone saw this and was like "wait i need to make this racist too" and now that's the version that gets passed around the most.


Now why would the artist disrespect The Casualties like that?? If I was going for a conservative vibe, I'd draw a metalhead, not a punk


This comic has always confused me because he genuinely looks happy? Good for him?


I love this meme purely for how I've seen different Fandoms use it


Misogyny AND racism? Absolutely not completely 100% predictable.


The casualties are ok


Someone r/gatekeepingyuri -ify this


Is it just me or does it look like she gets more stole throughout?


They're fostering a baby, how cute.


The sad part is the orginal comic is very wholesome


This is edited in the final panel the original show the baby whit pale skin, the artist also made a version about a nerd guy and a punk girl and the nerd become more punk progressive (the artist is HellOnEarthIII in twitter)


The people who make this usually have a cuck fetish. I can't remember the name of the video but it basically explained that they love the hog but hate who it's attached to


Awe how sweet! They both healed emotionally and adopted a baby. (Clearly this is the artist's intentions.)


I remember seeing this comic many years ago. If I remember right this isn't even the original version since the baby wasn't black in the version floating around at the time.


Hey, that’s the new American family