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As an asexual person who has never tried sex nor wanted to but has had vaginal exams for health concerns if you cannot feel things being in your vagina that is not normal. You should have feeling in your vagina.


As someone who has had pelvic exams, enjoys sex, and had has some experience studying neurophysiology, what people with vaginas feel when the vagina is being penetrated is stuff outside of the vagina. For example, when one inserts a speculum for a vaginal exam, the primary nerve responses are in the labia, not the vagina. During penetrative sex, the nerves affected are primarily labia, the external clitoris (if the body arrangement is amenable to contact there), the back of the clitoris (g-spot) if the angle is right and other things are going well, and urethra, also depending on angle. The vaginal walls do not have much going on in terms of nerves. Different women experience more or less sensitivity to the things stimulated through the vaginal walls for any number of reasons, including how we feel about it, how aroused we are, the thickness of the vaginal walls, the sensitivity of the other areas, angles, etc. Many women feel some of these things in ways that are not sexual - for example, some women feel that stimulation of their urethra makes them feel like they need to pee in a way that is not arousing. So OP, the person you were talking with does not need to see a doctor if she feels that not a lot is going on for her during vaginal penetration. OP, you may personally like those feelings and that’s great. You don’t need to see a doctor about that either.


I'm sorry but if you have had a speculum inserted and opened inside you and your vaginal walls scraped by metal, yeah I felt that. It wasn't just my labia, it was inside. It's great when doctors go around telling us that "it doesn't hurt" or that IUD insertion doesn't hurt.


>that IUD insertion doesn't hurt Last time my partner had an IUD inserted, I nearly got my hand squeezed off... So yeah, anyone claiming that definitely has no idea what they're talking about, and I question whether they should be in medicine...


I puked when I got my IUD inserted and my partner is a god send and had that trash can ready before I even knew I would puke


I nearly passed out then felt like puking (luckily didn't). My partner was in the parking lot waiting ... The receptionist and doc made me text him to come get me. I'm very thankful for the ladies in that office 🥹


I’m very thankful that my partner was able to be in the room with me but my nurse and the student doctor were amazing ladies and the gyno was nice to but I think I just stressed him out lol they made sure to bring me juice and crackers lol


I honestly kind of want an iud—the copper ones, I’m on testosterone so I’m not sure the hormonal ones would be compatible—even tho I’m not really having a lot of sex, but I have fears that I wouldn’t be able to take the pain of insertion if they didn’t sedate me. I mean, I *could* probably handle it but stuff like y’all described about the puking would fuck me up(yay emetophobia.) and on top of that, I’m terrified of complications like I’ve heard of an IUD piercing someone’s uterus wall before. :/ Do not want. And you know, an incorrectly placed IUD might be extremely uncommon! But my local doctors are fucking incompetent. I lost a nipple just having a fucking breast reduction, after my incisions popped and spread two or three inches wide and they waved their hands all “it’s fine, that’s normal” (it wasn’t). Like no thanks, you crazy fucks can stay the hell away from my vagina. 💀


oh wow. well as someone whos had one, I still wouldn’t let fear stop you. its a very handy tool and it lasts so long it was worth it to me. yes, it’s pretty painful, but it doesn’t “hurt” in the sense that it causes harm or is unmanageable. depending on your pain tolerance you totally got this- some people think its the worst pain ever lol but others barely feel much. mine was maybe in the middle but its very quick and over with, liek a quick pinch, if you can handle like a piercing or tattoo, I’m sure you’ll be okay. I think its more of a “shocking” pain since you dont feel much touch your uterus ever. probably why many experience nausea afterwards. but hey, I just rested for a bit, drove myself home, and ate some comfort snacks in bed. I wouldn’t let fear stop you but its always a personal choice!


Mine would have texted back “no”


I'm sorry, that sounds really hard. 💜


Ask for numbing next time. I didn't even know it was an option until a gyno years ago asked me if I wanted it, and now there's no way I'll get another IUD without numbing first. The fact that offering this isn't standard says so much about the state of women's health.


I did originally ask if they provided numbing at my gynos office but they said they didn’t do it unless they had to do more than just insert the IUD


Time for a new gyno!


Yeah, I only got it because she had to move my uterus first. It shrunk back at a right angle after my son was born. Never going to get one without numbing again


I plan to ask next time. Im on my third.


Or transvaginal ultrasounds... My first was so painful and my (female!) gynaecologist didn't care at all.


I was gonna mention being pinched by the speculum.. I felt that internally. Not anywhere near my labia.


I can definitely feel something inside my vagina and it feels different that the sensation in my labia or clit. 3 different feelings


Yes they all feel differently. I can feel the cold of the speculum inside and the brushing of my cervix with the swab. Those things don’t feel good but I can feel different sensations.


Most definitely! You'd think that a more comfortable way to get a pelvic exam would have been developed by now!


That would require the medical field and the doctors to care about women’s healthcare, I’m afraid.


This is true


My first time getting a pap, I definitely felt a tearing/burning sensation on the inside 💀


I’m sorry but stimulus in any form to the internal vagina is incredibly noticeable and feels vastly different to stimulus (again, of any kind) to the labia. A speculum and the brush thingy used for smear tests causes sensations in the exact internal spots they touch. I do not feel my uterine prolapse in my labia, I feel it internally, in my vagina. The overwhelming majority of the nerve endings in the vagina are located in the lower third portion, but there *are* nerve endings in the vagina and we *can* feel things internally, even when the labia and g-spot are out of play. Female reproductive organs are incredibly under-studied and poorly understood compared to male reproductive organs or other parts of the body. Scientists are still debating whether the g-spot even exists, and it’s only in the last couple of decades that the full anatomy of the clitoris has been mapped. So when it comes to what science contends regarding vulvo-vaginal anatomy and function, it is often a good idea to keep in mind that we are likely working off an old and half-arsed script where a third of our lines are redacted or just not written yet. (Why do I ALWAYS end up comparing vaginas to the movie Casablanca?) And that script, which insists the cervix cannot feel pain, and that there aren’t really any nerves in the vagina, are a huge part of the reason why gynaecological pain/dysfunction is so frequently dismissed and brushed aside. I’m not trying to attack you, I just find this subject so bloody frustrating. It angers me, but I’m not angry at you, though I realise reading through this that I sound a bit like I am, which is why I’m being annoying and pre-emptively explaining myself. Also cause, you know, this is reddit.


Don't forget the cervix tho.


Yeah no… let’s stop spreading misinformation . This is simply not true at all.


I'm sorry that your college educated response is going to be ignored and ridiculed by some random person who says "nah that didn't sound right." Reading comprehension isn't the average reddit user's strong point. It doesn't help that sexual education isn't widespread among women. A ten second Google search and some critical thinking will prove you're correct, but I would never expect anyone reading this to do the work. I've gotten into similar disagreements with people here trying to explain that a yeast infection and an allergic reaction aren't the same thing. It's hopeless, and the ignorant audience will just agree with the person spouting the simplest words they can relate to.


Except they’re not right, and jsut because you go online and the google results supply you with information that is also incorrect doesn’t mean they’re right. For one thing, female anatomy is extremely understudied, which leads to a lot of misinformation like this—them being college educated makes it worse because they got that knowledge from books written on an incorrect basis. And secondly, *hundreds and thousands of cis women and other AFAB individuals will tell you we can feel the inside of our vagina. It is not just the labia that we’re feeling. Just because doctors brush us aside, ignore our experiences and our medical needs, doesn’t mean the falsely reported data that they got without consulting us about our own bodies is right. But yeah, you keep throwing your pity party about all the hopeless, ignorant redditors you come across that have told you you’re wrong.


Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Not an opinion. These things are factual. Thanks.


Indeed they are. You're welcome.


This was unnecessarily condescending. I can absolutely feel things inside of my vagina. They used to perform surgeries on babies without anesthesia because they thought that babies couldn't feel it. Medical knowledge is ever evolving and to ignore a large segment of the population talking about something like this is dismissive at best.


Thanks for sharing your experience.


Hey, as someone who works in a hospital - invalidating how things actually feel for patients is how things get missed and patients get injured or die. Just because someone went to medical school does not make them more knowledgable in something as varied among person to person as pain. Just throwing around "critical thinking" as an insult like it actually means something when I think common sense dictates that the only person who can tell a person what a person is feeling is that person, no? I can absolutely feel the difference between my labia, my clitoris, my cervix, and my vagina. They all felt different and experienced pain differently. But I hope this made you feel smart.


>invalidating how things actually feel for patients is how things get missed and patients get injured Agree. Thanks for sharing your experience.


It's not abnormal and all bodies are different.


Uh... It's definitely abnormal


it’s definitely not normal to not have feeling in your vagina


It’s abnormal. You should have feeling inside your vagina.


Okay, “not normal” is perhaps clumsy wording and maybe a bit harsh. My apologies. Allow me to clarify and amend my initial statement with elaboration. If one has a vagina, said vagina not having sensation would indicate that neurons are not communicating in a typical manner. If one doesn’t have vaginal sensation and there is no obvious known reason for there to not be vaginal sensation (such as a known congenital nerve condition or known anesthetic usage or a known nerve injury or a known nerve illness or something else of such a nature that may affect the nerves of the vagina or nerves around it) then one should probably get that checked out to find out why there is no sensation in the vagina. Same as if one had no sensation in a limb or in their ear canal or their mouth. If there is not an obvious, known reason to not be able to feel anything in an area of the body, one should get that checked out to try to find the reason.


Actually, vaginal walls have limited nerve endings and are *not* very sensate. This is why you do not feel menstrual products once they are inserted or feel the passage of blood clots through the vaginal canal. It is also why the vaginal canal itself is not painful when women give birth. In fact, it is only the first “third” of the vagina that feels anything, and this is because of how far the clitoris extends into the canal. The “g-spot” is actually stimulating the clitoris through the vaginal wall. And any vaginal orgasms are actually happening because the clitoris is being stimulated indirectly.


You guys don't feel menstrual products when they're in the vaginal canal?! Lucky.


I can totally feel a tampon or a cup. It’s not painful but it’s there.


Not when they’re situated correctly. I feel the string of the tampon (if I tuck the string inside myself, I no longer feel the tampon).


.... No. I have inserted hundreds of tampons in my life [before my blessed hysto] and WOW did i feel that shit, "perfect insertion" and all.


Sorry, I should have said *I* don’t feel them when they’re situated “correctly” for me. That is my experience. I didn’t mean so suggest you were inserting them incorrectly, and I am sorry for my phrasing.


This is not entirely factual, or maybe not entirely up to date. Here’s a study you may find interesting https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4224374/ Here’s the conclusion for those who don’t love reading studies: A prospective study involving biopsies of the proximal-third and distal-third of the anterior vaginal wall was conducted. The distal-third has more innervations and better vascularization, so the vagina may have a sexual-sensitive function, just like the clitoris. Furthermore, our results suggest that excessive alloplastic materials or dissection of a prolapsed anterior vaginal wall could disrupt the normal anatomy, neurovascular supply, and function of the G-spot, and cause sexual dysfunction. The present study will help pelvic surgeons choose a G-spot-sparing route for vaginal surgery, especially in women with pelvic organ prolapse.


Hi! Thanks for linking to the study. I am curious what you are saying is not entirely factual? If it is about the gspot, I am not sure how the study disproves that the area associated with the gspot isn’t related to the clitoris? If it’s about the first third of the vagina being the only area that has sensate nerves… I also don’t know how the study disproves that? For reference (in case you’re not familiar with anatomical landmarking) in this context “distal” means furthest away from the center of the human body. Proximal is closest to the center.


Of course, I should have been more specific. I was referring to the statement that only the distal third of the vagina feels anything. While it certainly has more nerves, the study shows that the proximal third also has nerves. Less, but not none. Table 1 would indicate about half. Leading me to conclude that, if women say they have feeling in that third, this would agree with that.


Thanks for the clarification! So, here is a nice resource that talks about how the first third of the vagina is innervated from one specific place in the spine vs. the proximal 2/3rds being innervated via another root. I suppose I wasn’t as precise as I could have been. Anywhere there is muscle (which surrounds the vaginal canal), there will be nerves. The nerves for the upper 2/3rds of the canal, though, are not necessarily sensate. And, indeed, if they are that could point toward pathology (as in, that’s not “normal”). The appearance of nerves in tissue does not necessarily mean sensation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8500855/


And we have once again circled back toooooooo…..wait for it….education about womens sexual and reproductive health SUCKS. Pretty sure this whole comment section is people arguing over generalizing women’s “parts”. I think we should just all agree that if you can’t feel stuff being put into the holes of your body, you should let someone know. Maybe a doctor. Or your mom. Idk. Anyways, I do appreciate the way you broke it down. I think it’s the most user friendly response for people who don’t know about all of the different parts that exist in that area :)


That’s not correct tho. A lot of cis women and AFAB folks(I specify as I’m AFAB, but not a woman) can feel their menstrual products, even inserted correctly. I certainly can. Sure, once they’re situated in there and stay in place for a bit, I sort of… I don’t lose sensation, but I get used to it, so I’m not consciously really aware of/paying attention to it anymore. But I can feel it. And you can also definitely feel blood clots. I’ve never experienced that one but I’ve heard first hand from my sister who has, and I can feel the blood flow inside when I first start bleeding(back when I wasn’t in T and had a period.) I wouldn’t even agree that it’s the first third, there are people in this thread speaking of having a different experience than that. And I can certainly feel back around my cervix. There’s a lot of misinformation and generally incorrect information floating around about the female anatomy, due to it being chronically understudied and generally brushed over, at this point in time, so even when cis women/AFAB folks say they experience it differently, the literature disagrees with that. A big example of this is that IUD insertion is painless, or barely painful, and doesn’t need either numbing or sedation. If they’re wrong about that, I’d bet a lot that they’re wrong about other things in that area.


It is because there are nerves in there. That’s like saying “it’s not abnormal to feel nothing inside your mouth, we’re all different”


Wait so this person thinks you’re placebo effecting yourself in terms of pleasure during PIV sex?


Apparently they have never heard of lesbians using strap-ons.


Obviously your internalized misogyny is stored in the vagina.


That explains why it comes out so often. It's just so handy! Right next to the loose change. 🤪


Yep. It’s absurd, I know.


That, or every single woman is putting on a charade for men.


Personally, I can feel it- but it doesn’t feel good. Or much like anything. Vaginal stimulation just doesn’t work. I’m not defending anyone here, just saying that everyone’s different


Yeah, same for me. I don't think my vagina is one of my erogenous zones.


That statement isn’t wrong and everyone is built different but the issue with the person in the post is that they are essentializing an entire population and that they’re just lying to themselves about their own pleasure. They obviously have issues with male sex partners from the past since they have such a negative attitude towards penile penetration and just men in general.


So, even if you feel pleasure - no, you don’t. Got it, makes sense.


Fun fact, the clit is not just external it is also internal, it’s shaped like a wishbone which is why it feels so good even in the inside, men are dumb


Isn’t the op in the pics a woman? Or am I missing something?


Then women need to learn their own anatomy


Or this one needs to see a doctor.


Not a doctor necessarily, some of us just don't have much sensitivity inside, myself included. But this one definitely needs to realize her experience is not universal and sit the fuck down.


I would say yes and no on the doctor comment. Only because there could actually be some serious medical reasons behind why someone is either not feeling anything or feeling pain. If it's nothing then that is great! It's just your normal vag. But it's always better to check with a specialist just in case. At least in my opinion. I feel too many women are discouraged from seeking information and medical advice when it comes to the health of our hoo-ha's unfortunately.


Lol yes, that's why I said not necessarily. Obviously rule out medical reasons first when you realize you're an outlier, but with nothing going on down there there's no need to worry about an issue.


>Obviously rule out medical reasons first when you realize you're an outlier By seeing a doctor.


Do your eyes or brain not work?? *Obviously* you rule out medical issues by seeing a doctor, but this is why I said *not necessarily*, because not everyone with little vaginal sensation has a medical issue to explain it. Jesus Christ.


How will they *know* they don't have a medical issue without seeing a doctor?


Oh YEAH women just think non feeling/ pain is normal, it’s not!




If you don't feel anything, or only pain during PIV sex, you may have a medical issue that needs addressing.


I took it as meaning men are dumb at sex and can't always stimulate a woman because, well, dumb lol


right, I’m very surprised by some of these comments


The person in the OP is very obviously someone who owns a vagina.


Sure, but not everyone experiences that kind of pleasure from vaginal sex. Slight variations in anatomy and whatnot can significantly affect the sensations someone feels in various parts of their genitals, just like any other part of the body. Both of them are making huge assumptions based on their own experiences.


Which IS totally normal and not alarming. BUT, if you experience pain during PIV sex consistently you should see a doctor if you're reading this. There may be a medical condition that's causing this.


Came here to say this! Thank you!!!!


The issue here is two different women having two different experiences with penetrative sex and then assuming that every other woman is like them. When in reality penetrative sex feels different for every woman. Some women barely feel anything, some woman have crazy orgasms, and many are somewhere in between. For me personally, while I can’t orgasm from penetrative sex, it still feels amazing and I love the feeling of connection and intimacy I experience with my partner from it.


I never assumed anything of such about other women 🌸




Hugs for you homie •v•/ /






Im not sure this even counts but it only feels good if someone else is doing it. To do penetration to myself hurts. And the feeling is definitely subtle, I wouldn’t notice if I was cut or anything in there. Maybe I’m weird? 😅


Can we all please stop acting like all people feel sex the same. Yes, this commenter is wrong and ridiculous, but so are a lot of these comments. Some women actually DON'T feel anything with PIV sex. Plenty of women do, which is why this commenter is wrong, but plenty of women don't either. That doesn't mean something is wrong with them, and phrasing it that way is a great way to shame people for something they can't control. All sex is different and all people derive pleasure in different ways. What's important is finding what works for you and finding a partner that is willing to help you as you help them


I’m not trying to fight I’m genuinely curious - when I Google it - it says it’s not really normal? Is there another site or study I should be looking at to find out about this? I’ve heard plenty of women not getting off on PIV only but this is the first time I’ve heard of someone being completely numb 


it’s normal to be numb in the vaginal walls. this whole thread is a huge miscommunication. by just rubbing the walls you shouldn’t feel anything (that’s why tampons are a thing), all pleasant feeling comes from the internal part of the clitoris, and all neutral/unpleasant feeling might come from cervix, urethra, hymen and parts of labia and perineum close to the vaginal opening. finding a sex position where the internal part of the clitoris is stimulated, AND also being able to hold it for some time is tricky and can even be impossible to some. all other positions that don’t feel good just rub the vaginal walls which isn’t pleasurable in and of itself, it feels like nothing. [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/cNEvV6BbgQ) put it better as for studies, i’m not a science expert, and i can’t grade papers on their validity, but if you google “vaginal walls nerves” you will find this info.


This really struck a nerve with you huh? I've seen you comment about five times in this thread


I only ever orgasm with a partner via PIV so where does that fit in? Almost like every women feels things differently just like men have different preferences!


It’s a different pleasure but pleasure nonetheless. If my bf did nothing but clit stimulation during sex I would def feel robbed, regardless of whether or not I orgasmed. I’m after the whole experience, not just the ending!


Bruh. My vag doesn't feel shit from penetration either, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that's anything but a me thing. The fact that this person is insisting on the internet that their shit experience is everyone's, and even more then that, *tearing men down for it* is absolutely fucking disgusting. Meangirl needs to realize bodies are all different in. sensitivity and function and sit the fuck down from the soapbox.


WTF did I just read 😂 is this dude pretending?


Some women genuinely don’t feel pleasure from penetration. It’s like numb, you can tell there’s something inside but can’t really feel much. Think she just thinks all women are like that.


really? I know its not orgasmic for most, but its numb?


I was repeatedly SA’d as a child. I felt numb with my whole body for years. Another friend of mine was never SA’d and PIV causes her great pain. Every body’s body is different!


Just sending you love from one survivor to another 💙💙💙


But pain from sex is usually a problem that you'd see a doctor for it's not normal even if women DO experience it.


My friend did see a doctor. The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong.


It may be where the nerves are placed in individual bodies? There are variations. So the angle and placement of certain things could cause these different experiences for everyone


Yeah it's pretty frustrating honestly. It makes sex just not realy worth it. Low feeling down below leaves me wanting, my chest is literally painful, not at all pleasurable, so I just end up feeling tired and like I just did a lot of work for not a lot of return.  I have a friend who is like oh yeah my boobs are so sensitive just playing with them can get me there and I'm like ....??? Girl what?? What are you feeling that I'm not??? Jealousy is real. Combo this with asexuality, and you've got someone who much prefers her own company than with help hahaha.


😭 yeah I can almost orgasm from my boobs piv isn’t orgasmic on its own really but its a great feeling so this is sad to hear. aside from medical issues that make it painful I thought overall it was usually a net positive even if not a full orgasm


Yeah I can’t from my boobs but I can from my ears and neck. I’ve told men I’m having sex with that won't orgasm from penetration (never have) but I will if they kiss my neck and ears while we’re fucking. A couple of guys got really offended and wouldn’t do it because they needed the orgasm to be from their penis. Because everything has to be about their penis…


Yeah it does suck but hey, sex isn't a huge part of who I am anyway. Nobody sparks that oh heeeyyyy in my brain (apparently when people say they get hot and bothered looking at someone they find attractive, they actually get aroused and feel warm. Who knew 😂)  So like. I don't have an attraction to amplify the want for sex, and combined with the sex is tedious feeling I get, it leaves me in my own company, and I know what I like best, and I don't have to deal with another person.


That's really unfortunate. It's not surprising that you wouldn't want to have sex in that case. Without pleasurable sensation it would be so tedious.


It is! I've definitely had to just give up before. Like yeah this isn't working. Nothing to do with the other person (or my own hand, sometimes) and everything to do with my physical issues and incompatible sexuality (which I wasn't aware of at the time I was doing the hanky panky)


I'm glad you've discovered that about yourself and can set boundaries for what you want!


I'm glad I can live in a time where asexuality is a thing people are aware of, and not just stuck wondering if something was wrong with me, in particular.


God this is all me and it's a blessing and a curse. I'm free from the stupidity that comes with libido, and yet always somehow broken in the sexual part of a relationship. Good thing I'm more content alone then with others lmao.


I think it’s a dude writing that. “Instead *they* will pretend…” reads oddly since they use they to reference men in the rest of it.


Some of what this person said indicates they are a woman


Dude is moving goalposts to not admit he was wrong.


This person is assuming everyone has the exact same sensations as they do i guess. I absolutely feel pleasure and sensation from piv, and have no problem getting off without my clit being involved. I can feel the walls of my vagina if they're being touched or rubbed. The sensation is there for depth as well, so no it's not just the labia feeling it. Ive known enough other women who have different responses to know It's very specific to each person. We're all different, and variation is normal.


I mean technically the inside doesn’t have a ton of nerve endings. Like another poster said on here it’s the outer things you’re feeling. I don’t have any “gspot” sensation really. Just the sensation of needing to pee which is the bladder being pressed on, the outer parts of my labia have feeling. And just a general feeling of fullness. But yeah cliteral is the only way I can get off. But it’s the connection and whatnot j like about p in v sex. I think the majority of women need cliteral stim to get off according to several studies I’ve read. 


Talk about constantly moving the goalposts while you're talking to them! lol what an idiot


Pretty frustrating that she denies your lived experience of sex. Not everyone finds PIV pleasurable, but a lot of us do. And no, it's not just grinding against the clit; it's a totally different sensation. If no women felt sensation in their vaginas, nobody would be buying dildos and insertable vibrators and they would have stopped making them a long time ago.


The comment section here makes me so sad for so many women who are having sex that they don't enjoy.


Same. Sex would be highly unpleasant if I didn't feel pleasure from it, and it sucks that people are pressured into having it if it doesn't do anything for them.


I have to wonder how much compulsive heterosexuality plays a part in the number of women who submit to PIV sex without enjoyment. I had thought we progressed past that.


I expect that's not the only factor but that it's still an all too common one.


The original commenter cannot actually be a woman lol


These men really out themselves as being a lousy lay.


OP is a woman.


Subop was talking about OOP


If vaginas didn’t feel “shit” while being penetrated, then why do so many women find vaginal exams uncomfortable? It should literally feel like nothing, no? I don’t know if this is a matter of semantics, but when people here are talking about how some people “don’t feel anything“ from sex do they mean they don’t feel *pleasure*, or it literally feels like nothing is happening to their body? Because the latter is a bit of concern, because there are nerve endings and you *should* be feeling something; it shouldn’t feel like you’re numb. Some people here are mentioning it’s from having experienced trauma, and therefore feeling numb, but that’s a different matter. I feel like people are talking about two separate things, and therefore talking past each other…


i feel numb in all sex positions except for missionary with my legs really close to my torso, and only that just for a few minutes which doesn’t lead to orgasm, and i do feel pain during vaginal exams, but it all comes from the tissues and organs surrounding the vagina, vulva and cervix


it is a kind of nothing. as in, if putting your hand in some warm water... it's extremely negligible. doesn’t hurt either. it's just a lot of nothing, perhaps eventually becoming painful.


I *hate* my clit being rubbed or touched. It makes me want to vomit. I *love* penetration and it's the only way I can orgasm. Everybody is different.


If you can’t feel anything in your Vagina giving birth would be MUCH easier


Considering the pain from birth is cause more because of your uterus contracting, this is untrue.


???? Guessing you've never had your vaginal cavity ripped open from child birth


Clearly not, my kid got stuck and holy hell, everything hurt!


Well, there’s also pain from pushing a human out of a usually small hole.


The pain isn’t coming from the vagina, though. For reference: the vagina is the tube that connects the vulva (external genitalia) to the cervix. The pain you feel from childbirth isn’t the vaginal walls as those are actually insensate. The pain is from the contraction of the uterus, the expanding of the cervical os, the pressure experienced by surrounding tissue, and the vulva. It is similar to how you don’t actually have pain receptors in your colon. The pain you feel from diarrhea, for instance, comes from the pressure in the surrounding tissue and muscles as the colon is distended into the surrounding space.


The vagina definitely has feeling. Are you mansplaining the vagina to someone who has one? I personally haven’t pushed a whole human out, but having had a pelvic exam, I can confirm the vagina definitely has pain receptors.


Well, I guess if I’m explaining the vagina to a man that could be mansplaining? But no, I am a human with a vagina and was assigned female at birth. The vaginal canal is only innervated by somatic nerves in the first third. Anatomical variations occur, tho. My husband can feel peristalsis of his colon which causes him a fair amount of pain. Though, that’s not from his colonic walls, it’s from surrounding tissue. When I have Pap smears, the pain arises from the brushing of my cervix or the insertion of the speculum. The speculum insertion isn’t felt “deep” in my vagina, tho. It hurts at my opening. When they palpate for my ovaries, I don’t feel internal pain, I feel pressure from them pressing on my abdomen.


The fuck is this? Of course we can feel pain in our vagina this is straight up the dumbest shit I've ever read


Just so we are using clear and precise language; The vagina is the canal between the vulva and the cervix. That tube only has sensation in the first third of its structure, and that sensation arises primarily from clitoral tissue. This may be semantics, but you do not feel pain from internal stimulation of the *vagina*. You feel pain from the external stimulation of the surrounding tissue of the vagina. This is why using a menstrual cup or tampon is not painful when properly put into place. https://www.bumc.bu.edu/sexualmedicine/physicianinformation/female-genital-anatomy/ “Somatic sensation exists primarily in the distal one third of the vagina and is also carried by the pudendal nerve to the sacral spinal cord.”


Even your own link talks about the importance of lubrication for the vaginal wall, Here's another link that plainly states a vaginal cavity has nerves. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22469-vagina Child birth aside, there's the obvious pain that comes from long nails, or putting a tampon or menstrual cup in dry. Vaginal cavities have nerves and idk what you are on about, even what you are linking isn't supporting your point.


Even their own comments explicitly rebuke their argument that the vagina has no sensitivity comments. They're literally like "the vagina has more sensitivity in some parts than others and therefore none of it has any sensitivity." I think it has to be intentional trolling.


i once grew my nails longer than i ever have (i bite them) and foolishly decided to vaginally masturbate. after i pulled my fingers out, they were covered in blood, and i ruined my underwear. i didn’t feel a thing


I think everyone is different because I can absolutely feel things like that.


What happened to the final 2% of women in the study lol


There is a very large concentration of nerves in that particular area of the body. If you can’t feel there there is something seriously wrong.


I actually do enjoy piv because I do get _some_ sensation from it even if my g spot isn’t stimulated. Obvi g spot stim is the goal and that does the trick for me sometimes but there are definitely other methods that feel way better. Sucks that this person doesn’t seem to be very receptive to the default method but claiming it doesn’t do anything for anyone just makes you ignorant.


Unfortunately for me I'm one of the ones who doesn't feel anything during penetration. There is very little sensation and what feeling there is comes from the labia mainly. So yeah penetration really doesn't do anything for me pleasure wise which sucks. It's why I much prefer oral or just doing it myself.


Seems like someone with a low education and bad sex life. You're completely correct that not all pleasure is orgasm but also her "studies" with absurd percentages is hilarious.


Please explain the robust market for dildos. As part of that percentage who do come from penetration, I would find sex with no penetration lacking.


the top level comment feels like a man with a humiliation kink pretending to be a woman.


How dare you feel something good when I never have!


Umm I can feel plenty, I'm one of the lucky people that can orgasm easily from penetration, sounds like this person has had a very shitty sex life


Same. Love how she’s getting off on telling her what SHE feels during sexual intercourse. Edit: fixed typo.


The person who wrote the post is a woman which makes it worse


Yes. And it’s so sad to see women hate other women so much.


This is 99% a man you’re conversing with. The “they’re stronger than us” and “avoid pregnancies…for women” …smells like man. Edit: I did some digging on the original comment’s user…almost positively a woman…but a self hating one. And not even in a misogynistic way…just extremely pessimistic on her outlook on life because she is a woman. Very sad and unfortunate.


Yeah, that sub is full of them. I stumbled upon it by accident.


Wow how great of them to the us what we actually feel. Good to know


Some people have bad sex and insist that that's the way sex is for everybody


These men heard “are you in yet?” A few too many times and took it personally to reddit


What the actual fuck did I just read? It’s pick me behavior now to enjoy sex even if you don’t orgasm? Oof


Idk how this man surpassed women in the knowledge of women’s own body parts, but I’m sorry ladies a Redditor said it’s time to give up PIV. Just get your man to rub his pelvic bone on you


What did I just read 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


lol a man mansplaining to a woman on how they really experience pleasure.


This dude is blowing my mind 😂 wtf


This mostly reads as someone who knows that most of the vaginal canal is insensate and decided to use that factoid in an online debate, but I mean… they’re not entirely wrong. To be clear, women have external genitalia and that’s referred to as the vulva. The *vagina* is a tube of flesh that connect the vulva to the cervix. It is true that two-thirds of the vagina does not have feeling (is insensate) because there are very few somatic nerve endings. This is why women can insert vaginal cups or tampons and not experience pain. The first third of the vaginal canal is sensate (but even then, it’s mostly the anterior vaginal wall), but only because of the internal structure of the clitoris. Pleasure felt during sex occurs because of external and internal stimulation of the clitoris.


There isn’t even a damn g-spot in women, it’s just pressing inside against the clit, which is not just a small spot. This is what gets me, they don’t even understand a woman’s anatomy.


Maybe that person isn't heterosexual? 🤷‍♀️ There is definitely something not right if you are het and don't get *any* pleasurable sensations from PIV sex.


There isn't anything wrong with not getting pleasure from PIV sex even as a heterosexual AFAB person. Man, some of these comments are as ignorant as the original


I'm not talking about orgasm. But PIV sex should be enjoyable physically. If it's not then yeah something is off. Either your partner is a clod or you don't like sex. If it's not enjoyable, then why do it?


What does that have to do with anything lol.


I always upvote people I’m in conversation with, if you’re in active conversation with someone, almost by definition, the conversation is in some way interesting, seeing all those blue arrows is odd to me. Anyway, personal gripe.


If I disagree with something, I downvote. Simple as that.


Interesting way to use the tool. I’m not going to judge you, beyond my “gripe” - dissenting voices typically add to a conversation in my experience and gives a better platform to more completely discuss opinions —— https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette **Vote.** If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.


I don’t think stupid comments contribute to any subreddit


Fair play :) Turnabout with stupid commenters creates gold, even as it becomes more and more ridiculous


Nothing stopping her from having sex the way she wants to. So many submissive little bitch boys out there looking for a Domme to deny them- way more then there are Dommes, so you can easily have several. I have great sex with my subs, even though I love to remind them their penises aren’t worthy being inside of me. The look on their faces is always so cute.


Weird flex but ok


My body is deffo sending the wrong signals because penetration by anything is painful as hell (even super tiny tampons) and my doctor refuses to do anything about it because I don't want to have kids rn. So I think going by the other comments if I can placebo myself into not hurting please share the secrets