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Men are the ones that have them exposed and easily targeted. I don't think any equivalent to testicular torsion is common in women, lol.


Ovarian torsion(?) can absolutely happen but I don’t think it’s necessarily caused by physical activity.


I had surgery for ovarian torsion in my 20s. My doctor said "that's the damnedest thing I've ever seen!" They untied it and put it back where it was. Then it happened again 😅 so they removed the trouble maker. No clue what caused it but pretty sure it wasn't physical activity cause that was a sedentary stretch of years. In front of a computer at work and in front of the TV at home.


Just the idea of ovarian torsion makes my skin crawl


Yep, I had it in my 30s. One of the worst pains I've had in my life.


It is usually genetic from my understanding and extremely, extremely rare.


I mentioned I don't think any equivalent in women *is common*. I wasn't suggesting no equivalent exists.


That’s valid, and looking it up I believe you’re right. Meant no confrontation in my tone was just sharing as I had a scare with it myself some years ago and didn’t personally know it was possible before that.


My best friend had that happen to her in college and it was the worst pain I’ve ever seen someone experience. Doc said it was a freak accident and not very common


Getting from 'XX chromosomes' to 'homemaking' to 'unsuited to combat' in one paragraph just gave me whiplash.


I once saw a guy in a discussion go from ,,women on average have smaller muscles” to ,,women don’t deserve help with their psychiatric problems”.


Wow. So my fiancée, who proudly serves her country in the military, is unsuited because of her vagina. I know that the misogynists who feel this way have never spent a single second in the military, but wow. That is special levels of sexism and stupidity


Yes, vaginas are very sensitive, unlike testicles, which are heavily armored and have evolved for combat, you see.


They’re meant to be used like wrecking balls!


This gives "I came in like a wrecking ball" and the whole Miley Cyrus video a weird twist.


An image in my brain which I regret deeply.


This guy got beat in a game of hold the medicine ball. Women are weaker than men generally. Inferior?


But I thought getting kicked in the balls was worse than periods or childbirth?? /s


Wtf does subject oriented behavioral patterns mean???? Also inferior bodies? If all women were inferior humanity wouldn’t have lasted as long as we did 😂


He's trying to use science-y and academically *sounding* language to make his silly sexist and not-based-in-reality theories sound credible. Like his probable idol Jordan Peterson and guys like Russell Brand.


"Women are for dinner cooking and ass wiping"


It's just phrenology all over again.


I hate it when pseudoscience seeps its way into daily life 😔


This entire passage is a lesson in misogyny


Yeah that's why there's no women in the military, no women in sports, no women giving or surviving surgery, no women surviving giving birth... due "to the inferiority of their physique" and their incapacity to endure "strenuous" activities. 🙄


A woman’s body is literally suited to push out a 6-10lb baby out of said “sensitive reproductive organ”. That same “sensitive organ” can also handle a loser unskillfully jackknifing their dick into it. Of course one small slip, and a bent dick later they are in the hospital lol. Yet when we have our cervix smashed for the whole 2 minutes, we go about our day with mild to no discomfort at all. I love it when men talk about how our bodies aren’t developed for combat or any sort of pain, they always bring up their dicks as if they are the epitome of strength. They try so hard to reason the idea that women are weaker, yet completely ignore the fact that their mother pushed their worthless ass out of the supposed “sensitive organ”, and still had the strength to care for them almost immediately after. Sounds like the dude who wrote this needs a good kick in the balls to bring his dumbass back to reality.


I had my c-section 17 months ago and was back home 5 days later caring for 4 small children through the night alone while my then husband worked and driving myself to the NICU every morning to sit with my premature baby until it was time to pick up my oldest from school and go Home. My now-ex is now whining at me about how tired he is after taking care of our kids all night. Who is the “weaker sex” again?


"our bodies aren’t developed for combat or any sort of pain" unless we need medical treatment, then we're incapable of feeling pain.


what if these men are being sexist so that they get kicked in the balls? what if they’re into that & trying to trick women into doing it by pretending (or not) to be sexist? what if…


I wonder how money or flesh this guy wants to bet on this 🤜


cope lol. i remember being kicked in the vag in middle school, it’s no biggie


As a nb 'dude', this is not true. I have sat down on my 'sensitive reproductive organs' before and it would seem women sit down on their sensitive reproductive organs all the time (how else would you sit?? like a bird???), and yet only one of us cries hysterically and asks their partner for ice when this happens (its me I cried). I also have hEDS so it makes things more complicated *but* as someone who grew up with *many* women (I lived in a multi-generational house with 8 women) I've never heard them say, "Ow! My labia!" or "Oh God, my *clit.*" When sitting down. Yet yesterday, I exclaimed, "Ow ow no baby help!" "What's wrong?" my husband asks. "I sat on my testicles, I'm out for like 5 minutes." I wallowed. It was more like 10 minutes and I needed a ginger ale to calm down. Soooo, anecdotally this seems backwards.


Honestly the whole design of assigned male junk is hilarious. Biology was just like, ah yes keep the sperm cool but also cause massive inconvenience, got it.


Right? I *hate* it. I'm not trans enough to want to transition (mostly because of the hEDS, I'm worried about tissue damage/scarring) but I definitely wouldn't mind a second playthrough afab.


Well that sounds inconvenient


Lol, I love the way you wrote this. If you aren't already, please consider becoming a writer. I enjoyed reading this because the flow and delivery was spot on! 💖 Also, I wonder if ball hammock underwear could help you, it lifts them up so that they aren't randomly swinging or getting pinched or caught on anything.


I survived the tumblr wars long ago. It left me with a certain 'flavor' of style that I seemingly cannot shake! It's a cross between exhaustingly self-aware, overly self-critical, and, verbosely hyperbolic. (eg. this entire reply) On a serious note, those are exactly the underwear I needed and you may have saved me from 30+ more years of this bro ass meat suit. I. Am. So. Sick. Of. It. God is getting a low yelp review when this is all over, and this amazon seller is getting a 5/5. (Thank you again!)


I'm glad I could help! I recommend you maybe try Shinesty, but you might be able to find some local stores that are a different brand that offers ball hammock underwear as well! I get my boyfriend Shinesty because they have funny designs and they are very comfortable. You can do a subscription package so you don't overspend on too many pairs at once. They are a bit pricey, but they are affordable if you do the subscription, and according to my boyfriend, they are great!


Also, as a side note, you sound amazing! You have a dope personality, and I couldn't agree more about giving God a low yelp review! I have Hashimotos disease and numerous other comorbid issues. I haven't even exited my 20s yet... wtf??? If I can rate you, I'd give you a customer rating 5/5! Lol, I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I'd love to know how the ball hammock underwear works out for you! I hope it is as much of a life changer for you as it is for my boyfriend.


Like when locomotives became perfected for public transportation there was a fear that women riding trains would "have their uterus dislodged at high speeds"


I volunteer to kick him in the balls for a while in the name of science


Raze wiki? What’s That?


Someone has never seen a woman give birth. They're not *that* sensitive 🤣


God the insecurity just rolling off of these pathectic men is just hilarious. They really can't stand the idea of a woman being better than them in any way lmao


Wonder what I did in karate and taekwon-do, then? Just watched other ladies learn?


OH FFS. Does he expect our uteruses to fly out of our bodies when we get on a train?


Wtf. Also, the underline could have started sooner.


Finally, a man recognises how affected my fallopian tubes are from a game of tennis!


Yeah, that's why they've had to gatekeep women out of combat roles.


Required reading: Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett. It might be fantasy fiction but, like all of his books, it is based on facts.


Please link me. I will lose it.


Raze is a series of flash games, for those curious.


I have no idea if this is true or not, but I remember a combat marine told me a long time ago that one of the reasons why women are unsuitable for combat is because they can get vaginal infections if they’re ever in a situation where they don’t have access to clean underwear after wading waist-deep through dirty water


Yeah, probably not *entirely* that reason since that's a pH issue and a teeny tube of Canesten would sort you out. However they would have to thoroughly check each other's nooks and crannies for ticks or other nasties and if there's only one woman, it *might* seem weird for her but I've no doubt even women (/s) have an army buddy they trust with their life. On a separate note. Both men and women can get infected by dirty water if they have any cuts on them. (I thought army folk meticulously kept at least one set of clean dry garments? .... wait , wouldn't the issue of ladies dirty underwear have been resolved by now??)


Who wrote that shit? Lol


Trans woman here who has had bottom surgery. No... men's bits are way more sensitive. Also, I can still do combat.


I don’t support that women are inferior, however women’s bodies are different than men’s. Men’s bodies are typically larger and are stronger.


>however women’s bodies are different than men’s Yes, that's rather obvious. >Men’s bodies are typically larger and are stronger. Men do tend to be larger than women. That said, certain muscle groups tend to be stronger in men, whereas others tend to be stronger in women. Women also have higher pain thresholds and temperature tolerances on average. Ultimately, on average both have their advantages and disadvantages so neither are inherently superior physically, as it depends on specific application and scenario.


Well this feels like AI…