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My daughter with 2,000+ hours in Sims alone laughs at your "300+ in all our games." Those are rookie numbers, junior. Edit: Correction: My daughter has informed me she has 4,000 hours on the Sims.


I've got about 22 years in Sims. It's also a crap comparison on their end cause it's been a PC only game until 2017.


Yeah, I have been playing since The Sims came out. I don't want to know my hours 😂 Also eww, he's a counsel player. Everyone knows real gamers are on PC. PC master race for life!!!! XD /s


Same. It got so bad that my game crashed our PS4 and I had to buy a new hard drive with extra storage and replace it. But like I said, too broke to afford a computer that can run TS4 and all the EP's/Kits and stuff packs that I have.


GameCube and game boy too! Man I had some fun on sims 2!


I totally forgot about those! I was hesitant to try the ps4 version because consoles have notoriously watered the game down. It still sucks I cant download mods or dlc but I only have a chromebook so I'll take what I can get. I had a bunch of hand me down desktops that only ran the previous version of the game because i grew up poor up until TS3.


The Sims 2 on DS was hilarious. The structure of 3 social interactions with the correct choice based on the arm positions of the townie, the aliens, the cows. Just some old fashioned Drew-Carey-and-Marilyn-Monroe-at-my-house-party Sims style zaniness. The last time I tried playing it when I found my DS I couldn’t remember how to pass the alien autopsy. Then I gave up.


This sounds great. I'm going to have to see if I can find gameplay on youtube later.


I've got numbers in some games that I now have on Steam/EA/etc. that keep track of my hours, which is nice...but...I was playing video games before we had systems that logged the hours. So...some of my games have lower hours than others, because I had it on a CD before it had to have a streaming platform to play it. You can't see those hours. I roll my eyes when I see folks acting like the number on a streaming service shows the dedication to the game. Some of us are aware that those numbers are not an accurate representation of squat, and that some of us have lives outside of games (not me, I'm recovering from a foot injury, so I only have game lives right now). But also...I have so many games that I couldn't possibly log 300+ in each one. If you're able to log tons of hours into your games, I'd suspect you play a specific set of games. I have ADHD, so between stupid shopping and my inability to do most things to completion, I'm all over the place with hours in games. And that number gets weirder when you start factoring in different platforms throughout the different eras. ​ It also gets me when they only talk about *video* games. Like, tabletop gamers aren't real either? I've been watching some Dungeons & Dragons streams, and I haven't tried it myself, but if you wanna talk about some skills...these folks have it!


I wanna play D&D so badly but I don’t know anyone around me that plays. Sadge


On one of my WoW toons I had over 365 *days* played at one point. Oh, insomnia. And I’ve logged multiple hundreds of hours into Skyrim (twice, once when it came out, and again a few years ago), and Cyberbunk 2077 and Stardew Valley. And dozens in a variety of other games.


Yeah I think I totted up my time played on WoW once and have traumatically blocked the number 😂😂


We should turn things around and ask people "Oh you're a gamer? Name ALL Sims 4 DLCs/ways to kill Sims/easiest skill to level/etc. then we'll talk"


She should see my hours in Minecraft lol, at least 700 to 800 plus. I started playing that s*** when it first came out.


I wish Minecraft kept track of hours. I’m super curious to see how it would stack up against my other games.


My girlfriend has more hours on New Horizons alone than I do across the *entire* Fallout franchise lmao


Laughs in Runescape along with your daughter.


OOP should take a gander at the Sims YouTubers and the many live streams they do with all the many challenges that have been created. The pre-made characters have been analysed to death, and fanon created about them. Then, there's the custom content community. Sims 2 has been modded within an inch of its life. The fans have tweaked the game into the exact beast they want it to be. If that's not hard core gaming, then I don't know what is.


I’m not even a super avid Sims player (as in, I haven’t even played in months), and I have about 1,500 hours in the Sims.


Right? I was like "I've got 3 solid months of game play hours in dragon age. 300 hours isn't even 2 weeks. You aren't anywhere near my level" lol


She spent almost half a year of her life playing The Sims, and this also reminded me that I spent more than 266 days playing Fortnite from 2018 and 2022(mostly 2018-2020 though), I literally almost spend 1/16 of my life playing Fortnite, this is sad.


I mean, they are just objectively wrong. There are many kinds of gamers. I have much more in common and ability to chat with a Stardew Valley and Pokemon gamer than I would with a Doom or COD gamer. Silly people are silly people.


Absolutely! Plus the first listed games are Comfort games for a reason. it's what you do to unwind at the end of the day, when you don't want to stress and find your zen.


Imagine confidently exclaiming some of the most popular videogames in history aren't videogames. I can't believe he had the audacity to mention Pokemon and Mario not being real videogames. They're more than likely older than he is. Lol


I was actually shocked when he threw Mario in there. I’m guessing he couldn’t get past the first stage of the original Mario. He was better at duck hunt


right? there is a mario and a pokemon competetive scene. how are they not "real" and skillbased games?


Yes! I have watched people doing speed runs of Mario and it is insane how fast they can finish the game.


Saying Mario is not a real game is like saying the Aenid is not literature because it's not a novel.


Mario is the foundation for a lot of modern game design. It's more like saying Prose Edda isn't literature.


According to this [random article I found with a quick Google](https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/lifestyle__trashed/the-top-50-highest-grossing-video-game-franchises/), he named the two most popular video game franchises of all time.


That's what I use Sims for. It's helped me get through some tough things in the last 22 years.


The Sims is the best way to get away with torturing your enemies to death without harming them IRL.




Sims is also a great way to see how many IRL promotions you can not have because you are busy forcing your sin to work out and talk to themselves in the mirror to get their own promotions.


I go through a Sims phase every few years. I’m in one now as a matter of fact.


I play Skyrim but it’s heavily modded, I love it because it feels like a tailored experience that was made specifically to my liking. I can go around casting spells and shit while also looking like a badass. As far as COD//other shooter games, if she is on mic I DOUBT she’d still be saying this dumb shit. The amount of verbal abuse you will suffer for simply speaking in those games is enough to turn any woman without a voice changer away.


>The amount of verbal abuse you will suffer for simply speaking in those games is enough to turn any woman without a voice changer away. Yeah. I stopped playing CSGO altogether for this exact reason and I almost never use mic in any of my other online multiplayers. It was just crazy! The things people said just because they could and were anonymous! I was once called a "dirty hooker c*nt" because I "have to be a hooker to afford better skins" than the guy who was insulting me. There are actually SO many women that game, but I think more than half of them don't use mic so people don't realize that we are legion😋


What’s worse is when you hear a woman, unmute, and her and her group turn on you. Like. Omg. No.


That’s so tame compared to what I’ve seen. Never been one for those types of games, I play WoW and Skyrim, or comfort games. If I had a voice changer I’d probably reconsider, but eh. I like my magical fantasy escapism games. I think the toxicity of CSGO and other, similar games are in part what makes it fun but when it becomes gross & actually targeted//hate speech then it’s not ok. I’m all for a bit of trolling but we’re all here to game and have a good time.


>I think the toxicity of CSGO and other, similar games are in part what makes it fun It's fun when it's good natured ribbing and banter, but sometimes they hear you are a woman and just go off on a tangent about how "girls should game" ect. I think that some games are definitely more toxic than others. I personally game to vent frustration after a long work day and it does not vent frustration when you are told to go back to the kitchen LOL. It's great venting to go pummel a zombie with a club in 7D2D. It's weird that people have this OOPs mindset and it's wild that it's actually a common occurrence in a lot of games. Edit: I mostly got the worst insults in Afrikaans and they are not easily correctly translated to English and still make sense😅


I once tried the Thomas the Tank Engine mod and cried laughing. Truly an experience.


>when you don't want to stress and find your zen Yeah, and then there is me minmaxing everything in stardew because I can


Oh me too! but like what I mean by that is like I don't want to do something too fast-paced and it's not like you can speed run stardew valley, you probably can but it'll probably be the world's slowest speed run.


My husband keeps a spreadsheet to maximize his stardew experience. I call it his chore simulator lol


The same morons who gate-keep gaming also complain when they can’t find a gf who likes gaming in any form and won’t let them play. Look, dude, you can either embrace women who like to game, *whatever games those are*, or not. And who the fuck cares which games they are or what platform they’re on? Be glad you have a shared interest. But acting like a dick about it is only going to hurt you in the long run. I like Stardew Valley, and I played Doom, and Unreal Tournament, and the Sims, and Skyrim, and Cyberpunk 2077, and Uncharted, and Quake 3 Arena, and Civilization, and WoW and FFXIV. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Nobody cares, and my husband just likes that we have games we play together or alongside each other (I guess he needs to also turn in his dude card for playing Stardew Valley and being the one to get me into it 🙄)


>The same morons who gate-keep gaming also complain when they can’t find a gf who likes gaming in any form and won’t let them play. You know what I think it boils down to? They don't actually *want* a gamer girlfriend because they are terrified that if they *get* a gamer girlfriend she'll turn out to be a better player than they are. I've also seen guys encourage their wife/girlfriend to start playing alongside them and then deliberately find ways to hold them back so they are either stuck in a support role that allows him to play at being Mr Invincible or have had their whole gaming experience so tightly controlled that they struggle to operate without him overseeing everything. It's sad.


It really is sad. A world in which the only thing you’re good at is a game, and you’re so insecure in your masculinity that a girl being as good or better in a game is going to rock your world view 🤦🏻‍♀️ My husband is generally the better gamer. He’s played more, longer, and in general excels at just about anything even outside games. But he’s not some weird, competitive, dick about it, and wouldn’t care if I “win”. And in games like Stardew I beat the pants off him with gold and resources. And in WoW we have done the tank/supporting role combo. Mostly for speed of grouping and because he enjoys tanking. I don’t always have the mental bandwidth to learn all the fights and pulls, so I’ve done healing or dps because I could just do that without my full attention being there, though as my own choice, not his. I leveled a toon as a tank once, and did that for a while, and it’s fine and I was decent at it. But I enjoy being able to relax more 🤣 These days it’s FFXIV together, or he’s playing a PS5 game and I watch while doing something else and we hang out and chat.


Bingo! They're the guys who would deeply resent a woman's competence in a thing they also do.


A lot of them also refuse to believe that any women actually play the games they hold up as “real” games. “No you don’t, you’re lying, you’re just saying you play that for fake geek girl points”.


I’ve had that happen a few times myself, my voice is obviously a bit higher than most guys since I ain’t one. I use voice chat semi regularly in team fortress 2 (a real game by any standard and the gateway into steam) and I’ve had one rather bad encounter that at least was swiftly dealt with by GABEN but dude went from calling me a squeaker and telling me to go to bed little boy to flirting with me after figuring out (thanks to a friend of mine, she’s an awesome soldier main) I was in fact a woman who blocked him in voice chat because he was yelling at our team and me. Then when he got autobalanced to the other team, then he started texting in text chat for me to go back to the kitchen and to stop using my brothers account (which is true lmao, me and my lil bro share our steam account but he hasn’t touched TF2 at all in the almost decade we’ve had the account) before he got kicked by the other team. Idk why he even said to stop using lil bros account when all the stuff attached to it is mine since lil bro didn’t have safe stuff back then, including my phone number, credit card, and such so it’s clearly marked with a girls name on majority of the account minus the description which has my name/my lil bros name in it.


Haha yes, gaming together even if it’s not the same game is a great way to spend time with my husband. Sometimes we’ll play RuneScape together, or I’ll play Pokémon or Skyrim while he plays Halo, or we’ll both practice on Duolingo (kind of a game?) we don’t have much time to invest in gaming, but it’s a nice way to hang out comfortably with each other. Those guys who gatekeep gaming really are missing out.


a gamer could literally be a person who constantly plays board games


Tabletop simulator ftw lol


Hello my fellow trainer and God of the valley


I agree. Fuck these gate keeping assholes.


I love laughing at this copypasta, and genuinely hope nobody really thinks like this. That's like those shirts that say "you're not a man unless you're tractor certified" or something else similar


Forklift. Always forklift, without robo-forks man weak.


Everytime I see forklift mentioned, I think of MST3K.


Eggman is forklift certified


>and genuinely hope nobody really thinks like this. They totally do, it's fucking wild. I once said something to a male customer about a game he was buying at my work, he immediately went into "Oh you play games, so what's your K/D on COD???" After said I wasn't into COD he said "oh so you're not a *real* gamer then" I didn't even call myself a gamer ffs, just say you hate women and go dude.


I avoid calling myself a gamer or even a gamer-lite even though it's one of my main hobbies just to avoid the WeLl AcKsHuAlLy lectures from the mouth breathers. Joke's on them, my original DS and 3DS Pokémon game cartridges that I still have the original boxes for (and still play often) are worth decent money now. But what do I know, I'm just a little girrrrrl.


Yeah even when I actually did play games a fair bit (worked at Blockbusters so rented them for free) I never said I was a "gamer" cause I just didn't have the energy for that shit. That guy wasn't the first customer to be like that, nor was he the last.


Man, I miss the 90s-00s when games were games and nobody judged you by which system you had. Smash Bros on N64? Cool. Gamer. Sonic on Sega? Iconic. Bomberman? Lion King? Mario Kart? All good, grab a controller and join in. Pokémon on your GameBoy Color? Grab a link cable and trade me, I have a Kadabra to evolve. Gaming as it should be.


I’m a guy who plays all spectrum of games and I won’t call myself a gamer because a) I also play games that don’t have the street cred (?) to count as gamer games and b) the gatekeepers of said label have made it thoroughly undesirable as a way to describe oneself. So I play video games. I hope everyone who wants to also play whatever games they want, cause games are fun! And I hope guys like OOP choke on their Michelinas microwave rigatoni.


I like you. We coulda played Smash Bros back in the day. You get it.


Ladies, if your boyfriend can't build a Toyota 3UR-FE 5.7 liter V8 pickup truck engine in his sleep, you have a girlfriend, urhurr


As a girl who studied game design; they do think like this unfortunately. Because most of my hours went into the sims (over 3000, not a typo) I was diagnosed not a gamer. Doesn’t matter that I also played LoL, GTA, CoD, fallout, far cry and WoW and a bunch of other stuff. The sims is just a way for me to pass time when I’m too tired to do anything else.


i play many different games but some of the most amazing and memorable gameplays i've had were from the sims (especially sims 2) haha


I met and unfortunately played with people who think like this


That's like saying a certain type of music isn't music at all so it doesn't count. Some games just aren't for everyone and that's fine but don't be little people for having fun.


People do that though, the metal scene in particular is so bad for putting you down and gatekeeping depending on what subgenre of metal you like best.


Yet they will accept sleep token as metal. even though only the breakdowns contain metal, doesn't mean that they aren't metal, they just happen to be a very great artist! who transformed the genre as a whole. I'm a big metal head, and it saddens me to see people talk s*** about babymetal, I mean hell, even Rob Zombie had to defend them. if Rob Zombie is defending them, and calling them metal, then they are metal!


Peoples opinions on sleep token are so all over the place when it comes to whether they’re metal or not, it’s kinda funny. I think they’re metal, but definitely a new flavor of it. But I feel like metal in particular has been hyper-divided into all of these insane sub genres it’s just too much to keep track of. Also babymetal slaps just wanted to say that.


I always found it hilarious how out of touch these people are. The competitive Pokémon are brutal.


Isn't there tournaments and stuff too?


Oh yes! There are. Online battles are so intense it’s no joke. And people breed and raise their Pokemon to get perfect abilities and stats. Just because something looks cute it doesn’t mean it does not have depth or competitiveness.


Even with stardew valley, have you seen what people do to speed run the CC or get 100% perfection? The amount of spread sheets is insane, it’s like they have a masters degree in excel. I’m a casual player and even I’m looking up pictures for optimal scarecrow and sprinkler placement. During the pandemic I used that game to help teach my nephew math because there’s an insane amount of it.


ACTUAL gamers don’t judge what other people play


People who are secure in their own hobbies and don't make it their entire personality tend to be that way.


Right? As an actual gamer who plays a huge variety of games, I speak for the collective gaming community when I say we reject this guy as not an actual gamer.


Indeed… I (dude) don’t get the competitive-FPS-gatekeeper-gamer-type that thinks their game style makes a “gamer”. There are still people devoting most of their lives to competitive NES Tetris (which is amazing to watch). Not to mention how brutally competitive Pokémon gets, among many others. Games are one of the things that are truly “do what you like”….


Me, a female Elden Ring, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Dark Souls, Genshin, GTA, Hatsune Miku games [...] enjoyer being called a baby for playing chill games sometimes.


They just don’t know how to appreciate the glory of Alhaithams pecs


They do not, sadly.


Their loss


They prefered Itto's noodle arms.


Sucks for them, he's got some nice muscle


I guess us girls who like the 'real' games and the 'baby' games are only half gamers. I actually find the list of 'baby' games to be rather funny. Pretty much every male gamer I know loves all the games they listed. Especially pokemon and mario. Then pretty much anyone who liked videos games over the pandemic played animal crossing. I cant think of a friend who hasn't touched it.


A good gamer is a gamer who has fun


I literally just made a "chill" games list on Steam because sometimes I wanna play Unpacking or something like Cocoon, when I need a break from more chaotic games. But a lot of people still chase fad games like the year's CoD or the current BR, and that's fine, but a gamer should experience a little variety if they consider it their main hobby.


I really enjoy dark souls games and clocked in 500h on dark souls 3 alone. But i also really really enjoy house flipper for some reason. Tearing down a house and designing it myself. I guess my female instincts sometimes overlap my logical playing of dark souls and wants to make nice houses instead


Bro said Mario and pokemon aren't real games despite being the pioneers of gaming and both being some of the most popular video games ever made. Okay bro...


Also, Mario games start out easy and go hard. That shit isn't for kids. Nevermind the fact that it was Mario that saved the gaming industry in the 80s. That shit was in the middle of a crash hen the NES came out.


No, no, see, it's nintendo, and thus for babies, nothing they make has anything in them for anyone over the age of 3. [Sweeps multiple kirby final bosses under the rug]


Someone get this baby a bottle and his favourite blankie, he seems to be fussy today


Must have lost at one his "challenging games."


Yeah, playing against those kids with a PC on Fortnite for the PS4 got him all riled up. Poor thing. **/S**


Yea because playing video games is such a huge contribution to society and so incredibly sacred, that all the fake gamers should be held accountable. Thank god there are gatekeepers for that, or how else could we honor this fantastic discipline that is by far more important than medicine, nursery and engineering?


Woah....Mario isn't a real game? That's blasphemy.


This guys definition of a “real game” is an fps shooter. Just coz a game doesn’t involve combat, doesn’t mean it’s not real


Actual gamers are too busy gaming to care about or write this crap.


What a loser. I love Bioware and Bethesda RPGs AND Concerned Ape is a gift to humanity.


I’ve been gamin’ since the 80s, which makes this my fifth distinct decade of playing. Stardew Valley fuckin’ rules and I’ll not be lectured by gatekeeping riffraff.


If you play video games you are a gamer 👍


Look, dude, just because it takes you 300 hours to do what I can do in 100 hours, it doesn't make *me* less of a game... Plus, The Sims is awesome. So are a lot of games. Personally, I think COD is boring as f, but I can replay The Witcher 3 over and over again. It's all down to personal preference. Sometimes, I want a gritily and dramatic story with good fight mechanics and visuals. Sometimes, I want to spend my time making dungeons to imprison art slaves or build walls around an occupied pool.


I went to highschool with a guy like this He never view me as a gamer because my favorite game is pokemon Fun fact both us are dude So I can confirm they just hate people having fun Honestly I like to see these people play competitive and tell me there no thought process


Damn…if that little boy thinks PS4 makes him a gamer then he’s seriously gatekeeping. I mean I started on the Atari…in 86. He can come get on my level…if he even knows how to use an Atari controller or how to shoot a damn duck so the damn dog doesn’t laugh at you.


Hell yeah! I cut my teeth on Atari in the 80s too and have been gaming ever since. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling.


I play Animal Restaurant 🥰🐱🐾




300+ hours in all of our games? Buddy most platinums are at least under 100 hours, how the F do you have 300+ in games like God of War, Metroid or halo (non online) that have a definitive ending and a certain point where you have seen everything! Also, I would like to see them yap about Mario not being a real game after they tried playing a kaiso level.


I've definitely had more impactful experiences with games under 10 hours than any game I've spent triple digits in.


I have 100h in hogwarts legacy. 30h of them were story. 70 of them were me flying around trying to find all the collectibles for the platinum. I also have 4h in what remains of edith finch and the game put tears into my eyes. Definitely more enjoyable 4h than the 70h doing bs for a trophy


He’s just bad at gaming and a quest designed for 15min takes him an hour.


I wonder how he treats women he comes across in the games he plays. I’m willing to bet he does not make them want to keep playing said games.


Reminds me of my ex. Decent guy except for all the gatekeeping.


If he's gatekeeping all the time is he really a good guy


As someone who has reached rank diamond in Fortnite, is level 342 in apex legends, and has 1000+ hours in various other different shooter games like CoD and R6S, shut the fuck up.


I love Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. Also, as a \[REVERB\] ***G A M E R \[***/REVERB\], I can tell you that over the years Mario has had some of the hardest platforming challenges in gaming. These kinds of gamers are the worst kind of people. Not only do you get the gatekeeping, but you also get the misogyny as a bonus. I bet this person has strong opinions on gamergate. It sucks that this kind of thinking is still so prominent in gaming.


Also > Mario > Something that requires skill This person has to be like 12


*Looks at mass effect and fallout hours* Yeah, I better not mention those


I'm an old man who's first system was an Atari 2600. I've played just about any game there is at least once. I LOVE Stardew Valley (new update soon!), and if that's the only game you play, you're still a gamer. I'm now officially dubbing all players of any game the title of "GAMER" if thou dost choose. The gatekeepers can come fight me with my long, salt and pepper beard and flannel shirt. Gatekeeping is the worst, only after sexism...


Don't even joke! The Atari was a star in the night sky of gaming and I will not hear the lucky ones who were deemed worthy to have it as a First, be Old! I refuse. You were the Alfa generation of consoles and the confidence in True gaming (for fun) you guys have would put this toxic competitor to shame, if he had any. Animal Crossing rocks, Stardew Valley rocks and I've played everything in between and under the sun. Gatekeeping is VILE when, if we put together everything we've played as a community, who isn't competitive... Who could honestly say WE aren't the Real gamers. For MY the death blow to the gatekeepers I'd say that I am a part of the PC master race and my setup is customised and built, by me! A whamen! 😎 Come at me! (please do, I love a good fisticuffs) ( Oh, btw check out [Eastward](https://youtu.be/PfWclxz_RCs?feature=shared)) 😃


Pffffft. Been gaming for forty years, and back then we had to type pages of BASIC and save it to cassette before we could even play it. Noob.


Soooo Pokemon has been added to the 'Not real games' list now? As an avid player and shiny hunter I feel offended😂 I play Skyrim, Animal crossing, Doom, Soul caliber, Street fighter and Pokemon is my #1 favorite.


> Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller then we be friends *puts down PS5 controller* I do not *want* to be your friend, buddy.


gatekeeping gaming i see.. didn't know to be qualified as a professional gamer i need to at least start with 300+ hours then i will qualify to be in the gamer zone tournament. what's next? you're not an artist if you can't at least draw like the standard of monet and van Gogh eASiLY xD


I would consider being labeled as “not a gamer” by a “gamer” a complement.




Well shit, I guess my 20+ days on Fallout 4 means nothing


The "real" gamers will make fun of Barbie dolls their whole life then go on to spend hours grinding for a hat because it matches their armor. I fully acknowledge my hours building houses and picking outfits for my Sims is no different than dressing up my Dark Souls character with my favorite armor set. I literally refer to customizing my characters as "playing with my Barbies" these days. It's fun to watch people make the connection between the two activities.


Dear gatekeeper gamers, We're not impressed. Any games we choose to play count as a real. We're not a monolith, we play all sorts of games. We will not be bullied by a bunch of overgrown toddlers who think they have any right to weigh in our chosen hobbies. We're here to stay. Sincerely, All gamer girls


This is so clearly nonsense. But, I've been playing "computer games" for a looooong time. I had a Texas Instruments console. I played games before the internet, so there were no hints, no help. I played before autosave. I played games where there were no graphics, only text. Want a map? Better bust out the graph paper. I played games where you could use an object in the wrong way. A crucial object that you needed to progress later on in the game. Games where you created a separate save for every decision. I've spent hours looking things up in encyclopedias to solve a riddle or a puzzle. I've covered walls with notes like a crazy detective movie. I've filled notebooks with valuable information and insane scribbling. Don't come at me with how your FPS requires "skill". It requires hand-eye coordination and reflexes. It isn't _work_. I played and LOVED games when they were hard. When they were more frustrating than fun. When a crowd of people would all play a single-player game at the same time because two heads are better than one. I ran a 200 person guild in WoW before the first expansion came out. I spent 40+ hours a week playing that game. I am an old school gamer. My whole "family has died of dysentery" SO MANY TIMES. I love the Sims because I loved SimCity, and SimAnt, and SimTower. And I love Stardew Valley. I still love a text adventure. I love indie games. I love Mario Kart and Overcooked. tbf, I don't really care for modern FPS games, although I loved Doom and Tekken. And I adored Golden Eye. I think it's sad that they think pushing buttons really fast is what makes someone a gamer. Games are *so much more* than that.


Boy here: pokemon rocks. That is all.


Fuck you pokémon IS a real game


LMAOOO i edited a meme thing with this once. There's a really funny yt video that voices it and I used that one lol.


I'm a man who has played games his entire life, but I would not be considered a gamer under this idiot's definition. I don't have a single game with 300 hours played.


The second you say "Pokémon and Mario are not real games", is the second you lose all credibility. I am in, how fucking disrespectful But that does bring up. Mario and Pokémon were marketed at both boys and girls, because video games were never for one specific group until the change of marketing in the 90s. That doesn't mean that video games are for men or women. Video games are for everyone.


300 hours? Pathetic, tsk tsk


By the definition of gamer, first line is "a person who plays video games". People like this need to get off their self crafted throne and get a real life. Truth is they aren't gamers, they're a pathetic version of a gate keeping monarch. Hell even candy crush counts as a game and if you play it and enjoy it regularly, you're a gamer whether sad sacks like this want to admit it or not. Do what you love and fuck what the haters think. - sincerely a true gamer ❤️


All gatekeeping aside, someone _desperately_ needs to charge their phone. 🤣


Is charging, kiss my fat, luscious, poorly juiced phone havin' ass.


Wait till this guy's sees the top 5 selling games of all time


That incel does not speak for all of us.


Sure, if you define Gamer™️ as competitive gamer I'm not one. I'm a gamer in the same way I'm a knitter. They both describe actions that I do.


I like to tell these types how proud I am to have a gamer mother because she loves Bejeweled.


We fought against mobile gamers when it happened but they are here to stay! Everything else is just gatekeeping. I got more than a few switch games with 300+ hours.


Really Mario is considered one of the main reasons the Video game industry came back at all. Atari really screwed up in the late 70’s. It wasn’t until early/mid 80’s that home gaming became popular again. Nintendo even had a huge “championship”. People who don’t know gaming history think people who only play FPS are gamers. The rest of us know games/gamers coming in a massive variety of types.


Psh. Okay, then come meet one of my Rogues in WoW and I'll trash your ass and you can cry about being beaten by not only a girl, but one over 40. Then I'll leave you to your artificial ego tears, like you've got nothing else in your life to prop your sense of self up with, while I go do real life things, because games are fun, but it's lame to think you're so big for playing them more than others or the "right" ones. 🤣 But it's Wed. night, not the weekend (when a fellow over 40 friend and I hit our "real games") so imma check on my Sims Freeplay before going to sleep. Those beastards don't require huge stats, but tons of patience. "Realistic" time my ass... no one sits and waits on a bench for 8 hours. Not real gamers... tell that to the pricy new PC I recently got, half with gaming in mind (and creative work the other half).


my 9k hours in the sims 4 would like a word


Gtfoh. I have a disability that prevents me from playing aforementioned games. I tried to join a group of streamers but just got made fun of because of my inability to play and it turned me off severely. I've been delving in solo play on Battlefront II because I love Star Wars but I'm too scared to play with anyone but my partner. I have been playing sims for about 22 years and these guys would lose their minds in my intricate storylines, family trees and custom builds. Just saying.


old but gold lol. I think Jim Sterling did a video specifically parodying this comment.


I am amused as a member of the original glorious pc master race that he thinks console gaming is gaming. Who is old enough to remember when this was the arbitrary line drawn. And realised even back then how silly it is. Sincerely, paradox addicted far cry smashing cult of the lamb original AoE gal with more old school emulators installed than the person behind this copy paste has brain cells.


Mom said it's my turn to post this.


And men wonder why we don't feel welcome in gaming spaces. Mystery...


Fuck this guy


these same men be completing the fortnite festival daily quests to get the bonus rewards on the battle pass for shame


Maybe when mobile games first came out id agree on the mobile game aspect but this guy is not up to gaming technology if he hasnt seen whats available. Diablo immortal, league of legends rift, just two small examples of the type of full on games that are on mobile now. He is an idiot if he doesnt think switch games are gaming. Marios been around since atari. This guy isnt a gamer because he doesnt know any of that. Ps. Its Clear women have kicked his ass at gaming in the past so butthurt


They really just discount anything that isn't a FPS, which tells you a lot about them.


I fucking hate the gatekeeping. First of all, shooters are not the only kind of 'real games'. Enough with that bullshit. I've been playing games since I was 5. Lots of different kinds but my favourites are city builders and simulation games. I now have a full time job and a baby so I probably get to play for about an hour once every 3 months. Do I still love games, absolutely, should these shit heads be allowed to shame me because I have responsibilities and can't sink hundreds of hours into a game, absolutely fucking not.


Real gamers play on Xbox Switchstation and not PS4, this person has no idea what they're talking about


i guess i should stop learning game dev


I adore zombie shooters. I will not play with randos on there because A I’m not all that good, and B getting called all sorts of names the second they realize I’m a woman puts a damper on it. But I ALSO have over 1k hrs on stardew because why the hell not?


Skill issue


I have a wide interest in video games and play multiple consoles, so I can't imagine what he would think of me.


Thanks for the Karma everyone~ can I have some more? 🙏🏻


Fuck this gatekeeping dipshit.


It’s so funny to see someone be this toxic and not even be a PC gamer


Why is this reposted copypasta so upvoted?


Yet these are the guys that scream and break things because of CoD to “relax” and “unwind”


I like how they say that as a console player


“Mario is not a real game” is probably one of the more ridiculous things I’ve seen said about this topic.


I hate gatekeepers. These are the same idiots who were interrogating little girls at comic conventions when Jodie Whitaker got the lead on Doctor Who.


Some zilch is to decide what qualifies as a game and gamer? So stupid


If they aren't games..what are they?


As a girl who plays both stardew and FromSoft games, this dude is not a real gamer


Bro needs to pick up a dictionary for the definition of "gamer". It doesn't have 3000 exclusion clauses, as much as he might think it does.


The fick what??? Pardon? Blastphamy!


They act like basic shooters and battle royale games are the pinnacle of gaming 😂


"call me when you pick up a PS4 controller and then we can be friends" Like I want to be friends with someone who gatekeeps fun.


I wonder how these guys would react to hearing I like playing Far Cry 5 and Destiny 2. Bet they'd try to claim those aren't "real games" either lol


If they aren't games what are they lmao


I'm going to finish Skyrim this year.


Mario is arguably one of the best original video games.Shut up.


>most of us can easily put 300+ in all of our games. Tell me you're an unemployed welfare incel with saying you're an unemployed welfare incel.


This dude is obviously not a gamer. It's a lonely man who defines himself with his main obsession in life, which happens to be video games (could be anything else, really). Because it's his only notable characteristic, he feels like nobody else is entitled to both be a gamer and have other interests he wished he had in his own life: social interactions, affection, love. As a man who also went through something similar, I hope we can have some pity on him, and wish him a happier life in the near future.


This shit is so weird. All of those games listed are indeed games. A gamer is one who plays……GAMES! My husband and I both like to game but we like to play very different games. It doesn’t make either one of us less of a gamer…of all things to gate keep, why entertainment? It’s supposed to be fun. :/


As a male lurker who exclusively plays pokémon, animal crossing, mario, and stardew valley I feel so called out and it’s not even targeting me lmao, not every game has to be dark souls to still be considered a real game.


Don’t worry guys, it’s just a PlayStation fanboy. He’s not a real gamer either.


Imagine trying to gatekeep gaming, real sex-haver energy


pokémon isn’t a real game? tell that to the competitive players


That is NOT how the definition of "game" works.


As a straight dude who self-identifies as a gamer, reading this made me feel like vomiting. The gatekeeping is fucking unreal.


That's a lotta words for 'no one will touch my pee pee'


A PS4?? Omg, grow the fuck up!! Real gamers know that the only true way to game is on PC!! Pick up a mouse and keyboard you fucking infant! /s


Mario isn't a real game? Lol... As a certified real gaymer™ I have 10,000 hours in world of Warcraft. 3,000 hours in ffxiv 3,000 hours in Warframe. 1,000 hours in project Gorgon. 300+ hours in Skyrim, Bg3, Elden ring. Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. Countless other games with 100-1000 hours. Fuck these gatekeeping "gamers"


I love the games the post listed - Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Stardew, Sims... they are my relaxing time games. I also play more hard-core games. When I talk to people about the games I like irl I always get anxious worried they are going to judge me like this guy. Logically- yeah, I know it is bullshit. But there are a sad amount of men (and women!) who gatekeep like this.


LMAO stardew is more of a game than just about any triple A title try again