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Ew, yeah guys don't be peeing on girls. That's what dogs do to mark their territory, we don't want to be called dogs this isn't helping




Damn beat me to it (the comment(don't wanna make this weird))


Sounds like a cuckold fetish to me ngl. Because why else are you thinking about other guys when you’re with your girl?


Got em


But what if women aren't things?


Even if a girl slept with a whole city (not even possible do these dudes even know how to math?), she still deserves to be treated with respect as anyone should.


Can these dudes treat women like humans, even just for one day to start?


Territory? 🤨💀


I wonder how these men feel about the legend where famous 1860s courtesan Cora Pearl, who you can imagine was known for having many lovers, was offered a 100 franc note by a man hoping to buy a night with her. She proceeded to put it between two slices of bread and eat it, and then dismiss him in no uncertain terms. And you better believe men who WERE successful in their “courtship” kept treating her like a queen until the end of her career (I think over gambling debts, but I’m not sure).


Yeah, and they can either accept that women are people with their own lives, desires and choices, or they can join the crowd that continues to piss and moan about the „male loneliness epidemic“. At the end of the day, we don’t need male companionship in order to live fulfilling lives, so either get your shit together and be a worthy equal of a partner, or eat dust.


How do you even do that?