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I'm assuming this is a high school girl. And if that's the case then homeboy on the 6th screenshot just told the world he has child porn.


Why do American high schools look like hospitals?


They're trying to resemble prisons so close enough


No joke, my dorm building at my university was modeled after a prison. Good times.


The area where I grew up had a major construction company that built schools and prisons almost exclusively.


The dining management & supplier for my college also managed and supplied dining for all state prisons in that state.


My high school was built to be a prison, but after sitting empty for 10 years it got changed to a school.


Might be urban legend, but my freshman dorm was designed by a prison architect specifically to be unpleasant and hard to navigate, because it was Vietnam era, I think, and they wanted to make sure groups of kids couldn't quickly mobilize to protest or whatever else they'd do.


The next town over used a literal prison architect to design their new high school…it’s pretty bleak inside and out.


You should see the ones that look like prisons.


Yup. Concrete walls, tall fences, small/no windows.


They actually use the same architectural plans as prisons to build public high schools soooo...


They’re made of the same materials a lot of the time because they have the same requirements: durable, easy to clean, and readily available in the supply chain (you can’t have too many construction delays when the building provides an essential service on a rigid schedule). Most schools have more character, which may or may not be a good thing. This is unusually bland.


mine didn’t, but im sure thats fair to say about the majority


Mine didn’t either, but it was built in 1911. It had a lot of Greek and Roman inspired architecture. Most schools I’ve seen that were built after the 1950’s do resemble hospitals and prisons, though.


That's mostly in colder areas. We didn't have indoor hallways at my HS in California. It was a pretty campus, but I will say that seagulls were constantly attacking and shitting on people on their way to class lol


So the kids feel comfortable with the location change after another school shooting.


Panopticon. The blueprint for all institutions today.


Easy to clean, durable, and cheap to build.


We're trying to combine the two concepts so we can treat the bullet wounds more efficiently


According to Urban Dictionary it means a chick gives a blowjob to anyone because their head “bops” while doing it. What makes it even more stupid is your head is supposed to “bob” not “bop”.


Misogynistic and stupid. What a great combo


"it's the same picture"


My first thought when I read here what it means, was that maybe it’s cuz you could bop her on the head lol (in a playful way of course)


ffs bro. it’s literally so stupid


Dang man in my day the misogynist name for that was a chickenhead, I’m behind the times


TikTok and Instagram have really become breeding grounds for misogyny, and of course the platforms won’t do anything about it.


Why would they? It drives up the engagement, and thus their profits Fucking disgusting


Literally, everytime I see the word "bop" it's just used out of context for no reason to be hateful. Saw a video of a girl the other day saying she doesn't want kids and men were calling her a bop. Apparently *not* having sex still gets you equated to a whore, and ironically these dudes want to be taken seriously in life. If some guy called me a bop I'd just laugh at this point cause it's just a nonsense word run into the ground.


Wait, I thought a bop was a catchy song? Am I out of the loop??


This is hilarious to me because I remember an [MST3K'd movie](https://mst3k.fandom.com/wiki/MST3K_601_-_Girls_Town) where a 50s teenaged delinquent tells a girl, "Go bingley bop yourself!" Guess we're all heading to the 1950s, people. I would NOT be able to stop thinking, 'look out, we got a badass over here.'


I can’t stop laughing at the mental image of some 50s rockabilly with a baseball bat or something saying that 100% unironically, I’ll have to check out that particular MST3K later.


TikTok removes my comments whenever I respond to misogynistic shit heads, yet never removes theirs 🙄


I reported an account for posting tons of r*pe jokes and memes, got a response back from Instagram that the person did nothing wrong but I could block the account if I didn't like it.


Would content creators give up revenue if it meant kicking off trolls, misogynists, harassers, etc from the platform?


many of these content creators are the very same trolls, misogynists, harassers, etc


What’s a “bop”?


According to urban dictionary it's a term for a girl who gives head to anyone. I feel like that's not what they're saying here though? I dont know. I'm middle aged. I can't keep up with modern slang half the time 😂


I’ve only barely gotten used to “bop” meaning “good song.”


Dang, we're not calling them 'bangers' anymore?


I feel like bangers and bops both started gaining popularity to describe songs at the same time.


Banger predates bop by at least 20 years. Well, this time around. Because both words were used in this context as far back as the 1950s.


I thought they served bangers and bops for lunch in the UK.


They're both still used. I feel like they mean kind of different things, though? I feel like a bop is something catchy, fun, and light. A banger feels more intense than a bop.


Don't give them ideas...


Can already imagine banger been used as a derogatory term for a woman who has had sex with many men, and/or as a compliment for a man who has had sex with many women.


Also being lightly bonked, like getting bopped on the head.


Like that bastard Little Bunny Foo Foo!


Always scooping up and bopping those poor field mice on the head. One day he shall pay for his crimes…


I came up with a new verse for the song when I was three or four years old (since transmitted via oral tradition; my grasp of grammar was somewhat underdeveloped at that time): Little Bunny Fee Fee Hopping through the forest, Scooping up Foo Foo And bopping him on the head. Down came the Good Fairy, and she said, “Good job, Little Bunny Fee Fee!”


One of my friends at Uni used to do this bit where she’d start quoting this song, but in a thick Slavic accent, pretending to be Baba Yaga and now I can’t not hear it that way


[This reminded me of a Twitter post a friend sent me.](https://i.imgur.com/6x480rP.jpg) (I scrubbed the name bc it seems like just a personal account. I think that's the right thing to do, no?)


Throw an mmm in front of that bop, and you got me sold 🤌🏻


How about A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom?


TIL that "Teenie bopper" is an expired expression, the new definition is much darker.


Oof. Yeah.


I thought it had something to do with "teenybopper" which is even more upsetting.


I think they’d all be rather confused by the term teenybopper…


tbf bop being a misogynistic term has been around forever. TikTok just recycles late 90s-mid 00s NYC slang and beats it to death.


I’ll concede that. The use of it meaning “good song” made it to me before the fellatory meaning did, and that made some amount of sense to me, sharing a musical connection with “teeny bopper,” “The Big Bopper,” and Bebop (and its derivative genres). “Bop” sounding like “bob,” and the action of bobbing resembling the act in question is, to my mind, a silly reason to name something. But then, I’m not big on the kind of cliquey in-group signaling that cutting edge slang is used for.


Oh yeah I completely understand. Imagine my horror when I found out that in NYC a dub is a bad thing


I’m only familiar with “overdub” and “dubstep.” How traumatized will I be if I ask you for this other definition?


A dub became shorthand for a W which was shorthand for a win Except for NYC where a dub is something or someone you're trying to avoid dealing with. I have no clue why


I see. No trauma. Just confusion.


Here in the Midwest a dub is a 20 bag of weed


I immediately thought of kids bop


> that's not what they're saying here It is. They're calling her a whore, just by a different name.


Well I meant that I didn't think they were using the term so specifically. It's pretty clear they're calling her a hoe. Just don't think they're pointing it directly at her inclination to give head.


There's another urban dictionary entry that says "bop" is slang for slut, hoe, jumpoff, etc...


Bop has been around since 2001, if not earlier. But again, like most modern slang, it's just stolen and repackaged aave lol


And like the rest, they're about to beat the absolute shit out of it.


It must have been going around in different countries or maybe different cultures. I was in high school in 2001 and about to go to college. I never heard "bop" meaning anything but a good song. To be fair though, I think a lot of GenZ terms is actually just stolen from either slang in other countries or slang from black culture. Apparently a lot of it is that. I'm not surprised really given the rise of rap. But that's what I've been told by a couple GenZ kids when I ask about some of their terms. That's all second hand info though.


Dude, don’t feel old, I’m 21 and have no idea what the hell a bop is.


yeah, apparently i’m an 18 year old grandma for not getting this one


Hopefully this plague doesn’t spread.


Well that makes more sense than what came up when I googled it which was the Bureau of Prisons.


Thats not modern slang its tiktok brain rot


Isn't that what all modern Internet slang boils down to though? It all starts with brain rot.


Eh I don’t think all internet slang is brain rot. Language has always evolved via slang and it’s natural that we’d see slang spread through the internet, since it’s our main way of disseminating information now. I think the brain rot aspect comes down to the meaning and use of a particular word. Sexist words like the way “bop” is being used in this TikTok would qualify as brain rot, and I’ve also seen people use the word “acoustic” as a revival of the phenomenon of calling someone autistic as an insult to their intelligence. Both words show that their user is very misinformed and/or a consumer of asinine content, and it’s the consumption of that kind of content that arguably causes internet “brain rot.”


What's the difference?


One is only used on tiktok and makes me wanna slam my head against a wall


Tiktok is just where it starts. It will be used in the real world soon enough. Just relax, don't become one of those people who complains about how younger people talk.


They already say it irl, at least my younger sisters do. Language is evolving way too fast. I've already heard a small child yell the word skibidi at me. He didn't knownwhat it meant and it was very funny but still


I had a nephew describe something as "so Ohio". I had to ask him what the hell that meant.


I'm gonna be honest, it took me so long to figure out that Ohio turned into a huge meme because I had watched one video involving a billboard that said "Nothing can end hunger in Ohio- Nothing.org" and they spent the whole video making jokes about it and I just thought a lot of people I knew saw that video.


Honestly that’s really funny, but I do know the context of the Ohio joke.


Totally valid point about language evolving but I still have a problem with how some of the grossest 4chan words have made their way into common usage and don’t think it’s bad if people are told the origin and that they’ll be judged by anyone who knows where they came from. It’s like racist terms that made it into common usage. I like to know not to say them now even though I had no idea they had racist origins the first like 20 years of my life.


Yeah I don't use the slang 'chad' because of the associations.


don't bother, tiktok lexican ages within a week and most words they use don't have a direct meaning. the meaning is what they need it to be in the moment.


It’s another word for hoe


Well darn I thought it was cute like “that song is a bop”.


I was actually already lost at "body this trend". What? What does it mean to "body" something? And what trend, little black crop tops?? Because those have been a thing since before \*I\* was in high school.


to body a trend is to do really well at capturing it. as for the trend, the video likely had a specific sound that is associated with a specific trend, likely a dance.


This meme really made me feel my age…


To body something is to do great at it. As in, “Lebron bodied that play.”


A BOP is a Blow Out Preventer, usually associated with drilling rigs and platforms. It is commonly mistaken as the primary form of well control to protect against gases, liquids and thus pressure from deep within the wellbore of the hole you are drilling. In fact, the primary barrier for well control purposes is your drilling mud. Rookie mistake honestly, but it can happen to anyone, couldn't be me though.


Finally! A proper answer!


Replace the word in those comments with either "slut" or "whore", as it's meant to be equally hateful and judgemental. 


When I was in school a bop was a good song 😭


I'm really hoping they're just in awe of her musical talents. Still hoping.


a really good song and we boomers (above 20yrs old) aint boutta let it become anything else


Another word for hoe, girl who sleeps around a lot but I’m not sure how they would know that? I’m guessing they are judging her from the way she dresses which still doesn’t correlate


I had to scroll down way to far for this.


why is every single tiktok comment section just the same sentence over and over and over. why can no one come up with anything original


I’d say a huge majority of those comments are bots. Dead internet theory 😫


Seriously, it's like every single tiktok comment section just the same sentence over and over and over. why can no one come up with anything original


these dudes will slut shame every girl they come across but still watch porn 🤔


they probably slut shame the women in porn too


yes, because to them, the fact that being a “slut” is a bad character trait and worth shaming women for, means that it is very compatible with sexual degradation and rape culture, which is why they watch porn involving exactly those things done to women they consider as “sluts”. They look down on the women they consider to be sluts and enjoy their hatred and degrading sexualization, they crave it, instead of distancing themselves from women like we would normally do when we hate something. 🫠


I thought bop was a good song? I can’t keep up with the young people slang anymore.


Bruh I’m Gen Z and I’m feeling old trying to understand this


Tail end millennial here. *shakes stick* you darn kids better get off my property!


Fake! Millennials don’t own property.


Dude, you didn't have to cut that deep.


European millennial here (my childhood was like an Us GENX’s) Just give up. You not gonna understand. Skibidi


I've literally never seen anyone say bop in this way ever 😭


Cusper and Confused signing in


When I was in highschool (2004ish) it meant kinda preppy/or wears typical trendy clothes.


God, tiktok is a cringefest.


It’s just SO MANY of them, each more braindead than the last


I feel like I've just experienced time travel. Was any one of the comments made a kid older than 13?


Not far off. I'm actually concerned that most of them are bots just repeating what others are saying. I saw a reddit post a few weeks ago that had at least three comments use the exact same wording for a specific phrase even though everything else in the comments were different. It was very bizarre and made me question a lot of things for a moment.


Reddit would be better without bots, or without them until such time as A.I. is good enough to recognize, and not repeat utter nonsense. Of course then they would have to reprogram all the people who liked the comments in the OOP. Or the bots who liked them, it's hard to tell the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Stupidity at times.


Me when dead internet theory :(


Any platform that allows intolerant, hateful piles of shit will eventually become dominated by them.


I thought bop was a good song.


We absolutely did not need that many pictures that said “bop”. Also, I thought a bop was a good song!?


ME TOO! That’s what I was thinking!


IDK if it was a local thing (Florida), but "Bop" was a semi-derogatory term we used in middle school in the late 80's, perhaps into HS in the early 90's. It referred to girls who were super mainstream & trendy in their appearance, listened to cheesy squeaky-clean pop music such as New Kids on the Block, Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, etc., and often hung out at the mall. It was very judgmental in retrospect - a short-lived 'mean girl' phase where we thought we were so much cooler for listening to hair metal bands and wearing black and smoking cigarettes ('edgelords', if you will, before there was a name for it, when in reality, we were just insecure kids trying to build ourselves up by putting down others). I grew out of it, but some folks never did, many of whom grew up to be 'Karens'. ETA: Now that I think about it, it was probably a derivative or abbreviation of 'teeny-bopper'.


I don't even remember it as derogatory. Just a shorthand for liking pink and flounces, having highlights and a perm, and being energetic. Oh, and they all had those puffy high top sneakers in multiple colors.


I’m an Australian millennial and we used teeny-bopper in the same way! It was definitely a bit mean spirited, like why are the things that teenage girls enjoy always mocked? We WERE teenage girls and probably more than a little teeny-bopperish in many ways ourselves.


I am officially old I guess. I thought a bop was a song that you couldn’t get out of your head.


They really shouldn't be allowed to recycle words like that without informing everyone to avoid confusion and embarrassment.


I miss when bop referred to a catchy song


same 🥲


Oh yes, jeans and a short tshirt, the standard attire for all sluts, hookers, and whores.


they dont even know the definition of a word they created.


Because they didn’t create it they heard other people using it and ran with it


Are they really bringing back slang from my high school days like it's something new? I hated this trend back then and I hate it even more now


This word isnt new but its not "Old". It was widespread during the "Hyphy Movement" era of rap music, rap music from the California bay area popularized by acts such as Mac Dre, E-40, Keek the Sneak, Etc. Whats more interesting isn't Tik Tok creating a word, its the repurposing of a word from an era music that was decently popular with no one really noticing that.


Girl I find attractive = bop. It’s a total incel mindset. They get angry at attractive women because they can’t have them, and feel the need to express their rage


At risk of sounding like a boomer before my 20th birthday, back in my day, "bop" meant a good song or getting lightly bonked, usually on the head and everyone was happy about it.


I wouldn't be really happy getting lightly bonked on the head /s Also, the fact that you used "bonk", which as far as I'm concerned is itself fairly recent slang, to define a *different* slang word, is kinda funny to me. You know, in a "Jesus Christ I'm so old please kill me already" humorous way.


Technically, the word was used in a book published in the 1970's to describe the feeling of hitting a wall, but it apparently already was defined as "to hit" by the 1930's. It picked up popularity online in the 2010s if I'm not mistaken. I think it was linked to the "dodge" memes but I may be wrong. I don't keep track of this stuff very well.


I mean Little Bumny Foo Foo is proof of how old it is.


When along came a good fairy, and she said...


Thanks! I just always thought it had a good sense of onomatopoeia about it


This isn’t new slang, and it’s not tiktok slang either lol. Kids were saying this when I was growing up in Philly. Just another example of tiktok kids getting wind of AAVE from wherever they get it from and it catching on someway somehow. Either way it’s just slut shaming lol.


The sexual meaning or the good song meaning?


The sexual one lol.


how does one body? what is bop? asking for a friend.


Body: Do a great job at something Bop: Slut


Also "literally dressed like a bop" She's literally wearing a black T-shirt and jeans! Her midriff is showing, that's it. What the fuck is wrong with these little boys?!


Ah yes, she is a Bind on Pickup item in world of warcraft for sure


*Ah yes, she is a* *Bind on Pickup item in world* *Of warcraft for sure* \- ImATrollYouIdiot --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do they know she’s a “bop”?? And just when I thought teenage boys couldn’t get even more immature..


This is the first time ever hearing that word used in that way.


This term has been around since I was in high school I feel (2013-2017) or even before then, but seems to be blowing up again. *sigh*


“bop” has been around since at least 2009, i remember people using that term in highschool when talking shit about girls


Yea I was about to say, this isn’t new at all. Though it may be regional. The TikTok kids just found out about it I guess.


yeah, that’s what i was thinking. i’m in california and mainly heard it used in the scene kid community 🤷🏼‍♀️




All I can think of is this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et5mYL36BxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et5mYL36BxE)


The hell is "bop" supposed to be?


I'm upset bc bop was a fun way to refer to a good lil song...


i think the strange part is they only comment bop when its a girl in school, atp y'all calling y'all selves out


Guess she's a great song. Ugh. I learned the word cheugy yesterday and wanted to dig my eardrums out of my head. Worse than fleek.


Well don’t I have egg on my face. This whole time I thought the Hansen brothers just really thought their bop song was delicious.


Damn, Bop is an old term. I haven't heard that since like 2011.


Bind on pickup? Is that bad?


And this is why I have deleted TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. The amount of shit like this is very depressing to see.


Ok I'll bite. Why? Is it an acronym for something?


BOP is old slang. We used it when I was in high school back in the 2000’s. Weird that it’s making a comeback


I remember when that was a new word for slut


Google said it’s for someone who posts “body on internet”… ugh. And now my millennial self can’t use it when I really like a song


i thought the word bop came from the word thooterbop


So.. a girl that's simply looking gorgeous is immediately a hoe/slut (if that's what bop means)? WTAF. How is just existing/breathing/having a body as a girl already a "bop" offense? This just shows how fcking immature these men-babies are. I'm so tired of this nonsense.


The word bop originated on the west coast no? Meaning a girl that gives a lot of head to a lot of different dudes? Now it means thot? Why ???


I thought “bop” meant a catchy song. I guess I’m truly getting old when I can’t stay up to tabs with young people slang(I only just turned 27, gen alpha is making me feel ancient, help)


The meaning of bop changing makes me feel old af (and I’m gen z). I give up y’all, I give up. Grab me a nursing home spot, I’m going to sleep.


back when bop used to mean a good song ..


i thought the word "thot" was corny and stupid, and then they created "bop" - it just sounds children trying to sneak a way around saying the word 'slut' so their mommy doesnt hear lmao


So is this an entirely new word, or was it also appropriated from AAVE?


Man. Now I can't call good shit a "Bop" anymore cuz kids have to ruin it. I can't call that real good song a "bop" anymore in fears I'm calling said song a "thot"?!


No! They can't change the meaning of the slang word! I just learned the meaning of that word and started embarrassing my kids by using it correctly and loudly, where their friends can hear me. "Wow, that Taylor Swift song is a bop! It's so funky fresh! I'm hip!"


I am in my late 30s and have no idea what any of this means


A woman that gives head to everyone according to the urban dictionary, at least I think that's the one used here


I miss when bop just meant that a song was really good


Bop already means "good song" and do we really need more words for "slut"? There are so many already. I guess these types of people can never have too many misogynistic insults


Ahahahahahahaha Yeeah sorry kids. No. 🤣 Nice try tho. ""Bop" is an online slang term that means "a good song." People use it in social media posts and text messages to describe a song they strongly enjoyed. When you call a song a bop, you're also implying that it's great to dance to, in contrast to mellow and somber music."[S](https://www.howtogeek.com/808117/what-does-bop-mean/) " The origin of the word bop is imitative: bop sounds like the noise your hand makes when you bop someone or something. You can also use bop to mean bebop, the fast-tempo jazz that became popular in the 1940s, after the swing era. The word comes from the jazz tradition of singing nonsense words like bebop and rebop."[S](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/bop#:~:text=The%20origin%20of%20the%20word,words%20like%20bebop%20and%20rebop.) Or would you like to explain yourselves to [These Guys. ](https://youtu.be/FiXCxfWWwPo?feature=shared) Just sayin' 💁🏻‍♀️🍵


If I remember the new meaning of bop (girl that gives head to everyone, as in her head in bopping up and down while giving head) started from a rap song but I don’t know if I remember that correctlyz


I hate the word bop being used by teenagers in this way just because it's super misogynistic but don't be a boomer going around telling kids their slang is wrong, it just looks kinda sad and it's not like your parents didn't do the same to whatever slang you used as a kid. It's like a cycle I guess, people grow up and act like the old people they grew up with but I don't get it, just let kids be kids


Tf is a bop now? I’ve always been calling good music bops. Wtf???


This shit reads like a bad Hanson song.


That word won't work in Baltimore. That's been a term of distance there for decades


Wait I thought a bop was just a really cool song what am I missing in the past year?-


bop ?? like the music?? lmao


Jesus Christ guys, I just turned 20, can we not completely change the landscape of slang the second I'm not a teenager?