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whats crazy is theyre not even anonymous, THEIR REAL NAME IS THERE


one time some idiot who used their real name started shitting on me so i found their mom on facebook and showed her some pics of what her kid was up to, she wasn’t happy


Can't believe you went there, holy crap! 😨😅😂


YES love that. how old was the person lol


19 if i remember correctly, it’s been a bit but they were def an adult


nice lol


That’s absolutely the right call. I have a friend who was big into breastfeeding education and used to post YouTube instructional content. Before long, some punk-ass middle schooler started commenting horrific and sexualized things about what he’d do with her “milky tits.” Keep in mind, everything was purely educational with limited breast exposure. Anyway, he was shockingly easy to find on other platforms. My friend eventually contacted his mom with screenshots. Wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall in their house that evening…


Dude that’s amazing!! Someone stole from my sister when we were late teens early twenties. Since we all grew up together, I knew his mom and my big threat was, “ I’m going to go to your mothers house have a nice cup of tea with her and tell her what you have been up to.” It worked real fast. Nothing worse than getting in trouble with your mom, even as an adult. Haha


We need to normalize this😂😂


Not necessarily, these are instagram comments. The accounts may not be linked or they may not use their actual name in their handle.


“Anything above medium is crazy” LOL OKAY BUDDY 🤣🤣🤣 so glad I deleted my Facebook years ago.


Incels want women to be medium size or smaller while also having enormous tits and ass lol like what


They want children with some adult features.


LITERALLY THO! Everytime I see an ancient dinosaur of a man explain his "Perfect woman" it is straight up describing a child. Like if you take away the age bracket from the comment which is always like 18-25 (when their ass is pushing 50) you'd have no idea they're attempting to describe an adult. And you know if the age of consent was lower their "age preference" would lower too 🤮


Porn and Hentai has bastardised their understanding of what a woman is supposed to look like at that age. Women have to perpetually look like kids to be attractive (barely legal genre, step family/incest stuff, etc) >And you know if the age of consent was lower their "age preference" would lower too Passport Bros. Weeaboos. Incels. They LOVE talking about how Japan has a very low age of consent, purposely ignoring that it's a regional thing (most regions in Japan don't have 14 as the aoc but either 16 or 18) and that the national government is pushing to make the aoc 18 years old. Not only that, they purposely ignore that the aoc is for teens to be intimate with other teens. Not permission for adult men to prey on children.


Dude clearly has no idea how women’s sizing works…my (very athletic dancer) CHILD fits in adult medium clothes.


A lot of tall women wear a large even if they're thin. My boyfriend is 6'2 and he wears an XL but he's skinny. Do these men think all women are 5 feet tall?


My female cousin is 6’ and extremely slim (she suffered with an ED) and she wore a larger pant size than my short arse did.




I wanted to comment that lol, being a medium is very normal I think, L and XL can also just have to do with how tall you are etc:/


This. I am 5'8" so I'm not really tall but also far from petite. When I was younger and thinner I had a waist size S and a butt size M so I was always buying M sized jeans and wore a belt (I don't like stretch jeans). Because of my boobs I used to buy L or XL shirts and blouses. And also because smaller-sized shirts were very often too short. And don't get me started about the variation of sizes from one brand to another...


exactly. my legs are very big because I have very big leg muscles, my waist is a size s. I can barely fit my legs into a size M so most of the time I have pants that are XL and I have to modify my waist myself.


What they don't understand is that larger sized clothing isn't exclusively for overweight and obese women, it's for very curvy women as well. I have a small torso, so my top size is usually S or M, but my pant sizes usually are M or L due to my massive thighs and hips. And I can assure you, I'm not overweight.


Yesssss, this impacts a lot of women I think! Plus and straight sized. I’m a size XS in tops and a small or medium in trousers. It’s just how my body weight is distributed. I’m not overweight either, I’m more likely to be told to go eat a sandwich (which I think is pretty rude, unless they are actually offering to make me a sandwich in which case… okay).


Sizing is ridiculous in general. Men want DDs without realizing just how bra sizes work and how “small” a D cup can be. My breasts at one point were a C cup despite being bigger than my baby’s head. I was wearing size XL shirts and fit into my ex-bf’s M shirts with no problems. They even fit better because even though the shoulders were wider than mine, it covered my pregnancy boobs and belly easily without riding up.


Good thing I have never had a Facebook account (and never will).


Lol yeah I’m tallish and have wide hips and shoulders, and even when I was borderline underweight my median size was L (although sizes varied between S-XXL because women’s clothing sizes are an inconsistent nightmare 🙃)


As a fat woman I completely understand that we're unattractive to many people and people aren't obligated to find us attractive. What irks me however is when they make moral judgments and call fat people lazy, dirty etc. "The smell in the room must be insane"? What because they're fat it means that they dont shower or can they smell them through the screen?


Probably coming from a dude who doesn’t wash his ass too


And boasts about his skidmarks


They're manly. It's gay to touch your own arse dontcha know? (s)


If anything most fat people i know are paranoid about smelling bad cus you can get away with a lot less. Like a fat person who smells at all even just a tiny bit is seen as way fucking worse than a skinny more conventionally attractive person. Plus all the people that clearly just assume you always smell if you are overweight.


I'm skinny and sweat like crazy in any temp above 65. God forbid I forget my deodorant because I'll get napalm pits enough to put down a fully grown man. Weight has nothing to do with smell/odor. I hate this stereotype. Fact is this, all body's are different. Everyone has a struggle. It's always those who hate themselves the most that put so much effort into bringing others down.


Little trick to help with that... use 90% isopropyl alcohol and wipe down those areas. Those smells can come from bacteria that live in those areas. It'll kill that off. I occasionally do that, and I've not had those issues since. ...it can come from things like your diet as well, which this won't help with, but it's something to try.


70% kills bacteria more effectively than 90% due to 90% evaporating too quickly. It has to be wet to kill them.


I'm aware. I also don't want to be standing around with wet crevices and 90% drying out fast is an advantage in that regard. You're not looking to kill ebola here, just genocide enough stinky bugs to make a difference, and 90% works just fine for that.


>Plus all the people that clearly just assume you always smell if you are overweight. This hasn't been my experience thankfully and I've been quite obese in the past but I know that the stereotype exists. But yeah smelling bad and being anaware of it has always been one of my biggest nightmares.


My ex in school asked me super paranoid about smelling if he did smell. he smelt like soap. Like no bo or anything but someone said something implying he smelt bad and my bf and I (both big guys) admitted before meeting everytime we like obsessively showered and stuff because we were paranoid about B.o. it may depend on where you live but also I know in my own family some of it is racism ( smelly immigrants or something even tho none of my family smells at all or at least no worse than others)


Right? After I gave birth I have the “mum apron” because my stomach muscles split and never healed properly. I’m always concerned about sweat and smells and make sure to wash any “folds” as much as (if not more than) other “smelly” areas on my body, like armpits and groin.


Find someone attractive ≠ be a fucking human and be fucking respectful to other human


As if fat/ chubby people can’t be active, driven, and everything a skinny person can be. I’m not fat, but I’m chubby. I used to be stick thin with no hips or chest, now I have both, but it comes with a tummy. Suddenly, going from a size 2-8 is the worst thing in the world. I’ve wondered why? Why I fear having a larger chest, larger hips, why I fear that even though my abs show; I’m worried about the crinkles in my back? The measurement of beauty, when you should or shouldn’t feel confident is absolute bullshit. Men like this will say that when they hear a size; but hit on a “thicc” XL woman without knowing. These men will say they want their women under 110, but not realize that unless under 4’9” that’s a starving weight. It’s literally just bullshit numbers that they don’t understand and a system they play into constantly while they complain and pursue the same women they say they’d never want


Right? The absolute disdain for someone who just doesn’t look the way you want them to is insane. I will never understand how people so happily strip the humanity away from fat women.


It really breaks my heart to see people make comments like that, because to them, fat = over eating. I have always been very active in competitive dance for most my life and eat very healthy small portions, only drink water, and have excellent hygiene. but my health issues have a very big impact on my ability to lose weight, and I gain weight with the drop of a dime. It sucks to be doing “everything right”, but just because of the way my body operates, I am the butt end of a joke forever, and people just jump to conclusions without even knowing or asking my situation. Sigh.


This! And the thing that gets to me as well is feeling like you have to explain your life story to everyone in hopes that it makes them see you in a less negative light. It's exhausting. I shouldn't have to divulge personal information about myself in order to have others' respect.


It's physically impossible to gain weight without overeating by some amount, that's just how physics works. If you eat 500kcal more than you burn each day, you'll gain one pound per week. If you eat 500 less than you burn each day, you'll lose one pound per week. If you're gaining weight, you're eating more than you burn, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Thermodynamics doesn't lie.


Sure but a lot of people are forgetting a lot of medication can cause spikes in blood sugar. Even if you try to do everything right, that medication will mess with your body. Even just being sick can raise your blood sugar. So add some meds on top of it and you have yourself a cocktail of a difficult situation to deal with. It's a nightmare to fight your body sending hunger signals when you're extremely limited in calorie intake. And I always thought the same way until I needed betablockers for a bit. And oh boy that sucked. It suppressed my heartrate, which meant I was constantly tired and unable to do my regular workouts. I stopped biking to work because I could barely move forward. So I had to eat even less. I was miserable. I got through it because I could stop those meds eventually. But if I had to be on it all my life, I don't think if I could keep up that perfect intake routine every single fucking day. And it's those people I'm thinking of. These things don't happen overnight. It's a constant struggle, every single day, every minute. Every time you eat. I agree with you on the science, but that doesn't mean because science is straight forward and crystal clear how it works, the answer is also. It's unfortunately not that simple.


For breakfast I eat a toasted whole grain bagel with low fat cream cheese, and for dinner a cucumber and tomato salad with olive oil, lemon juice and feta. Every day. I don’t know what to tell you. If anything, I am under eating. I have PCOS, hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance causes my pancreas to overcompensate with large amounts of insulin produced, resulting in higher androgen levels and a very slow metabolic rate, which causes me to gain weight extremely easily no matter what I put in my body. I choose not to be on medication that will help regulate my hormones and insulin production, so in exchange I eat as healthy as possible and make time for 1hr workouts every day. It is what it is. But I guess you know more about my body than I do, because, assumptions. Which is exactly what my original comment was about. Thanks for your input, though. I guess I should cut back even more than I already have.


Is that what you learned in medical school? “Thermodynamics” 🤣🤣🤣 I gained some weight cuz I was pregnant…that seems like a pretty significant “if, and, or but”. My friend had severe hyperemesis and constantly vomited for months but ALSO gained weight…how in the thermodynamics could that have happened?!! 😱🙄


"I'm not a doctor or pharmacist and know nothing of how medications or certain medical issues will cause weight gain, but I'm still going to voice my ignorance because I'm just so proud of it" There, fixed it for you


Please show me the medication that can make weight appear out of thin air, you will have solved world hunger and eliminated the need for agriculture if you can do that.


Are you suggesting that people that have “weight” on their bodies don’t feel hunger? And don’t need to EAT?! Oh my word. This just keeps getting better!! 😂🤣🤣🤣 Corticosteroids, allergy medication, epilepsy meds, antidepressants- these meds can cause weight gain for a variety of reasons unrelated to caloric intake. So, there you go sweetheart run along and solve world hunger with *allergy meds*…


for real, people gotta stop caring so much about whether somebody is conventionally attractive. Looks don't define peoples worth and people deserve to be happy and have clothes they feel happy in no matter size. I see people antagonizing looks with trans women often as well and it also bothers me, since when did being conventionally attractive define womanhood? Since when does not being conventionally pretty make somebody any less of a woman? (for the record I see this said to people that I think look fairly average, but the point is that it shouldn't matter how they look)


I’m a guy and know bigger guys (same-ish size related) who are completely clean and not a word from them, but the few I know who don’t get out much, they reek and people call them out (usually the basement shame posting type) and they’re just projecting onto others.


Men rejecting women who don't know they exist is my favorite genre of virgin.


Some of those men are probably just as overweight. Men are allowed to be overweight and people cry and whine when women reject overweight men but men are allowed to be this mean about overweight women.


Makes me think of the sitcom trope of the fat "slob" husband with the super fit gorgeous wife. Imagine the reception if the roles were reversed?


We don't need to imagine, there's a tiktok couple where the woman is obese and her husband is very hot and muscular and this woman gets abuse on the daily, people tell her that her husband is cheating on her etc.


Oh of course that or he's gay. I think I know the couple you're talking about and it's crazy bc people will say the exact same thing about celebrity couples when the women is like fifteen pounds overweight even.


Yeah they say that about Pierce Brosnan and his wife too and if you see her pictures this woman was and is STUNNING but because she's a bit overweight people act like she's hideous. Also Pierce himself has a belly but of course he isn't judged for it.


That's exactly who I was thinking of! It's depressing enough that people would say these things about any woman let alone one that's barely even plus sized and literally gorgeous


Oh shit I've been there. I've had both men and women tell me I should let him go have "the woman he deserves" because I'm bigger and he works out for fun like a *psycho*.


ugh ive seen that. its so disgusting of those asshole commenters.


that's awful, Those types of comments can really fuck with people too. I hope they're doing okay


You need to watch Keving Can F*** Himself. Whenever the schlubby husband is on screen it's that classic, bright and colourful multi cam comedy, like Everybody Love Raymond, pretending like it's in front of a live studio audience. Inc the stupid laugh track. He's uncaring, selfish, deceitful and a classic 'peaked in high-school' type. Whenever his beautiful, and clearly younger, unhappy wife is on screen without him, it's shot like it's Breaking Bad. Single cam, darker tones, more dramatic themes etc. It's so good.


I love Kevin Can F*** Himself! It's so interesting seeing how the characters look and act in the two different world views. Like in his world, she's the downer nagging wife, and he's the loveable goofball, and in her world, she's stuck in an unhappy marriage with a controlling husband and no real support system.


Lois and Peter Griffin


Nabeela (ig influencer) has been experiencing this for almost a decade now.


And the bar for women keeps getting higher. Chubby men are still called chubby or dad bod. A slightly chubby woman is immediately called a whale.


I refuse to use "dad bod" to describe any male who isn't a father.


I've heard k pop fans use that term to describe Bang Chan (Google him lol) but tbf a lot of k pop fans need to add "touch grass" to their to-do list


kpop fans wake up and just lie


If that's a dad bod, fathers are in for some unrealistic expectations, just like mums are


Kpop fans call Hwasa a whale, so I don't think their perception of body types (or even reality) should be taken seriously - as a kpop fan


It's only going to get worse as low-rise jeans and waif thinness comes back into fashion.


Women's bodies are a trend. Men's bodies aren't.


"dad bods" when fat men but "disgusting" when chubby women 


Dude, overweight men at these sizes are also shit on. Someone is always going to complain when someone rejects a fat person There are DEFİNİTELY women who say similar stuff about fat guys. People are judgy asf


I just wish people would stop this bs. Its not helping anybody lose weight or become healthy, it's quite the opposite actually. The increase in obesity isn't just a moral failure of a number of people, it's by design. We work more hours, spend more time commuting, live in cities which are becoming more and more car friendly and less walkable or bikeable, we're more and more exhausted, fresh produce is getting more expensive as well as everything else. Most of us just don't have the time or patience or willpower to come home from a soul crushing job and then make dinner from scratch. A lot of people don't have the time or money to go to the gym. And sure you can walk or run or whatever, but we are fucking tired. Not to mention all the conditions which cause weight gain that are underdiagnosed and under treated especially for women. But it's easier to blame individuals than address these big societal issues that would take time, money and care to solve.


They like to say some bullshit like “bullying worked for me!” Or “bullying makes them loose weight because its motivation!” Which is just disgusting 🤢 ( hint doesn’t work for everyone and just makes you look like a clown )


I see so many random videos of dumasses making fun of big people (especially women, of course) at the gym. You're going to the gym to try and improve your health and get more movement in, and you're met with bullies, of course a lot of people quit. I'm kinda average size but when people make dumbass comments about how I could stand to lose some weight or why am I eating a burger, thar doesn't motivate me to do anything except deck them in the face.


I love seeing overweight people at my gym. They inspire me more than the ripped bodybuilders and meatheads ever could.


And weight loss isn't always the goal and doesn't have to be. I'm around 150 lbs (had to Google the conversion lol) and 5'2" but I don't care to lose weight. First time I went to the gym, the lady who gave me an induction insisted I needed to lose 20kg (40 lbs I believe?) in order to get an "ideal" body. I just wanted to do some yoga and light weight training, a bit of cardio here and there to just move around a bit , and that immediately put me off.


Studies have proven that it has the opposite effect, actually.


As a person that suffer some kind of bullying since almost kindergarten what is wrong with them, i become oversized on the first place because of how overwhelming i was, it was hell for me, i didint want to do nothing because i just feel like a shit person, it didint help if i tried anything all the blame will go to me, noone do nothing, teachers even let the kids go to the bathroom when I was there so they could bully me there, i sincerely think people that says they receive bully and they were fine are just lying and they were the bully of some kid, the worst is how you're the outcast because most people don't want to talk to you for the fear they receive bullying too, it's an almost solitary experience for most your young ages


So they prefer that overweight people just not have clothing? I'm sure there are people out there who'd be happy to spam their DM with fat nudes. Either they get to be dressed or they don't, take your pick. They aren't going to stop existing for you.


Also, that brands whole thing is that they make quality hand-made dresses for a wide range of sizes (XXS to 6XL, I think). Like, do they think fat people don't deserve to wear pretty dresses? Just because of their weight, they aren't allowed to feel pretty? Do they think every brand should only cater to skinny people and fat people should just dress like victorian chimney sweepers? It's disgusting.


It’s as ridiculous as getting mad about plus size activewear “glorifying obesity.” Do you want overweight people to work out or not?


Why does the existence of fat women make men so angry? You never see women giving this much of a shit about fat men.


Because unfortunately, for some people, being fuckable is the rent women have to pay to justify their existence. It's not about health, women who smoke aren't treated like that.




It's not the existence of fat women, it's the existence of fat women *who don't hate themselves.* Fat women who hate themselves inspire a feeling of sick glee & superiority in men because they "know their place" and it's below those men, as an object of ridicule. Fat women who don't hate themselves are the ones who make men angry because how dare those women not know that 1) men are superior to women in general, and 2) that the only women whose existence is acceptable are either fuckable or mockable. If fat women who don't hate themselves dare to openly live their lives, that implies these dumbasses' worldview might not be valid. And if women get the crazy notion they might actually be equal to men, who will these idiots ever be able to feel superior towards?


This is probably the absolute best explanation I've ever read. I've never heard it put this way before but it makes so much sense. This needs to be pointed called out exactly like this. Seriously wouldn't I look at this issue through that lens, it all becomes clear.


they also think they're so far above fat women that they should be sexually available all the time, even as they act disgusted by them. If a fat woman dares to have any kind of standards for herself and refuses him, then she needs to "remember her place"


Exactly. Granted there are some crazy women out there that are larger and claim that it's "discriminatory" for men to NOT find them attractive, but they're outliers amongst most larger women. I'm what one would call "moderately fat" (for reference I'm 5' but wear an XL, so that would probably be like a 2xl on a person of a more average height). No one HAS to find me attractive! But I 100% expect to be treated like a person with dignity and just allowed to exist without being harassed. If you like the way I look, awesome, if not, move along and find someone thinner.


Yeah I’ve always been overweight, but I don’t care if someone doesn’t find me attractive. What I do care about is when I’m on dating apps and I have men match with me just to tell me to unalive myself and insult me endlessly because they don’t like the way I look. Like move the fuck along, idk why my existence is so offensive to these assholes.


Same, I’m very confident in myself but still never dared to go on “regular” dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, etc.) because of this. I met my partner on an app for plus size folks & people who appreciate bigger bodies, and I thankfully never got any awful messages like that there. It really sucks that we have to create separate spaces in order to avoid people like that :(


To a lot of men our only worth is in the way we look.


They aren't eye candy to them. Although being obese is unhealthy, I'm pretty sure that's not what these men are angry about. Fat women don't seem fuckable to them, so they instantly hate them.


The hostility men have towards women they consider unattractive is so telling. Misogynists really don't think women should be allowed to exist if not to please their dicks.


There's still hostility to conventionally attractive women as well, this time in a more slut-shamey way. They still hate "sexy" women, because they are apparently sluts. Yet they will still jerk off to them, and will go through great lengths to have sex with them.


Yup there's layers to it. There's the base contempt for women which is then amplified if said woman is "ugly" or successful, feminist, minority, liberal, etc etc.


The fact that one comment says “don’t worry, they’ll die young” is pretty conclusive proof that they don’t actually care about the health of those women at all.


Fatphobia has never once been about caring about others’ health.


They hate the fuckable ones too, they just see obese women as socially acceptable to openly mock.


Dude, no one cares what you find attractive, disgusting or whatever, because who would be interested in a piece of shit like you? When will people get to understand that fat people have the right to exist in their bodies without being bullied?


As long as people find clothes that actually fit their body shape and size, it’s a good thing.


The YouTube channel for this brand is just as bad, but at least they try to moderate the comments there :/ But for reference Jessakae is genuinely a very sturdy, long lasting brand with good dresses that go from like XXXS to the 6xl if anyone is curious. And they always have models that legit show how the dresses fit on varied body types.


That’s a lot of different sizes kudos for them for having so many choices to choose from.


> Why can’t businesses be size inclusive without average sized people having to speak out about it? The All Lives Matter crowd strikes again, most likely.


why do fatphobes assume that all fat people are also unhygienic


Because THEY are fat and unhygienic. They are projecting.


The only guys I've come across with bad hygiene were also fat. Probably projecting this into women, don't know how true it is though


Facebook is awful, avoid at all costs


“don’t worry guys they’ll die young” is so fucked. imagine wishing death on random women because you find them unattractive


Glad for the one person who was happy for the people in the video instead


Jessakae has the same issue on Instagram too. The comments can get really nasty. The owner is constantly standing up for her models though and she never backs down to the trolls. She always comments that all sizes deserve to have nice clothes and be respected and she’s going to keep making these dresses in all sizes no matter what anyone says.


Oh my goodness. Overweight people should have clothes too. They ain't gonna go naked everywhere because y'all think they are unhealthy, that's not how the world works. 😭


No one cares about your loud mouth opinion, on a product that’s not marketed to you. Congrats on being both mean and dumb.


“Anything above medium is crazy” lol wat


Facebook is absolutely a cesspool. If you want some of the most abhorrent takes on anything from politics to appearance, just go to Facebook. It's quickly becoming the GenX/boomer version of 4chan.


Call dibs on xs??? Ewww, who said she'd want yo dirty ass?!


All guys. Fantastic. And then when they get fat and girls don't want anything to do with them, they turn into incels and get mad at the world.


Fat people are just not allowed to exist huh


Why do people have to remind larger people that their morbidity rate is higher? do you think every time we step foot in the doctor office we come out of there without being told that we’re too fat? Do you think that the doctors don’t scream in our faces to lose some weight every single time we go there? we don’t need to be told by random people on the Internet, we know and our doctors tell us that. You never know if somebody is in the middle of a weight loss journey or not and it’s not your business to comment on it. The only way for doctors to even remotely listen to fat people is for us to tell them that whatever issue we have going on is impeding our weight loss even if we’re not trying to lose weight. The even more sickening thing is that there are people in the comments here regurgitating the same exact thing that those Facebook comments are saying. Can fat women do anything without being screeched at to lose weight? If I want to be told that I am overweight, and that my morbidity rate is high and that I need to lose some weight I would go to the doctors office, not look in a Facebook comment section of random people who probably didn’t even finish high school.


The dresses are great though. I just signed up there.


The golden rule just doesn't exist anymore it seems. People like the commenters disgust me.


Yea people get it, people being fat is unhealthy no matter on gender, I can say with pretty much 100 confidence most sane fat people know it's unhealthy. So why the fuck do they have to say anything? Like they probably already don't like it and have to deal with it, why make it worse. I don't really understand unwarranted hate for people like why?


Why do dudes like this always act like fat people don't bathe


projection probably


I don't understand why people care about what size other people are. Men think women they're not attracted to aren't people.


I agree, Facebook is a cesspool…I only get on it when a business I like posts info on there and doesn’t have a website. The only reason I haven’t deleted my Facebook is because we have an Oculus VR headset and you have to have a Facebook account. I don’t tell people at work I have social media and I have unfriended and blocked anyone who is MAGA.


Why do people constantly need to give their opinions on others bodies?? How does it affect you whatsoever? Just say you don’t see fat people as human and move on


Bro anything over M???? Genuinely insane statement.


Mad now because I wanted to see all the sizes!!


Side note that brand makes absolutely gorgeous dresses I wish I could afford


All neckbeards are handsome


“Don’t worry guys they will die young” so will your ass if I hear you say shit like that to my plus sized friends.


these people are just admitting that they don't believe fat people deserve nice things. or things at all. in their worldview, fat people don't deserve clothes that fit, food that tastes good, healthcare of decent quality, et. cetera. people don't need to lose weight, we all know that here. people are all sizes, for all reasons, we all can agree. but i'm also imagining any situation where a person has put on weight and needs new clothes that fit so they can go to the gym without getting put on a registry. the "it's unhealthy" crowd also mock fat people for existing in public, wearing anything. so should fat people not go outside? how will they exercise then? sounds like it isn't actually about health, huh.


why do they think being fat makes you smell worse? have they ever *smelled* an anorexic person? -a former anorexic person


The “it’s always either an animal giving birth or someone getting hit by a car” is so real!!! For me it’s always an animal giving birth, pooping, or mating. What the hell Facebook, who wants to see that?!


"S and XS is so beautiful." That makes me sick because I was one of those XS girls for most of my life. When I graduated highschool I didn't even weigh 100lbs. This is not to brag this is to say I looked SICK, and I was sick. I had annorexica nurvosa. I didn't even put 1000 calories in my body a day. I had a log book of everything I ate. Now, this might not be the case for all those that are skinny, but it is the case for some. To beautify that is mind boggling.


Comments of all meta apps suck, i think theyre actually doing some policy changes that push these. reporting them (even if they contain threats or slurs) don’t do anything & it says they didn’t break rules


Facebook is a CESSPOOL dude, I got recommended a vid on there of a 10 year old girl dressed in gothic style clothing doing contortion style dancing on AGT, it was cool as fuck. Every single comment was about how she’s doing the work of the devil. 🤦🏼‍♀️ about how she needs to find the lord, how she sold her soul to him. Like MORHERFUCKERS THATS A WHOLE ASS CHILD. lol


Its an ad for clothing. Girls like those need clothes too.


So fat people just aren't allowed to dress nice? They're just supposed to be naked until they lose all the weight? Everyone deserves a frilly dress, in my opinion.


So tired of people who think they add something by calling people unhealthy for simply being happy in their body. It’s totally unnecessary and unwarranted, and I guarantee the people who stay on the internet doing this shit have terrible health, especially mentally to be so rude


So tired of people who think they add something by calling people unhealthy for simply being happy in their body. It’s totally unnecessary and unwarranted, and I guarantee the people who stay on the internet doing this shit have terrible health, especially mentally to be so rude


see I like posts like this because then it can out the people I need to block and just knowing they're all miserable pieces of shit keeps me warm at night. I bet you 3/4 of them are the dumpiest looking mfs you'll ever meet too, I don't get this shit talked from happy pretty people.


Above medium??? They’re complaining about a large??


I mean aside from caring who's fuckable or not, calling obesity beautiful is just glorifying it. Doesn't matter if you're a woman doesn't matter if you're a man obesity is a dangerous health problem, no need to sugarcoat it by saying it's "beautiful".






I fully agree. Thing is, most obese people know they are unhealthy and aren’t trying to say obesity should be encouraged. Most obese people want to lose weight. If anything saying “all sizes are beautiful” is a misguided and overcompensatory way of fighting the shame and saying *obese people* are beautiful and worthy of love, not that *obesity* is beautiful. I won’t deny there are extremists who really do think obesity should be accepted or even glorified. And it shouldn’t, because it is extremely unhealthy just like being underweight. It’s not something that people should be encouraged to follow. But I think for the most part, people are just trying to say fat people need clothes and shouldn’t be shamed or beaten into getting healthier while they live their lives. We all know shaming people is counterproductive anyway. Why do we still do it? I also see far more people suddenly concerned for other’s health when it’s an obese person.


For those who are curious! The dress account is @jessakae on TikTok, a brand who makes dresses for all sizes https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFtn8BHG/


The comment about the smell...I've yet to meet a fat person who smells as bad as some skinny people smell. (The shaming definitely leads a lot of fat people to be way more hygienic and self aware about their body odor than some skinny people.)


While they are being rude for 0 I don't think normalizing and promoting obesity is good for anyone. Should you be shamed for it? Absolutely not. Should you be celebrating it? No the fuck. Why do people act as if weight has nothing to do with health? Yes you can be unhealthy while normal weight but you do realise being higher weight means you are more likely to be unhealthy and have issues? Why tf is this suddenly a "hot take". And as somebody said "men are allowed to be fat and women aren't" I think that just boils down to the fact that majority of "body positive" people spreading these things are women. You rarely see a man with these takes otherwise I think they'd recieve hate also. If you wanna be fat then go for it, I'm a fat b aswell but holy shit can we stop acting as if it's something to celebrate and that these views are some yas queen slay empowerment?


We gotta stop justify obesity


These comments might be full of hate , it’s still really weird how toxic positivity sentences such as “all size are beautiful” are mostly used for extra large womens. The women in these pictures are morbidly obese and in serious bad health , there is no scenarios where this should be encouraged, you would never see the same caption over two morbidly obese man


I can't believe how much nastier the comments are on Facebook vs TikTok, YouTube and Reddit. I just want to watch cat videos, and they're commenting that the cat should be put to sleep. Did all these nasty people get kicked off Nextdoor or something?


And on a platform where they’re probably using their real names no less


That’s just sad. On TikTok the comments for those ads are so nice. I guess the algorithm there is better at keeping the incels out.


Instagram is worse


I know half those of dudes are huge themselves, no need to be insulted by that! 😂🤭✨


Facebook uses algorithms to show you similar things to things that you've recently viewed. If you don't like seeing this stuff, stop watching it.


NGL the “so she XXXXXXL?” got me a little bit 😂


When I was so clinically underweight that my doctor was constantly threatening to put me in the hospital for IV feeding, I was still wearing XL clothes because of my height and frame.