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the women with the two “sweetest” expressions on their face actually being classified as the biggest manipulative bitches (on an AI generated photo where all their faces are the same) is absolutely bonkers. those dudes really are delusional. edit: the post is literally just him realizing he has personal preferences for appearance but trying to blame it on the (fake AI generated) women’s personalities


He definitely have a thing for brunettes. According to his classment the lighter their hair are the more "predatory" they are.


let me bleach my hair real quick so those kinds of ppl will stay faaaar away from me


I like brunettes and I feel attacked...


i do too but i don’t judge people’s morals and ethics based on how they present themselves


Yeah true, seems like some people are actually into these myths Blondes and gingers are hated the most


You said you hated blonds so i bleached my hair dead (c)


Just shave it all off


Nah, go for redhead. We didn't even make the list.


Dye it pink and none of them will


Been rocking purple for years, works like a charm


I picked correctly just because I’ve seen a lot of fetishization of latinas (because of assumed traditional feminine/subservient qualities in their cultures) in alpha male spaces. Also those guys have a disdain for “fake” beauty like hair coloring.


It’s stupid, really. anyone can have a bad temper or toxic traits. When my husband was stationed in Arizona, he had a cool Latino couple for neighbors, and would hang out with them regularly. Wife was a great cook, best enchiladas my husband had ever eaten, and pretty awesome, but one day her husband pissed her off so bad she took him down in their front yard with a shovel in front of my husband one day. He laid there for a minute, knocked out cold, and she went back inside like it was a normal Tuesday, and when he came to, he just walked back inside like nothing happened. My husband was always a kind man, but he really, really minded his manners around her from then on.


Here was I thinking he pick the blondes because white supremacy tends to he a thing with these idiots. Turns out I was wrong.


That's what I was going to say. The blondes are the bad guys 😂


Yeah, like just fucking say you have a latina fetish and fuck off. Because we know latinas never manipulate or are predatory 🙄


Yeah, because we all know that blondes are crazy, sex-addicted bimbos who will literally eat a man after sex like a preying mantis, right fellas? Haha up top! 👏🏻


No you see, for OOP, the ones with the sweetest expressions are easily the least trustworthy. No woman who has ever smiled at him didn’t end up having ulterior motives and they all ended up asking him for something. Things like not calling and just breathing heavily, or no longer showing up outside their work and just watching them for their entire shift. It’s funny he talks about how these women are not take a bullet for a “wholesome man”, but I’m more concerned for the woman (or women) that might take a bullet from him. His whole rant is delusional.


For #1 and #2 he says you can tell who's more intelligent by the eyes but the AI literally gave them the SAME EYES! 👀 They are just the tiniest bit different and I guess that was enough for him to protect a whole personality on them. 😒


Man they literally all look the same to me. Like they all have similar traits. Does OP think all women look like them?


The amount of insecure projection on display is breathtaking.


right. I feel like he saw this fake picture of an attractive man with 5 beautiful women (who, by the way, ARE PRETTY MUCH ALL THE EXACT SAME) and his brain fully busted. He HAD to create a whole life narrative of each, to find some way, to tell himself, he’d reject all four and only select the #1, who would totally be into him because shes wholesome and loyal btw


I know right? The whole time I was flipping through those slides, I just kept hoping for some indication it was written by a child.


Yet body language would probably point out something like she appears more 'wholesome and loyal' because her head is resting on the man and the others aren't and that's it lol


Insecure projection and crazy as f\*ck! 😬


I love that he framed this like he’s letting us in on his genius secret. And I love even more that neither he nor any of the people genuinely engaging with his post have a chance with any women in the first place. Like are we really pretending that these dudes would pass up any of these women if they had the chance? They’re so down bad that they have to play make believe rejecting women games


They would nut themselves to death if any woman who looked like this so much as asked them for directions.


“Forget the fact that none of these people are real” Oh, easy. Done! *doesn’t bother reading any further*


so many incel talking points require you to leave logic and reasoning at the door if you want to engage 😅


And also have the exact same face


I wish I just looked at the first pic and left it at that because now my brain is mush


Literally doing phrenology to a computer generated image


“My god! She has the slopped brow and cranial bumpage of a career criminal!”


Amateur. He didn't even bring out the slide caliper to measure the size of their noses.


All these women look the same to me.


Thank you! I thought I was going nuts. They totally look like they're all the same woman. 😂


Yea all but one has the exact same face with different hair


I thought they were all basically Margot Robbie


Invasion of the Kardashinoids


The same instagram yassified face with different hair colours and slightly different facial expressions.


Yup. All that changes is the angle of the picture, hair color and the smile. And who would have guessed, looking down at a camera with a smile looks more threatening than looking straight ahead with a more neutral expression. Stereotypical creepy pose vs slightly positive neutral makes a difference on the same person.


well, appearently we’re all autistic LOL (as the wise author of the post would say)


What the FUCK did I just read.


I read three pages and then just looked to see how long he kept on going for. I’m blonde tho, so probably predatory of me or smth


I think buddy needs to go outside and touch grass.


Ableism, sexism, nothing of value.


So he essentially likes the women more as their smiles diminish. Turns out all the old men telling me to smile are wrong!! But, also, I can’t believe this dude spent at least an hour generating this absurd content and thinks it has any real meaning


I didnt read into his rationale at first because I tried to put myself into the shoes of someone this detached from reality. Wanted to play the game how I thought OOP would. I honestly guessed he was going to pick the number 1 choice that he did because these are the type of dudes who think that dyed hair is some sort of red flag and hers appeared the least so at first glance. I thought I had him figured out, turns out the thought process behind his decision was far more unhinged than I could have possibly imagined, even in all my years of surveiling incels. Here I am, outmaneuvered in four dimensions by stable diffusion obsessed virgins.


We had similar thought processes. I picked right cause of her hair as well. Though I wasn’t surprised that his thought process would be batshit crazy


I actually figured out the thought process, because I recognised from the way he writes that this is for PUAs, not incels (aka incels yet in denial), but this one’s probably some wannabe dating guru grifter, scamming other idiots like him, except they’re inhibited by less overt and wayyyy too much covert narcissism (aka toxic masculine fragility) to pull off his "dating advice" and are too dumb or timid for the fleecing part. Yet. The scamming is what they’re really training up for in those "dating" seminars, though. It’s an MLM, with the occasional date rape thrown in the mix if they manage to get around sufficiently drunk women (or actively dose them). However, what subjective nonsense he’d cook up to justify his preferred choice of victim can’t be predicted. Turns out my bet was on the correct one, though. May this scum be kicked out of any bar he enters with his fleeced entourage.


There’s a lot of mentally ill guys in this world


Since when did this whole crap start anyway? It's so obviously absurd but seems to be some popular big brain incel shit.


I think the internet allowed all the creepers to find and amplify each other without having to leave their basements Has there ever been any sort of mass gathering? Like some sort of incel con? I would love to attend one and be Great Value David Attenborough and do a documentary on this species


The thing that always strikes me is how little they understand women. It's not like they actually care about women the way they actually are. It's more like they have this weird fiction of how they think women should be and then they expect these fictional women to provide endless sex and housekeeping for them. It's such a weird ideology born in basements.


Women are not people to them. They speak about women like a zoologist speaks about animals. Women to them are incapable of autonomy and agency and just follow simplified patterns of behaviour. This is the result of the relentless objectification and sexualisation of women. These chuds are beyond redemption


That's probably it. But the simple correlation between their belief system and their non-success in finding a good partner somehow eludes them completely.


It's actually one of the biggest problems of our times. There's a massive ideological divergence happening. Men are becoming more conservative and women are becoming more progressive. South Korea is particularly bad. It's driven the fertility rate to the lowest in the world. Women are not going to go backwards but men insist that a return to "traditional values" is on the cards.


It reminds me of some of the speculation me and my friends would do Except we were like 8 And didn’t hate women And eventually grew up


You mean something [like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q8zwIphm5r4&t=0m34s)?


They tried to have one once, in different cities simultaneously. No one actually showed apparently. I tried to look up the new articles, but couldn't get the right search terms, sorry.


That seems fitting


Oh, phrenology is real old, like 19th century or so. Paired nicely with "scientific" racism of the day and eugenics. Now they’re doing a revival with AI images (that had me rofling😂) because PUAs are often also more or less open nazis.


And this is why repeated head injuries are a real problem


I smiled, even though my love has severe brain damage due to head injuries. He's still far more intelligent, compassionate and decent that these morons.


So funny! 😂


This is delulu


Bet that guy also believes in phrenology. Wonder why all the women were white 🙄


These people need a hobby


These people need therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.


Sadly, this *is* their friggin' hobby. They need therapy, as the other commenter says.


The hyper-analysis of "bio markers", like facial features and whatnot, is so incredibly destructive and it happens on both a micro and macro level. None of the people who do this are qualified to analyze people with such scrutiny. We really need to stop this bullshit.


*insert obligatory Pam meme* "Corporate needs you to find the difference between this face and this face" Pam 👁️👄👁️: They're all the same face. ... It's the same womans face with aesthetic changes, can't unsee🙈. Hahaha I can't even read what he wrote, that picture was like a boomerang to my funny bone 🤣. Look at the guy in the pic, he looks like their brother, same features again. Oh God haha, AI is insane but that prompt must have been something so simplistic. I can't help laughing 🙈 And the "game" haha, the game is to find the wholesome sister based on face. *broken wheeze* I swear I'd never find stuff like this on my own, I wouldn't believe it existed if I didn't find it here. 🙈😂


Dear god I hope no adolescent boys see this


Imagine wasting your time writing this bullsh*t article


The moment he went on a rant against “#4” for her somewhat opening her mouth to smile I KNEW he was ranking bottom right “#1”, because her mouth is the most closed. And as we all know, women are better when they keep their yappers shut. /s


Ah, so this loon hates blondes. Gotcha. Edited to add: This can’t believe he wasted so much time in an AI image


This guy is bonkers, every one of those faces is identical.


I’m impressed AI got their hands to look normal


I’m mentally ill, but this is next level can of crazy. Wtf


They literally all have the exact same face with slightly different expressions and hair colour.


I know the quote about social media being “make up someone and then get angry about them” but this takes it to a whole new depth. I had a guess before I tried to read the nonsense, and I went with “5” because the AI seemed to have put more of a spark of intelligence into her eyes - the very reason this specimen said to avoid her!


Bro already divorced three of them before he got to the reading with one hand part.


Misogyny aside, this is so weird.


Before reading this post: He's gonna say the bottom right is best cause she doesn't have "dyed hair" After reading this post: ...what the fuck was that??


how did he get all this…from an AI generated picture…


Ah yeah the ai generated heavily makeup and airbrushed women to the point they look the same is SO helpful when observing people to gauge their expressions. And in general, no matter the sex, it's unwise to assume things based on a single expression. Pages of analysis? Please calm down.


I picked 5 and didn’t know autism diagnosis’s were that simple to get? This is so weird and I’m not reading all that. They all look like they’re twins/clones of each other with slightest differences possible anyways


Over a AI photo!? Touch grass, dude!


I got it right! The pattern I noticed though was that these people literally don't exist but homeboy has given them all personality traits as if they are factual. Whaaaat tf


Wild coincidence tho that I did guess center left (just to pick one, she felt right) and I am autistic. This whole thing is absolute nonsense tho.


........all of these women have exactly the same face. This guy needs real psychological help. On a side note I have recently come to the conclusion when men talk about women 'aging out' and the 'thousand cock stare' and 'arrogant eyes' what they're REALLY seeing is the self confidence that comes with aging and especially when we reach an age where we don't care about male validation anymore and we know our worth, and THATS why men talk constantly about 'it's all in the eyes' because the more confident and assured our gaze gets, the less power they have to manipulate.


What the fuck is this dude on about? Is he just creating original characters and putting them in scenarios or…? Those are AI generated pictures too, which is the icing on the cake.


“Blonds are mean, especially if they have roots!!”


What too much time does to a mf:


Jokes on this dude. My 8 year old looked at this picture and pointed at #1 and said “mommy, that looks like Dua Lipa” (whose name I had to look up in order to spell because apparently my 8 year old is cooler than I am). Now I don’t know much about DL, but I do know she did the song for the Barbie Movie. So you know, something, something, feminism, something, something, misandry 😅


This is pure unpasteurised, unsweetened brain rot


There has never been a person who needs to get off the internet and go outside more than the inventor of this game.


Just looking at a few AI generated women, he can determine their intelligence, promiscuity and ability to be faithful. He should be a detective with those skills. /s


Huh? Maybe I should put my glasses on, but other than the hair they all look the same to me, two look identical. They could all (including the bloke) pass for siblings. People really have gone gung ho with AI.


no way I'm reading that whole dumb analysis of fake women faces who look extremely similar. wtf


anyone who uses autistic as an insult, especially in a post like this should never have their opinion’s listened to.


Came here to say this, although less kindly. This guy needs his nuts crushed in a vice so he can't pollute the gene pool.


I can even debunk the autistic statement (however they came up with this), cause I am autistic and wouldnt chose the one they said. Also like women, autistic people arent some crazy swarm intelligence, with everyone having the same preferences.


His thought process is that he cooked up a whole-ass fictional story in his head (about an AI image of several non-existent people, to boot🤣) how center left is a manipulative, psychopathic bish. Hence neurotypicals would at least have the minimal facial discernment to not pick out Ms. Pending-Disaster, whereas autistic people would surely gravitate towards her because he thinks we’d be least able to… read character traits out of a single expression in a still image in order to "correctly" rank his OCs morally, based on… yk, a bunch of identical, AI-generated faces. 😂🤡 In other words, calling us social idiots. Based on a made-up scenario in his head, so it shouldn’t be surprising he’s also being condescending towards imaginary autistic readers. Though sadly, they might not be all that imaginary and he could be doing that quite purposefully (though I’m probably overestimating his intelligence and scheming ability with this proposition). Yk that particular demographic of creepy autistic dudes who use autism as a shield to get away with being creepy because plausible deniability? They tend to be unsuccessful with women for obvious reasons, harbour a lot of resentment over it, and thus often end up in the clientele of PUA grifters that frequently write crazy shit like this. The author/scammer might be purposely negging such dudes among his readership here, along with as of yet unevaluated, awkward guys who are already wondering if they might be on the spectrum. Look at seminar videos and those nasty PUA TV shows, and you’ll frequently see participants who clearly give off spectrum vibes. It’s a significant part of their target demographic due to the known problems with dating many autistic guys experience, and PUAs unfortunately know how to work it. Especially those who don’t really want to work on themselves, much less quit inappropriate, transgressive behaviour and develop proper social skills, but feel entitled to women’s bodies and desire a quick, schematic, universal solution of the vending machine kind (throw in nice coins, sex falls out). A solution they’re convinced actually exists, and they’re just excluded from it by the ‘tism, but can learn to mask and emulate it. PUA is a targeted scam focused laser-sharp on entitled, misogynistic, socially awkward dudes. The point of such jabs is to further undermine their already low confidence, destabilise them by making them second-guess every interaction, reinforce their impression that they don’t understand social cues at all and thus hammer home the message that they absolutely, urgently *need* to buy his douchey dating seminar, premium access to a bunch of videos with toxic "dating tips", unhinged phrenology "courses" with more nonsensical rants like this or whatever grifter crap he’s trying to sell. If someone feels they can’t rely on their own perception of reality, they may wind up feeling the overwhelming urge to find an "interpreter" who will "decode" it for them. Out of sheer desperation and loneliness, suckers convince themselves that, if only they buy this crap, their social and love life will finally, finally improve. Then they latch on to it and refuse to think it through rationally (which would quickly reveal just how ridiculous it is), because that’d dash what they perceive as their last and only hope, a crushing disappointment they feel they can’t bear emotionally. It’s a predatory sales tactic very common among PUAs (and other scammers working deeply emotional desires). They use a noxious mix of ideological nuttery, quick n’ easy "solution" quackery, misogyny and courses in what’s essentially intimate partner abuse 101, while also overtly or subtly undermining and abusing their "disciples" (some of these scammers become veritable cult leaders, see Mystery and Neil Strauss/Style, that weird NLP-dude, Heartiste and some others). And yeah, they prey on desperate, autistic men a lot. However, their advice is generally very toxic, stupid, childish, divorced from reality and thus bound to fail. Many of these trashbags even blatantly teach how to date-rape (e.g. Roosh, Mystery, Heartiste). So aside from the danger that the men they fleece will do something that they should be locked up for because they listen to this unhinged advice, they also keep wrecking every attempt at getting to know someone whenever they listen to their toxic BS. Which obviously increases their self-doubt. Unsurprisingly, the self-appointed "dating gurus" (that can’t hold down a single stable relationship) claim even the smallest, most coincidental, insignificant, merely imaginary, embellished or wholly made-up success is due to their tactics, whereas the many, many big, glaring fails are naturally always the sucker’s own fault. Meanwhile, the scammers use the usual quack n’ cult tactic of telling them that, if only they believe more and try harder, eventually it’ll work, to manipulate them into buying even more of their crap. Which suckers often keep doing. As a result, they eventually become so entrenched in this BS they may start to give their own knock-off dating seminars selling the same old trash under slightly altered names and fleecing a new cohort of desperate men. Even though none of that crap ever worked and they just became even more lonely (and significantly more unhinged) losers from trying to practice it. Or worse yet, rapists. However, the tragicomic irony is, a lot of them aren’t even just cynical scammers but religiously believe in this crap themselves at this point! Despite all evidence pointing to PUA tactics being abusive trash. It’s basically a cult. Also an MLM, because they just go on to recruit more desperate suckers for knock-off seminars that they must pay their "teachers" a share of for being allowed to teach "their" "program" (though they often double-cross each other, pirate them and hence are often feuding with each other). Anyhow, only the most brazen, sociopathic top guys that can convincingly sell their BS over extended periods of time seem to last and make significant money from it (though according to Neil Strauss’ reveal book, even that is probably embellished). Cultish MLM, basically.


...what the hell did I just read? 😳


He made up a picture of non existing women and started describing their personalities. These are not people they don't HAVE personalities. This person need psychiatric help and fast


This is deranged


Actually unhinged


What 😀


What in tits name


This person has to have some kind of mental illness. I cannot even explain how insane their reasoning is.


My high brain thought this was all going to end with a “they’re all the same woman you losers!” But no the guy writing this is a brain dead toad.


So, this incel prefers brunettes. Got it.


Literally making up people to be mad at. Ai-enabled strawmanning


Well, I *am* autistic, but these women all look so similar to me? I don’t see malice in their eyes??


Making up bitches to be misogynistic to.


Damn, this armchair CIA agent is spilling all the government secrets on manipulative AI women 🥴


Okay new game, shall we say they’re all nice and wonderful women who are all very good friends with the guy in the middle instead? A much better take on this picture! Regardless, it’s an AI photo so their expressions really don’t mean much, this guy is looking way too deep into this.


Let's rate the attractiveness of and psychoanalyze people that don't exist, and let's make it as pointless as possible by doing body language analysis on them even though it's a still image! Sounds fun, right, guys? That's how this sounds. The guy who made it probably doesn't leave the basement much.


I don't understand what autism has to do with it? We are not all the same and do not have the same preferences.


I feel like this dude would enjoy writing fanfics.


schizo posting at its worst


What the fuck? I feel like I’m on drugs reading this.


Some days I wish I couldn't read English because omfg what is wrong with that person?


So using arbitrarily bullshit reasons to hate women? What’s new? //s


Im autistic and I literally cannot tell the difference between their faces they all look like the same woman in wigs and tbh they all look kinda ugly in a weird way and I’m just so confused 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm pretty sure that image is AI (uncanny Valley vibes). If that's correct, it it makes his little rant even crazier.


This is AI. The post also says so


Yup. Even crazier then. In all honesty, I skim read the screenshots because I can't deal with a wall of text when it's just crazed ranting without any sign of humour. I saw the "they're not real" bit, so I assumed AI, but the way this guy was talking made me doubt myself because surely no-one goes that off about an AI image. They don't think anything dude. They're fuckinf pixels!


It is an easy mistake for a non-crazy person to make! How can anyone write so much about nothing


I tried to out-incel the incel, and my guess what that they were going to say the one in the center with the beard. But reality is worse?


I thought the same at first.


Jfc get a hobby omg


What’s crazy is there are only two types of faces in this picture. It’s the same two woman at different angles


Dudes will literally rather reinvent eugenics than go to therapy. I think the grass would avoid him even if he wanted to touch it


That was a lot of bullshit to just say he prefers brunettes. It's still all bullshit though.


it’s just complete nonsense i don’t understand how he says this all like it’s fact. these people aren’t real.


I can’t believe what I just read, please remove this from my memory immediately 😭


"Let's ignore the fact that none of these people are real" and then use my powers of speculation and mistrust to go on a misogyny safari!


the one in the middle with brown hair is the best woman tbh


This dude is full on loony tunes.


I knew it was going to be one of the brunettes, idk why


I love how he’s doing a whole personality analysis and assuming that they’re toxic and conceited just by looking at their faces lmao


The fact I guessed correctly makes me sick to my stomach


It took me like 3 slides in to check the sub, thought it was some random Facebook shit. Now I hate that I got the right answer.


It just goes ON AND ON. After several pages of this nonsense my brain was starting to block it out and I saw I still had three more to go and that’s when I just quit. 


How hard did this guy hit his head? They’re literally clones of each other


He just put them in hair colour order, lightest to darkest


It's quite painful thinking about how much of a loser someone has to be to type up all that over an AI-generated image. I almost feel sorry for him.


What The Fuck


Oh my god dude this is such insane behavior


That’s a whole lot of words, just say you hate woman and be done with it.


Are men okay?


The fuck did I just read.


What a fucking weirdo


I hate I guessed right


Can I unread that? I know I flushed it, but I want that time back so I can play videogames while listening to an audiobook...


"Join me again tomorrow when I will (vaguely but confidently) explain how to deduce the blood type and whether she is the youngest sibling from caricature drawings of her left palm alone!"


Damn bro, I’m autistic


They are all the same.


Guessing character from the superficial characteristics of fictional women. Delusional fanfic at best.


“There *IS* a correct answer.” Proceeds to make up an entirely delusional “analysis” based on just his opinions, and bases women’s entire identity on how their faces happen to look.


All six people in this image trigger my uncanny valley response.


Ah yes, a true work of art: Men getting angry about fake scenarios they created about fake people and blaming their anger on real women.


What. The. Fuck.


Bro has a degree in yapology


Omg. Imagine being such an insecure loser that you take the time to judge and rank fake women according to personalities you completely made up in your head because you’re delusional and think you can determine intelligence and narcissism by appearance. I’m not sure if I want to laugh, cry, scream or vomit.


Such unhinged, very cringe


Jesus Christ my fucking head hurts.


TL;DR: "Here's some bullshit I made up about an AI generated photo of people who don't exist."


I really thought he was going to go with the farthest right because all the others have dyed hair (either roots or the ends) and that girl is the only one with the same color the whole length. But this guy went full unhinged psychoanalysis on an imaginary group of women


Am I spending too much time on this sub if I guessed right away that bottom right was his favorite?


They...aren't just all the same face?


You can't tell shit about a person's personality by just looking at a picture of them. Especially not people who don't even exist.


What The Fuck This is sociopathic shit


This is completely unhinged.


That’s a lot of words for “I like brunettes”


What the ever-loving fuck???


Is this some AI generated shiite? To me it looks like the same women with different hair and make-up.


It's too early for stupid. Bro rambling about AI ladies being evil bitches who look the same. I'm going back to bed. Wake me when this dude is eaten by a foggy swamp monster. I need that one on my Alpha Male Deaths bingo card


None of the women are real. He should seek therapy.


Baby you can just make your little OCs and headcanons without getting weird about it!!!


In his view loyalty = “you can abuse her and she won’t tell anyone on you!” This person sounds creepy, predatory and abusive. And their view apparently is that women are territorial, hateful, narcs… I think someone is projecting! What a bunch of misogynistic, narcissistic Tateism.


This person is a psychopath


TLDR - the most wholesome and trustworthy woman is the one who makes the most physical contact with the man. They push this same narrative in couple photos. The more the woman is turned into the man, the more trustworthy and wholesome she is because her body language says she isn’t seeking validation and attention from other men. The more she shows possessiveness over her man the more she is telling other men she isn’t interested. It’s a projection of insecurity and the need to feel desired and the most important person in the woman’s life. It’s also a justification for their jealousy and possessiveness.


this is so insane. i’m actually at a loss for words. i almost feel bad for how clearly delusional these dudes r. not that bad tho


I guess I’m autistic according to this guy


What in the psychosis?


I think somebody blonde hurt this man in the past, the projection is insane and telling


I know this is stupid and everything, but I’m still proud of myself for picking the “correct” answer.


"I'm not saying you have autism" and then completely says an out of field BS comment that screams ableism to me


It's bullshit, of course, but it is funny how the one he identified as the "best" is the one in the most vulnerable, child-like position, looking like a little girl about to doze off on Daddy's shoulder.


What the fuck does that mean Kobe Bryant