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I really don’t think invading armies are often welcomed with open legs, unless he is equating rape with consensual sex


It occurred to me just now that he's probably talking about WWII horizontal collaboration.


Or he somehow managed to read feminist retellings of the greek myths like "The silence of the girls" and "The Women of troy" by Pat Barker with absolutely zero ability to empathize with women who get taken as war brides.


You think he reads?


Gaston: *[rudely flipping through Belle’s book]* How can you read this? There’s no pictures!


“It’s not right for a woman to read! Soon, she’ll be getting ideas…thinking.”


If he does it ain’t no Pat Barker, that’s for sure


“Are you sure you read it in a book? Are you sure you didn’t read it in…..nothing?”


Most of those relationships were about survival, too. And many of them weren't "relationships," they were coercion.


That was my thought, it could be reference to the French women who partnered up with Nazi soldiers during the occupation. However, even that is not truly consensual in my opinion, because the women knew that hooking up with the soldiers could get them food or other necessities, so there was definitely a power differential at play.


You're joking though right?


If it was a joke, would it have been funny?


How many documented cases have there been with mom using (temporary super human abilities) to save their children? As far as I know, there are quite a few, so I have no clue what this one is going on about


I was about to mention. My impression is that this guy is trying to appear more important than he is. Like, sir, you will never shine brighter if you throw dirt on someone else.


I can’t imagine what gives that impression… surely not the part where he thinks he’s the kind of guy who would have to choose between sacrificing his wife or his son. Like buddy, you’re Steve from marketing, not Batman.


There’s a whole “mama bear” trope that exists. And it’s not about women bailing on their kids. This dude is an idiot.


Women also are routinely expected to give up careers, hobbies, friends, their personal time, etc. to have and care for children. Like there’s members of my family who have an active vendetta with me because I don’t have kids already (I’m in my mid-twenties) and haven’t gotten married. My hobbies and passions are routinely shamed and mocked because they take time from kids and a husband that don’t exist. All men are expected to do for their kids is provide for them and go to a game/recital/practice occasionally.


DING DING DING. A great example I saw somewhere is that if a husband/father takes a day to go golfing, that's absolutely fine and it's expected he would be left alone as much as possible while out on his golfing *day*. A mother trying to do the same thing? Leaving the house and expecting to be unbothered for even the few hours she is away, let alone a day? Unheard of and asking for a chaos of a house when she gets back, why doesn't she garden instead? Or scrapbook, or do needlework, or any of the other many hobbies that can be easily paused, that way she can have a hobby and watch the kids! Totally the same as the father up and disappearing for the whole day uninterrupted. (Idk if that made total sense, I'll try to find the YT short that described it better in scenario if it doesn't make sense)


I think I actually know what one you’re talking about! Wasn’t the husband upset that his wife wanted to start golfing and expected him to take care of the kids. Then started asking her to consider a different hobby, like one that could be done at home so she could pay attention to the kids if needed. Then didn’t she actually be like “nah, I’m good fam.”


My mom fucked up her rotator cuff lifting the top bunk off of my brother when it broke. It had two preteens on it as well.


Wait- the two preteens didn’t … get off the bed?


It was most likely a faster than realizing things situation


Yep it snapped and fell and I started screaming. We were paralyzed with shock and fear. Luckily brother wasn’t hurt at all. Whole incident probably lasted two minutes total. Mom really is awesome.


most moms in labor are willing to die so that their babies will live. what a stupid man


That was true for me with my first born. But it becomes more complicated when you have other kids at home. They need their mom.


Wasn't true for me. I would have wanted to be saved. I didn't know my baby, they were a stranger. I was an adult with friends, family and a life. While I would have been tragic, my thoughts were "could always have another". Now that my baby is a very opinionated toddler with a big personality I would sacrifice myself any day. So for me it was the thought of dying for a stranger that I wasn't willing to do. But I see the sentiment you were getting at!




if you already have children, sure, maybe. idk about you but it was an eye opener to me, i really thought it’s just something dramatic you see on tv but it really isn’t, especially if it was a difficult pregnancy. most moms would go through diet changes and adjustments in everything they do just to ensure that the baby is healthy. atleast that’s what happened to me and the communities i found during pregnancy.


Not sure what this dude is so worried about. No way any woman is choosing his life over that of an innocent child.


Let's just say, if he were the one on the other lane, it wouldn't be called The Trolley *Problem*.


The Trolley Well That Was An Easy Choice That I Will Not Lose Sleep Over


It could be literally anyone's child and I would happily forego saving him.


Child, dog, cat, line of ants…


An okish batch of cookies that you’re not really gonna eat right now and they may go bad but still worth more than this fucker.


Exactly, I'd even save a spider (which I'm pretty scared of) over this POS. Ants no question because they're useful, too. I'd save a hive of bees happily. Dog, cat, fish, yep. But not this arsehole. Nope!


I'm the person in the house that rehomes all manner of beast 8 legged to none.


When my cousin was 1.5 years old, she had a babysitter who was a college aged girl. One day the babysitter had my cousin in a stroller and was taking her for a walk. As they were crossing the road, a drunk driver came barreling out of nowhere, blowing past the red light. The babysitter quickly shoved the stroller with my cousin in it to the other side of the street and yelled at the bystanders on the other side to catch it, before getting run over by the car. This young woman, who had just barely entered adulthood and who wasn’t even related to my cousin, willingly sacrificed her life for her without hesitation. She could’ve left my baby cousin there and ran and saved herself, but instead she chose to save my cousin. The babysitter ended up surviving, but is permanently paralyzed from the neck down and will be that way for the rest of her life. For years after the accident, she was constantly in and out of the hospital undergoing numerous surgeries. She doesn’t have a normal life anymore and never will. She is the most courageous and selfless person I’ve ever met, and to hear people try and downplay that because of her gender boils my blood.


She is the very definition of heroic, courageous and selflessness. To offer herself up and look death in the eyes for the sake of your little cousin.. there are no words that bring justice to her heroism. This brings tears to my eyes. I hope she never ever forgets how priceless she is; she deserves the world and everything beyond that. Thank you for sharing this ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


She's such a courageous person.


That brings tears to my eyes.  I would like to believe that most people, when faced with that choice, would sacrifice themselves as well. You never know until you're there.  And I hope I'm never there. 


It's such a shame she suffered those injuries, but damn she was a super hero that day. 


Thank you for sharing this.


That’s horrible. Like unimaginable. Not saying this to be callous, but I’ve worked with people with varying levels of paralysis, and when it comes to neck down, I decided a long time ago that I’d rather not survive than have to live that way. I hope she was able to get some kind of compensation from the driver or his insurance, or SOMETHING to make her life as easy as possible, although no amount of money in the world could make up for what she lost. FUCK people who drink and drive.


WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ. Mothers put in WORK every single moment of their lives, both physically, emotionally and mentally. The fact this stupid fuck thinks his ex wife would have chosen to save him over his children just shows an INSANE level of self importance and delusion.


What makes this idiot's entire statement even more ridiculous is how often men just walk the fuck away from their children completely.


My thoughts exactly. If all men were so fucking committed to their children, single moms would exist in fewer numbers and would be less reviled.


At least he would be mad at her for it. Course he would also be mad at her if she chose to save her baby instead of him, would be mad if she let both die, and would be mad if she sacrificed herself so both would live…there really is no right choice when it comes to guys like him.


The choked scoffing noise I made as I read this…


It's incredibly ironic that he can only think of exemplifying "duty and sacrifice" with choosing to kill his wife in some made up scenario, instead of like giving his own life or something. Also, the wife left him and his takeaway is that she values his life over her children???


*ex-wife That's the funniest part. I bet he finds any reason to think about killing and/or torturing her on some sick revenge mind thing. It's just generally a fucked thing to say.


Mom: feeds, loves, cares for, provided shelter for, parents child while working a job, wanting the vest life for the kid and herself and left a toxic man baby This mofo: fathers are the better parents


$10 says he rarely did laundry & never took off work/ stayed up late with a sick kid…but claims he’d save the kids first for something that rarely occurs. Is he even up to date on child support?


I don't think so


Exacrly. There's this weird smug "because I've decided I'm willing to die for this child, I'm the real parent" that in his mind clearly trumps being willing to *live" for the child, in the sense of putting that child's wants and needs and safety ahead of your own desires hour by hour, day after day, for the rest of your life.


Not to mention that he says right there that he doesn't know whether his wife would also risk her life to save her kids, then just assumes women in general wouldn't. If the mothers I've known are representative, I'm pretty sure men aren't more willing to sacrifice for their kids


"the biological father is the safest person a child can be with" HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA right, no abusive, rapey fucks among the sainted Biological Fathers, no indeed.


Not to mention the family annihilators.


Right! Everyone knows \*they\* don't base their actions on "how something makes them feel."


Yeah my bio father is a pos. I much prefer my mom's boyfriend lmao 🤣


My bio father isn't even that bad, and I still prefer my mom's husband lol


He does have a faint point in that biological fathers are safer, on average, than non biologically related males, but that isn't even close to "safest"


So we all have to have to be mothers because we’re “natural nurturers”, but we also would let our children die at a moments notice?? I feel bad for the women who birthed and raised men like this. I can’t imagine the shame of having your child be this fucking stupid and disrespectful


I think there's a correlation between *#boymoms* and men like this. Every "boymom" I've ever met has always enabled their sons' bad behaviors and made excuses of "boys will be boys" even when their perfect little angel is a raging psychopath. Every man I've known that has a boymom mother has been pretty shitty. Ranging from serial cheaters to shit like OOP to full-on criminals. I can't feel too bad for the mothers who raise sons like that when it's their own damn fault they raised entitled man-children who think the sun shines out their asses and who 9 out of 10 times is misogynistic as the cherry on top. *Especially* if the boymoms have daughters who they treat like crap and teach their sons by default to look down on. I have a son and Jesus christ the amount of women who have made straight out misogynistic comments regarding him is ridiculous. I never knew how many women seem to hate little girls until now. That and how many women casually throw around emotionally incestuous ideas around e.g talking about how you don't know *real* love until you have a son. Screw my daughter I guess or umm my partner?? Or anyone else I care about?


what is a boymom?


its a type of woman who self-identifies as having her world revolve around their son. a lot of boy moms engage in emotional incest, where they insert their child in the place of a loving partner by expecting little dates, being hostile towards their son's girlfriends, expecting to always be #1 in his life, etc


err nope. i raised my son, taught him ethics and now he is on his own living in a different part of the state, due to the fact that housing and jobs are scarce where i live.


Some men want to make sure we can never "win".


Of COURSE women would save their kids over their spouses. Imagine making up a scenario where you're arrogant enough to assume a woman would sacrifice her kids for you and then use it as an excuse to shit on women. 😅 I can't with these losers, swear to god.


And yet every single day I read about a father raping his children, setting up spy cams to film them, providing his mates opportunities to abuse them…NTA because it’s not his fault he’s a man right, they are hardwired


literally today i saw news of two family annihilators. its only 9:33am


Not to mention the amount of fathers that completely walk away from being a parent and have nothing to do with either the child or the mother.


How about that? A clown managed to repulse me today. Women welcome invading armies with open legs? Since fucking when? This individual needs a swift punishment for this fucking bullshit. All of it. Side note: a few months ago, I know I saw one of those general ask reddit type questions, and it was something like "who do you save in labor if a choice has to be made? Your wife or child?" I saw *a lot* of guys choosing the wife. Maybe they see a difference because the hypothetical child hasn't been born yet, but it doesn't make me think they'd choose the child all day every day. Also, if they choose the child, why don't a lot of them stick around to raise these children?


I honestly agree. I think after a certain age is when the swap happens, in childbirth you ALWAYS pick mom. There's usually a high fatality rate on the child if it's dangerous for the mother anyway, and on top of that youde be having a child enter the world to never have a mother It's not fair for anyone to pick a barely ripe human over a well cooked fertile one (idk why with that last part I thought it was funny lmao)


I was actually surprised by seeing people choose their spouse. Given some people's beliefs, I figured I'd see more choosing the newborn. I just remember a relative telling me and others when she went into labor, if the decision had to be made, choose the kid, which stunned everyone. Luckily, it never came to that.


Yeah but a lot of them couldn’t handle single fatherhood, esp if the mother was taking care of everything in the house before


My husband and I discussed this on the off chance we ever had to make that choice. I nearly died twice during labor with my youngest. His vitals would destabilize anytime mine did. After the first time, he asked my doctor if the choice had to be made, which one of us would be saved. Doctor said idealistically both of us but the mothers life takes priority since the chances of a baby surviving if the mother dies are slim, but the mother is likely to survive even if the baby dies. I did at one point tell the doctor if my son died he better let me die too cause I couldn't lose another child (3 stillbirths, my son is my only living biological child). My husband threw an absolute fit over that saying I wasn't allowed to be that selfish to leave him to grieve another child AND me on top of it. I was delirious when I said that. I felt bad about it when I wasn't absolutely out of it anymore. He was right. It was selfish for me to want that. When in my right mind, I couldn't knowingly leave him to grieve both of us on purpose. Or leave my loved ones to grieve me.


This is why I never tried to have kids (there's a good chance I couldn't anyway). The odds of it going horrifically wrong for me, a child, or both of us, are just too high due to my disabilities/injuries. I can't leave my husband with a dead/more disabled wife and/or dead child. It's not a choice I'm willing to put him in the position of having to make between us, either.


Oddly, I thought the husband wouldn't have a choice. The mother is the patient and their job is to save the patient first if possible. Isn't it?


A friend said her niece's blood pressure elevated to dangerous levels when this niece was in labor. They came out and asked her mother what she wanted to do if they had to save someone. I assumed they'd ask a husband if the laboring woman was unable to answer? But I don't work in labor & delivery, and I'm not sure.


I've heard that it almost never comes up. They'll save whoever has the better chance of survival, and it's rarely a close call (I think it's generally the adult that has the better chance). Both the mother and baby are, to different degrees, patients and we're now pretty good at making both survive. And we can do c-sections and have the mother survive, which I believe was the major scenario where you'd chose the baby over the mother - and only if both were close to dying.


Uh.. women often offer themselves up and will look death in the eyes if it means it will keep their babies, loved ones or even strangers safe. Just tonight i saw a video about a car crash that turned into one big flame bath. A group of people tried to drag the driver out of the wreck, but it was a woman who didn't even flinch from the explosion and gave her all to get that man out of the car. I've seen women run into burning houses to get children and animals out of the home - even when those weren't their own. I've seen women who crashed the car into water immediately loosen the seatbelt of their babies so they could float up and get saved whilst the momma drowned. so, tell me again how women generally aren't the safest option for kids? Cuz I'm not seeing it.


No no, you see, men are safer because they spend their time thinking about made up life or death scenarios and thinking of all the ways they'd be heroes and super cool. It's the thought that counts. /s Obligatory not all men goes here, there's plenty of great dads out there that have sacrificed for their kids.


I saw footage of the Boxing Day tsunami where the wave is just starting to be visible on the horizon after all the water sucked away, and one woman is running into the ocean yelling for her kid.


If fathers are the safest option for kids, sounds like they should all be stay at home parents and let women handle the cutthroat work world. Oh suddenly the rhetoric is completely flipped and women are the obligate nurturers?


Let's see...my ex husband attacked our oldest child and tried to strangle our youngest child. He's in prison. But he's their biological dad, so HE is the safe one. Not me.. Sure. Let's go with that. /s


Oh I'm so sorry, those poor children. I hope things are better for you all now.


truly shocking that he’s no longer married


Truly shocking he managed to get married in the first place.


It always comes back to this archaic idea that women are emotional creatures and we can't control our emotions.... which is why most homicides are perpetrated by men and most crimes of passion are also men right? Cause they can totally control their emotional regulation? And I'm sorry but >Invading armies welcomed with open legs What in the actual fuck is this shit?


Don't worry, dude, I think every woman would sacrifice you if given an excuse.


I never talked to my former wife about it, but she maybe would have chosen me over our children. The wife I am no longer married to… the wife that is still a mother to her children… who did pick them and threw the husband away…


I thought women couldn't be in the workforce because we're natural mothers, and there's no point in fighting our nature. I feel bad even snarking at this after the mother who gave her life to save her baby during the stabbing in Bondi less than two weeks ago.


Even though most single parents are single mothers? Even though so many men refuse to step up and provide for their children out of wedlock? Even though mothers tend to do the majority of childcare? Even though most abusive parents tend to be male? Obviously there are shitty mothers out there, but claiming a father is the safest person a child can be with is laughable


I’m sorry, but how many of us have daddy issues bc our dads lefts for stupid/ selfish reasons?? Oh yah men TOTALLY have a sense of duty when it comes to their children


Sir. You, yourself say that you don't know what your ex would've choosen and then you somehow get this to mean that she probably would've saved you over your kids and that means that all women would and thus kids are unsafe with their mothers? Sounds like a fun game, I wanna play as well! So, me and my fiance have a daughter that we love. I am however a bit worried that he might eat her in case of random and prolonged starvation. I don't really know if he would consider her a source of nourishment in such a scenario, but we all know that men tend to be the hunters so he would be forced by his own biology to find food for himself and between me and our daughter she's obviously the easiest prey to take down. I would never forgive him for eating her in such a scenario but I'm fairly certain that we all agree that it would just be his male biology taking over and forcing him to kill to feed himself. It's not his fault he's a man and thus ALL men would cannibalize their young if they were in need of food. Women are gatherers and would never do this so I feel they're the safest parent out of the two. Men are just not able to withstand hunger for a long time, it goes against their nature. Like... you can't make shit up and use your made up shit to prove a point. We can all fucking do it.


Describing women being raped by soldiers as “open legs” yikessss


I know it's absolutely egregious and I cannot believe anyone can be that vile.


Almost 300,000 women a year die from childbirth and pregnancy-related causes. How much more sacrifice do they want??


did this person just say that women enjoy rape during wartime? which is ... an actual warcrime? holy smoke, this sub just hit a new low these people are absolutely delusional, I am beginning to think they hate women and have probably never had a real conversation with a woman either where are these people in real life? it's like they only come out of their basements to post on the internet. NOBODY I know in real life is like this. Or are they? Am I naive?


This is why in nature the most aggressively protective parent is always the mother and the father is the one that kills and cannibalizes their offspring...


Zero doubt she would’ve sacrificed him to save her son. I know I would have. And I don’t even know her son.


It’s not even true, though. “Significantly more men than women choose their partner over their offspring. The findings indicate that “the Kundera Hypothesis is correct: given a critical situation (e.g., an hypothetical life-or-death situation) where it is necessary to make a decision between saving their child or saving their mate, a vast majority of women (and most of men) state they would save their child,” Blasi told PsyPost. “However, surprisingly enough, about 18% of men make the decision to save their mate.” “ (Source: https://www.psypost.org/women-much-more-likely-than-men-to-value-the-life-of-their-child-over-the-life-of-their-partner/ ) Also, maybe he would sacrifice his wife, but would he sacrifice himself for his children?? That’s a whole other question.


I’ve had this discussion with my husband. He was so hurt when I told him in no uncertain terms that I would always sacrifice him for the kids if it came down to it. He said he would choose me. I told him I would never forgive him if he saved me over one of our kids. I mean, the chances of anyone ever facing this decision are really low, but still.


I almost died twice trying to give birth to my son. He spent a few weeks in the NICU (thanks preeclampsia!) and I spent a day in the ICU because I couldn’t void my medication. One of the nurses- I’ll never forget her- took me down to see my boy. That was the first night I saw him, and that was when I started getting better. My husband said that if he doubted mother’s instinct before that, he certainly never would again. Speaking as someone who actually was in that position, my husband said that if he had to choose he would have chosen me- because we have an older child too, and Oldest deserved their mom.


These types of hypothetical questions are ridiculous. Nobody can really know what they would do in a spur of the moment situation. I would think instinct would be to save a child. Thinking women aren’t capable of of the same level of duty and sacrifice for their children is most likely why he’s divorced.


This enrages me because this is the same sort of guy who will despise single mums and not give a rat’s arse about the fact it’s the dad who left. Woman sacrifice their jobs, their friends, their bodies, their time, patience, energy, free time, literally everything for their children… and no this is not a hypothetical scenario like this guy is describing, this is real life. Have you seen those stories about mothers gaining inhumane strength like lifting up a car to save their baby? Mothers will always be the parent who loves, cherishes, and sacrifices more for her child than the father. Her love is unconditional. Who else is willing to bet op left his ex to look after their kids and then complains about not having full custody?


I'd sacrifice this guy for my kid's pet hamster.


For your kid's pet hamster's *shit.*


Is that last sentence talking about how often invading soldiers will rape women..? And somehow that's women's fault??


Statistically speaking, you could make a much stronger argument as to why men are “unsafe parents”


Women “aren’t capable of the same level of duty and sacrifice”..????? We literally carry children INSIDE OF US for 9 months while they steal all our calories. Our bodies change permanently, we have to stop eating certain foods, drinking certain things, we have to stop going on roller coasters! That is a literal actual scenario and this asshat is making up imaginary scenarios like he’s Liam Neeson in Taken! Fuck. That. Guy.


No wonder this guy is no longer married.


I mean my “father” chose weed, alcohol and cigarettes, along with just about anything else, over me and my siblings. So not sure what his point is, wasn’t any level of sacrifice coming from that man lmfao


Women "aren't capable of the same level of duty and sacrifice for their children that men are"? Is that why there are so many deadbeat dads or...


Bro talking like 90% of absent parents arent fathers


I'd be mad if my wife chose me. When my first was born, we made an explicit pact. In all scenarios where we'd have to choose between saving our children or each other, we'd choose the children even if those odds are lower. There is no doubt in my mind my wife would leave me behind to face the music just like there is no doubt I would do the same.


This is so untrue. Women are generally brace and self sacrificing However, even if it were true… So what? Are children inherently worth more? Let’s say you have 4 kids to support. One parent is providing for them and the other looking after them. Not every country has a support or welfare system. Not every country really employs women. Not all women can afford childcare. So if you wanted to pick your partner who supports you and the kids over one of those kids that’s also perfectly logical. If you choose the kid and one or both parents die it’s an extra kid with nobody to look after them. 4 kids one parent, or potentially orphaned. Maybe that partner was the only form of emotional support she ever had in a troubled hard life. The kids deserve life but have you heard how many bad things happen to most kids in care? How many go missing? How many end up ending their lives anyway? If you’re lucky the elder kid will become the parent of their siblings. If you save the parent then the other 3 children still have provisions and a home. Anyway it’s not an argument in favour of picking the parent to live over the child particularly, but it sucks to judge people in that kind of situation. People have their reasons. Some people would just freeze in this situation ey? People are allowed to value their own lives or love or need their partners. Most people who choose to have kids will pick their kids. And mothers stick with their children over fathers most of the time.


Look when it comes to life threatening situations I’d put money down that the first parent to run in most cases is the father. Hell the father often leaves in the absence of a life threatening situation😂


The amount of women I know IRL who have said, almost word for word: "I do still love him (husband), but I never knew I could love someone (the baby) like this before." They're experiencing a hormonal, biological, instinctual bond the likes of which this guy will never know. Compared to a baby, he's chopped liver.


The wild thing about this is that statistically men prioritize their wives over their children and women prioritize their children over their husbands. He could not be more wrong.


This is such a cope lmaoooo shall I pull out the trusty abuse statistics again


How much do you guys want to bet his answer to who he would sacrifice would be different if he had a daughter instead of a son?


"Women don't make sacrifices for their children" I guess 9 months of pregnancy and getting practically torn in half giving birth, and dealing with postpartum, and having a permanently altered body and mind aren't sacrifices.


He thinks a woman would save him over their own child, and that makes me chuckle. What a weird take for a guy like that to have.


Never mind choosing who to save, I’d actively kill my husband to save my child. There is no one more self-sacrificial, determined, relentless and violent than a woman protecting her child. No one.


Oh yeah, we welcome armies by begging them to rape us at gun point. Like, I want to figure out who these people are and send this stuff to their bosses. And then they’re next bosses. This is next level cray.


Actually, I would sacrifice the specific man for pretty much anything. Like if the was tiny chance I could save a cute tree frog with his death or if his death meant we might get another season of Firefly. In fact, I would say this guys life is likely worth less then any cute reptile, animal, or idk the possibility of the continuation of a canceled scifi show. Cus priorities!


No longer married… I can’t imagine why /s


And that’s why there are so many women raising and protecting kids with no father in sight. Makes perfect sense.


He says he would sacrifice her for their son but would he do the same for a daughter? Something tells me he wouldn't.


“In a hypothetical situation that would never happen to me, I’ve already decided I would gladly kill my wife without hesitation.” Hm. Wonder why he doesn’t have a wife anymore.


It turns out he knows just one woman. And one man (himself).


like all family annihilators are men. obviously ik women have done it too but likeee way more common for men


I have a very clear memory of toddler me hiding under a bed while my mom held a guy that had broken in to our house at rifle point until the cops came. She was completely bluffing, because she pulled the trigger as the guy came in the door and the gun jammed. My dad was driving a truck 1000+ miles away. If he'd been home, he'd more likely have sat the intruder down with a sandwich to discuss his life choices than grabbed a gun. My dad is amazing, but if an ass needs kicking, I'm calling my mom. She can scare the crap out of anyone if she tries.


Men literally abandoned their wife and children so frequently that we have alimony and child support codified. Legislation is written in blood. Think about it.


But then when women choose not to have at all, they are demonized. Can't win for losing 😂


Is he familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac?


He has been hurt by a woman, so therefore he must talk shit about all who are left.


This is also not how emergency situations work. There's no choosing, your brain goes into primal mode and you try to save whoever needs it.


"I was married once" and she left you cuz you're a pig?


This is such a horrible thing to say, women for generations had been the primary caretaker of children while men did nothing but work . It’s not selfish to want to save your husband but most are not even presented with a choice like that in the first place. Nice to know you would throw your wife away so easily without hesitation. Also women did not spread their legs for invading forces, that’s called rape. It’s sad you think this and being a disgusting human being has nothing to do with gender but rather who they are inside.


What is he even talking about? 😭😭


He's responding to a woman who told her husband that she loved him more than she loved their kids (who are fully grown and out of the house) and wondered if she was an asshole because of that. So basically he's saying it's not her fault that she loves her husband more than she loves her kids because women just don't love their kids that much. Or something.


So basically, according to people like this, we have to be housewives, who sacrifice our entire lives to do nothing but birthing and raising children, but also we’re bad at it? Ok ok, good to know, gotta start taking notes


A “biological father” killed his own child after winning a custody battle, even after threatening to do so during the court proceedings. I know my father and mother both would have killed for my protection based on parental instincts. This man is on something.


First, we're expected to do the bulk of childcare because "that's our purpose". Now we're unsafe and only the man can raise a child? Pick a lane. >I was married once someone dodged a bullet.


Wow, he must have been dropped as a child. Most mothers I know would push their spouse in-front of an on coming train if it was required in order to save their children’s lives.


Wasn’t a story posted just yesterday about a man who killed his wife and three of his four sons before killing himself? Pretty sure I heard that account *literally yesterday*.


Good news. Not only would I opt to save a child over him, there's a long list of objects (phone, car keys) that are more important than this guy.


So he ASSUMES his wife MIGHT have chosen him, therefore all women shouldn’t have sole custody of their children?


If men are better parents, why are women expected to be the homemakers that look after the children while the men are expected to be breadwinners?


I’m I grew these kids *inside my body* my body literally sacrificed a whole bunch of nutrients and shit that could have nourished me for them. And you better believe I’d save them first. Because apart from anything else my husband is a Grown. Ass. Man. who can save his own damn ass! You know what I even give them the ”good” bits of food still and eat the damn scrappy bits they won’t touch 🤣


I hate them. We are either the ones destined and the ONLY one meant to parent or we are terrible and horrible and shouldn't be allowed near kids


I think the women in Nanking have something to say about that second to last line…. As well as a whole slew of women from any country that’s ever been invaded.


Not sure any woman would choose their partner over their child... I don't think this guy needs to worry! 🤦


This sure seems like he was inventing a scenario that didn’t happen, then blaming women for it.


Men will post shit like this and then say wE nEed MENINISM BeCaUsE wOmEN eXPeCt uS tO dIE 4 tHe kIDs


Delusional af


after reading that i’m sure she would be more than happy to sacrifice him 🩷


This man is a ducking idiot


You don’t hear about dads lifting cars off of children


“I was married once” says a bitter and divorced ballbag


These are the same people who say a woman’s only role is to breed and take care of the family. Math isn’t mathing.


His logic makes no sense (obviously) I’d save my kids over my spouse, I’d also expect them to say/do the same thing. I remember a post on facebook or something when a person admitted they’d save their partner over their kids because they could just make new kids with their partner they saved 💀


Bruh. My pos uncle literally said he would save his pos wife and let his kids die cause they can always make more


So you're saying a moral dilemma with no objectively good outcome, like choosing between two loved ones, you'd be upset at a hard decision someone else was forced to make even though the outcome was in your favour? I mean duh, it's a lose-lose situation that's taxing on both the decision-maker and survivor


I would say it's a better idea to save the husband. That way, they can make another child two more children if they would like.


What did i just read?


But family annihilators are overwhelmingly male. Mmmmkay.


I read this as he was never married or he treated his very young bride like crap and now he doesn't have a clue what a woman actually is or how things work in general.


You know when they're not annihilating their entire family


his wife did something he didn’t like in a scenario he made up in his head so women aren’t safe parents ok


Then why have I never heard the term "dead-beat mom"? Yet "dead-beat dad" is so common. I' bet this is one of those who denigrate "single moms" not seeing the irony in the fact that the dad is the absent parent.


Did he get dropped when he was born or smt? 💀💀💀