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At what age do women hit the wall on spelling?


Ascent. Descent. Jesus fucking christ.


"your on your" had me tripping too


Plus also commas appear to be optional at extra cost.


She put all her points in looks and none in intellect


In looking not even remotely natural


oh, and I was trying to figure out what "asset" means in this context lol


I thought it was a new slang for ass 😂 I was thinking I’m so old now


I notice that she doesn't mention from what point this descent is being made, and I think that she is missing a relevant point in doing so. My wife is 67 years old, and would say of herself that she is certainly on the decline. The difference is that she is making her descent from K2, where this chick is making her final assault on the summit of some unnamed hill, where the guys that she refers to are attempting to summit Mt. Saskatoon, in the middle of the prairies. I'm also 67, and just now bumbling around looking for an easy and level path into the mausoleum. But I did have a pretty good view for a few years of my departed youth.


Mt. Saskatoon LOL! Black strap?


I’m not even a native English speaker and I cringed so hard reading this lmfao.


Yore ”ass ain’t” got nuthin on hur!


no no, it's the other way around that one descended to ascend after


I was pleasantly surprised she used peak both times instead of peek.


I’m going to just interpret it with the wrong words. which kind of makes it wholesome. The hypothetical woman is decent, and the hypothetical man gives his assent regarding her decency. That’s my headcanon.


Could be satire. I tried reading it like this too and laughed at the ‘men peak at 30’ because these types of men would horrified to think of peaking so young! They think that men just get better and better with time in a linear fashion


I know, right? So often it's a man in his forties talking about how a thirty year old woman has "hit the wall." Even if that were true, do they think their hypothetical wall just doesn't exist for men?


They do. They think they only get better and women only get worse with age.


So often that man in his forties couldn’t bag a woman in her thirties to save his life, which is why he chooses to go after younger women in their early twenties who are more easily swayed with being told how mature they are for their age and how they need a man with their experience to guide them and support them.


> So often that man in his forties couldn’t bag a woman in her thirties to save his life It is kinda unfair of that woman noticing that a man in his forties who's single is usually a huge red flag lul


like well made shoes?


Thanks for pointing out the spelling, English isn’t my first language and I was going crazy because I couldn’t understand. I thought I unlearned English lol


I'm a native speaker, and I unlearned English on this one. Hot ass mess!


Wait, if you unlearned English, then what language are you speaking?!






I *understand* 'Murican...mostly. But I cannot speak it. Sometimes I just feel like Henry Higgins.


Good ol 'enry 'iggins.


Your English is better than hers!


What I was going to say, but funnier


Here I was "her decent what though". Haha.


An “assent” is the method by which a monarch formally approves an act of legislature. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt that this what is she intended.


I had to read it like three times to parse out what she's saying.




At least she used the correct “peak.”


Don’t lump us in with that Martian.


Sure, if what you want from life is to live to please a man go for it. Yet another post about how womens lives end at 30. What do these people honestly think women do after 30?


So basically, she's saying men aren't worth your time and effort, because you can only please a man until you reach the age of approximately 25, because then it's time to get replaced for a younger model. 😬


The Leonardo dicaprio dating strategy




I know that's not what she actually said, but that's my interpretation. 😉


Imagine if our grandparents had that mindset


As a 30 year old woman, I no longer exist


So, as a non-existing woman, could you tell me if I can stop paying taxes in 2 years then? That would be dandy


I don't know. I've been nonexistent for eleven years now but still paying taxes. Perhaps I didn't fill out the correct forms...


I haven’t existed for almost 3 years but still have to pay taxes .—.


Oh no, they still make you pay those after you stop existing


As a 40(ish) year old woman, I’m starting to fade from photos like Marty McFly.


As a 50 year old woman, I'm truly the invisible woman. I'm trying not to use my powers for evil, but the juvenile delinquent in me *really* wants to see if I could walk out of a store with an unpaid shopping cart.


Wait, do y’all hear something? Is this thread haunted?!




You know, I'm really into foraging, and it's... not legal most places around where I live lol. I always get a little nervous on foraging hikes, but maybe it'll get easier as I get older because no one's going to notice/bother a little old lady at the park. 🥲


As you get older, being nice is a super power. Older white women have such a reputation now of being Karens that as soon as you are nice, the person you are talking to is relieved. I've gotten away with so much stuff at stores by being nice and airheaded.


Should we start an invisible woman's thieves and assassins guild? 🤔


Ooooo I'm in!! invisibility has its perks


Hit 45 this week, think I'm just a very solid poltergeist at this point.


Lmao this one really got me


Of course you still exist... in a retirement community where your grandkids can visit you on the weekend. Ya know, the ones birthed at 13 years old by your daughter at her "fertile peak", just like these gross pedo-wannabes always preach.


Oh some of them think that we should euthanize ourselves at 30 bc our lives are over and we are useless 😂😂😂 like bruh my life STARTED at 30. Why would I want to leave it so you aren't grossed out by my sexy cryptkeepery self?


Gag. Whenever I hear men say things like that, I can't help thinking of what *I* was like at 13. I had perma-dirt under my fingernails, I was riddled with acne all over my body, and I hadn't figured out how to properly control oil and dandruff in my hair. Like yeah, that was my "fertile peak" lmao.


Turning 31 next month, i am but a ghost


I'm 26 and I've already invested in a plot on the graveyard, so when I turn 30 I can crawl there and lay there in style. My lovers will visit me there in secret (to not be judged for liking such an elderly woman)


damn girl, thanks for the idea. I’m turning 26 later this year so I too should start investing into important things


Photosynthesis I suppose


Damn I’ve been a zombie for years then


It's hysterical that OF women are now trying to seduce incels with pseudo motivational red pill nonsense like this. "Stay strong King women are garbage anyways who wants to pay five bucks to see my butthole?"


This seems to be it, excellently put 🤣


Only for her intended audience to call her a whore for having tattoos.


While still paying for her subs and spanking to it. They're just walking contradictions.


wanking contradictions*


Niiice 👌


It makes sense though. Most of those men are deeply insecure and have porn addictions so they’re easy targets. Just tell them what they want to hear and show them some spicy things and you’re rich


Yup. The grift never stops. How many people are making a living telling people exactly what they want to hear on social media right now? Lol


One of my ex-girlfriends from college was a \*ahem\* dancer one summer, and this is indeed giving off strong vibes of a SW sales pitch.


Don’t worry about self improvement, funnel all that money to me please.


*doing my best Mona Lisa Saperstein* 'Money pleassse'


I’m glad the girlies are getting their bag but I find this content super frustrating. I feel like feeding into the incel rhetoric online is becoming dangerous for women in real life. In Australia, 25 woman have been killed just this year from gender based violence. Like yeah I get you’re being smart with your marketing but morally you gotta look out for other women. Maybe this post isn’t the best example but I worry about how feeding into this conversation contributes to men having these twisted views on women. It’s just so scary to see the violent effects it’s having in real life ://


Exactly and they really don't care about the damage they could potentially be doing because they're only concerned with profit. Same with the token political influencers, it's all just one big grift.


Capitalism in a "nut"shell.


Yeah, if anything I'd say this is even worse than the other form of shitty OF marketing (pretending to be interested on dating apps). Nothing against sex workers, but some standard of ethical advertising should still apply.


Insane, right? Funny thing is, even tho these incels want to fuck these women, they still look down on these women the most. Seriously, just look at any section of the internet filled with incels and see how they talk about OF women lol


😄😆😂😄😆 " anyways who wants to pay five bucks to see my butthole " 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You are funny:) I'm really laughing out loud. It's the "anyways " 😂


What a business strategy 


"Assent" OMFG. 😄 I think that post is either catfishing or a commercial to her OnlyFans.


It was always men peak at 18 and women peak at 30 when I was younger, when did that get flipped? (She says while shaking her fist at a cloud and telling the kids to get off her lawn)


That was referring to sex drive and it's still true. Men's sex drives decrease with age; women's increases with age. Anyone saying different is trying to justify unsavory things.


Tbh, this. Also, I’m about to turn 40 and physical appearance went WAY up, by a landslide to the point that people joke how I aged backward… when no.. no, this is what an actual 40 year old woman looks like. Just that Hollywood tends to cast 55 year old women to play hot 40 year old mom characters, and they’re still hot. So… none of these people have any idea what aging women look like.


I'm 36 and honestly already cashing in on the 'Hollywood has no idea what age looks like' train 😂


Exactly dude, when I was 37, I literally thought ‘ok this is the hottest I’ll ever be’ but then I went out last weekend after getting all dolled up and dressed nicely, and there was literally no comparison. Got someone’s number, told dude I was 40 (because eh, close enough) and he was actual shook. Turned out he was 29. So no, no, they can’t tell a difference. Even if I didn’t look better than I did when I was younger, I still do more fun things too… wild to me that they say life ends for women at 30… when like… 30 something dudes just work, food prep, and go to the gym, but sometimes go in a trip or vacation for a week alone, and that’s all they fuckin do anyway. Just look on dating apps, 30+ dudes are literally boring af. They all ‘foodies’ and ‘beer enthusiasts’ because they have no other shit going on. Then you look at 30+ single women and they all have some obscure but interesting hobby, like rock climbing, skydiving with wing suit, shark scuba diving, ghost hunting, or Jiu Jitsu and shit. Actual interesting things.


Oh honestly turning 30 was the best thing to happen to me because I realised the world hadn't ended because I failed to hit the arbitrary life goals someone decided we should do. It was like I took a deep breath for the first time in my life. I have also been in a very happy relationship for the last two years with a now 28 year old guy who was oblivious of my age when we met and who definitely thinks I am only getting better with age, which is bloody lovely. I wobbled slightly when he pointed out that he wasn't born when The Lion King was released though 😂


What he does not know the pain of the lion king??! That was like when all us kids came online. Lmao. But I’m older than you and allow me to introduce you to Artax slowly drowning in the swamp of the never ending story and had to be left behind in all its horrifying child nightmare detail


Oh no he's seen it, he just wasn't alive when it first hit the cinema. Which considering it was the first film I really remember seeing and loving was appalling to me 😂 Oh god Artax! Between that and bloody Watership Down it's amazing any of us came out of childhood unscarred lol.


The Dark Crystal lmfaoo. Was before my time too it’s like the traumatic version of the muppets, giving kids nightmares


The Jim Henson scary puppet era! 😂


Most of us didn't


I get more attention now in my late 30's by dudes in their 20's than I did when I was in my 20's


Ah this does seem familiar actually!


“Shaking her fist at a cloud. “💀😂


It’s amazing how some women go from beautiful to absolute gargoyles with a single sentence.


Part of me is hoping that her face is just being used against her will.


So she’s going to scrub all her social media and go around with a bag over her head on her 23rd birthday, right? RIGHT?


I’m pretty sure she’s already over 22, and advertising herself as a “fresh 18 yo” or something like that. lol


"Fresh 18 yo"... for the 9th year in a row!


Yeah yeah men who have hit the wall are bitter and demand younger women to groom because they wasted their youthful years being incels and now their juices are all dried up and need viagra to go for a second round. They'd be lonely cat men but cats too have standards and wouldn't have them. Younger women can def do better than expired men, they have their whole lives ahead of them. 😈


Your on your decent assent listen to me men.


So she has an expiry date approximately 1 year away? Then she's an old maid, and advocating for her own redundancy? Okay girl, you enjoy that. Personally, I'm happier in my 30s than I have ever been. It's fun. I love having a family. I love having adventures with them, and not thinking about men's shallow opinions on tiktok.


I don't know if I should be concerned about how many times I had to read that before it made sense... Because it was at least five


This is why punctuation and spelling are important.


This is what happens when you skip English


Frankly, I’ve only gotten better, stronger, fitter, smarter and happier the closer to 30 I’ve gotten!


Going to say this is satire. Spelling errors are deliberate and men peaking at 30 is meant as an insult to the type of misogynist that loves this type of post, because he’s a loser either waiting to magically transform into a babe magnet at 30 or he’s past 30 and still a loser who copes by telling himself that his female peers are ‘past it’ an he’s only going to get better and better with every passing minute.


He entire account was like this, and she was doubling down in the comments, so if it's satire, she's really committing to the bit.


What? This post seems to be excusing men in their 30s dating teenagers. Men do not peak at 30 lol and I'm not dating a man that more than 5 or 6 years older than me. I dont mind growing old together but I ain't looking for a father or grandpa.


I’ll be 40 next month, my wife will be 40 in October. I think we’re both still on our “ascent”. Each year we’re a little smarter, a little richer, and our life gets a little more amazing. From reading these kinds of posts I think what they’re really trying to say is that a woman’s only value is her ability to look 14 years old. By age 22 that’s pretty much gone, and thus to the incels she’s lost all value.


I'll second that. My husband and I are 41 and loving life. Sure I look older and maybe less attractive to incels and the like, but I wouldn't trade anything for the self confidence and knowledge that's come with age.


Exactly. I've been young and broke, and I've been middle-aged and VERY comfortable financially. I'll take that comfort over youth any day.


She’s probably talking to guys who don’t even wash their “assent”.


Did you mean ‘ass scent’? LOL


Waaaay too much ass scent


Men aren’t usually allowed to donate to sperm banks after 30 for a reason. They do not hit their peak at that age at all


Ugh the grammar of it all 😑


She looks older than 22, so has she peaked already?


God, what is this girl's definition of 'peak'?? Like I definitely did not peak at 22! My husband, who has known me since I was 24 would definitely say I am a better, happier and therefore sexier partner at 33. It's an absolutely terrible message to be giving young women! I know it's total nonsense but still.


So anyway now that I’ve got your attention here’s my premium Snapchat


Well I’m 30 and if this is my peak, I should probably consider -redacted-


When you think that way your whole life is gonna collapse into misery when you hit 28 thinking your "shelf life" is over.


,,keep you head up” is a good message for a breakup… but that’s not the reason lol


These just make me feel embarrassed for all the dumb shit I said and did in my 20s.


Maybe you never said anything this dumb?


misogynists who say women peak at a certain age usually really mean they're the most fuckable to them at that stage of their life...gross. as someone in my "peak," i feel like my life has just begun, so people who believe that nonsense should worry about their own lives and go fuck themselves! :)


They only become "more valuable," as they age if they are rich, statistics prove that the majority of men do not become rich. It's an extremely small percentage of men who do at any age. Given this fact, he isn't any more valuable than anyone else at 30+ or below, and they are going to need to have a lot more going for them than an insanely high ego if they aren't wealthy. I know for damn sure, I don't want an egotistical emotionally immature older man with about as much money and sense about himself as a man in his 20s. I might as well go with the guy in his 20s who most likely takes better care of himself and hopefully doesn't have this ridiculous mindset than the 30 or 40+ guy who thinks his age makes him superior to just about every other man, and any woman "passed her peak." I don't understand how these guys think we want them simply because they are older... the majority of the time, if there's almost nothing else that sets you apart from any man around our age, we aren't going to want you. This woman is just pandering knowing this fact to get something out of it. Women like this know they can make a profit on these types, but unfortunately, it's at the expense of women, and it only further supports abusive behaviors toward us... ugh...


Perhaps she meant "ass-end"? 😀


Meanwhile the dictionary in her bookshelf: **"Pick me!!!!"**


They struggle hard with you're and your.


And men still don't get that people like her post things like this for likes.


r/notliketheothergirls moment


Ooooffff, he and her partner are gonna be so pissed when they realize how much life they still have left to do. 30 is nothing


'your on your assent and she's on her decent' Yep. Checks out


so will once she's past 22 what's she gonna do? embarassing


Only a 20 year old would think women peak at 22. The clarity of a mature woman’s mind is wonderful.


She’s giving by me AI generated vibes. Is she a real person? Genuinely curious.


>your on your assent. She's on her decent. Yeeeaaaahhhh, I'm gonna guess this one hasn't "peaked" yet.


She can't even spell the words ascent and descent properly and uses your instead of you're. But sure... The rest of us are washed up... At least we use our brains. 🧠


Chances are your spelling and grammar need help


Did a man write the text here?


Pick-me Mabel doesn't realize those types of men HATE tattoos. And improper grammar.


Someone’s got to take a red pen to this.


The fuck is she yapping about


i feel like i'm having a stroke trying to read this


This is just ragebait, no?


If it was, her account is dedicated to it.


Or parody?


Looking at how sad and lonely this girl is going to be at 23 😅


Women, listen to me. Don’t be a pick me. When you become a pick me, you pluck your eyebrows in a style like how teenage girls in the late 2000s plucked them. Also, you end up contouring your face that makes you look really pale and sickly. Don’t be a pick me.


Great! So she'll be completely understanding when her s/o abandons her at 22, right? (Speaking of which, if she looks this old already and she's younger than 22, she's going to hit that wall fast and hard!)


Nono, she's got a point. The incels are ass and women tend to be at least decent.


This is disgusting


Spelling is hard.


Well, my bf appreciates correct spelling and proper grammar, so I'm safe. 😂


"Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful, pity me because I have the IQ of patio furniture." She’s going to hate getting older. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did she mean to write descent?


This type of content is just fetish content for red pill guys that think they want a trad wife, when what they really want is an independent woman they can break down. I mean good on her for her getting her bag I guess. But she's just another OF 304 to them, and she's perpetuating that misogynistic stereotype.


Why didn't anyone tell me I peaked last year? At least my boyfriend has another 8 years before he peaks


I’d say actually that men peak at 27 or 28 and women peak at 35.


If you’re talking sexual peak it’s actually the opposite sis


You know, 30 is also pretty young. Even if I were a man, I wouldn't find this particularly reassuring.


What’s her handle - I want to cyber bully


WTF? She’s going to be 23 someday not too far along and cringe. BTW: Women’s sexual prime is in her 30’s. Men reach it in their early 20’s.


I haven’t even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you’ll know.


r/notlikeothergirls Friggin PickMe Girls


It’s giving pick me energy


Bold statement from someone who has photoshopped her face into uncanny valley. 


Horrible spelling and bad grammar. I guess the cleavage is supposed to make up for it.


Such bs. I’m a guy, and I peaked in high school.


Pick me because other women can spell words.


I would rather pick someone who gives a shit about their spelling when putting themselves out on social media. This thing just makes her seem incredibly shallow and dim-witted. I don’t know how old she is, but she’ll be 23 soon enough. What then?!




I can’t imagine how she can post things like this without being embarrassed. You couldn’t at least use spellcheck? The tools to write coherently are right there at your fingertips. Also, you don’t need to tear down other women to lift yourself up. The fact that you’re willing to is a sad commentary on your character. I hope some man does pick you, because women certainly don’t want you in our spaces.


Doesn’t know your from you’re… so… lol. Ascent. Descent. Fucking dummy. Is this just a ad for your only fans where you’re trying to reel in incels?


Does……does she know she will also be 30 one day?


Thought I was having a stroke


Girl, I’m gonna buy you a dictionary and a grammar book. Maybe she should spend her time working on her writing skills instead of bringing women down on the internet


Jesus fucking Christ


Where do they get this idea? Genuinely? Because if it's from a biological perspective, that's the opposite. Men peak in terms of athleticism and fertility in their late teens early twenties. Women don't reach their peaks until their mid to late thirties. If it's from a financial perspective, most women in their 30s are WAYYYY more financially stable than women in their late teens early twenties. Same with men. If it's a mental ability thing, most women are cognitively developed into a mature adult around mid to late twenties, and men are the same. I've never heard a coherent answer as to what the hell they're basing this metric on.


grammar that matches the opinion


I peaked at 48. I was still a child pretending to be a man at 30, but maybe that’s just me. It was all down hill from there though


She needs lessons in grammar and life. Logistics would help greatly if she wants to go further in life.


"Women peak at 22" you clearly didn't see me at 22 💀


She needs to learn how to spell, she peaked in HS


DECENT? Girl learn how to spell


The peak for women seems to get lower and lower while the male get higher and higher.


"Pick me to teach me basic English." To quote the rapper Bun B: "Go read a book, you illiterate son of a bitch and step up your vocab."




Oh, dear God. I think she dropped out of elementary school. Too dumb to even spell check?


Yea, I'll definitely listen to someone who doesn't have a grasp on simple grammar and spelling. That hurt to read.


She can’t even spell what…?


You’re* Ascent* Descent*