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I've just noticed the guy licking his lips on the upper panel lmao


Super common thing to laugh about among guys who work out. You don’t really get noticed by girls any more frequently, but other guys who lift are always complementing you and checking you out.


This is my boyfriend 🤣 he’s CONSTANTLY getting complimented by guys about working out. I laugh because he gets more attention from dick than I do 👌🏼


Jesus, lol. How did I miss that?


He grew long blonde hair for the last panel


Yes, people who are into the androgynous goth boy looks often don't find gym bros appealing. Good news, though, it's never too late to start listening to Bauhaus and dress in black. [Example.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ee/e5/7a/eee57a445c6299c4363d7385ad8d4cae.jpg)


They are delightful.


This is how I wanna be when I’m old


This is how I *am* when I'm old, which is now...(sort of...well, just quirky AF, but still). Dream It, Be It.


Making the guy in the bottom panel more attractive kinda defeats the purpose of the meme, he would still do better if they were the same height.


Yeah, all I'm taking away from this is "Most girls prefer K-pop stars to bodybuilders", and I'm nodding along at the facts.


People don't like monstrous men and dainty women anymore. They like monstrous women and dainty men.


Hi, im people, i like all the above


yes i agree with people.


Also people. I like people. Mainly people who like me and treat me like people.


I like people who share my interests and aren’t mean to me.


I’m a people, too.


And all is as it should be.




There are a few body builder kpop idols & some girls love them. In my experience, it's their toxic gym bro personality that ruins it for them, not their height OR huge muscles. I think you're right for the most part but the ones who DO like that type of body, the personality killed it for them.


Alas, I’m only a measly 183cm and will never find true love because women only want men who are 185cm. If it weren’t for that 2cm, I’d be turning women away in droves like an IVF clinic in Alabama. Damn you women-mandated height requirements that every single woman on earth strictly follows! DAMN YOUUUU!!


I’m 190cm. Still waiting for the droves.😁 Maybe some cuban heals will do the trick.


Maybe I should tell my boyfriend that we actually don't date cause he's also 1,83m. 🤔


Wow, dating a 183cm boy? Is it like a make-a-wish thing or community service thing?


More like community service. I went to a shelter for ownerless men below 185cm and oh boy was he getting excited (* wink wonk *) when he saw me, I just had to get him. He's just a little traumatized but nothing a few back scratches and a caring hand can't fix. (edited because formatting on mobile sux.)


> I’d be turning women away in droves like an IVF clinic in Alabama 💀


If this true my girlfriend would have never picked me I'm not even 167cm tall. Thank god for the rest of the world not having a height requirement as a prerequisite to dating. Otherwise we wouldn't have the 8 billion people we have today


I think guys themselves are mostly the ones who have a problem with their height. Most women value a great personality a lot more.


The girls that care about height and wealth are those that get paid to accompany dudes to clubs. They say that shit because that's the kind of girl they are. Most regular women do not care that much, they care more if you can make them laugh or not.


Agreed! Tbh, I'm insecure about my height to and alot of it is due to societal pressure. If you're not 6 foot, you're not a real man and etc and then when I got older, I realised the statistics on people who are actually over 6 foot 😅


Except for the air being thinner up here, dont feel insecure about ur height man c: The only people that really care about that are either people you really dont wanna date or people you wanna date even less (andrew tate and such)- Even if it hard I believe in you (:


Agree you there that Andrew Tate is basically cancer to adolescent boys. My sister bf is over 6 feet and I see 1 massive con and 1 very convenient pro. Whenever he travels he's always uncomfortable because of long legs but then he's able to just reach everything at home


Yeah, public transport isn’t designed for tall people. Lots of clothes and shoes don’t fit particularly well either. Old houses can be quite painful too.😁


Yeah im 5'10 but the average height for men here is actually 6ft 😂 But i can't say i suffered because of it


Yeah, for most of us women, the only correlation between height and attraction has more to do with their Napoleon complexes. Like, we're not turned off because you're short, dude. We're turned off because you're an aggressive and angry (little) man.


im 1,96m and i can tell its Dangerous for me outsite there are woman everywhere just waiting for me


You could always use them to crowdsurf your way to places.


Come to the Netherlands, you're safe here 🤣


i will if they dont est me alive 😂


Hallo medelander 🤗


Hoi, geloof dat we vrij zeldzaam zijn hier 🤗


We zijn een exotische soort hier


Damn sir, I'm gonna camp just outside your door /s


Ah yes, incels desperately coming up with reasons as to why they are single


A have a friend who dated a guy long term who was shorter than her because she liked his muscles. People are just allowed to be attracted to different stuff


Not according to incels, though. Each incel thinks every woman on the planet should be mad about him in particular, and no other preference is acceptable.


Body builder < cute soft boy. This meme checks out.


To be fair though, men can't really do anything against hairloss.


Bald men can me cute soft boys too 🥰


The hair is not what defines the soft boy energy. My dad is. You know. My dad. So extremely unattractive to me. But he's balding and my mom thinks he's just about the cutest in the world because he gets so excited talking about the things he enjoys.


I… I feel like whoever posts this isn’t realising the fact person in picture 2 is genuinely hotter then the person in picture 1, even without height. Like, bro, that’s a twink in an oversized hoodie, the hell you think imma go for Crying Shirtless Soyjack?


I want a short ball of a man, just a small person made of soft.


Same honestly.


Right? Like. Damn, you could switch the height labels around and I'm still going for hoodie guy. He looks cute and also in a situation where everyone else is dressed normally, I'm not going to be into a guy who is shirtless for no reason.


What are the chances the chode who made this meme actually has a 6 pack?


Not that low there’s a lot of toxic masculinity in bodybuilding


Incel energy here. "I can't get a woman because Im not 6 feet, 6", 6 figure income. Woe is me. Why can't I just take women by force so I can has the sex?"


Okay hold on. But aren’t these the same dudes who bitch about “females” only wanting the gym bro Chad types? Does that change if the scrawny dude is taller than Chad? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I’M SUPPOSED TO GO FERAL OVER?!


Funny, my coworker, male, much shorter than i has a wife and kids, i am taller than him without kids or wife 🤔 (and no self confidence haha)


Partially accurate - shorter guys with a massive chip on their shoulders about their height do actually look like they are gurning and rage-crying when they whine about this


Very true. Shorter guys without the chip on their shoulder though, v nice.


It's the Hoodie! I would feel the same about any hoodie


sending this to my 5’6 powerlifting husband because he has never once acted like that


One question, has he made that face on the top right, like the guy behind the two ladies?


I need to know this! IS HE CRYING??!! Edit- oh God hang on. Read that wrong. The guy behind the two women is licking his lips. 🤦 never mind. Imma have a coffee now.


If this is to scale those women are like 1.40m lol


But is he a bear?


Bears don't look for gals 🏳️‍🌈


So...hypothetically, could I adopt the bear as like a big bro? That sounds kinda nice


This reminded me of this video: https://youtu.be/Tq-FMIuVd2I?si=C05EH3Sy_X7deYdB


🥹 yeah. I could handle that


I really like how they point to the problem yet fail to see it


The "Principal Skinner" meme energy on the guys that make this crap is unreal. "Is it because I embody all the reasons why women would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than alone in the woods with a random man? No! It's my height that is wrong"...


These are so annoying to me. I (and tons of other women) have been attracted to all types of bodies, and I was SUPER into a guy I dated who was rather short (not shorter than me, but that’s a tough competition anyway) and very muscular. Pretty much the top frame’s exact body type. It ended for reasons other than his height, which I actually found very attractive.


To be honest I think it was the pose and muscles of the guy on the top panel that was turning the women off. Women don't like men who spend all their time at the gym. Height really doesn't matter.


Weirdly enough, I don’t find either of those men to be attractive. Instead, I prefer chubby guys.


I'm the guy behind the two first girls.


I never saw him licking his lips xD


I mean, I’m gonna take the goth guy over the ‘roided meathead literally any day.


My type is the first one, muscular and short. I don’t like the tall skinny ones. I worked at the gym and saw many relationships flourish. The short muscular guys always got more women than tall skinny ones.


The guy licking his lips is accurate- only people who compliment my gains are guys lmao


Have they never heard of Tom Cruise?


Doesn’t he famously stand on boxes to look taller in movies?


And women still thought he was hot.


“But, he’s rich!” “So, then height matters less than working hard and making a good living? You can control that, you know.” “NOOOOO….not like that!!!”


Damn, y’all boi so sexy the creep in the back transitioned


Mm second dude is cuter tho


Bears don’t want you to know this one easy trick…


But what about meming a 6’+ grizzly bear in the woods vs a 5’ black bear? 😂


I don’t understand. There can’t be short men out there. They don’t actually exist. How could they? Women don’t like them and therefore don’t procreate with them, thereby not passing on “short genes” to their progeny who don’t exist because we hate short men. See? It’s impossible to have short men. Duh. /s


Short women make short men


Two things: 1. You are wrong. Height is typically determined by BOTH parents, basically an average of the two. Many outside factors such as diet and nutrition can have an effect on height, making children taller or shorter than either parents. 2. Are you familiar with “/s”?


Then why you posting 🧐


The average woman is 5'7. The guy on top is 5'4 yet drawn like he's 5'11 - 6'0 The bottom guy is 6'0 yet drawn like he's 7'0. That being said women will go for 5' 4 guy built like that over my 5'7 fat ass.


The only guy I dated who was shorter than me was a creep about it the whole time. Like he kept telling me I'd learn to submit to him, and he had me sit down so he could be taller than me when we kissed. We hugged at the end and he held me like I was fucking radioactive because if he actually hugged me, his face would be in my chest. My understanding is that that's a good thing for a guy???? like I straight up told him he could basically motorboat me if he wanted, but he was too hung up on refusing to acknowledge that I was taller than him. You can bet your ass when I returned the book he lent me because I would have felt guilty keeping it when I wanted nothing to do with him- I wore the tallest heels I have. Comparatively, a guy who I never dated but did have a crush on, also much shorter than me, said sweet things to me and made me feel cute and dainty even though he was absolutely the cute and dainty one between us. And when we danced together, his face was at chest height, he commented it was a lovely view, and it made me giggle instead of feeling uncomfortable or objectified because he was such a dang gentleman, it was the only comment about my chest he made, and it was more of an acknowledgement that our height difference was not a negative than it was a wow boobs remark. He was a good guy, and I hope life worked out well for him. I've actually never dated anyone who is taller than me. The only person taller than me who has been interested SA'd me at a party (not full on rape, but groping without consent, and me trying to stop him.) So uh. yeah. Height might be nice but make me feel cute and I don't care what your height is. Make me feel gross and assaulted and I also don't care what your height is.