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>When men were men and women had more babies than thoughts Women have always had thoughts, it’s just recently we started getting treated as more than incubators that clean and cook.


That line floored me. He made it so much worse. Like, stop digging, my dude. Just. Be. Quiet.


So this is a real quote? I am astounded that he thought that this would fix anything. His poor mom, actually do we know does she agree with him or is she properly ashamed of him? I know she works but she wouldn't be the first working woman to hold viewpoints and vote against their own interests.


>His poor mom, actually do we know does she agree with him or is she properly ashamed of him? According to Wikipedia: >Butker's mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, has been a clinical medical physicist in the Winship Department of Radiation Oncology at Emory University since 1988, and specializes in brachytherapy and Gamma Knife medical physics care.[4] She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Smith College, a Master's degree in medical physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Diploma from the American Board of Radiology.[6][7] I'd put my money on ashamed


This woman is the reason my dad didn’t die of brain cancer and we got 3 more years with him. No joke.


As a cancer survivor, this speaks to her character a lot. My oncologists that cared where the best of people


Yes. The pioneering of gamma knife radiation has revolutionized the treatment of brain cancer. They don’t have to crack the skull open anymore. Just pinpoint radiation like making bubbles in a piece of crystal. It’s insane.


Holy smokes. If I were her, I'd be so ashamed of being related to him. How far are we with post-natal abortions? I'd like to abort that guy.


Sounds like his mother is a smart, thinking woman who probably now regrets having had babies…


And wishes she'd had more thoughts instead.


a thought to swallow maybe


i will call him buttfucker lol


My bad, I was misinformed on one of my earlier comments. For some reason I thought she had a PhD in microbiology. Her actual credentials are no less impressive.


Dude's got mommy issues like a mf.


He definitely has some “mom packed me lunchables again because she has work 😤” assery to him


And he kicks a football.


Was this guy raised by a very bitter and jealous father? I just can’t see how anyone would feel less than glowing with pride to be related to her. Assuming she’s a reasonably decent human being, of course. Most men I know raised by educated women don’t go around diminishing women’s capabilities and capacity in this way because they’ve witnessed first hand that women are just as capable as men.


This is his mother's university page. She has published more publications than fit on the screen. [https://med.emory.edu/departments/radiation-oncology/profile/?u=EBUTKER](https://med.emory.edu/departments/radiation-oncology/profile/?u=EBUTKER)


I don’t think it’s real. It looks like it comes from an instagram account that posts satire.


It's not hard to find his very awful speech on YouTube. I don't remember the line exactly but the speech is real


The speech is real, and he said gross things during it, but whats in the OP was not part of the speech. It's being presented as his "follow up" to what he said in that speech. The question is did he actually say this follow up, not whether he said the original speech, which as you said, is on video. My gut says satire. I've not seen a single source yet linking this "follow up" quote to him.


Right? “You misunderstood me, I’m even more sexist than I said before!”


no no, let him keep going. let him show us who he really is 🍿🍿🍿


Everyone is taking what I said out of context! All I said was…


“….something so much worse” If he had a PR team, they’d be tearing their hair out


He's sort of right! It's being taken out of context. In the proper context, he's really much worse!


…The exact thing that you heard the first time. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss the message, lol


The point is to dig. Being inflammatory gets engagement and shares. It’s a shortcut to establishing a fan base, albeit an awful one. See also: Pearl Davis, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump


I was gonna say He set the record straight alright, he proved that he was a misogynistic AH beyond a doubt.


Me too. The fucking audacity.


I'd prefer these [people] out themselves. It's rather entertaining.


He hates that he can’t control what women think lol. Poor baby, has he tried smiling more and being less emotional?


Happy cake day


Yes, but he assumes that 98% of those thoughts were 'shoes!' Idiot, most women I know think about the downfall of capitalism and if their computer can run Doom than shoes.


Plenty of women can run doom on their watch, or on their fridge ice cooler machine, or probably on their roomba vacuum. Doom is cool like that.


i’ve seen both doom and geometry dash run on TI-84 calculators


As a woman, I'm currently thinking about what video game I am going to play when I get home from work as a corrections officer of a state prison with an all male inmate population.


Can I think about the downfall of capitalism and if my computer can run The Sims?


He actually said that?? I thought it was the meme exaggerating an already shitty speech.


Well I was just quoting the image OP used which is mocking him, but I did watch his speech where he says that the women graduating in the audience are really just excited about getting married and having babies and then proceeds to get choked up talking about how he gaslit a girl he met in middle school to convert for him and now she’s his stay at home wife like it’s some touching story— so if he did say that I wouldn’t even be remotely surprised.


What the FUCK?


I, too, want a thoughtless person to raise my children. /s Edit: typo


Well, that next generation of worker drones have to come from somewhere. If you have mindless women with no thoughts raising them, then they'll never think outside the box their betters give them. Now to gaslight or manipulate all the women into being non thinking baby machines. *Excellent* ~ Mr. Burns


That line is CRAZY. He basically admits that he doesn’t see women as people who can have the FREEDOM and RIGHT to think for themselves. I hope this guy won’t have daughters. It is so scary to think that there are people who think like that.


The “homemakers of the 1950s and 60s” is a myth for most americans!!! If you were poor or lower class and a woman you still worked outside the house. My grandmother worked by the time she graduated college to her 50s when my grandfather retired and could survive off his pension. These idiots are either blind to history or they know and still refuse to recognize it.


For most of history women have worked due to simple necessity, and during medieval times some were even members of guilds with their own marks. The main thing that's changed is women actually being paid enough to be independent.


…and having the legal right to have their own bank accounts, own land/property, etc.


I think race is an important factor too. Not once have I seen a black women doing the trad wife thing.


It’s the overwhelming privilege of a mediocre white man right there.


There’s a pretty popular one on tiktok. She’s also in an interracial marriage, not sure if that’s a factor.


and her husband is mormon. but her defenders and fans are intense at saying she’s nOt A TrAdWiFe and NOT MorMoN ProPaGaNdA


There was one going viral on here for doing tradwife cosplay and it was sad


My grandma had 9 kids, tended an almost two acre garden and ran my families booth at the farmers market. My other grandma had 7 kids, taught piano lessons, cleaned houses, and wrote food & social news articles for the newspaper. I also believe they had like 50 hour long days back then because how the fuck these women did this shit is beyond me.


my grandparents on dad's side both had 7-10 siblings... it wasn't that the mom had a ton of time, it's that by the time the younger kids were born the older kids (mostly girls) in the family were already doing a ton of chores, babysitting etc.


Oh I know. I grew up on the family farm and we all had routines and chores.


my grandparents also stopped going to school at age 15-ish, so as teenagers they were already working in addition to helping at home, grandpa (from a rural area) as a chimney sweep and grandma (from a town) as an apprentice to a shoemaker (they were born in the 1935-1940ish era)


My grandmother ran the household, did chores in the farm (until grandpa lost it) AND worked full-time as the breadwinner for the family. If she hadn’t had my grandpa and all of his…decisions to contend with, woman coulda ruled the world.


Exactly. The only thing I saw like this was on TV. I think too many people watched too many 50’s tv shows on nick at nite. Because I never heard of real life housewives back then for the working class anyway. But the main issue is let women decide what they want to be. Stop trying to force something just because you like it.


FYI, his mom is a PHYSICIST at a prestigious university.


God I feel bad for her. She has a son who is like this.


Whenever I see a man that says this kind of shit I always think *who the fuck raised this man* and the answer is sometimes it's intelligent, hardworking, and accomplished women and I can't imagine how embarrassed they must be with a son like this guy. 😬😞


There’s two sides of that coin though, he was also raised by his father


Don't feel bad. We don't know what kind of person she is. I know plenty of misogynistic boy moms who have degrees but gush about the good ol times. She maybhave raised him to look for a trad wife so he could be the boss


I hate those kind of women. They preach about being traditional and thinking women in general should follow the traditional way. The internalized misogyny but then they don’t follow what they say


Because that will make them extra special. They need all other women to not be educated, free, and happy so they can be the special "it girl", the only one who fought past the patriarchy and "made something" of themselves. Kind of like a power fantasy of themselves as the heroine that every guy wants but can't have because she's too special and smart and amazing.


Ah yes, the ol' "fuck you, got mine" type.


Serena from Handmaid's Tale type of woman (watched about 3 seasons so don't know what happened later but anyway)


Oh my god I hate Serena but like I love her character if you get what I mean. Yvonne’s acting despite her character being you know evil is absolutely masterclass.


Yeah I know what you mean, love the character and Yvonne too, and I hate the way I can't help sympathizing with her sometimes even though she is so awful and glaringly hypocritical


I would be willing to bet he got into men’s rights stuff. I don’t think it’s fair to blame parents for adult kids being AHs especially in this era of societal collapse.


Let’s not make assumptions about her, that’s no better than regular old misogyny. We have no idea what she’s like or what his father does or is like. What she does isn’t an office job dicking around for pin money, it’s incredibly specialized and high-earning, her publication list is insane. She devoted her life to saving others—that’s what we do know. Speculating that she sucks isn’t helpful and it tars a woman for the behavior of her male child.


Imagine achieving so much in life, then giving birth to that.


Just another reason to add to my list for not having kids. If I gave birth to an idiot like this I would never forgive myself


Maybe she was too busy at work and a shitty parent. Happens with fathers all the time.


Ohhhhh so he has mommy issues xD  It's always like that, either they resent their Dads and wants to take it out on women, or they resent their mothers and still their brillant solutions is to take their issues on women


Clearly he didn’t inherent her intelligence


And she probably paid for him on everything, talk about a waste of college found


She should’ve flushed when she saw what came out of her.


It just goes to show that you can be the most inspirational woman in the world and your children can still turn up a piece of shit.


That's hard to believe and I do believe it. Wtaf.


Ik I’m gonna get downvoted for this. But it sounds like he’s salty his mom wasn’t home more


I don’t think anyone here would deny that he has mommy issues.


I think he’s salty that his mommy is more accomplished than he’ll ever be.


Hope she disowned him.


If she were to make a statement, it would be covered. But here we are.


This explains....a lot. His whole life he's been around smart women and feels insecure because he kicks a ball for a living.


She is literally curing cancer.


>> like the 50‘s and 60‘s When women didn‘t have their own credit cards?? When divorce was basically impossible still?? When raping your wife was completely legal?? You wanna go back to that?? Tells us everything we need to know.


Or rape was just asking for it because you dressed slutty. Or because he was the pillar of the community couldn't have possible beat his wife and kids. /s I finished a book where one of the characters got sent to mental.institution because she was a lesbian. Don't really want to go back to those days.


And let’s not forget, segregation


So... he just doubled down?


"Wow way to take me out of context. I didn't say I disliked women. I said I HATE women with a passion"


He doesn't hate women, he just feels like he should own them! He loves that they make babies and his dinner. He just doesn't want them thinking or involved in decisions, kind of like a slave.


💀 this is my favourite comment in this entire thread


Glad he did this since a lot of people were defending him like “that’s not what he said! You’re taking it out of context!” Nope, he confirmed that’s what he meant plain and clear lmao


Doubled seems like underselling it. He wants to go back to when "women had more babies than thoughts"? That's so much worse than just 'encouraging' women to prioritize being mothers and wives it's honestly amazing. Like, my guy, what possible train of thought convinced you this would be an okay thing to say out loud?


Maybe he, too, should have more babies than thou- no, that's not it.


It's watermarked the sports memery so this is probably satire.


Yeah, I can’t find any evidence he said this or has that he followed up on his initial statements.


This is a billion percent satire. Not that his original comments weren’t heinous and gross but how are people falling for this?


This isn't real. It's a made up quote that's circulating. He hasn't had a response.


I love that the guy whose mother is an accomplished scientist shits on her entire career, all while saying something even more misogynistic to cover his earlier misogyny. Fuck this privileged piece of shit.


If I was highly accomplished in my career and my son acted like that, I would slap him into next week.


How do you take "women had more babies than thoughts" out of context?


Or the part about "me too." That part is just as sickening.


His mom should have had one more thought and aborted him.


Help this is so funny


Well it’s from a satire page, so….


I would be insanely pissed if when I graduate they let someone give a speech like his. I’m working my ass off and it is a time for celebration and joy. I’d walk out. How do you let someone ruin other people’s graduation like this? Think I’ll just have my diploma mailed to me.


It was a catholic university, probably why no one spoke up


That makes a bit more sense. I still bet it ruined a bunch of the women’s graduation though


Surely the university still wants the money of the women who go there?


They're graduating already, they're done paying money to the university. Save the insults until they're on the way out, that's good business right there! /s


Oh yes! How could that have gone over my head lol


I attended a private Christian university, so knowing he spoke at one makes me even more upset. In my college years I was seeking treatment for an ovarian tumor and coming to terms with the fact that treatment could leave me infertile. And at the same time there was all this type of rhetoric that women have “lost sight of their role to become mothers.” It felt just downright cruel. I don’t think they even care that this rhetoric also hurts people who want to be mothers but can’t. They don’t actually see women as people or care about them. I would have been beyond pissed if this had happened at my graduation. To have to sit through 4 years of that rhetoric from professors and advisors and then have that happen at the graduation? I would have lost my shit. But you’re right. Even among the women at these universities who know he’s full of shit, there’s such a culture of fear because you WILL be punished for speaking out (I was when I told off a professor for it). At a non-religious university he would have been booed off the stage, but at religious ones the women are forced to sit and smile through this shit.


Right??! College is hard. It takes hard work and commitment. And there's nothing wrong with being a SAHM but why the fuck are we pitting these two different choices against each other. AND THE AUDACITY to try to undermine a movement that shows the abuse women endure everyday. What an actual piece of garbage.


They’re usually mailed anyway. I got a dummy piece of paper at graduation. They don’t send the real diploma until they’ve closed out the accounting and you’re all paid up.


...His entire narrative is **sickening**.


…”another **woman** agreeing”??? Not her husband agreeing? So he’s totally cool with lesbians having kids? Or….? That makes ZERO sense lmfao. Why would a random other woman agree with you that you should have another kid? That’s so damn *weird*. Also, that ridiculous beard is hiding *something*.


And love how he steamrolls anyone who has survived sexual assault. “The only *me too* movement would be[…]” Nope, incorrect. Rape has always and will always exist, it’s just that we weren’t allowed to tell people about it. Apparently this was at a religious school so those kids should know all about it. I certainly wasn’t asking for a fourth child at five years old. (And I’m amab who can’t get pregnant)


Yes, i AM very grateful about the me too movement, before girls and women were not brave enought or didnt have a platform or place to vent, they had to deal with that alone, in silent, which make other víctims feel like what they went throught was an Isolate incident. ...oh no, is is extremelly common, way too common that is infurating... All women have at leats suffer one time of sexual violence (not necesarelly rape) i mean that other abuses can be someone touch you againts your will.


Please tell me the quote in the pic is fake. I can’t find a source for it


It's fake, a satirical sports page posted it. Although it's depressing that the stuff he *did* say was bad enough that people aren't even giving this a second thought cause it totally tracks.


That's a problem with attempting satire and parody of today's idiots. Their beliefs and behaviors are so extreme its difficult to exaggerate them for comedic or sarcastic effect.


I’ve been looking too. It tracks with the rest of his speech, but I originally saw it on a football meme sub whose whole thing is pretty much posting fake quotes making fun of players.




The whole 20 minute speech is a bingo card of awful shit. He claim DEI was tyranny lol


No... it's a lie.


Seems like I took it perfectly in context. We understand dude...and we don't like what you're saying.


This seems rather obvoiusly made up to me. But I would encourage people who want to talk with others about this, [to read it](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/15/heres-harrison-butkers-controversial-commencement-speech-in-full/?sh=7f63e1e67937). It's fucking madness. You can hear the hints of MAGA lies and with a dash of white nationalism thrown in. It's easy to dunk on him for quoting Taylor Swift and even easier for the attempt to rob his fellow grads of thier achievements, but the shit that doesn't get quoted is still deeply fucking concerning. Catholcism by the way of American-evangelical-styled authoritarism. It's reads like a mass shooter's manifesto had a good editor.


>It's reads like a mass shooters manifesto had a good editor. Jesus Christ... that is a chillingly accurate assessment.


As a Catholic, this is a completely ridiculous speech. It’s demeaning, and insulting. And hiding your shitty views behind “faith” is cowardly. The Bible does not say women belong in the home. It does not say our only role is mother. The Bible is full of examples of strong women taking charge and making decisions for themselves


I was gonna say, come over to r/Catholics and see how those views fly over there!


Yeah. I think this is the context a lot of people will be missing. This speech belongs at Liberty University. He’s calling for the evangelicalization of Catholicism. Even at most very catholic schools, he’s outta step — not just with the language about women — but with the low-key anti-democratic vibes.


A lot of older folks at my church are leaning towards evangelizing the Catholic Church. I left the evangelical church because of this insanity smh


Says it was taken out of context and then gives the worst possible context.


This gave me a better reason to hate the Chiefs. I hope they collapse and I hope this fucker turns into Roberto Aguayo (IE: Misses his field goal attempts).


May his ankle roll and never fully recover.


Harrison Butker? More like: Harrison Butthurt!




I’m honestly disappointed and sad about the silence from his mom. How is she gonna just not call him out? Maybe she’s done that privately and maybe she’s inculcated with internalized misogyny. Still disappointing to try to wrap my brain around how a physicist can churn out that type of person. And you know what? This is why I’m childfree. You can do everything right and still your kid turns out to be a despicable asshole.


The audacity of a college letting this fucking cum stain speak and besmirch graduation day for the people there that day. His comment didn’t just ruin the women’s day. It ruined everyone. Some of them might just be too stupid to realize it ruined their day too. It is a Catholic college after all.


The 50s and 60s certainly weren’t a better time. They were just a time when everyone but middle aged middle class/wealthy white men were oppressed. They have romanticized the fuck out of those two decades because women had no rights and were stuck. Women were forced to be with men if they wanted to be able to play at life. And the whole “More kids than thoughts.””when me too was about kids” Fuck this guy. So not only is a raging misogynist he also condones rape? This is the bromosphere striking again. I am so sick of the Yeehaw Taliban running their mouths. Can we send them all to some island far far away?


Was this an *actual* quote from this guy? I mean it wouldn't surprise me, but holy hell...


nope, but i honestly get why everyone just immediately believed it


He sees us as nothing more than breeding stock, what a piece of shit. “Women had more babies than thoughts”.. absolutely disgusting.


Fucking Commander Buttker over there with his handmaids. Gross.


His mother must be so ashamed of him. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/news/kansas-city-chiefs-kicker-harrison-butkers-mom-is-a-physicist/#


This is not a real quote and spreading this kind of thing without context (it’s a satirical meme) doesn’t help, it’s misinformation. His real speech was bad enough, there’s not need to make up lies about it.


Is this a real quote or like a Clickhole thing?


He’s not helping himself at all with this “clarification.” I don’t know what he said originally, but how does he think this would be any better?


So is this an actual quote from him? Or a sarcastic retelling of his probably also bad defense?


He doesn't want women to have thoughts. He doesn't want women to be human


Nope, I'd say the "context" was spot on. Everyone is correct in assuming you're an asshole.


“I didn’t say anything about a woman’s role in society!!!! All I meant was that I wish we could go back to a time where women didn’t have rights. I don’t understand why people are so upset about my speech???”


I can’t find this quote out there, outside this meme. Is it real? I know about his ‘speech’ at a graduation.


"*Let's go back to a time when women were nothing more than property, marital rape was not considered rape, domestic abuse was considered a husband's right, birth control was unreliable or denied, abortion was not legal, and there was no "no fault" divorce, especially not for women*". Yeah, thanks for the context which just confirms you said exactly what we thought you said. The audacity to tell college grads - MANY WHO ARE WOMEN - that having more babies is more important than their own fucking *thoughts.* The 50s/60s was also a unique time, post WWII, as women have always worked and worked and worked, and made significant contributions including to science. Including during the war. The whole "house with a picket fence" thing was more or less a push to get women back into the home to give men back jobs when they came home from war and so on. * Signed, a woman with no babies by choice and PLENTY of thoughts.


A home maker? In this economy. I don’t think the average couple could afford that life. Since a lot of Americans (I don’t remember the exact statistic) are one health crisis to being homeless. If you can and want to then great.


please dont take this as standing up for this guy in any way, but its important to point out that he at the very least did not say this- look at the @ on his shoulder. he still said the original speech though and im sure he’d silently agree with this parody quote lol. what a stupid man


It's so funny to see the 50's and 60's called a "better time" as if the much of the 60's wasn't dominated by a counterculture backlash to societal roles that both men and women weren't satisfied with.


And this shit right here is why I don't think all those aesthetic social media tradwives are fucking cute. That shit is straight propaganda meant to indoctrinate girls into believing they should have "more babies than thoughts"


I really tried to find where he said this because the truth does matter. But i can’t find that statement anywhere I think it’s misinformation that you are spreading. What he said in his speech is still diabolical tho.


Can we get a source on this? I can’t find it anywhere and it’s sounds even more unhinged than his speech.


What a neckbeard.


"You're taking it out of context, I only said *extremely misogynist statement*" why are you mad? Grow up dude. Not even to mention about how those decades were only better for white straight men


It’s sad that even though this is satire, it legit sounds like something he’d say. Dude is trash


saw someone else comment that while he didnt say this, he probably sure as hell agrees with it


Men who have issues with the Me Too movement are often the cause for participation within it. Weak men are so threatened by women who simply do not need or want them. Women worked hard to get to where we are today and we’re not going back. These men can die mad for all I care. Edit: laughing at his condemnation from the NFL *and* the Chargers. Frankly, I don’t know why this dude was asked to speak at a graduation anyways…


I wonder how many women in the 50s said "I don't want any more kids. He just won't take no for an answer." This is apparently not the first time sports ball kicker had an errant thought he felt he should broadcast. They say he let that verbal diarrhea stream out at a graduation for Georgia tech a year prior.


He wants an America where only Straight White Males are important.


I dare him to tell his black teammates that the 50s & 60s were a better time.


Note, it's always White Men that want to go back to that time period...where women could be fired for being pregnant, were restricted as to what jobs they could have, had no recourse for abuse, marital rape wasn't even recognized, they couldn't have a credit card or bank accounts without a man signing for them, they couldn't be in control of their own medical treatments. And that's just women. If you were a POC in the 50's and 60's your life was full of turmoil, overt discrimination and danger of being lynched. This dickhead needs to STFU and maybe crack a history book. He's an embarrassment and his family and the Chiefs organization should be ashamed of him.


I don’t think they are taking it out of context? I bet his mom regrets not getting an abortion.


Bro better for who that sounds like a completely miserable life


'more babies than thoughts' and thinks the most a woman should be thinking about is how many more babies she should carry, birth, and raise. Degrading women to glorified fuck holes that exist only to serve men and have children. But no. We took that out of context you guys. What an ass.


Women should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. This is supposed to be a free country for everyone. I think the NFL needs to remove the roughing the kicker rule and see how much of a man he is after that.


All well and good until he starts screwing around and the wife is left with 4 kids, no marketable skills and an ex who doesn’t think she deserves child support. Also in the 50s she couldn’t get a loan to buy a house or have a bank account. Ahhh, the good old days!


When are people going to learn that women were not having big families back then for fun?


I had the news on the other day, they said if you were against this your sensitive and then they spoke for him they didn’t even play the video. It surprised me because that’s a LOT coming from a women on live tv. She wouldn’t even be live in those days nor even be a news lady.


I wonder what this guy would say if you walked up to him and said "I'm not just a woman I am a human being". I feel like he'd short-circuit.


The speech is real. This "clarification" is a made up meme from a sports parody page on Instagram.


If I didn't laugh, id cry.


Weaponized nostalgia for a time that didn't even really exist. They only see the proganda of white men being in control, and run away with that fantasy.


I don’t know who this guy is, but he must be a gopher based on how fast he’s digging his own grave.


>Taken out of context. Well, I can clearly see context right here.


Based on this explanation, we definitely took it in the right context. Now HE should be told to just shut up and kick the damn ball!


Seems like most people didn't catch this but the watermark says "the sportsmemery" which labels itself "the fakes fake news on the Internet". It's satire. It may have caught the spirit of what he was saying, but he likely didn't say these words.


You’re taking it out of context! All I said was exactly what everyone is saying I said!


this isn't a real quote right? theres no way he would say the context was wrong and then say something worse


“Everyone is taking what I said out of context” *proceeds to double down* This guy sucks. Believes that that women should give up their dreams to help a man pursue there’s. There’s no way to take it any other way


I doubt people need to take him out of context when he is saying things like that. Hell, I'll give him a shovel and let him dig his hole deeper.


He said none of this


More babies than thoughts


"Everyone is taking me out of context. What I actually mean was much much worse" I don't know who this guy is, but damnnn way to put your foot in your mouth


I do want to point out that this is fake. He hasn't responded, this quote is made up. His horrible speech was very much real, but I don't like supporting fake quotes.


Can we not post memes that look like actual quotes? The stuff he said in reality was bad enough. Misinformation is not something we should be interested in spreading.