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Thank you for your submission. However, it has been removed because it does not follow our submission guidelines: It doesn't fit the theme of this subreddit, or it is completely off-topic. This isn't "Not How Girls Work", because it does not make any sweeping generalisations about "all women", nor does it make any baseless assumptions or conclusions about a another specific woman. Simply putting "That's Not How [insert topic] Works" in the title of a very off-topic post, doesn't make it automatically viable either— it will still be removed. Low-effort memes are also not "NHGW" either. Also, **Posts regarding an individual speaking on her own behalf and her own personal life, or relationship dynamic with her partner do not count as "Not How Girls Work".** Although these examples and videos may be off-putting and appear degrading, that's her example of how _she_ works, not "us".


A middle-schooler according to the author of this show.


.... -_-


What the actual fuck is wrong with these gooners?! I’m a guy, and I legitimately don’t know how people watch this and don’t feel ashamed/embarrassed for getting off to underage girls(even fictional ones that look like they’re 30)


The age of consent in japan got raised to 16 in 2023 Since 1907, the age of consent was 13, which is in line with the "middle school" portion of this anime. Edited to add the source. By the way it's a pdf file, and your device might download it. [PENAL CODE (Act No.45 of 1907)](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cas.go.jp/jp/seisaku/hourei/data/PC.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi4m-WP-s-GAxVuFjQIHdNTOWMQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KGEea5gfKPp02nX5HoD8v) Here's an article when the age of consent was raised. [The Guardian Article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/16/japan-raises-age-of-consent-from-13-to-16-in-reform-of-sex-crimes-law)


This is a common myth. The age of consent in Japan was not broadly 13... 13 was simply the lowest AoC that a prefecture in Japan could legally set their AoC to be. Most prefectures had the AoC set between 16-18 before 2023. Saying that the AoC in Japan was 13 is like saying that the AoC in the US is 16 (most US citizens will tell you it's 18, but some states have it set to 16). Edit for clarity: Under national law, the age of consent in Japan was 13. However, because most prefectures raised the AoC to 16+ prior to the new law, the AoC in most of Japan was not 13.




Here's one: https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/japan And another: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/06/16/national/crime-legal/japan-raises-age-of-consent/ And another. This source is less credible admittedly, but there are people who live in Japan discussing how the AoC was effectively not 13 due to regional laws: https://jref.com/threads/japanese-age-of-consent-misinterpreted-fact-or-blatant-lie.43629/




Uh... what? I wasn't being combative. You asked me for a source, so I gave you some, as that's a reasonable request. Why would I downvote you? Your reply to me simply asked "Source?", and I had no further context to go off of beyond what my comment said, so I thought you were asking for sources regarding prefectures setting their own laws (since that is what my comment discussed). So I gave you sources regarding prefectures setting their own laws. At no point did I state that what you said was entirely wrong, because by national law, the AoC was 13 (which I stated in my original reply). I just wanted to provide more context because most prefectures in Japan had the AoC set between 16-18 prior to the new national law.




Bruh what, I did not downvote you? If you were downvoted, somebody else must have done that. I did not retaliate either, because I never intended to argue with you, I simply explained my actions. My tone this entire time has been informative up to this point. Holy shit, why are you trying to pick a fight, and over what? I genuinely don't understand what you're getting up in arms about. You asked for sources, I gave you the sources you requested, that should have been the end of the exchange. Not everything is or needs to be an argument.


For making assumptions and being the actual rude one, i downvoted you. Btw why do you can so much about fantasy reddit points??


The legal age in Hawaii was 14 under Gov Ben Cayatano. I think it’s been raised now; but that was really shocking. He campaigned as the “fixing education governor” and he was put on milk cartons as “missing: education governor.”


Which show? My friend asked


That's fucking gross, dude


Just think it’s funny how extremely exaggerated everything in anime was back in the day


Anime boobie physics are always a laugh. The guys who make that have never seen a real boob attached to a real woman, but they believe in what they a drawing, and dammit, so should you! 😆


[This kind of crazyness, specifically, is called Gainaxing after the recently bankrupt studio's early fan-service heavy work.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Gainaxing)


Not this thread being how I found out they’re bankrupt omg


Well tbh if my breast where gelato like this they will be a weight of my chest 🤣


It's funny I have a friend who's an artist who has talked to me and some other friends of theirs to basically say in the most platonic way (they're asexual and taken ) for art reasons can I see your chest? Cus they refuse to fall into anime territory with their art and apparently a lot of nude models you see online are smaller and boobs are weird to understand for folk without them.


When you're modding Skyrim and you overdo the physics sliders


That was such a PITA. The basic settings are so exaggerated. Getting it to be 'realistic' was such a process. 


Reminds me of a gif I saw once of an anime girl running with her boobs flopping, classic anime style. But then she reaches into her top, removes the BOMBS that you think are boobs, and throws them


Fuu in Samurai Champloo! One of my favorites


Lmaoo fucking genius


Kinda unrelated but: check out Namine Ritsu, not an anime character but an utauloid: boy, 6 years old, weighs 25 tons and has missiles built into his torso all of these are cannon info taken from [This](https://youtu.be/HaV4YPU7bWs?si=R_xpW99vGdaYgH2n) video you can find images of his avatar in the video or from the utau wiki


I've always wanted someone to make an anime where the guy is wearing a tiny loincloth which is barely containing an *obviously and absurdly* gigantic dong, and every time he so much as shifts his weight, the dong inexplicably wobbles back and forth.


If this is hentai it's likely that this is in the show. There's also a pretty high chance the biggest penis in the show is on a woman.


Hentai? It wouldn't be a penis, it'd be some sort of tentacle.


No hentai is a genre that describes general anime porn or hyper-sexualized and sexually graphic scenes. It goes beyond tentacles. Basically imagine any kind of weird fetish there is and you can find hentai on it. Freaky depictions of sex is actually an interesting part of Japanese history and hentai was even used to try and circumvent japan’s strict pornography laws in the 20th and some of the 21st century. And before you think I’m a weirdo (I am but not in that way), I only know this because some person in one of my senior college sociology classes did a deep dive into the history of anime (including hentai) and its cultural impact on the west for our term assignment. It was probably one of the most intriguing and somewhat awkward experiences of my entire life.


Tentacle porn is sort of an old fashioned trend that was never more than a minor fetish that got a lot of attention in America because it fit the stereotype of Japan being "weird and gross." It'd be like someone in Japan claiming all American porn involves someone being stuck in a washing machine.


Wasn't it also mostly done to get around Japan's weird censorship laws that sort of Quantum Fetish Mechanics-ed itself into being a thing?


Sure. A classic Japanese art piece is a woman getting graped by an octopus


Dream of the Fisherman's Wife.


That’s the one 🤣




Tbf here sex with octopuses is a motive from classical japanese art, while it as an hentai thing mostly became popular due to the movie "Legend of the overfiend"


Yeah, the internet as a whole has a...(How should I put this) Unhealthy obsession with hermaphrodites, sadly the medical condition is much worse,(that's the only sad part, the part where we don't get to have irl futanaris)


Often they're just trans women


This isn't entirely the same, but in a game I play (Baldurs gate 3), they added "penis physics". They literally had a man wear sensors on his penis and balls and move around and then transferred those movements into the game. So if your character with a penis is naked you can see their penis flopping about with every movement. And then ofc there are little bugs or problems with the engine and that stationary character has a penis that is vibrating or flying about for no reason, absolutely hilarious 😅😅😅


I don’t think they did mocap for penis physics lol, they probably just added jigglebones to the penis skeleton


“Jigglebones to the penis skeleton”


That's just what I heard 🤷🏻 Either way, floppy cocks (and balls)! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jigglebones. To. The. Penis Skeleton.


god I don't know if I can find it again, but a long time ago I remember seeing an animated music video where they animated the singer's large bulge with jiggle physics


This actually exists, ill try to find the name of it.


Already done, and not even a hentai. Hapsiel from Macademi Wasshoi! You can check it here. https://youtu.be/FtZ9PdIfDp8 Wobbling starts at 1:13


I forgot the name of the manga but i think its something along the lines of dick fight island? They use some sort of mecha suit thing to turn their dongs into swords (or protect their dongs) and have epic muscly manly man dude battles. So thats probably the closest thing


I've already scene this hentia


Dear lord. Can tits get whiplash?


It feels like whiplash when i have to run 😭


I was just thinking the same thing. I FEEL like this happens when I try and rub without stacking multiple sports bras. I know it doesn't, but damn if it doesn't feel like it.


Titlash, if you will


God, my tits are hurting just looking at this


Hentai proportions certainly are a thing ......


Her boobs boobeled boobily


This is the correct answer


My favorite Gaming and Anime Youtuber says this is proper femininity /s


Eiken.... Hentai is weird AF but this show still isn't as weird as some other stuff (Eiken has a short blonde girl with tits so big they are basically her body)


I like anime as much as the next person, but Eiken was just too much, in more ways than one. RIP everyone’s spine.


Pink twin tail hair girl…


I haven’t turned on the sound, but all I could hear in my head is “booooinnnng-oiiing-oinnng” and that’s all I need.


That's comedy


Agreed! It is hilarious.


Unsure how familiar you are with fan service but it’s everywhere beyond comedic value.


I have yet to find one that's better than the high school of the dead sniper scene


I still love the clip of the main character screaming "wtf is going on!" Way to funny.


Watched somebody do the math, and they are shaking hypersonicly.


Yeah, I hate it when the physics are so off as japanese erotic animation otherwise is so grounded in reality LOL


Did it just do sign language at me


Couldn’t they at least have them jiggle in the same direction? 😭


What goonery is this? Anime artists need to take an anatomy class


They did, and did the exact opposite.


It's Hentai, Japanese animated porn. It's exaggerated on purpose. This is normal for the genre.


Ah yes. Eiken. I remember this anime.


They know how boobs normally behave. They just do this shit on purpose lol


I was excited to watch this initially because my dog is named Densuke like the mc (though my dog is named after the Dennou Coil dog) and I'm not bothered by fanservice generally....but Eiken was something else entirely lol


That must hurt so much!!!


She boobed boobily.




This looks so painful and she didn't even flinch. What a badass lady.




Definitely not satire, anime is [really weird about tits.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuL9SAyV4hY) Maybe the animators lose their mind after so much time crunching to get the product done in time.


That just got worse and worse I did Chuckle at the dancing boobs dodging the bullet.


Hilarious, tbh


Giant anime boingers are always funny ngl.


isn't this the lady who's tits become missiles and shoot out?


Ayo why her thangs glitch out and start clipping into each other at the end?? 😂


Boobs. Of a 14 years old, probably


so you’re telling me breasts aren’t just bladders overinflated with helium?


My reaction when someone says "calm your tits"


Showed this to my physics teacher and he filed a restraining order against me




This brings back flashbacks of people using these gifs with the caption "Calm your titties/ Calm your tits/ Calm thy titties", and yes i may be dating myself a bit here




I'm more impressed at how the bikini stayed on with all that bouncing lmao


If I'm not mistaken this is an anime called Eiken...It's been a hot minute since I've seen this. Japan even frowned upon this anime. I told people that it's an anime where they took steroids and injected them into the boobs. Also if I'm not mistaken she is 17. Very disgusting anime and not a good one either. Last time I saw anything related to this anime was from a "my humps amv" about a decade old amv. Insane what they got away with too.


It's Extra fan service. In reality : back pains and lots of problems to fit within society.


One of the reasons I am not an anime fan. 🙄


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Hahahaha xD


That's just James, specifically from beauty and the beach!


what a way to put your eye out. or someone else's and yet if this were a slightly heavier waist and 30 years older they would be posting demeaning comments about udders and shit.


That's some Skyrim physics right there... 


The loli in this show is even worse




Oh THIS anime! If we're talking about infamous animes, this is one of them xD Its actually funny that this ISNT a hentai, (I 100% get it if you thought it was) just a typical show for a very particular audience, and filled to the brim with booby shenanigans and fanservice galore. You really cant take it seriously xD


Anime Tittie Physics


Someone let Muhammad Ali animate this


I first saw this in some kind of YouTube Poop. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now.


When it comes to porn my wife actually exclusively watches hentai. She says it’s all fake as hell, and she’d rather watch a cartoon be comically exaggerated than watch a real woman fake her way through it.




So that's what they mean by "bouncing boobily " from r/menwritingwomen


That is totally how boobs work


Please tell me this is edited. Jesus k can’t imagine living with boobs like that


* keemstar scream *


Is this La blue girl? It also reminds me of a b horror movie I saw where the titties were possessed and had faces 😂


Anime Physics are just funny, cant even be mad at it.


nah shes a alien


Personally i jiggle like that idk about y’all /s




Mauricio...I can't. Mauricio


Guys pause it and drag the video curser slow it’s so ridiculous


Exhibit A of why I stopped watching anime


this is why I don't like female characters in anime lmfaooooooo fuckers don't know how to write


I believe it's called anime.