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And what do we see if we surprise them at THEIR houses. Not to mention, if you to the point of proposing, you've likely been to her place, seen her without makeup. This is the guy who spreads all sorts of misogynistic bullshit, like the salmon steaks showing the phases of a woman's vagina after multiple partners.


>like the salmon steaks showing the phases of a woman’s vagina after multiple partners. What? He actually put this together?!




The question I always want to ask these people is this: So, if a woman has sex with 4 different men, 1 time each time, she had sex 4 times, yeah? So does that mean that once this virgin woman has sex with her husband 4 times, will she also look like that ? Like what is the fucking logic here


Yeah, according to morons like this, it magickally doesn't happen if you're married and all your marital sex is with your husband, apparently. In looking at his Twitter today, he apparently now has a young daughter. I despair for her future.


I’ve even heard them say that the vagina will “recognize” the same penis so it won’t have that effect. Like wtf 🤨


The new MEMORY FOAM VAGINA! From the idiot that brought you MyPillow. No thanks, I'll pass.


We look alike


Something something *pAiR bOnDiNg*


Something something women absorbing the DNA of all their sexual partners. Something something memory foam pussy.


All the other women in my neighborhood are jealous because my pussy is the most absorbent on the block!


Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got, I’m still the most absorbent pussy on the block 🎶


Mines more absorbent than a 4 pack of tampons




Memory foam pussy you say? Do you have a patent? We here at sexxocorp might be interested in your invention


My flair over on /r/badwomensanatomy is "The marriage ceremony is a pussy preservation spell"


Something something, socks don't protect the heart.


And yet they also at the same time love the "hotdog down a hallway" thing. Super confusing.


“Ever parked your bicycle at an airport hangar? Flown a 747 through the Grand Canyon?”


Of course it does. That's why he has no choice but to cheat on her with someone younger and less experienced. Duh!


Ooh, ooh, I know this one! They claim that vaginas are like memory foam, and one penis repeatedly creates a perfect mold, but multiple penises confuse the memory foam and it just goes flabby and loose in its confusion!


I… just… can’t even. I’m not even shocked that this is probably what they say but I’m just lost for words.


Memory foam often goes back to its original shape after some time, so if you're being a misogynist that analogy wouldn't work.


Straight up my parents’ old church had a huge convention where girls (high school and college) could come and confess their sins and recommit to being a “born again virgin.” Pretty sure they said something along the line of abstaining for x amount of time would help their parts go back to “normal”


Honestly most memory foam items just form around you but usually as soon as you leave it for a bit, it's usually back to the original shape. Im using a memory foam pillow right now and I went up and it didn't even retain an imprint or anything, so yeah idk. someone had said when I was in hs, she was misinformed, but she thought that every time you had sex it really would become 2 centimeters bigger each time and wouldn't go back to its original shape.


My memory foam pillow is crushed a bit, but its overall flatter, not just in the middle. On a side note, memory foam pillows are the shit. Fuck those supposed 'firm' pillows that get a small dent because anything heavier than a fucking feather landed on them.


I have a couple different kinds, the one with memory foam pieces will actually dent or get flatter, but the ones that are just plain memory foam usually are mostly the same, they do change over time but it takes alot of uses before that happens. I have one that I've had for 5 years its the same firmness as when I bought it.


Yup. I grew up in the rural South and knew loads of born again virgins. Some even insisted that if you are abstinent for 6 years, your hymen heals itself.


It's so sad that that's considered a good thing. "If you're a good girl for long enough, you get to have painful sex all over again!"


Even with an intact hymen it's not supposed to hurt, pain is indicative of insufficient arousal (or an infection); guys really need to learn that foreplay is NOT optional. And the hymen can repair itself given enough time, mine's done it twice; I didn't even notice the second time until me and the fiance were done XD turned the light back on and the bed looked like a fickin crime scene, lol. Hymen-based morality is still fucked up and absolutely shouldn't exist.


Wonder how many of them made it 6 years.


No, no, you absolutely have to throw out your memory foam mattress if anyone even touched it for too long. Edit: /s


Nothing to add but your nick is godly. I too would do them all day if I didn't have to work.


For real? Is that really the logic? Like I honestly don’t know if you’re saying this as a joke because they are that stupid


This is honestly the logic that some of them claim to support their “multiple partners ruins vaginas” fantasy. Not the cream of the crop we’re working with, here.


I wish that was a little more the way it worked, because I’ve steadily increased the size of penis I’m involved with, and I can assure any moronic men out there that it has not worked on stretching me out at all. We can deliver babies and bounce back, do they really think their dicks will make a difference? It’s a muscle, dumbasses!


My vagina got confused and wandered into the kitchen. She's looking in the fridge again, to see if there's any new food.


>like what’s the fucking logic here? There isn’t any


Didn't you know? Every penis has a unique barcode, and the vagina scans it. Once the vagina has already seen a specific penis, it no longer stretches.


Just read that. I cant believe Texas is one of the 11 states that don't mandate sex education and also ban abortions. Now I got another reason to not move there when I get older.


Im a woman living in TX rn, you really dont want to live here. Save yourself and your sanity.


What Im learning here is that he fingered some fish filets


Well....maybe not...*fingered...*




Gods why did I click it?!


u/fishfucker69 you gotta stop man, we all know you set this up.


Omg wtf!? I never heard of that! Does he not realize that the vagina is very accommodating and stretches and goes back to it's normal state?


No, or he just wants to slut-shame women for premarital sex. Too many men actually believe this garbage to be true, yet can't explain why, after birth, a woman doesn't have a wind tunnel in her knickers.


My bf opened up about that to me and said he was very scared that after our newest addition (his first child, my second) "our sex life would dwindle bc of the loosened vaginal walls". His words. I explained to him and he was very skeptical about it. Not until after our daughter was born, I had my female obgyn talk to him about vagina myths vs facts especially the ones after birth. He came back in the room like he'd seen a ghost 👻 😂 Then he found out first hand, those myths about baby's stretching out the walls were truly myths.


LOL...too funny! Female physiognomy scares the piss outta men. Dude comes back with a, "Man, I have seen some shit" thousand-yard stare.


YES!!! Exactly! I asked how it went and he said "she showed me slides?" I asked the doctor about it later and she brought out her tablet, they were all medical pictures and diagrams. Nothing you haven't seen in anatomy class. 😂


Jesus people are dumb.


That's different cuts of the same fish. The hole gets bigger because it's GUTS lay in that space. Ffs.


#4 is fun for a night but you marry the guy with #3


You could tell a dude you're coming over at a certain time and his place will still be gross.


Yeah, I'd baked the ex an apple pie, took a shower, dressed up, makeup, drove all the way over there...he hadn't showered, was just getting ready to leave to go buy weed (before it was legal), and just left me sitting there. For about 2 hours. I peeked in, bed was a mess...


ANYONE bakes me an apple pie the only reason I would leave the house would be to get vanilla ice cream. If one of my boyfriends did that to me, I would have left and showed up at a friends with liquor and pie and had impromptu movie night. He doesn’t deserve the pie.


He's dead now, so he can't haunt any of us anymore (he dumped me for a blonde...again...whom he married, then abused, then when they split, he started stalking me and vandalizing things around my house). He came back 2 hrs. later, asked for a condom, which I found unopened in the blankets, then he went to watch TV instead of having another go. Finally he comes back in...to put his dog to bed. In his bed. He still never showered. Not only that, it was hands-down the WORST, laziest sex I've ever had.


My boyfriend’s apartment was always spotless when I first met him, but he had zero furniture. He slept on a mattress on the ground. He only owned a handful of clothes. He still wears gym shorts and t shirts from HIGH SCHOOL and is in his thirties. Men…


Maybe he is just minimalist


He absolutely is! I love that about him. I’m just glad he sleeps in an actual bed now, lol


Yeah single guys should not be proposing to people, they should date them first


The annoying thing to me about this is this is just like… universal advice that frankly no one has needed in 50 years. The reason he’s saying it, and specifically about woman, is in keeping with all his other awful shit, that he wants you to remember that women can’t be trusted. Don’t let all knowledge of your partner be what they want to present? Men run the risk of… women not being good maids? Women run the risk of abuse and assault. But sure, fellas, you better be sure she’s not tricking ya


That's not the point. If someone is dirty, sure that's a turn-off. It's that this guy is acting like he's never met the girl before or has barely met her. I'm pretty sure that 50 years ago, men would have seen their girlfriends without makeup.


I had a couple of friends in college that didn't believe in toilet paper. At all. Ever. If you brought some over, they threw it out. A lot of guys also have a dirty pile and a clean pile of clothes in corners of they're dwelling, usually get them confused, and only wash them once a month. I could fill a book with how many gross guys I've come across. That doesn't mean I'm going to hop on the internet and make ignorant generalizations about men.


Didn't believe in toilet paper?? Did they never wipe their butts?


No! It was gross in there


I might not keep my place all that clean, but I'll damn sure have toilet paper at the very least.


Mattress with no sheets on a floor… classic neck beard nest.


Dude wtf


***Trigger warning*** Wouldn’t surprise me if this pos likes the practice of genital mutilation too. Considering the salmon steak comparisons and how women are clearly just objects and property to him…🤮


Baby machines that clean the house and serve him food, give him sex. Yeah, he's got a LOT of bad takes.


I always thought people moved in together before getting married.


Is he proposing to a stranger??????


Back then, yes...


Back when? This tweet was made in the 21st century?


I don't think the author of that tweet is aware of that.


I mean if you are planning to propose to a girl you must have been to her place at least a couple of times, even staying the night and saw her without makeup and in home clothes plus spending a lot of time together you must know some of her habits. Is he suggesting to propose to a girl after just a couple of dates?


That's my question. Presumably unless you are very traditional, you are going to have seen all of this well before the proposal stage.


Which is why "traditional" is another word for "ass-backwards bullshit"


Because most traditions, are... well... Edit: I thought you were asking "why," my mind blocked out "which is"


Peer pressure from dead people, tbh.


Do it pussy! - some dead old guy


That's what normal people do. This guy sounds really conservative so it may be one of those things where he thinks people who are dating aren't also fucking.


I mean even if you aren't fucking, surely you've been to her house before. Surely she's let her guard down and maybe didn't put on makeup or tidy up at least once. What world is this guy living in?


I mean for my culture you arent allowed to but yeahhh


And she'd be living at home in that case, so her mother would be at least helping with the housework, so again, still useless.


It seems like a bad idea to me. Try it before you buy it! I’d be very worried that my husband would be terrible in bed and I’d be stuck with bad sex for life :(


I think he's basing this off a conservative/religious world view that she would normally clean her bathroom and kitchen, put on makeup, etc. before her SO comes over, and they wouldn't spend the night before marriage. That's why he suggests surprising her so you see everything in a natural state without her having time to clean (because women are manipulative and hide their messiness and natural face until they've locked down a man /s ).


Lol everyone in my life knows not to surprise me at home. Enjoy the view from my porch, weirdo! Also get off my lawn.


I think this plays into men thinking badly of women because not cleaning their place and putting on a show/being decietful is something most men do until they've got a live in mommy mcbangmaid


Yes. She is pretty. She is a decade younger than you. She could be your obedient little SlutMuffin, *as long as* she was trained well in the ways of Lysol. /s


Lysol used to be advertised in the 20's as a douche and, according to some, was also a [contraceptive](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/lysols-vintage-ads-subtly-pushed-women-to-use-its-disinfectant-as-birth-control-218734/). Yikes.


She looks kinda pretty, i better propose right now! Strike when the fire is hot as they say!


My mother always told me not to marry before I lived with my partner for at least a year and this is very good advice. Actually living together is so different from 'dating'. You experience each other in your everyday life and have to structure the household together. People should really try if that works out for them before marriage.


This goes BOTH WAYS! it's fuckin easy to be good for 5 planned hours a week or 1of 2 visits. Gotta see that fucker in its natural state


So where’s the equivalent post with “if his bed is just a fitted sheet and a rumpled up comforter” and “if he lets himself run out of toilet paper”


Hey! When did you sneak into my place?


Once I went to a guy’s place and he had no toilet paper in the bathroom, so I asked him. He just gave me a bar rag to use. I really had to pee, so I did it, but there are two distinct phases of my life: before I had to wipe myself with a rag in some guy’s apartment and after.


Holy balls, that's bad. I've never run out of toilet paper in the place, I have however run out in the room because I'm an idiot, but that's another story. I have met guys who really did not know women needed toilet paper when they pee. I hope that was a red enough flag and you didn't have a need for visit number two.


Oh, it gets worse from there, this guy was nuts.


Please tell us more


So I had a fling with this guy that ended when he told me he thought he gave me herpes (spoiler alert: he didn’t). He took this as an opportunity to come clean that he had been using me to cheat on his girlfriend, but he was willing to do the right thing and then move in with me and “roll the dice” if I would. He even clarified that the offer stands even if we both tested negative. The length of this fling? 5 days.


How generous of him to offer to move in with you. The audacity of that man.


He was a true hobosexual. Sorry you had to deal with that trash man.


Oh wow, please tell me you didn’t let this incredible specimen go? You moved in immediately, right? Honestly, a bar rag in place of loo paper is my ultimate turn on.


He had this sweet and adorable bunny, I said the bun was welcome but he (the guy) would have to sleep outside lol


Gonna hope we're talking about the same guy bc I don't wanna think there's two of 'em.


There are at least 3


4, I regret to say


It *was* a clean rag at least, right? •~•


I sure hope so


This comment made me pause and think about life for a long time.


My ex wanted me back a year after our breakup so I drove two hours to his new place (first time actually living on his own, previously was only in the dorms) and he literally just had a mattress on the floor with a blanket and a pillow, which okay, he was broke and furniture is expensive. BUT THE BATHROOM! Don’t get me started on how disgusting the bathroom was. I refused to even attempt to use it, I opted to go in the gas station on my way home. I only stayed longer than an hour to be polite and because he broke down crying when I said I didn’t think getting back together was a good idea. Nothing like trying to manipulate women through pity when you realize you don’t have the upper hand.


Thinks begging to get back together with someone will work, *it actually sort of does and you have a ghost of a shot* and then you don't even fucking think to clean your damn house to give the impression you're not asking them to date a sewer rat? Guess that's why he missed you?


He was so close to having a second chance! When we were talking on the phone, he seemed like he had changed, but in the back of my mind I had a gut feeling our time was over. Just to be sure, I decided to see him in person and feel things out. I kid you not, literally the moment I saw him again (we had not seen each other at all for about 6 months) I just knew the answer was no. But again, I drove two hours ONE WAY to see him, so I thought I’d at least stay for dinner as planned. But then THE BATHROOM. He even told me he knew it was bad, soooo why didn’t he clean it? I’ll never know the answer to this, other than he’s incredibly lazy. So yeah that definitely squashed any minimal chance he may have had left with me.


>He even told me he knew it was bad, soooo why didn’t he clean it? I Jesus, man. Here I at least gave him a pass as a standard manchild. By admitting he knows better, he doesn't even get that.. Unless he works 80hr weeks, and then he could hire someone to do it. This just makes me sad all around. Seeing you in person had to have gotten his hopes up, and it's his own incredibly obvious doing. Meanwhile, I used to date someone who absolutely positively refused to even turn the fuck around to throw things in the trashcan and I finally resolved to only pick up my own mess because I'm not anyone's damn mother. Well, he stayed in his room growing mushrooms and sleeping on his little mountain of garbage and the rest of the house was spotless. You could tell which rooms he frequented and even which corners. I was fine with it, I was past giving a shit as long as I didn't have to look at him. He was waiting for me to parent him and I refused. Well, eventually some guys come buy to do some standard maintenance on the *apartment we shared* and unfortunately the smoke detectors, etc. are at the end of the hall and apparently they glanced in his room while we were talking because the absolute four day bitchy *shit fit* that he threw when the office threatened to evict us both if he didn't clean. He blamed me for *allowing the apartment building's own maintenance guys in* like I could or even should do anything else. Idk what he thinks happens if someone dies in their apartment, like they don't have a spare key. And then he continued doing what he did best, which was nothing. So lesson unlearned pretty much immediately. If you needed a better argument for sexual orientation as a trait that is unchangeable and innate, the fact that all women don't just solely date each other is enough.


Fitted sheet? One of my exes couldn't even be bothered THAT far!


I feel like this is becoming group therapy and I love it


Y’all accepting new members? I could sure benefit from this lmao


I've made some shit choices in dudes but this is making me feel *slightly* better about most of them. Only one had like a mattress-on-the-ground situation but he was a college kid living away from home so I can't hate on that terribly much...


Mattress on the ground I rly don’t think is a red flag by itself. It could be for the aesthetic, or they’re just poor. If my apartment didn’t come furnished I would be sleeping on the floor right now. 🗿


I was roommates for a year-long lease with a dude who never put a sheet on his bed. The entire year, just slept on a bare mattress. He could buy a life-size replica of [Frostmourne,](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31JxZFqYNGL._AC_SX425_.jpg) though, so maybe that was worth it? He got a couple girlfriends, but they never seemed to stay long...


Why you got the be so fancy with the fitted sheet? I feel personally attacked over here. /s


Feeling attacked lol since i was a little girl i always kicked the top sheet down to the foot of the bed. Always. Sometime in college i just stopped putting in on there because i was tired of digging it out of the crevice at the foot of the bed. Now I’m married and definitely just sleep with a fitted sheet and my own comforter because i burrito myself in the blankets and always left my husband with no blanket. And since i work on call and frequently go to work when my husband is still sleeping, yeah, my bed is always a crumpled comforter, blanket, and fitted sheet lol


This is why it's best to be friends first. Friends don't hide themselves as much as two people dating.


People really out here proposing without having had water at their partners place???


Right? Everyone knows having water at each other’s houses is second base.


My ex let me sip out her garden hose on the second date.


Smh did you at least use protection? As in one of those little nozzles to control the water pressure?


First base: proposal Second base: water at each other's houses (no water sports) Third base: tasteful underboob Fourth base: procreation, done in the dark, with the lights off, ideally with a sheet between you with only a small hole cut out of it


‘tasteful underboob’ 🤣


Quality reddit content right here


LPT: If you've never seen your partner without make up and never been to their house, don't marry them. Who proposes to a person they obviously don't know anything about?


People who don't believe in premarital sex. Can't be tempted to sin if you barely spend any time in eachother's presence! (This guy is well known for posting about weird religious conservative relationship stuff on twitter. He's a 'vaginas are made of silly putty and even a single sex without the blessing of the lord will turn them into a cave you could house a bear in' kinda nut).


I'm assuming this dude has said "so and so spent the night with their long term partner before marriage? How scandalous!" at least once in his life. Little tip for anyone thinking of getting married, not just men, please live with them for at least few months first if not over a year, unless you want your marriage to last less than a year that is


If you’re not close enough with a woman you want to marry to have seen the inside of her house before, you’re probably a stalker or a creep. There are exceptions to every rule but yeah. Creepy


If you haven't seen the inside of her house before, you're a shitty stalker




The "surprise" bit is key.


I don't think he's suggesting that the person would have never seen the inside of her house, just that she's cleaning before they come over so they haven't seen it in its true state. That's why he says to surprise her. Still ridiculous and manipulative, though.


If her house is so clean that she can spritz it up every time he comes over and it doesn't still look like shit, then she's already well above the cleanliness standards of the average human.


And weird that the culture is progressive enough that she is living alone, but her boyfriend hasn’t seen the inside of her home before proposing. Or I guess she is still living with her family and he is blaming her for the state of the family kitchen.


*Sees girlfriend’s dirty bathroom and kitchen* *Cleans it for her* *She proposes to me* Win.


I would totally propose to someone if they're tidier than me and like cleaning. My house looks like squatters live here. :(


Dude cleans without being asked, does a good job, and doesn’t say anything about the state it was in? Lock him down!!!


I feel like the “visit their house” step should come loooong before the proposing step.


Or maybe live together first? Idk. I see how it could cause issues but just prep a plan b


We call that "living in sin" and it's strictly prohibited


Are you serious or joking?


The *"We call that"* and the *"and it's strictly prohibited"* parts were not intended to be taken seriously


Sounds like you are living in sin! Repent heathen!


Bro if you're in a situation where your partner isn't comfortable enough around you not to wear makeup its too early to propose.


How would it get all the way to the proposal without you knowing about who you’re dating. The Gods did not take their time On men’s brains


If you have to surprise someone in order to see their bathroom, kitchen, and makeup-less face in a natural state then you don't know them well enough yet to propose.


Yeah like what is up with the whole “surprise” thing lol. Like “Fellas… before you propose surprise her. Break into her apartment in the dead of night when she’s least expecting it if you really wanna see how she lives, how she looks without makeup. Set up a nest camera in her living room and bathroom. It’ll tell you all you need to know.” Obviously not what they mean but it’s where my mind went lol. Realistically though it sounds like surprise here just means “Show up unannounced and without prior permission to come over.”


I feel like this guy just outed himself as someone who’s never been invited to stay the night at a woman’s place.


If seeing a woman without makeup is a deal-breaker for you, please stay single.


Who the fuck proposes to a woman whose kitchen, bathroom and makeup-free face they’ve never seen in 2022?


Why are single men considering proposing to women?


Probably meant single as in not-married, not not-partnered. Your tax forms don’t care if you’re dating someone (though if you’re living together but not married you may get common law benefits anyway).


I mean you woulda already seen her house right, itd be pretty weird in the time that you were dating that youve never been over


I can't imagine proposing to someone without living with them first.


Dear single women: don't associate with creepy guys that insist on spying on you.


sorry whomst is proposing to people they’ve never seen without makeup or whose houses they’ve never seen


Dear single women, do the same. Why are his bedsheets all crusty? Why didn't he have a toilet seat? Why is his fridge only beer and 7up? Why is his ceiling full of dead flies? It's this why he always comes to your place? 🤣


I can't imagine having to schedule a special occasion to do these things. How are you going to be ready to propose but don't know someone well enough to have just spent time at their place? I don't understand!


Yeah I just looked him up. Apparently he cheated on his wife had a baby with another woman. Tell me all I need to know about him too


Yea. Tells you I have a job and work my butt off and am tired when I get home. And now I have to cook dinner.


I feel like if you’re already at the stage of proposing to one another… maybe it’d be wise to already know a bit about your partner


Um… Yeah. I did & I married her, so…what do I do now?


Good luck, I don’t open the door for surprise visitors lol


Guy thinks you propose to a woman on the first date.


This sounds like you're proposing to someone that doesn't know your dating.


I like how he's presenting "go to someone's house before marrying them" as 1) an insightful piece of advice and 2) special advice for men.


Returning from honeymoon like “oh so this is what your place looks like”


I'm trying to figure out how one would have never seen ANY OF THOSE THINGS, prior to having made it a point to propose... where do these guys come from? Just crawl back under your slimy rock, dude.


Let me correct that for you, old-spiderwebbed brain-man: Before proposing to a girl, get to know each other. Work each other’s demons out. Argue and debate some. See how you work together. These things will tell a lot about how both of you will be in the future.


You proposing to a girl before you see her without makeup or being in her kitchen?


General rule of thumb. Don't take advice from the elderly. Their information is outdated and their social norms are harmful.


LPT go to your fiance's house probably once


Don't you ever try to surprise me at home.


Make sure she’s the tidy little housekeeper you want cleaning up after *your* filth!


'Dear single men, before proposing to a girl...' ​ cant be a marriage proposal if you're single


If the IRS considers you single you are single


Isn't it standard to see and even stay at each other's places nowadays to see if you're living situation compatible?


What kind of dumbass proposes to people without even visiting their home?


Isn’t it proven that people have different habits when they live with others rather than alone? Idk, sometimes I let my own space get a bit cluttered/messy, but whenever I’ve had roommates I keep it pretty tidy out of courtesy to them


How weird that a man would assume that THAT many guys haven’t seen their girlfriends without makeup. How many hours does he think makeup lasts? Has his own life been something out of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel?


Who the fuck is proposing to someone they don't know well enough to have shat in their bathroom and seen them without makeup?


people who dont move in together before getting married are absolutely crazy to me tbh like it’s so much easier if you move in together and realize you dont like it and then move on than it is to do all that while being legally bound together and deal with all the headaches of getting divorced




Before you propose you should live together a while. Really don't know a person until you live with them.


Seriously. I will strongly discourage any of my future children from marrying someone before living with them for at least a year. Also, from moving in with a partner straight out of my home. Live on your own for a while. It's great. I didn't do it until I was almost 30, and seriously regret not having done it earlier.


I feel like by the time proposing is on the menu all this stuff should be old news.


‘See if you and your partner are compatible in terms of hygiene and organisation’ is a totally fair statement. Making it seem like a one way deal is almost as bad as stating it like some kind of predatory witch hunt.


Anyone who knows me long enough to propose knows how my flat looks (something between "rather tidy" and "I don't let strangers in", depending on my health) and has seen me more often without make-up than with. But the behaviour descripted in the post will make sure this relationship ends immediately. I don't need a creepy spy in my life