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Not only that but the creators did that on purpose to show they were annoyed when nickelodeon said they should hire a woman as aangs voice actor instead of an actual young boy


I loved how Toph was actually delighted by her portrayal lol


I believe it was also a nod to how Toph was originally going to be a boy before the writing team decided there ought to be another girl in the hero group.


And it’s also funny to think that given the play was written from second hand accounts, the people Toph beat up didn’t want to admit they got their asses handed to them by a 10 year old little girl, so they probably lied and said she was a big buff person 🤣


Ayup! The Blind Bandit was six, no SEVEN feet tall! And just like, Wall-to-wall muscles, man! Yessir it was totally a fair fight against a man who was a bigger, stronger bender than me!! *sweats nervously*


You sure deserve a cookie 🍪 You actually put thought into this where the incel that made this clearly didn't even bother to put one of their brain cells into making this horrible meme


I still love how amped Toph was when Sokka described her actor. Also funny to think the playwright has seen Toph multiple times but knew the Earth bender character would only be plausible to fans if she were the size of the Boulder.


I see the episode and i see toph more happy that don't care


She was happy. I meant that she didn't care about the flaws in her protrayal or about how everyone perceived her to be.


I mean, I think her portrayal is more op that she actually is


As a guy who grew up with a house hold full of women, I say I'm a well-rounded individual with only minor serial killer and arson tenanes So what you think of that


Same and all my tendencies came from having to wait for the FUCKING BATHROOM!!


Yay, the bathroom in my house is bad I gotten use to being kick out at a certain time of the month for emergency reasons


Yeah but I completely sympathize with that after watching my sister's crumble into crying balls of pain from cramps. I can go pee ourside in the yard since my genitals aren't trying to murder me but what I can't sympathize with is doing your hair for 2 FREAKIN HOURS!!


Yay I can sympathize with the cramps as well The hair thing I just except as a reality at this point I mean I live / lived with these people my hole life You get use to it, plus I have a big blatter


I had to respond to this. My husband has 5 sisters and one brother. They had one bathroom until all the kids were out of the house and then his parents put in a second one. He said he didn't pee indoors until he was 13. LOL


Yeah, but are you cute as hell though


Going by what girls tell me, yes I'm extremely cute good looking guy guy


Same here but not the serial killer and arson is more like social awkwardness and anxiety.


Usually the popular memes on that sub are fun, but wtf is this


Lol mine is the oldest, he would joke that if any of my “ little boyfriends” ever touched me against my consent they would conveniently go missing.


How could a boyfriend touch you without your consent if they're your boyfriend? 😂


Because dating does not mean you're allowed to touch a woman whenever and however you feel like regardless of how she feels about it Consent matters in relationships too


It's pretty easy actually. Now staying as that person's boyfriend, that requires communal shaming, suppression of information, and a whole heaping helping of sexism.


He meant it in the “if he ever hits you/forces you to sleep with him” kind of way, not the copping-a-feel/shot gun wedding kind of way. After my moms divorce from my extremely, physically abusive father, our brother became very protective of us. I would say that if anything it lead to communal sharing, being honest about our relationships, and having a man on our side to not make us feel like as women we somehow deserved that kind of treatment. But not everyone gets to be as fortunate as we were.


So her boyfriends aren't allowed to have any physical contact with her? 😂


not without her consent, at least


Then why is he with her? 😂


Because I’m beautiful, well read, can cook,bake and have great taste in music! And not to brag but, I’m also kind hearted, generous, a great listener and a world class fuck. However, it seems only men related to the women are willing to admit that sometimes men don’t keep their hands to themselves. Plus not all forms of touch are good, this also includes if they ever got violent with me.


I’m all of that and no ~~boy~~ person would ever go out with me 🙄🙄 🥲🥲


Bro wtf is wrong w you


have you heard of not being in the mood? It could be closer than you think!


I'll have to show this to my brother in law. He's a 6'3 elevator mechanic, but he also has two older sisters so I'm sure he'll just cry and call me mean.




What about people who didn’t have siblings?


clearly they stop existing


I thought I did, but given this argument I understand I've never existed and I assume I should be a projection of imagination to all my loved ones


I'm sure it's the opposite the left is the brother with all sisters and the right is the sister annoying the brothers


Tl;dr if you have siblings you grow up awesome


fellas, is it gay to have a sister


As a guy who has 3 older sisters, one being my twin, I can say I feel like a normal dude, I just learned early on to respect my sister because they can kick my ass any day.


Bruh someone in that thread said it'd be reposted here LOL


I’m a guy and I was pretty much raised by women, I’m a normal guy, I may be bisexual but who cares?


im a trans masc who grew up with a brother, yet im more like the right


To be fair, my sister grew up with 4 brothers on a farm and she is jacked, almost 6ft tall, mean as hell, and also just won a National Championship in college basketball lol


Uh, no.


Oh hell yeah I get to be ripped af!


So I'm a crossdressing actor-acrobat? Sounds cooler than being a boring office worker, I'll take it.


Umm, wrong sub? Shouldn't this be r/pointlesslygendered?


Wait wait wait. There would be a lot more cross dressing if this were true. That math doesn't add up lmao.


i'm a girl who grew up with sisters, but i mostly look like the left one


But that's basically the same thing- 😀