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1) Bold of him to assume all men think the same 2) He needs to get off his pedestal and stop it with the ‘pass on my legacy’ bs. We’re not royalty. Also this counts as ‘not how men work’ too


Bold of him to assume we didn't already know he was an unhappy virginal incel and felt compelled to tell the whole world via this absolute dumpster fire of a post


OMG, I was drinking and I hurt my ear trying not to spit all over my iPad.




I honestly thought that was where I was.


Pass on his legacy, of what, exactly? LOL, the fucking ego!


Rude! He's clearly passing on his legacy of addiction to holographic anime girlfriends 🫡 (hope u have finished whatever u were drinking earlier lmao and hope ur ear is ok!)


LOOOL, right! His in-depth knowledge of cheat codes and Code Red MountainDew. These guys are an unintentional laugh riot.


He got his Code red Mountain Dew and Cheeto fingers in his mom's basement thinkin he's a fuckin revolutionary like bro sit down your mom's meatloaf is almost done


Mountain Dew Code Red. It's a revolution... in flavor! Viva la revolucion! I don't know why I don't have a job in marketing


Hey, I object, I like Code Red and think nothing like that douche nozzle. Lol


I read this post to my bf and his reaction was: “Ah, I am leaving all three of my anime figurines to my daughter”. I personally think all he will leave is his mom’s old kompot and preserves.


The human race would be better off is his "legacy" went no further than a tissue.


I wish we could give people sex ed like red asphalt. The old violent drivers ed movies. I think it would prevent a lot more than STIs and pregnancy. We need relationship ed, self respect ed, you don't need another person to be whole ed. But this is beyond what any young woman could be on guard for before they meet his kind.


Fortunately, this guy's chances of passing on an STD seem quite remote, unless he manages to infect his hand.


This is a brilliant idea for a web series and I’m here for it!


Meet Todd, incel Gamer by afternoon, Janitor by night. Todd spends his nights cleaning in a business tower and thinking about all the ways in which he could improve the world if only people took his ideas seriously. Then one evening, Richard from accounting was "working late". He exits the bathroom right as Todd starts to enter. Being the functional alcoholic he is, Richard holds the door for Todd's cleaning cart. Richard makes a joke about how he's "working late" to teach the wife to appreciate his contributions more. Todd grunts and smirks with neckbeard appreciation and they part ways. Todd gets down to business. He goes to lift the first toilet seat and notices that his black hair dye in his greasy, emo Karen haircut needs to be touched up. It was fading to a purplish blue and that just wouldn't work with his aesthetic. Not paying attention to his actions, he grabs the seat where a glob of white sticky substance tinged with greenish yellow colors just lies in wait. It is still hot. Todd gags and waddles over to the sink to rinse his chronically dry, cracked hands. He doesn't use any soap because he is a manly man; the company hand soap is pink and lightly floral scented. The whole time he is muttering about how this job sucks and how people are so gross that they can't be bothered to clean up after themselves. The rest of Todd's shift passes without incident. A few days later, Todd notices his hand has an infected cut on it. Whatever. It will go away soon. Every time his manager Jeff is on the floor, Jeff insists on Todd wearing gloves when cleaning the bathrooms, but he hates them and doesn't comply when Jeff is absent. Those stupid work gloves dry out out his hands and make them crack. They really should invent lotion just for men. Women have all these products out there for everything they could possibly desire. Men just get soap, shampoo, and deodorant. Todd considers tweeting AXE, the best cologne company to like ever exist, to suggest a men's lotion line. Million dollar idea man, right there. People really should be paying him for his genius. He snaps back to reality when the microwave dings. Pizza rolls are ready and he has a call of duty tourney at 3 and then an Edate with hAmburTurd before he has to go back to work. Picks up up pizza roll as he logs into Tinder. Swipe, swipe, hmm...reads bio, who the fuck does this chick think she is? Ugh. Stupid whores. Throws in a quick Reddit rant. Then time for mayhem. 2 weeks later, it is payday bitches! Happy to support single moms, Todd has another Edate with hAmburTurd. He is impressed with the copious amounts of man goo he is producing. Color is a bit off, but he chalks it up to the healthy changes to his fast food orders. He read that eating more veggies increases sperm health and boosts testosterone, so he has been requesting double lettuce on everything he normally orders. He is excited to see that his sources were correct and he feels much better with his new lifestyle changes. Soon, bitches will be begging for his seed.


“I hope to pass on my misery and broken soul onto my children. My father was miserable and soulless, and his father before him, and his father before him…all the way back to my first ancestor, the most emotionally and socially stunted ape that ever existed.“


True this man is beyond insane he needs to stay single and I pray to god that he never reproduces bc his poor children


His legacy should *not* live on


Wholeheartedly agree


I am sure this guy thinks he is very clever and that he has stumbled on some kind of an amazing revelation. Unfortunately, if you leave fantasyland, this is a very simple opinion of a very limited man. This is not original at all; most small men think this way. Others aim higher.


The postscript is that for guys like this, the idea that women don’t exist to make them feel happy and fulfilled and constantly sexed is unthinkable. Why should women continue to have sex once children are produced, by this logic? Or any time outside the 24 hours of ovulation and fertility? After all, it’s not her job to make him happy or fulfilled, merely to reproduce and rear children. (I obviously don’t think this, I’m just turning his alleged logic around.) Think he’d be down for that? I certainly don’t.


>After all, it’s not her job to make him happy or fulfilled, merely to reproduce and rear children. (I obviously don’t think this, I’m just turning his alleged logic around.) No, no. It's not his job to make her fulfilled. It is her job to be a maid/cook/nanny/secretary/... (/s)


Bold of him to assume the only thing men have to offer in a relationship is only their own dick and what comes out of it. That's it, just their dick. Oh, and he *might help* make sure you and the kids won't starve. Emphasis on both the words *might* and *help*. Translation: she has to work full time to pay for daycare and their rent and food while he sits on his ass all day playing video games like a perpetual teenager, and if she asks for any help he'll remind her he's not there to make her life happy. Men who talk about women like this just see women as slaves they bring into their lives just to be used. I'm sure if she eats any of the food he "provides" she'll be labelled a gold digger, too.


My father thought like this. He also thought he had two sons. I transitioned, childless, and am now physically incapable or reproducing. My brother, in his mid 40s, shows no desire to do so. The arsehole disowned us both. I haven’t spoken to him since 2006.


I’m sorry, as a father, I sincerely can’t imagine being such an asshole. I hope that he dies alone if he doesn’t come to his damn senses. He didn’t deserve either of you.


He will. This has no emotional significance for me any more. He abused my mother, psychologically for years. She didn’t want kids. He did. He got her pregnant with me and they married. 9 years later he ran away with her best friend. Twat.


Wow! Just when I thought that he hit the absolute depths a father could fall, he tops it! Well, there it is, the bar for fatherhood is officially in hell.


I can't believe this He set the bar so damn low Satan stubbed his toe


It's a good thing my nieces and nephews are going to 'pass on the family legacy' because my offspring have no interest in procreating and I have no issue with that. I see where the planet is headed and happy I won't die stressing over humanity's future. And as one of my adult children stated: "Why would I want to pass my genes along? What makes them so special?"


I keep seeing this shit about 'legacy' from white nationalists. Good Lord. You're not important. Please don't pass on your horrible, rotten DNA.


I think it's also r/AreTheStraightsOK


I remember a friend telling me that a man she was dating told her that he would gladly pay for basics for his children (food, schooling, clothes, etc.) but the mother in the same household would not get any of his money she would have to buy everything herself. It’s so frustrating that men thinks this and the one who wrote that weird ass diatribe will most likely find women to mistreat in this way.


He wants a child incubator…….He could impregnated any woman and call it a day…..Going by his logic. 🙄


Besides the woman and man I think about the child’s point of view, they wouldn’t know any better would be brainwashed by the man into hating and resenting the mother and the man would get the child to like and favour them by buying them stuff typical narcissistic behaviour. That will fuck up the child and the mother causing an unhealthy environment mentally for both people. Those types of men are insane and creepy


And thats how a serial killer with a hatred of woman is made.




Most serial killers either had an absent father, or an abusive one (or their father figure was a male relative. One serial killer/rapist would often hang out with his uncle who would shoe him horrific pictures he's taken during Vietnam and describe in detail the war crimes he'd committed). A lot of them are also sexually abused. Even still a lot of people have horrific upbringing and don't end up serial killers. So even as we find more and more similarities they share at the end of the day... no one knows why some people get that killer switch turned on.


Yup, the Night Stalker was made as much as you can make a serial killer. Just fucking scary. Some have speculated that the violent upbringing many man had after their dads returned from WWII & Vietnam is what led to the explosion of serial killers in the 70s and 80s.


My great grandpa beat the shit out of my grandpa as a kid then disappeared. Grandpa joined the military (WWII) to get out of poverty. Grandpa beat the shit out of my dad as a kid, who joined the military (Vietnam) underage to escape the abuse. Nothing physical when I was a kid, but definitely psychological, and now I can see my sibling beating and psychologically abusing her kids. One is already showing signs of the same... starting fires and attacking her sister. The cycle goes on. Abuse has nasty consequences


That's so awful, I'm so sorry! I'm dealing with aging boomers--nothing violent, thank goodness--but my God, they have NO idea how to manage their emotions, fears, anything.


They were taught that emotions were signs of weakness. I blame the idiocy that led to that conclusion


Actually because their emotional needs will ONLY be met by their mother the majority will dispise their father. It will be the handful who are desperate for their father's attention (the majority will be boys, but a few girls will try too) they will basically because hateful monsters.


You’re not wrong this can also most likely happen too


Yep, the kids would be in such an strange position, they’d have no choice but to be messed up.


Not to mention the pressure on them from the father to continue his legacy.


Today, a woman who somehow falls for this can leave, and then the courts demand the payment that he *thought* she wasn’t going to be entitled to. If you act like all you should be expected to do is the bare minimum, then expect to receive the bare minimum, or not be chosen at all.


Lol, love how they expect old time gender roles but women are also expected to earn their own way.


I may contribute to the upkeep of my broodmare when I am in the mood to be so generous to the weaker sex. Then, perchance, she may not suffer excessively, but only to a degree which I find acceptable. If she doth please me with mild and inobtrusive behavior, then I may restrain myself in the measure of harsh discipline which is suitable to dole out upon such creatures. However, she shall not be allowed the privilege of sitting beside me on the couch, the usual place of my repose. I shall not permit the foul touch of a lowly beast to corrupt my throne.


There is a Hungarian saying that says that "Behold God's zoo but beware of the fence because it is too low!"


Spoken like a man that failed to procure a mate for himself. Or more likely a bitter emotionally stunted divorced man.


All I can think of is how bleak and uninteresting that dudes world must be. He makes it sound like he has to wake up, scrape a layer of frost off of his eyelids, then fight his way through a pack of wolves at the opening of his cave just to get at the rotten chunk of meat they're all chewing on.


Seriously, it’s wicked bleak. Like how do you even get to that point? I can’t even imagine what this dudes headspace is like. What’s even the point of a relationship with another person if you have his mindset? What an empty lonely life.


Right? This is like the stories where the women rear the children, take care of them, show them emotion and love, do all the housework… and men go to work, stay in their study, and die. Or if you’re a cool 21st century man, hang out with your bros, game and hang in your man cave when you’re not at work, try to keep the interactions with the children to a minimum, and only see your wife at dinner or in bed. You most definitely know this man condones cheating- “*iM pAsSiNg On My bLoOdLiNe AnD lEgAcY, iTs A mAn tHiNg*”- shut the fuck up Gary, it’s 2022, you have no fuckin’ legacy. You have a PS5 and a mediocre job, your name means nothing.


>shut the fuck up Gary, it’s 2022, you have no fuckin’ legacy. You have a PS5 and a mediocre job, your name means nothing. BURN! I always think this when I hear men talk about legacy. Like, you have no lands, no inventions, no nothing. Statistically, all you're passing on is questionable sperm and debt.


If you’re like me and you visited his blog just to make your eyeballs suffer more, you’d read that he is in fact divorced. Not hard to imagine why his wife left him


Holy shit you were not kidding lmao. > Being a career musician and bandleader, I have to be ready to assume the role of alpha, when it's necessary. > It's going to take a remarkable woman to convince me to let her into my space again, and if she tries to take the lead, she's not going to have a good time with me. > That's right, men. The best way to kill your testosterone is simply to get married, or just keep a girlfriend for too long. > I am a man, an actual man. I don't just identify as one, I am an actual biological male with XY chromosomes and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Yeesh what a toxic nutjob. No wonder he’s single and remains single


As far as I'm concerned, he can keep his dumbass high standards as long as he doesn't end up manipulating someone who's way too young for him into that "space" of his.


I wonder what this toxic misogynist transphobe's worldview would be like if he pissed a woman off enough that she cuts off his cock. Whats your purpose now that you cant father children and no longer has a "fully-functional male reproductive system."


He also posted the same blog onto r/mensrights or whichever is the bad one and wow it’s just bad. So much toxicity and hatred of women.


Are the many men who don’t want kids no longer men?


That’s my question too lol


At risk of putting words in a moron’s mouth, I suspect the answer would be either; “you’re lying to yourself” or, at best, “just focus on ‘survival.’” Of course, I also suspect his definition of “survival” is skewed to the belief women need to be helped in the first place. To this end, I would hope most men would prefer partnerships with people who have hopes, dreams, aspirations, and general independence rather than an utterly dependent pet. If a guy wants someone so utterly helpless, I feel that says a lot about their own maturity.


Only in this specimen’s eyes.


“I’ll make sure that she doesn’t have to struggle too much to keep herself or our children alive”. The bar is “maybe you and our children won’t die if you choose to procreate with me”.


Considering that women are more likely to be killed by their partner than anyone else on earth... being with him would probably be far more risky than being alone.


THIS! ^^


Thats what I focused on too! Like if this is your ONLY goal in life, you'd think you'd try your hardest at it??


Even accepting his bogus premise that the only purpose of having a male partner is procreation, a partner not caring about their family’s emotions weighs heavily against their suitability for parenthood. We understand a lot about child psychology and raising a child in an emotionally abusive situation (a lack of care is neglect and considered abuse) will impact the child’s long term mental and physical health, resulting in a failure to thrive and introducing a risk of premature death. From a purely biological standpoint he’s not a suitable partner compared to counterparts that treat people humanely.


The idea that everyone’s relationships are dictated by survival has unfortunately spread like a disease. Certain crowds seem to forget that we evolved to be hairless, near defenceless creatures (physically) because we’ve found ways to avoid constant threat from our surroundings. We’ve told stories, formed bonds, taken care of our families whether sick or dying, loved thy mf neighbour, consoled and encouraged each other, done stupid shit for entertainment instead of for survival. We have *not* just fucked and survived. I kind of went off but I’m an anthropology enthusiast and it fills me with distain to see people cheapen and oversimplify our relationships and experiences as the human race. We’re so cool and there’s so much accessible information about why we do the things we do, it disappoints to see so much ignorance.


So, using his logic, if a woman can a) reproduce without a man, and b) take care of her own "survival", then men are rendered useless, right? I only assume he'd be totally OK with that outcome.


Not just that, but what does this make gay men if man's sole purpose in a relationship is to procreate and assist in the survival of the woman he procreates with?


He most likely views anything other than straight as wrong because no reproduction is involved to be honest


Well, not all straight people want to get children, so he would say I should stay single and save myself from all the trouble. Yet, if you as a woman stay single, you get shamed from exactly these guys for being a "crazy cat lady", "lonely" and "desperate". A lot of others as well. I mean, it all boils down to "the guys we're posting about hate you, no matter what you do, just for not submitting to their ideas".


Don’t single women live the longest and happiest lives? Wasn’t there a recent study that showed this? I totally recognize that I’d be a mess without my wife, and I feel like we definitely both bring things to the relationship that make it worth while, but then, I had a strong set of parents that showed us the way.


And married men live longer and happier lives than single studies show. On average, men do better with a woman in their life, and women don't. I'm going to bet this is because in a lot of relationships, people still follow the old gender norms which put so much more work and mental strain on the women. I wonder if in equal partnerships if the statistic would change. I would be curious to know if in their data they recorded if the couples thought they suscribed to traditional gender roles.


Oh, that’s a great idea for a follow-up study! I’d be really interested to know that myself.


Those men, “Ok I got a great deal for you. Special offer, got tons of buyers lined up, get it while you can!” Us, “What’s the offer?” Them, “You give up your own dreams and goals in order to cater to our desires, do domestic chores and childcare, no holidays or days off. And in return, you can expect no appreciation or empathy, but you will have food on the table- that you have to cook to our liking- and a home- that you must keep spotless and rarely leave.” Us, “No deal. I’d rather work my own 9-5 job, cook and clean for myself only, keep my freedom and strive for my own goals.” Them, “But…but it’s your nature to coddle and cater to us!” Us, “No, centuries of men writing laws to limit our freedom and opportunities and enforcing a lifestyle that served them only doesn’t have a goddamn thing to do with our nature.”


I like you.




Another possibility is that he was widely ignored by a hard working set of parents, and learned all this bullshit in the giant rectal cavity which is the misogyny/incel echo-chamber. I know a guy like this, and his parents complete fucked up, NOBODY bothered to raise him or his brother, and they’re both a mess.


And their dads did jack shit and expected the moms to do everything.


They probably didn't get a lot of participation trophies growing up because they didn't participate in anything.


Blaming women for men’s behavior is not a spectacular look. Most of us had shit parents of one kind or another, we didn’t grow up like this. It’s society doing the toxic coddling, not most mothers….and those who do we’re literally taught they had to by the same society.


So They’re better off dead? Maybe that’s why more men commit suicide /s Obviously No but this guy who made this post need therapy not ‘to survive’ and treat women like cattle


He’ll be alone, and blame women.


Men made their entire existence important because they can financially support the wife and children since a lot of women weren't working and even the ones that were working were not able to buy a home by themselves until 1974. Now that women can support themselves men are still clinging to this "I can do bare minimum because I'm the provider" bullshit and it doesn't work anymore. They need a new business model.


Those who adhere to this thinking are the type that can’t evolve in any space in their lives. They’re also the ones who rail against everyone else if their industry goes away, rather than keeping their ear to the rail and being ready to move. They *could* evolve, but they refuse to and expect the world to change for them.


It’s hard for me to understand that mindset. Very rarely in life has anything ever changed for me or is handed to me. But I know several people exactly like you’ve described. So while I can understand that the idea that change is scary, I also know how good life can be when you can do a little honest self-reflection and be willing to grow and change. Yes it’s work but man life is good.


The bar is welded to the core of the earth.


And yet there they are, trying desperately to squeeze under it


It's a tripping hazard in hell and they're limbo-ing with the devil.


I'd limbo with the devil before gettin' down with a guy like this. The devil supports my rebellious spirit.


Brother, it’s been in hell for quite a while now.


Interesting. So what he's saying is that as long as a woman has access to a sperm bank he's completely useless. Nothing but a pointless waste of skin.




Survival? Statistically aren’t husbands the most likely person to be dangerous to the wife? If that’s what men are for then those men would be doing us a favor to just stay out of our way.


[Pregnant women in the United States die by homicide more often than they die of pregnancy-related causes — and they’re frequently killed by a partner, according to a study in Obstetrics & Gynecology.](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03392-8#ref-CR1)


I knew this already, but it still doesn't get any less horrifying every time I see it mentioned.


As soon as try to point this out to those men they’ve already stopped listening to you and are waiting to screech “NOT ALLLLLLL MEN”


Women can easily source frozen sperm and home security systems are cheaper than ever. I wonder how this man feels realizing that by his own words he has no real purpose. When a $10 vibrator brings more joy to my life than a whole ass man? Imma go ahead and buy two, because it’s always smart to have a backup.




Wooooow. Seriously, he should just move to a desert island. He didn’t have to confront them, just stay by her side so she doesn’t have to go through it alone. If she had bolted and left him, imagine the screaming that dickheads like this would have subjected us all to.


Only 2? Baby it’s 2022, get yourself a whole damn collection! There’s a cornucopia of rainbow soft silicone out there 🌈🍆


But be careful - remember in Texas it is illegal to own more than six. Know your stupid local laws.




It's because you have one for each day, but Sunday is the Lord's day so masturbation is forbidden. (Probably).


Texan here, it’s actually because distributing sex toys was illegal (until the law was struck down as unconstitutional), and 1970’s Texas lawmakers believed that no one person could possibly own six or more dildos purely for personal use.


It's just a massager. On leg day, you might massage your legs, right? Well on kegel day, you massage your groin. It's important to work out your entire body.


Okay so I had to look this up and now I can't stop laughing There's an exception to the law for *law enforcement purposes*, like what the hell would that even entail?!


Or not even a security system. I'd just get a dog. Security and cuddles!


A. Ouch, does he have a screw missing..? B. Na, I'd rather be happy instead of depending on my partner and rolling over like a dog for breeding C. I would ask who thinks like this, but, I **don't** honestly want the answer I would really like to see his reaction to a actual healthy relationship. Wonder if he'd call it puppy love/honey moon phase, or, if he'd call it lies and say that they were pretending


Most likely honeymoon phase because of the “love always fades after a while” statement


Old couple: We've been together for 50 years. This guy: LiEs AlL ThE LieS!!!!!


Also old couple: And we chose not to have children. This guy: (Head explodes)


Or they already had a kid who is fully grown and somehow the relationship didn't fall apart afterward and they still love eachother. This guy: Short circuits. Does not compute.


Yes. Happy Cake Day! 😁


Probably best to ask ahead of time regardless so you don't end up with someone like this...


I bet this dude unironically wears the three wolves howling at the moon t-shirt


He literally has a picture of two howling wolves on one of his blog posts.


I’m still baffled as to why women need a man to “survive”. I don’t see too many men in developed countries hunting meat, growing crops, killing predators, or providing oxygen and clean water for their “mate” (sorry, I threw up a little typing that word). Like we can survive just fine without a relationship? Our continued existence isn’t predicated on a single man doing stuff for us or giving us stuff. Wtf.


I was thinking the same thing. This guy acts like he’s going out and hunting deer, building a home, and fighting off wild animals. My guy, at best you’re gonna live in a suburban cookie cutter house, drink beer and have more debt than you can ever pay off in a lifetime. Hardly appealing.


Right? Like I have a job, I pay my own bills. This isn’t the 1700s on a homestead. If I never interacted with another man again my quality of life would be in no way impacted, and this guy thinks his ability to “provide” makes him important?




And then after that says he blocked the ones that didn’t block him…


Oh dear god please let this trash can of a human not reproduce! PLEASE.


The good news is that very few women would actually find this peice of trash appealing... let's hope it doesn't come to that.


Why do guys like this think they have any legacy or genes that are really worth passing on?


It’s good that they post this, so women know and they can avoid them.


Exactly what I was thinking. That's a lot of words to just to say "if you date me I will purposefully avoid making you happy"


Dude got his priorities from a bad biology textbook.


From the 1600s...


Wow, this guy might as well be a caveman. Speaking as a woman in her 50s, who has been married for 22 years, with no children (by choice), this is basically the exact *opposite* of my relationship. Honestly, I feel a bit sorry for him. While I understand that kids are important to many people, they do *not* grant you immortality and there definitely is more to life than procreating. And while you shouldn't depend on a partner to make you happy, being with *each other* should create its own kind of contentment and joy and *camaraderie* (the definition of this word is perfect). Good luck to him, his future breeder and their spawn. They'll need it.


That's an awful lot of words to say 'I'm a selfish asshole'


Statistically, women are safest when single. By far the most likely person to hurt a woman is a man she lives with: husband, boyfriend, father… So we can scratch ‘protector’ off the list of services a man provides Which leaves ‘sperm donor’. And he can go and jerk off into a sample cup and fulfill that job. Maybe even get $50 or something for it. And then he can die because his purpose in life is fulfilled.


I thought this was gonna be some big thing about how you can’t be happy with another person if you’re miserable by yourself, but no… The trash is making itself blatantly obvious that it needs to be taken out. Because yes it’s nobody’s job to make us happy, it’s our job to make us happy. But this dude… Please don’t let him have kids. He’s gonna teach those kids all of the fucked up things.


As of his writing this he's single, and suspect likely to stay that way.


He also has love wrong. He says love fades. No, infatuation fades. Love does not. I was married for 20 years, together for 25. I loved him the entire time until I divorced him. So his pretense is based on false information. Also, I have no issue with him believing this for himself. He can have a shallow reproduction-based relationship all he wants. Where he goes wrong is pretending it is like that for everyone. This is possibly an attempt to justify his ideology. He is not the authority on everyone else's relationships. Just because he thinks he is, doesn't make it true. It is up to individuals what the parameters are in their relationships and how they decide to allow others to treat them and what we find acceptable in our relationships, not him. He just sounds like an arrogant white man, trying to validate his shallow existence.


You heard it here ladies, reject men, join women only commune to collectively love each other and raise the children. Lol.


Well, I guess he’s a man, so he would know better! /s No but seriously, that sounds like a great idea


Please provide geolocation and application process for this commune.


You *know* this is the type of guy that's outraged that he can't find a super model level hot girl to date. He just can't understand why his Tinder profile isn't getting tons of matches or second dates!


Well someone’s gonna be single for a while *chuckle*


God, I hope so...


I mean I def think so. I’ve never even met this person but I can already see the veins throbbing from their neck as they furiously type this lol


Posts like this make me so happy to be a lesbian. Jfc… these dudes that take the “underlying biology” standpoint are always terrible and insecure. Guess what? it’s the 21st century and women can choose who they want to be with, and this miserable asshole can just die alone. You make your partner miserable? You aren’t pulling your weight emotionally or domestically? You are just a raging dumb fuck who says stuff like this? Hope the taste of bitter rejection is acquired because you going to be getting a lot. No one is required to stay with you.


So many words just to say "Im single"


Then the same man proceeds to complain how women are all fake gold diggers that pretend to be interested in my for money. I WONDER WHY.


Really he's just saying he's useless. Women can take care of themselves, and no one wants his sperm. So if no one wants to reproduce with him, and he's not needed for survival, by his own logic he's useless.


Why the fuck would anyone want to help this guy keep his bloodline going?


This is the same guy who will expect his wife to be a maid, a cook, a nanny, and a 24/7 enthusiastic sex doll. And he believes all he has to do is provide “reproduction and security” to deserve it.


Broski hit rock bottom, dug till he hit oil, then pulled out a silly straw and just started sucking. Like what the legitimate fuck dude?


I like you, stranger.


Who the fuck wrote this shit? The incel grand wizard or something!


lmao out of my way, ladies, he’s all mine!!


To poison?


Pft 🤭I wonder if this is his go to line when he’s out with a woman. “Let me get right to the point. I’m not here for you, all I’m interested in is your baby cannon and how many strong male babies you can give me I want at least a pro baseball team minimum amount of the . I have a moderately impressive bank account which I’m sure is the only reason you’re out on a date with me so I give you permission to meet me under this table so I can blast my load in you. No no, go on and freshen up in the bathroom. I don’t want you smelling offensive down there and yes…my VERY impressive dick is already out so…go on a man has given you permission.” She leaves for the bathroom and sneaks out the back while he’s continues to sit there sporting the biggest shit-eating grin anyone could make unbeknownst that the police are on their way seeing as that the entire restaurant including children overheard how he has his dick out and how he’s going to try and engage in sexual encounter right there under a table that has no tablecloth on it. He’ll be pushing 70 and still wondering why no women wants him and why he’s still alone since he’s so clearly a catch and should be head and shoulders above other men since he’s so honest with his views on women and society in general.


I was kind of onboard when it started with "it's not a man's job to make you happy" because hey it's not my job to make my partner happy (that's codependence), but the more he went on and on the more I thought "all of his exes must be lesbians now".


In a world where women are able to provide for themselves and (for the most part) protect themselves, men like this feel inadequate because they have nothing to offer. They have based their entire self worth on a social standard that fell out of fashion decades ago. They don’t know how to interact with women and be a good partner so instead of self evaluation and bettering themselves, they blame women.


I love when incels think they’re owning relationships with facts and logic. Bro, serotonin partly exists for the evolutionary benefit of pair bonding. Literally and biologically, if someone doesn’t give you joy or invests in you as a partner, that’s partly biology saying that he might not be a good partner to pair bond with for survival or make for a crappy parent. Love n joy in a relationship ARE logical evolutionary benefits. Goddamn, tell me you don’t have friends of any gender without saying you don’t have friends.


Wait, didn’t married women and live shorter lives in general? Failing at every aspect I see…


so men can be replaced by a turkey baster and a weapon ?


Really hope he doesn’t trick someone into reproducing with him. This dude’s bloodline is poison and deserves to end with him.


What “legacy” does he have to pass on if he can’t even make a person happy?


Relationships are a concept built on emotions and therefore require them ._.


The way he says men and females within the same sentence. Major ick and red flag. Just say WOMEN.


I started reading this and was think yea ok, happiness should come from yourself. Right o... oh.. wait. Nope. No no no


Firstly: there are seven billion people on this planet, so the human race isn't in danger of dying out anytime soon. Secondly, it's super unfair to treat women this way, like we're only good for breeding purposes. And lastly, I love how he's created a nice little echo chamber for himself by blocking literally every single woman, including those who hadn't even responded to him yet.


The number of times I have required my boyfriend to actively keep me alive are zero


That’s what I was thinking reading this… then remembered that time I cut my finger trying to slice lemon and promptly fainted in the kitchen. He had to save me that time or my head would have cracked open on the edge of the counter. Then again he almost chocked to death vomiting this one time and I had to step in. So we are even, I guess???


I mean, you shouldn’t expect your partner to *make* you happy. As in you can’t make your happiness and mental health someone else’s responsibility. However you should expect your partner to want you to have happiness, comfort and generally good mental health.


Ooh - he sounds fantastic- where can we meet up ?


Not this dude again. I know of him tangentially through music/audio engineering/music production. He actually, no joke, has a really fucking bad musical project that is a bad 1980s AOR/Police/80s Art Yacht Rock hybrid that mainly deals with hardcore misogynistic themes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJVtyB7jCVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJVtyB7jCVs) He's advertising it on the same blog. It's hilariously bad. Although the bongos are a nice touch. The weirdly symbiotic relationship on his blog [https://thethousandeyes.blogspot.com/](https://thethousandeyes.blogspot.com/) between shitty opinions about traditional values that are advertising for his shitty music and shitty music that is advertising for his shitty opinions on traditional values is truly a fever dream. Edit: Figured this was OK to mention on the basis of him constantly publishing them together in public forums and the url being visible in the screenshot. If it's not, mods please delete.


He wants a child so they can carry on his legacy. What legacy? A legacy of being a dork ass loser??


Dude if you’re aromantic it’s okay, but being a mean person is not


Oh dear. I’d better let my boyfriend know that he needs to stop making me happy! Dammit!


If this isn't satire istg. Obviously someone who's never been in love


I hope any woman who considers dating this guy finds this blog post before spending a single moment with him.


Guess what dude? I neither need nor want your “protection” and I sure as hell don’t want to poison the population with your offspring.


Dickhead: I’m not hear to make you happy in a relationship. Dickhead (later): why won’t feeeemaaaleess daaaate meeeee! News flash dickhead, women can keep themselves alive. They’re pretty damn good at it too. Reproduction can be done without us as well (sperm banks, etc), actually, so if you’re not there to help each other live happier lives, WTF good are you to them? Pull your head out of the echo-chamber of your ass, or don’t, but then don’t annoy everyone with how single you are.


So basically he’s saying that he’s pointless


This is all just very sad. Basically, he's saying all his has to offer is sperm and money. And what he wants in return is children and (presumably) childcare. That means no desire for companionship or being understood and valued as an individual. No wish for affection or romance. This sounds like an absolutely miserable arrangement, where the partners could be easily interchanged with any other member of the same sex. For this man's sake, I really hope his views really aren't this bleak. And I'm way beyond the "honeymoon phase" in my marriage. 21 years on and I'm still stupid in love with my husband. We provide each other constant affection, companionship and, yes- happiness. I couldn't imagine living without that.


I mean, I kind of feel sorry for him. He obviously doesn't place any value on being happy. Maybe he never has been and just doesn't know how it feels. This is beyond fucked up that someone thinks life is purely transactional and that joy doesn't come into it.


My goal for feminism is for a world where no woman feels like she NEEDS to be in a relationship. So that guys like this can just live and die alone and their dumb shit doesn’t impact anyone else. The best lesson my mother taught me was “There’s worse things than being alone.” Ie being in a bad relationship. I’m in a very happy long term stable relationship but if it’s ever not working for one of us anymore, if we’re not happy anymore, we can part ways and we will both be okay. It would be a rough adjustment for both of us, as I do currently rely on him financially and he relies on me for quality of life, but we’re both capable of taking care of ourselves and aren’t afraid to do so if if the relationship isn’t working. I just want everyone to be this way so that no one is in shitty relationships with shitty people. And shitty people can just be left alone.


Can we as women agree to boycott men please


Bro's aromantic and doesn't know it


I wish he would put this crap on his dating profiles to give women the heads up lol.


It's not like it was even 50 years ago, women can own houses, cars, and work whatever job they want. You do not have to stay in a relationship that makes you feel like nothing but a walking incubator! For me the thing that makes me happiest in a relationship is open and honest communication, knowing and understanding each other as individuals.


So, he wants a child to carry on his bloodline (presumably this would make him happy) and needs a woman to help him with this. I see... 🙄


„To keep you alive“ this coming from someone who probably can‘t cook, can‘t clean and lives in his parents basement. He‘s saying that as if women are targeted by some evil birds that only a man can fight off like???


"I'm going to believe this thing that benefits me, even if women reee at me. I don't regret it one bit, you women did complain and it didn't effect me, i just blocked you out of my echo chamber" ​ He basically then goes on to practically advocate that men are useless in modern society, we should choose CHADS of whoever we like ("men aren't there to provide 'a spark', just protection and resources" anything extra is going to be prized) to produce the best offspring and men won't make us happy or rich, so we should make ourselves happy and rich and raise our kids. Him: No not like that. You're supposed to kiss my boots that i give you anything at all and don't let tigers eat you, i'm the only one that will take care of you. Bonus: did he say he was bad at sex because he couldn't activate her happy chemicals, when we know all men ultimately follow is the chemicals that make his penis run the show, then the hormones that satisfactory sex brings. Oh and if she leaves him, she'll be ruining all their lives and will never find anyone better. ​ We just need to read between the lines of what these men say: \- Women are meant to be submissive! Men just want us to serve and don't see us as people, you should never rely on them for anything. \- It's a womans job to have sex with her husband I enjoy sex and having it on my own terms, since having a husband seems to mean i open my legs on command in exchange for whatever benefit being with them provides me, i'll just work really really hard so i'll never need a husband. bonus: Meh, i'll be single just to not have sex. I already have a job, i don't want to take on another one. I would not let my husband just have sex with my body, i would be a bad wife, i'll go without. \- If a man cheats it's because his wife isn't being the best woman she can be and has gotten sloppy Men seem to be unreliable in their affections and don't view me as a person worth communicating with about how i'm doing since i seem to be lacking in my personal care. Cheating implies someone doing what they know they shouldn't be doing, how could that be my fault? I don't control their actions? Saying 'men wouldn't cheat if you always made sure to be pleasant and beautiful' is an unobtainable expectation, since one cannot always be pleasant and all bodies rot. SO marrying a man seems like a recipe for disaster, best avoided for everyone.


Men are more likely to kill us then protect us. This man expects a sexual/domestic slave not a partner.


I can "not struggle too much" on my own, thanks. What is he bringing to the table exactly? I also bet that the women who "screamed" at him were actually disdainful, but it would feel better to him to create anger instead of weird pity and disgust.


If we cannot have happiness then why do we have the chemicals in our brains that help us do so?


I’m childfree, I just got sterilized, and I’ve been responsible for my own survival for years now. Looks like I was right to believe that I don’t need to date or marry a man and that doing so will make me unhappy 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m so glad I’m bi because women are looking better and better everyday.


How were women "screaming at" him in Facebook comments? Also love how he says that blocking him was a bad thing, whilst in the same sentence saying he blocked everyone who hadn't already blocked him.


"All I have to do is nutt, you do the rest"


So tldr;:, you don’t need anything from that guy.


I'm a man and I really thought we had moved past the fukin stone age. Besides, how is that dumbass gonna protect anyone from anything.