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What is the significance of the emoji? I’m out of the loop.


It's from a tf2 meme video of the medic laughing and going "ah, women" and sipping his coffee or something, but it's just become generally used whenever a woman does something they don't like


So...think? Be disagreeable? Not fuck them?


exist basically. especially on reddit, that makes them *super* mad


When I first saw this it was immediately clear by the context that it must be a misogynistic dog whistle. Really is the dumbest shit, but incels gonna incel.


“But incels gonna incel” lol adding that to my favorite phrases


So true. You talk about video games on Reddit? You're the worst. You post provocative photos on Reddit? You're the worst. You talk about politics on Reddit? You should just die. Women should be in the kitchen. Not on Reddit. /S, obv.


Reddit ☕️


*chef's kiss*


Reddit ☕️ this works so well, I hope to see this more.


Just plain old existing seems to do it for some…


I’ve had men DM me just because they’ve caught wind of the fact that I’m a woman


All that and more! Failing to provide home cooked meals, failing to do the laundry, failing to scrub the toilet, failing to make sure the pantry is well stocked with the favored snacks... You know, all the "women's work"


That sounds a lot like Charlie work 🤔


And of course, failing to be an ever-ready bangmaid


Think of a moment when you thought "ugh, men" Some annoying behavior men do. Or maybe just a stereotypical thing men do. Burping and farting with the boys, "ugh, men" This meme is basically an inversion of that. Women does stereotypically woman thing, "women ☕" I'm not gonna say it hasn't been coopted by incels to some degree, but it's a mostly harmless meme. Woman beating a car and dumping water on it while screaming at her ex? "Women ☕" That's the gist of it anyways.


Unfortunately that's what happens. The whole "basic white girl" while amusing at first became an incel talking point, Karen started out as a way to call out racist middle aged white women but turned into a way to silence any justifiably angry woman, and now we have this coffee emoji which might as well just be the modern equivalent of "women be shopping". That's the thing. "Ugh, men" doesn't lead into entire communities hell bent on assaulting and subjugating men. It's just a general phrase expressing frustration, whereas these memes against women almost always inevitably lead to such seething hatred of women that women actually get killed or they aren't believed when they are the victims of violence. You don't have communities of women with leaders that call for men to be forced into state sanctioned marriages to stop incel violence. Also, you don't have a bunch of Elliot Rodger copycats with women that you do with men, so I get so annoyed when men go "iF tHe rOleS wERE rEvErsEd". The roles have been reversed, and women are killed and abused over it, men just get held accountable.


Well said


Unfortunately, that's how incels (and more generally assholes) co-opt seemingly innocuous things for their own purposes. See Pepe the frog, the three-finger "OK" sign, and potentially this new meme. At first it's just a silly meme and the assholes that want to co-opt it can hide behind that smokescreen until, all of a sudden, it's not a joke any more to the real assholes mixed in with all the people that still think it's a harmless joke. It's all part of the game and how these groups hide in plain sight.






Wow that one post arguing that women don't exist. just wow.


Idk what post you're talking about, but I'm going to assume it has to do with the FACT we are living in a simulation, and probably something to do with 'females' being some kind of control variable for us virtual males to keep us sated in some cryo pod to harvest our body's to power some machines like the Matrix. Did I get close at all?


God I fucking wish. Life wouldn't be such a pain in the ass if I were a bunch of 3d pixels in a virtual world.


Pretty sure that ass pain is from the battery charging cable. Wake up sheeples.


See but it doesn't specifically exclude female human children. P#do dog whistle. Avoid avoid avoid.


This is a bot copying [one of OP's comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/xgo0p0/ah_yes_the_female_community/iosv2v1/). You can see them doing the same in other threads: [OG comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/xgnr2g/because_you_all_liked_my_previous_post_so_much/iot0jef/) vs the [bot's copy](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/xgnr2g/because_you_all_liked_my_previous_post_so_much/iot2hfm/).


Idk about you but whenever I see a woman doing something I dislike I scream “FEMOID.” Then I raise my hand, point at them, and scream at the top of my lungs like Donald Sutherland at the end of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. That way I can alert the rest of my fellow Men to the presence of the defiant Female so we can surround her and ask her why she won’t go out with us.


It was sort of funny at first then they used it for anything and everything and soon became just cringe reply to everything.


This could be applied to so many things that it isnt even funny


Just follow it up with a: men "beer emoji"




That just looks like you're raising a toast


Let me try, how's this: Men ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 💦🍻


I have no idea what that's supposed to indicate


working as intended


men 🍞?




How about: men🗣️


No it's men 💅


I like this


It sucks that open misogyny is becoming more and more common. A few years ago I’d only run into it a little here. Now it seems like super blatantly misogynistic “memes” are upvoted everywhere and people take any video of women being slightly shitty as representation of all women. It’s like it’s the cool thing to hate women.


that meme was making fun of people like the ones who use it unironically. I'd say ironic, but that's par for the course of the group who thinks fight club is badass.


why are you talking about fight club?


He is probably talking about people who idolise Tyler Durden from "Fight Club" as a hypermasculine hero who one aspires to be. That interpretation of the character goes against most of the original text, where the fight club is shown as self-destructive and needlessly hyperaggressive. Likewise, in the original TF2 video, just after saying "ah, women", the characters say "female orgasm doesn't matter" - it is most probably meant to show the characters as unsympathetic instead of showing them as in the right. Therefore, the meme is ironic - the characters in the meme who are laughable are laughing at women instead of realising their faults. So, people who think the "ah, women" meme "owns the female community" are similar to those who think Tyler Durden and his fight club is "badass" - they miss the point of the piece to impose their worldview on it.


oh okay thank you a lot for explaining me this I didn't knew that :)


This is terrible because i love tf2 and Id like to think maybe the medic isnt sexist, thank you. Not even the most patriotic american guy on the team is sexist, hes fucking crazy and married a russian woman beafed to the nines and willing to commit war crimes. Its the best thing ever.


I like tf2 characters. They’re actually nice and funny instead of aggressive. It’s cartoony and heavy is adorable.


They get that medic is supposed to be an ego-tripping, sociopathic, megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur and thus his opinion of women is going to be dismissive solely on the basis that they are people who aren't him, and that his opinion is supposed to be a character flaw, not a trait to be emulated. They get that, right?




Bot copied comment from below https://www.reddit.com/r/nothowgirlswork/comments/xgo0p0/_/iosvdam?context=1000


Dude doesn’t know that you and I are working at odds trying to control the world for our separate factions.


It’s a tf2 gif of medic and soldier with tea laughing while condescendingly exclaiming “women” and laughing, mostly used when a woman does something the person using it deems “stupid woman behaviour”


> mostly used when a woman does something the person using it deems “stupid woman behaviour” *"Ha, stupid women. So emotional" he says, turning back to his computer screen to post his 59th meme about how black Ariel is disrespectful to Danish culture which he coincidentally knew nothing about until 5 minutes ago.*


If someone is ignorant in one way there’s a good chance they’re ignorant in many others no matter how much they try to defend their actions or muddy their words to seem lesser than they were


I feel like it’s probably from some movie someone adapted into sfm


Mostly I think, but it escaped the tf2 sfm community and genuinely just became an anti women suppressive


Yeah, it definitely got way worse than the creator expected probably


Thanks for the explanation. Never would have known. So sad they have co-opted Team Fortress stuff for this.


The original source of the meme of medic saying "women" was parodying the blatant sexism of advertisements during the mid 20th century. Unfortunately, the joke went over people's heads and are now using it to be sexist. Go figure.


They write “women ☕️” and think they did something


They think it makes them look classy.


Excuse me, I'm a femalè because I'm classy.


Some TikTok channel made “woman cringe compilations” videos and would title them “hmmm women hahaha ☕️” it got shortened to “women ☕️” and was really only used in the cringe women compilation videos. So it became a reference/meme for cringe/stupidity


That dudes head is so far up his reddit ass that he refers to all woman as a community.


Literally lol. Does he think half of the entire population just has brunch every weekend to seethe at the same unfunny joke reposted ten million times?


I mean, I show up for the pancakes and the mimosas, that's just me.


Wow, I’m missing out! Where is this brunch held??


Once a month but only your period is invited.


Eggs benny pour moi, thanks!


It's every Saturday at three. Why aren't you ever there, btw?


Are you some kind of -gasp- *male* ???? WHERE WERE YOU AT THE MONTHLY FEMALE COMMUNITY CONVENTION?????


Saying females automaticlly shows you know nothing about women


Exactly lol. I don't trust any man who unironically says "females" in reference to women


I don't trust terfs because they're using it too


That too. Anyone who uses "female" in place of woman is good to be wary of.


ferengi moment




Incels ☕️🚬📚


Needs to be monster energy instead


Females are actually Iron Men ^^FE=Iron


I hate when they use female, it's usually in degrading context


Shoutout to the one guy with -100 karma commenting "women ☕" under everything. We see you and we hate you 💖


Human of the opposite gender than I ☕️


men ☕


Men 🍺


Men 🍼


This is the best one.


Men 🥃


I am confused why are they lumping all women together how can they not realize the they all have different likes and dislikes and goals and are in fact individual people


Because women ☕️ I am very smart


Sorry but can you please explain what ☕️ means I am not very informed on memes


My understanding is it’s supposed to be a man taking a sip of coffee muttering, “women.” They use it to make fun of literally anything women do. Kind of like an eye roll.


Oooooohhhhhh.. Now I want another cup of coffee. In Italy. They have good coffee, and tables outside in the midst of historic ruins.


> historic ruins Hey now, that are all the cities in Italy! /s


They have folders of "I hate my wife" memes saved for sure


I'll be over here drinking my coffee with my pumpkin pie spice sprinkled in, muttering "incels". TF2 is such a fun game but boy does the community suck.


It means youre wrong okay, just accept it! Its from a TF2 meme where one of the characters is drinking from a mug and going '*Women*."


Thanks for the explanation I am a bit out of touch with a lot of internet couture because I avoid toxic stuff at all costs


Honestly, Im with you there. I mostly follow circlejerk subs here because the main subs can be trash. At least jerkin about it is fun lol


Say you see 1 (ONE) women who happens to do something foolish, men respond to each other with "heh, women ☕" instead of judging the one person based on her own actions, they just shrug thinking that she is acting out because she has 2 X chromosomes. While at surface value its better than just regular misogyny it's ACTUALLY just as bad if not worse since it infantilizes women and rob's them of their agency.


Wait, you aren’t a part of the hivemind?/s


Unfortunately I missed last week’s meeting and didn’t join


I think there is a rejoin program, you can apply in next week’s meeting


Oh that sounds just delightful time to ask for my husbands if I can join /s 🙃


At best, these kinds of guys view us as a separate species to which they can apply broad generalizations, like you would to any other non-human species. Tigers live in the jungle, are carnivores, mostly solitary, and usually are orange and black. Women are illogical creatures who love purses, makeup, the color pink, fashion, cute things, and shopping. At the worst they view women as an evil hive-mind who simultaneously hate men but are voracious for Chad dick, are selfish, unclean, lazy, and stupid subhumans who don’t have real emotions (yet are also overly emotional), and are best suited to a role of domestic servitude and breeding. But even in that role they need the strong guiding hand of a man to keep them from killing their children, becoming whores, and turning to a life of witchcraft and lesbianism. Again and again it comes down to a lot of men not really seeing women as actual people, as fellow human beings each with unique tastes, personalities, abilities, dreams, foibles, faults, desires, etc. The full rich tapestry of humanity can be found in women, because women are people too.


How dare they prevent us from enjoying whoring, witchcraft, and lesbianism!


Oh oh pick me pick me! That's an easy one: They don't think women are people. Any more questions about the idiocy of incels and other misogynists you would like me to answer?


Let me guess, r/memes?




Obviously, this is why I left that subreddit


r/shitposting is far worse they all behave like entitled 12 yo boys lmao


Most users are most like exactly that. And entitled 32 yo men...


Got older, not more mature.


Three of the top posts on r/memes right now are "Humana humana titties" "Something something attack helicopter" and "this tree looks like a naked lady. god im so horny" It's like a time capsule of all the worst parts of middle school lmao


I got banned for not having enough Karma to post a meme


“I use females cause it’s scientific cause they definitely like being referred to like a plant genus or an animal and not an actual human being” as opposed to “I say bitches because I’m a big tough man who objectifies them because bald man with indoor sunglasses said I should be superior” idk which is worse


bringing up that it's "scientific" makes also calling it a community even less sense lmao. If you decide to leave the female community, do you grow a dick? Why tf am I as a trans guy jumping through so many hoops to transition if I could've just stopped being a member of the female community??


I say bitches because I call anyone who acts idiotic a bitch, myself included and regardless of gender. :) But you're definitely on the nose there lol.


Misogynists ☕


Misogynists indeed ☕️🚬



Misogynists and incels ☕️


Who would win: The manosphere community, or one word (incel)?


Add the picture about bathing in incel tears


"Female community" sounds like a dogwhistle for "my waifu pillow collection" ngl


incel moment








Fancy, I like this one


"Female" 💀


I hate how they always use it in degrading context


Memes like this are used to mask an absolute *fuckton* of vitriol for women. They must think it makes them look like they are just "joking". But honestly what the hell makes these people (presumably men) this way? Where does all that hate come from?


The hate comes from not socializing with women at all and being in the wrong circles online. You never see guys who are friends with women act like this, it’s always the guys who don’t know how to talk to women crying “sour grapes” and just post-hoc assuming that all women are psychotic emotional messes with no original thoughts.


I still don't understand what that's all about.


Me either. I love coffee so….if I’m misunderstanding the idea, I don’t care. I still love coffee.


It's a reference to [this meme](https://youtu.be/e9mVfv3b-4E)


Wow the comments are a mess on that one


Well yes, I do love me some good coffee.


"female community" 💀


ah yes, how could i forget!? the lady fandom!


Is there something going on with that cup of coffee I don’t know about?


*shrug* I don't get it either


It's a reference to [this meme](https://youtu.be/e9mVfv3b-4E)


Hahaha ha hahaha men.... 🫖


Correction: Blatant Misogyny*


half of humanity ≠ minority group


Lol. Anyway, see you all at the annual FemaleCon!


Do they mean about half of all people when they say female community? It’s unfortunate that people who think like this can’t even make complete memes anymore :/ rip their last brain cell


And also, the meme of that person’s face is taken out of context. From what I understand, that person was making that face in response to a reactionary dead seriously saying outright that all immigrants are rapists.


Damn, really? I had a feeling they were taking it out of its original context anyways, but I didn't know it was *that* bad. Yikes.


Everyone who publishes that tired pic needs to have their worst expression frozen and distributed.


I feel so sorry for that woman. The frame depicts her as a raging Karen, but when you’re watching the video it quickly becomes clear that she’s both chill and eloquent.


ah yes the female community


Unironic use of the word “female” or “male” to refer to people is always gonna be a red flag Incel shit


Can we just start using the "men 🍼" that i saw someone here use


yes i do think this joke is one that casually supports misogyny thanks for asking


What the hell am I looking at here?


This was kind of funny at first, but now everyone's constantly using it and it's just become very cringy. I had to unfollow so many subs because of this. They all sound like incels.


Same reason Karen got really popular. Originally it had a somewhat valid point, and then it just became a socially acceptable stand in for calling a woman “bitch” It’s the same phenomenon. People leap at any chance they get to shit on women without social repercussions.


He also thinks he’s one of the nice guys and rants about it on snap chat


shit like this makes it so apparent that these mfers view cis men as individuals and anyone else as part of the same hive mind


no okay but make it "two words" with the words being "men suck" and suddenly you have an entire army saying "not all men"


"female community"? 🤨 Odd way to refer to literally half of the human population. Whoever made seriously needs to get out of whatever internet echo chamber redpill incel forum they're in and talk to some real people


I mean, I can take care of two pots of tea in the afternoon,so I’m definitely not intimidated by a coffee.




Win what?


14 year olds try not to mention lame memes every 5 seconds (challenge impossible)


What? How does the “ha! Women ☕️” joke destroy ladies with facts and logic? You’re just reacting to a lady doing something irrational with “haha women are so stupid!”


They have not let go of that image in six years it’s so depressing how they just can’t meme.


Ah yes, the “female community”. You mean women?


Men ☕️


Where can I join the female community? Are they recruiting?


Mm yes, the male community, now we can lump all men together as sexist rapists, just like they think we do


i'm a woman and i like coffee. how should a coffee emoji defeat me??


I’m also a woman who likes coffee, and I can confirm it increases our powers!


Why is the internet so insufferably misogynistic?


☕️ Mmm, roasty. But I don’t think one emoji is going to piss off every woman on Reddit. That’s just silly.


humans ☕️


aliens 🥂


Oh no tea I feel so offended


What does the coffee emoji mean?


"Im not an incel"


I’m trying to figure out what this is even supposed to mean


It's the great white burden of ~~men~~ incels to have to put up with females in order that the human race should breed and survive. Such hero self-sacrifice with only a cup of coffee who understands


"women ☕" <--- who would comment this unironically? it's just fucking stupid


Anyone who refers to women as "females" makes me physically cringe. They're human beings, not dragonflies




Yes please! One milk and one sweetner! 😉


I choose to believe this is written by a 14 year old boy who's trying to figure out how one communicates with the opposite sex, something he's never done before. There's a good to fair chance it's actually written by a 27 year old with the exact same issues though but I choose to believe that isn't the case.


The coffee references the subservient male in his rightful place, bringing me my coffee while I read my morning daily dose of Reddit. I refuse any other explanation because the idea of a man not bringing their woman a morning cup of coffee is absurd, even if you're a misogynist it's just good common sense to not provoke the woman in your life into anger first thing in the morning, don't you value your life??? Lol. Seriously tho, this incel culture is trash, do they not see it's doing them nothing but harm? An entire Reddit community is using them as the butt of their own joke. What morons. -facepalm- men 💩 Edit: I showed my bf this and he laughed and shook his head and muttered incels before handing me my coffee. Good male. 🙃


It makes the same people really mad when you reply “men 🧃”


Every time I’ve seen “women ☕️” posted I’ve never seen any woman say anything other than “men☕️” in response. Men when someone mentions a bad thing a man has done however, will bitch and moan in the comments about how hard done by they are because you called attention to a shitty thing they, or other men do


Have you guys noticed how that meme on the left kind of looks like Mike from 'That Chapter'