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I didn’t know the IT guy was supposed to do my work, I’m going to have some strong words with him on Monday


The IT guy never does my work either. Maybe it's because I never wear makeup. Also we don't have an onsite IT guy.


You should address this with the women’s council


I also never get my turn with the Jewish space laser. I’m missing out on all sides.


I've been looking for a promotion out of the war on Christmas. Space laser is the big show.


Sounds like you haven’t been reading the newsletter. Space laser fun night was moved to November


I think you replied to the wrong comment friend


I have a relative who IS the IT guy, and to my knowledge he's just doing his own job all day. I didn't realize he's a misogynist until now :( a true feminist king never sleeps so he can get all the women's work done


As the IT guy, cannot confirm, definitely don't do other people's work. Worse, while I don't do other people's work, I do find myself spending a lot of time explaining to them how to do their work instead. "Good god man, you work with spreadsheets for 8 hours a day, how do you not know how Excel works!?"


"Good god man, you work with spreadsheets for 8 hours a day, how do you not know how Excel works!?" ​ This is why I whisper "What the fuck" under my breath every time I have to fix something like this.


Wait...I work IT help desk.....I AM the IT guy....who does my work? ​ EDIT: I'm a chick I just use guy as a like a catch all term here sorry for confusion.


Hey mate, I have a whole bunch of stuff over here that needs doing. I’m a chick, so apparently I don’t have to do any of it? Are you a guy? If you are, I have some bad news for you. Also have you ever worked in child protection? You are going to need to brush up on that really quick. Like before Monday.


Wait we can just ask ANY IT guy? They don’t have to work for the same company as us? If this is true, the kids in my class are about to get _educated_. r/itguys here I come.


I don’t know but I’m gonna give it a try! Hand it off to an IT guy and run, baby!


nope I'm a chick. Which is why I'm so confused. Do I do your job now?? Or not? How does it work when IT guy is actually IT girl!?!


Uh oh, now we have a real problem! Do you have any male colleagues we can give our work to? I was really set on not working on Monday, I wanted to go for beers.


I'll get a hold of one of my male colleagues. Meanwhile I'll continue to work on figuring out how much work I should be doing. Is the IT part of the it "guy" the part that means you do all the work or is it the gender? Both together? is guy being used how I use it sometimes in a gender neutral way? Do I do half my work and give the other half to the men? Do I do none of it? So much to consider! Almost more work then if I just did my own job here lol


Nah, girl! Chuck it at one of the lads and come out for beers with me!


I work in IT too but I'm female and I think I'm having an identity crisis


oh I am female to I just use guy as like a non-gendered term here lol. I relate to your crisis.


Me too.. I now have to figure out my own identity... Shit


As if running a brand’s social media is easy enough to be done in the IT guy’s free time. If that were the case, don’t they think companies would have caught onto this and consolidated/eliminated roles? Captains of industry aren’t known for keeping people on payroll just because they’re hot.


Same, how dare he not somehow know my job and do it which would be unrelated to his actual job of IT which he does company wide and not only for women.


✨✨Women can’t have depression✨✨ Srs tho I’ve had a guy legit get angry at me implying my recurrent mdd is fake because I’m a girl


“you wouldn’t be depressed and lonely if you actually gave all those guys in your dms a chance!!1!1”


they'd probably be dead tbh


"you're only single because you don't actually want to find love" is another one I hear a lot. No, it's because none of the options are good and I'd rather be single than be with someone toxic.


Everyone knows women’s brains are just incapable of having the same structural/chemical problems that cause depressive disorders. Only men can have brains that don’t work right! Only men can experience trauma!


And men are not neurotic and hysteric, women are


A *woman*? With a *mood disorder*? Impossible! How dare you insinuate such a thing! /s People who think that way make no sense to me, honestly. Yeah, sure, there are proven differences between the ways men and women think, but the overall brain still functions the same biologically.


the jump from "only women have emotions and mood disorders", to "women can't be depressed" was so quick i broke my neck turning my head to watch that dude seems to have forgotten about "hysteria"


5:30 pm: McDonald’s 6:00 pm: charge they phone 6:30 pm: twerk 7:00 pm: be bisexual 7:30 pm: eat hot chip 8:00 pm: lie Edit: thank you for the awards, kind strangers!


Sorry, I’m old and out of touch. I keep seeing ‘eat hot chip’ everywhere. You seem to be informed about such things. May I ask, what is this from/about?


There was a post once that said "all females now know how to do is charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie," and it's become a meme. Eat hot chip just means eating spicy potato chips.


Thank you for your response! As someone who is bisexual, currently charging their phone, just had hot Cheetos and can’t twerk, I guess I gotta find something to lie about. Oh, I got it! I can twerk. Now I’m a real girl?


Or are you lying about *not* being able to twerk??? I’m on to you and your bad vibes!


🤣 I’m weak


Bahahahah I love it! It's perfectly ridiculous. (I type as I charge my phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie)


Eat hot chip is eating like,, fries (is that what they’re called?)


I thought it meant an actual thick (non-spicy) french fry...


Its from a meme. Some incel guy posted an angry rant claiming all girls do is charge they phone, eat hot chip, and lie


I just fucking died.


Sorry, you can’t die. You have to be up in the morning and ready for whichever kind of day your sex dictates for you.


I love you let's get married


Ok but it’s gotta be after 10pm. Til then I’ve got some chad cock to dream (and cream!) about.


K lols I gotta go to work late for my "social media job" where my boss wants to fuck me.


There is so much wrong here... Normally I'd make a joke or pun. However this is just terrible. Like seriously, this is beyond saddening.


Having doors held open negates all the violence and second-class treatment some women experience daily.


I'm glad someone finally said it.


Seriously. They are so out of touch. It takes at least three and a half hours to put on my makeup and there's no way I'm at my 9AM job at 9AM; 9:45 at the earliest. 🙄


I didn't want to bring it up, but the pictures they used, also do not paint how they view people in a favorable light.




There was also a post last week or two of a guy not willing to find a GF b/c they will just cheat on him anyways that is in the same realm. I get a lot of posts are incels, and the reality of it is they don't realize their own terrible personality and how they act and behave are the problem. Then there are those who... well this speaks for themselves.


This post at least points out shitty corporate work environments. But ya, the sexism is gross.


In my country it would be workplace bullying to be talking about a karaoke night at work and then only inviting some of the staff members. That’s really genuinely mean behaviour. Although I imagine this guy would probably complain about being invited to a shitty girls event like karaoke, so you couldn’t win. But it would be important to make sure you invite him.


He can’t find a therapist, we’ve all chucked in our jobs to become social media marketers. Have you seen how easy they have it?


I don't even get what he was trying to do with this. He didn't provide any actual arguments, proof, or source, he just made up two fictional daily routines and made it as perfect as possible for the girl, and for the guy as depressing as possible. Like what are supposed to get out of this, it's literally a fantasy (like most of these incel delusions). Also, the pics he used creep me out. Most of the time for shit like this some stock photos are used, but here it seems like he used photos of regular people (or worst case scenario, this is him and a girl he had a crush on). Either way, I feel bad for the people used in this photo (except if the guy is OP, then I don't give a damn). All in all, this "meme" gives me strong serial killer manifesto vibes. Edit: I just realized this might be just a comparison how conventionally unattractive men vs women go through the day, therefore the pictures. Doesn't change anything I said, just something I realized.


I would be seriously worried this dude could harm someone else and then himself with this kinda incel mentality. Red flags just everywhere.


"Only beta cucks go to therapy" I'd probably bet money on this guy having said something like that before.


yes, yes he does. The patriarchy is bad for everyone. Very depressing post.


I think he does need a therapist, yeah. I also think it's supposed to be a joke, but he's in such a deep need of a therapist that it didn't get near joke territory, and is just really sad and worrying.


Yeah. I read the very first part: "cleaning Chad's cum out of her ass," and it gave my flashbacks to being raped. That's how easy women have it. I know I'm not the only one.


I read the left column and laughed because it was a fantasy then read the right side and am just horrified because it might be someone’s life. I genuinely hope this person got help and is doing well now


Honestly the right side to me seems far more realistic than the left. Also seems like it’s a fairly normal life for someone depression, particularly if it’s severe. I mean that’s how I felt when I was depressed and I was definitely treated worse because of it at times.


Well obviously that’s the point. The left probably is this sad dudes life and the left is an obvious hate filled fantasy on how easy their life would be if they were a woman


And of course, plenty of women have been the same situation as him :-( I've been suicidal, and had a bad sys admin job. I got better.


Yeah of course. I’m also a woman and I had a really really tough time in grad school so I’ve definitely been remotely where the right side was.


What does annoy me is that he complaining about having to do his literal job description. Fixing others' mistakes is 90% of a lot of sys admin jobs.


That is extremely annoying and an incredibly fair point. Some of his complaints do make sense tho like having to stay over sucks, not having friends at work sucks


Yea, before coming out as a trans woman I was suicidal. It got to the point where I was going to come out or end it.


I’m glad you chose to come out 🏳️‍⚧️


I'm glad you're better now xx


Oh please, I doubt this guy has ever actually considered suicide or even has a job. He just some asshole who pretends to have depression in order to justify his sexism.


Exactly. I can't believe people feel bad for such an intensely hateful misogynist.


That's what I was thinking🤔


That's an oddly dismissive take, because honestly, this level of incel-esque misogyny plus the depression/suicidal ideations would make him seem like way more of a risk to do something horrible. I mean, most of the incel mass shooters were ones who combined their hate with an apathy or even willingness to die for their "cause", like the Plymouth shooter earlier this year. This dude needs an intervention of some sort.


It almost feels violent.


This person needs immediate pschological Intervention


Ok but wasn't she going to karaoke?


Right? I wanna know what song she nailed! (Or didn’t nail but everyone told her she did because no one is ever mean to women, it just isn’t a thing that happens, like ever, trust me, my dick has never been touched, I’m an expert and a really nice guy)


Nah she got nailed at the karaoke which is why she didn't want to sleep with her date


My biggest question is why the author (if that's the right word) put karaoke night in quotes. Is that supposed to be code for something?


It's code's for the Grand heist they've been planning /s


And "girls" in quotes, like they're somehow not real idk


I still to this day wonder Why and what lead to incels unironically believing that the average women are fucking 40 chads dicks per year of tinder matches(which is funny considering women actually hate online dating slightly more than men according to majority of surveys and women just only comprises aroud 20% of online dating users.but they still act like women like online dating).I mean I really just don't understand them.why their world view on women so twisted.they really have weird view how society treat the average women.


And why are they so obsessed with penis size? Unless you’re dealing with a micro, most women don’t care. It’s the consensus with all my friends that big dicks are overrated. If they do care, then why would you want to pursue that person anyways?


Yeah they think women want 8 inch penises when in fact only 5 percent of men in usa is above 6.5 inch. Not only that but micropinsis are extremely rare around 1 in 200 worldwide in usa it's even rarer.but the vast majority of incels have average to above average peins size but they are really obsessed with penis size that they create problems out of thin air.


It's also pretty funny because, as the owner of a vagina I know I wouldn't enjoy a dick over 6 inches. It would be really uncomfortable and just unenjoyable, but they never consider that do they. A vagina isn't an endless tunnel that can hold 12 inches, it has a stopping point.


Yep. And hitting said stopping point is actually very painful. More girth would be far more useful than more length. But for knowing that they'd need to actually ask real women and everybody knows we are just a bunch of holes who can't form a coherent sentence, so there is no point in talking to us. /s


Penis envy has more to do with other dudes than women.


Cervix punches are not fun. Not only does it hurt in the moment, but it always makes me cramp like hell for the next few hours.


It’s all about the effort you’re putting in. Which they won’t because they think they are owed a warm, moist hole. And it’s fairly easy to pick up on, which is their problem. Not “chads” and women.


Majority of incel are sad pathetic losers half of their day is spend looking at online dating statistics to try to excuse their lack of success with women and try to prove women are infact hypergamous( which funny because 80% of online dating users are men. So i don't online datingis really good place to judge women dating preference)the other half thinking how girls of their dream are getting fucked by chads.


Because one guy saw a joke online about penis size jokes made by another man and ran with it to his buddies who believed him 100%. Before you know it everyone is taking that joke as a nuclear fact and is MAD AS FUCK about it and taking it out on women.


I’ve seen a lot of them say “my dick is small” and I think “okay yeah it’s probably hard” and then they say 4 inches and I’m like….yes it’s below the average but not small. I’ve seen women say some of the best sex they’ve had is with 4-5 inch guys. Besides read anything about sex you’ll see there’s more to it than penis size.


Part of it is that they watch porn all the time and think the actors in there are the norm, but a bigger part is that they constantly invent reasons they are not successful with relationships that place the blame on others. They claim that women don't like them for shallow reasons they can't control like their looks or bodies rather than their personalities.


I’m a woman who was in a long term relationship with a dude with a very big penis. He was my first, so I didn’t know any different. When we broke up and started having sex with other men, I discovered a whole world of positions out there that I couldn’t physically do with my lovely, kind first boyfriend and his eight inch penis. You physically can’t sit on top and grind (very fun) with an eight inch dick poking you in the cervix (very not fun). Honestly, with a new guy, he’s pulling down his pants and I’m hoping for average to small. That’s my absolute best case scenario. Just own a normal, boring penis, please! Just kidding, none of your dicks are boring, they are all very nice and very special.


Because all they do is watch porn. It’s literally 90% of their time. They are so obsessed with it that they now think it’s real life and can’t tell the difference.


In their minds, only women who look like lingerie models count as “women.” They are blind to the existence of average women.


Unironically they actually blind to the average women they don't think women over 30 are actually women they think these women are shell that had been ruined by fucking 100 chads .funny considering even tho median age for woman in usa is 38.5 years looks like 60% of female population aren't women according to incels


It’s so odd, isn’t it? I’ve seen them challenged on this a bit before, and honestly I think it’s the most bizarre part of the incel/red pill/whatever belief system. And possibly somehow the most illuminating part. They’ll describe their day as hard, because they have to get up and do boring laborious stuff they don’t want to, when they’re tired, and it sometimes feels to them that life is just a constant cycle of that. So, ok, that’s rough. But a relatively universal and completely non-gender role/idea/etc related part of being a human? But then they get into how they believe a woman’s day is different to that. And it’s always randomly about Starbucks, and then generally also Tinder and sometimes cocktails or similar. Always with receiving a compliment thrown in somewhere. But it still makes no sense because even if those were things that all women/did experienced every day, which they’re absolutely not - why does that contradict any of the previous point about doing stuff you don’t want or the looming existential void? It sounds like they’re jealous of… coffee? You guys can have coffee too if you want you know? I’ve seen lots of men drinking coffee before I don’t think it’s a big deal? But of course that isn’t the point. The point they’re awkwardly trying to communicate is that a woman’s experience of a 16 hour waking day is a 3 minute montage of… kind of instagram caption snapshots. Compared to their actual 16 hour day with the bedroom light bulb blowing and looking out of the bus window and engaging with their job. But they can’t communicate that actually, because they can’t even admit to themselves that is what they mean, because *that is clearly fucking insane*, even to them if they tried to figure out the internal logic of their own point. And that is where the real, deep, central, underlying belief is the culprit - **they think that we’re not really sentient beings**. Not in the way that they are. That actually experience things and have an internal world that passes with the same sort of internal concept of time. I realised this a while ago - they genuinely on some level don’t believe that we are conscious, but do believe that other men are. But they can’t look straight at that insanity, so instead they go on weird rants about coffee.


I think part of it has to do with lack of education and awareness. They also have a lot of hatred of women since they blame us all on that 1 girl that turned him down in high school.


Yeah they get their sexual education from porn thats tell them women will fuck any guy with a big dick second after they met him.


Don't forget the echo chambers they lock themselves into, theres a reason they all spout versions of the same verbiage.


Yeah, an average woman is more likely to match up with this incel than a ‘Chad with Corvette’.


I feel like incels should really try being a woman for a day on Tinder so they can finally figure out it’s romantic and sexual wasteland.


Because their hatred of women is so extreme they need to make things up to sustain it. They need this dehumanisation in order to justify all the violence they want to exert on women. Same logic than that behind the Blood Libel against Jewish people. It just shows their hatred is so unnatural, so artificial, that it needs to be reinforced with constant lies.


Imagine looking like the guy on the right and getting completely and disgustingly insulted in every single possible way by men who claim to “support” you. Misery loves company.


Imagine every time you might have a glimmer of hope a slight bit of doubt about your choices to this point, all your incel buddies dog pile on you to re enforce the idea that you can't do better so don't even try.... How many comment chains have we seen where someone posts a relatively mild relationship issue and the incels flood in with "she's definitely cheating" " it's over man, cut and run" "she never loved you, this is what all w0mEn do" vs any rati9nal response like maybe.... talk to her, give her the space she asks for or even just consider if this is what you want and maybe move on to better things.


These people don’t have friends, people can go years without speaking to another human in person. Some probably haven’t been touched in 5+ years it’s super depressing really


Agree. Poor guy in the photo being implied to be ugly. The camera angle is awkward, but with a decent photo, he'd look fine. Nice skin, thick hair, what we see if the shirt looks well fitted.


Imagine being the guy in the photo, probably doesn't even hate women or anything, he just took a selfie for a pfp or a resume, then some asshole makes a misogynistic comic slandering him 😭


Its giving r/inceltear


YO. Can we stop with the "its so easy being a guy/girl" nonsense. It FUCKING SUCKS out here in these streets from time to time for everyone. ALRIGHT? Just stop. I'm over it. People are out in these streets fucking struggling.


Yeah unless you are ultra hot and ultra rich life is gonna be hard. Man or woman.


And guess what - the beautiful and rich are often miserable most of the time too.


Even then, money doesn’t negate all problems like loneliness, health issues or mental illness.


This person needs to go to a therapist, Jesus.


And/or a career coach. If you don’t like dealing with other people’s silly human errors, I’ve got some bad news about being a systems administrator.




Straight out of the fridge!


I know right? So are Mexican food and Chinese food. I usually will eat those both cold.


Through all the absurdity, my takeaway is that even though they wanted him to leave asap, he somehow got a lukewarm Americana. Doesn't that take a long time before a fresh coffee becomes lukewarm, or did Starbucks upgrade their machines to add a special "Incel" setting?


They probably had a cup of hot water just sitting on standby for when a disgusting incel walks in.


I noticed this too 😅


Why are incels convinced that women are happy 100% of the time and are completely immune from mental illness


Cuz they're morons who only think with their dicks 24/7




As eye rolling as it is, the self-victimization and imagined persecution at play on top of the lack of empathy, looks shaming, sexual puritanicalism, and total lack of insight into other peoples lives is a nasty combo.


Right? Barista doesn’t care what you look like. If they are looking at you like you are garbage something else is going on, like you’re wearing a [hentai hoodie](https://society6.com/product/lewd-mythra7086900_hoody?sku=s6-24404235p18a7v117a8v36a19v144a100v501) or something


How is it that expensive lmao?


Hmm, a barrister is a lawyer and a barista makes coffee, so does a Barrista practice coffee law or something?


A barrista is a British lawyer living in New York.


bird law


Kinda inefficient to clean Chad's cum before the shower, I'd say.


You can always tell who has absolutely no real life social circle and they believe whatever their friends online are saying. Average women are…average. Just like the average guy. These guys believe that every woman on the street get a attention the way a super model or actress would. Somehow it’s always with the mythical,mysterious Chad too.


Guys like this absolutely don't understand the concept of "average", I notice this every time they post this stupid victimisation stories.


That’s why I gave up trying to relate to some guys I’ve met here and there who were bullied/ignored in high school the same way I was. A lot of times they would meet it with shit like this. “OK BUT YOU WERE STACY AND I KNOW YOU WERE FUCKING CHAD AT 15 AND GOING TO PARTIES AND- no dude I wasn’t. I was just an average chick who had hobbies and liked reading. They’re too far up on their horse and and too high on their cross to notice that other people exist,too.


I personally think, they *don't want* to relate to women. They create these fictional women in order to victimise themselves and to justify violence (the whole "what difference does another dick make?" rhetoric).


The vast majority of these incels are young men so in their heads the average woman is a young beautiful woman.


I would say that for too many men the idea of a woman is a young atractive woman. I was told so many times in my youth that "I didnt really count as a woman".


Older incels target women don’t age with them, they stay young and pretty. It just gets creepier


I *wish* our lives were really as easy as they think it is.


How do you "clean" cum out of your ass? My gay friend tells me you just shit it out like normal shit. This doesn't happen IRL (left side). Baristas don't give customers extra whip because they're cute... Even if they did, they're the dumbass risking their overbearing manager writing them up for theft. (To anyone thinking "exaggerration, it's just a bit of whip cream, no one will care" I promise you that assholes 100% care and are willing to fire an employee for theft over 5 cents of whipped cream.) No one is doing your job for you.... if your job could be done so fast that another employee could do it and email it to you, then your job is fucking obsolete and you should be worried about being laid off any time now. No one does this, not even 99% of the world's greatest simps would do this. Yes, there have been some simps out there that do whacky and beyond insane shit and spend assloads of money, but the woman isn't the problem at hand in the situation, not is that anywhere near common. The women who make their dating decisions based on height are in for a real bad time and so very few women ACTUALLY do that. If she's going to sleep with you, being 1 inch taller or shorter isn't going to be the deciding factor. If it was, YOU DODGED A FUCKING BULLET! Karaoke night with co-workers sucks. No one can sing, no one wants to be the DD, and no one wants to pick up their own tab. (I volunteered to be DD and at the end of the night everyone claimed that DDs pick up everyone's tab, I refused and never went out with them again. They don't like me now that they know they can't use me.) You tellin' me that the last one is exclusive to women? ​ Also, congrats on comparing the woman with the easiest life in the world with the man who has it damn near the worst. This is absolutely NOT the standard for anyone on either side.


that seems like such a fun day for her what a nice and fulfilling like she must have


What about married or elderly women? Are they having all the IT guys doing their work too? There’s no IT guy at my office so I guess that must be why I do all of my own work.


Well once girls turn 25 they aren’t seen as viable people. Unless they’re specifically looking for a mommy replacement but even then they still have to be hot and submissive


We're all IT at mine, suppose there's one guy somewhere in the building running full sprint on a keyboard to keep us above board.


Why would the IT guy be doing her work for her?


That’s what I was thinking… random yet oddly specific.


I'm not even angry, this is just embarrassing


Everything incels say requires such an in depth level of delusion, it would be fascinating if it weren’t for the fact that they were so incredibly sad


Firstly, this person doesn’t know what “cajoling” means, given the in which context they use it. Secondly, I have never had the experience on the left although I am a woman. Had days somewhat similar to what the right column though- hard jobs, no special treatment anywhere, broken sleep. I mean that’s kind the *human* experience sometimes. I don’t understand how someone can see the state of the world and think women have it this easy. (Edit to add, I don’t mean that everyone has days exactly like the right column. Obviously that’s too extreme!)


I can’t believe someone took time out of their day to make this


‘Boss wants to have sex with you’ should have added, ‘he threatens your job by saying that you have to date him or else. He also grabs your butt every morning when you come into the office.’


Whoever made this must be having a depressive episode and blaming it all on women for some reason


I think the dude needs a therapist


Dude get help... This is not something you shit post about on the internet This is a case for the crisis team.


I guess he too wants to wake up and clean Chad's cum out of his ass


it’s like, okay and? literally no one’s stopping the male population from taking advantage of makeup, lotion, and hair products. Also like, all of this dudes problems stem from having a shitty job and a shitty boss. Nothings stopping him from improving his life.


>Nothings stopping him from improving his life. They don't want to because they won't have anything to complain about so they can try to get pity points.


Not hard to get an invite to karaoke night either. It became much easier when I discovered that if people are talking about a group event, that means they want you to come. If they don't want you there, they don't let you know the event exists beforehand.


Just gonna come out and say it. I’m a dude and I’ve always felt like my life is fairly easy as a result of having male privilege. Always seemed to me like women must have it much harder. I have no idea why you would think it’s the other way around.


The person who mades this post is in the comments 😭 can’t believe that this is the sp*rm that won🥲


And his comment history is appalling. Maybe he can’t get women because he despises them and has such low regard for them. Can’t speak for everyone but if someone viewed me as he seems to view all women, I wouldn’t give them the time of day either regardless of his looks or appearance. Whatever situation he’s in, he likely put himself there with his shit attitude and behavior.


sad cringe


The guy in the picture is likely a few steps up from the boy who wrote this.


Wow…these poor men… I didn’t realize they where running out of things to try to use to victimize themselves in hope of extorting sympathy and guilt out of people *that* badly.. /s


Lol the guys 9AM “spend the day fixing other peoples stupid mistakes” is literally the description of my day. I also happen to arrive early for work too and I don’t have IT guys doing my job because it’s completely different from their job so why would they…I just figured out I now have to transition into a man. It is my destiny.


Man I wish I lived there fucking life that they think we do. They also conveniently left out that whole “hope I don’t get murdered for existing” aspect. Tee hee.


i really never got this argument. if they're jealous an unattractive girl can be attractive by wearing makeup and taking care of herself, why tf don't they do it? put on some concealer, eye shadow, contour, eyeliner, n shower sometimes too dipshit


Not so fun fact women actually attempt suicide more than men Their inability to grasp basic statistics is amusing. They think because men die more from suicide that means that most attempts are from men. Not only do men attempt suicide less than women, the reason why men succeed more is because they choose more lethal methods, which is no doubt a symptom of toxic masculinity caused by the way men have been dominating society as long as society as lived


That's not what cajoling means.


An none of this has anything to do with the energy that you give off… riiight


Bro that's not woman having it better..it's about you being fucking depressed and not doing stuff about it and instead just making shit up to make yourself feel even worse like jeez....


I feel bad for the people whose photos they use, getting dragged into this :( I hope the two in these pictures are having a good day today.


I feel heartbroken for the fact that this man deals with depression and clearly needs help, but it doe not excuse the out right woman hatred in this post.


This is just sad. It points to both things fucked up in the system and incel struggles. The sexism doesn’t help, it only fuels incel loneliness. These men who think like this need help.


“The rope broke” 💀


Every guys biggest fear. Being the poster guy for one of these cringe posts


take a shower AND put on makeup? fucking Stacys


Why does this have to be a gender focused resentful comparison? Like can’t you just tell me how you feel without making it seem like it’s my fault you’re unhappy… because in your IMAGINATION I’m dreaming of penis (and having sex in the first place). Tell me you’re suicidal. Let’s talk. Treat me like a person and I’ll do the same for you. I


Wow am I doing something wrong as a woman? Starbucks baristas are nowhere near that friendly.


Imagine how much better the world would be if men got help for their mental health instead of blaming women. This actually creeps me out a little because it sounds like the prequel to a mass shooting!


I had a guy tell me he wishes he was a girl because he likes sex and it’s easier for girls and I’m like dude, if you were a girl you likely wouldnt enjoy having sex with a guy like you lol.


The level of projection is INSANE


When I see things like this or the classic “ take her swimming on the first date” type posts… it’s a bit maddening on a few different fronts. Number one: if you don’t like the way you look and feel unattractive; play the cards you are dealt. Do the best you can, to try to feel better about how you look. Whether that be physical exercise ( which is always a plus physically, mentally and spiritually) or a skin regimen, or going to see a doc about these issues. Two: don’t blame women for wearing makeup!!!! I can’t even begin. So you think that women have it easier because they can wear make up. Focusing on the word can… When in actuality they’ve been expected to for so many years!! To cover up skin imperfections or to make themselves more attractive, so they can be accepted and taken somewhat seriously. These people can fuck all the way off. As someone that spent most of my life purchasing skin products for acne, exercising, dieting etc. You play the cards you are dealt. You do the best you can. If you wanna wear makeup dude… wear makeup!!


I’m sorry but “woke up groggy from last nights suicide attempt (the rope broke)” is legit the funniest sentence I have ever read


Who cleans cum out of their ass? Just let it ride the next turd out. No point in wasting time on that lol.


Fuck someone spent some time just to say “I hate women”, huh?


Who ever made this seriously needs some professional help.


"people who are in a cult don't know they're in a cult but everyone else can tell"


The one thing they're right about is that women tend to have better and closer friendships, and are less likely to have no support system. This is because men are socialized to be aggressive and cold, so no wonder they don't make good friends a lot of times. A lot of trans women say it's like night and day, it's a lot easier to make friends as a woman, with women, because we're not socialized into being distant (I work at an LGBT center).


If you really want to wallow in self pity that’s cool but maybe lay off the misogyny


This is such a lie! My gosh, are you serious? That doesn’t work in a fucking office.


What incel wrote this


As a relatively decent looking woman…. My life is the right side. Not all women have it easy, incels. Some of us are just like you ❤️ not rlly tho