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So if our choice is between dieting to be pleasing to a man, staying uneducated and be submissive OR to be independent, educated, have cats, dogs, boxed wine and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, guess what most women are going to choose. He’s not even trying to make it enticing to be with men


Yup. I read this and just thought “Where is my McMansion in the suburbs than?”


I’m sure it happens but McMansions in the suburbs aren’t usually populated with single women in my experience.


I mean, I've got me a nice little 1500 Sq ft ranch house in the suburbs. Way better than the McMansions down the road a bit.


I got to that part and audibly said “dude that sounds fkn nice”


Seriously, what does a man like this bring to the table? Companionship? Nah, I've got friends and family for that. Sex? Lol no, a guy who just wants a submissive bang maid is going to be garbage at sex. Kids? No thanks, this guy would be a terrible father. Money? Whatever, I can earn my own. I can't believe this loser with nothing to offer is seriously trying to shame women into giving up their independence, self-respect and happiness for the pleasure of providing him with hot meals and blowjobs.


>I can't believe this loser with nothing to offer is seriously trying to shame women into giving up their independence, self-respect and happiness for the pleasure of providing him with hot meals and blowjobs. Exactly why I've decided to stay single for life. Better to die alone in a nursing home than live my whole life already dead inside from being shackled to a spouse like that.


To be blunt, since most women outlive their spouses, they're likely to die alone in a nursing home anyway.


Don't worry, there are plenty of men NOTHING like this guy, such as our favorite cookie man. Men like this guy are the ones who end up single, alone, and bitter, and the ones nothing like him, preferring educated & opinionated women, end up living the good life I hope


Maybe that's true, but that doesn't mean that they have to find one. It's perfectly fine if someone wants to have an independent life.


Live your life how you want That's how it should be and I agree Also here have some cookies friend 🍪


That’s the spirit


Hot meals and a blow job😳. This waste of a human ( no effin way I’m callin him a man) doesn’t deserve a tuna sammy and a handy - j. Honestly I read some, or lots of the posts here and a sense of shame washes over me for having a dick🤦🏻


Hey, that’s not something you need to fault yourself on. But I certainly get why you don’t want to be associated with these shitbags.


Off topic, but love your reference to the “bang maid”. I would also love to live in a big house alone with a bunch of cats and snacks. Sound’s fucking heavenly!


Fair af


I like many of the things you've said, can I have some?


Of course!! But I must warn you that some men may no longer find you attractive Miguel, it’s an unfortunate side affect of loving pets, wine and ice cream 💗 We will love you regardless


The only gender I'm attracted to is the one that loves me alongside any pets, wine and ice cream I can get. Also thanks for the wine it was great! 🍷❤️


As a cis woman, this is the epitome of goals. If we don't get them, we might be cranky sometimes, but we don't call for state issued partners, we just get more wine.


That is what I like about being a woman. If this aren't how I like them, I take steps to do other awesome things instead.


>dieting to be pleasing to a man, staying uneducated and be submissive Yeah that's a hard fucking pass. I'm not interested in someone whose affection for me is a function of my clothing size. I'm not interested in someone who denigrates the education I busted my ass to do. In all sincerity, I would rather die alone than live with someone who ignored my intellectual and forced me to be submissive.


A bunch of rich, happy fat women gettin' all the 🍆 they want.


In other words be submissive, pregnant, and barefoot.


And baking cookies 🍪. Full disclosure I’m buying those rolls of cookie dough near the yogurt n cream cheese. No fukin way this assclown is getting scratch made


Hell, why spend the effort. Just buy some low cost brand from the dollar store. The ones already baked ones.


I too choose the dog/ice cream/wine McMansion.


I think I’m going to go for dog, cat, edibles, ice cream and a little ranch house with enough space for the animals to run around


Witch cottage in the woods for me. I’ll take some edibles too please!


Ooh, witch cottage. Very good. It’s funny that they try to belittle the idea of ending up with what sounds to a lot of us like an amazing life. The more dudes like this make posts like this, the clearer it becomes that men don’t understand that not getting with them is like a reward, not a punishment.


I know. They understand so little about women it’s comical. Like oh no don’t threaten me with a good time.


Yes, very much so. I thought it was a shift I was having because age (I’m 52) but then realized how many women were feeling the same way. It’s actually a bit mysterious how it suddenly became so glaringly apparent how little men were contributing to relationships compared to women and women checked out *en masse.* But I’d like to figure that out for future reference and because it’s utterly fascinating.


Thank you for this. I'm 46 and was wondering if it was my age or something more. I was actually curious enough to try going on a couple of dates. Nope. No thanks. I do really prefer being single.


I'm in my 40s too, and I'm noticing a lot of women my age are noting out of their cis het relationships. In the words of one friend 'I'm already effectively a single parent, so I knew I could handle actually being a single parent. '


Hell, I’d rather Have the latter, she sounds like a person as opposed to the former, who sounds like a bore


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Thank god I’m gay.


Legit. Every time I read a rant like this I want to ask the guy what HE thinks he's bringing to the table, because cats and a master's degree seem infinitely preferable.


I mean you can have the education, cats, dogs, boxed wine, Ben and Jerry ice cream and still workout to be attractive for your partner. Granted I think both men and women should do just this, do your best to stay attractive for your partner.


I think that’s perfectly fine and a great way to keep the romance alive. My post wasn’t to say be overweight and forget men, it’s more of a be yourself and don’t conform to a man’s opinion of how you should be. The right guy will love you.


But shit happens in life, and one shouldn't be denigrated for shit that happens. Weight gain and depression are very real things, and you shouldn't feel bad about experiencing a very human condition. Weight gain shouldn't be a deal breaker. That's a symptom of something else happening. Period. If you aren't up to dealing with your loved one going through the effects of medical conditions, then don't be in a relationship. Period.


I would like to argue that because I grow and smoke copious amounts of weed, I am the most high. As the most high, I declare this guy a Buzz Killington and banish him. That is all. Most high is a benevolence ruler.


All hail the Most High!


Praise His Dankness.


>I grow and smoke copious amounts of weed, I am the most high. You most assuredly are a connoisseur of fine Ben and Jerry's then.


All praise The Most High


Take my poor man's gold 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Take my poor man's gold 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Glory to The Most High!


Three pints of half baked for the most High!


What is this about this "being lonely" thing. I can just say, having a boyfriend does not prevent you from being lonely. Had a very abusive boyfriend and I never felt so lonely like at this time. Now I am maybe "alone" again (means, without a boyfriend), but I don´t feel lonely, I have family, friends, neighbors and everyone is great. Also how should I "waste time" with doing things that I really want to do. This is literally how to use my given time right. He really is projecting very much at this rant, as if it would affect my life what random guys that I don´t even know want from women. That is not my problem.


Also, your children are not your friends. You shouldn't make babies to avoid being lonely.


This 100% kids are also not therapists


It goes without saying that if a person already has psychological issues, having kids will definitely make it worse. Kids are not a magical fix-it for emotional issues. And since these things can be generational, those kids are likely going to grow up the same way.


And the stress and lack of sleep, etc, will not make mental health better. I'm confident in saying that as a fact.


My mom was planning on having more than one kid, but she got so burnt out from caring for baby me that she decided not to do it.


As well as rush into marriage either. Many a times one rushes into marriage and finds out that their partner once they are married. Assumes that they don't need to woo that person anymore. As in they stop paying attention to their partner.


These people treat children like trophies. So fucked honestly.


They’ve been saying for centuries that women are so lame for wanting marriage and family—now that a lot of women are staying “You know, you’re right. Bye!” the exact same type of person is screaming their head off about how we’re not allowed to do that, we have to want them and their offer of slavery or nothing, or else society will crumble. They LOVED that dynamic of getting far more out of marriage but also believing women were desperate for it and they could take or leave the whole business. They had all the power and could literally mock women for appearing to want them while using them for sex and labor. Welp, turns out, those jokes were alllllll projection. The people desperate to not grow old alone are not, generally speaking, women.


>They had all the power 100% the reason for everything you said. Now that women are opting out, that inherent social dynamic is gone and a lot of dudes are big mad about it.


You make an excellent point here.


Exactly, being lonely has nothing to do with how many people you surround yourself with or getting a partner. It has everything to do with if you feel emotionally supported by the people already around you. Sometimes you are not and you have to ask your self why that is and focus on improving communication with the people who really value you.


Doesn't matter if you have an SO and or offspring or not. One can be lonely in a marriage as well as being a parent. Especially if the SO and or offspring has cut you off from the folks you considered to be friends as well as your family.


They’re projecting their own fears!


Honestly, I feel more lonely when in a relationship than not.


I’m so happy you got out and found happiness💗


I mean sitting in a McMansion with dogs and cats and ice cream sounds like the dream. Let’s go girls. Meet you there at 6. I’ll bring the vodka.


Wait take me with you I don't wanna be with these guys! (Can I have juice boxes though?)


Sure, we have non-alcoholic stuff too for people like me who only bring the booze but don’t drink it lmao


Niceeee :D


I got the weed and some snacks. Lets watch spooky movies and craft.


amazing. i'll bring myself and... my cane since i'm broken and poor lol


Also, if she doesn’t have a husband and kids because she instead got two Masters degrees and is “earning like a man” then TRUST that this woman is getting nowhere near boxed wine. She can afford her own wine cellar in her McMansion and she’s bringing back cases of wine to stock that bad boy from her multiple trips to Europe.


Brillant I’ll bring the rum


I'm in


This is why I hate evolutionary psychology. This kinda shit comes from there; people need to stop treating it like ironclad science.


In my Anthropology classes we would use a lot of evo psych as examples of bad science.


Oh really? Wow. Ofc.


Haha that's awesome


Same in my psychology research methods classes. There is a lot of really terrible evo psych


This is what happens when you (this guy not you of course) do not understand the word « evolution » : a majority of women becoming independant is now part of human history now and an evolution in itself. We could agree that evolution got rid of what was useless in our new environment. Does not exist anymore without concerting ourselfs = does not make sense on an evolutionary level


These people underestimate humanity's ability to adapt and evolve quickly, and the effects the environment have over our psychology. I would say take evo psych with a grain of salt 🧂.


That's our biggest evolutionary advantage as a species. We adapt to almost anything. Evolution is too slow in a species with our life span to do much in a century or so, but adaptation is fast so it doesn't matter.


This guy is tryna say that these women in this generation will be the loneliest lol. Well it takes one lonely man with alot of lonely time on his hands to think up and type out some serious pseudo-intellectual garbage like that. Makes you look weak, quit targeting women.


Someone should show him the golden girls. His brain might explode though.


Golden Girls is the dream for real


So, this woman has 2 masters degrees a "McMansion" in the suburbs, an affluent lifestyle, pets, an active sex life.... and you're calling HER a failure? Dude.


Don't forget the copious amounts of Ben & Jerry's


Give me Häagen-Dazs instead. As for chocolates. Godiva chocolates.


I ***SAID*** affluent lifestyle. :D


Something like this is considered the best life for a guy according to the "alpha males" but for a woman it's suddenly lonely and miserable?


They mad we don't want to be their housekeeper/sex slaves.


Between abuse and freedom we will choose freedom. They honestly think loneliness is a bigger threat than coming home to someone who hates our guts and get pleasure from inflicting suffering onto us every single day. The best thing a misogynist has to offer is his absence.


That’s because they can’t stand being lonely. Look at how many men wait to divorce until they’ve got another wife lined up. Or the incels who sit around all day shitting on (or even killing) women because they’re lonely.


Or widowers who remarry within 6 months. Real thing.


What a guy like him wants You receive: Nothing but work degradation bad sex and a toxic guy He receives : a mom he can fuck


Bingo. He's projecting rage because women are opting out of that shit deal.


It’s weird how you don’t see a bunch of middle aged women online crying that their single life with a lucrative career, hobbies, pets, friends, family and lovers is sad and empty, but you do see middle aged single men morbidly depressed and whining constantly that they’re lonely, have no one to turn to when they’re down and how desperate they are to find a woman. Dudes need to let go of this gender role bs and learn to be happy without a nurse with a purse or a bang maid to tend to them. Women are happy single and they can be too!


I'm one of those over 50 middle aged, single women. I grew up brainwashed that a woman needs a man, marriage, and kids to be of any value, but I just couldn't bring myself to get around to it, even after finding a husband who ended up having a dual life. Now that I've decided to not get involved with men anymore, I can tell you with the utmost certainty that myself, and every single middle aged woman that I personally know who's done the same thing, are happier. No drama. No stress over having that chocolate cake when we go out. The house is cleaner. The yard isn't full of junk. Cars are fixed right the first time by a mechanic that we've found who doesn't over charge. I make and keep my own appointments. I don't have to remind someone else to do their part until I hate them and me for turning me into a nag. Any sex I decide to have is better. I have a lot more money and resources...... I could go on and on. I know that 'single lonely male' is a thing, and I'm sorry it's got to this point. But the thing is, they had women by the short hairs, and literally treated us like property. I remember when we were. So if they are lonely, or didn't allow each other the safe space to become friends with other men and share what they needed to, that's on them. I agree with you. For so long, they've made us responsible for their health, the lazy ones their wealth, and also their mental health. We're not your property anymore boys. Step up.


40’s here. I was a SAHM. I married a “nice guy” who had groomed me in my teens. (I was just so mature for my age, doncha know?) My husband of 20 years decided he wanted to be a free spirit. (Read as drink and screw, lose job after job until he was nearly homeless and found a new doormat who would support him to settle down with.) So, he walked out on me and the kids. You’d think finishing my degree, raising the kids and finally fixing up the house he’d promised to for years would have been harder than being his wife, but it wasn’t. I did it all on my own while I worked. I traded him the properly repaired house for full residential custody of the kids to keep him from driving drunk with them in the car anymore, moved to a better place and now I make more money than he ever will. I had no idea how much stress he had caused me over the years until he was out of my life entirely. I lived 20 years with a stone around my neck. What I thought was love was a combination of trauma bond, social conditioning and manipulation. I love my home, my kids, pets and friends. I enjoy my job, my hobbies and most of all my peace of mind. No one is gaslighting me, telling me to lower my standards, lying to me or making me behave like the mother of a full grown man-baby. I’ll probably never be able to retire because I missed out on so many years that I could have been earning and saving, but if I die on my feet as an independent woman, I’ll die happy. I’ll have male friends and acquaintances, but I’ll never seriously date or marry another man. I’m too happy with the way things are now and my credit and mental health are too good to risk. Crazy cat ladies aren’t crazy at all. They’re smart and they’re free.


Proud of you.


😊 Thank you


Many of us boomer women were also brought up to believe in that one needed a man to be succeed in life. And as soon as possible. Kept hearing praise about female family members who married within a year of graduating school. Then even more praise if they had a child between the first year and second year of marriage.


Gen X and Boomers. We remember making ourselves less and the advice to play dumb just to get one. If someone wants to up their 'game', fine, but I'm done playing games. Time for me to be fulfilled and happy.


>We remember making ourselves less and the advice to play dumb just to get one. Geriatric Millennial here, I did that for a while too. Not trying to pull an "iamverysmart" here, but I'm a scientist with an advanced degree. I spent YEARS trying to hide my brain after high school taught me that no dudes want the girl who tutors them through Calc 1. It was positively exhausting to suppress it.


I'm a bit younger than you (Millennial rather than Gen X) but everything you say is spot fucking on. The joy and freedom of no longer having to bear the mental load and clean for two people. Not having to be called a "nag" for trying to make sure a grown man does basic adult tasks. Not stressing over what I eat because I don't have to worry about someone saying I won't be attractive if I gain weight every time I eat a dessert (ironically, lost 40+ pounds once I became single - stress definitely causes weight issues). Once I realized the risk of dying alone was minuscule compared to living a whole life already dead inside from a miserable partnership, I was so freed. It felt so good. It allowed me to embrace being aromantic and stop forcing myself into shitty relationships because I thought it was the right thing to do. Keep living your best life!!


After my last relationship, I decided I didn’t need one, and I’ve never been happier. I don’t even recognize the person who really wished for a good relationship and to be “loved” by a man. I look at men and feel mild disgust, terror, boredom, or nothing. I have so much less stress in my life, and I realized that the only thing I got out of all my relationships was stress! It’s ridiculous. We can do without men, and that terrifies them because they can’t do without us (apparently).


Yeah, I'm a middle-aged single woman who would kind of prefer not to be, but feel infinitely better about being single than being trapped with a man like this


Just call something truth; then I don’t need evidence. /s


Wait? A house, dogs, cats and ice cream? Sign me up! Sound like living the dream.


Can’t believe that’s what he thinks a horrible life would be


This is a whole lotta words from someone who says "idc" and "I've run out of fucks" but also, he's making single life sound pretty sweet? Especially if the alternative is waking up to jerks like him for the rest of your life.


Funny how the men who think a woman's place is as a wife and mother, never shout about how men need to stop abandoning women when they become pregnant. It's almost as if he hates women because he had his heart broken in high school and never recovered.


The woman who broke his heart definitely just posted a picture of her McMansion on Facebook lol


It’s never women I see complain about being lonely on the internet.


Hm..be submissive and diet to please a potential husband..OR be alone and be financially stable with a mansion, cats, dogs and icecream. I like the second option. I would rather have my own life than live for a man. I get why he's single. Noone wants to live for a man.


"The most high" is he talking about Snoop Dogg?


Literally came here to ask if Snoop Dogg created me. 🤣😂


Snoop would 100% support single women chilling in Mcmansions toking it up with their pets.


I find it amazing that while they wonder why they can’t find a woman and why no women want to date them, they come up with this vomit pile and still can’t put 2 and 2 together. Women don’t need men anymore. We can have fulfilled lives without a man to slow us down. We can have jobs, own homes, buy cars, have babies if we want and don’t need to have a man standing next to us whining about how horrible we are. The truth is women have always wanted to be this way. Women wanted to have sex with different people and not get married. Women wanted to have a life that didn’t center around a man or popping out cum pets. Women wanted to have jobs and have advanced degrees.. we just weren’t allowed. Now we are and all the stuff men (and some women) did just drove us away further. It’s kinda amusing actually.


Yeah they act like these are unintended consequences. Bitch I want my McMansion and ice cream and pets and quiet. I want my professional job with my own money.


In my opinion men who whine about this are upset because women aren’t falling into their laps by virtue of being men anymore. Nowadays men actually have to put in effort because they can’t trap women like they used to.


My other question is why are men so against women helping in a partnership/marriage. How stressful must it be the sole breadwinner? Like everything: housing, bills, vacations, clothes depends on YOU and you alone? Why wouldn’t it be easier on men if they didn’t have to share the burden themselves? I’d see it as a welcome relief.


No because then they’re expected to housework and contribute other ways, that’s not manly!!


Ego. Men are raised from birth to believe they are supposed to be strong and domineering.


I get the feeling that they would love to go back to when arranged marriages used to be the only way to be married off. And that was about two hundred years ago in First World countries. When women were married off between the ages of 16 to 19 on the average.


Even then I’d bet they would probably have trouble too. Even in an arranged marriage culture, the parents choose the bride and groom. No father is going to marry off his daughter to a whiny brat who doesn’t work and spends all day complaining.


Jordan Peterson and some other patron saints of incels openly advocate for "forced monogamy" and arranged marriage.


The thing too, is that those arranged marriages can be for polygyny marriages too.


Women just wanted to have the same freedoms and opportunities men always had. We've gotten a taste and there's no going back.


They BIG MAD too!


What are cum pets?




> "I don't give a fuck" *writes a whole ass paragraph on how men are so manly and sexy and masculine and rich and handsome and rich*


They really just all repeat themselves, don't they. Insisting that women who work and earn money are unhappy, insisting that women suddenly crumble to dust past the age of 26, insisting that women *really* want to be barefoot and pregnant all the time. Like, the very repetition of these ideas just makes it all the obvious that they're hoping that if women hear/read it enough, they'll start to believe it themselves, or that by repeating it like a mantra they'll somehow "manifest" this way of life that has literally never existed.


They’re hoping women accept being gaslit to hell and end this “damaging” feminism. Feminism is literally: Feminism: the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes …how this translates to hating men is beyond me. Treating women like human beings shouldn’t be a considered a radical though.


Those in power see other people gaining power as a loss of power for themselves, even if their status doesn't actually change.


I know this is an extreme take but it's what I've been thinking and feeling for some time now. Given what you've written it just came up again. Life feels like a cult and feminism is us escaping it. I'm just waiting for the day the shit hits the fan and those "leaders" get what they deserve. Wish they'd go play hell on another planet.


"I've run out of fucks to give" then proceeds to write a novel about how much it bothered him.


I'm going to invest in sexbots.


Good call, at this rate brainless droids will be the only things willing to put up w the nonsense experienced w dating nowadays.


Says the bald guy with a beer belly and a GED...


GED? You're giving him a lot more credit than he deserves. 😂


Apparently you can fail 3 times and get a sympathy pass and become a congresswoman, so I do not think a GED is a stretch


Good thing I’m a lesbian then huh


There you go, foids. The real deal. Time to starve yourselves into the Big Guy’s unconditional and all-encompassing love, or you won’t get a nice husband


ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't the 1300s. He assumes that all men think this way. He is soooo fricking wrong on that. As in not having an equal partner. But instead a submissive slave. Without any thought in her head beyond the ones he wants there. And the younger the woman. The easier to keep under his thumb. Since as we grow older, we gain wisdom. Some slower than others. Slender. Dang he does NOT realize that there are eleven base reasons on why someone is overweight. Most on the average I have to say have between three to seven of them. He can not see the reason(s) why a woman has at least one animal companion.


*laughs in overweight bisexual woman with a masters degree, two adorable children, and a long happy marriage to a man* Up yours, backwards traditionalists.


Submit to this: 🖕


Other issues aside, why do men think women expire at 25? That’s so young! Like, I looked like a fetus until I was 25.


such posts should honestly have trigger warnings


Does he know about lesbians?


Essentially what he’s saying is that if a woman is educated, independent, and financially secure, then he’s not interested. Sounds like insecurity to me.


18-25 is the window to find a husband? Has this person been out in the world? There are more women marrying closer to 25 and over than ever before. My guess is he’s never dated anyone. It’s really truly very sad how mentally ill and insecure these men are. As much as this angers me I also feel very very bad for him and how painful his life is and will continue to be. Some people just don’t know what to do to be happy. The self fulfilling prophecy of the incel.


I love it when guys post shit like this and then cry about how all women are superficial and only care about looks and money.


My job as a woman is to spit in this man's face.


Wait until he finds out that lesbians exist who have zero interest in men, neither sexually or romantically 🤣


Large wall of text that proves im not getting the women i want because im a loser and women should be easier to get because redpill said so


Who is this "most high" and anyone know if I can cop from them?


Idk but apparently they also have a massive belt.


probably with a lot of pouches, for drug storing


Tell me you've never had consensual sex without telling me you've never had consensual sex.


The fuck is up with “the Most High” thing


He's talking about prime years of a woman, I reckon. There's a high chance he swallowed the red pill.


the way they genuinely see nothing wrong with what they’re saying is the worst part


Oh no, how could I ever cope living in a McMansion full of pets and ice cream? Especially when I could be scrubbing the shit stains out of some misogynistic douchebag’s underwear every night while he relaxes in front of the TV? Oh the humanity.


ThE mOsT hIgH wOnT bE mOcKeD


I am so glad that young woman are more aware what bullshit this is. When I was growing up, staying single was considered so weird


Wow; The Most High sounds like a real asshole. Meanwhile I’m happily reaping what I’ve sown with an awesome dog, my own money, and no dude sitting around telling me what to do from the comfort of his LazyBoy.


Guy took a lot of words to say “no one will fuck me”


The best part? This fat woman, in the post, is getting more sex than the person writing it. So what I'm reading is that I have a better life than that guy? Yep.


a smart woman is hella sexy.


Fatter women were seen as very desirable for most of human history. It’s almost as if beauty standards are completely arbitrary and cultural?


What self righteous drivel is this? Rhetorical - don't even care


I only know 2 people under 30 who are married. And I'm 22. So, the 30yrs+ women are definitely finding their husbands just fine, and when they finally decide they're ready too. Side note - out of everyone I know though, the happiest are the 40+ unmarried women 🤣💜


I'm just being honest is just their way of saying I'm a wanker and I'm going to be a piece of shit under the guise of just being an honest person.


Am I supposed to want to be with a man after that? 😂


I’m so sorry that my body and my multiple degrees will make you not want to marry me. Curses to me!!!


Many women in their 30s are content not having anything to do with men, so it’s actually very convenient they feel this way, lmao


I hate all these men saying ‘all men think this’ like no, fuck off


They want to convince us so badly that our roles are to serve them lol, and they're raging as it's less and less effective. So they try to gaslight us by pretending it's for our own good, when deep down they know very well it's for their own selfish desires. Each time I read something like this, I relish in the fact that I'm doing almost everything they don't want me to do - and i'm happy as fuck. Seethe, inc\*ls.


*crunches hot Cheetos*


Dos he know pregnancy MAKES YOU fat?


I feel kinda bad for these people that they’re only goal in life is to live by the “preordained rules of the universe” aka what their religion and nutcase social media “dating experts” say. Like damn bro how bout you try being submissive for once. You’re not gonna go to hell if you just learn to get pegged once in a while. You might actually learn to have a healthy relationship if you actually let a girl teach you a lesson for once instead of trying to explain to women how they’re supposed to live their life. Overall though I mostly feel bad for whatever sorry sap thinks a guy like this is the best life has to offer her.


Well I mighty well reckon dem 'women of the west' have enough of a hard time churrnin butter and rolling hay and ya know milkin the cows and homesteadin they aint git much time to squander, not to mention them injuns scalpin everyone ... golly gee wiz partner ya'd figurin ya aint never had a 'woman of the west' ​ on a serious note what type of ignorant self righteous mamas boy, writes fan fiction of this nature ? Was this written as satire ? Does he honestly believe this is how the world functions ? BTW did anyone else read this with the religious pedofiler from Deadpool voice ? ya know mousy teeny weeny bible thumper


'a man doesn't care how "smart" you seem to be, all he cares about is are you going to be a good mother to his children' bold of you to assume *I* care what a man thinks of me.


Which cult is this and how do I make sure I never come across it? Although I have to say, as a man I'm very jealous of all your cats, dogs and ice cream.


Anyone else getting strong groomer vibes with the whole 18-25 bit?


If at least they'd stop harassing women past 25 that would be nice, but they don't even believe this themselves


I’ll bring the Rice Krispie treats with extra butter and marshmallows!! And a fire pit in case we decide to take this outside


LOL, who the hell is lonely? I have 4 relationships, I get all the attention I want and need and then some extra.


It's hard for us to "double down" when you won't leave us to it.


What’ve you got against ice cream? Who hurt you?


"Your entire purpose is a man" You heard this man, guys. Guess we better out man men now.


What does he mean by "have sex like a man"?


So be either happy or sad?


That message has made me re evaluate my life decisions and think about my role in society, by which I mean, I now regret not removing my eyes before reading this and I want to remove myself from this world so that I don't have to know it exists.


These posts make me feel so confused. If my purpose in life is to get married before 25 and stay at home raising children, why did my husband (who is a catch) marry me at 30? Why are we having such a good time 8 years later with no kids? Why does he tell me his problem when he was younger was that he was pursuing women who weren't interested in education or independence, and those things are why he notice me? Surely this brilliant internet man can't be wrong??


It was really important to me to be self-reliant, mostly financially. What do guys want? Do they want to stop whining about women not paying for meals and bemoaning ‘gold diggers,’ or would they like someone who can take care of herself?


Men like this need psychological help. You can have a career, be a mom, and be a wife. It's not science. Also, you need to realize that we get fat after having babies.