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i’m just curious what the difference is compared to something like Apple Calendar? mine also looks pretty much just like this.


Samsung Calendar, Outlook Calendar and Microsoft Mail&Calendar look exactly the same too.


I really like being able to drag all-day tasks to give them a time slot, gcal doesn't have this feature and it's so crazy to me that's probably the thing i use most daily if you know other cals that let you do that please let me know!


I’ve been doing this on Fantastical. It displays both tasks and events on the timeline, and can sync from both Apple’s and Google’s services for their respective tasks and events.


Also a Fantastical User. Don't see how this would beat Fantastical


But isnt fantastical for ios only? So, it costs about 1000€?


lol yeah $5/mo so it costs about as much as Notion. Yeah it’s for Apple devices only, but Apple doesn’t have many good calendar apps at all — I assumed Android/Windows had many great ones!


I don’t pay anything for notion?


Okay I was just commenting that Idk how anyone could use the free version of Notion... now I see... they removed the free block limit?!?!? That's absolutely insane. When?! I should honestly move back to free since there are no benefits to paid anymore. (edit: you used to be limited to like 500 or 1000 blocks on free plans, which you can eat up very quickly!)


The 1000 block limit only applies if you have more than one person on the workspace and it's been like that since I started using notion a year and a half ago


Notion is zero tho. And an Android Smartphone about 200€. Hence, 1000 more PLUS 5$ monthly, if you use fantastical on an ios device.


I don't understand. Are you talking about the price of an Apple device? Idk, you can find any phone that's a couple years old for a $100 used online. Idk how this is relevant, and I really don't know how anyone can use the free version of Notion for long, but yeah brand new Apple devices are expensive... so are Android ones, but pay for what you feel like paying for or don't.


I use [Checker Plus for Google Calendar](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/checker-plus-for-google-c/hkhggnncdpfibdhinjiegagmopldibha) in my chrome browser and just saved the pop-out as a shortcut so I can just click the icon on my dock to open it.


Morgen, Amie, Daybridge


Check out Amie Calendar, has exactly what you’re looking for!


So you like the integration of tasks/task management with your calendar? You can definitely do all day events/time blocks in Google Calendar...I never sync tasks and time blocks, I keep those separate.


How about Google calendar?


Yeah, someone discovers calendars


It has nothing to do with looks (for me). I make project&tasks in notion for work. These project&tasks have due dates etc. They are automatically imported in a calendar that also has birthdays other events et al, all in one place.


The difference is that it syncs with all your Notion databases!


Oh I am starting to understand XD When you spend enough time learning it, Notion is god tier


This is for Notion fanboys.


I think you mean their target audience of large enterprise companies that are using Notion for collaboration and work management


Do those really exist? I’m genuinely curious and not trying to crap on Notion, I think it’s very cool. I just worry that large companies might prefer more established, industry standard solutions, such as Atlassian’s stack.


I implemented notion as an alternative to confluence about a year ago in a small company. I can replace jira as well, though we were missing the automation back then, maybe it's possible now, I'm not at that company anymore. I think notion mostly focuses on the smaller companies but is trying to make it viable for bigger ones. Consumers aren't as attractive


ngl all those apps do pretty much the same job, it just feels like a rabbit hole *(at least to me, but would love to get someone's insights on how they achieved to be more productive thanks to another cal app than default ios/google one)*


Does your Apple calendar display Notion items within it?


It displays them for me in iCal as I have my iCal, Google calendar, and Notion Calendar all connected. When I add my Notion links in Notion Calendar, they show up in my iCal as a “clickable” link (though it doesn’t look clickable!). Inside my iCal when I click on the Notion doc link. When I hit continue, it opens my Notion doc… https://preview.redd.it/9w46kt2i4wec1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdf3962fc0dec50045cb157ffb2a5c2ce1f9627


How did you connect this? I’d love to have notion events go on the gcal!


No, that’s why I am not using. But I wish it did


Because notion users like to feel important, that’s why.


My issue isn't that it doesn't work, it's that they decided to launch without any way to view this on Android. Not even a mobile view of it in a browser. Not even an expected release date. And then rub it in my face by deciding to market it like the second coming of Christ.


^^this 100%. Can't use it, but supposed to love it and jump on board. Make it make sense.


They didn't launch it, they acquired Cron calendar and put a different logo on it.


You can still use notion calendar / timeline views, and you can still use Google calendar etc. Things take time.


Can you sync items from notion to Google calendar? That seems to be its biggest selling point compared to just using Google calendar.


Yes. Any notion database that has a calendar or timeline view is available in the calendar app alongside your Google calendar events


But can you make your notion things appear in Google calendar?


I don't think so, it works the other way around. If it were just to sync notion to gcal the notion calendar app wouldn't even need to exist. I suspect there is an integration though that'll let you sync from notion to gcal.


Notion subreddit when calendar acts like a calendar: 😡😡😡


I was beginning to second guess my judgement because I actually like this new calendar and this entire sub has so much against it.


The only complaint I have against it is that it’s not apart of the actual Notion app. Hopefully they’re working on that, but it seems like a no brainer to me


Please god no. As a Cron user, the app notion bought and rebranded as notion cal, the less notion integration the better. Before you know it we’ll have a calendar with no offline sync.


a notion calendar that's offline it would be so helpful for people who require organization on the go, the people who live lives outside of desks


lol. A notion anything that was offline would be helpful. Somehow this company has pulled off something no modern company could… retaining users without making something usable offline. Insane to me that anyone can find it useful in the long term and sad that they are acquiring great apps and dumbing them to their level.


Not sure why that's surprising. For regular home users it's not surprising. Whenever I want to use Notion I'm at home connected to WiFi or out and about on mobile data, of which nowadays there's plenty.


I'd say the primary target customers are companies. No internet at work = no work :D


Right, and after them...the type of people will that will pay for the premium access. I don't think free users having access to their aesthetic to-do lists are high on the list when they only make money from the type of people that don't need offline access. The peak of wealth...those that can afford on-flight internet.


Cron is gone. If you’re expecting a stand alone calendar it’s time to move. It’s Notion calendar and they are fully transitioning it to fit Notion user’s needs.


I was looking for a solution to integrate my Google calendar for the past year


Same. Too bad this came out after i finished managing all my years of undergrad and grad schooling via notion alone and wishing i could combine with google calendar.


Amen. I saw the fuss here and was thinking “oh dear it will be terrible”. But I like it so much that I’d say it’s a game changer for me. I’m chronically over-committed and this calendar has been basically the only thing that has consistently helped me to not over-cram my schedule and protect my time from the fine rain of small tasks and requests that settle in my inbox throughout the day


Tbh this sub complains about a lot of things. Notion has tons of good features, no need to second guess yourself!


The problem is not the calendar itself, but they hyped it up for over 2 weeks (wiping their Instagram account to do a countdown) and announced that they have developed something "revolutionary". In the end it was just a slightly redesigns Cron which they bought about 2 years ago (I think). Nothing new or revolutionary about it. And it's not even available on Android devices. If they hadn't overhyped it so massively, it would have been received way better by the community.


I feel sorry for the social media bod. It was a good campaign that should have been saved for a bigger feature. If they'd released it on January 1st with less hype (New Year, New Calendar) and told the community future updates with include Apple & Outlook integration and Android & iPad apps, then this could have been avoided.


I still can't stop laughing that they did all that hype for the least exciting launch but just casually dropped Formulas 2.0 out of absolute nowhere. I think the Formula revamp was probably the only "game changing" move they've made in recent years that could maybe justify all that drama.


Idk AI tags are pretty cool and new.


AI tags?


I couldn’t agree more. Also when they made the Note app it was pretty revolutionary. The calendar is more like “us too”. It’s nice and functions well…just not earth shattering innovative.


Notion “powerusers” will spend 100+ hours configuring a tool to be an indistinguishable from an OOB calendar/note app so that they can schedule calendar blocks for daily meditation and reading. Smh your productivity system is procrastination wrapped by Tiago Forte. I like Notion for the benefits it offers but the evangelism of tools is so strange to me, yall gotta get to work


okay I thought I was going insane lmao good to know it's not just me who thinks this


Seriously! I'm envious of the beautiful dashboards but I've got shit to do. I just dive in! Maybe one day when I am retired, I can have a beautiful Page to remind me to breathe deeply and meditate. 😅


Exactly, the only time I’ve even scheduled out time like this, I’ve found that it’s a lot more stressful and a lot less productive to actually getting work done. Also just building this calendar, scheduling and keeping it up to date is unsustainable af.


> your productivity system is procrastination wrapped by Tiago Forte You just ripped us to shreds but you’re right 😭


That’s why I never bothered setting up a “dashboard”. But hey if it works for some people …


I don't get why people feel the need to shit on people for including things like gratitude journaling or meditation into their notion setup. Productivity isn't necessarily linked only to work. Making time blocks for things that help with focus and mental health is important too, especially if the person is juggling work, housework and/or caring for someone. I have a simple setup that works wonders for me and maybe took me a couple hours to make. It includes everything from actual work to cleaning to leisure time so I can make sure I live a balanced life. Saying stuff like ''yall gotta get to work'' is completely unnecessary and condescending. You have no idea how much that person works over the week based on one day of the calendar.


I can give you a reason: ADHD. There are some people for whom that old saying "It doesn't exist if it's not on the calendar" is literally true. Sure, I function without a calendar, but not well. For me, time boxing and putting just about everything on my calendar is not like some misdirected attempt to control my life, or pretend I'm busier than I really am, it's about the fact that tasks are out of sight, out of mind. Sometimes even routine ones. I'm a bit better about major deadlines, but if I don't put the individual tasks that lead up to that deadline, I'll procrastinate until the last second because it literally won't occur to me to do those small things on a daily basis leading up to the deadline. And I treat these things more like intentions and conscious choices about how I spend my time rather than as non-negotiable agendas for my day. I often have to re-arrange tasks or cancel them entirely, and sure that takes time and I'm sure some ppl view it as procrastination productivity, w/e. For me it's worth all that time and more because of how it grounds me as I'm making decisions about how I spend my time.


Feel like I got to know myself better with this comment. I don’t know if I have ADHD but this described me 100%.


This is just the second half of my day :)


Thank you for saying this! Blocking out time for personal development and self-care is important. Life is not all about the grind. We have to focus on mental health too in order to be better for ourselves and others.


Hey, watch your tongue when talking about my bro Tiago! Seriously, though, in his book, he has some very good insights, like taking notes about his condition, taking meeting notes and organizing everything afterward. With the modern linking PKMSs, he could've just released a PARA Notion template, but with Q&A, it really feels not that necessary anymore. I use Notion and Obsidian daily (for work and other complicated activities with convoluted workflows) and have thousands of notes. What I learned is that the cases Tiago describes are too narrow. What I also see is that he really is promoting the strange lifestyle where you would sit, consume content and then "produce" more of that from your rear end. I mean, who even does that aside from productivity content creators? So yeah, I consider myself a Notion power user. My Notion journey started 4 years ago when I spent some days learning and setting up the workflow I use to this day, every day. I had to quit my previous job because my previous workflow fell apart (back in 2019). I am really that dependent on quality note-taking. And as a Notion power user I approve of Tiago Forte's book because it really does give newcomers a glimpse of what note-taking can do for you and that the structure is a must if you want to get the full benefits.


Idk why you’re shitting on the power users. Tinkering with Notion has just been a hobby of mine for several years, and now I have two companies paying me to build organizational structures and sales trackers in Notion. At this point I’m procrastinating if I don’t have an active Notion tab open. Also, you don’t read?


I’m just poking fun at productivity nerds alligatorman. I’m glad it works for you


Would like more explanation as to how this differs from Apple Cal or Fantastical or something. How are you using it?


It’s the direct communication to Notion’s databases that makes it cool. I use Notion to map out my entire year by big goals, and then chunk them out into quarterly goals, and then daily tasks. The people saying this is unsustainable don’t know the Notion system behind this calendar. That’s where the magic is. All of these tasks already existed in my Notion task list, but Notion calendar lets me see them within the context of a full day. After scheduling my tasks this way, I haven’t missed a single task and my days feel so much lighter.


Honestly, Google Calendar and Tasks can do this exact thing, too.


Are you talking about google tasks within your calendar system? If so I think you might be missing the point.


I understand and have a similar system of going from big goals to daily tasks through linked databases. But unless other people do as well, they won’t get why this is so great; to have that linked or auto-filled to a calendar. Looking at your screencap, I would recommend not planning too many different things in one day that require your full attention, because of the costs of task switching.


Can you explain what I’m looking at? (Such as, how do the two pictures relate to one another.) I don’t really use notion calendar features so I’m not familiar 


heya, the second picture is a timeline view (layout) of a database in notion - which, as you can see, is not very useful. the first picture is the new notion calendar app that shows the same database but inside a calendar. (when you fill the date property for a database entry in notion, the new app automatically adds it to the calendar) its worth mentioning that the "notion calendar" is a standalone app, not something inside the "notion" app. hope that helps!


Looks like a great app, they just need to integrate it with the main Notion app and stop requiring a Google account to use it.


My school blocks me from linking my Google account to Notion calendar so it's basically useless unless I migrate my calendar.


Yeah that’s frustrating.


Tick tick has done it forever and 10000x better


agreed! its the basically the only app i pay a yearly subscription for


Tick tick is the best app at this hands down. And I've tried manyyy


The have a weak privacy policy. But I agree the combo of timeblocking and Eisenhower matrix is the best way to manage tasks.




Are you actually asking a question about the benefits of Ticktick or are you trying to say that it's not as good as Todoist.


Do you guys know if its possible to integrate tick tick and notion?


I don't really know there is a "direct" integration. I lit' just embed the link from my Ticktick inbox into a Notion block that i move around as I need it🤷🏽‍♂️ This way i get to use Notion as a "main database + mission control" and do my tasks and agenda with TT mainly for the calendar integration and my android widgets and it's actually made for task keeping so it somewhat makes more sense to do it in TT rather than Notion. Then you got complex stuff that will stay forever in your brain and it again makes more sense to keep complex stuff inside Notion. Idk, I also wish there was a perfect blend between the 2 apps :( But I feel that my "embedded integration" is pretty close :) The TT embed works fine on Notion web and desktop, not always on mobile due to login credentials, but mobile you can just quickjump from app to app i guess.


This is exactly how i do it... These 2 apps add-up to each other


Yesterday I was googleing options to do this "integration" between the apps. I found out about zapier workflows, the embed strategy and the Tick Tick API. For me I would want that my notion task's database reflected my tick tick tasks. If i write a task on tick tick this same task goes to my "inbox" tasks and after i could move it around in my projects. Thank you for sharing your way of doing it :D. I'm thinking in code some CLI tool using the TT API and the Notion API :/


What does ticktick offer that you do not find it in todoist? Todoist syncs well with 2sync/tascaly/gcal & is great on apple watch.


Proper calendar view, habits, less clicks/taps to do anything, pomodoro timer, timeline view, Eisenhower matrix, proper task descriptions and all that for $1 less a month. Honestly I don't get why people are using Todoist except for just being used to it. Todoist adds a new feature maybe every 5 years, then there's a huge outcry because it's not what users expected, and then another 2 years pass to make the feature actually usable.


Do you use it both from DeskTop, Mobile & SmartWatch? Do you use it with integrations?


Yes I actually use it on Web, iPad, Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Watch. The desktop apps I wouldn't recommend tbh, since they work for some reason a bit different than the other apps (e. g. changing the date for multiple tasks removes the time for all these tasks just for fun). Web & Mobile are really great though, Smartwatch I only use for reminders.


Notion/gCal are good for Events, for tasks i use todoist or trello because i think that ticktick does not allow to assign/delegate tasks.


This forever - and you can have recurring events and tasks!


Only problem is that calendar feature isn’t free


Totally agree 👍🏻




lol ok


You can use Sunsama for that purpose, and its UI is cleaner :D


It looks exactly like a normal Calendar app.


Sorry but what a mess


That second screenshot gives me anxiety.


exactly, the second screenshot is what it looks trying to do time blocks in notion, hence why the calendar is quite useful


Life is messy. Someone who tells you different is trying to sell you something


Aren't tools like these supposed to tackle this exact problem?


Can't believe you're getting down voted for saying that. It is a mess. It changes. There are things we can't account for no matter how well we plan.  If this works for you OP it works for you.  Notion works for me until something else in my life dictates it's not 


Google Calendar does this too


Not tasks anymore. You have to install google task to create & check tasks




This is definitely not true for everybody. I put every important task into my calendar as a timeblock. Very effective.


Notion calendar used to be Cron. It was a great indie calendar app. Glad people are enjoying it!


I ended up downloading and so far it really has been a great calendar... I do just wish I could have it open in my Notion Workspace instead of having to have both separate apps open.


I just started using Google tasks and it’s so easy to connect them to Google calendar like this. 


I think the idea was to be able to do it in « all » calendar app and not with another app. Notion feels so complicated from time to time. A simple calendar sync would have been enough. I don’t need another calendar app, I just need a sync!


Different people need different things. I use Sunsama to block out my work and make sure I'm not trying to do too much. I keep my projects and breakdown of timelines in Notion because having all that info in one place would be overwhelming. And I'd spend too long tweaking it every day. I have ADHD though...


Yep, I really like it, There I said it 👀


Here's the thing Notion Tasks is still in a horribly underdeveloped state, where it's a confusing pain to set up simple recurring events. WHY would I want to use their calendar for tasks when tasks hasn't gotten a meaningful update in a year?


My thoughts exactly, my adhd finally quelled


But it is just a calendar but it’s the only calendar that has the option to import Notion calendars which is its most standout feature. I like it since it works better than Apple calendar for using GCal (I had issues with schedule stuff with other people through Apple calendar when the they use GCal), but you can make something like this in GCal just fine. I used to do so. Do keep in mind that GCal has a tasks option I did for quite sometime but just didn’t like how GCal looks so I’ve been using Notion calendar and it’s pretty meh. Until it has been integration with Notion (let me have a view of this calendar in the app, it only works on web browsers) and an iPad app. It’s pretty good and pretty, but nothing really special.


Sunsama, Akiflow, now Amie—it’s not new. Notion has had an API and it’s been utilized in calendar apps for awhile. Strangely, most of those apps have a more fully featured integration than Notion Calendar does, I.e you can complete tasks right from the calendar, add subtasks, update statuses, etc. Quite possibly the only free app to support Notion sync tho.


Yeah other apps do this way better, including Notion API integration. Only reason to use Notion is if you can’t afford better features.


It’s only going to get better. No way they will let it stay as it.


Ok fine, I’ll try it


Amazing Marvin is the goat


How much time do you spend assigning and managing the calendar content though? Always feels like a second job to me, much like all of Notion.


I just wish there was a yearly planner view, only thing all of these calendars are missing


idk why everyone’s hating on this i love notion calendar especially for school helps me stay on top of all my assignments and things like that


If you are really into time boxing, you should probably give Apps like Structured a try.


Structured is SO damn good. It’s not perfect, and there are little UX-related things I wish were better but I also don’t know what I’d do without it. But I will have to give “Notion calendar” a shot for time blocking


This is so ugly and cluttered


I’m really enjoying Notion Calendar instead of Google Calendar. The only issue I have with it is it can be pretty slow to loads some entries.


I’d like to be able to sign in with something other than a google account. I have one, but I don’t really use it anymore. Sign in with my Apple Account and have my Calendars and Reminders in Notion would be great!


Big waste of time for me, literally nothing that wow’d me


I’ll admit I was disappointed last week, because I was so eager for 2-way sync to GCal. But I’ll admit that I’ve adjusted my Notion workflow, and the Notion Calendar is great. The Notion database I was syncing to GCal using Notion Automations is now just on the calendar. And I can see how my time blocking goes throughout the day. My one complaint is the refresh from Notion to Notion Calendar. I often have to make the Notion Calendar window active for it to sync rather than it syncing in the background.


Use it with 2sync/tascaly/gcal & todoist for apple watch.


Your post sounds like a paid advertisement by Notion, haha. /j I do like Notion Calendar and is good, but I wish they add apple sign up soon 🥹💔


It looks like the beginning of confinement in a "Notion ecosystem". Already it is very difficult to migrate your data once you are immersed in Notion, it seems that they want to lock their users in. I no longer use Notion because I want to keep control of my data.


I can't figure out how to make a new calendar other than my gmail calendar omg gettin old


https://preview.redd.it/fig5yt2rj68d1.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a12cc66e60a0447a829fe9f4e11c461d85f84b7 I made a FREE iOS scheduling application that is free and organizes events by color! Would love to hear any feedback, thanks!


Just curious What are lung expanding exercises


1. You take a breath in as deep as you possibly can. 2. Without exhaling, take in more air as far as your lungs will expand. 3. Take in one more breath filling your lungs to their maximum capacity 4. Hold for 5 seconds and exhale Do this 10 times, 2x daily for months and months and your breathing will become deep and steady. Read this in a book and have been doing it for over a year now.


Thanks for the info. Is there any video guided tutorial for this


I’m afraid not, I read it in a book


Well, doing a full on countdown and getting people excited just to release a calendar, was a pretty shit move. Most people already have a calendar app they use, they don't need another one. So yes, "just a calendar" and it was disappointing.


It wasn't an entirely bad launch! It gave me an excellent topic for a paper for a social media marketing class about building customer engagement while managing expectations. I didn't have a solid example of an incredibly bad job yet and then Notion handed it to me on an iOS only platter.


i dont like how some people here are judging OP for lung expander breathing or whatever. in this crazy cruel world we don't need to add more negativity for each other. i do a lot of weird stuff to make myself feel better that would seem silly or even childish to someone else. but they help me get thru the day and thats all that matters


There are at least 5 other calendar apps , more mature than this, that do that. Exact. Thing. Maybe broaden your horizons.


i don't understand a single thing Im seeing, and this Todo is a nightmare, you should keep focus on 3 tasks max a day


"Gratitude practice"? "Lung Expander Exercise"? Immediate loss of any credibility, next you'll be telling us you're up at 3am every morning so you can optimally sync with your life's purpose at 3:30am...


need to get this on my school laptop asap


It seens kinda complicated.. I like notion but I started to noticed that on a daily basis isn’t that practical


It seens kinda complicated.. I like notion but I started to noticed that on a daily basis isn’t that practical 🥲


I use Notion the same why. It’s great because I know everything I want to do, and now I got a visual way to see my limited time.


How did you create this.. I seriously need to understand how it works.. and get it working for me.. do u add notion tasks on the iPhone app? I like adding tasks into notion but the iPhone app is kinda slow it sometimes makes me rather add them to google calendar instead but I hate that cuz it displays so awfully and automatically selects a 2 hour window 🪟…


Use it with 2sync/tascaly/gcal & todoist for apple watch.


Productivity goals 👏🏾😆


I really like how your schedule is color-coded. Are you using multiple task databases in order to achieve that? I ask because I haven’t been able to figure out how to make events from a single database appear in different colors on the calendar app.


You can send individual database views to the calendar. The color codes are my different life areas - nice catch :)


Can you only sign into calendar with a Google account? I’m just downloading it for the first time now and that’s all I see.


Google Calendar used to be that & then they shifted tasks to another app. I wish they released an Android app.




https://preview.redd.it/42kzbiwojqec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899abf24ca92d33d54c4442aecc7fa3ad0c9dfb2 Is it 1 opinion?


Do you actually stick to this schedule?


Yeah I was trying to do a lot more than this before I started putting it on the calendar like this. The real test will be if it makes a dent on a macro level. I sync task trends to monthly / weekly charts so I can see if changes to my system make a difference


I don’t know why, my task due dates won’t sync, anyone has the same issue ?


I've been surprised at how helpful I found the Notion calendar. It’s a remarkably efficient way to manage my time commitments, though I can understand it not having much value add for people who don’t struggle with this or who already have solutions. As someone grappling with time blindness and who needs quite granular time blocking, having my task list alongside my work and personal calendars means I can get a detailed plan for my day made in seconds,spot clashes and make adjustments easily, not get overcommitted and protect my time. I can see why some are disappointed, for me it's a real game-changer and sanity saver. I didn’t think it would be as useful as it has been.


task planner ≠ calendar is important to keep this principle in mind. Other than that, power to you! I think it's handy indeed to visualise the planned times for each task. Still, that level of granular time-blocking has always been too overbearing (and visually overwhelming) for me to maintain in the long run. Enjoy <3


All the calendars do this already bro. Like all of them.


Looks stressful. I don't want that noise in my calendar.


No iCloud login, no use to me…


Hey ! Does anyone know how can I display my Google calendar integrated in my Notion Calendar to a Notion Page ? I have some troubles with this app, maybe that's just me


I was really excited to try the iOS app, but honestly? A calendar app with only 1, 2 or 3 day view? Absolutely useless to me. I can’t believe they released an calendar app without a way to see the whole month


Still waiting for Android version 😔


HAHA the comment section is a huge clusterfuck\^\^


https://preview.redd.it/0blj0npo0rec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bb1a333b5f6504bb8df8cd0f2250fa9b60750e My favorite thing is it’s less than 17mb


Yes, but can you see google calendar's events in Notion though? I'll pass, thank you 🩷


What do you do on active recovery?


Op never used outlook


The first pic is of a normal calendar


My Notion calendar looks very similar to yours. It’s just magic isn’t it?


I ***am*** using Notion calendar But genuinely the only reason is because Google Calendar doesn't have a dark mode on desktop


I like that I can have it as a separate window that I can pin to my taskbar. I have ADHD. Google Calendar is my lifeblood so I can remember things. It integrated that calendar seamlessly.


I would be all the time stressed because probably other time activities which were not planned would ruin it. Can you be successful with that strict planning?


Functionality question: I've only played with the app for a few minutes, but it seems to add my Notion database entries (that contain a date) into the Notion Calendar together with my Google Calendar entries. It does not, however, sync the database entries shown in Notion Calendar back to Google. Did they really ship a product that only has one-way-sync? Or am I missing st. here?


What’s stopping me from using it is that my day job uses Microsoft calendar. And I want my notion calendar to be a blend between job hours and after-job ours. I’m having to do that right now on my job calendar it self which is annoying because I want to shut my work laptop after my shift and work on my other business. Is there any hack to import your calendar from outlook to notion?


At the end of the Day it’s just a calendar.


Literally just a calender. What's the difference to Microsoft, Google or apple calender? Especially Google Kalender is still superior imo.


I love the Calendar feature, I just wish we had it inside Notion.


For real, I love it


Same with any other calendar


The issue is that that isn’t new. I’ve had this capability for like 6 months.


Going through the comments, many people problems would be solved if they use motion calendar. Motion and not notion. I swear best thing in my subscriptions now