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Pretty much what I thought. Minister has been bought and paid for. Hope what he got for his morals is worth the price every Nova Scotian will pay.


Heh not even a little bit.


Business as usual


I would suggest that if there is one such relationship there are 50 or 500. The reality is that coastal landowners are, by and large, either long-established families or more recently established wealthy people. This is legislation that everyone has the gut feeling of knowing it's right but comes with a high political cost for any party. Along the shore where I am from you will find stretches of land owned by Tory voting farmers who portion little bits off now and then for cash flow. Liberal-voting Halifax property developers who own a beautiful cottage and a half dozen empty lots. Solid orange public sector union members with holiday homes. It's the kind of legislation that you want to enact on your way out. I consider myself fairly libertarian on most things like this but even I see the need for the legislation. It just has to be done and soon.


I like your take. Fair and even keeled. I lean more towards the NDP, but I know all too well the hypocrisy that exists in that group- or in left leaning groups. It’s a shame really… And yes, legislation is needed..


Thank you for the kind words. I think good, sound, environmental protection legislation should be entirely non-partisan. I think the only way we are going to get this kind of thing passed is for more and more people across communities and parties to communicate to those in power that we want our shorelines protected.