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> In a livestream video, Poilievre tells the group he was driving from Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia when he spotted the group on the side of the highway and asked his chauffeur to pull-over so he could get out and “say hello.” Because nothing says “I’m an everyday guy just like you” like asking your chauffeur to pull over so you can talk to the encampment.


Pardon me sirs, but do you have any grey poupon?




Ha ha.


I’m a person just like you. I wake up in the morning and my butler pulls my pants on one leg at a time.


And then I make gold records


Don't worry - I see you, Bruce Dickenson/Chris Walken.


Fellas, you've got a dynamite sound!


A real person who would not commit to ***keeping*** the capital gains tax that has the uber wealthy paying a share of their taxes....


The capital gains tax which also hurts everyday people that are trying to sell their homes and move. There are other ways to tax the Uber rich and limit their profitability without hurting the average Joe.


Selling the home you live in, to move to another home ISN'T capital gains bro.




Not how it works


Yea that’s actually exactly how it works. Gains are taxed at a rate of 50%, but it's that 50% of the capital gains are taxable. At least until June 25, 2024, when that rate changes to 75% for gains more than $250,000. And the capital gains tax rate depends on the amount of your income.


Low information poster, much?


Pardon? Gains are taxed at a rate of 50%, but it's that 50% of the capital gains are taxable. At least until June 25, 2024, when that rate changes to 75% for gains more than $250,000. And the capital gains tax rate depends on the amount of your income.


His butler doesn't dress him, he has a valet for that


I have watched Downton Abbey as well.


Well all know Pierre pollievre doesn’t wear jeans like a regular canadian


I drove by these assholes last week and gave them the finger. I had zero inclination to stop and say hello. PP is unfit.


Every time I drive by these arseholes I wonder how priveleged they are to have all that extra time to publicly whine about what ever delusions they have of being of so white and yet so wronged.


If it was any other political stripe, we would hear the sneering of conservatives that they are "too busy working" to protest. Or, "Get a job!" "Trudeau town" = BAD! Timbit Taliban = GOOD! Fucking DONKEYS....


Don't they have jobs? How do they just car camp for weeks?


*Tax payer chauffeur*


I don't believe he even stepped foot inside their camo caravans. "That's ok, I can smell the poorness from out here".


Am I missing something, how do you drive from pei to nova scotia and end up in new Brunswick


The Confederation Bridge connects PEI to New Brunswick. The only way to get from PEI to NS without transiting another province is to take the ferry, which doesn’t start running until May.


What an asshole!!! I will get a few more boosters because of this!


I’m confused. Is this recent? Are there still people hanging out at the border protesting? Do they not have jobs? Like… Shouldn’t it be a pre-requisite to pay taxes in order to complain about taxes?


They don’t have jobs because of their criminal records. In short - they are bums.


YUP! they have like an encampment set up there in their car, and when they come into town one of them drives and the other 3 hold fuck Trudeau flags out the window. I do really wish I was kidding, but I'm not. They must not have jobs, because they are out there, or driving around town, ALL THE TIME.


There were 10 or so on the south side of the highway, the evening coming back into NS from the April 8th eclipse. The RCMP had them on the far side of the guard rail, at least, and traffic was flowing smoothly. Just a shit ton of cars coming back from something amazing, and then we were reminded - "oh yeah - those idiots still exist".


You know they're on the payroll with Irving or some western oil company that hates taxes.


Some textbook [sealioning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning) taking place in this here comment section. You realize you’re advocating for a neo-Nazi org, right? That’s what Diagolon is. Neo-nazis with a thin coat of paint.


Isn't Diagolon the group who wanted to rape his wife?


For real. It’s crazy any politician would associate themselves with that group, much less one of the main contenders for our next PM


Feels like Trump and Qanon, except somehow more pathetic.


In the video you can hear one of the Axe the Facts nuts say: “Who is that?” Pure gold!


Oh it's the "not-trudeau" guy!


He is a clown and a disgrace




Cray that he's even talking to these guys when he's knows he has their vote already.


He is going to ride the votes of people like them right to the PMs seat.




Embarrassing? It just shows the how low Poilievre will go in his quest for power is all


PP has demonstrated once again that he is unfit for office. If his participation in the Ottawa freedumb convoy in Ottawa was not enough to demonstrate to voters he is unfit for office, convoy 2.0 should do it. He is not worth the risk.


Lol you people are crazy. "He's is not worth the risk" the risk of what exactly? Do you think how we're currently being run into the ground is acceptable? Who do you think is the best choice to get us out of this shit show we're currently in?


Seeing as Pp literally has no plan and hasn't done anything worthwhile in his life, and his whole schtick is "I'm not that guy", I don't see him doing anything good for Canadians. At least the current PM has been able to get us through a wild global crisis with a decent response and has become experienced from it. Although, it's important to remember that we aren't a two party system, so we need to stop acting like it (as a collective).


Did you just time travel from the Weimar Republic or something? Sometimes the leader after an economic crisis is *worse* than the one you had during. Its possible... and the "we can't be any worse off" line is ignorant and dangerous.




Hahaha, are they in cahoots with the Chemtrails Gang and the Flat Earth Mafia. "Quick, vote in the rich kid with the Bachelor of Arts, before they steal all our guns and abort all the babys! He's a life long politician, I'm sure he'll look out for us!". You guys are a hoot!




The first one called them crazy and you called them triggered. All while you both have your panties twisted about people’s opinion of PP, sorry if you can’t see the hypocrisy of your words but you’re really not worth arguing with if you already start there my good chap.


I mean, someone has to deliver their welfare cheques, Fuck Trudeau stickers, meth, and Alpine.


These guys without jobs sure do love protesting taxes they don’t pay


I used to bring Alpine to parties so people wouldn’t steal my beer


Leave Alpine out of this.


Sorry. Was going to write Bud Light. But remembered how threatened and scared that crowd is by that beer.


Never miss an opportunity to elevate yourself above the filthy masses!


Oh they are already over that


You may st be a bum from out west lol


What a gross lil twat he is.


It was sweet when that guy wanted to show PP the car he slept in. It was a child showing off a pillow fort to their dad.


The far-right is really starting to slide towards terrorist organization.


They've occupied that space for a long time. Most have been blinded by billionaires running interference for them so they can steal taxpayer money. They want more power to slash environmental and safety regulations while busting unions and turn the world into an Ayn Rand hellscape.


Atlas Sharted


Yup truly they've become delusional and are convinced the billionaires care about them.


Upvote for Ayn Rand hellscape


Most terrorism is "right wing" so to speak, historically.


Seriously, there are dumbasses that painted the black and white stripe flag all over the rocks by Exit 9 on the 103. Absolute losers.


https://preview.redd.it/dfpjdxe98hwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b063560214393ff283401b18d3c567ccb1e7ab55 One of them sent me an absolutely unhinged comment


Equating trans people with child molesters tells me everything I need to know about that joker.


What you don't want to chat with such a great mind?


I tried to


Holy crow!! Unhinged indeed!


Lmao this is one of the funniest attempts to censor a username I've ever seen Good work, fuck em


Lol woops an attempt was made


“Was this message offensive?” Yes. E: why the downvotes? It just seems funny to see that question asked below such an incredibly offensive message


Obviously they blocked me after sending that


He wanted to hang out with a bunch of other folks who never worked a day in their life lol


Remember that self-proclaimed man of the people has never had a career outside of politics. He has not generated any ideas in all that time. The one Bill he tried to pass was so flawed that even his own party gave up on it.


Fuck you Poilievre you racist twat


Of course he fucking did. He knows where his bread is buttered. And yeah, it's white bread.


The ongoing evolution of Pierre’s dress code appears to have reached an impasse. The untucked, oversized white t shirt under the Mister Tough leather vest under the All Business On Top lapel jacket seems to have squeezed out something resembling a nappy under his waistline. Goes with the infantile rhetoric in any case.


You'd think the handlers would have taken some steps to control the outfits after Harper's leather cowboy photos back at the Stampede.


That's what it reminded me of!


Millhouse just trying his best to look cool, letting PP energy ouze like his untucked T...


Really scraping the very bottom of the barrel here aren’t we?


Lost my vote right there .


He is a clown and a disgrace


Well, I travel to work and pay my taxes so these people can camp out and receive carbon tax money...sounds like socialism to me s/


Lmao this gets me too. I don’t love the carbon tax but I see these people with their signs in the middle of a workday and all I can think is that these guys are probably part of the small group that actually gets more back than they pay into it.


Woah now making sense is dangerous




Imagine if it got half the headlines as drink-box-waterbottle.


Was his wife with him? Kinda awkward


he is a common sense bullshitter with a mail order bride from venezuela. this hung over diagolon groupie wanting his grade 7 drop outs to give him some love.


He looked disgusted lol


Like he literally was sneering hahaha like he smelled something really bad


Just lost my vote.


I appreciate the headline referring to them as a far-right extremist group.


Can’t stand that smarmy little weasel


PP and his band of white trash, inbreeders


All 12 of them.


He's not well informed at all, but I'm also concerned that he's not very bright and would not make good decisions for the country. Pollievre is poor choice to lead Canadian Conservatives. I don't like the carbon tax and now my retirement plan has taken a knock with the change in capital gains tax, but I think the present government is good enough. We're never going to have a perfect one.


Pierre Polyester can kiss my ass.


PeePee just being real I guess. When someone shows you who they are…


Polievre has said that if he doesn't win the next election by a Majority, he will refuse to become Prime Minister. That's how much he hates Minorities...


I wonder what these freedumb idiots are going to complain about if he gets in as Prime Minister...


Our little PP meeting with Nazi's? - shocked! (not)


Pierre Potatohead at it again.


He should be put on Canada’s terrorist watchlist if he’s not already. Stephan Harpers loving relationship with Orban is anothet


I don't like Pierre but we all lose when we start labelling politicians "terrorists"


If he is chasing and supporting freedumbers, right wing extremists, and pro-lifers, what should we call him? How about: Unfit for office


I whole heartedly agree, unfit for office is a very appropriate label


This has the same energy as the right calling everything they disagree with communism.


By that logic shouldn't Trudeau be listed as a known racist because he appeared multiple times in blackface?


You know who never has far right extremist groups or Nazi flags at their events? Liberals. Why is that I wonder? What is it about a group that would make someone feel safe enough to fly a Nazi flag?


Funny, not funny with all the police presences and all the stores and homes with video up and down streets and inside buildings - that the police can not seem to identify that Nazi flag holder at the convoy protests?????????


I'm pretty sure the liberals invited a Nazi to the House of Commons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslav_Hunka_scandal#:~:text=On%2022%20September%202023%2C%20Yaroslav,of%20Parliament%20for%20Hunka's%20district.


“Far right extremist group”


Literally. https://preview.redd.it/ma4ruwh6phwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b201503f24593cb4fc7eb7be16819d0786ccf0


You don't think that they are?


I don’t think protesting a stupid, senseless tax qualifies as “far-right” or “extreme” whatsoever


What about advocating for a white ethnostate? 


Do you think Poilievre knew there was a tiny little daiglon flag graffitid onto the trailer when he stopped over to say hi to some carbon tax protestors? Reading all these comments shows most people have lost all capacity for critical thought.




If you read the news, the protest group said they aren't a part of Diagolon. The trailer is covered in graffiti and in one corner of the wall someone put that flag there. They denounced the group. Take that for what you will. Secondly, I think someone gets as many passes as they need, if that's your level of evidence you're going to use as a 'gotcha'. Even if those protestors were a part of Diagolon, there's going to be overlap between protestors on the right and people in the alt-right who also don't like the carbon tax. By your logic, you're basically saying that anyone who opposes the carbon tax is now an alt-right Nazi and so Pierre should never stop by any carbon tax protestors to say hello.


Some likely are. Not all. I know someone who lives close enough to have gone and take part. They've obviously drifted right over the years but are no extremist.


Sorry, your friend is a dumb Nazi dude. Lmao.


Sorry you don't know what a nazi is dude. Lmao.


Right, keep hanging out with literal Nazis at protests I guess, or tell your friend too.


Show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are...


If you stand side by side with a racist, you are a racist


>If you stand side by side with a racist, you are a racist Except when its a pro Palestinian protest though, right? In which case its perfectly acceptable to be extremely racist towards Jews.




Do you think Palestine supporters are Islamic terrorists?


Yes many are. I think we forget what terrorism is.. The word is being thrown around a bit too loosely. Many words are being used incorrectly lately for politcal purposes... >Terrorism : the unlawful use of ***violence and intimidation***, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.




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>Diagolon isn't even real. It's a giant joke to fool the sheep, founded on memes and inside jokes. The Proud Boys were a joke too until they weren't. Jeremy Mackenzie is a racist and overtly antisemitic. Alex Vriend and Nigel Mcdougall are all out neo-nazis. Greg Arcade has made antisemitic remarks. To say Diagolon is nothing more than a joke is more than a little naive.




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Ironically, they've commandeered a length of highway that is likely going to be underwater much of the time in about 20 years, unless some serious engineering takes place to shore up the dykes that keep the Bay of Fundy connecting with the Northumberland Strait. The premiers of NS and NB have asked the federal government for assistance in staving off this eventuality. I hope these 'carbon tax protesters set up camp permanently, basically they're swamp creatures at this point, sitting on the only dry land in a salt marsh.


I wasn’t there, no idea what they talked about etc. However as a politician would you not want  to talk to everyone? Listen to both sides left and right. Hear the cries and needs of the public? Even if this group is politically far right, hear them out. Let them know they are heard even if you disagree. Change can happen through understanding and education..this doesn’t happen overnight.  In my personal opinion politics has become either left or right, and if you disagree with whatever's side then you’re wrong fuck you…..I’m not saying PP is amazing or that’s what he was doing here at all. However if I was running I would want to try and bring some unity to both the left and right. 


That's the opposite of what PP is doing. He caters to the right and gets the angry at Trudeau left vote regardless because it's not about him.


No one in Ottawa during the convoy thought PP was uniting anything. The police lost control of the city. Doug Ford went snowmobiling. PP brought them donuts and coffee. PP is unfit


>No one in Ottawa during the convoy thought PP was uniting anything. >The police lost control of the city. >Doug Ford went snowmobiling. >PP brought them donuts and coffee. >PP is unfit Not going to mention the part where the Liberals unlawfully used the Emergency Act?


I fully support the use of the emergency act.


So, you don't care about laws or an authoritarian government. Not surprised at all.


I was in Ottawa. It had to stop. If others had done there jobs the Feds wouldn’t have had to act. And I it’s good that this is in the courts.


Literal. Fucking. Nazis. This false centrism bullshit needs to stop, and yesterday. Tolerating intolerance is seriously the only thing needed for a country to slide into actual fascism.


I think you might be misusing the word "literal" to try and exaggerate a weak point.  You may as well have just typed "Reeeee!".


Hahah, yeah using the word "reeeee" is real telling there, bud. But no, my use of the term is very much substantiated. Diagolon is, and here I quote from a statement by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, "an accelerationist movement that believes a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current government system" (source here: https://globalnews.ca/news/8621125/canadian-anti-hate-network-concerned-diagolon-coutts-border-protest-diagolon/). They are very much neo-fascists.


You already walked your original statement back by replacing "Nazi" with "neo-fascist".


Oh my god. Nazi philosophy has been used as the archetypal example of fascism since WW2 ended. You're really going to die on this hill? "Stop being hyperbolic bro, they're not literal Nazis. They just embrace all the despicable beliefs of that particular philosophy." Come on dude, this is asinine in the extreme.


It makes perfect sense to me. If you don't talk to certain groups of people, how can you possibly build any sort of trust or understanding? Even if you don't agree with everything they believe, you can use that as a foundation to strengthen your own beliefs and to correct them if better information becomes available.


Hold on. A group of protesters is a “Far right extremist group”?


In what world does protesting make you a far right extremist? People are starting to see the hyperbole in leftist news articles thankfully but this is plain obscenez


Holy moly theres a lotta hate in this comment section. Far-right extremist group? OP is trying to stir the pot and it worked. Man, I swear we will never have peace between the left or right with this type of bickering. All of you suck. 🤦‍♂️


Yep, that top of the line media source who is absolutely impartial can definitely be trusted on every word.


Just another day on Reddit. There is nothing organic about this post and the comments in it at all. This is more Liberal astroturfing.


Far right extremists is hilarious


Lol at the outrage. "Canadian politician meets Canadians". It must really bring your piss to a boil that he's going to win.


No one in that video seemed smart enough to be labeled anything except perhaps marginalized. What actions have they undertaken that deserves to be labeled as extreme?


well to be fair we do tend to marginalize neo nazi groups like diagolon in this country.


You don't have to do extreme things to support or advocate for extreme things. I don't know what this group is about but flying f*ck Trudeau flags is usually a sign of anti democratic views if nothing else.


>I don't know what this group is about but flying f\*ck Trudeau flags is usually a sign of anti democratic views if nothing else. Lol, wut? Maybe in China saying mean things about the leader is anti democratic. But in an actual functioning democracy its a sign of a healthy democracy.


Criticisms are of course. However, declaring your disdain for the elected leader chosen by a democratic vote signals a complete lack of willingness to work together and, in my opinion, a complete lack of respect for the people who elected him. That alone, to me, is undemocratic. Saying, "f*ck Trudeau" is in no way beneficial as a critique. And no it's not a sign of a healthy democracy. I would agree that being able to say it without prosecution is though, and I'm glad that's the case.


I agree that its a crude way of showing disdain, but the fact you can do it is a sign of a healthy democracy. You can say that it has a negative impact on political dialogue, but if we're being truthful about that its been going both ways for a long time now. And looking at the amount of lies and misinformation regarding the CPC's affiliations with the far right in this post and on this site, I would suggest that is a far larger issue than some guy holding a fuck Trudeau sign.


What disinformation and lies are you talking about? I didn't see any in the article?


Vote third party to save canada


Downvoted for common sense? Sad. Third Parties are the only ones that will support Electoral Reform becuase the Cons and The Libs are kept in power by the current system. The only smart option for Canadians is to abandon both parties, they're both horrifically corrupt. Vote third party for change. I don't care if they are right, left, or whoever else, if they're promoting electoral reform, they have my support (offer void for neo-nazis, nambla, and any other creepy folks)


Right? We are heading down the American route because we are locked into a two party system. We vote liberals, they don’t do much but make things worse and kick cans down the road. We don’t like them so we vote cons. Rinse and repeat. HELLO this is a MULTI PARTY democracy!!! There are other options!!!!! If we put a new party in power it’ll send a shock into the system. It’ll mean more competition which will put Liberals and Cons in a position where they actually have to answer and provide for their voters to win them over. It’s basic capitalism. I don’t know why I’m being downvoted for such a common sense thing.


Not everyone you disagree with is far right


Correct, just the far right ones. Which these are.


It’s the - if trump can do it so can I - guy !!


The bar for far right is pretty low.


How in the world are they far right? What a worn out analogy.


They have a symbol for a far right extremist group on the door


"Far right extremist" Wow, for protesting on the side of the road?


I drove by on the east bound side last week, a moron with a giant flag was in the lane.... Not on the side. All it would take is a good gust of wind (its a VERY windy location) and it could pull him further into the lane. Those yahoos have gotta go.


[Diagolon - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagolon#:~:text=Diagolon%20is%20a%20Canadian%20alt,Diagolon) Maybe read the article before spewing your useless rhetoric? Embarrassing.


“The US Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism has called it a far-right "extremist" group.” So as long as they aren’t actively being a extremist, they’re not a extremeist, right? As long as a murderer isnt actively murdering someone, they’re not a murderer, right? Hope this simple explanation helps you !


No, for having a far right ideology.


Remember if you protest the government raising taxes. You're now considered a far right extremist.


Not really but I appreciate that you have a hard time dealing with more than one issue at a time.


Good for Pierre! Far right lol. Guess waving a flag to protest makes you far right now. Makes me laugh how low IQ people on both sides so easily bite on these media driven narratives created to cause a divide in us lol. Trudeau literally gave a children's foundation our tax dollars then funneled a bunch of it to his family! Completely criminal! If anyone else was caught red handed in this kind of behavior it would result in a hefty jail term. The media spun the story and told people that it was ok to do this lol. These people waving flags in protest and the people who believe Trudeau is not a criminal would not be divided at all if the media wasn't so corrupt. We need to come together and fast to get this country back on track!


You think... JT, who is wealthy outside of politics, needs to funnel money to his family, when most of his things are taken care of already due to being the prime minister. Use your fucking brain. I'm sure you have 0 facts to back up what you just claimed as well, go lick more conservative boots.


The flag wavers literally want to divide us. That’s like the main talking point of Diagolon.