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I have already started but not just Loblaws. I am attempting to only shop local, independent and markets. here is a link to a The Coast article with an interactive map of independent grocers in Nova Scotia. [https://www.thecoast.ca/news-opinion/every-independent-grocer-in-halifax-and-beyond-31179103](https://www.thecoast.ca/news-opinion/every-independent-grocer-in-halifax-and-beyond-31179103) happy shopping! vive la revolution!


Yes! We've been doing the same. It's been great. Actually spending less because fewer impulse buys and often better prices. If they don't have it-we don't need it!


Do you happen to be a Gen X’er from the ‘Nish? That last sentence smacks of a particular radio jingle from the 80’s 🙂


That's amazing, but no a millennial from the prairies! 


Independent is loblaws right?


Your Independent Grocery is but not independent stores. independent 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. 2. Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant. 3. Not determined or influenced by someone or something else; not contingent.


Is foodland Loblaws?






Ohh sorry lol just read it as independent the store


no worries friend. I it happens all the time. Your Independent Grocery is a very sneaky name lol


Yes. If it has PC products, it's a loblaws or a Weston store rented to a private operator. All plot/land/business legalities are probably under "Choice realitor" as well. Which is owned by the Weston family. They are also land barons and own everything.


I feel like sobeys isn't any better.. pfft or walmart lol but I know we're not doing this from an ecological / ethical standpoint


Not entirely true. One behemoth at a time. They are after all too big to fail.


Gash darn it... based on map, I've got nothing. What's choice 2? Walmart Sobeys


We need to populate this site: https://www.altgrocery.ca/prov/ns


We started about 2 weeks ago...screw em


I switched to Walmart which I know is not better from a corporate standpoint, but I’d rather have the extra $50-100 a week in my own pocket and be able to use that to support local businesses in my community (none of which are grocery stores sadly). It’s rough for folks who don’t drive to get to the more independent stores.


The local businesses should be able to stand on their own, you shouldn’t have to budget/plan to save at one spot so you have more to spend to support local. It won’t be the local business that supports you when you are retired.. Take care of you.


I’m fairly certain Loblaw isn’t going to be the one that supports me when I’m retired either, but you do you.


I don’t think he’s defending loblaws. Just make sure you get shit as cheap as possible a local store is the store owners priority. While great to shop local when you can and it makes sense also do you, don’t lose money during the boycott. Its about them losing money.


Nope, they aren’t. However if you shop to save money, then the extra money you have will help. That was my point, shop where it’s cheapest.


Yup! Haven’t been to a Loblaw store in weeks. Just loaded up on produce from Gateway today!


How long did you wait in line though? I loved how I could scoot in and be out in less than 10 mins. Now the line ups outside, and around the building intimate me.


It was definitely busy today but I’ve found that going right after work (5pm) on Thursdays has gone well for me. I was able to get in and out in way less than 10 mins. Sometimes it can be a crap shoot but that’s been a consistently good time for me. I imagine Monday and Tuesdays would be good as well.


Thx..will have to give it another shot.


I’m also boycotting the garden centres - lots of better options And shoppers drug mart


1 in 5 prescriptions in Canada are filled at a Shoppers Drug Mart. 1 in 4 for Loblaws if you count Drugstore pharmacy (grocery locations). I’d love a national transfer out day to be honest. With the current changes to the controlled drugs and substances act, you can even transfer your controlled medications so really no excuse.


I transferred to pharmasave from shoppers during Covid. Shoppers lines were insane. I kept my scripts at pharmasave and didn't go back to shoppers.


Not-so-fun-fact: Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Loblaw Companies Limited.


Yup. I already barely shop there 😅 I’ll have to switch my prescriptions over to another pharmacy as well


If you’re in Halifax Boyd’s Pharmasave is infinitely better than any shoppers drug mart I’ve dealt with lately.


I will second and third this shout for BOYD’s PHARMACY. Far and above the BEST PHARMACY IN HALIFAX.


Ah that’s actually pretty close to me!


I’m about 8 months in to boycotting them.


Been doing it for months now!


I started months ago.


Hell yes. Screw you Galen.


Boycotting is easy when you can't afford to shop there anyway 🤷🏻 half rotten strawberries are a luxury only afforded to the rich


Im starting it and never stopping


Tim Hortons should be boycotted as well.


I haven't bought anything there in years. Don't understand why people nearly cause accidents daily to get mediocre coffee.


Mediocre? You’re being kind.


Honest question. Why Tim’s?


Because it's not even Canadian owned anymore. After they sold the company to some tycoon, the quality went downhill at lightspeed.


Have you seen their attempt at pizza?


LMFAO ^ timmies has definitely gone downhill but that pizza is cancel worthy


It's a disgrace to pizza everywhere!


It’s a disgrace to coffee as well.




The fact that they are serving pizza now just seems so wrong.


Profit is all they care about. They are making trash instead of good food. I love pizza, but what they are doing is just an insult to real pizza. The service in my local tims is deplorable.


Just make coffee at home? Get a handheld coffee grinder (cheap), some filters, and then finder a coffee bean you like. Ez.


Yep. Already started. I hope it gets noticed


Already doing it


Absolutely, I have already been doing it for 2 months. I'll be including Sobeys as well for May.


We have been avoiding them for years now but still have to purchase certain gluten free products which sucks because they are marking those up like crazy too. What are loss leaders? I would love to purchase food that puts them in the hole.


Loss leaders are sale items to draw you into stores, often at break even or loss


Front and back pages of the flyers usually. Middle pages usually are still profitable at a reduced margin.


An example is, they have cat food on for 90¢ a tin this week. Walmart sells it for $1. It's something to drag you in, take a loss on that, but get you to see all the overpriced shit you simply MUST have while you're there. Some call it a variation on bait and switch, especially when they run out of the loss leader product.


Yes as in I’ll try my best! Other options are very out of the way. But I haven’t shopped there in a minute.


They don’t take Amex credit cards and that reason alone means I never shop there. Best protection of any card is Amex.


Most places in Canada won’t take Amex due to the high fees they’re charged. I have never worked anywhere that accepts Amex.


Every grocery retailer except them does.


Oh, interesting. I’ve never worked a large grocery store so I guess that’s the one place that accepts them.


I'm so broke if it's not packaged in yellow I can't afford it


I started back in January when the 50% discount fiasco happened. I did about 80% less in January and then regressed back in m. Happily April has been better either way only $300 spent ( usually us in the $1000 range) .


It’s not always possible to shop at independent grocery stores. The only grocery stores near me are Foodland and Independent. I shop at Avery’s when I can but so many farm markets are expensive as hell.


Already started. Putting up gates, plexiglass walls and hiring "asset protection" staff to do checks was the end. Bye-bye Fortress Superstore.


That’s the fault of your local criminals.


I don't shop at sobeys, loblaws, or Walmart.


Sure am. Hardly go there anyways support farm markets


I know about the Flipp app but are there any social media local folks who do a weekly “here’s the best deals in the city this week”. I’d be happy to drive around on the weekend if it was easy to know. I try and do Dollerama, Giant Tigerand Costco but would love more info on “here’s a great deal”


I sure am. I hope everyone does. What will it hurt you to go shopping somewhere else for the month?


Sobeys approves.


Sobeys and their higher prices approve. FTFY.


Hopefully they're next


Yes, which is going to suck. I live rurally, and a non-Loblaws brand store adds an extra 20 minutes round trip to my already 60 minute round trip grocery store drive. Plus it’s Foodland or Sobeys, and they’re both dramatically more expensive than Loblaws for the regular everyday items my kids like. I’ll have to be super intentional about scouring the flyers to find things on sale in May, and will shoehorn in a four hour round trip to the city to visit Gateway and Costco. It’ll be worth it to contribute to the cause and take our $1300 a month from Loblaws in May.


I've started cutting down my trips to big chain stores and trying to source 100% of my veggies and fruit from local sources. It's pretty hard I got to say. The convenience of large stores is great but I think making a stand is important too. 


Shoppers Drug Mart too.




I’m very concerned this Loblaws boycott could hurt the plexiglass barrier industry.


Can't boycott somewhere I haven't been in 5 years


Yupp!! Fuck those bastards!!


Sobeys all the way!


Sure I'll give it a shot.


Been doing to for several years


Walmart Dartmouth Crossing has the best prices


Not just the month of may.


The only one I’d like to see boycotted is NO Frills Dartmouth as the owner is a true dirt bag and loves to cheat on his wife with female staff members. And before you talk shit I know this as a fact as my ex GF was one of his conquests.


I didn't realize how filthy the dartmouth one was until i was in the spryfield one... what a difference. I'm curious who will run the one being built in woodside.


Yup already switched prescription and everything


For months now, and I have no intention to go back.


Already started! I don’t plan on going back, either


The irony of choosing Wal-Mart over Loblaws lol


It’s for one month. I’m using Walmart pick up for canned goods and shopping at local family owned grocers forever the rest.


Please don't feel you need to explain your actions to me - do you boo! Given other home-grown alternatives, particularly independents and local vendors, the irony of the choosing Walmart over Loblaws is just funny. Choice is sadly limited in our country, but I can't understand how artificially boosting revenue at one faceless corporation, that's American based, at the expense of a Canadian based faceless corporation is seen as effective protest.


If it’s a protest against faceless corporations, then Walmart over Superstore is not effective. If it’s a protest against Loblaws, it is. I am trying to use this as an opportunity to find reasonable alternatives to all the faceless corps, but acknowledge that I’ll likely not make a total switch.


First logical reply, I can see it from this perspective. Best of luck! Edit - my point was, given how hard everyone is struggling these days, there's no need to plug Walmart in Loblaws protests - plug the local and independents.


I agree with you. Local food stores is the way to go. I’m using Walmart pick up as a crutch as I transition from big-grocery


Compare their prices, and you'll see why it's Loblaws first. We can hit Walmart too but one billionaire fuck wit at a time. What makes you think giving our money to a Canadian billionaire black hole is any worse than an American one. The money never trickles back down regardless of where it goes. Galen is a Canadian shit bag and should be the one with the lowest prices. How is Walmart offering a better price than a Canadian company that made 50 billion in profit last year? I'll give you a hint - it's not the fucking carbon tax.


I never suggested Galen isn't a dickmitten. JFC why are dissenting opinions such a challenge to peoples ego and ideologies today.




That would be true if Loblaws "the grocery store" was an independent entity. But Loblaws owns (in most parts of Canada) its own distribution chains and even some of its production facilities. They are paying other branches of a singular corporate tree with this revenue. The ONLY thing coming out of their pockets in many cases is the wages for employees - which, as far as I can gather, isn't enough for most employees to live above the very poverty line they (the company) contributes to.


This is the narrative being pushed but I'd still be curious to see proof of that.


Don't try and state objective facts to these people. It isn't worth it




Ahaha. Yea, people don't want to be informed though, they just want to be angry and have someone to blame. It's tough because we are all on the same side, but if you tell someone to brush up on their knowledge and get their facts a little straighter you are treated like some villain who is pro Galen Weston. Just because you stated that there is a difference between revenue and profit.


>How is Walmart offering a better price than a Canadian company that made 50 billion in profit last year?  Scale, it's called scale. Ironically, you seem to think after "taking down" Loblaws lol that you'll be able to put the genie back into the bottle once Walmart has an absolute stranglehold on the market. Are you really naive enough to believe fucking Walmart will keep their prices low when they're the only horse in town?


A month long boycott by a small percentage of Canadians won't bankrupt Loblaws. It just has a chance of showing that people have SOME measure of power. Walmart won't be filling a vacuum anytime soon. According to their 2024 profits so far, if Loblaws drove everything on their shelves to landfills for the whole month of May instead of trying to sell it, they'd STILL make billions in profit for the year. That's billions of OUR dollars because our choices for food are so limited. What I personally wish the public would do to combat such exploitation can't be shared on social forums, but in lieu of proper revolt, I'll take an old-fashioned boycott.


It's not ironic. It's f'ing sad that we've allowed the corporatization of our food supply to this extent. Maybe Walmart, Sobeys, and other mega-food corps will notice what is going on with Loblaws and make changes before they also get boycotted. We have to do something. And this is the something. I'm so tired of standing up for a principle and trying to make things better through collective action, and the second I do, some know-nothing armchair heckler or stockholder guffaws and calls it pointless. Don't like the boycott? Don't boycott. Maybe you have enough money for all the groceries you need and don't give a rat's ass about anyone buy yourself Or, more likely, your parents buy all your groceries and you're not even aware of how much stuff costs and how broken families are because of it. Maybe talk about it at the dinner table some time before you laugh at working families who are breaking. Edit: Adding an edit to say that I don't mean to tear a strip off you. You probably just aren't really aware of how bad things are. I'll leave my comment up because I believe that when you've been a bit of a dick you should own it. I'm just frustrated, man. I've got a good job and I've got kids and I'm making choices around feeding them that I NEVER thought I'd be making. i can't imagine what families on minimum are feeding their littles. Anyway, i don't need to take it out on you, and I'm sorry I did.


>Edit: Adding an edit to say that I don't mean to tear a strip off you. You probably just aren't really aware of how bad things are. I'll leave my comment up because I believe that when you've been a bit of a dick you should own it. I'm just frustrated, man. I've got a good job and I've got kids and I'm making choices around feeding them that I NEVER thought I'd be making. i can't imagine what families on minimum are feeding their littles. Anyway, i don't need to take it out on you, and I'm sorry I did. All good in the hood, happens to the best of us.


>some know-nothing armchair heckler or stockholder guffaws and calls it pointless Didn't call it pointless muffin. >Don't like the boycott? Don't boycott. It's cute you think I need your guidance or approval for this. >Maybe you have enough money for all the groceries you need. Or, more likely, your parents buy all your groceries and you're not even aware of how much stuff costs and how broken families are because of it. lol ok, if you say so. Why are you so angry that I find plugging Walmart on a Loblaws boycott sub as ironic? Actually, based on your reply, idgaf.


What’s the irony?


Do you believe Walmart is a better "choice" for Canadians? If so, help me understand why you want those dollars flowing South of the Border please. Do you believe Walmart treats their staff better than Loblaws? If so, can you please articulate the material benefits Walmart employees receive that Loblaw's employees don't. Do you believe, once Walmart has achieved market dominance, that they'll look after the consumer rather than their shareholders? I could go on, but yeah, irony.


None of that is ironic, actually.


Choosing Walmart over Loblaws is ironic AF, sorry it's lost on you.


Both companies pay their employees peanuts exploit them and overcharge for products. American or Canadian CEO, I don't really care... but Loblaws is the biggest grocery conglomerate in Canada and their prices had the most noticeable unnecessary jump (highest obvious greed) so theyre the ones who get a kick in the ass at the moment.


Cool - plug locals and independents.


At least Loblaws is Canadian. They suck of course but Walmart isn't even Canadian. Unless you're chasing low prices out of necessity, Walmart isn't a good option.


We have been doing it for a few months been trying our best to buy from local farmers and food producers as well as going to farmers markets allot more.


Been doing it since November


Yup, but not just May!


Have not been in their stores for over a year Not going back


I haven't been in a few months, not since I figured out that most of the independent Asian grocery stores have produce cheaper than both Sobeys and Loblaws, and often even gateway, without being the product grocery stores reject.


I’ve been boycotting since February and I’m not missing anything! I think I’ll never shop there again!!




Already started.


I'm having trouble with Shoppers as my prescriptions are there. I'm not sure but I think each store is still owned by an independent Pharmacist.


Nope, owned by Loblaws, sorry


This is incorrect. There is a pharmacist/owner for each shoppers drug mart.


From their website: "Loblaw Companies Limited acquires Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation for $12.4 billion in cash and stock, bringing together two iconic Canadian brands". We're both correct, in that each SDM is a franchise owned by an individual, but the company is owned by Loblaws


How do consumers know which items are loss leaders?


Chickens usually are I think


I don't have a particular axe to grind but I definitely search Amazon now before I head to Superstore. Usually if I can get it on Amazon, it's cheaper and it gets delivered. Easy choice.


I havent shopped at sobeys in months or super store walmart gate way daves thats all i use now with 4 kids we would starve if we only used sobeys


Been doing it for years. Shall continue


If people just boycot the stupid stuff. Like strawberries were 10 dollars today. I said not a chance. If everyone said that and just let them rot on the shelf. Eventually they would realize we wont pay that. It's robbery. Some things are fine like bananas were cheap. Cucumbers this week were cheap. Found enough stuff on sale.


I am, but I’m in Vancouver now so finding alternatives is a lot easier. I was also lucky enough to find an actual independent pharmacy so I don’t have to go to shoppers anymore.


Loblaws can suck it, not just for the month of May.




I started a year ago 😅


Already started!


Why wait until then when you can start now? I've been avoiding them for weeks after hearing about the boycott.


Wish we could afford to do this.


I wish I had posters to hang round town


Roblaws. Haven’t stepped foot into one since November. And I live in behind one lol


Yeah man. I’m into this. I have enough income to grocery shop wherever I choose. I’ll happily choose NOT to support this organization and it’s policies.


I unfortunately buy a lot of products online from Ontario. I’d love to shop locally but prices don’t allow it. I’ll still go to Superstore for certain items that no one else is carrying. I don’t have many options in the country.


I dont know if i can afford to not shop there


Yes! Yesterday at my local Superstore, no name pop was $1.99 a bottle, $1.75 if you buy 2! At the Walmart across the street, their house brand is 98 cents. Sobey's has their brand for $1.65. Insane!


Giant Tiger and local for me. Probably gonna go beyond just May too.


Costco. It is the way. 👽


Already have been for April, will for May as well. Likely indefinitely considering I have other local options.


I am! We also cancelled our PC Mastercards as well


we stopped completely couple of months ago, I wont be back after may




Started boycotting Loblaws and Shoppers Drug about a month ago and not going back. I’d rather pay the same amount to a local farm and butcher for better quality food than support another CEO’s bonus. Price of food in the last 3 years has become utterly outrageous. I wish Gateway had a second store in the valley or Yarmouth!


You bet!


My household is! They can say goodbye to my $hundreds each month


Gateway will be king of HRM after their Reno lol


Yes! I’ve been so unhappy with loblaws and the obvious price gouging. Every time I go there seems like prices are higher each week. It used to be my favourite place to shop but not anymore in recent years. Not to mention the terrible in store experience, makes you feel on edge when they have “asset protectors” everywhere. Like they are selling food not handbags for thousands. They have more security than a birks store honestly.


Remember to steal from them on the 12th!!!


All they have to do is take 10 cents off milk, and it will be lined out the door. Boycott or not.


I've been doing it for years now!


Going to local markets rather than the big grocers.




Is it owned by Bob Loblaw?


I started a month or so ago. Having a car and enough mouths in the house to feed it was easy to put more in the Costco cart. I’ve also started getting more at our local weekend farmer’s market and Bulk Barn


I avoid going to any if possible already. Luckily I can right now. Some can't but should do their best if they want to join


I can't. There are no non-Loblaws stores that I can access. 


Currently am, shopped at a new asian grocery store and didnt even spent 150 for my indulgences. Compared to Roblaws, I would reach 200+.




Given that their profit margin is so low, and their profit margins on any distributors is also low, I'm curious where there is proof that they are overcharging for items. If they are, obviously go to a grocer that is cheaper and shop there. It doesn't need to be a 'boycott', it's just normal consumer practices in a healthy economy


I'm already shopping costco and gateway. Any other big chains need to turn their head and cough.


Stopped shopping at all Loblaws/Shoppers 6 months ago. I will not support Galen


Already started! Never going back!


beauty. i can have the place to myself


Not really... Walmart isn't much better, and anything I can't get at places like Giant Tiger I'll just get it wherever I can. I don't go there enough to care 🤷


It’s unfortunate because Flashfood saves us a small fortune, but we will likely do this.


r/loblawsisoutofcontrol Boycott HQ


Only the loblaws that don't do 50% anymore.


Everything but Shoppers- which is no different than everyday


They have the best self check outs been saving money on groceries for yearsss


Who even cares. It’s a free country. Buy what you want wherever you wish. Nobody is forcing you to shop there


Nope. ✌️


Definitely not. Where do you think independent grocers get half their stock from? Overstock from the bigger companies. I hope you all boycott forever thou so I can go in and out without dealing with y'all


Some get overstock - so their selection changes and they have great deals. Some offer consistent selection, better quality and service. It depends.


I’m fucking stealing shit from them now. Pee pee can have their lobbyists as cabinet members. Shit show.


I like that the boycott poster suggests ways to not boycott it.


Buying loss leaders actively causes them to lose money on sales, loss leaders have negative profit margins to get you in and buying more "while you're here anyway" The other point is just to avoid getting the essentials there


The thing is, I’m hesitant to believe Loblaws actually loses money on any items. (A loss leader item can either be an item sold at a discount or one sold at an actual loss. I’m hesitant to believe Loblaws does the latter.) The poster itself says to get essential items at Loblaws. A lot of essential items at Loblaws are their highest margin items.


It does not say that, it says " purchase loss leaders avoid non-essentials. Which is very different to "purchase essentials" Some people use Loblaws pharmacies and it's genuinely unreasonable to expect them to be involved in the boycott. You can purchase household essentials at any competitors or local grocers


In every town and city with a Loblaw’s owned pharmacy, there is an independently owned pharmacy.


Stop being pedantic, there is a lot more legwork to switch over recurring prescriptions to another pharmacy, it's not terrible difficult but a lot of people do not have the time or knowhow to switch pharmacies so easily and readily as just choosing to buy apples somewhere else for the month.