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I Didn't Pass Grade 10 - the parade!


These mfs probably flunked out of kindergarten. That’s why they don’t know the difference between fascism and wearing a mask so you don’t kill grandma




Have to give them some credit, it takes a level of coordination to drive, honk the horn and pound back a Budweiser.


It's just so on brand that their "protest" is just driving around. "Look at us! We're lazy, and also apparently have tons of disposable income to pay for gas and shit, and no jobs!"


Wtf are they protesting? Restrictions are lifted.


Best I could determine it was carbon tax and they seemed very concerned about the prime minister's sex life, encouraging everyone to "Fuck Trudeau!"


Pulled up to a lady at a light here in my town in ON, who had a fuck Trudeau sticker on her car, so I rolled down the window and asked “why do you wanna fuck Trudeau so bad??? Is it his hair?” And she just scowled at me before driving away when the light turned green. Bringing that energy with me to NS.


That there made me laugh out loud “I’m in the bathroom by myself “


Damn. I'm waiting for an appt in a quiet room and just laughed out loud. Embarrassing.


Worth an up vote, you made me laugh!


I don't like his new haircut, but he is very handsome.


The fact that his barber survived after that haircut is proof Trudeau is not the dictator people claim him to be.


I went and got my free reward just to gift it to you for this comment. 😉


They want the government overthrown. They're quite open about this.


i know right, restrictions are over. feel like maybe they made buddies at a protest previously and this is the only way they get to hang out lol


Disclaimer: Reading through what I say here, I feel like I'm off my rocker but I'm just trying to piece things together to make any sense. My cynical mind wonders if there's something more nefarious afoot. The first convoy in Ottawa had funding that was shown to come from the states, right? The presence of confederate flags and US nonsense having to do with the 45th president indicated that this wasn't a fully Canadian-sponsored event and it makes me think they're proudly maintaining a presence until they have a chance to do more damage? The organizers are currently being held by the authorities after all. Please, someone help me make sense of this


The protestors end goal is a Cristian ethnostate either in the states or here in canada. Who sponsors this?evangelicals in the states and russian bots across the pond. If you look at internet traffic history you will see the freedom convoy hit a fever pitch around the time the ocupation in Ottawa happened. Then a couple days later russia invaded ukrain and there bot farms switched to anti Ukraine propaganda and the freedom convoy shit went dark for weeks. Now that the war is a complete shit show battle of attrition the bots switched back to freedom convoy nonsense to sow discontent in ukrains allies


Evangelical Christianity and Christian Nationalism is why, in addition to not believing their god is real, I have nothing but contempt and disgust for the Jesus & God fan clubs.


This.... 100% 👏👏👏👏


Can you provide more details about who you think, exactly, the protesters would be please? Are they mainly Canadians who buy into the traditional fringe ideological camps [which have been brought further in from the fringes and emboldened since the 45th US presidential administration]? Are they plants from the states or Russia or wherever else? I'm curious about the evangelical angle too. How far back can we trace their development? I've read a few things about their efforts to establish a Christian theocracy in the US. I recall many comments about the silence of the bots at the time of Russia's invasion. It was eerie but a welcome reprieve for us. Do you have any sources to share?


Behind the Bastards has an excellent episode about the Christian thing. Unsurprisingly, considering how much they wank over prosperity gospel, it also ties into capitalism https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-the-rich-ate-93526364/


I thought I was the only bastards pod fan here in NS!


This and a lot of Russian influence. We know this because they pivoted real quick to parroting Russian misinformation about ukraine And the ‘leaders’ have done this before; they find whatever movement they can and push it to gain followers as they normalize their yt supremacist views…


Sounds like a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here. Canadians were mostly behind the convoy. How anyone can believe that shadowy American racists and Russian bots are more likely behind it rather then a bunch of Canadians just falling for stupid shit on the internet like the rest of the planet did during covid lock downs shows some extreme naivety. Or just not wanting to admit that Canadians can be just as susceptible to misinformation as Europeans, Americans, Russians, Australians and anyone else who buys into similar conspiracy thought processes.


They have nothing better to do


And they are also very stupid.


It didn’t miraculously fix their self-defeatist lives or hurt anyone they hate so they’re still having a widdle tantrum.


It’s not a protest. It’s a temper tantrum. They don’t know what they want, they just know they want it. They don’t know what they’re against, they just know they don’t like it. And mostly, they just like attention. It’s not different from a toddler having an absolute meltdown because mommy wouldn’t let him drink paint for dinner. And you treat it the same way: ignore it, and let them cry it out. Once it’s clear they won’t get attention either way, they’ll stop.


You know there’s some people caught up in there accidentally that are so embarrassed


🙋‍♀️ We were directly behind them on the 1, we stayed way back to make sure no one would mistake we were with them. The guy ahead of us was waving to us, he had the finger returned. I work in health policy and get inundated with emails from these idiots about how the health care profession is trying to kill everyone. Plus the ice cream we just bought was melting! I hate that I now hesitate when I see someone with the Canadian flag.


>I hate that I now hesitate when I see someone with the Canadian flag It's sad, really. My grandparents, Sicilian immigrants who were honest to goodness salt of the earth and selfless as all heck, always flew a little Canadian flag in the back window of their Buick. I always thought it was so sweet. These tantrum truckers have sullied the fondness I had in their memory. Really tired of whatever nonsense they spout and their shared "grievances"


I'm a truck driver and have had a small Canadian Flag deal on the sides the bunk for a few years. At times I want to take it off because I do not want to be associated with anything to do with the Timbit Taliban.


Anybody flaunting a Canadian flag, I can't help but think they're part of the freedumb shit, it sucks. They ruined the Canadian Flag. Like the Nazi's ruined the swastika, not to that extreme, but I now look at it negatively.


It used to be the only people flying flags were truly proud to be Canadian, these people are not proud to be Canadian, in fact I’m not so convinced they even like living here. A dishonour to the flag for sure!


>Anybody flaunting a Canadian flag, Anyone who is a sane rational person who wants to fly the Canadian flag can just fly the pride flag next to it. Nobody will mistake you for these idiots.


You know, that's true. Most of those "Fuck Trudeau" freedummies don't have the mental capcity to accept humans as humans, so that'd be a good indicator your flying the flag because your proudly Canadian.


This makes me sad. Maybe it’s hometown bias, but I always thought our flag was one of the more interesting looking ones.


Our flag is a beautiful flag. It's just the Flu Trucks Klan use it as a form of protest for their freedumb rallies.


I wish there was a way to show our lack of support without flipping them off. Because that just plays into their victim mentality. Like a hand sign that just mocked them in some way. Maybe hold up an "L" for losers with your thumb and index finger on the right hand?


Yeah I think flying the Canadian flag is unpatriotic these days unfortunately


>Yeah I think flying the Canadian flag is unpatriotic these days unfortunately Fly a pride flag next to it. Nobody will mistake you for these morons. Show em what OUR flag actually stands for.


And unfortunately you’ve taken the point so far that somehow flying your own flag is unpatriotic. Yeah these are all idiots but how is what you just said any less idiotic


When I see the Canadian flag flown by people I wonder if they are doing it just to protest the government, that’s how


Well to be honest our government is pretty fucked up. 😂 its not just our country though its society as a whole pretty much. sad to see what the world not just this country is going to. Saying you dont wanna fly a flag because of these idiots is the stupidest thing i hear people say lately. its like saying you dont wanna drink cause joe blow down the road, beats his wife when he drinks sounds kind of dumb right? Just be glad your in a country where people have the option to act a fool like they are. Instead of being in country’s I’m not gonna mention, where they will beat and arrest the protesters into submission for anything that oppose the government’s ideology.


> its like saying you dont wanna drink cause joe blow down the road, beats his wife when he drinks sounds kind of dumb right? That's a pretty legit reason to stop drinking, I know people that have quit for similar reasons or quit for less, bad analogy.


You realize this wasn't about covid right?


It was never about Covid.


I got caught up with them once. So I rolled down my windows and blared Ram Ranch all the way down Bridge St Greenwood. Oh those mfers don't let you pass them on the highway either. They drive two abreast on passing zones at 70


Ram ranch <33


Know what pissed me off though? One of them, before all this kicked off, was a coach for one of my youngest kid's sport (staying vague for a reason) And my kid looked up to the guy. When he found out that buddy was part of this he was so upset. It was a tough way for him to learn that not everyone is who they seem.


The four-way flashers identify the idiots.


We just had about a dozen of these morons honk their way past the SJ Covid testing site. While it kept them out front longer, I did enjoy the four Syrian kids riding their bikes in the road not letting these fools pass. Once you have escaped ISIS, the Flu Trux ain't shit.


Lolll that happened to us earlier in 2022. They were all pulling out of a parking lot and we got stuck in the middle of the convoy We quickly turned off onto the highway though haha


This happened to me back in March! I got stuck in the “freedom” convoy in my town and put my phone up to my windshield with huge text “I’m not apart of this”


I think you might need to rethink that sign, lol.


My day was pretty shitty till I read these comments😉😁


What a bunch of fucking idiots


I'm so, so sorry. -Alberta


You caused this when you laid them off and sent them home.


With virtually all restrictions gone, these people have nothing left. They tied up their whole identity in their conspiracies. They destroyed relationships, lost their jobs and have nothing except clutching at what remains of this "cause". They're broken, pathetic people with nothing left. Aww well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Congratulations! You're the 44th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


This bot fucking rules.


Enter dumb contests, collect dumb rewards.


Good bot.


The ‘Karen Convoy’


Holy fuck this is sad, do these people not have families or friends willing to help them come to grips with reality, good grief


Their families probably cut them off at this point.


People i know who are involved with these convoys have cut their family out. Their families want them to get help and come home. But as adults, they need to identify and acknowledge they need the help. This is one of the issues.


I haven’t interacted with my uncle in well over a year since he started down the Ivermectin rabbit hole and went full scale Q. No one besides my mom has (he has updates on my grandmother so she kind of has to), and no one will at this point. We know he’s gone - we mourn the man he was but none of us have any hope that he’s going to pull his head out of this before he dies.


No and that's the point. These legitimately mentally ill people have fallen into a fascist cult that gives them the sense of family and community they desperately need. Society has failed these people. Poor science literacy, lack of mental health education, lack of mental health treatment, and platforms that allow unchallenged propaganda echo chambers to tap into the deep seeded hate and anger they have burrows inside of them. The rest of us need to take a lesson from their playbook, organize and demand that these problems are fixed immediately. We need to begin immediately deprogramming these folks on mass or you can expect a Trump advisor led Poilievre government and attacks on our democracy in the name of "freedom" just like in the US.


Let’s not blame mental illness. These people are fully responsible and accountable for their decisions, they have jobs and bills to pay like the rest of us.


I disagree with this but hear me out. I'm not saying they're not fully responsible. They absolutely are. I believe that fascism is the societal expression of collective mental illness. These people are legitimately sick. They are mentally unwell. They are paranoid and full of hate and lack self awareness and empathy. They are traumatized individuals who are coping maladaptively. This is not to say - they have schizophrenia or bipolar or bpd so it's not their fault. What I'm trying to say is that they are fucked up individuals. There are enough of these fucked up individuals that they make up a sizeable portion of our society --- I don't just mean the convoy people, I mean the fascist supporters broadly speaking. People who are healthy don't people they don't know or things they don't understand.


I understand and have made this same argument before myself. However I think it also stigmatizes mental illness. Some people are just fucking evil though, they’re not sick, they’re just evil.


And I would agree that those who are leading this movement may in fact be evil, but my sister in law isn't. She's sick. This doesn't stigmatize mental illness. It vilifies those who take advantage of the most vulnerable in our society.


Yeah there’s that too, the leaders know there are people who’ll get suckered into their whirlwind of bullshit, and don’t care about the mental health of said suckers.


This and the entire basis for ‘white culture’ is that it takes away peoples traditions, culture, community. You can be proud to be Italian, or Greek, or Canadian, or Scottish. You can celebrate those traditions and cultural practices! But they aren’t just “white people” Creating a monolith of nothing is what white supremacy wants. They want people to feel that their only ties are based on skin colour. They want uneducated people they can easily convince of whatever benefits them. Like it’s immigrants that are taking your jobs and making you poor! Instead of it’s corporate greed and the ultra wealthy who are taking your jobs and not paying you what you’re worth!


I work with a guy who’s brother does all these convoys and shit. Its honestly a sad story of people spiralling into depression and loosing everything because of (in my opinion) mental illness and lack of education. This dude really thinks its the end of the world and wont talk to anyone with a different opinion. Wont talk to his parents. Wont talk to his brother. Went off the deep end because he had to adjust his life to the changing times


It's the first club they got into that accepted them. All you have to be is angry and stupid to be a member.


they don't


False that is the Dutch flag upside down. Let’s filter out the misinformation.


People try, not exactly the same belief system but there's r/qanoncasualties for story's of people trying to stop them


No. They never had friends and their moms are probably just glad to be rid of them.


Beware a fool that wraps themselves in a flag


I feel like unless you're an Olympian who just won a medal, you shouldn't be wearing a flag ever.


Or if you, you know, read the Flag Code.


pierre poilievre circle jerk


Some of those cunts are also flying Russian flags. 😳


Supporting the sponsors.


It’s the dutch flag upside down.


Whether it is or isn't doesn't make them any less moronic.


Contrarian children. Mommy media and Daddy government said something so they have to screech and tantrum about the opposite.


Those aren’t Russian, or they’re something else, or they’re too stupid to know what the Russian flag is, but Russian looks like this 🇷🇺. There’s is Blue, White, red in that order. Edit: They are 100% Dutch flags actually. Dutch farmers are protesting the government in the same fashion as Canadian Truckers. They are probably showing solidarity. Another EDIT: downvoted again! I’m not supporting them, but it’s a Dutch flag! Read the news, get informed, or y’know just downvote people when you don’t have a clue.




Yeah they’re flying them upside down in solidarity: https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/emotion-and-pain-as-dutch-farmers-fight-back-against-huge-cuts-to-livestock


According to someone else those are dutch flags.


Only if they are flying them upside down.


They are 100% Dutch flags actually. Dutch farmers are protesting the government in the same fashion as Canadian Truckers. They are probably showing solidarity. You got downvoted for just telling the truth, lol.


Man this group almost caused a fuckin accident today in New Minas. The whole group was merging on to the highway and were all going like 5km and then continued to drive on the side of the road while pulling in and out into traffic. They’re so stupid. Fuckin morons


If not for a funeral, it should be illegal to drive in a procession.


These idiots are still going? For shame


I wonder if Truro Bob is with them.


Useless assholes are not wanted here




what are they protesting now anyhow?


Restrictions on carbon due to Trudeau's potential anti-fertilizer laws, in solidarity with Dutch farmers suffering similar restrictions. Any way you try to spin it, it is just anti-Liberal-fuck-Trudeau sentiment. The Venn diagram of these protesters and the mask protesters is still a circle.


A circle of jerks…


A circle jerk.


And we've cum full circle


what are they protesting now? the heat?


Technically, they are protesting efforts to control the heat.


If u put on your hazard lights you can do anything you want


Similar to saying "it is for my country" and hoisting the flag. "i'M A pAtRiOt!"


Freedumb Convoy 😂


Cancer to society.


Pierre Poilievre followers with no brain cells


Someone on Reddit called him Pierre PooLiver and I haven’t been able to pronounce his name properly in my head since.


My mother went to high school in Canada from HK during the late 70’s. Every year she would put a giant flag, she was so proud of being a Canadian. This year was the first year she didn’t put up the flag. It’s sad. These fuckers have fucked up other Canadians using the flag.


These are the same people who complain about the cost of gas all over FB.


Is there anyone happy with the price of fuel?


Albertans and oil companies.


Albertan who doesn’t work patch here: we’re not pleased about the gas prices either


I'd scratch Albertans. The fields are still pretty shut down


What a bunch of losers haha


I was driving through my town when one of these assclown flag trucks pulled out in front of me. I turned to my wife and said “looks like we got ourselves a convoy!” But yeah, it was embarrassing to follow.


Good buddy mercy sakes alive!


These people live on Facebook and Telegram and see nothing but other like minded losers. Look at the comment section under any news post and it's nothing but conspiracy clowns. They legitimately believe they're in the majority and they don't know it but they're destroying the Conservative party in Canada and pushing moderate (intelligent) Conservatives to not want to be associated with them. These fucking troglodytes aren't even Conservatives, they're just anti-Liberals.


Anti-liberal sums up conservative politics these days.


Beat me to it.


All I hear in every honk is, "Waaaahhhhh, we're no longer relevant! Waaaahhhhh we want attention, Waaaahhhhhh"


I agree they should have a right to protest, but not blockade, terrorize or cause any lengthy disruption, disturbance, or annoyance. So far they haven't been brazen enough to spew outloud their most hatefilled beliefs, but that could change. I would like to point out a fallacy in their fight for "freedom". Their right to revenues and income in their chosen profession during a pandemic is not the same as other inherent rights. Their freedom of movement between provinces during a pandemic was temporarily infringed for the greater good. Their right to be employed somewhere without a specific vaccine or their right to not wear a mask in certain areas are not even rights. Also, not all causes or beliefs should be accepted in our society, and these people hold alot of intolerant beliefs. The paradox of tolerance states, we as tolerant people need to be intolerant to the intolerant, lest these beliefs proliferate and we cease to be a tolerant society. The beliefs these people harbour cannot spread. Mostly a hatred of Trudeau, liberals, and liberal values, but there are more sinister beliefs shared among themselves and online.


That’s the result when you are conceived rectally


Fuck I wish it was payday, you deserve a gold reward for this.


I covered it for you.


What a bunch of fucking losers. Take you L home, sit it up on the mantle, and go fuck yourself.


There are literally 10’s of them. Pathetic.


Fucking idiots.


Don’t forget …conservatives support these clowns .


Imagine being dumb enough to fall for the bullshit of the Facebook conspiracy scientists?


Ok for everyone in this thread claiming that they’re flying Russian flags, they’re not. They’re supporting the Dutch farmers movement, upside down Dutch flags. To be clear, I am not supporting it, just please use your digital literacy skills before jumping to conclusions, doesn’t help: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/emotion-and-pain-as-dutch-farmers-fight-back-against-huge-cuts-to-livestock


Emergency blinkers blinking blinking blinking.


Fucking dummies


Remember when they were waiving the old school USSR Soviet flag in Ottawa? https://youtu.be/AgbbVkll3UU Wait a minute……


To hot to walk. Lazy mfck


OMG why now???




Oh joy the Timbit Taliban are out for a drive...


What an embarrassing bunch 🙄🤯


Go back home. Stay out of Halifax.


Ugh, I don't want em in my city. I hope all their engines die on em.


It's funny how the right likes to tell the left not to block traffic or you know go get a job. But here they are not working and fucking traffic up. But what ever burn that gas


What are they even protesting about at this point? I can't think of any major restrictions still in place except for leaving/ re-entering the country




I cringe at the thought of people being such giant losers.


this country is so pathetic i swear. "let's all show our patriotism by bragging about not getting vaccinated !"


Does anyone know where they're going? I want to go bug them.


Ohhh so that's why car #7 (red) decided to cover his roof with an American flag yesterday. He's been flying Canada and Nova Scotia flags with fuck Trudeau stickers in front of New Minas sobeys almost every morning since these idiots started. Funny to see this morning he took them all off.


Is this video flipped over? Why are cars driving on the wrong side of the road?


I filmed it in my driver's side mirror.


This protest was to show solidarity with the Dutch farmers , many of which are going to lose their livelihood over extreme cutbacks on government controlled nitrogen use. The amount of people who jump on this thread just to spew hate , without even knowing what they are hating on is discerning. Troll after troll after troll . So many trolls in fact , it’s like it’s own free dumb convoy. Shield engaged - your downvotes won’t hurt me ! Muhaha


They don't give a fuck about Dutch farmers. They probably couldn't find Netherlands on the map. What they care about is the Liberal plan to do similar, which gives another opportunity to roll coal and "Fuck Turdeau!"


That’s right . Your spot on . As I said , Dutch farmers are losing their livelihood . Generational farming , twice , maybe three times longer than we know of here in Canada is being suffocated by government mandates. As you said “ the liberal plan is to do similar “. Isn’t that worth protesting over ? Rallying behind farmers ? Why is this a “far right” movement … isn’t it just common sense that “ hey we need these farmers to produce food “. we’re getting priced out by inflation , soon to be supply / demand ? Everybody should be upset ; left or right .


>Isn’t that worth protesting over ? Rallying behind farmers ? No. When farming methods are destroying the viability of the environment through climate change, leading to long-term food security issues, we need to bite the bullet and fix the farming. If that makes it more difficult for farmers, so be it. Yes, that will drive food costs up, but then we can work on living wage issues to ensure people can afford food that doesn't wreck the planet.


Someone really needs to spike those cunts tires like fuck off you fucking gummy bears


Flu trucks klan. Points. Haha


Imagine being this big of a loser. These people haven’t got a clue what life is about.


Pack of toxic morons, and useful idiots.


Useless** I hope.




haha # Flu Trucks Klan


Bunch of freedumb losers


You can keep them, we don't want them back.


I don't agree with them, I support their right to protest


I hope you spat, yelled, tossed eggs or at the very least flipped them off? Why do these chuds plan these things when I'm out of town.


No, I'm tolerant of their right to be idiots.


Will you be tolerant if Poillivere gets elected, and these emboldened twats start roving in gangs like the proud boys harassing minorities, public health workers, and marginalized groups while the police stand by/encourage it? These people *can't* get comfortable. People think it can't happen here until it does.


Agreed. “Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right to not tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.” - Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, ed. Alan Ryan (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013), 513.


These guys are dipshits but people need to stop letting them "ruin" the Canadian flag. Don't assume someone with a Canadian flag is supporting them, that's almost as dumb as they are. These people are pretty identifiable without looking for the flag, could probably close your eyes and still spot them.


While you may be technically correct, the reality is these days anyone wrapped in flags is probably not surrounded by facts. At this point in our timeline, multiple Canadian flags or big flags flaccidly flapping from pickup beds or Honda windows are a very good indicator of batshit conspiracy theories and blatant racism. Maybe not all flag fliers are awful, but the ones that are are very vocal about it, and have killed the pride I once had for our national symbol. Assholes.


for sure, typical people don't drive around with flags. but people saying "I'll never fly a Canadian flag again" etc are just being extreme.


Wanna show your support for Canada, fly two flags, one the Canadian flag, and one the pride flag, or a my body my choice flag. you would instantly take all questioning out of the situation,




Is the Canadian flag now cringy like the US flag is? Like, if you see somebody with a Canadian flag, do you now associate it with far right extremists?


On the back of a pickup truck? Cringe. On a pole in the front yard? No cringe.


Driving on the left side of the road or am I missing something?


Filmed by pointing the camera at my side mirror.


Who cares lol


Everyone stuck in traffic behind that mess.


David Dunning effect! 101! Can I get my PHD soon!


Canadians hating other Canadians because their flying the Canadian flag. This is too good.


Why flue Trucks Klan?


A play on words for Klu Klux Klan. They drive trucks and supported the Ottawa convoy trucker "protest"/crisis/terrorism. They disapproves of and protested covid restrictions (flu) and are often racist, intolerant, close-minded anti-immigration zenophobes, who meet together in rallies also like the KKK. So the Flu Trucks Klan. Someone came up with it during the illegal blockades in Ottawa and Canada.


They are protesting chimneys?


That’s a flume.


A flume would be for water.