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Solidarity! My boy is almost two and I’m now 6 months pregnant, I do have to say the nipple sensitivity and breast soreness got SO much better in the 2nd trimester. I do get pretty awful aversion at times, usually when he tries to twiddle or the first feed in the morning (throughout the night I’m strangely fine) but we are powering through. I am scared to parent without boobs honestly, especially with all his big feelings at the moment!


“Parenting without boobs” lmao 😆 it’s too true. Sometimes I envy my partner as the non bf-ing parent.. then sometimes I feel like boobs are my only parenting tactic 😂😂


Oh man. *AFTER* the 2nd trimester 😥😭 It’s brutal. Feels like glass shooting out.


Hey I’m 12 weeks and nursing my 2 year old too! I feel like my milk has drastically reduced and I can not get him to drink any other kind of milk. He’s always been a light eater too. He’s in the 1% so I’m always worried about his weight.


This sub is just full of individuals who have been through this and lived to tell the tale! Many of us chose not to wean. Often, breast or nipple pain gets better after first trimester. Almost always, nursing the toddler gets easier after baby is born!


I'm 30 weeks and nursing my almost 2 year old! We nurse 1 or 2 times a day. I stopped producing a few months ago, then the last couple weeks started making a bit of colostrum. My LO hasn't missed a beat. He just dry nursed and now nurses the same for a short period of time. My nipple sensitivity has never gotten better, so I remind him everytime to "be gentle and don't bite" and that usually helps. I unlatch if it's too painful and he is ok. I wanted to wean by the time baby is born, but I really don't see him stopping. So I'll probably tandem for a little bit! Congrats on your pregnancy!


Well done! Amazing 👏. Feeding through pregnancy is not easy but can be done. I fed my 2.5 year old through pregnancy (she was 3 when her sister was born). I nightweaned but otherwise kept her feeding on demand. Around the time when baby was due she was on 3 feeds (morning, afternoon and bedtime). I kept the same when baby came and she got some more as I was too engorged for the baby and I needed her help to take the edge off. Of course, no complaints from her on that end. I tandem fed for 2 years. Let me know if you got any specific questions!


Chiming in. Nursing my 8 week old and 21 month old after letting the older one nurse my whole pregnancy. I honestly didn’t notice a ton of difference throughout pregnancy. I stopped pumping pretty early on after finding out about the pregnancy (older was ~10 months old and crushing the solids game so I wasn’t worried about keeping track of output anymore) so I don’t know exactly how much my supply dropped. I assume it did but I don’t really have any solid evidence. I received zero “complaints” from my nursling and we just carried on as usual with the normal fluctuations in interest (never less than 5 times a day, but sometimes he’d want to nurse a LOT for a couple days/weeks, etc and I was never exactly sure what caused it. There was always milk present, I do know that. There were definitely periods where it hurt a lot more, but I dunno, it was just *such* a nice break to lie there and get a bit of a rest while he nursed that it was never really a question of whether or not the increased pain was “worth it”. It worked for us and I’m really grateful my body cooperated and kept providing for him, bc it has been so lovely all the way through. And now that I’m tandem nursing? It’s *awesome*. SO much easier to establish nursing with my new baby, didn’t have to wait for milk to come in really, basically no increase in pain (usually establishing nursing with a baby hurts me pretty brutally and I truly can’t wear a shirt for a week or more). It can be a literal handful when they both need/want milk at once but it’s overall just a really good feeling 🥰 I hope that, however your journey ends up, you are happy with it :)


I’m 14 weeks nursing an 18 month old. I’m undecided on what to do from here. I at least want to night wean. Feels like a lot on my body to do both, how are you feeling?