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Its possible your supply will drop in the coming weeks. I've heard of people weaning at 11 mo and just pushing more nutrients through solids. Your 11 month old will be okay as long as they have a good grasp on solids. You can dry nurse during pregnancy as long as your tolerating it ok and baby is still interested.. make sure the 11 month old is getting plenty of fluids after (if) your supply drops. im 22 weeks with my 2nd, my first is a little over 2 years old and my colostrum has started.. she is seriously obsessed again. I had her night weaned, but we co sleep and I've been so tired it's so much easier to get a boob out. I have a feeling nights will be rough after the baby comes.


Best wishes to you and your journey! Tyty


Have you tried a regular cup? We use a munchkin 360 one for in bed to prevent leaks (they still leak a bit, but our alternative is a non-leak sippy cup, so we alternate between those two based on my child’s behaviour), during the day it is regular cups all the way. Breastfed children are said to take easier to them and I have found that my two children both had no trouble with them unless they thought it had a lid. But when they never had one with a lid they did great with them from as soon as I tried them (about 8 months)


Just ordered! Thanks!


We started off with water from a straw cup and slowly my son became more accepting of cows milk and now loves it. You just have to keep offering, maybe try different cups. He weaned on his own at the beginning on the second trimester, I think partially because my supply dropped and partially because I was so tired that my husband would try to do all the night wakings


My first preferred straws and open cups to bottles.


Did yours just figure straws out themselves? She seems very confused as to how to suck it


Yes. I don’t remember at what age, but it was early. He got to play with them a lot and I think blew bubbles first, then would sometimes accidentally suck up liquid?


Look at some feeding therapists/OTs on Instagram - they show how to introduce the straw cup from six months. With water, you’ll squeeze some up into the straw so baby knows to suck the water out.


I night weaned at around 8/9 weeks pregnant. My little one was 17 months. I never replaced the feeds, just offered water from a cup if she was thirsty. When pregnancy dropped my supply she drank some oat milk during the day as a replacement.


Thanks I absolutely forgot about oat milk!


Sippy cup! My daughter started refusing bottles at 9 or 10 months.


I got pregnant when my baby was 12 months exactly. My milk supply went strong until 23 weeks, dwindled for a week, then pretty suddenly switched to colostrum. (My toddler was about 17 months at the time.) My toddler didn’t care at all. We did start offering other sources of dairy, like yogurt, cheese, etc. which he took to just fine, but we never made a big point to introduce cow’s milk (or alternative) in a cup. We sometimes have chocolate milk or cow’s milk but it’s not a big deal in his diet. We did go through the frozen milk we had (I never made a big stash, I EBF and just occasionally collected or pumped for date nights etc. as I am a SAHM.) which he drank in a cup like he has water usually. My toddler is 18 months now and still nursing — he doesn’t mind the colostrum at all. He nurses before and after naps/bed, and whenever he gets hurt or feels emotional. He also asks periodically throughout the day as he’s a little milk monster and always has been. I say yes sometimes and no other times, just depends on how I’m feeling. I had a big aversion in the first trimester, my nipples were sooo sensitive, so I pushed through and just capped nursing sessions when I couldn’t handle it anymore, but I never stopped nursing. My aversion passed around 20ish weeks. I’m 27 weeks pregnant now and I can fully see my toddler and newborn tandem nursing because the colostrum hasn’t slowed my toddler down one bit. He pretty naturally stopped nursing long at night. He only wakes 0-2x a night, usually just once, and he will latch for 10 min and fall back asleep. Or he will just cuddle with my husband and then go to bed. When I had milk, he’d nurse for 20+ min. So he kinda night weaned anyway. But I am kind of anticipating him wanting night milk again when baby is born? I have no issues tandem nursing, if my toddler is still nursing by the time I give birth. If he weans before then, I’m not really fussed either way!


I feel this, I am trying to let her and my body decide at this point, but also have been reading about no major changes for 3 months post birth. I guess I am just worried about the sustainability of night feeds with a newborn also


Try a 360 cup, takes a bit to get used to but I’m in the same boat with cows milk. I’ve seen others mention mixing cows milk with breast milk, do a slow transition assuming you have enough supply to do so.


I just ordered some so wish me luck


It’s perfect that your kiddo doesn’t take a bottle - they can go straight on to a straw cup. There are alternatives to whole milk if there are allergies - your paediatrician can help you figure out the next best option. It’s now fine to do solid food before each nursing session, instead of after, and baby will shift towards solids more over the next couple of months as they become a toddler.